lness Stores had l7 HORSEMANS COUNTRY 4th combnalon Tna le IIT room hen recreation laundry outdoor 300 150 garage Fworkshop Access to Vivian forest Looking for country Ilvlng do not pass this location up $7690000DON GRAHA INDUSTRIAL LANDANYONE Just outside of Newmarket 935 now in fistrial land Many possibilities For more Information call BILL CUYPERS VIVIAN FOREST Hcres bulldlngdlot denselytreed BILL dining ryml Lialgeifichen utstone fireplace In family room separatedlnlng room paved drive mature trees good llnanclng $6950000 OPPORTUNITY if youve been seachlng for an older renovated home with 1000 sq ffblock buildingsado 14 garage and picturesque mrefiommfilmemgtsmem oklng aoml CUYPERS tomll us¢tbz3913 Zall lovely Iakefront property Fully wln lgTIOW an gal good Valley 234 lOtl Irv Ierlled Large living room overlooking Lake Slmcoe beautifuin panelled with genuine knotty cedar Spacious kitchen completely renovated with lots of cupboard space Cedar deck For appointment please call RUTH CRAIG HOUSE BACKJmuIOPARK earl of Newmarket beautifully finished all new roof aluminymfldlmaflndmslé WMWchmfllwflm room walkout plus extra1 piece washroom $5i90000 BILL CUYPERS FIRST TIME OFFERED lean neat bedroom offering large lot nd excellent location Vendor has bought 4900 CLIVE McCALL Fieldstone fireplace ls Ideal place GRAHAM LLOYD CENTER HALL PLAN Close to Main Street Newmarket bedroom homehseparate living dining rooms new roof and paved drive Lot slze 59 145 695 COUNTRY LIVING Five minutes fremNewmarket Suntilled and spacious throughout this beautiful raised bungalow features family room with stone corner fireplacaWalkout to covered patio walkouts from Ilvlngdining rooms to raised deck dream kitchen in solid oak centrally alrcondltloned 36 young trees on 107 290 lot ANNE DAWSON ANXIOUS ANXIOUS This bedroom homesituated on acre lot must be sold Dont wait and miss this one GRAHAM LLOYD ch ACRE Aurora Sideroad Ballantrae Custom ranch bungalow fireplaces walkout to tloceal9 JACK PLODER an $60 custornbuiltyungaiow offering Wx l30lolcovered patio 20 12 family Dom replace electrlc garage door ner large dog kennel plus many other Ille lealure CLIVE MCCALL JUST LISTED is semi detached bungalow has the room leatures of detached home lust Ink lbedrooms bathrooms finished UY room and attached garage All for iv $5290000 HURRV It wont last long RAHAM LLOYD centre hail plan main floor family room with fireplace pc bath pc baths bedrooms V2 sANDUSKv IMMACULATEIIBEDROOMHOME upgraded broadloom 1V2 baths tastefully decorated to suit the most discriminating buyer JAC PLODE PLEASANTVILEAGEEIVING bedroom home ust north of MI Albert extras Include brick fireplace large lot flnlehedfamlly room excellent financing $6290000 DON GRAHAM SFKT 5UTS flnlshed tamll Hfiamfinfi crewQueensvm amnerfideHgHBNWWVen or leaving country LYDIA Nina BARGAIN HUNTING Your chance tlLbuy and renovate to your requirements srooms situated on Iargg lot In Aurora $4200000 GRETA CUT TING In King includes it ace trln appliances Also provides posslble prolesslonal space and large parking area View this beautiful home today BARBARA EEGGITT UNLIMI ED POTENTIAL Well located country general store with fast food takesout service Fronts onto busy highway and concession road leading to two large marinas and golf course 900 sq ft of seflng area andnearly as much again for expansion Multiple commercial uses Large lot 66 100 provides ample parking Jpfisss iJnlMIflgzflflmmlflBdailm0WM large bedrooms plus living family room For further Information please call RUTH CRAIG or DON GRAHAM BUDGETMINDED Well cared for bungalow with central air conditioning new furnace aluminum siding paved drive low upkeep Only $4l900 MIKE OROURKE ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR takes pleasure In congratulating GEIORGECAREY as the salesperson Ifor the month of February 1978 JUST MOVE IN This tresth decorated ranch bungalow olmmlleJcapla GRAHAM LLOYD $5990000 15 lot sets off th updatedbungalow intercom fhruout new furnace Possession flexible PETE LAWR ENCE JUST LISTEF Be the first to view this beautiful ranch ibungalow situated on 10 acres only minutes from Newmarket Thishome taatures stererlrlntercumT central air conditioning separate living It dining room oakfloors two fireplacemueb W5 ACRES Good lot withgood building site Ming spring on lot 33930000 JIM KNIGHTS New and+eafiésta+ealogérharf abrlngingpeople I7 OWNER HAS PURCHASED This bedroom is titled with extra features walkout from partially finished rec room roughed in placeand