UTTEOE must Stuartscoti sdmol willhnve mortuiuty to ex uie world about lliuuFeb23 mutualmall ca local actor HwnWatergateLcanml good about Twinney One that Twinney was in Forhan and Mr ntitinney oule 905 veterinarian abide dishones and act that kept repeating Japan when the Bill wasflhaveput this town on the week were are crait policeman nurse made it my business it liaeli was that Twinney passed and was not map as it has never ned such hairdresser and all air find out all the dreadful will not back down when preaatt to declare his before been Look at our mp photographyv controller in the al underhanded things hehusthe bestintcreetol conflict at interest taxes and compare them ipturc model tanoonlhe students will crediled to Twmney the taxpayer in mind Another item oi in to other towns Our 50 ca High ills NDHIIS em have an opportunity to Since had untvuted ior despite the hassle he is terest that was council as whole has lH Irlitg now an ave ll llMi in not normally learn athletic skills not Twinneyatthestartaiidl given to do so That overlooked was the worked wenmgéfieianfi $5 ed ore the Easter wty schools easily open to them rthought uhh now mayhe admire that Twinney was given all have done great job day Mar 74 tired was right Yes you will he dieque irom the Region Cn looking into this My conversation with pleasedtthosehehind this at the rate otsstt spay to alieir kept getting the HEAVY an veal Mr Sweaty proved lo me scheme that Twinney spend While in Japan On same impressions that that Sweezy knows ab did not declare his txm rdurniig home two days the reason to smear SRSSSSHHSSRSRR Elfin heiiiiiaiiiii $2 ffiifnliiifilftilifqfii RRSSHSRR 35$ H0 the BCI lhal TWlnne bill or the Knights could have Spent the two bettermenl tit Ilia town Sqvd mm may have limited limit Securityewas passed days sightseeing but he Nimiey is rulJougtt andinltly the £3160 This bill gas for did not and he returned guy and slapped other IOOIIIIIII c0 $75175 Wlli Twill Dfllf money from nailing lltroug rmme ELLJgiJgRFEtfiiilgTfigxfigtdg OUR grit mys wire had 2d per This whole cone ideas 313i would indeed THICK ans Student TOA LARGE INTERNATIONAL principal no Ktlrihta To taste the world of work we have invited various Benple to come and Ill about illell poiesainn There will he This must he gets politician year The Tv iatull ol misdeeds now The Era FEB glaring headlines Citizul may oust Twinney 0n reading the account assumed mm the write up we were laced with our interest meant iLeiijérs to ih the business that is presenting uhiils Hpent total at six days in mygdetective work and riyit here declare have no license to be Holmes tollnd many interesting feels and heard ltoittlramr cent interest or $15995 This Bill was included in how SWTforTwinney pésjflon EWMARKET curriculum would meetiia of Oct ii at which tlme Twinney die declare hla conflict at iotaeat in this hill The other tlill reicrrcd Lo was hill in January tor rm cents Also there was no mention BM the loot is daring man when it arms to money matters hut running tavin husinea is iich and tear cent hustneas1he men at the top have to he daring and yet hate the brains to know when and howmuch to spend Mr HearizFund NEWMARKET diatrid la hallway to IL The Haarl Rind cam wooo goal according to dwrlvdwr blitz chi at darling the ontgomery flmmwawimmufirrkewiaroui wed Felt mum is haldeyrio 78 goitl UMP The campaign will week oi Petite she tram Convenera will leave envelopes at honing where no one emitters IE door troversy was not over high hill nor getting bill raise our taxes and in general not benefit the TREVIRA CLIENTELE Note Conflict total amount at paid without standing up town Mmuinhrmatio 594484184 intereer Is Simply 511033031 Thiit must and declaring his conflict would like to add Mich RdNon Breshummarm lurmalily that says Y0 have taken some work to otmterestmraiormality notcior those who started In must declare or stand up check all the bills to see it iiallhirTwmney does is all this Next time get all Sq Yd ladia at the meetings and anyone else broke the taiorget to declare abill the taeis hearty laid out tori declarethal you havern lawlam amazed to find the second time alter heiorc running on at the lnteresivln bill being that those behind lliis once declaring it will mouth passed Ilvyou your wtie investigation tailed to vote ior him as no one is ALICE SHERIDAN We Ofyflfllgsmlerbrolhfiliwé