arket Flyers third en in best ofseyn malepluyoff series With iEto olne of on ice raws in his Jr hockey this lyers lost the Sunday night hum is to GNFU NEwmarket iuiltid sMidgets Double As edged as out of the OMHA finals with 41 victory Sinday Flyers will now enter MHA semi final playoffs steilher Ajax or Kingston own clicked twice est ad he will éifiarket with Ron and Alan Weddel ad iingles rlan Clark and Scott Fitz ddrew two assists each WWI AR arket Burgess Wholesale Atoms defeated the Duwall squad 32 to win Isl game in their bestof Oiilfifo minor lfickey playoff series uberl Banglmaiernotched ior Newmarket with Brennan assisting twice Dayid Noble Darryl eWInCTr undas out of playoffs illéaHHeiiHMCmmwn once match here 92 but the score hadlittle to do withvthe play of the gamejive Fiyers received game misconduct and could sit out for the next two games unless Flyers owners are allowed to pay fines to have their players back for the next playoff bout yin with Weddel Darren Ross and fan MacDonald helping out once each flyers goalie Steve Mason played strong game in net Friday in liewmarket the Flyers tied Dundas at 22 with Ian Macdonald and Brian Clarkecounting for Newmarket Weddel helped out twice and James Macoun assisted once The Flyers took the bestof fiveseries with three wins and tie wmarkei Atoms fake rora 32 in first ayoif encounter Wednesday in Aurora Newmarkel defeated Duwall Brennan Me fishnetin El€ inf Wellslcounted for Newmarket with Banglmaier assistingJuacLand Mchniay Simbert and Brian Jack clicked for Aurora with Mike James assistng on both goals kefFlyefibr The Era we hope well be able It will cost the Flyers owners $25 for each man out on game misconduct and part owner Ray Twinney said we cant go with five players out Elyers partowner and generalmanager John Cole told to play them If we have too well flyerL Leif ls Blossom and Terry Porter received game misconducts Porter received his after the end of regulation time TheRoyals ieked up three game miscon ucts to Colin Blue Blue received in the othé tw Foam Alan Lutes an Dave in the aftergame brawl with Porter with my Iseaward Police were called in to keep the players fans and referees from fighting Referee Ken St Amant stayed cool during the game and was concerned about what ight ha pen after the game aidtimelni Recreation Commissioner Dan Shannon was on hand during and after thegame and praised the police for keeping any offtheice skirmishes roin developing ee eIhe capacity crowd became keyedgpand many flocked to the dressing room area but were kept back by police three in the peTiod and one At one point Newmarket had more inen in the penalty box than on the bench afterFlyers Glen Cutting Tom Tidman ScotrRornbmh and SWHE had left for the dressing room at dr 1439 of the third period Flyéi chGene Popiel blamed the turnout of the game on the referee Ken AmanL He Royal York nbtched fiverl power play goals on the Flyers eeper Dick Robinsfi really lacked experience He didnt have the experience to come over to the coaches and warniienrtroooiitrmfi in andGilliganJielping Mach bonnet huis laiiledésingles for with Randy McLeod and psoneassistingii ikirud anglmaier scored the 19d pointer for Newmarket 5851 yfuur secondsleft in the WeillIt lpipeant illoiisoi lwo teams meet again row in Aurora itionmateiklast weli an iranhoo Hun is Secondary School fie ler MikeValin was out of the All ntario Magria Atoms eliminate Thpjnhill in pgames Newmarket Magna in ternational Atom 85 took Thorn with Ross Semple scoring hat trick in both games Semple alSDJlDIClled two h173th0MHVtirinvlfiiiffinmriothei hat tricks in the quarter competition in two straight games in bestofthree series last week Nwmfimwongqanmwns on counted the other rOn wresfiers edged tin AIIQn1qrio number one seededwrestlcr ave it myJiestJo was Just etlerlhan me the talented Huron grappler ex finals with Sharon the previous Tony Spagnuoio and Larry Newmarket goals iLlhe first Thornhill match vaith Tom Hurst Barry Thompson Spa uolo Wilson and Semple aSSi mg in the second game SpagmmloxndWiisor twice with Hurst and Kevin Semple and Hurst assisted on tour markers each ir=r shed in competition he plalned iVThe Newmarket 133ile rmmdwrfiurffig the Va in wasnlt too enter has ive series With it discouraged sayin hell be Barrie for the York Simcoc Royals scored twice in the first three times in the second and four in the third They outshotFlyers 227 in the second Were not skating shooting or checking Wre just not R0 quk Regional Policetstand esstng room entrances as the TlN liceIaldnochnrgesburprev W5 angJflLendlngJoflleRoyaumkNewmarketHyemgamema Yf as fans surge towardtlie the second period on Flyers power play Tidrnan and Ernie Godden assisted Flyers picked up their share of injuries in the game and Ernie Godden may have broken collar bone Seaward receivedeutsteenehandim brawl John Buekeboom received cut on the wrist after linesmau stepped on his hand playing thehockevaeplayedrinA jivhiietrylngrtorbreak up fight the last six games said coach Popiel with slapshot while the Flyers swore onemanshort Dan McAleer pumpedin the second Newmarket counter in