Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), February 1, 1978, p. 11

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BSeEiiofif ISfibjiisIV Cldaisifiéds FiYER GOACH BlLL FeRHANHAs N0 MO arEnt even in the barrel Hfibs itl fihard to mEke the thFFFy were on madam arket Flyers sank back Flyercoach BillForha ust playoffs FlyersDan McAleer didnt Hill any co un rs an the WotWWW or standing digitising Flyersfcould lose to the Rams match it looked like Flyers and continued to keep Flyers in of their league games last itsbeg nning to look like were wouidgrab an easy win Captain the match with power play not going any place think that Steve Novis pumped in the first goal tying the game at 33 with7 Last Friday night they Were Weve just run out of excuses marker for Newmarket 35 seven minutes left in the second ated in Guelph til by the The week before the Flyers seconds into play Scott Rom period lyers ClaudeJulien and yPlaters The loss was edged up in the standings and and Terry Porter Dave Carruthers drew the giandable andieven ap showed potential for the assisted assists able considering the Platers playoffs but after losing two After Vthat Flyers played With only 26 seconds left in only last seven games 50 games they holdflghth position catchup hockeyi this season with 30 points rjust one puinL Rams net two going imme first Gallagher netted the fourth whatwasnénacceptablewaf ahead Markham period The go is caught Richmond Hill marker to 376 decision they lost to Rich Flyers manager Stan Newmarkets goallngnfltermtheheadoaeeagain HiuRamsinoNemnarket Immng Skinner by smpTlsemtthhey At 948 of the third Flyec7 Sunaynl mSEi plight the Flyers face in7these were both deflected and Bob Craig got long pass to bottom of the barrel just small time losses If we dont changed directions drastically centre ice for break away and ow notches above the start picking up our socks in the second period Dan he drilled it past Rains goalie ilton Mountaineers who against these bottomplace MBAieer gave Fiyers 22 tie Steve Latinier Steve Novls and 77 77 Mcnliepickedhp rebound off John Beukeboom assisted on the Rams goalie Steve Latimer goal thatfied the score at from slapshot from Claude The nning marker for isi WWW puck home by John Olds his second or the Two tes atel at 611mm while he was left ps in stand rigs on unattended in the front of the Flyers goalie Warren Witmam Age Ianfilohnson angISteVLPalrm INewrnarket netI and blastedtIhe Skinner was so unneryed by the pa in their om mm each with Floyd he did end no schedule the Ratchford counting the seventh Rain Into the corner and arket Major Midgets single for Newmarket Engagéd follows way out in front in the Joe Twinney Mark Fafrey Sklnn recelVEdaronghlng dings after winning all three and Ian Johnson assisted on PehaIIliY 77 eir games last week goals with Loui Kutnjek The guy was on me all The Newmarket squad is Brad Sullivan helping out once Wmd dftETtIhElast Um lnl went bit crazv said The Newmarket Flyers apply pressure in this 964 win Flyers lost to league leading Gueth Uhrfirsl Place with J9 ltlmrmtrttoms Sunda ast Friday wore it gthelr chancesfora to off rthéelossmdeeetleSv In then secondfilatchswllh EWMARKET Lincoln Skmer nightblitiiwasntenoughasIlhevlsitorsskatedto berth They defeated Richmond Richmond Hill last weekend Clarid FIVE manager 513 twice 72 and ldrstrlast NewmarketMaflt77Failey WEEnfigfigéfififipgfigfi HPtChhlss noticed the con lant II trend and also downed scored hat trick Steve Victoria Grey Trust in the pressure pm on Skmner Il mhlli+2Patrickand oerwrnney not Newngmke Mm anfifind ln lheirflW ma ltfir fifirrc wolgooseocnandisrad Associanon navice house somerof iherpiavers started to knThornhill Joe Ninn Downin Ian Johnson Marty intimidateISkinnec bit too NEWMARKET our Larry Denharn counted the and Lalie Hess counted the wwaflwch Home Comfort handedS other singles for eMalty Murray added two counted the singles Monarchs 91 he Flyérs OUiShOi RiCh Mufflel 111 whopping with Karl Berger Mike Rew Steve Hendersonfiltfiied tn kers and Steve Patrick and Floyd Ratchford assisted mond 511134421 me encomier Tim Davies firing in an un George Abaza and Chris Paine both markers lor Brodklyn Jgtmso leg three times with