Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), February 1, 1978, p. 19

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lhej v77 acehange AlIRORA dlswsms school 5112 Stedmann Deplrlmenl Slore on Main St has in MM Vnrk raiewed lease or another two years alter Counly 80W negotiating wlllrlBfibuW owner Edllcalilm will be sclligsi 2min are iveyerr use two appraisals lnslead of store said they didnt want another spokesman Fecal live year iiiilni so ended up with twoyea r1 culous ditiercaices 1mg in some previous ap praisals All employees will be invited to continue their NEWWV Truslr prsfilassoclatmilfillh the eon Thentreoflflatn bl cars it Grail Crllznr lold the aswellasoiherodeontheatresuiroughout Canndli Sgti board la mlheflsule said manager Randy Billet has had tricnds who 31s happentog members at Udeon Holdings hasjliat been sold ior 5312 milllon the te thc kppyflsallnslllule at to Michdel Zahorchak president or Canadjnn 777 Counting and that Theatres GroupolSt Catharink makingthé lirm the sometimes his ate largest wholly Canadian owned theatre circuit in wtord appraisals dittcr con Canada Thelmmpany now approximately int li mwhmwfimu wmmm received by the board 77 on onLanpralsal were high and the other wero7low said Mr Would sllllhavelhe final right to Reliable Taxi whidi has operated in Newmarket whichever one it saw lit to or is years has been purchased by and Taxi use it is our intention not to have any costs accrue and operating at various timesas part at board indisposing Audys and Camwmnfiiungs Hum oiany sidiool site and any vehicles to the new liriii jsls lncurredwould be included in the selling price Eiteiilfi 1mm thereEve heartsome interesting changes on the Newmarket taxi scene 77 Operat as Reliable Taxi and and Courier Service the new tirm will use to cabs and one courier vehtcle Responding to Mr Cram5 cast my or Formerlteliableowner Len ONeill is retiring $500 tor an appraisal lrumth ibusiriess alteratt years while Marg Bray Keswick trustee Keith one MIMI Reliable owners is relurnlllg to the Hargiave said it the business as patcherrr 77 board was paying that rel an much tor an appriaisal amin were being taken tor Speclnl Place the boutique on Main St owned by IhEccles will be closing dogrs soon Mr Eccles secondary Margy wastrans erce enerao ix aria ymfimflmm backandlorthlsgeitiogiohec Vlce fialrman arr COLD ONE DAY WETANOTHER °°f Bull COAL be dllierenl prnhlem last Wednesday She dea can wo Etelynrlhompson wasnt smlllng when ferenl people could have he louod the temperature Monday mm 311 rem mol and llall because the two dillerent ideas about ANTHRACITE FOR STOVE t7 FURNACE lll wammamucemwhymmnwmw cthllS FIRF Pl on LOGS COAL male ourthotiseliaddloiied to llttlealiove iero Dfllslie r058 Winlisholhml Alllllllary The wards mghes CA CARRY OR DE LIVER 40 degrees Fahrenhelll The fur lights had to be useddifilse light fixtures be 1d $23 of1f nunlltltilt COALBLDG SUPPLIES caesrann were wet new courthouse is under one idea of me NEW BSTMIIJN ST UNIONVILLE ir in therold bulldln had uiqurkln fifeume 0V9 Wight Ag righg construction and should he ready for and best use while anTitiier might not have CLOSED Hou lrndl Gardnler on Mike worker at the WPBHGYJH Novt Hm aint courthouse on Market Square laced 77 uchnghflluptmdnJL what constitutes the best El Mfiflfiib en is 77 tNGhon in sates ivesioct Mil ouner inns make Comeback POLICE Bdord revealsr lczrwv 7boardtvasan amendment soup or won alow the ap Elilillffoifianmmt WANTED top salaries nrfeiviireiorsmme to policy No 52 which trench lricd or mashed known in the ent eboard DGAMACIIE All lhEIE 13C nii or 77 777 instead ot the revious mama meevemng AURORA The junclinnwilhlhemlnglve procedure or only mm T0 TENIIAM The new li MI once an For iv no institution 77 the lonv 01 int mmunii we visited badl over litillzisicJ cars anyd cooked nriissel pmuls salary ranges lor all top His rubllc some tea of allowing the trustees on administrative stall and how much money the top he reserve bid rrant at centre or aliiiost errands it went intoa most unlttth century red On our vtsjlyie iound the sampled the NawniitnKEr fins we rhcrcwasabrici tile and brick entrance keepers Plait and 45m Regional