Tisdellekaddingtheslnglesf Friday night in the Weston Arena Flyers lost 54 decision to theRoyals in their second Julien notched the opening NewmarketwointermassistedmfiemweIJWni Rombough and Julian counted gamer NEWMARKET Wwfiiafltetmmcer Club will hold second registration Atsoivau Kline wltii the hi th rkei Si onnettJi vwatcifed minim Ppul Agnoiuzzi 41 in durl back wrestling nex year but probably in the 112 lbs weight class ilcigii Nowmarkei oifiim aiampionships when they return from tournament in Atlanta éelers domped flan Newmarket Steelers of the Central Ontario Senior Football League found that the Toronto Argoscan play basketball the rd way game forithe Big Brothe of York Saturday at Huron He ts Fésecondar chooli tlmosnidlurton The Bigv Brothers soil 41 Seconddry sch project fortho Dig It ggonii yi rcportthnttziig wn Desp to the overwhelming loss Steelers president Dean Burton was pryleiis team stopped the reaching 100 points with three seconds they tried to drive lnfor basket which would have given themloimmts bit we fiEid them back $230 for the VBigfiBrothieigs of York Tickets wore $1 ouchfoi the event and 125 spectators saw Argo linebacker min Foxsink 38 oints und toammuto quan orbnck Chuck Eoioy add another 28 seven tr play 12 Newman ct steclors Euioy and Fox bummed it up and We really had orgood refreshmentscourtesy 7M Community GeneRopidHcllingswoetbGiviemmi+mmmeaem TordnioArgOs JiOlin lithi Steelers 9934 fundraising everybodyrthatimad LesLDaILShannonFBobLunnoyL Hepto Argos from Armstrong victory wed up to Centre 10 am to noon We expect more people out as each year goes by said Burton Chuck Ealey was pleased withthe game and the money we raised in the effort tor the Big aew Last Thursdaynight in NeWmarket Flyers defeated Royal York 43withrarlattrgoal by Novis 119 left in the match in their first playoff game Ernie Godden clicked twice for Newmhrket with John Wilson Seaward and Rick Uttiey assisted twice for Nevmarket Flyers picked up 34 minutes in penalties with RoyalYork being accessed with 24 minutes In tiebreaker with Markham in Aurora Feb 28 if match Sunday night in Newmarket The Royals Wbnthe playoff match oz lyers and Royals come offtiie ic Sho Wnflmmm ce rm shes and John Wklmvamuet7+andFlyers nagers ss gjhetbirdinarkL and Seaward Tidmari and Steve Novis one each The flyers played Royal York at the Weston Arena Tuesday night in the fourth playoff game but results were not available at press time flhey host Royal York tomorrow night in the fifth playoff match inNewmarket Game time pm Vdndergroé omMLWawa Terr techo singiesforNevwflarket Iii the times for Newmarket with Don CO McAleer adding two pointers ects five goals or two youngsters the price is $15 for the first and $12 for the KIiceJochumployorieusrc NEWMARfET The Newmarka Allied fleat Treating Major Atoms demolished Aurora 81 in an exhibitinnzoMHAamaichzherr recently Jeff Vandergroef counted lstoLNewmarket with pib rs perfamily the price is Cliff Cockrall and Tony Powell Each player registering must be accompanied by parent and have an OHIP card and proof of age Any person five to 18 years can register to play soccer in Newmarket During the last registradon at the same location Feb 18 VDMR ortsrheldrarfree draw BrotheréflLsahrsurtbrfWiui Kevin Cleghorn winning Wed like to thank itr suc of the recreation department and the Newmarket Odeon for advertising it for us Newmarket High Schoolr doifitedthe Steelers unlfonns for the event Tilckélts fer the Steelers Celebrityynight Aprilfl are going on sale in the Upper Canada urdayThecost is er couple and there will be dance and huffeL Sendercockiieis five goals in NEWMA Arm sirens atlackwlth five if owmnrkot MinorrHockoy uvcntlocncountor Dun Lsvlckroiiiie lhtrotlier three Armstrong pointers Tim Aiory Join mrgoriildfinindfcory Hawthorn aunted Tor Alll VLionsCUE MAMELi NeWmarket Cash and Curry MinorzBantamsdownedaAuiora Alec Walk Millarosslsting track suit Jonatiunmaig an equipment bag and Jami Cash and Carry clipsAurorarr ons Club 31 in an exhibition Lil ScottStevens hared net mlnding duties for Newmurkct Steve Ruby blasted tvo goals forNewmurket with Mike Macotiii ddingrtiie slnglei nvsoccerbootsfti adding singles Ken Sprung assisted on three Allied poifiters and Joe Murphy helped out twice Midgets leadebyAwofl Mm AR Newmarket Major Midng wnedBownmnvilleaAMom ERR0 Sunday in Newmarket in the first two or their va playoffgatfiesf hi mainswmqemml mumps goalie George Llakopoulos earn shutout NSer anh on not Bowmanville receivedrM shota onetheiiuiot Jim orbErand Floyd Ratehford necked in two goals each with Ian Johnson adding the fifth pointer Anthony luecklet and Marty Murr igkred uptwo assists along wi vi eamnraterhruco Campsoil Bren CnsphwhhmeAlaHpoulmrflteyrm sslstcd formsh EndCarr Charlie Delanesson tolled the Aurora single with Murray The two teams willmoci again riduyrnlght cwm rkct Community Centre in il if frhcstot ll offsor and cord Riegertu MinolelE eBrnerownlng JeffrBon In theeorlior match in BowmanyliiofPsixick notchedr hat trfitk with Murmansk jt ifddin two pointers and Brad F8 blowinn owmohvlllo Novis is fisjstedjn three yer