teammates mgapgfllgfiegfgsig$fgedflg in the Guelph match two believable eight markers connected once each for ItIalia PizzaItied Lacal In Todd Adams Steve Patric WamkandJanJohneonAlherlmetflHdrsman and nights before 13700 Crng Gulf last week in Newmarket Sedores Sunoco when they dustnes at anoihercnh Jim Barber helped out on helping outon two goals Todd Robert new mumed or he counted the Single for minor hockey bantam house demolished Dixon Pencil tes goals for Newmarket with Adams Brad Downing Mark MOHarchsI Newmarkel Wllh 519i NOVIS league encounter aflDtherIEmiESt WW ray Ian Johnson and Brad Fairey and Brad Sullivan drew Arm goal Em by Bobby Sud T0111 Tldmah aSSISimg Robert Sergeant Darryl Dawd Frrery POPPEd ivan fisisting once each one assist each Skinner led Green Valley Land Th9FlYel5 the second NESbiti and Glen GDdOVitZ $9819 Di Goalie George Liakopoulos At the end of their league seeping to 40 skunk we place Dune BeehiveS tomorrow notched the other pointers for The Panhandier clePedthe pod shots 0n the nel or gcheduley Steve pain is MacDonalds Auto Service in night at the Community Centre Gull in theislaugmer Plaza Merdtants in another In the final bantam game on Newmarkets high point man other mam CDMESL played last weekend VT hsk iihitisiii drawn Minorbaltioop seeks i2 times withheld p0 Ferguson registered the teammates Ken Glandfield and notchijan diet shutout enior women will no luvenlle players fiziiofsfiiisimdt antigen no Dennis ORourkeled the AA Manning clicked once cad for Erna atolamukicounted for italic and Dave Rawacn knocked in the tieing marker for Lacal downed Donor Datsun 372 with Chris Bertram clicking twice for Thnge bum in 195 1950 attack with two goals helping Sokol WNches and teammm NEWMARKET Juvenilb who are interested are skéd tofthirfilorlafi main 0mm lShteptIiIcn MacCormack counting age basem players are bemg contact Ross Bayley in 52135 weekend Traufman Own VA ird ointerV sou ht far the W78 baseball Gag Hung gig sh 77 MKEI senior would not inrterfere moi the mar muffin 65449an Glenn Thomson MID minim inerltryjntothe ens softball team whose Newmark Matthieum mlfigmywompefim Metro NEWMARKET fr oner slngle Toronto Baseball League man Electric Mined Hos gamut mber gue schedule market butwhohad toplay The senior team wants one Leonard scores Alex Gram of the ACailn last eekend ina mmdWighkpeFweeksandrtheoom will be found time in mlttee unanimously backed flve for Royals Ixssmiauonsaysme opportuzity 777 hotice COMESL to compete in the Metro loop isa Steve new 91592 llnlIIliirk this summer motion by chairman 77 IE team plays in the Iwinney to work them on NEWMARKET sea hance NEWMARKET York Thornburn tallied the other our goals for Irautman with yin Womans 50mm me scout H311 diamond Leonard slammed in e7 big 1razviar3 8c sanitation dum d7 the singleinor Doug INigh teammates Leo Spagnuolo and oclatlon Senior league Ms Lee Aldred was Immrsjonthwpmlslloyals penIWHemeHemtBarfiiandlerJAJasteekendJo7Ehl MulhlilevnfltChedhlD Nathan Ghamberraddingflwoig were Aeifllihfidihyi FlamedWWW the in their 53 victory over is enough players from the in PeeWée dmsjo the ma Spurs Cycle wmi winters Ch market Parks and parks and recreation committee th IIII part5 last gamma the Immediate Newmarket Newmarket House lea up Ifllgah hes POPPlhE Matthew Kulba notched realm Comcmlssxoner Dan nndsald itsiust super llwas Newmarket minor hogkey atom Grant says the bulkolrteliie Paul Berger not ed two last pointer both goals or Host nnon last week as offering terrible playingout of Queens house league team th Lions Cl downed II as goes or or th eamma es Ihe The Newmarket Telephone lmil re ball Elayers in vllle Ill make big dl Christcmdman Mikaudd players fiom ihenmewggrkzt Tony Del Rio Gary Sutton and CasstdyIFlowers Valh Fitter Answering Service polished off eague are over 18 he ference and Andrew Butlns tallied area before the association will JMODel Rioiadding Singles gunfidnvmg meet goals or Hem6s mm mflwrin Scott Bond Peter lons another7match Mr Shannon presented New Era TOOIerS mg as for $13k £335ng Aggifilgrgg Cheeseman Mike Hall and Paul Fleischaker counted ToddBlair Gareth Selle nest to the arks and Harco Glass tied the 0p ked the Lions realign nummflreé from skunk