imeeepelIuIionIgroupraps Ontario DEERAmps UR REGDN Yiflrfiaiufmfi wolfIJrrSofiilJiufiirIiiiI°°d° rréréémfinfiiyfi $1555 Eifrrrllrircffifi iwyaanppedlmt regardless oi the reporro The team or erdetryorirznrironmanl hlema iI there are Committee members said the Int two reports Bunsiorfineets York COW ml il iti rohleina I69 VG wereiilied with technical lIlIlII Lake elm EYES II naIIIIII auIII Iorgpn but there was GWIIIImbUry Av lh 1an gig muffin 911753 um NEWMARKET asked about the II tI in II Weld there was your or Rum news pera rerier or irtrea around ule committee dtairman and agreed to GeorIrIIIna Townahip giggeemgnmsztpfm am Impahenf wrlh aatelllteli and the ME FI HF worded count or 77 7b mm mm ML ooloriui allegations oi Hm called me enlor Iulton that urges Theexperlli Ems York Region Vanguard the mvlispper shunned Vampire hut said he an otherwise drill wur he my intuition or Id Lb IE yuIIII the ciurfiimeriirfe3 publication by overnmult salted toI Improve loo smutaround Salem gexparlis to reports already He said the narmtul Tr premoomfle fecta Wurban storm mlttee and In he more water drainage and SHARON East Council oonatdered FeytionWHhfilflke thorough in preparing Holland IvIsrsh iarming Gwmmnury own resohrtion to the Comr eetirgitheadonina rntiiee or even ta rh Manda councillors ndrIeared pm nee mama lexalwn Monday they WIIr he Lheir impatiencel then Detence Dmimaler York MP alleni far one decidedtowaitnne more Barney anunn month bemoaned the laoir oi monlh only with the however called ar puolie tranait Iinalr Lake Simooe Pollutinn Councillor Jean cmdurmalmhm tieles Ii7nIIthe newa Comma do LsChappelle who has men Wm $353 333$ guinfegflemf If regional oounciuora use andthenmnovednnlo They FE meetings or threeyearsr press mntereree on Yfik wesdfip Litelt feelings that alter was in or of wamng II bl Im em rig am the month ma be Pfilasobadl Delence mtninter Renew members Monday AtleItia chairman Garfield wright should lie Councillors Feather Ihe second chips mit 77 toruvzumma SAIIVKIIII 23g 91 meeting he declined John Roberta the Northwest slosmllionayeortor As Co ncill merited an the tool that mm Swan at Slate Tarrnories and he In an earlier Ontario sound our Feathersrorihaugl rorIr cleanup of pollution is mm med said the VansJams said any Mini8 meetno with York totally weantic merited the fifiifiasfiefspfiig armies 41187 Primy 392 mevsawfli is Radiomgolmcil Mre lie promtged 107 77 rmeearmehécrnm being silly But if wouldbe descent mieJIl ha Danaoll munched on look into the HEW PM unwiseho threaten to done In at harm by sandwidles and drank possibility oi exemp as Wilhenru en bling the party down causing hygleria coltee as regonai tillg electrical com tnuraee DI PYEWES on journalist Mr Damon laid chairman Garfield missions from pa Lhecruhoianairliner Wright corrlplalnec sales tax on lor long enough Its me created on the other they came in 11 some reenmmendatlurls ber heme They were reterrlng7 to development an Snake lk Island we IIflg0n Mr Dansnnbéwk is more Ilker and armor the laell oi malt Thatt II some gen ri ins would cause more lunding tor mast brought up by Aurora With our Re Islered Home ewa It was oeauilrul democracy raid Mri little island said Danson alter horng affllgfig damage In than transit Mrv Danae Mayor George Tiroo area7 said he agreed son Ownership Silviilgs PIan you can 572 cleaningbiil Grimm Page obtain tax benefits in saving for your too high EASTIWILEIMT auny East Gwiliim hury town council is looking over some new equipment tor cleaninfl snow lrom sidewalks Councillor Bub Featherstanhaugh noted Monday that Jantlary bill iar dearing sidewalks in Holland Landing waa extremely high at $1300 Councillor lean LaCIprpelle pointed out that In addition to the heavy snowiall this year there are twice as many sidewalks in Holland Landing as in Sharon and own home atld receive an attractive fiyield on your money with gtlaralileIcd growth Registeryoui pIzlil today SPHE lNTHIIIIH lATEX WALL PAINT at Victoria and Grey Mailman WIGREY rnusr COMEAnt sneer was CFA ILIOHAN YOUNG MANAGER ACCOUNTANT l98MAIN ST NEWMARKETDVSSIM cusromrns him me to Irlnlnmtlllon Pro dlrurnn Dalv3 It Sum Regularly Stoutth ltnmd rmoowrrr