Phone Newmarket 8952331 'Boordshould get out THE ERA Serving York County Since 1052 Published every Waonmdav at to Charles St. New iarket. Ontario by Inland Publishing Co. Linmao. Sunscripiions. snow for two years. 810.00 for one cr'eno-r year Staci. Mi. 2 at. The Humanist/Aurora Era is one ot the Inland, Publishing Co. Limited group of suburban newspapers. which includes the Aiax/Whitby/Pickerlng News At! vertisar. Brampton Guardian, Burlington Post. EtoniEoke Gazette. Markham Economist and Sun. .Mississaoga News. Oakvilla Beaver. Oshawa This Week. and Stouttville Tribune. Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoctatlon and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Second Class Mail registration number was of buying High school textbooks should no longer be supplied to students at the taxpayers expense. majority of members on the York County school board believe. The board last week passed a resolution asking the Ontario Education ministry to allow it to opt out of the free books program. and to "allow boards to require students to supply their own texts . This is the first of a series of politically painful decisions this and other school boartb must face in the near future. ~ the century. The 30year building boom in the education . business is going bust enrolments are . declining and there are no signs that the situation will turn itself around before the end in York. elementary school registrations were down in September from 28.217 last year to 27'. 89. i i 'iillboord % V w r ' Iowa-r Non-profit groups nomcements free of charge in Billboard by writing to The Era. Box 236. Newmarket. Ont.. or by phoning 895-2333. Entry forms for the 18th annual Newmarket Lions Music Festival must be submitted by Tues. Jan. 31. Forms and the official schedule are available from music stores and mimic teachers in the area and by writing to the Newmarket Lions Club. an55. Newmarket. The festival will be held April 2-1 to May 5. ne Newmarket and District Association for the Mentally Retarded will hold its monthly meeting Wed.. Jan. 18. at 7:30 p.m. at Bogart Centre (old Fairmead school). 757 Bogart Ave. Newmarket. Members will meet to approve the association's constitution and submit nominations for the annual meeting Wed. Feb. 2. For information. call 898-3000. A display of flying model airplanes will be at the Upper Canada Mall this week until Saturday. Durham-York MPP William Newman will hold a constituents' meeting Thurs. Jan. 19. from nnoon to.p.m. in East Gwillimhury Com- munity Hall. Sharon. Anyone interested is in- vited to attend. Talent Night. in aid of the Aurora Public Library. will be held Fri. Jan. 20. at 7 p.m. in Aurora High School. Call 727-3517 for tickets. The event has been organized by the Theta Kappa chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. Family counsellor Mario Bartoletti will speak about marriage breakdown Wed.. Jan. 25. at 9:30 am. in Aaron United Church. This - z rt of - se'ie sponsored by the church. called * ~= . and Treasures. Admission costs $1.25 and babysitting is available. For inforst tion. call I - . f ~ 7 ' I 727m osmium ~ ~ Help is needed to run the ninth annual Aurora bantam minor hockey tournament. Friday through Sunday. Jan. 20 - 22. To give assistance. call Gene Gallant at 727-3089. . Euchre parties are scheduled at Christ Church. Holland Landing. at 8 p.m. Fri. Jan. 20. Jan. 27. and Feb. 3. Refreshments will be available. A Robbie Burnns dinner and dance sponsored by the Newmarket Pipe Band will be held Sat.. Jan. 21. at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall. Newmarket. Tickets cost $10 each. For tickets. call Tom Proudfoot at 895-9464. The Bradford and District Snowmobile Club will hold a club dance Sat.. Jan. 21. at 8 p.m. at Albert's Marina. Tickets. at 88 a couple or Si each. are available by calling 7756431. Big Brothers will bene t from the proceeds of an exhibition hockey game Sat.. Jan. 21. at Hollingsworth Civic Arena. Newmarket. Game time 8 p.m. Adults 81.50, children so cents. The Newmarket unnit of the Canadian Cancer Society will have a cancer education booth at time Canada Mall. Newmarket. Mon. to Sat.. Jan. 23 - 28. from 10 am. to 9 p.m. For in- formation. call 895-3384. The Aurora-Newm Family Life Centre is sponsoring a parent effectiveness training course. starting Thurs. Jan. 28. from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Schomberg United Church. To, register. call 8962371. \S srousoemq rt: 8 - MHUAL civic Awkaos V09. CONT uTlONQD TO THE. Wain-ii. . .. DAVID R. HASKELL 2!) Charles 51.. a and harder time justifying their tax AS you mw, we Touts To ' smog, FNRil use: is QFFERWAG. ALL NR5 c: trauma laugh 3: Publisher a TERRY CARTER Editor in Chief '3 5.. ROBERT MART/N News Editor " ' PETER GRIFFIN --~ Advertising Manager - . Phone