Wm JurorRee No03 VJ plannedforfiSClIurdgyT NNOQ ijulweo le hlAnKETs7 town onJuly 29 and said The eye will be lmpacl the In its parks a7nd7 recreation staged at Foilgrounds lernational drum and deparllnenlwlllollnraid Pork agolnlhls year bugle corps campclilions sponsored7here 7by ehg 77 Bugle Corps will be held7 OHHUag noDomino LED 77 M7 Easl somme is aims heldlmpact PR 557mle NEW so Mhis $725 77 um cm sirssorfoa rt Fairgrounds 77 LW7 We 377 am 7Park Iullovgjg arade soomom 4M aulufplhueumvm Fromm dawn Main SI Eilléen J10LLAEDAT70I387EI IEfiszsv 173130 oeao WPS Parliuwed FROM PM lAM BHADFOR Sundav Imam more lullmus 77 7=77=7 pussiny TWICE as many ml dl mrdrgg I07 77 Paul Ransom tarps NEXT I77 dlrcctor normal some PAULSMIIIIIEIIL nnssioner Don Shannon DyscanTWEEN SETS told a7 Ioml council ROADS Lmn77 commlltee last week the TOTHE coMpAss Smith lo Saturday IS 7r Wm WM oorng lMpAyls7DRNEWMARKET REFLEY FHPPED BYflORM7 7i hunt the large crowds lIle is Expetledlnal BrmmflngmwaflngrMnsltEemnTwuéflngmgflmflwfli 2mm Donhzm mt examines 1571001 trailer only snfill items at the moral the aecnfirll 777 77 77 which was nipped over by hnrricaneloroe is owned by Ken and June Ponllngvparellts at parks and recreation 00 winds last Thursday nighLThe trailer was Bryan who are on vacation in Florlda Bryan tomlmtleethalrmen Ray Wfilng lllownllfl jackstallds Iill foreground above sald crane will be nefded to turn the trailer TWIAHEY TAMI on SEIS over treeond landed in the cenLre ol upright tomern oier no lo problems bands lorming up and marohlro through the husmess dlslllLI W77 mwnum Humane Sam YI CITY mg no we armed can inlsslollet Shaman tu drlvzWayl The vehlele is otten useti7£ur February ID sinonion PIceTumnlu ILar the arrangemenls ByRODSMlTH The strrngslook over the opened wtlll lllce slrlng lioli snllltl ae 303 The alley mb9m9 and lens and barman The member ol lhe Elfin kg 50 3555335 WHERE 022533 York Symphony Or mainlalnrdg kind theme wasrepeeleoeno mmarka Hume 01 some rooowamom whim Pest under 1h new lagmtpa nt chew nanoanolprralea no WWWWWm matanal ay night at Slibeaulilul duet by horn Franh no own nail nrchfilm anllteo nruifimously 77 mm Andrew College here and oboe penelrates Ihe Henry mummem theurnm arealmam endorsed motion to gave concert oi im7 lull urclleslra givulg hasmemwdonm gm ltars nelcomelntpacl 73 to the portance and oerhapsthe pleasing perlormance r7 mosl amollloos un The soloist Miss 5131 Gm FLBMXNG Pr dertaklng by the or7 Eileen Bordessa The Scherzo alld7 RESTAURANT MHMVISDR NEWMARKH Telephone 3957399 OPEN DAYS WEEK BREAKFASWPECYAL BfifiEGGS $150 DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIAL $295 meslra 16 date vrolrnist7 played 7mg finale Was played nith The conductor was in Slbzarl Concerto No drive and iorcc control at all tirnes wtth major work that tested alerg ano7 enthusiasm her virtuosity and The 319 brings Wfihe phymIuflechmqueloute Iulleshiiflflhfl lo close will reveal beauty lnlhe sheplayedwuh masterlul lwel furhsstmos ¥Vi0mslfi 77 unfidrnce and brilliant brass chmr osmium The Overture to loneAlter mvopeningby 5mm was 01 Prometheus by Ludwig the orchestra lIle vlohn reslpflhe OICIIESW Beethovan opened the entry was steady and musmans Wed their maximum ahllltles broad and tree lowing passag were sheer rm umutuous with7lull orchestra lune delight 7the audience soundloendlhecvemng lVIltlLAJcl THENEW is©®©®©im FonAUNiooe 7t 77 731mg DIN mqupenimce WE OFFER7 allorl There were also three or