eidai in woldMountwa illed goryPonomarevdied in etavehicle crash7at the Highways il and Police Sachlheythink they navefmmda driver but nochargcs have been Mrs Ponomarev was makingraleghand turn hwayl onghway ll when her car fishtailed and struck redtractortrailer whichfailfil firs Eonomarevfs car was nak Medical Centre to onMonday push and was struckby an ea CN truck left the elevlalongcordpsnlesnlheatregroups uch Is at rialt during the recent iron of Julian Waterman are silo featured Youll find lhaEra ltii Entertainment at the back ofthis weeks lectlou 77 77 77 DIRECTORY Blllhoard aminei beat Bualneardlrectory Church Directory Editorials is riz 9919 0mm report Social notes View from Fairy Luke wm forwcck gay EWMARKET York a1 Police staffing isnt pacejhpopulationfi accordingto Police Qrawford thefts breaking and entering andrvandalismfirii said it is difficult to compare Y9 M10 Wtédtbyrwithfl ei as one reason crimes of ave ncreased 1977 le population rose 6500 esper cent the reg nal rate pe cent inf not in his annual presented 10 pTrlifi issioners here last weeki ef Crawford said 13500 have moved into the sincecaddlttonal man has been requestedx7 thoughpfflcers have been to the force every year al approval has always short of policfiequests categorifig of violent reuptexceptthoseTof er and manslaughter botantial increases were oted in other categories wn finds Hijamage wells IllMARKET cashew municipalities since there are it set standards Niétro looks goodthis year Last year they were up135 per centf Chief Crawford noted adding that he is unaware of figurgfor Peel or Durham Regions dont know what formula The regional police chiefi they use for obtaining their statisticsthe chief told the board Chief Craivford said that Yorereglmspolice force ha been fortunate however in holding the clearance rate at 537 per cent but he still described the jump in crime statisti as ltalarming¥ Board member Ray lwinney of Newmarket told members thatthe type of crimes being committed is in ac oordance with the times Crawford warnedthe are controf He also pointed out that while the number of alostratiofr rrvrcelebratlonsearllerrulis monthrwli of the Mount Albert Branch Royal Canadian Legion presented plaque to RevWlllam7 Vpnduveeken NEWMARKEJ Newmarket may s60njmvo another shopping plazaoffice 1m recently Kt Ofitario Municipal Board hearing recently Jack lJubinsky received final ap proval for his plans to build plaza at the southeast corner of earingr a8 as ause of objections to the plaza by Alan Greeriw whoseepropcrty4s4djacentr toe the plaza site Mrl Greenwood said cfitru effectJiinroperty becauseof the water runoff that would project7 nd the one we expect Nmneyra Newmarket councillor alaured Mr Greenwood and others who wduld have improve the conditions rega dingfwaia runoff rathu than just assure the people there would be no further problems We longvagu developed an The developer has to give us fitfiings if hewants to go ahead andbuildhereanfthats Lu Twinney said the plans submitted by Mr Lubinsky call for shopping plan with centre core ofrtwoesioreys of ceai nice looking building In to builds aoler iavinney lfhe Newmarket Ministerial Association wants to see ya chapel in York County Hospital inanimth oneg andis builta cost of 317000 To raise the money the association is planninga three prongedappealbegimdngwi direct mail appeal to between 000 and 30000 homesin the rea which uses the hospital Followingithat beie direct appeal to all service clubs in the same area and if need be the individual afime doesnt want to put up the building he has shown us there he will be in for big urprise hesaid Construction is expected to begin sometime this year Maple Leaf ke ly AURORA The Maplelxaf Advisory Council responsible for running the variety of community oriented programs at Maple Leafschool has again had its request for funds from etheivorkCmonty Board of BruceSuito Wm of Education Ofi deaf ears fthe associations York County Hospital Chapel Fund stressed nardergthpreaidenl LachhapermnEbe strictly nondenominational He said the motif of the pel wasdosignedinot to at Appearing before the board Monday tchuSh its requat for 82000 wipayiaqrogramim ord ator were 7Norma7 Langille coordlllfilor and Bal Hart treasuteLoLthe ad ry lam Dre 70 Wham lNrSARNIA SJENIA Two Newmarket ans ps SW prestigious International silver Stick Toumamcnt here It War theifirst time wa it is olggwbewith Mr thEfiwemmac in fmmmm annilal event rallied Heat lres ng hlajor Klbm and Newmarket Flycrs Midget