Pome isupervisury nohéearceltigg rankllesrll are ac mitteeadtu lltnowlhe an my it or rat during and inside relinished unremarkable but the ountfitwell worlll the haveissuedadescripuon sl=lllv are to mm priais va ue Jam Alltlnlng in thc wnrl early Canadian antiques soup anion wan small 57725 price The broiled of we persons being gimp thee Yor ounty Ur Mm Wmsom ihlns am it only been in blend in with the rough 55 hi hi Ua that real pint board panelling and 15 dlllg has been un window iramcs sldihed MW at glass and iancy wall liiltc inns which papers shed tor years as The inn has upstairs tho menuwllered Dover lrled breaded scallops ehpiiscs or and downstairs cocktail sole wllhshrimp saocc selection or pies crock of delicious lobhellailwaswmeh mall trustee lronir East Salarheal vegetable soup matherc were both deep 59C°e°° decided Monday night 7Gwimmburylwammme it was meant vegetabifis in my best tried and breaded pan mm year amount oi tart paid by seminarloplc each member oi stall to RICHMOND LL throng ricd shrimps large Trustees felt that in toflbef The Yorlt chapter oi the died last Dec as d7 MW 533 The scaloodside ol sum of sale and flew 15C 5mg also be publdished ct rc William Mitchell gggaeggghggayng because he Wk and it in DISCOVER THE NEAR NORTH lorunlo youth who result ol Stab wounds mad ol constantly being protessi alEn ineersot flat hear halls are launttesflnd cozy llllle $795 broiled Rainbow baked by the inns chei ggggesggigmfmg Wlll lhlgnlmsmws told what happens in his Ming hold coats lwrwwwurtntulnw Wadi Painled dining mom serving truut 18555 an lnn WereulleredlordCSSEHl Vahgmn Township mm 595 own prolesslon when seminar on energy Mm wows innovated lnln steaks and seafood tee ers platter or tried thcchocolate with by man and woman doctors are making savingawmcnes to minimumon eHMmprmlramJwnlppedcmmmLpoircéoehevrthe two Wmdbrdge 39 smut yearvleorle housing and heatin at mmimvrmwmv at it mkWaom arc gayviesip secon ary llnt such is llte ornate slandrup walnut lobster tails 13935 custard goodandthe tii It was it semen ond Hill on 5135larwml mfg Fur oflecmmrpuhlsh mulinlelyrgoex back In at 10 am Tl gum filled the government The locus wlll be War that it the ligures were to what solar energy means It rippcurs to have and herring onions and $550 an ii 01 sirloin Inn is pleasant 20 fifgfiwg 3in be made public thendlhd gcrllher lhseuCaelgleigflnsn Dmecommmyamwm hunt in the lateisth sour cream isuai und t$795l roast beet and utc drive irom em at age five but annual operating bu get or Enltsnél eebv me include wimp iiiy iiasawayehouse two soups French onion Yorkshire Pudding downtown Newman in Inches my ix Mimi of the board alsoshould nerc ac upon 74th 501 houses in me Its an ac tempoW Leas ll he published in cnnt board ana ltal l75 cenls tare offered 6559 surl and turt good meal in pleasant dams definedred separately but they also $1295 and weiner surroundings at at 9015 51 Mld ls slow it sports are included with7ineals Schnitzel $550 tordable prices flaw campaign sggfifiilliiwlilide is pleasedlo annguniceLhai TAWA REPORT lo and library eiieciivn1iFe ninyti im the centre AURORA ivAJOVl Feb l719 and 24725 iBy Sinclair Stetfeta MP Weigflev$°dll3 Wide phoneathon in Anyone lnlerefiledln enmiai innyleredbar777rheeotherfiideolthccrmrwnned ilitice on tht Two appetizers menu llsls broiled in summary we at main street shrimp cocktail $325 barlmcuenrmaslchlcken worthavtsitTultenham February is planned by helping should call 7277 3X3Lii€l$ the Aurora Public am alter pm will be held 75 with white vinyl top bra Fdi5g We are willing each Monday Nigl 715 to 915 EMF 73 WWW nnlmwmflw 777777acceplpledgesior portal 1R IfScho ldatlerlfl passed an historic milostono iiis 77int country mpared to less an soon in bench seat IMHO month Your dolllin is now worth 50 cents In WEB 35090 reward has The Cummfilme 51 ML or 09975 00 on lfiquiire fuel but gpnwclcompnredloAprlllEIBBtlle mtiniii ltisnotonlyspendinethathasmcroascdin been nliered by the mmlephm mm 532pm mhudml Wei 0mm sommuammuvm Mndee ragmal pence co home asking people to says Annabelle mack Newmttrke new since then there has been lODper cent in Wk °V°rv he had WW 11 0W is mlsslon for inlormallnn mm Chmrmm