Join lra large Jaycees organize our sole oaoenzes Cun7 DDHFERENBE Rm US at room se almng double stops ol nalo in Newmarket rhuch dlIIIcully These BANQUETFNBIIIIIES VEWMAWET were played with ease The Jayoees are retir ning to NeWmarket 7A The ew Vorld organization tor young Symphonybt ebusinessmen Jayoees Full Symphonic score and will hold all introductory 12 IamOUS UTE 75 we meeliyg Mam 15 known lo the puphc To psm lo the Community Play ll well requires me Centre Mayor Bob full support of the so or Folnan will be guest more musmans in in all HAPPY NIllLDW FINEELIIIIE ELIIIIIIIIE LICENSED UNDER LLB0 ENJOY DINING DANCING SPECIALTIES OF THE HOUSE STEAKSLSEAFOQD Place Conyenlenlly located on Yonge7$l Nickys Place IS open lor7 lunch Tuesdays lo Fridays Tram l2 noon unIlI In Or ioln us in the evenlng Tordinner and danclng Our lealured artist appears nighlly and dinner served lrom pm lo Tuesdays lhroogh Sundays Fer rosaryallons call in at 7272400 and pIause no loans mllol roulh ol Simon an Hwy IflIdwlnOn1urlo TIIP ENTERTAINMENT ALL THETIME DAYS ONLY FRIDAY SATURDAY FEIIIIIJAIIY IIIII speaTlter lerpretfthe Wide range 345 77 1W7F712P7m7ynm kfi be giganlzmloll WI 77vglume IDmafllfinlgsllllqs77 Lherl hold series to double lortes taking mm 55F New W71 meetings al lhe centre aovan age quLalbrass SA r5o5P7I°Pm Newmark leading up to charter dnuhle basses an7o lo nlght set or April 29 at tympani 7S7Ullll7ll7llfih ill PM splacesg 136 Yonge Sr hi Aurora 7272400 the Optimist Hall The llrstsmooemenl For lurther In WII7HQE 7W 20613 CLOSED MONDA YS mm MILLS EDAD SHARON oNYr PHONE 4754 IIIE YIIUIIEESI IASIESI IIECIIRDIIIGAIIIISI WATCH FOR 7IHEVINCRED7IBLE Make this must habit and visit COMPLETE Spot 48 where we serve both quality and quantilv ADVERTISE WEEKLY FORBEST RESULTS lel small avides The Fever ls Spreadlng any parole 5p lhrooms large rs ideal proo king samt ES E957805E BLACK HAWK MOTOR INN vongo SI Elgln Mllls Richmond Hill sill ml mo 94pth emu naehlor mlh mow lelunl WIT oussnollr John Troyolla rcrznllv hao mo selli WNHLE FAMILY The most Iamous childlens book OI DDECIN THEATRE smolt mat ronlarnm NEXT WEEK the Lyrics somelnlng nsros anaellcani oe oenleo ano Im NEWMARKET the last7degade7 mm mm V°wi4°°7 777 TrAMEJhlls TUNEemF plclule 77 MY ANSWER ls rge lanoséa 777 million Br OEFlLTTIfi ADDRESS arler home PH9NE McDoni simply lotoown yanranrwenenooollne an amp in or marr II In Every Mondav In NewmarkelCommunin WODEON THW RE MMNVSTHW ACenIre NEWMARKEI LJY 1x5 InOormallon All enlranls mIJSI be In yvs or we EnIriEs mus received no3 we 3955193 15 armies irryeen wlll rseelyeaoooue ooesr pass lo gaming 19 0V Salflday Nighl FeVErIFebI LWI Calm Birduflo pom Regular games 300 777 53 RS any lmIIYAlNMINL as DAVIS Manmnammmnlutumllnmrloroelss7 MARKE 7min mmirmmilwmltlgv7 IkfirfiqnJ 17777 lilllllullllvlllztln umnmm lilllIlISMNPALIIMMIIID untitllxututlt7 77 777 77 qurngwe 777Eebjmmg2mmgs 71ka l7s SPREADING and you oonootglrt EmbryolthswwluwllltltllhomlimitMillwni uiflwleglmrfi if 777 ES sisnnglNGERNltSSONaa PIPPI mommy Mullmmmulllvommwwwml7777 Teen GE 7777 SAT SUN MATNEE7 fcellllllilislloffil 706Alin9ros 351 NEWMARKHLEGIOPW goodlle 77 SEESEPARATE ADI THIS PAGE FEB Toni 800 5500t0UPIE adullslllllvl arlNdNIfeaulI FOR SPECI IDS 2PMDO0RSQPEN AT145 PM 77 77 77 onerous amyw fémm ALL SEAN3571070 77 gonlountP5WllLllmlsllnollwarm L015 TJ+g 77 orrmssronrusrllmlll PERFORMANCES antennas 77 o££151l71unnAllllclll7mtn igrylrjwavoltar Higgins 35mm rIVaVuu