Mmflosflflnnflcfing yu havé smiled or therfirsirurne mis By lREN THOMPSON recently graduated clumsy ER 43 NewmarkePEflWmW in cdn Organize yfiurrbliijrllies ifiiiffiii aker and evaluator MWKE NEwMARKm Maybe you can eliminate ihnse hul machines NEWMARKEE as ya on an capped $3313 fiofifl children in York Region 59mm ce wiih 20 Wk to work with Al meelirg sail before making space care lalierihespeeches Bognriiown Womens weekrghe Yorklieglon Board oi Heallh agreed lo wulmnr Mum fleremmemmrmmn Emmle no hammer garnishisomer ienasihehighestandoneaslhelqwesiihinkbackover The congregation sltyfiSLtharlnes Tppsimpsrersl romiSE Procedure The ladiés were if 0qu epas erawee oyn sevefiil Qwensvrfie unrmi withnmllelorohrls in geliheni yiiig lrl lfifilfig are given finicde 31 am Church will hold lheir degree in pollllcal iormnlion for best spenker most modern convenience Thesmmlbnfidnid Now lhave ano AussLlnn dammit annualemeeiimeaneWedtsciencHealherrmsHhaii member club improved speaker hash lhey woulduaalaei li in law the en SSNNSR oécured to me recently mat the Chrisiian literand the Jam 25 pm ended pine orchard teaches people efigcuzle gallium and best alley had to give up all how mm mm Imvim ltrfllléefrare Chrislian marriage area lol alike Boih oi ihem begin pub Sc on communlca loll an airman finer on siometa is AWlulall ex ressinnroiriruslrinranoiherPersonibom of TherewiliiieaMisfimTnrrWFQWHHWW Thecubmselesveix The 919m W35 mealilnyiunalio if sqelaf fin vpmnmnh speaking second Wednesday alihe pul oi the Jnnuary lire Sliillgr mgnw 99 way €59 Md Leave service he QM Sficondam and Alex Eves one oi the Aurora Highlands The mceliru held Lhe mum we genuy and before lies lhroughoulrlljnc both are esigne ogel Iier vine United Church on Gw Williams an the dub ME sh it male ma request that your ed awa anale buLusually neiiherdoea Such shoulan be We 75 4° 521 ll dcparlmeni engage The chiis me is designer in begin HMLEVEHinsvJan 29 Secondary Aurora anal in year rarideni oi in cover lhe casi oi the Guest smam phymfimpm AndL ai 730 pm Newmarkel claims in mar TlIle Aeellru was Mrs regelarians pulni and go higher Now thereare nqrmal limes iii Inches eel For ris Ha rem assign ihag person to higlj and lows hi every cnrlsllan experience buiyou Watson to ride We work on regular basls The seven branches your way With sn lormallon coniaci Alex worker wnh Yorks 1h should be ilus day iar more happy lhan his day you WI VS 1v mlmmrmmmmmmulmllrmm ank Norm Dismal VaudienceAi87MrEves Sim at 727mm or John Soca and Family handica chndre Mary hi camelaknow Christ You have learned moreyou have In snowarumu put says he ls still learning Le ghieli at 3959709 Servrces department aude sch in MW rlo calm begunlo grow you have gainedChristianfriendships Womens insiiiuies BRADFORD from the naming 00 vi 0w IM ypu havs been exposed lo allsoru or Lrulhbui unr Queensville Sharon WNPMMILM Mmfimsismk amcs Bumps Jam mm EMEHPWlridlngrnfirmu miledinneriolinwedrby wavyARM in nNpufmmnlmc Slag Wig PTHL ssnownlobile route in aid speeches on random SN gwnrizmevgmm Tech nl know mi ivas slarl at la van on gyp oLhis