viii tar7 Ad mining moral responsibility bjrko and it up an Aurora mans there Was no legal responv drifiaerctmn aimc lWilltmeudnedupimie 3653 the regfinjunsurhtneec members felt we wereldirectly or indireotly responsiblev said engineering committee vice ul Bowens liwy as when Bloomingwn Road was reconstructs MLjowen imian interview he was gpy with councils decision at ough he committee 156 IRAll letjseCrIQnpl3pfod rownshlp Council members The ministry proposes widertlng Highs way 27 to tour lanes and Yarknoad it to three lion otHighway3E danetitvlaéilifile turns at ToszniP IN by the ini Thins andf Co is pushing tor intersection improvement so that large transport trucks can take the Klng Road to Highway 27 and deltbe el otleaigh scales on High 400 figwaimaanfiWTSFfiA firéfd will costs to pay $400 lti legal The laclr at legal responf St arises underground waters Regional solicitor Edward liahil ty Toronto it council had rejectedMr merely991nm English judges ruling years ago The comW anmmgmmum IndemnityzetH the hot drying to the case but wasri he lack of Supreme Cour In at receiving Iot rt the insuranmweniselaunrhisoptiou fiuld have beento take the casein the Ontario Jan expensive course of action eng neer Bob odgsaiessimthermtsmmham rovinctal subsidy settlement JEAsr othLtMDunv 0MNA KEENH7 Null LB at Canada 11 pm Eddy Rlx Mark Potter Robert Weller tasslstfl Easy Fm Marl Potter Colin Padlcy Alltston lilac canada 7iMak tastlstl Easy Rlx Dalton Canaan 7Votmo John Kitcnlnn DOW Draper assaultsL Hartqu Home Flamlttoa Homaa deals Géatl Boselev John Rye assists Dnuo Duper Qanny oowev Geo Boulty WIUGE John Sloan Steve Malloran Frank Robetts Dan Hanan assists Jami Slenner mear altal religion and speak of body excretiona dsex acts or the mateiIala that ammaklngrcterencs Iain sure that lhtfe Is not one newspaper in pads that would dare to prldt what taxpayers Vi heeh 3wa or und nadiarl literature Ken Sturgeon has couectedtnore than 1550 differeitt hockey pucks Pucks from aroun the world uynlcltlttunzllu Jtlsovpart of his lnr NEWMARKET irrational collection are Newmarketsn Ken is puck from Sturgeon is firm Czechoslovakia and believer that the puck rare live color puck from stops here rSweden Ken as collect Kens realcolleétors more than 350 pucks In items areglued above his the past yearandahalt trophy display They and proudlyadlsplays unique because they are them on the wall at his mistakes printing sporting goods store errots make them oncol Community Sports on akind navl Dr pucks to Ken and want nothirg in return lot of people wills Ken evenhas puck advertising AID tiphlogistine Rub A535 signed by none other than Bobby Hull Someotstheupucks have lasted longer than IEGIONM am twhinh in my iopinlon are of questionable SIN CLit lue For Instance one person received tAcHstt Doogrant tor ntaterlsl that could not and ld not be published anywhere in the country Talon Eoolis also received at least $74000lor It on An ptlhlicnllonpi obscene literature And one author has on tour successive ap cmttmu cations receivedgrantstorpoetry that In each pucks from friends in the sportiltgigfiodhs business re is anen and come into the store and Em to mmhg when he glvc me punk ewes wasin the storetoseli me thentisat action