Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), January 25, 1978, p. 8

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nearNmuhmm Kuwlcl onomeiuuTno esoIiTHIolAlNoEF Israegssaeq WE CAN ASSIST YOU TO RE LOCATE THRO RELOCAN It TOUCH OF CLASS Backspin wllh family room and gorgeous fireplace Henrik Wooms we oalns PLUS nIS ed games room laundry room SPARKLING 1wm 2333 335395533 expeflswe gmurds owner home beauilllullyfl mailing HOMMXAIHEHNEK 725 775 slrdlng doors lo cedar deck recreallor SL055 89573 SERVICE room powder room loo WalkIn closel la ACRES AURORA 1200lroniage rlghl lrom huge masler bedroom Under all Ihal onAurora Sideroadlowerlng pineahlrch snow oull in lovely rock arden We Kiwi AUDREY MOXLEY 8983725 No 650 VPICTURESOUE ACRE PONDL lamin room wlm llreDl Ce and car Secluded selling beder aluminum and garage paved drive and large lol make slunE bungalow Sunken living room this an excellen buy $6l90000 MIKE OR replace cedar deck koul from DAWN IRETO INSJJBI 8953037 nlasler bedroiom arid living room IDEAL HORSE Fenced SEMI WITH DIFFERENCE 4st lo workable acres reslored board ballon name law or lne many exlras P00 and bedroomhome Slonelireplaces separale deck walkout from basemenr and kilchen iraa dininoroomwalkoul basemenlgood bank Ilreplace and exlra pcbalIIEASKING barn enmeshedWHmswelLbaek+$4900mmDAWN IRETON 395 LARGE LOT ThreeBEdmm Old Via 90 JOAN R055 Irom road KATHERINE KURCK talisman ml 8953017 orlcknome on quiel slreel in Illa nearl oi garage re WA 89 173253 Newmankel This comfonable home has 87 75 jepérafilivinfand diningraonrsfTwr TTTT balhs sunroom den oak Irlm LISTED AT $39900 KESWCK This yearround name mm AUDREY COATEéwsnmBfI excellenl sIarler home large bedrooms B7 living room ealrln kilchen laundry room SEM WITH QIFFERENQEI Ve broadloom Ihroughoul appliances in mm areal large W19 and dlmng area mod W8 Teaax MOXLE malnll 8963725 No 770 bedrooms PLUS llnlshed reciroom WI weI bar Jusl llsled $52900 JOAN avllalzs No 735 ACRE YREED LOT King Sideroaa wesl of Yonge Older home laslefully reslored Living room 25 15A will replace dining room wilh sliding doors overlooks lovely privale garden yvllh snade lrees Sbedrooms 271 pc balhsil Ear LEVELSFlnished rec room wllil NEWMARKET AREA fireplace lamily room3oeolrooms close COUNTRY LOT Immaculau ke llo schools and shopping Fenced Iol delached brick backsplil yMaSlper ASKNG539W00MELVAMLLONM bedroom wilh balh ensune lovely over 79955233 ACRES GORMLEY perfecl slie for your dream home springied pond paved road hydro Iransformer an Slle hardwood 51 la kIche lo rburnin lilreeplace Tcgrqlrage and mgcn mareg 5350000 DQWN Wellkepl ihree bedroom gigahca cleareda Owner Is anxmus 34300030 RASER aAyLEY HAY avs orlck semidelacned home rnle com AUDREY MOXLEY 3953725 ND 750 lorlable home has panelled rec room two piece washroom plus axlra bedroom in basemenl Broadloom in living and dining rooms Paved drive and fenced lol $4890000 CALL LARRY PROCTOR INS 7331 733 Such oulslandlng lealures as bedrooms bathrooms whirlpool balh below ground healed pool Circular oak slaircase large $38000 STEPS TO THE LAKEI I200 sq II of living space in Ihlsl Separaledlninq room MUST BE SEEN TO maculale bedroom home Large kllc BE APPRECIATEOI MELVA MILLlON living room main floor ulllllv SERVICE STATUE LEASE WITH 89573119575783 Deeded access Io lake Call FR OPTION T0 SUV