annualsumammaanopias Al suece use sUITS WW ffifipfiififieahflook sad Where is on joy lrekassemblihng 5v or Timmy rep Wm H533 K155 77 ToNlcmls FAML1NIGHIW500E fifigfisg Whereis the sml where is the genuine rejoicing at wi in slariing al Varleys smpns are routed so TEENS lnrnorlalléinflboulm arliiicialplaslered grin Flowerf pailern anduie Marina here ADULTS BUS SUNDAY Jun 29 alarm PWW WY basasfief eeleoruies lrom wnnerSOf MITTS anl Sunday School intone gamr posilive thinking or some psychological marupulalion spans enlmainmem BOOTS 00 am Paslor Crosby Wmsmw mlyou KEV3132i Zrfiléohlfiilerevaeng $25333 file dam will be made lhe media and govern $h0F0nidFGW mavens 7P Rde lhe Wind Buses will Jhe all cl 55 meni will oin the Inn known lolerr Raiile SHARON The nrlurliaielyv Thaksaljbufififiiggnfita that the cumin tickets be Hume Whipper Iheeveni WW $7 ETC 5k SUITS lamlly lllm for everyone hands on P5 ihrougir ihe branch hockey ieam has anv BQQJSJA iiECeADULTS sun WW W1 Smp IV 802 xwfiéfigg members amia draw will 9011 nounced the winners in 29 95 LIST slzo sALE $45 on 77 slinvo ves our eve opmen an grow Thats lhe joy Im talking ahoui And my quesdiion be May The Wilmer Walsor Wm CROSS COUNTRY DOWN HILL AWarm Welcoma Awalls You Al Che Disirlci Annual The mer Tlmm draw 300 anle all iswhere is mamas go the glmmgi Winners were 99 CROSS COUNTRY we Church where Your Family Counis Fla figs isSiamLiiifiiyfiiifinmxi2322 gfidagifizgfimzfil onmao has raised McCormick 255 Sterling all No lauiiilsvuu or ran WWW 41840624929 nr wmmmwanHomgmmWofmifimmfififiinykflfiflmmmejEr 4JIDNMllI$RD ifs Juaqrseqnossrr mm lappreclaleyour prublemBui you re coppngoul Federated womensv Crippled Mm during and Ed arm RR SAVE $8 smalls SAVE His Wan Es eossm no Flo ¥Duriyngea stormon me was it is alien Violenl and lnsliiuiesor Ontario me my Wee yearsjieswicf fission MrrlSaviderllalls Sc MrDir ll our il eJestmcirivesontheislnlaceEslliFWfids hear ihe Asslsam Pas Mr Paul wme Sc bl Wala Hui so eel train the syflacuhwleris 77 Evvemmua 1H 1pm gw Thais howioy works ll allows us to remain calm CM We Have ace tourismw stormydalllsrounfnus SUNDAY JANUARY 29th 197 $f$l An you ow vyhy joy is 31 Because 945 am mlead oiTmSus fig on the iemPOrElTTloc es unlhe Progress ay no on vuem eiernal ii realises unihe Lord Jesus Christ THE PROBLEM Someone has said lhai joy is me flag uiai ilys over the casile when he King is enthroned PREJUDIGiEfi 700 pmg BEFORE AND AFTER AofifilufiWopflMbfihfidnfim wheteJIeissupposedrlorberrlesnsGhrlsi puHi thir wavy amt vine you are the branches he who abides in Me and in him he bears much linil for apart mm NLe yo can do nothinglhese things have spoken unto you list MY JOY may belllyou and that your JQY may be made lull John155il Amazing isnt iii holw simply Jesus puls ii You wanl joy Let me lake charge oi yourlife lhals ihe my way you will havenlie joy El 01ml YflllilPRilPEiiIY denim °° iiiSlElllJii BUILl AREA EWMLRKEJ tannin lllllliHTSElIlllllTY PLYMOUT Newconfidence Comforl eRafi Newcomijiirnew kind aficarefoLCEnadiéiiToads Flymoulh Homo has ride so smoolh and comlorlable youll iinnk