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need each week And to give you even greater savings we watch for terrific buys from the manufac sAniwaofielLthes Personal RadioPaging 3mm Aumm few of this weeks bestdeals are Mm Hm Led below Weve got hundreds more KéwlckBmdmm Come on over and give us try Xfittle in struggle here would save you big strugA gle with your food budget 3149599¢W 69¢ 8955131 187 Main SLS Newmarkel Rall Passenger Mother Parkéfs Christies Chocolate Chip Vachon Apple Strudel Orange ngoe lba Bags Cherry Nutor Oreo pkg of 88 60s +15 free 1599 bag 111 schedule IorontoTBérrieJ Twin 69 Tram Clark Kernel Corn Downe Faibfic Softener is helli Sande I715 Lv Toronto Union Ar 0820 1202 tiny Litre plamglllmgahgoom or Meat 1723 Strelair Ave 0805 2802 bottle 1747 Lu Maple 0740 Assnl I754 King 0739 18011 Aurora 0729 nu 1811 Newmarkel 0722 1822 Bradford 4¥7+F 1834 LEfrTSyV 0700 1850 AI Barrie Lv 0545 NOTE Trains will noi opevqle Saturdays Sundays and Holidays REALMON 0N GROCERIIiS Fareslgnd from Toronto and St ClairAve WW 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