Bars YenaFPBW COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Davis Drive deBURGER 8933775 No 79 menl Snack bar 500d DPPOFIUNY Newmarkel near the haspilal Ideal licenced mechanic FRASER BAYLEYV Iocalian for professional ofllces Good old HAY 875133 BRADFORD AREA BADKSPLIT All house rooms washrooms kllchens brick lour bedroom backsplil on90 oI by brick fireplace 66 165 lol KEN RUSNELLWWWZS No 745 l25ll lol This large home features family room with fireplace and walkoul games room full hams Buillrin dishwasher pallo double garage and paved drive PLAN NOW FOR YOUR SPRING MOVE $65900 00 LARRY PROCTOR 3957331 Iolhe cOunlry10 acres 4yr old bedroom $5990000 MUST T0 SEEI Gwllllmbury bungaww Tara hifiifiu 45 minutes Hills home lo appreciale bedrooms ram 401 and me Park ASkIn Onl $4690000 Brick Aluminum Br home broadloom lhrunulr W2 balhsr family $72900 CALL BRYAN RNUSNELL 8998372 30 livingGrdIning arerGood Siarler home roorn wilh fireplace sliding doors lrom Now adore someone else been You In it OWNER RELOCATING This well on lol so 200 JIM SL055 ailsml dinn9 room to pallo HELGA No 670 sidesvl Silvaled Dita ecoluauesinu ll SCHIMANSKI 9957331 895 GO Bus and bedrooms lanll room Shaped vlng room dlnl ruom basemenl on levels S7l000 CA TODAY RAY WHITE 983715 No 760 loll ACRES QUE ENSVILLE Tremendous Polenlla lnls Iabulous properly wllh BRADFORD sogonoo aedroqms living oulslandlng wesleriy ylews wilh 20 acres room ealln kilcnen linlsned rec room sunable for sod erowmg Balance oi land Mill replace walkoul Irom dining room has hills underground springs and some magnumvim aroaoloomonraupnalnls my slomom bush $119000 AUDREY TERRV close Io lown Inilns almosi new Bedroom mes DOWN ROB DURY 595nm IVIUVXEEV 75 bungalow 2i Il rx room wiln lireplace New de hm b9a°w You will Iind quallly in lhe plaslered walls oarandwalkoullaaIargeiencedlolExlra and gleamin STORE FOR LEASEl l350 so FT ar wood floors Walko oedpriroomuondelgames room Ii reqwrei Irom kilchen wllh separale eali are Eagle SI Plaza FOR MORE DETAILS or fimlmw wormn rem5 Salim Javatam antmm mum msgfi or lnspecl lhls balmy Wonl Iasl long 313T mw LSTED AT 490000 HELGA 2ACRE5 LOTSszwnonsHELBURNE NVEST BEFORE PRCESI SCfiMANSK 595733 9955377 Wenaveotwoacrelolslnagooo area iusl CREASNE F°r 373900 PM easiolsnennlrneironling on paved slreels Zmlfifnc iL°cladd rum and PW $4000 Dulwn carries lor 97005 per monlll enfingg ecfrms égfivm 7JrJIlrIcIva and Interest R95 PURY 895 RUSNEIJEIMBJns Nu o75 ll COUNTRY LIVING Qulel village sel ling large bedrooms eleganl living 8r INNISHL ENJOY ALL dlnl room main lloor lemlly roam wilh PLEASURES of summer and win tireplafe counlry kllchen 8x Florida room Beamlul ea fled sheet Large 30 OXZWreEd OI Go BUS P355 59 iool Iol Sleps lo privale beach bed 930° VAUDREVJ TERRY MOXLEV bungalow Priced aI $34000 CALL FRA 3983725 Na155 deBURGER 878 3725 No 805 PLUS 35 Bedroom bungalow with exlra bedrooms washroom and rec room in basemenr This is very clean nicely gecoraled home and Ihe 14 percenl morlgage reigns lill m7 ASKING $5790000 MIKE 0R DAWN IRETON 8V5 LIJJIVIWSJIKW 0ROWINGPAIN5TMS riour Dl V8 EXECUTIVE HOME Spanish slyleluxury bedroom home will cure all your pains home on acres close Io Newmarkel Living room wilh replace dining room BREATHTAKING VIEW Backs gnlo NEWMARKET NORTH Jusl mlnuleslrdm Qualily bruadioum spacious rooms llve and