yburemslde much lalgel car Adjuslable lull buckel Seals deep pile carpeiing and colour coordinaieo interiors are all standard Even AM Confiaence Piymuulh Horizon is powered by transverse finallniemi liliLe lroni wheel drive olher car oi ils Size radio Comes bull in cyl engine and iealuias cm on on long lips and shorllmp ihrcugn rougmvealhaer and rugged roads wilh handling ease like no transmission Your vesulls may vary Four big people Room lor six loolers io ride in aomlori Easy You gal oulslanding iraclion arid slabilfiy geiinrandeuirlhrough lour doors Lill iha iilln door in back and youve gel luggage compari monl big or useahle space When you old lhe raar seal down Plymouih Horizon becomes handy wagonl becau and pi ThlSimpfilMsslve ml eage I5 ed on figures published by Transpurmanada Aspeed manual some pin Valor nsmnsn Riélacu ml ailsw $114 1efisééfiapplicablslaxesarasxira Se Chrysler has bulll lhellfil Norm Ameri can car ii size with ironi wheel drive Rack nloh slearlng radial while wall llres and lronl wheel dlscblakas aIIcomaslandaifliioglva you new driving confidence In any wealhar Economy The economlcal price includes many isaiuras lhai are usually opilnns on oiher cdrs Manulqc lmarssuggfimfllmallprlce inr iris baslcPiymoum Horizon is undersflafls Dealer may sell or less Price includes dealer prepamlion Transporialio THORNHILL 881 6696 Locuilunr mroariiaur cana rnd unimi sm HABDOFHEARiNG HEARING AlliwsAllElis se rsllaTrlalluary him asnairuepgofiasfianerfim male Earmoids cleaned IEIecironlcnilearlng Tesi Euo nil HOC powersleerin and auiomailci Earedioyou lnuividuallasiés lsihe norm flbuyor Ieassval your Piyinaulh dealo VCERTlFIED Discoverer new horizon ayany slandard oi room riricefirimilesgerPlymouiiiHorlzorrlsumqualyauliedmyourorivlng needs today and In iheyearsrahead Qpilonsavaiiaigle include sis nslillsslon all Snow Wind Rain5leet NOTE PAsroR DAVID his will he speaking or bum vices and may be seen cialressi ren every Many 710 km and CVHY Midi1y progressllie Emily church parisidlrlailemaoieg 41 PARKSIDE on STAL ASSEMBLIES 0F cam PENTECO SUNDAYS 945 am Chrlsilan Educallon Ho 1100 am Morning Service Denim Evenlngsyvice TUESDAYS isflETEJTON 8953893 PASTOR all 541 Minnan Worship 772m ening Service Wed pm FAMILY NIGHT iorAllAges FREE METHllllISTCMURCH ueehjLneaLaneAuemewrnarkel COME GROW WITH llSm vangellcal ohnslianiaapiisthh Main8tNewmarket ChuEétLSchocl 945 armi Progla II VAL Weai Mornan Worship il 00 am Y0 Wysaw VChrlsilan Service Brigade D6 Fridays 700 Llille Church growth groubs ihrough WI ilie weeks Paflor Roxburéh Amllaied wiihrihereapilslrconvenilon 7R0 fOntariojand QUEER clluntllzoilllilllilzmlilli Pnyumnm uldsidamldri slyle reign cn urn Ei79MalnsireeirfifNeWnrnlkeif Pssior Rev Glenn Hx Boyze wailml unday SchoolHour 4100amWorshlpr Seeylee EVen1ng¢ErJdce mm lira se snaFmEFTHWE Tuesr allusion BiilETi rings 11 melpon Ii loiLGESEREET FRIENDSMEVE ill VEW All AreWelcome To Jnlnin Wnrs Sunday ghouserJopaied well side bf Yonge SiF In Newmarke oilhe qule Sireei cl ii swamAcacia eemm MEETlNGsonzndsmhlsEDNE AVLL AREval ME mlyllfiae rlNEWMARKE