May Absm From Stole lmmorr rh Such cam very slim ert Mada Io ootrrrr rho lramirr As Rapidly Ponlhle firkirkfirizkiriizkfikfikfikfiifikfijkfiifikfiifi inec ROOM HEADQUARTERSE LfkirkfiifrirjfrfifizklfzffiwifizkilfikfikrfirkfikflkfirffiI 4x8 FOAM 55 sum Efifipfim PREFINISHED Qlloensjille Chuck Our prices Vllshult $1 19 FOAM BACK NEEDLEFUNCN fl3°2225= cures LacIvy Sat oa or our no mum In at Slessors Room on crow it prior Flnmlmfl Mlny Dtnn Punall arreoa mM 20 MAHOGANY Utility Grad 35mm Vee Gmnvad Lluln pr menus care wand Cnnlixiantlv sown rr he an so nor our me than 12x12 WHITE Its easy to get 933V to buy Iiuaucingmith MM mm hpuceuuuow our GIMICI Ha izsiulIIoralh II II m2 and Y9u have huge and payments 7seIectlan at new and are tmm 4x7 PANELWM WH 4er WWW SUI your budget LIGHT CREEKSIDE CEDAR VDVAGEUR 12 BIRCH NAVWAnns HICKDRYI trucks to choose Iiom mm 56 4WHTE Its easy to fiat reliable service we Pfluflebmm Slessois service and body shops are CEILING PANELS 0P8n 5daYS week II 4x8TEAKI OAK GENUINE W000 VBIIEBIED PANHS No Ac2o Square Rucussnd iino tight Frosted Glass ABM leerone As Availahla roe Edwina ASH LIGHT OAK ITALIAN Mam WI WALNUT mmm Vonearod Plywundl Sb any 4x8 mm omino Pnrlrcla lierd Faudllllngs All Palm aaaroeraar Mo tram MnnEl whoamona rms ltlLnI rm liar norm new warm not yf CANADIAN ntNinAl Cth ran GRAND PHIX SJ Automatic Down ataarlho power hlaknni bircth seats lrnlod plan are roar wlndnw daiogoar air an PANISIENNE noon SEDAN roadrrronod iiniad glass and auto trans oiocrric clock Um Llock alooi halt radial lir AM radio wrrh roar aooakars tuot unshaolroh radio roaiproot Dull ranral ttrosl tinlod glass condltlanlnn AMFM aloroo radio rear window doroooar War noterrhack Iront tool was $5037 MIC WanII No IIIIIII manvothornxiras was mast Now Only MI Ail54 Now only mo MIch LOSABHE cusrout noon aEnAN Automatic v5 ps PB wail ironl 7mm WIDESIDEPICKUF anal automallc at condlllonlna Vflr Omlci WW0 shimmy WHIVE 4x87 HANDYMAN HATE BH ultlhlni 7pml GOLDEN PECANI ICED ELM WHITE TEAK CgLflNIAL WALNUT also omen $1984 lhiisim rrra aorr in 7mm PERMANENT reasorIioImngoIII either mm mmd em and 2x4 BASEBOAHD Bums EifiIiInoZIirIrIrrIZoirErr mmmmn pANEL ADHESIVE s1 IsaIIIIIIIIIIIM mammal no in NnurIAreAnnmrmhlo nunn SUSPENDED mm 28 vrrzs MAHOGANY Wm IaowArIMonilJKLong A1935 fibroimTwmrm pr armed deluxe mama WWII MIOI nowar arahod AM radio Fraaistdo PAINTED wukm ma was orchuo norhaory dulrroaraoringr room PANEl imwAnMnnn 54 long 2737 Fun BASEBOABDS la tin MN on and lamp gooda nust 12 rta NW 0W nrooiod Was $535 wt Mom I115 mm 52 1an 2785 66orsaMlgt1 MAIDaltucnwiomulowirua cval gr Nowmfla Now only 5377 IIIIoIgrIInIIIIIIII 210 mowlumen 70 land 175 73 MAIIUQAMQDMVCIVII Ilrerliiloduaed can purchased heIaIe Feb 2m win he Ilcensed ior 1913 655 Momma armor39hr 20 1025 t€lff mulch Ii baupzl grammar cArAtms noon I25 7W2 I1o65 BFT SPHME rrfirrrf weir mwArIMa ri ng 5groslhllhglrh herald mrm 197 24 19 ETHAEEIIIEI INSIDE connrnsi torn owner Real Slurp rImIlIigwgiIlziirolaI IoIlryIIdO12dBIIOEV my mmmwna comm 276 t11I55 MAIouAchovrli rrou Mon av tor £5599 rezooo mi from his WSW 233wlmsI PISII veI 910g 511 1x2 31 mm go an InIRnyPnfllny $4599 WITHIN 33 Mmmwir erNOVA ooonc AM an lo $3995 x3 x6 1645 1x3 oursme comm 34 roar IJK cantiasll In SEDAN Inn cAnILLAc noon SEDAN WWWNW WW llurn ninglsdna month VH nuio PS pa radial wrwalla All unwor windowr unwav mt law 17 BB x4 WNW Il Wanamy can vlItzlmlfl whunl IIIBCI 12 month low mlloaae Ilnia VI cIiulIIIIlflld wmmnnlwvwvill art let 99 name rrriio warranlye Moe iarzua amwn N11744 MWmm MUM ML 771 111429 72X2 othrnmmuwnmuqlt CORK TILES om wrrknavsam leEtt AItIOEPMdmlIIIS ml mm Mk ior OranInt Mmuiro IIZIITVTIIE FACTS mils WI ltrri AnillAc I5 mm mm Allour Im or not Inning II oruvrmi Is AVAIiAtl AI hallsnmlntr narcsr null We re Sold on Service in lithium in owlowdownwomanhood MALI saltAMAtM arm hatd adswnrrrr win him lBLE III III It all Adi Marttar or Ill Vnnmm lrrr Minimum In mirinSIIotM ANGEX nuWI law SflIIIIlIIIII III mm ymor lilmvt surrrwmrr liliemorrtrhnooitrarodw summationmimiml mirnlallmlnmilmmfidlm WNW VWnm IraalIIM will rm nl ti him mm mi mtumulm hoot mm lit onion ilrlltlintititimiootn In wt urrtn olrrwrloo