ealrln kllchen wllh plenly cup miles of Conservalion area bedroom lawn lhls brick bedroom home ailers TREMENDous Buy bedrooms lamily mom wilh lireplace bar boards 25 ll ll lamin room all on ralsed bungalow ealrln kllchen W2 balhs separaleIlvlngdiningroomIargelamlly DETACHED50d bedroom bungar and walkoul Double garage FOR MORE beaulilully manlcured Iol PRICED To 24 xAlJ ll lamlly room wiln lireplace plus kllohen laundry room sllualed on 70 INFORMATION LARRV PROCTOR 895 SELL AT 37190000 AUDREY COATES den or Alh bedroom Ideal lamlly home 200 lol Asking $59900 AUDREY BI 73 8957311 8956287 MARY MORRISON 395733 TERRY MOXLEY 8983725 N01765 wllh lull walknul basemenl Large prlv Iol 50 72 on qulel slreel In lawn lodayl ANdeBURGER Elia3725 Nol Rooms lor Renl Avavmsnls 13 Ananments Aparlmenls Is Birlhs l9 peath I9 beams 20 in Memoriam and 20 In Memoriam and 20 In Menlorl WWW FWNWE TBEDROOM aparlmonl minoran loodroom nzwu oaconnan BOMEnsTeuandclnayare pEGg AV Van sALMoN Amy Elena cams Thanks cards an rams sllllnq laum lor malure Includes slave and lrldgen oparlmonlsuolel Marni Isl budraom largo kllchcn vivmdloannowzcmjhm munly W11 05flLLflLu MullerWm HELD wind mus mm Andrea new Wk9m° 99555 ms manlth also bachelor anenssz mo raom slave Iridgo 177 Nowmorkol on January i7 NBWMHI WM gfirfinry at my dear Ialher memory ol my dim human William and din 7oz In In her loin year Amy aparlmemr ll mommy Low heal tlydro Includcd Irn 31 35° lm Irl IIIS salll year emur Jighgfl Graanuala wllo Pal cube who warn Io be lhe lamlies EoRmslIEuRooMvrlmr anflrwpmmw mm mm Main Dec Irinol York calmly new Mm human or salmon nelovoo wllerol Ine mumJMLJm AL NPR Jmhmm moi rec room and known Rn dummy whim SlTeeTev 34522517 Ru H0flllal Marfillrll mm dear lalherlble Alheflrwsalmonruear Em mm mm was mm nurses and mm mm IABEDRDOM abarlmani Includvsulllllles reuruoryl ElamW IMrS Wood °° WM away Dnar Dad arllons kind COLIV New Caliallcrol rn 39 loss mm my 5mm no mm Coming Evans oououeluv Caren Llrloa IMrs GIAsSlDllne danrrrnrlnw synl Bum your an am WNW and an mm nonesl concern MAYURE worn Ior Iur children no pals Pnum uvs omy one AWN Jim Dnuilherly are nanny lo Mrs will Susan SUDMG W32II gland mind and wiriml nlsneo roam rl modern and unnounm me arrival at Iwin Debbie Mrs Bonner arid an area Oran my my WI my nd mum lnem ourlnfl LevInn aaarrnnenl 5m ROSCCE aovaenl SLEION Inna ooupnlm Coral and zoom Lavlnply romemourao Resludallnu ravlor FunLI W04 when was IoaIn mm WWW PM mun WWW MU Wining no7 In 5110170 Phone III IIISIA Farm wlm lion mm Jan I4 lWBwolanlnwl Iiy oranuznlloren Lovlnp Home Queensvi 53 Sllunl lIlI Ille sweul words iallirio nvsoand and cnrslmos Day mva nlurso I4 Ire senool Vaienilno var Ibo ll ms and lbs on son al Mrnuan Rwanda wm hIlLlnille harden mamme wlllcnalllleenehe naools 7151561 comer NEWMAAxEr wivm hes brmaays curm Slslerr lor Amoor and dear hymmyr orguln Jun January 20 Im Inlerm on We mm WWW 27 wirymgagfl PACIOUS annImEnI In cm Mum um um sunls chuKh orauus Brandi Also special lhank nrlriy Alvln and Dale avuensvlllo ccmolary IA 53va Qme Adf1flulffimcf Infilmmk llle maul vnone mom runlng abarlmcnl svivabla lamlynmlnmrm 7m you lo Drs JoIrreys mrsan an raylar gun WU diémsnmwn naorooms nuns undor mum rF slevens and nursing sIaII Nome oueunsvllle Services mum mm at uuNYLEY In loylna km Em we FURNISNED non slillm Yuruuml parking Ana