tow rialluretgturnqver the deed ior Ihe Gi chool alto 1h Cedars pr aldflhefi ée wrge pawnas already amt provalwhichahouldlake we get meadtool tome Minlliry the grant for the ledtoo Ihe working drawings or about threeweeka prdg fdfiims RICHMONDJilLL In an ellort to keep budget good +osuemumn YorkrRegi oard will be looking at optional programs 1v rearelullyrP Themdget committee at the board at its meeting last Wednesday said it in at the point oi havethom owfshe told her trustees Mrsuzajac siressed or Education the extreme lm BMW Apor eolaprolosslorolf acliwty pr grams Kng 9w teachers but said Ihereis no hbenefit todaefihirr lean ers or slu an appravlmi 953 Alle present syslem ol iflnflggigglgl ya one day here and on Imam stallfdalflhere mesallcrnalivas to Under org Wm legislation la Ed Joyce director onslneee and finance boarg pansyhfiiule new Iorthehoardmaidprogramcuis mayhavetobe daiaCSHEE95Ed l2 professwnal act ly im tediokeepthebudgetwimlnthemlurate dual Inlhfeljinlil d3Y5 lmreaseeexpeoted by the province fl53lvyays The rovinpe has said it expects rnill ate hedullilfi euififiygfiol 5mm mewherLbetweeneeightanrH EJLJ Met rJoycellbe1lavelhiaktrbe ML biteqummloyearbyth hie range of worh iirne hegraduated lromi rsélonsihflflhjlflfam Lecordins Jo eli hating them Markhom tr Bob hayg them now happened He also program cuts will vcarelully calculatedp because closing some programs such as junior kindergarten will rmeanfilossohrmdenlsanqufiendyrlonf FE As care under 79 per cent bygrants Joyce fadoliarcuHrom thebudget results niartanjustazieentsaving However he said hewas pleased to note that the province has realisedalhatveduoétinn for Grades and 10 is more expensive than the geiemenlary gradesg The province has récog at this by means otaspeeialweigotingractT he said which eons mm for grant purposes every Grade 97 rind HIKE be counted as 11 students With 666 Grades and lQeludenls in our systern hi you mean an additional $7035ilrn s1 skateboard URORA Theres protective equipmen procedure to including headgear an skaleiwardinfl on lhowandk jflegionlubliég studinis hive their Is property but skateboards properly mistees believe the Identified and the school will have just Vihej provide safe stora fleet ploceiorlhe skateboar welookatevery so down here it Implieslhatwe skateboarding hoolprnperty Approvi lilarkhamrtruslee dure only to malizes stand already an by the board notei Mfr dunk said swung board stnn¥expected 197MB school it he ewma lichifllon appears to suryiried any major problem ior years epted skate board trophy lor some schools henoied Aurora trustee Norm Weller wasnt convinced howeverr equate ifionisp videdlo the safety of pants and non day night of redundancy through declining enrolments lrustees were laid Thurs enrolment 0ur enrolment the crucial one in termsfol Therboard is con tinulng tn éxamlne the redundancy problem and has scheduled special The town passed motion at one7 oiitar eounell meetlrfisthat rt dea msiwt Eefichool board will he Mulrsohooldeal but that isztheJootfll the whole3 Ho ere Is very definite needl for new school in Newmarketi because Meodo brook is therTlraslightdeclineln enromenls throughout egionfiherei increase in enrolmentm hauemnarket area Bullii viuflce not or just now he Were building lunacume Enrolment will inra few years but it will reventually start to rise again We havehad deal withthe town for that piece or moperly lorover ayearand there have been manyholdups Eu everybody ya it isnt them doing it Ne market Mayor Bob Eorhan said the town lWe cant gi the board property because it isnt our propertv and the property isnt registered by the dereloper rye said the layer Mrl Cifilbarsald he is oomerrgdth wermight bark out deal but we won have adeal with eboardandwere nolrgairg ltrnitpick the wayrthey did overthe the tender about tw weeks to let cnmttuelion couldrotart Pryperty and than some aflurance mm the town thatJve will even4 WWFWL no we could even get have absolutely amethatwowul sci EAldHélbVAT THENEWWWQEILIQNECLUB TUNDS FQR THEEASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN lVTBKSICl 12 CliarinéllKE RVVICE or Dewitt ChanneilVSERVlCEf or 3152mm rv on FM senvlcs Dr WE WILL DONAlESSQO lO THE LIONS EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN FOR EVERYCAELE Ly onoeorog SALE OR LEASE or CONVERTER VIIlZilleosonsiyoushonl huTIeTABlEry CICAIV WWW TORONTO BUFFALQ whammy ABC CBC jKFMfiM hove CABLE EM TQRONTO 0ng iOSHAWA cBILEM 111030th Rtidsonsyoushoultiir coMrEMPaaAavf Mos CLASSlCAL MutriroRMar CHFlFM BRIGHT TQRQNTO TH IC 1mm chmFM anTFM TORONTO TORONTO MUL1 LINGUAL eAsvtisTEumG TORONTO CTV JCHUMFM oaonro Prisca ESSlVE coNrEMPonaaV fUnlesskidls get olo should be on upsWing more BUFFALQ next ehrhecauseoinew Eosv Llsr Mitto LISTENING ch cKnsrw NEWMARKET BRADFORD aHoLLhNDLaNbING cKLAFM ohsorM mod Cuntrm ClLOFMM19R0NT0 its M1 fCKDlFMZ TORONro 4999 BRAMPTON CABLECAST Alexander Mulr HANi Loon pu ct slhnio Wua eb trustee Doreen linesonWellinglonSLW did ltnnted Vhere However the mayor say the town finds Ihe board to be into istent in Iheir aura antinhe KITCHVENEB poouusrgnmc smooru QUALIIY roapler9 CBQ FRENCH GLOBAt CBC fauEFALQV EDUCJ NEWS EADLIN ES erssoroonm sueLPH eArrgARjNEs KTCHENE FRENCH TORONTO mum EKSV éARRLE LISTENING AbguSws fathers hezln evening NewmarketHaalth Unit Ti V520 or seriegvoi six mm Lillilk Hi logtil Call our dime nowand say My on physical social and emotional changes and needs oia mother outer baby and farnily For information or regileterrcallii 45 How day can you get Buy anewcar lllllhelrunkwlilSplecesblbrondnewvluggége Ifybifie the make Ll sdrtgeeameflnélussége youshoullibenefitfrdm who ouseeweknowjyoureqpinglowanlio wayan anloyyournewcar Sqweremakinglleasyloryoubyglvlnghmhlro lnsa SterlmnghQSbeendqmgmgmongagesnow sellingyoh uplo go on ihgtlongpringtrlp fOII67 51TH pmfessm BUtihenal8lessorwere alleasygoing guys knowledgeable and re to 0n thoothorhen Ilnellugga Befteryetyic uptliephon Let when youd like tormmdsliativ Whetherttsafitstmne Vwai is approao ab more tohmfigmgémcrgggge than figlnmg out how uch you payveaclilmOn Sterlng wont tangle up red tape haleeiouanarra ngrfe you With hid en charge fiohnlliaclver THU EDIwe Newinmket yenivlciur our auvenraxcwbflP