Aurora 727-4024. textbooks School trustees are going to have a harder bills - in most York municipalities education costs ac- count for more of the tax bill than local and regional bills combined. Some high school textbooks are expensive. but we doubt they are so expensive as to impose a hardship on many families. Free textbooks are one of the expensive programs of the 19605 lneydey which can go by taxpayers in the region $100,000 a year. We hope its belt-tightening as it draws up its 1978 budget. nice to see the tax bill follow suit. ne Third Aurora Cubs and Scouts Group Committee will hold a dance at 8:30 p.m. Sat.. Jan. 28. at Aurora Community Centre. Music by disc jockey Don Holdgate. Buffet and spot prizes Tickets 87 a couple. For tickets. call Joanne Smith at 727-2719. Registrations for 48 winter programs offered by the Newmarket recreation department will beaccepted between 6:30and 8:30 p.m. Wed. and Thurs. Feb. 1 and 2. at the Newmarket Como munity Centre. A mammoth skate-a-thon sponsored by the East Gwlllimbury Minor Hockey Association will be held Sat. and Sun.. Feb. 4 and 5. at the East Gwillimbury Community Centre. Sharon. With proceeds going to the Aurora Library building fund. the Young People's Theatre Group from Toronto will perform Sat.. Feb. 4. at the Aurora Community Centre. The appearance is sponsored by the Theta Kappa chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. The annual Meals-on-Wheels .Valentine Dance will be held Sat.. Feb. 11. at 8:30 p.m. in the Newmarket Community Centre. Door prizes and buffet. Tickets. $7.50 each. are available by calling 727-6582. Lieutenant-Governor Pauline McGibbon will be guest of honor at a dimer and dance in aid of the Aurora Library fund Sat.. Feb. 11. at St. Andrew's College . Aurora. Tickets cost $100 a couple and are available by calling 727-9891 or 727-9493. 6 Former Newfoundland premier Joey Smallwood and former Ontario premier John liobarts will be guest speakers Wed. Feb. 15., at a fund-raising dinner of the York-Peel Progressive Consevatlve Association in the i wrsmhl cost :28. . each and are available by calling 833-5770 or 895 9955. A Red Cross blood donor clinic will be held Mon.. Feb. 20. at the Newmarket Legion Hall. Srigley $1.. from 2 to 8:30 p.m. Growth Together," sponsored by the Anrora-Newmarket Family Life Centre. is a weekly marriage enrichment group 3 rting Wed. Feb. 1. The focus will be on game dynamics. communication. meeting life s ises. and enhancement of a relatively ble marriage. To register. call 895-2371. The East Gwilllmbury Old Timers will b c a. dance Sat.. Feb. 4. at 8 p.m. in Eas Gwillimbury Community Centre. Buffet. mus' by Harold Beach. For tickets. at 810 a con - call 895-8451. ~ Starting Thurs. Jan. 28. the Aurora Public Library will hold a pro-school children's story time. More information is available at the library. The Newmarket Minor Hockey Association will hold a dannce at the Newmarket Community Centre Sat.. Feb. 4. at 8 p.m. Buffet and disc jockey. For tickets. at 812 a couple. callous-8299 or 895:3105. The, annual meeting of the Queensville Cemetery Co. will be held Mon. Jan. 23. an p.m. at the home of secretary-treasurer Fred Dew. 21 Sutton Rd. The meeting will deal with election of directors. financial statements. auditors report. and general business. Ken bosell of Newmarket will perform at Pappy's Coffee House Sun. Jan. 22. Pappy's is the former Black Knight restaurant. on Highway 11 just sonah of Bradford. Tuekni KEEP TQMHQS \N K NEW the boards one York trustee estimates it costs the education minister acts on the board's request. and we hope the board sticks to With enrolments dropping. it sure would be To NOM\NAT sienna. cubic: TURKS. . t-fiuu I m Tit: BALLp r, AND AT A scene gl PM. in- rne user. I a" .. ' ' . . o - .a 14 was .105? millions aaoun sou RENE... otters to the editor Liberal candidate is happy with government decisions For the past several months. at the request of the Honourable Bud Cullen. Minister for Employment and Im- migration. myself and others have been reviewing the ef- fectiveness of the Canada Works Programs. My recommendation was that small msinessmen be given the opportunity to make application for tem- porary wage subsidies for nnew job positions. it was my belief that this in- centive would encourage certain people to embark on new ventures. that if successt. would create new and permanent jobs in the economy. For- mely. the Canada Works Programs were restricted to community- based. nigh-profit organizations. While the usefulcommunity service and short-term em- pioyment. the programs and the jobs usually ended with the ter- mimtion of the subsidy. Increasingly. we are nnding it dif cult to nd enough 'gh quality applicatio/nns . i am happy to an- nounce that the minister in response to my