check the minutes irorn perlelect 856Andrewl partai own any par the Administration gmup agree inney Newmarkct do ROOM 95 more than Ttme for Cindy to stay at home not 30 is We TIRPET is fill out NIliook ltor Eindy tc etEh just aint my rimmed tor the sixth timeldlmt ily d3 35 swam or swummcd the believe many Canadians 000000 Now thanks to the ml bigger splash when she manneiiweums and we wlll go ga ga or deciarea an 011113 can tackles the English Eagle Clndy has love yawn NW who public holiday whether LEVEL LOOP Wm ChatAneliolltllie sligtrihlinlle sphongor imiry the heudo you have do you make 0L in ugus oron can nl on SIXTH time lcanasaure you that and save 011 1110118 it 0er Wm Star Jan 31 1973 zfipreilljteczggnzpewhzlri DD iiyou Than cermlgy It gmpfhiméfime fig Plfiuust to fewtnsminodaoni SM Taken siflparanoiaah 21kg Rubbersilackedr some Te elr arms on eywme 1a the tone II get 93 swim This lpresume Ykimw used to in because Block an help them save muney Scarboro kid is trying to my allSlack readil available now tar installation iedigiorevery honestdedumonandaedit do it lor the iirst time ids TilEMT $32235 ffiiafigfafif Malfralzfro Hem herore Eastern Wye Thats Reason No lwhy liR Block should gindyhas already done it gaming themselves on ngm on my 12 hand mums suck in myefim is is peanu calante an an prope Eaglesons outstretched Di3v PBCkandmru chocolate and guk in an cigarette intomy moulh hand sticks in my throat amy ordeal alien to conquelnihe his My children and later if yo warn to swim 435 DAV DR onliWhatthe he lsi at my granddtildrat were mechanm agaimhuney 0mg frjljllixfngm metric plastic ned amazedlwasalrcady to go ahead the talks at NEWMARK UPPER CANADA MALL ms Cindy was in swimmirghelewhichdad go loLas Vegas asaone name will applaud nonosoou LIMIT 8958822 Iv regular malltlourrPhune avsmr doitg ii motorway had MAI mekeeuL man show maybeTUmows up some W7 Jig ¥i me such hokum Now hrshé ellfghbocrlS he guess overdid it more gins etc Etcth WI however when ets with the kids They could we Just cant our to 31 no time to ponder Jtlang at cm 95 Swm havecaredlesshilhethsrl make you millionaire 930 530 Weekdays 930 400 Sat me mdmoiing om manual or the SIXTH vmadeum mL gave upv filfiihonflzLssnL Li qeokaiarmgtosani me the WI 0L comedy 3mm SorrySweetIer 64 people and the world FRANkFOMILER he 11 BARBIE 31 BRADFORD pgng 533 13a wonder what we can do have Matt Easlmn Momma Ho Iaudator eeches encole wm Pemmg an rt ee days930 500 set Surely we worm an in tree mes Telephone Miss Cari Samara equipment rush out the first achievement it had mimlnavebeensmokins stereo diamond ring th Hm rce tags or res hicycle coat microwave me ontol to In Upper Canada Mall oven moné hel home and lake bath he in that we have Iflwnsyour honeyJ rlti dciray expenses our um urn fewer are 0W5 day mp Naséuu added in years tooiir wouldnt bother swim new lives mingtheEngllshChannel that ll pti wanes AMFM Stereo Durante Llc LSN ljil McLepns Pric lhii my special Daisy is nicely eouloned museumlsatoospuiatttresewheols tit the utmost in lcnnomv and sharp our vtriyt Simrl rm 3995 Weeoer CJBC Financing to our used wrcuatumem Low Down Pnymemé tdauit youl Inlermndlale in so vrtcrtonr ow an excemionally License KNV 505 MoLeua Price 3395 ft ALUE PAC USED CARS hmver compact in MIL as and all itan motor car 1917D1iféuriF10 ldglr Hatehbnek Couper 1976 DOdge Coronet 19760 0y salon Edition dear door hardtop driven low mileage by WISEK7 insDodgeeCnroiiat Mon sumo Doan SIIBJJ Per Mohlh suits Full Price 3137 Tax $3165 Total KED local resldrnlt=ultr reconditioned and in my condition All the usual options on this line McLeans Price 3995 INC 150 MAIN ST NEWMARKET 8984111 SALES SERVICE 36 Months limo WHEELS ll I9756rnn Torino door very luxurious intermediate slicd car ipowulecqmpvnilmneakmflllianwcfirjcefl¥ to still today Llcunsu mm 7197 heVolath lTon Crew Cub Euvivperannrcvnyiorwquar any with raso automatic hcavyduty transmission power slotrind power disc Drakes auxiliary immula initoil glass Llcfmtus McLeans Price 4995 Eree 978 Licensqiinjiuded in tusnu Cur thlotll CnEATstECTION EXCELLENTSIME PROFESSION1 LOWPRICES GIVE YOU VALUE PA CKED usmCARs ON 7777Feafuring BIEYELES KtEAHFURliIASKALEflMRDV OREMNG slégcuti humorlvcnonipuiooomltarroowrp sumo economical cyl enpluc auto rear new radio lit Licaiae stsi McLennis Price iriir7 7Lil2l2tgi ltiiyiiii7imitt$7725 lillllmlvlyhl litilliltrfl