st to isomghunkewsticks awe 10 got around to the puck and unsoiv any apparent rhyme or NEWMARKET Tues rep in in our com Following below meme caMpsrmve Audrey to write to me or copy of the LLhavemadémtereneet lhope title will result in people and lllzed clIlzats groups writing in protest to acumanti lion John Roberts Secretary at State House tonne still Commons OttawaKlA 0A6 imiin mjificerehinpmlntallwhh would says Ken The puck that ravelledihehtrthesti N°rman Jolly mm the RussiaCanada membeishlp committee Leslle Oliver publication Somzihiié and raflrdIiBndJanfl Toronlogwas ln Moscow Bradley andMrsGeorgeW on hugmess Why he McDonaldmhe mm noticed the puckiin Mqutwl committee souvenir shop Ken Easy The ammo be values the TeamcanAda V7f we Vibeonardyk Rusenburgwhuckhighlyhecaus er lwould leel saddened it knew that people C° We Th or any it new requesting tho material simplytor the Lions page at saltserva aenaatlohallam wlthout head the proyam and useum com Morgan Loss Joan Farr7 wln Shirley Turner ltassl Elsls Evahs Losng saahla Clark wln Mary Hill Lass Sylvln sell win his senal Loss Jams stessor Win Mary wt cnell lLoss Emma sopnla clark Dorothy ande WI Walker Sylvia Bell Anne Tunnhjmi mommy WallfeVafHdYerGcauwlnlr Wee FeDaln7Dorotlty Emma Broadbent Jenny Kllch aarta aroaaoeni l3 sallstnirv Win by small awmatxel Klne Brlthellsald the miningduesmIsushfor another so MI snezuam Keswlcka ProcterFarF Slduoad Bullbfl Wwdoyr Bessel 777 aoals craipwalker Ranoy mmmmrwmfi truck lime pay sub mm mm Km Mm Arthur thumpsan it Kevln provide for them he Keswlcx SentlnaL 95 SINCLAIR STEVENS MP Ytlll Slrllcoo we pmmimrmnosed um Kenny Ellls has been spent to study the fertilin of made Wm the Emm coltlwgnamsa mt lttsilttttra llllanglmhflibeefl doledouttostudythe lighting and design parm Gealt Boseley sa assss are Boseley Danny Dowey Andy WWMM 171 Anqu in Iaclsince 1968thevtaxpayers at Canada Men Town League nailestlmetesthatontheaverageia percent lamDflwlfiflmfick In high tinian AURORA Mein Newmarket Mens Towtt Combaluzier tall once Aurorti increase lnerI9 lim VFildey anthl with Steve Kanyo Viee at $5rupfrom153 and our goals or Playmates hat trick or Compass election members Murli Shell tied slrgles John McIntyre was re lilastedin hat trick tor answered with onlytlve Honorary president Ray Normandin netted twogoala each tor Glure first vice Amnhgmaspisacnlmul could get me heats and Garth Jones one twice or Colonial with Eileen Mitchell limped wittt the mm 797 33 Li9 do tamiliarblue and white in irt simply tor the purpose tat ls an Eddie Shack pupks Some people bring Ken gets some at his the new admlmL autograph he Shae Community Sports Mm HEMP my flym378hmruwgfiflgirproposalfitfwtdmWifldlrtlfiifiimfion JHIFTFsmamn Atom tattriane mad KingC 77ttnlstsl7 Andre aarrau armoeparr ooatsesa7 Councillor William rtWr Pen mm Him KM Arthur thomason Kevin stantial taxes it they are Tlm xearns Ro LM said hwminm 33mm goal Denmsrlahnstun W135 rsuflmfcinsmlifffafi Improvements alter Roi Flamingo Name MIWIIBS in tie ec mmmifiifidy authorities eoncerning New Dennis Johnston David Dcnnls ti John mr Bvlan Helm Wanna ctllreol households and social mobil yirom rdated matters Richard autieapa Gary Lhernpsanxevlntattan v9 contributed 