presentation and that of. others. has agreed to allow a certain amount of these subsidies to be directed towards the private sector of the economy. This new direction in government policy will greatly help support and encourage the expansion of free enterprise. The minister states this action reflects my intention to significantly redirect Canada Works funds into projects that support continuing economic growth in the private sector." More than one billion dollars will be made available this year and the next for direct job creation. - i am pleased to be part of this decision making process. Following are some of the positive actions being instigated by the Liberal Government to stimulate the economy .nd provide thiswinterm ' Early in 1978. the government will troduce a program of tax credits for private rms who hire additional workers in selected areas and categories. Personal income tax cuts of up to $100 for low and middle income tax payers in January and February and the in- dexation of Family Allowances and other federal payments to individials will further Moss offers his support to Whitehead 1 would like to ex- press my appreciation to all who attended the York-Peel (Federal) Liberal Nominating Meeting in Nobleton on Sept. 14. 1977. More particidarly. 1 want to express my heart-felt thanks to the large numbes who gave me theirvotebothonthefirst and second ballots. September ltth. was truly a great evening. and one that 1 shall long remember! I, Now that a Candidate or: The septa" ' ' . cio m Thom cess- ) wanker, our. -\.3 {\_8 | I [We nominate. I oi- the \(eor has been chosen. 1 am asking my supporters as well as the electors of York-Peel to support Richard Whitehead. in Richard. we have a dedicated, hard working_ and trustworthy Can- didate. i am confident he { igprove a most exciting I will be working get him elected! HECTOR J. MASSEY. Ph.D.. Associate Professor. Political Science. York Unlvershy. to AWARD My 95 sent: 11 To me u m5 WEAR-".932 ABovs: woes-.52.. t m V mart-ousting woes: or: ' minivans um. 56'. ' ocwintm kc NATURE. Announcer: no.1 3 g. .. in- . boost individual chasing power stimulate demand for prodicts that will lead to further employment for Canadians. Pump-priming by Ottawa can only be a temporary and in- complete solution to the problem. The federal government is not the only player in the economy and it would be foolish to expect that it alone has all the answers. 1 n f la t i o n a n d unemployment are un- derstandably immediate pur- conccrm for all and have . been the major focus of government attention over the past couple of years. With the trend towards more realistic wage settlements and the devaluation of the Candi-raw. there :- are signs that Canada's competitive edge is being restored in the markets of the world. The rate of increase in government spendi nlib has dropped from in than 20 per cent two years ago. to around 10 per cent last year. This was ac- complished even while the government was launching new projects to cdmhat the economic weakness and aid af- fected Canadians. We have a good trade Quebecois. that our economy is the issue " 0 Wmmmi The P this; Dat misc she s come-in da middle of V position parties deal with the issue by claiming that the economy is the principle cause of separatism. and that the answe to Rene Levesque is a strong economy. This cart before the horse" philosophy is typical of their inability to deal with the Quebec issue. This would not be so bad if it wasn't for their cynical doom and gloom ap- this nation's po economic survival. Their gasping for power is treatening to weaken the very fabric of our society. Clearly. we must take a positive attitude and demonstrate to all Canadians, not only this nation will live and prosper. lt is.not our name-om. : t.- Separatism. or the of it./is adding to our economic uncertainty. 1 am convinced ho ever. t with time. le Quebec will elect a new provincial government. This entire problem will turn out to be in the lung run. a blessing in disguise. We are being forced to evaluate our form of Confederation. and will have to correct its very real weaknesses. I am prepared to do my part are you? surplus and a strong .1. RICHARD consume market here at WHITEHEAD. home. York-Peel Federal A growing threat to nite"! Candidate Proposed tax reforms'don't impress reader I'd like to comment spending it. If you just on those fascinating stick your hand into a reports in last week's diffeent pocket to get it newspapes about how out. that s not saving Darcy McKeough's What Mr. McKeough property tax reformsare reallyshouldbedoing is SOMWIIVOIIIIIIIMOI telling us how his mmey. . government plans to House taxes will go make cuts. notrearrame down SmInNewmarket. tine collections - swit- 8180 in Aurora. The Era oh the burden from rqnorted. real tial propety to Whoiakidding Whom. stores and factories. Mr. McKeough? JAMESHENRY You . don t save QUILLAN. money unless you golnit Newman-ken. Parents urged to warn children use can. . av a a o I . ' . lmwidnparantswauld. .acno .. 