Openings are available for new members of all ages inncuy aha in Canada WM real grow or um 55 There are also 26 parliamentary secretaries to leading to the arrest and Clgarlyddenlillablev Fdr Fuflher Murmalun per L14an llte mirtislerslor total complement of Go conviction ol the rnur Volunteers are being volunteers will plenuP riff WM ltisatarcryiromihcda lP 77 in nine lnlSler tlemri work on the led esalter mm are 77Call7 77 777 Mollflmllslssuch as MlllonF deanlcllub Bmenwhmawags SM Kennelde mg L28 weekends or glad 895 5003 Mn nil inogiav mmmenls male or Drlnl mml 15W down thcstrcct talking to him ell Dunll xa mnemonic rent growth trans up in iniliition lump him he is holding mm meeting Fairy Lake affirm Yea Pm President Carters cabinet is in number lnce April limit Ottawa has increased our The Br sh chby with ball our size at cubinel skaters it miL Nina the ountrys rcal cuonomicgnrruw orsa last wcett Since the cabinet is mushrooming per cent plus lfllfper cent innatlo out ufcontrol and is already unwie ywhy riot Whether governmcnl likes to admit it nrnot VlilfiukLLfirhIP Llfls his wank lhey are the ones who manuliicturc lnnotion by ml my mm mm lnnmJthePslm lllnlst line no mums wealth continued He would no longer have to worry about gee runhlc re rcsenidtloil he wouldnt ts lhn Economic Council of Canada has and as result Em have to hear the responsibility tor bu p7 pointed out Theledcrul government Is not winimnnts ml he CNN have Sm gclgmlllnlgj $133 have music NEWMARKET Music ls now belng provided for skaters nL Fairy Lake on weekends lutlonnry process res nslblc everythin that moves iii the Fifi pu lilo iijrheiirdtmysupply Tmufilryr rag momma me lime nthtu Illntns the 111ch expansion oLpurchilseutlle And most importan it wauldJemnVC the Christ stemschi WV andservi as to any legglhiol elm 51ng mm ihoselovcccmatiitng hnckbcnchers Toni léraml muddle vwhnsomehow never mate it into cabinet No the 4th kg be 7Thc 7lho yfiflflflgl odds rg iongcnywotildjhcy hear those dreaded wolds maintained nn77mp pkg lll=riiinzitlnnlils clear that the icdernl ver how comvyullinever got lnto cubineti when to suit hie mfllhdmenltheppine ulhcnelaotontromlhe 777Mnctcod weni on the prtmcmlnlater usm iiiliitlon otrccencyca wullltljtlnt lnkr lhls tldvlce he could have in Union Hrsiriilngjuigdofid Ihnligmidlnmdll in turn mpinhcr cubhint do awiiywlm those tlmc 79777 mm an as or us ncsaor orogncon lllonslur coiniu caucus mcctl boost irtorule hltll PllccsismlllflertKllllilhnllhoyclnlm tmmutrsunrgnhlynnd toniofid the opposition QUChremM eli at new wage iindprlcc controls to combat In 7wltlchwollldnthnveenoughcrltlcs to goaround MAFUE17IIILL OE DAR aux llicnwlichuvcl fliegmcnt nlfitoclcty film Knew gflllruzfil Vtglivrtécllflw ml 7rd ltggifsmq firlsiyflécfikfigflfififififizflefiflflfl wmpmmd mmwu we mum merely mm The Bountol Dlrectoia mnkethetdllowlng nppolnlmcntr Mr It Cumlskey VICE Pres dEm mm mm Norm Hum latlons ulned the comptny ljus had lnn generated in Ottawa wlll he seven to SRRORFCRRRRRCRCERHIRS Communlly Centre Mrr Lclor EXCCUlve Vice Presldeiil and chic Employee enll can tittllt per cent 1MB year such it goyurnineill In nuphrn goggan he Operutlng Olllccr7 ulncd the companylln lat11ml suave clgfcafiggfifrlgggfigegiguggsggnfilfifum 35le routsrlw Nice wlllronlllllnvlhe nyernitc woikcrtloslhg one mow Mmlptur at State to my Clarice Sliurpé iiii lllmllnrlzkecuiivrwslllanartmustrecentyns ce ms on mi ottrit Senior vice president and Chiet Phoflelli lion til buying power in comlng mention all to clounlngaiildtodny 70rhowuhnu1Munomer my Johnna mm Store Mnnafitlmenlundpperdtlum am IS OM LL mermwoxwln Mei comwmer Sm MS Mun accommodate bloated Iodcrnl bureaucracy Minister Many Ml Itmdm could hm mum find thirdlptm Mil Clurku Scnlor dires on or tin md Vice mamMd mmm Mailfilm igfialr on Federal ope dlng alncuthc hcglnnlng ulell hull honors respectively whno mum ultd Operutlon niost recently served its Vlcc Fresh nppolndrimflnmed web filmy 1965 slwrciiicdt timer noproigitttlrbllllon rMuclmd IhclMmléhtdo it rAmyKlrbyMklllwsmr Personnul and Employee Rclnllons Mr Clarke toinod llm Mulllluwoolnrcvef idéltlld and won the grocery pllpc

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