new Wm WM Cow WW Pfi1Awmmma Mam Wk my mm WW Mm Chm Memarlam and Wmmm um memory DI my new mo Dr valIREr ol °° Swim WWI WV mm norklnvRnnU150 var Newmarkm Andesprlnnadle January ill IszInierman rd 91 Thank only sleeps Mr Raymmo Hun Ill ml my 553717532 mmlh ms 7m chrisllnn Sumol soculln PEou Dnvlu and Gwen nueonsvlllocemelor l4 your Dad Is nor ooad who Sm way an Annnnlsler and NI 1100M ayailaulahoalnroam ns 1351 suAREn lurnleneo will nave moonnp rum are Ihnnklul lor In said money In lnvlnv so Ill he Iimvu dLIr ma 55 mu Shropshire na mm mum or uooraam aparlmunl wnn IluyJari 75 um ilpm In arrival oI Iholr second son memory ul my our maller And pray In God each day Ii Illa all Ina war ooiva sum no room vaale prelerrso ArAnvmen sullahle lor win Ilvlno room and In Surlnndale cnrlsllan School Jonalhnn Fredrlcxlnbrolher nlcnnnosou George Annella Gamay who passed and when In as Mm L9 DIVE ll yes and mum Wmmjnfimi mm worklnw porson Phone oe rm separule nnlravue cuou xpmkor aw Ior Mmth on January Vnrk caunly Hosnllui Nllw woy Jan Im luhearheryolcaandwchur linden And pm mm mum Am who wwmm Im Spoolol lhankx lu Du markel on snurdny Jun 2i inera is link imam cannol Von Wm my smile mwfixlslw FURNISHED sellcnnlalnedl anon7155514 23 any mum Ilurnnlsl Forum In Irsall Schnllolflr smarts 5W mam WI wuy MMM my we durln rm dawn Iwm IoulmrI owls nalv lbeqmom vvlyomemlnflammllallon and New VMWIWWW Wm UWI undrsmomhrancUsl sadly romomnmu B°°°WI 09 thl wsmnormam ll mum um WIVWM Mllrlorle Graham and Iovirw Iorevor WM mm mm is go and lend your grave hllurnn a5 Srlqley SI In on momenspcvlull own rs nayuen no modioluly 1290 mum Newmarkul Am or phone NM mmmw IWM mm Dth sInlcylumI Dlll Rizllordxon MurIII low WWW UY WW WSWIMIUMEM i4 ol vanadrl dear urolllar ol slIANKs In mwa Tolncbeslnmlneruod Imr Nurllflvfiom on bul roule no wdollly view 1bedroom ammo um MnanLl Mrs Run Wood moone Lmlln JIDInlv lnh Ier Guru Mayorl ol Mill Io milk memory ol our dear malnor Mono Phone mum nvérlmenl Iarol yId mm like mm Al York counly nosolldl Bnlrln III IIII llirll reldllvu nvlapoovn and nRLlE wllo pound away lea llllllKl hummus Ill mm Itsvolxcvaallnbllul llurrlvlillhalrmlnbrml Junuarvlflwl olnIy Fllmrfifivfill My illu lrlvlm lorrlhnlrklndnv lnJrrumnTr aomdrf fie money PhoM Ml¢pmlqu mm anIr on January II Maura auiovua nilhand al Tnommon Funeral Mom 17 Illa In lav Him gTlNLElr Mum 75 will wnorovnr woon Jltlflfl llliiniiuSpm mumuuy mm Rana DuLnllnvu Funml Vlclorlasi Aurora Snrvlu rzvvw dvrlno Iv Wlllié yam Iloisr fibrinii ihnlshvllbulundlnw WW gumer nlIil la Room and Baird newmnxer lulu WMM5 Ronnie rnlm orunnuumrur urvrm wnra Iiuid al In Incnapulnmunmuy mwllalasmlal lhankl Io rellamlsliiupr door oadroorn apailmmlporlol °d°° Mn Kim Blair nlrnn Rununousa no Funeral Jan 25in oi IIJD pm II urme Dr nosuandlna your loving memory upinuralowIcorn mo MM are norm Ann IOARDOV ldrmhouu aunlmncoll nu WW °° urnndchllnlnr Mrarld Mn liomo Newmarkal TIiur ulfiilnu aorlnliorlrmay wonh IN7 on wullslwnyI keap Sully mlmo aml aylr mail rnluldd bedroom in mil nonydro FlinnI195 use unrl ouowarn snuclal sdoy Jan Iv Fallowoll by mnill lu lilo wuloy cllvrrll FIW EHSL Loylnoiy rlmnmhevau Rulh romemblrud uy eluosl Ion figxfflgmmni llorlr mml 57 Ihaukl or Furan cramallon Lorne Pnynldr no BIIII loan will wnrroll croIIIIu liunliov

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