033mm to the Canada allresearchgrantsgoto nonCanadians True NEWARKET Dmamnedge mecmg in two goals each tar knocking in asinglee ham anetl7up 7actt7Particulariymbecallseitni 7bprghirrfegg7mg7me7 imaguerleadingthemtoa each or Burlings At the annual fifirayflredintheolher7 hangingAnboth ot7ttlerr the family Ice at $41 up wiul teammates Murray with teammates lan ratified slate of can Mlltions Pools at 66 in it LSportfstung elected president and the urttns with Ron Smith goals Mayor George Timpaon clicked three times in at with Brian Ling preéident John Butler one irom the Kalamazoo puck Eurfings Builders teammates salairvine treasures Norman Jolly fbasis He sfi thEe are make thewire ILqmu Maplrm elrwttmritmmfi Ken Sturgeon has puck go up sweamsrhmahwn wo7teasdsle Judy Alkntan ta mmmm ManueaL beautify the sidewalk on the plan loso can be seen ontéBm Ayinvr Ihlng cl 0M IELD nan RI VEI VIII clrrli itneert cia inili THE and benches We cant say what wearctL on the he we driving last week alter the drivchnoreasod his gThe committee she said until we hear MEN Elsil350meDOLbuLilerelhfldBSPeqdy prayentlngJerJldniLfinyimuchonc way Irom anglncetlngrblthL 1min WNW llual with another traind nastyAcolllstonnLthtLothchbouLlLand hsvaa axlmum7budgeLr 777 fan from Winterlo driver on lllghwnyaii withaaouthbouttdvchtcle has Seth It back to the otriZOJMI an Dun Shannon Is Cmuzed Dwéms was barely avoided hime met with Lmixed Mayor warned he province HNm Find my V7 the wldenlng oi the King MW 35le Johnson tasslslsi Ed Madaley Yeny mayor stated that 51957 Mum Am REPORT tralficonaroadwcmust Gwiuhmi Unlonville Flamingo Gonna approved Ln Ws Kenn 50 Roger assists BrucmCultlngMni Vel ueyem momma consultation has been unlonvllléwq breathing fish of the Amazon River and drainage swewalks Flamingo Homes Campbell MW Kitznlng l2 lssslslsl Geo Eves Culltnuhum 7lutsltlin Griler trla ntll By their own adtnisslon the Canada Kevimsdam StuYnung twrcet it 96 last week in the nawson and Pant rows mnnahlestudlenndjmtzsmsotpiain lied jilstarlcaljoaietymill Playmates raals dipped Giles Draina 52 agreed to set the aitgle Dan Palmer notched spit Dixon blasted in in the executive adqltu toners 7Haywardas7addirtg7the nominating committee Daryl McBJrney times while Colonial werealso made Barry sellsmy once Wilson and salt Wallen prEBident Donald Me the teams that used them collection and he said he adding two more pointers Ron Mclnnis wunled nson Gilbert secretary in another match yvith raundlng WNW Kenrtrades with local around in someones 5mm wavmg pud Hmotmywtslrtmpose Ada Johnson for long my awe him as manyas 35 years old local tourney Puck 3mm Widely his sport or our years at hash week picked up when Ken was lewwlasKtzi business improvement and W5 business cltohtsslatedtor tonight There is one more sum Down New We 9th 17 mprovementiarealand thlsrplsn expectedplaceryou atysee Kenrrmmurcawlamflbm775fl3°r lpiuotennadnCoultcllgrant Huweverwe it Name Tummqn Weddel manager chairman of the business square toot extenslan to uldrocelve taxpgyers support sldewnlk with planters cording to committee worked Inn which EietlhakerP reduce sp aMrs rant wall with ammoone at by hockey soccer anL Ms Jones Pat mamas the westside or Matti St There issmeétins ni