nN fistula Kawi oatWrdrelruim GS By ALICE MATRAVERS 20 years hence which wotlld politicians are goingté have to Era correspondent comlstot Ontario Manitoba and the robl NOBLETON 3m eel Saskatchewan firfiobarfs em confined in this age at energy COMEVfltltm 11dI Furniture and Appliances has somethitg that sh appeal to the Dracula helund types Lucath ill I40 Sutton Rd in Newmsviq misater he noted that Progressive Conservat ves an Quebecrgoes our mar Canadians are well aware of partymall in provinces will be iorced to wrestof Canadian unity Wed th owgeut eon 59 robiem In way they NY When Wm Petal Powerg and nfimin guru simply wére not in 1967 or even Elma 5h bemmsmeng examnpdm Newtolrndlandpremier fiey 1971 The were of the Woodcutter news and an alrllghtha Bmmckerascoimv Pun yr stove manutactured by another York Region solutions StouilvilleStova works lnc Joey Smallwood who The that models uttered by the stove kasg presented himself Wednesday the name and symbol at the Woodcutter lo rept as one of the million new the pmlosophyiradilinn WWfii Canadians Im 29 years tuei Canadian he said referring to The design at the Woodcuttla combines and Imel nr Edwarthlaiand and Newfound gwauve 0mm Premier John land he warned it wiilbe race 3h womthl between those Atlantic gala maplae meduauon Seaboard provinces and British Dimerhew Columbia and Alberta to see More than 300 Salharm who crosses the border to the the imperial ballroom here for song 55L the time Newfoundland joined proven Itiiiction Willi clean lines to produfle the gourmet dimer and heard Canada which sum any setting the ervelt plea of Newfoun Former Ontario premier He said that Canada is me me charge at wood will keep properly ad dlands former premier ick John HKobarts placed similar one big pWerful country which Woodcutter burning for up to to hours provluI if town in Quebec pile lard emphasis firmly on praerving has been decent and chipped warmthtorupto2ooosquareteetotiiviruspaca The Woodcntter is solldwelded from V1 inch buses ind Pilgrimages Canadas Drill SUBSSlHS the toWards all others It has never to win the hearts and minds of me gmtsinlcouldsee to loose tried to seize or dominate roued steel plate and the fire box is lined with quality tire brick which contribute to the eifi the Quebec people by default simply because we annular he Said In the moving oratory for didlll care enoughN Mr Smallwood has been Hygficfihfgfifimu wide nsmch which he is so famous Mr Mr Robarts who is one of travelling back and iortfi acrms plupszslmhes on the apron andzzlncties Mg Smaiiwood urged his audience eight members of special task Canada these past months legs accepting invitationstoSpeaL lo otaetivi an Mal st inN providing as he noted Wed Im ti ew nesday can say what want Asfast as firms announce plans to close thelrM to go over the heads of the lows on unity emphasized politiciansover theheads oithe Wednesday that he was separatists straight to the heart awaiting that night as an in Quebec dividualThetask torcehe said to say If cant dont go St upertitions new companies say theyll move is Go in with dignity and had not yet come to its collective Referring to his travels Among the latest scheduled departuu respect he said and impart conclusion but was presently in abroad Mr Smallwood am Newmarket Draperies longestablished dowm the message that We salute you the process oi putting together phasined the esteem in which firm Wligse owner 9319M Mire ewe reapectyou we needyou final report which would be Canada is held by other lands lmpend it arrivals include health and donflrleaveusl imadepublicelatenthis year and tire emotionally declared his Snark glen duledbiruthe vacantwslfreB nix while mu that the are Standing as we are at such own live for Canada saying he it fleecing que open 81 the ones whit will out on crucial point in our countrys felt iiké kissing the very earth wme SWC Fla hede to referendum day Newtonnde history Mr Hobarta said that of this great land when he flumiviafium 3352113 muted an lands llery first man of decisions made now will affect returns In other Main activity sin Koshel will Mr Smallwood spoke with move his Timothy St shoe repair and sales open glitits sugsédirlapegtedlythgt the people of Canada tor tuany the outcome at that vote yefisto come Wereiiacingra ptnfnundsadnessoLCanadas iii To swam um mu depends despgmmy the estuanonfi WhChuere curler llmcllty and Yian iliormer Newfoundland premier Joey Smallwood now an active advocate xrEJ luv million Canadians whmaremot firmlfli bluean he 551 EMS regardlng 55 115 ot coniederation won standing ovation from YorkPeel Progressive Conserv With Doris Blair scheduled to retire June French W€re immngourway through rowrmkmlumem tween ativesafterhis speech WednesdayrAbove he is seen with YorkSimcoe MP Slit Prospect of new