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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), March 15, 1978, p. 1

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Notre Dame Separate School on construction of permanent boards Mrs Taylor said the greater need for Lemar Rd building at St Pauls guarantees york 59 grate school system is schw While the plan has that children now attending the lng its enrolment on the Enrolments at St Roberts in tTiiiawirTg evaiingnna on St Robert HighSchool boards education committee which has an anugpated WMA in Catholic junior high been reeled supported Lmotton to hire enrolment slit he railings byg some enerated strong with um portable school will be able to ave exceeded pretty well all principal deslgrtate for the new this tall 00 figment for 1d Ese male school 05l Farems the have 93 attend GradesJ and II Ilhe st essed however that expectations noted Mrs school Board business and finance figflgécfirsl In we pressedlconcerrtgptiyoupgater permriIaInent St 5153 feplllly trust IrocepIded cautlpIuslIy in TIIaylor ltIsIIIgolng to get larger if IE Mum high project is direclor Ed Joyce said her we re uurren ympo 86 Heat new oic junlor lannin art new sc on an we we it like it to be iven board oah Lt een TaleIIII IgIII WIII draw SIudenIs Imm on isnext pects the new school will have We 100kan have 39 hummer Junior rengmW err comm ee flw KmIg Township Aurora at figure goalgn the higE school will originally be com the Iomrfand beliefelssth vhiCiLStlll mist be portabl classrooms in the new WhitchurchStouffwlle New Newmarket trusteeexp 911 Immfiifof the Tn priSEd of Grades and WWW numbaekiLwill giroiw to over 400 Efiyih entireboard next Junior high market EBSK llimbury if anything the board Was high in September lWIwas Grade 10 added the second year Sepiem or 19307 he junior high would Mrs Taylor Newmalle and Georgina Township low in its projected enrolments given unanimous apppoval at Designedto serve the north The board 11 rlallly opemte out of trustee 03 the York Refit Despite reelstratlon SlumPS for St fioberts Junior High in last weeks management end of the region the new school province or Eggnfiégfi 519 facility Editicenl sefiaréle th Ward 531d 59mg Penelceld by southern York creating an even committee meeting willtrelieve some of the pressure building in September 930 SOQmeCrimes kept sec rat oIice chief NEWMARKET Some commit Crimes Vlt did not serious crimes that occur in come about Mrs Rolling said York Region are never made It you print it you could public Police Chief Bruce giie some other kook the idea Crawford told regional council Commisswner Ray Twinney qugwvw mmmmmmomum Although we donthave the only give other crooks ideas quantity of major crime that Were not hiding anything Toronto has we have the same Were just protecting the the quality he said nocenl persons involved tWeve had extortion bids llr Twinney said hostage on people that you dont know taking is another matter and he about There are hostage had not heard Chief Crawford Mme limits of East taking incidents that you people mention it before He said he mbury will have to be in dont know about might ask the chief about it at GwimmburyI according to Chief Crawford was ex commisswnmeeting this week ntario Municipal Board plai ns police activities in the letter containing the light of an l1 per cent budget on was received by own increase Council meeting as Monday mgm committee later endorsed the said in part budget and will consider final market is an urhan approval March 30 ipatiiy and its planning Chief Crawford said in Ludw map East Atelephoneintcrview laterthat MM imhury is primarily information about certain mumcipality with small crimes is not given to the press che Si nuer Holdand 22d public when it is not in the rig Sharon and Mount st interest of the publicI Easl Gwillimbury has He added that the York reasot vacant landwithin Regional lice mmmlssm i5 undaries and hate the kept info med about police reflgxnfigdfigiz mfiggiaog ily NJ dEVEIOP their own adivmes in Ch cases coroners jury town council has EWMARKET Any wne between me nor ms of Newmarket and zone There is no Police commissioner that they have done Glad Honing mld regwlal