piece washroom plece nroom on level ground floor llreplace oversized lot ompletely len ced tastefully decorated and ready for Its new owners 36990000 GRAHAM LLOYD wmarketualumlnum clad bungalow for the budget conscious buyer Ideal starter or retirement home JACK PLODER ARGE LOT IN VILLAGE OF SHARON Numerous possibilities exist In this bedroom brick home full llnlshed rec morn eggs roorrTTaTlEEIIEfiorkshop on back of home $5490000 MIKE OROURKE basement OMMUTER PERFECT MIrlUtesto Hwy 400 this V2 acre ploperty has the country atmosphere everyone looks tor Custom built with extra Iarge rooms featuring rec room with fireplace wet bar and terrazzo tloor second kitchen on lower level for summer comfort and parti bathroomsjtereo Intercom $82 ANNE DAWSQ BEDROOMS PODL This roomy brick bungalow also offers featuresiargeb8dmomsJwashroomsrlargrltvttrgani dining room Finished Wamll an older area of Newmarke GEORGE CAREY BRICK STARTER HOME we in one apaWTnent rent another to help you carry the mortgage both apartments show excellently Double driveway nice lot BILL CUYPERS 3V ACRE CHOICE BUILDING LOT Just miles east at Newmarket rolling land with year round stream $5990000 CaIlMtKEOROURKE 1I2 ACRES NEWMARKET Great potential excellent commuting liz storey house needs work car garage barn small fruit orchard pine trees $6500000 GRETA CUTTING WNERJIASBOUGHTVH We have listed this Spotless bedroom home featuring spearafe dining room large living room IV bath plus completely finished basement extra insulation and new pella windows BILL SWEEZIE lMMACULATEsst900 Good location bedroom home W2 baths finished rec room fenced lot professional landscaping I0 percent mortgage 6ACREDREAMSEJIING An attractive ranch style home custom Al ngroun pool sauna and fireplaces Only $111900 LQRE LISKA ALLENFBI DRIVE Acres Industrial corner lol good topography and town water Severances allableJLlVLMECAL OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Lock up office space available on annual Ieas lrLexcellent area at NW MOUNT ALBERT NORTH Is the location of this solid 4bedroom family home Situated on acres amidst maplésahd7applestreesrotherifeaturessin ciude extra washroom separate dining room and attached garage BARBARA 00 TR accurlvesnmw 1300 sq ft cellentellvlngrslnithls3 bedroom chtom built home cathedr ceilings throughout main floor family ourafitfiorfiiltfiéknome on re lot iv baths fireplace walkout dining ourn to cedar deck extra Iv car garage IV ssesslon minutes lolNewmarket log JACK PLODER Trfimés 350000 on Head Lake Roam bush acres reforestation Tim across property hydro to lot line GRETA it permit available ING INCOME PROPERTY Brick duplex located In one of Newmarkets most sought after areas artmantSrDouble Contains bedroom driveway and detach gar go good sound In Elment at 654900 GRAHAM LLOYD walkouts heated lnground poolrquLL $17 COUNTRV LIVING bedroom brick bungalow situated on 75 xr1ooriot features arhugeneatlnakltchanr large living room completely flnlahed basement reproom replace laundry room pluala 4th bedroom BlLLSWEEZIE roomiwlttftlrepiace separate dlnln and iivlngrroomsflfirprbaths CUTTING EXECUTWFLEEMARKET bedroom brick slde split finished rec room separate dining room fireplace In living room central air paved drive beautiful treed lot $9470000 GRETA PRICE IS RIGHT ilhlsrarbedroomdetached homels close to shopping hospital and can be yours tor $500000 down and carries like rent Extras included walkout baths bright dining fenced lol $5490000 DON INIATJJ Will adequately fit this it acre warty 5D barn plus outbuildings with furnaces Arrsrnall steam meanders throuthh DELIGHTFULTHREE BEDROOM Bungalow with plaster walls throughput Warm Invmng Ilvlng room family room combination with genuine knotty plne panelling Largo private lot landsca wlttrmetllre crabappte trees DeWzT 4425MISDRIVLMLIMMARKEHIQS garag deal starter home or for the small family RUTH CRAIG OR PEIER LAWRENCE 3621 Krnple parking available Ideal for ac countant lawyers small businessman CallGEORGE CAREY DRADFOR BUN GALOW Quality defines the character of thlshome and provides bedrooms family room with fireplace extra gplece washroom builtIn dishwashertwatkourtosundc us us BARBARA LEGGITT CompletFWltlLspac ous fifiroom home 80 PRICED REDUCED bedroom raised bungalow situated on acres timplace4 springf2 $9590000 DON GRAHAM REDUCEF 17 ELGIN STREET NEWMARKET Fullvtenced large Iandscaped at me this bedroom home very attractlv Features Include lorgaveatln kitchen anlzt walkout Vendor has boughtusuflomoo CtIVE MCCALL