Sharon 30 Vlimist Atoms at in another we know well need Gram Drury once ead wa moremar ers and Lafly Rlbmsun tallied for the Panhandler withSheldon Booth connectiné singles for lAS Spokesman Ms Lee NEWMARKET The mine With 5113 Judges 01 Players 3m areas likenmad three goal effort by Rod on the last Scott Plke and Jeff Bond ElggérlréleonaNewmarket Newmarkemew Em Toolleie chins hat me for Harm ford Toltenham and York Phillips for DougNigh Esso led Mark Linton fired in two counted once each leading ovtceAscipped UnionvilleL Paul Bunk Jeff Smith areas Cominented Grantbut them to 53 decision over goals for Cassidy with Brurio Colonial Chev Olds to 21 Thecommissioner reported and skunked Sharon in David MacDonald and Brian ulurther with this if Sports Cycle in another Vig otta and John Velema decision over the Newmarket cywouldbeagood attraction we OVMIHJX contests 185 Miller tallied once each or the suit nt terest is shown by contest sinking the other goals Garden Centre he townx and at themoment Optimists kids the Newmflrket area John Ta lor and Car Aurora Chr sler cli ed Ste hen bei htell clicked week PP Millions7l7eisure 741 with Gard endear thecfianden QentLe WhUlesalerffiefl gcrcailurhscoringahattrickfor lonerl 77 77c 7h yser gt an t7 or eron morn no MWB iI NEWMARKmWith only in $325923 3an WIn two matches If SHARON The two league games leitto play in 51311ng 99 ntjng once each Newmarketr East thlllmbury ihEll SChedfile The Burgess aired arkel Magna lnr lo Wholesale Minor Atom As are ark MclAlPm Wee PM gefitéissiiledslédglseghckgi Sigugg tied in first lace in the goals for mens mm mm mauonal Mom BS 1de rkFPceFOpenwMalchhfinimL ng Sharon last week winning three league matches Sylvia Lycklama openedthe last7week and one exhibition oring7for7NewmarkeLin th eIriod with Leslie Winn ameslaslweek rst match th 7Simons Aluminum squeezed KeithDavisSports out2 last weekend with Mark7 Profit Spagnuow mammlesum leading the Simons attack with spagfiuélo and Glen Knappe twopointers The7three league victories gave the Wholesalers wins Leslle winn helped out on we fines and me he fills another rker Iiy teammate Paimr Donna Clalk giving the icL this season Newmarket scored ho markers in the third period wiul Flyers Mdgers Skun Paul Buchanan Gareth Evans quadaim wdxaflan the 7me hellsfinial 111 efi Barr liomD on second periodtinda Elliott also Hum andrPaul Nabuhrs have Thwnhmto gtrungygelefi Vé picked up an assist on the play regiaItered ll hutouls¢llcludlnnfi NEWIIIIVIARIIIEIET MarianneVerity counted two we injma 93 Newm risectftdmatchlony7 me Ihird marker for Richmond Hit and Aur ra skunkedThornhill unnhr Spagm OITom Hursland Gm Newmrk Hitler in the second The W35 meme °MH e$°eT7FL Walker licked onceenIch for wl h7riren a7suc wood7unLrfiave efltfidiflufil timerke W95 Juagna Kathy Adamac drawing nsslstsJm Dmnfimelmfiimkmd 7MW7 giggle geishaSteve 7mfiy7wnsm7Ross sempitand7 51W yan ed todo Km mew mm mm In an encouhter In lea The win pm Newmarkel pointer in the few minutes of the Saturday Newark me two goal effort Brian Clark out two oinls behind the first fifiofifiggfl 051K SEMI Wholesalers skuhked Richmond and fan MacDonald pum in maze Baffle squadI Hill 20 with goalies Pa the other Newmarket po nters Newmrket team Nobuursandrlm Haycsshoring witlimnes Macoun usslsting Berglnmtchestw now third in the league stnn we shun Mm din sewith six wins slxloases Joey 8min lid sonf Inlay for Travel Bantams 05v NW clicked once reaohi for 7Erringtanrcmg Eorguslmarld NEWMARKET we mm 1°01 Newmarket wltlrScott Roland Clarke drew one assist each for Bergmlammm The team is doing well this Noel Chambers andnavld Noble the Flyers for the Newmurket Travel year commented goolloI Let noelatlrig The game ended the regular Bantam Bs to help them Allimnd Newmrkottlred claims on league season for the IFlyersI overtake Thomhlll Mstsyeur we only won the Richmond lilll mealtrwhller who anistflndUlirdcwlmHgW eekautrthle few limos but this yourwere the Hill squad hadconly eight wina sochn losses and two ties tw olhcnOM Just flying chances pnd failed tor d4 nolhls Nonstonplnyormnirlm fitfiu lle Iain Alduad Int weakin arkPeolQpén eI hockey actlon The NdWmIrkat East

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