Yortfleilonioflbr eelmama made no decision whetherrhallr eve 010m on following la Tlrrlr réflanationliaroa foliowi hlaain usAaaociateChtefJuatlce with the rhtei justice at AWLJimemm ourcablev company naturally most concerned aiAysoll are satlstled with nvarter The ooh erter we apyauierlnouuninton t3 verybest on the mari gL amwrlcesflefoffimsflradvtma points at value 5t tuned llanywynuch mm than linmro channelerou enloY channel selection and or optiont own tealltro Once uuyilfiflll wontwanttodowllhdut or Doyoqgetfree Omaintainanue ml cast consideration All maintainance an the learn Jarmaln converter is and ahsuluielv eel will you bypass your tuner inure Jermain canvuterryou never turn the channelselection knob on your Wyn wear and leaf on the vulnerable and sensitive tuner onefit Ihem mm sourcesulexamszpalrr Willlou get rental prom malncabii1v may you rental plan at an no monmplus law HSalestaxeXllat connecllmcmueom no BEFORE YOU BUY CALL ys EORA FREE INHOME DEMONSTRAlflONI Adams ELEVEN REALTY LTDBROKER ANUWEEEINGTON AfiE ANiTOUNCING drararsong dséafifiilved horile ear ast thawihwéuuaelaeisc trial by acuunty cour he will appear in He adate for trla would have to appoint another judge to hia police commission post ithe inllznlm filmEl Toronto caurtApril3 to mmunlty Centr etaeezabemnumafir the waste managemalt tallcan In the Mlnlliry at linemanwill address the group at pm The public is invited attend NilJck growers rhéejih Bradford ihfiAfiFBerJ 74 Growlera Conference Tariffs and trade negotiations between Canada and file United Statesmlll be discussed at 0mm the27th annual Muilr Y6 issue iiwqrning on Mond¢Y NEWMARKET The South Lake pee Conzervaiiun Authorit issued load warningtn north York Region municipalities Monday lnlormatlon oiticer Peter Selheri raid the SLSCA passed an the warningth 3rlginated rotn the oonaervation authoritieaJlranchlot the Ministry 01 Natural Redourcea unevlneh rainfall was expected to cause minor tloadlng which Broke $553 wtndévv man lNEWMARKET 25yearold Aurora man convicted on charge of oaualng damage than Aurora tioriata store was fined $100 or 10 days alter he told the court hadoarflssa ffiiwln dow hebrdte Kevin Rosa who was charged iaat November utter he broke window at the Aurora Greenholi pleaded that March 28 and 297alihe pratectionrvandresearchagyphl wm lmwbe Danube Countrlea Club here other toplcs include in carrot breeding Extensive reports from vuriet trials are maggots disease planned as well as talks andlnsect management larm safetyq crop fI Eulflliljtiehand fruit and vegeta ev men in Do Ontario 60 PH Purchasirg agents from at least two grocery mainsiwlll be on hand to dlSCME 7n rios lettuce Industry Agrlcultural chemical manufacturers will sponsor Show and Tell exh erith Matthie execulive assistant to ledelal Minister til Agriculturq Euge Whelan will eove karma and trade Specialists train the would taper by Wednesday MrVSeibert aald Looking ahead to the spring thaw hevaald no serious flooding problem is expected in the area unieaa iheavy rainr combine with higher temperatures in the next aw weekal Experience Tells All THE NEWMARKET HURTIBULTURAL SOCIETY meeting YuesMarcll21at8p in the Now rket Community Centre um tinq nun mu Inlu svsma Evoryaiw Wlizlllrlt Ontario present Hartmans only commch Saurlal or the Quebec Ministry at Agriculture will discuss vegetable production in Belgium and France Matt Vaik oi the Muck Reaearéh Station at Bradford will show Slidesofftmtroi Southern Caliiarnia and and preventiony clap Agricultural 3011915 the that Muck Growera Conieralce lnlesl it is at its kind in Canada There is much lobe learned and dtseuaaed he says There la no admission tee Alter last vealfa disastrous weather grdweraneed all the help they can gett more in formation contact Mr Falkat 4167753733 in todays Beaver Lumber insert there are two corrections Page CEILING TILESr Beavers Reg shown at $6199should read 669 Page Beaver Lurnber inconvenient caused regrets any this may have lt youré sold on our sariIsa we can sell you SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Have your brakes and exhaust checked now EXIitUSIEHECK Reg woman ruminant wheels linings cylsReg man NOW$9obo EXTRA BONUS FREE Alignment it tt ha hargaft otnrlepalrsionu pncla sv gate too also 20 oil on parts used on repairs received tram this special Make an appointment today With on Service Salesman 33952351 or Young1620 This otter onGMlars an Tight duty trucks only DONT Mlss rms ONE acr Now OFFERFROMMARJSTOZA WERE SOLD 0N SERVICE ESSORM HittittliKEl We on lilla oilssome inormfl iellce wwrred wealmztwmmbwr 0urownhmin fibut L3iDA¥TE This weekendrinoludes rounil lrip EraTarrier boysqm girls earn con sistently better wagesand Commissions than any other carriers in this area Era carrier kboys girls only deliver on it youre between the ages otll and 14 or so and youd like to find out more about the many benetitSOf becoming an Era carrlenboy or girl whynot give us call airfare onaregulat scheduled airline to kWednesdays and collect only once WostVPaIm lornationaimirportf uxurjous hotel accommodationstcr Maysahdrtwonighis ormalitheacoupon below There wiilllo charge OFSUVo your valrlaraityou do not purchase emeutsarungda registerelt Ontario Travel Agency lngton is ocateliInoneullhelavrsnbeiruplcararearin the United States blesslnuour area lll an fiVle floating enjhusiaslsanlnyueep saa iistllng on the ocean or pleasure plulshlu onlha Inlra coastal waterway Over 600 varieties ui Iish await the anuial Palm Beach Countst coastline stretches47mllassoz swimMrsiandrrsun worshipers enioy magnificent baanhas Tho Palm Beach International Allpolt soniy 11 mliashom WallinpionaudisagatoWayto most imainncttiosfllha mllarlunorthkaewmilngtonls guiel sailing and canoeing Welling on One mlr championship Gull Course ts challenging tor the ployat Iuniurihaduiieri Wellingtons TannsCoults leatura thasama ecillcations as the iamaus couils at forest lills New VOIKWB knowymi wllitle Implasseti with what Wellington has to niieryouISo call us ole Inlormation afi jfthjer£jsa Wan iermHrSnmiibdilievzo Isrrntnmtrsrirea am 5170 ulxttnotn sour 201 MISSISSAUGAlONlARIOLAWIEWS Z3430 unlit ENVa3Imlntuasted in home to use or in lutiue IldJIkeyoutoskeepmyenrrle ndy In caseranefirairoute becomes allableiln myinslghbou di AP mfimwhaMmmmwlmmtmamm iItiggttmlttstonttlliilsolttt ELLINGTON EAQES nun mllllt We are Within