slime stare dawnlown hasnt been one recently is creating enthusii He warnedoia Canadal5 or uncharted waters Eventually couple of men Clair Stevens among merchants FIVERECOMMENUATIONSM Juquesi assesses no blamein Pine Ridge death AURROA questioned the wisdom oi mm dariltd In ui coroners jury last week havliu Pine Ridge her Her slalenitnl melded ience Widosetoamalflgmy supported by too hatter m7 and Just as it WM nailhsin ReduceSpeedsigns on dangerous to have priests from 2wa livirrildnl oi the school in such an area wnuweretravullu Pine Ridge Centre or lean see something opposite direction mentallyretarded adults camparahle with the or Dalison uii Douglas Edward young and the young in Glazier its II Ferrey 52 became the the head he said ulliortunate tllatltit second Pine Ridge Oown attorney Ken oilhlrg happensint patient killed in traiiic Murray questioned 12 sorrylthad to withlneyearwhen he ran witnesses on the eventa Will in front of car last surrode MrFerreya Opt Ken Wi AAedeathsfiichoocmadafiotiheeakmdges 12 pm Nova merit of the inquest in the Aurora John Beard one at Provincial Polite Community Cam me two Pine Ridge coun was dark ugh juryolttueemenand wn sellers looking after visibility was women made the groupotzs men saler because of an ollowing reaom Ferrey hndjustreturnedr skylV as mendatiuns which are to frame trip to Toronto to Mr Ferrey diid besent to the appropriate see the Ice Capades He broken neck and authorities Jia supper and was last suitlerednhrdtenlfiu is ilashin ll ht see byaslattmemberat an emarr in said Dr EW existingsiylwhichsas errey oyr centre unnoticed crossed Cnunty Haiti Hasi hilly Pedestrians the highway and ap Newmsrlrel lea s1hehlghw houldJeariisis windowoi the Tests later is bciietter an sing ows comer merrseiailveali erected indicating antlepll hospital zone and lower in Mr Ferreys speed limit streambuttheyw The highway should Nurses assistant have affected be widened to provide Sheila cheesrnan aald mmmllxDrEVEH lanes iorJeit and right Mr rareys appearance Mr Fem turns into Plnermdge startled the residents and Florence Edna Eiiil Reaidents should be she called Pihe Ridge he first entered Ii instructednottocross the because patients had stlhltlnn tor Ihet mummy and wandmacrosrflinoudllrorllllflfltim fence should be before She was told no lle spent 50 erected around Plne one was missing from the living with tell Ridge and exlB closed at centre so she called York below Sill l9 alghtui fifsllanpoilcetorqiortmi Ridgeflinlwa ru er ewas hav geenldgikitgficxgi MM Anne Fenniser 515 BC Pine name nurse at the nursing Mrs Ellis said imp Essen yearsfmclhlZI home53 Elia 11MB lo WRD no reason for Mr Ferrey through run ways mm mu Wu isms WHTRWEmMwantadrsheaaldhm new ugh and mumbled what sounded understandinl 3n unslaneshava all been like 5th childre Elis ml turned do nb hi we awash mimetic aummmg sh flMs Fenniger said betomittmkfm she did not want any at deliberatl il DrD The activities of Pine me am mmbm If ween Ridgas 120 residents are leave he bulme eaill to say the Quintin are Statt members are shoulda have To is voumnry psimi not given special in treedoms but 1m reegrLzsqveafiflvim atnictlona tor handling practical pullentsfrom Pine Ridge Enué he hit ronerJohneiiietharen cowlerae rm iimidth mmbmng who warned Wecall the polce Ma my jury members their role Fenniger ir4 was not to assign guilt in VHMMBI mggzzfi and the cusevcommented that the man was hit hya car rmwed she want to the highway MP no checked tor Rldlt embe jarreyspulse hut he had Em 0145 lander perm more fififr mural WthianetmGmrmSflvicerwi thasameellme musLba drlver of the southbound 180 it provlde considered voluntary as willldlT 13 Mtg rerray fieltcfimin inId to or Among contemporam1 smokers mildness ls smoke Afhat we have produced 15 31 his voidstha ccltlentfgzie cl the words at you are looking at EU cigarette With althe quality and style du Maurier only milder If you have taste for somethinémilder pick up our elegant silveLpztcqudayfin oldest Keiileby resident eon KEmEBY One West Was also convenor Chrls and at nalllauy oldast gtmecmaummmqor no it residents passed away at nllttea many years ¥ork Countyllospitnl and attendedztlle Nov ll Jnnfazrhflllnn wdstwus service there this year tit Funeral Born at Luann In Surviving are hurt Mldrlleax County Mrs dnu htorlVl ra Violet Xfigruhglfdflu WcstrnvvcdtoKettlabyEn tht ahy and si ot age it $hcwusa lit rgronidohlltigsn msmhar at Kettlaby Mrarucatlotutsvonna mequa institute nd warlu mitigffllnhniufilllke quinv lulu her Laurimoiloihuroraulx Farrell brute orfi yourleinenlhorot ttruiiti grandchildren 57 Chllawllurehauil Mlerflinka Warlow is new answer to that quest for mlldness du Maurier Special Mild Its not the mildesticigaretjgyou can la tit50 nlnsziualu women helm at Monologuethermmrliinlgiai