swué ll Sennmberg Ann MacFarlane Glace Mara Melnlcnluck halltmdrln hotlght tor the larger cause of changing taiWisJarT57 as Dorothy Morgan it Kaye Johnston VAmphlfheah cxccuttveseccordlng to to be one otthe Iopfio 77 your aaslstancc in mataprntest to the ma The business lm vimprovement tires said the Lions amphitheatre in Elly at my colleagues In the House 01 chairman Del Gihney as we théh subm Ited to our York hand it has the intersection ac wooaaor alenmam KeswlckuProilorrarr haa been wrecked sidcei Manln Nafdjniv Crala Madsle Slave walhar hone disagreed with the Keswlck Sentlnal Flaminvo Home ZMcNell Roger Gwllllams 555°V dditg to the amount at mntshavesuppmedmieworKbu Arrttstronga7Real7Estate7rDon Wouters Ken dhlm ti easineg the Comm is WWW heyohd Aurora and District 86 decision over compass Restauth meeting members Armstrong singles Giles markers from $5 Cookson and RollJSmith Hamilton and Ted didates proposed by another match Colonial Stingrays seven iollowitu appointments counting twice Bruce Russell ian Immediate past Millions with Al St John firing In the single sacond vicepresident tied Sportsa Cycle at 33 and Dick witteman figsi probably just sitting mm and munelllots Marjorie fie hunungforihis one peoplcinNewmarfitwho bet its more than 20 immmmnhades Em Secl It till it mm been supporting rational in ttianzrlercflllig Cl ilk Kens celebrity pucksa WI er SI ewa mm mm Bobby Clark photo puck is under study by the the business im Band Head and ptttt5ylyla hell Shirley Marlene crltiar snlrtey attii Merchants pravemeht area mechwmerket Shlrle Wilson wusant elstea nsl is obviouslij that gene support the Marrlmarelsrrevfia Mary Jones tfloan rams Jtm Efi ufitcifirflsmss Doreen aaieszeetty Ctoss Jenny saltsoiiry Marc nswmanxsr englneerlng olflce Carol soynton vice sells Mary at State for lnlllttg to establish proper Ionstrltction on an 378 dilutes reepeatlng the kltttiyt material that the proposal included promsaenmm LlomParklaiaxpectedto 7bcra come In with interlocking brick tnons are requEBIIng similar response 5m 13 Wing 55 PWPOMLOPI depallmfifll IMV llholr constituents inpluding the mutton Jt down mint bus 1° Milt ado approval Heeieythen tried scvartn engineering ommt llnln but id Mllflgtiih TOOLATE VIOGLAfilevmi NOTICE caeolreus ARIOS tamtest OSIGMMENI uctlon SALE JOHN Yrac Mdthlnatl a7 mi stalled procedures tor lndlvldusl public schools ensen homiwllhpreseanuplis Patientsarguardlansri ad preach artifile Drklfll Sifftamvvi tranucualw mate all Fm 91mm Hamlet Auctlottt saluteM AYIVM maria still Ltl WA Ina llglrclifll iscnwtt VINE limit on EullI EMAYYR arthr at totttt NE nay rartnar Law at tttt uttlnnwlllan held with Sales Yard lehomarwtnr liter madala Hummer ntya flvlmulpmentmr an you would Ilka not traiialanltla and tractor hiattmwltibgso wanna llnjart dogma loadv amt mutant Email vin caaolmas at Ihaabovn namtu amtm wno tiled on ftbolitt vlvthdavotltprlli heraoy not go lolhe trotted Act tam Iolhfl unsttttottad Joroot aluminatin on oatara Ina 5th do at I976 alter which dull ID on ID AM nuts 01 the Estall Will be alum shirt dlltrlbdted havlna radars he wulpmentwllljlelrtnlelawu oI wnlnr £10 ocloek tn unurtstonnuxwllt th at have none IlaHIM rnutt DATED at NEWMARKETr Ilnlllca hath ttilt