DoubleAs captured the championshi respective divisions For fulldetalis see page Br WW Wm Civicpwords pESeniéH tomorrow NE Newmnrkets bisannual civic awards will be presented to the 197778 winiifiersat reception in the Co Infinity Centre tomorrowrevening There were 19 nominees for the two awards this year for the longterm award and five for the shortterm one They will be presented by Mayor Bob Forhan and awards selection mmmlttergchahjrnan hit at wine and cheese receptiorrwhlch begins at pm Thursday The reception is open to the public and free tickets are EV Lfible from tlfi municipal Recycling project end glyone using and yet still council elvBwSrPGlub NEWMARKET The Newmarket Business and Professional WomensClubwill propose recycling project to town council on Moor Jan 353 Clubmembers have been working orTfhepropfiSal since November7 hoping that NeWmarket will be able to prdvrde fbtlilding fir their projectrand some suggestions on de ef ca able of roducin 00 lyhavebeen found in Wu the seeL orthw€st quadrailt of Thachleisildafipecladwg arke force is mgrcentratmg more goingafterthebf feelstheres 10 mw on fa nosta gIc trip rrlyzsbbrfia 174 ovallém and 1233 le slimming million gllflfltiwaru 5171752 V97 15 $58 if day which would take 0w 390 mum ALBERT Looking back into 100 yearsof the WmimfiLm Police7investi ted vcwl mo Lsaidfimgymaubeasfi 94$st 71 67 Umtedehurch in Mount her the taking nostalglc trip extramoney generated th fundTais Hit 10109 made Thethurchwas built when the village was still ery young used to further the chaplaincy 77 if and Ttlfiey have grown together PWEI in hospital congregation has launched its centennial ear inro fashion with afull schedule of special events ya One of the highlights is publication ofa history of the diurch 77a which has been written but is not yet of the presses n7 Manyephases of the churchs development will betouched AURORA Tllcmme your municipa Ht519FIT€GLEe¥téW QfEGLcongmgatiqg already received word from Craig Cribar what he was chairman of the school board thatNthe Miplelfaaf program does not come under the boards JurisdictioiTand tfiefitfie the board isflunablemfgrantryour frequest for financi assistance The board deierred any worship Plans call for descen ng dove to be depicted on th front wa lh dfi r7hospitaltn pproxirnatelyitwo +thirda of the space now occup hy the library eri Suitor inlsteria mightqw ll th Era correspondent us fic rhelpoflocal Scourtroops in the elsewhere lorfun7dlng project KeepjintouchsLiberdls16167 He added that regular examinationiiofiregional government by the municipalities is desirablenow We eed ficillors 7would on asthehistgry of theMount Albexftcongregqtion unfolds 1etjéwav 19199919 1119 hold 56 When the Wesleyan Congregation built their new church in 1955 men 312 the Mount thmws probably did twink mqtmme 13 figstlyrgwemmen Is going concluded RemoMancin task wouldbe celebrating its contacts or that there wouldbe Thats wh Wewrnarket Jorcezmemberrand MP for delineatlo the fun ons of $315 cigghurm fleafamily mm the Vintage and cillorJfonr aleiLlOldftlleE ssex south regional goverrihientaidAlf wHGwanandflomfifiwrwgfiwm LovincidLUheralCaucuSJask HesaldlaterinéninterviewAton imberaLMEPQlimrv str York Countygovernmean eA nddec finsrail brmslH Mains ta aw sentimeofTEWVshouh ha een strengthened acting local municrpslities Den anuficfitrélafi Thnegfirst WesleyanChurch WES builtinlam on topof the hill gégiflflfi c3 $155339 Ve mher maiczgggfig gvéyféé gigédmbzmngfiegys ihem not PYiEvaFld=lb 5mm esharontltdbetweenAliceandOentreStgets 77 The mnsl exljeme fie and the ML 5mg sat on me £55k We 35 Wes13 SmnflfimflflunieipalltiessdecideswhHomaamneLalilmungHo mmregwpn 5° 31 01 Reg nemoreefficiently fllEflIbejMiEtOfuletfis7lt force by county members couldmotattend the the municipal es Wha youre suggesting is rarvery efficient county council 00 tit it becomes necessary situationfiirshe aai duce the number of m1Playedloathe Yfilk card of Education recentmeet Location oivthei church gavo cause for some wrflfiversy Was it to be on the hillor Was it to be down in the main part Parli ment on which all litee=ce premonition There reguestumoemm tnbute wuljbe nolmmediate attempt to BurFey sheets unsuited determine the drinking habits of formation Resend York Be on Catholic Ltd aih part of the church is still tomes £1955me aroma Cfl gimp Is 12 vases of inchpaper written byhand very detailed ncy is to decrease fthe an examplels quote lclasasize lnthe prima grades fro kindergarten Grade as hear econ taw Cl