541 . . . K._~g.... Jib? A .v ;- :- . , oat-nan sn. kids to me the in. I , etc-ans Och-IR. me about the THUMP. . it began early in December one wint A morningasCornwaliianswe'eontheirway :3 work. There was a sudden. loud thump heard llli many areas of the city. 8,. No echo. no reverberations. no crack. Just -; i loudTHUMPandthenhusifnessasusual. . :1 people phoned the police station asking what .- happlgieed. . . police had no idea. They still don t. 1 thumphasbeenheardanumbe'oftimess usually in the morning. No one knows what causing the thump. I asked my friend to let me know what it when they finally discovered the cause. Friday night. on the CBC news. i learned that is still a mystery. L a The CBC carried a story on the Corn 5% thumpandllearned thatmoreand more ,5... are becoming concerned about it. A meeting ,. Cornwall council was interrupted one mo 'c t by the thump. < it Enough is said menbers of on u ,8 and called in an expert from Ottawa. seismologist arrived on the scene and set up _W equipment. He has determined that the thump " ? not some type of earth or ground tremor. 108' This in spite of the fact that similar th .. mu, were heard years ago just before an earthq . i hit the Cornwall area. Area residents don disputetlneclaim thatthethumpsarethe A of ice cracking out in the St. Lawrence. .3 My friendsays hehasheardthethump " once. at 2 am one morning. The It sounded like a piledriver or. per i "i" one stick of dynamite going off maybe three "3 four blocks away." he said. 5;, He also says that the residents of St. . mp drews. a town some seven miles away. 1153 heard the thump. Or maybe a thump of 7 CA own sdu re t lthasbeenheard inanumberofplaces t fteen-mile radius of Cornwall". my friend ~ 1 called him Saturday onnly to learn that f: thump is still unclassified with no one any ci 5,. to the answer. um You might not hear it for two or three - .. linen. suddenly. there it is again". adn My friend. whose name is Maurice. 9" French-Canadian. and the above quotes are exactly accurate. He usually souqu more ' The night and waking me up!" On Saturday I asked him if the resident ' n Cornwall had come up with their own ideas what the thump might be. b Some is tinking it might be from o a space". he said. 3-. - ; - :3 Well. I guess that's a normal-endn I position for an unexplained noise or distur : i was tempted to ask if the movie. Close counters of the Third Kind, was playing AU] Cornwall. . Perhaps the theatre manage was arr i . '3] the thumps as a promotion gimmick. But i . ll reasoned that was unlikely as Corn ...1 theatres are likely just catcining up to Ma and 9' Kettle and the Three Stooges. 1 Maybe Cornwall's thump is emanating i _. a outer space We might have to catalogue a in! category close encounters of the fourth u (:1. to describe the outer space thump. It could be that beinngs front another o The are trymg' to land in the Cornwall area but i space ships keep bouncinng off the pollution in Why they'd want to land in Cornwall ' course, beyond my ken but beings tram ~ space are famous for doinng unusual thi 1:. personally dispute this theory but that's - w lhaveatheoryofmyown.0nethathas yet, been put forward. - - Cornwallisnotveryfarfromthe '- Ontario border. right? Could it be possible the- thump is merely the beginninng of physical separation of Quebec frum the > the country? That concludes our, "tinirngs that go th m the night", department for this week. r another story. of national importance o causinng tinumps of a different natin'e. lam referring to the numerous inquiries suspected wrongdoinng by our national -- force, the RCMP. One of the latest revelations concerns whereabouts of topofficialsof the RCMP and Quebec Provincial Police in 1W2when a raid staged on a left-wing news ageicy in M 1' A Tomato Star story says the whole ' might havatban avoided if those officials been worm at the time. Instead. they moosehuntlnginwllthofnorthe-nQuebec theRCMPmahleftindnan-geapparently the go-ahead to the illegal ope-ation. How convenient. I can imagine the i callthatbeganthemooae-hmtimexpedi .. mayhavecomefrantheheadmand la aomdhim like this; i V this it me. You know who n m 1" "Yes, 1 do know who it it". u." is this phone line a safe one?" out s . goingonaroundheelatdy n mailJa gone when [.090 my law's". Well. or. it's abut the OPERATION [1: weekend. You know opeation I mean? , Oh, ya, m m .u h Doyou, ahh, wantto.e',givetheo the; a + ) not-lute oucatlon? h 3 H o . H m 'm " 1 Right now! y a ' Great idea! Can I go with you?" i think you should. M's lea 'fw'oiuminutofntnooootnm. "t 1 , u tha ' ' immune-imam: ='