livelicitgelijneanlhgidgwhllllgvfezl mum Ihal 15 999mg from the railway crossing on ast GWillimbury had north from Toronto wtsh the Water St ssed concern over rate of crime could be known to arket developing the the people but apparently this is limits as residential tied the GM to consider Newmarkettoprovidea Izone between the two lpalmes with temperatures this past week going above the freezing with an lmpatten basket This oldtime favorite garden flower dgfiiBoncgfigfig 11931 point everyone gets spring fever lncludilig the horticulturist comes in variety of colors It is becoming very popular once again Shown here is Ole Madsen ot Madsens Greenhouses in Newmarket and in two short months will likely appear oIIn area patiys At Monday nights council meeting Mayor Bob Fortian not posshle She Sad reada letter from theSolicitor She told The Era later that Alis aniuupno General which contained copy She has had doubts abouh he of the recommendations made withholding ofinformation but by the jury me inquest mm assumedit was in the best Dennis Adams death me interest and have accepted it crossing last 0cm Some of the Incidents kept The mayor suggesmd Lhat secret have involved threats to council send leueuyheICNR outlining councils support for fig ecommendationthatadditional waming lights be placed at the as crossing so that traffic moving nmCoueLStAvouldibefi waseaLapproachinfitraink The coroners jury as Ferhan Fraseronlyroppo nérirsr SboId bf Yorks $45 millienieudgei to béck hisbid Newmarket NEWMARKETi With only jump 94 per cent to bring in $664090 977olwhich 3201500 migTYprkdlthiilin veg Hammeredseek Region council last week ap Here isapartial breakdown servtces department and recommended the lights after hearing how two youths in kup truck almost collided Mernosthboundltamm proved $4573 million budget of proposed region spending this $147500 in the planning struck the Adams boy The which represents 14 per cent year engineering including department NEWMARKET AJ own councils next meet Coun truck was travelling north on WWaseinspendtngi roads $197rntllfifiTpoltchar flreasurerdohnfilfiki saia duo am $60 inlends to introduce resaluuon askiqg he cotter St made left turn onto Newmarkel Mayor Bob million health and social ll would be hard to estimate the province in reduce the increase in 0H premiums to 51x per Viater St and suddenly saw the services $92 millio general effect of the budget on property they allowed everybody else trai which narrowly missed Overnmenl and adm stralion laxe The re ionsflargguher 599pcgnpigumrhighzaanQpeasewhengevem d1 uckfeé ml ion an it aflmng ment guidelines say increases on different thingscan be only million Per cemv llh 59001 Wants six per cent he said Here they have really gone overboard Does Newm arkel need twin Fonhan and Vaughan Councillor David Fraser voted against the budget with Mayor Forhan arguing that no regional department should have more than six per cent increase Because of provincial grants totalling almost 50 per Mr Rettie said region ac taking at 1635 tier centafld on their increase counts showed surplus of the local municipality 19 TESL He said the increase will hurt all taxpayers and cited the case of Metro Toronto where taxpayers face an added tax of NEWMARKET Town hike offsets CUfS $2milion because Metro pays OHIP premiumshtor its ems council will be looking into me cent of the budget assessment NEWMARKET The new Jack Rcttle sold the added cost ployees This figuredoesnoLinclude thercosteof higher passing Up twinning increases and other revenue provlnclal budget lntroduccd had to be tagged on to the premiums for Metro school teachers either he said Newmarket Wm some town in thetaxlsvyincrease impactg lastweek cost the RegionalbudgetsBooottttnthepoltce Furmermore is it fair that Ontari government QWbECv was dECilEd Monday will be about 43 per cent said Municipality of York 68000 in departments portion be getting its third ngst aIIImAunt of revenue from health night nsurance remiums as iworNewmarket residents CW °° titear stunt £iiiit¥ful$és as theorem will be nonmwnm 00 000 productive Sup low income worker who pays either no Bridgeford have been The Iat levonn the regions Program Olth shuvcd about rom premium