ljh day at February luck Still ovary stlanMutrd Ilmtt on Him Wm must lat arctdohtt looking into another grantr or us MLGl provide new wnaltrooiti tocllltieih HSWkllche man nut York Regional Police mmJndra thu expansion which will Elma H9918 mlddlcot eeraad VPollce said the cat driver turnedonlo Smltlt top Wayne Rose ilfdi ng er sc oolbus causl the bus to stop nesults oi xami rautowlten arnorthbound This dr vertnett torccdttl ion who Have not recelved such notices aie requested to contact the school setvingtLeILaLeLeLtheappmpLIatefloachtttce nghswdndunNicoletlerth AreaI fiastWillimQUtYi93°79illaii we Euntcl Foramanr7SYnthla MUSIC EXAMRESULTSM NEWnames ted by the bar and storage areas cur pas ed her on the7 my oxpectedtu cuminmammshwny neighborhood of 946000 dttlregldyhavc some era utwenrag got to hnv rattan Chickefifarmer more betore we cnhvgctr gain on he project said The presult seatlng bapacity oi the hall la expected to lnereasatrom 110 to 150 Wlth the ex nainlt IOQLATE T0 CLASSIFY Ian and seals airman MI ma tn an inostasvhliritnola 35 iottt II inonth aIu Dehltla Unplug hha suppar Mr Ittllt to ata lutLb JilinAnlm art tican tI Kt fiwmj mt lTIKl haKtn llrr K0vwlckll Tin 11 Novmark solemn would attend It ih lfeatened by rthh uhchrllv liItYDON pooled to King Townahlp th1 TOWNSHIP Co ncil last week for It Nowmarket houalng It Mums from the Municipal hoard honrlttu way 91dtK Mai or Morgnrot Towns ip chlcltcn Inrttter Mill uni 5W Auillmatr Phnnl TIC 23475 ttotltlovttoransit rI ASSIFVQi with with say WIVIIVIIII wal win It marln rail iii In fatty arooram 11M mp 11 Iirilmlar pointmmlv tl actrmtastmr new be than to mow Im at Word thin film mayoralAint mags him hn umth mm °rl iii liitdtp manta tn to yours prov tnttar In mater xJdevalbpmcnt is pormltted LloWflflhlP75011CIWTIl7nn7hanarr south ofvnnthurat sitom upcoming Ontnrlo chrlttlnn ltallront Luelllw hb sings WtatflenmfiTiPJllall Ill blmconsenyatoeywlrM start windfiv Newmarket rod navaluatsuceii released Knew Kcmohant siifitlllllnu DWEILJWUII lly GRADEVYNEORY Ftrtljclnl Honours iMMpartI aumnw wanna aunts Janet Analyilt Honours Jam Limperl ensue tv meant itlttoryi Flftl In ttritytmit Honaurr Matwurut crmlth sultl councll craanshtalitsr She lit Honours saphlti Kara Shelley Lloyd Valeria Murchlaontaqualit Kl early For man Elalm Hotnnlnsan equal Denise Harrison sltaWn Sherman Pass caral Tllstom Anna Da tarovc Ltuwtonswusollna RVDI oaaoe auolMEnrs mlan JL 09W PRELIMINARV Elrsl claut amnion An la make oovallrcytrts lmtl nm outwards maltflm PvVultnlklt alulrMHiaIt cttrlitlnviaatton tlotlaurs oratitrn Argonne 89$5T55747Bm 17f Area2 AuroraKlng Vyltltchuich 171713115 lId schoo comm detonallrr 5M4 RLTg r9 orifice vs mt data ojto whlqlt 4tra 3844477 8321131 will beth crllerl ber ulrod to attend Markham8842096 8875451 PLEASENOI 1Parents or guardlnnimust be publlcschnol supporters Cdevttrtmdt rirm clatfiho7tW 2Tobeollyltiletdmfilisrotftflsjfitamber 197W havehwtrbarniarra gatormlmflm androcord ot Immu when are required Appllcatlon Iorms tor blrthcortlllcotas araavsltabla In the schools ecelve amoraTreplstrallanlfian an slrallhnsrecalvudbatorr on muat IT Verttlfatlnn oteblrtlfiiit onzor alter May 15 wlllboaequanced And Istratlo act to determln that schodTun as