ha ue premium has chance earn extra Iesliganng he possibiliw nine munlclpalllles wtll actually Chief ndmlnlstratlvc offlcer budget estimates money by working overumeonaking oddjobS He may decide Mayor Bub Forhan old council not toifail it means hell have to pay the lull premium That The main pmblem is that ls hifilétdoetstlgitgfovihlceezahgve abolished premiums entirely While mum can pass resolutions it is up to the people or pay much largeramount of their health care costs out of to make twinning work he GEORGINA Nevtl Ross revenuein orderto show to pay fr the additional ser general revenue than does Ontario said Service dubs spans tnLa of Peffellflw has CHEN balanced budge He 9131 Vlces new Swans he AVehavufinpromised by health ministers that health organizaiiun5ihe press schools than Georgina Council of some total of WWII been brings 10 the immunity Wllr lrdownrbu my nothingliasbeenr andlhepublichavgmwamTm hid chll hncy bOtWOlk mh 30 diverted from the lat levy ac require 77 77 maiteifworktlhc vholiifliing is MR counung to tool the public Wm MT 033 clam thatth Coun llorDoris Blair SaJd she too was disturbed by the an excellent idea ln letter delivered to AtIlhesameItime he claims Section 320 of The Ontario costs are goingupy Councillor Ray TwIIIIIe Councillor John McLean Mr there is deficit in the Sum MufllCIPM ACt councmms Who wont do any good to take the money from one area to gaggesied Momma be cog Ross accused township council Wfllfil and Storm SETViCGS fund approved the tion canbe held of close to 390000 Lot levies are personally liabletor the amount tsee SCOTT age Az tacted to see if they would be of transferring money from the flaresledI evy and to general municipallohargoo to builder 59 applied Trustees veigjo rnSreirIrecicheirpliogétrh XUEORA The inter Board action last year slbllity allowance $3700 higher lfwoxeallt hellavethtslsa through the master teacher reasonsWMr Stephensaddedr teacher program will end in phased out the secondary than their normal teaching way ofsqvihg money then Were program Us or momma masms York Region secondary schools master teachchprugrnm but salary way outlnlelt field noted Mrst ltIs unbelievable that med 19 ape allgoflsor Ihings Se York County Board of subsequent grievohce resultedl 7MarkhsmtpuateeifioLCobum system of thlsslze would take you can take out Drum cm ucnglonlrustecs dec tl dherc ln slxmnstcr teachers rctnlnlng McMonu 1e lnsoektnggn cup to olng to have it real that attitude she sold Monday mng their titleon responsibility The program snltlthe Est Ts thlrdr edmtloniyfifflfl isPhasingourloermastep ltn BB recorded voto was allowances while spendlng full actually higher slnce standard ndtledMra Zaja tlm glud teachorprogram raggesents alIrokctrb cholrmunnlohn tlmcrlntheclaaarcomboardhcncfltsmustbtraddedtofitmychlldrenra egettlngoutrd tdefinncroft boards ld Ste now on tcdlnfnvor oft thn the master cachcr the $3700 Master teachers are the nlr with the Ontario werkakth tillWe DOM mollolt ho présontod to the program was first conkcolvcd Wcrc lookin at system most mollgnod port of the Socon ry SIchoolr Teachers Couscns East Gwllllniburys fig aster teachers spent half their where one in thr teachers In system aha continued Federation MrsZodiac or tied 30h 09mm Vaughan 5100 tho motlon the tlmTilnrth luasroom duties the secondary tom Ff Wo have bccnmorc unfair Underthocontractpos tons Donald Cousehs undatm Cor n80d0ul nnd half tii tlttic as con poaltlonsvotrcapohslbllfi tohlgrullpuf plcthannnyiiofrrcsponsibllltysuchrasqnastcr 90m INthnnrkeLLtmrfl WWW Wm be other group WMflL Zntnc Ieacheruanmlhaphnseduut Ammo Septlbutthoourronthulfdozcn sultunts to other touch 33nd no II con dmlnlalrttlpra Klng trustees Moiguru stressed Ihroug gollntonsorforjust Markham mm new In Stiojdlsputed tho olalm 70 Venus Crumble will be aid The current secondary Cubumand Dorot Zojnc were ifiidaiigglziiifiily nilowEncc school agreement gives mtliltor adamant in ttlrcss ng the need mo trustch that teachers Just cause could be ln Richmond Hill trustee Ellc fqmtie ontIiutxmatiytinn Jcnchoru an llllhtltll r98n0n tormttalochuchora ntnutdlttetisatstoncoaltered uan monetarywnqkepubmmmr gee

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