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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), January 11, 1978, p. 6

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t L "s ,1 a i Named to Dean's List i ~ 7 Nevin-arerAerere. Ila-avid. (NIL. Wed. Jan. Ii. Ins HOUGIITON. Mich. sity. A Newmarket Robert C. Paddock. a university student was senior majoring oncof ml students named min'ng engineering. had to the fall quarter Dean's to earn a grade point List at Michigan average of3.5 or higher to Technological Univer- achieve the honor. Wl-IENYOUCAN mmmsawmm vs' mots him own food but not hunger 75.3.3 s Weigh! Waicoers' Prog'am has a better a o "n m sat-st. "q 3.1:: (so wevq"! i'v'P uf' Jay-3.00636 a "ulrII'Q"3 V Ca-ar cec plan that 1.0L. ou' ( owoers potatoes tortillas bagels HIV" -I'\I var; .i'XI "torr- withvr arrivts - and still loam to s... .50qu t .i 5-. mats ". l "or" "Crow cm a convenient . .".: Walrus " co'og ooa, Losrng weight neverwm tasted so good. The Authority @You'ac Ties CLOSE 10mm . KESWICK RICHMOND HILL Kgsmck United ChurCh The Lions' Community Centre 177 Church St 106 Centre St. E Tues 730um Tues 7 309m MARKHAM WILLOWDALE Grace Church Sonnq Garden Baptist Church 19ParkwavAve IIZSpn Garden Mon 730pm Tues 73 p.m. NEWMARKET THORNHILL St, Paul's Anglican Church Christ the King 439 Darcy St_ Lutheran Church Wed 7 30 p m Baythom 5. Royal Orchard Wed. 730 p m KING CITY King City Community Centre WILLOWDALE Doctors Lane St. Gainers Centre Monday 7 30 p m. 672 Sheppard Ave East Thurs. 7 30 p m FOR CLASS INFORMATION cALL sac-9200 unannou- . ENROLL AT ANY CLASS E'Votl at my Class F-rst meeting Fee 510 Al other noesngs 34 spend some! citizen 0 stuoeoi me Int Watch-N's 'era; .- .c we. :9 :.. 4 i The Authority .4. ur ass... . -e~.-~,o. o SUITE 205 MONDAY 7.00 0.30 p.m. 0.30 10.00 p.m. 0.00 - 0.00 p.m. 0.00 6:05 p.m. 7.00 0.00 p.m. Level I 020.00 0.30 10.10 p.m.r ggl'lth 325.00 THURSDAY 1.30 - 3.. p.m. Introductwy $20.00 i 0. -- 7.. 9.0 . I2 Io I5 year; SIS... ; 7.00 0. p.m. Introductory 020.00 I no 10.00 p.m. Level 1 Class 0-00 A___. 20% on ALL PERM ANENTS 5 operators to serve you . 898-7333 JOSEPH 8r PETER S HAIR DESIGN Q 439 DAVIS DRIVE. NEWMARKET D New Series Classes Commencing Week of January 16. 1910 WTOGISIUDIO 713 DAVIS DRIVE. NEWMARKET. ONTARIO . Telephone tor Intermetien ,. Marlene Mewhinney 8984604 Level I Level II TUESDAY 9.10 Ii.eo a.m. Level II $20.00 1.10 3.00 p.m. Overweight $25.00 ~ 7.00 0.3 p.m. Introductory $20.00 0.30 - 10.00 p.m. Level I 40.00 WEDNESDAY 1.30 1 ... p.m. Level I $20.00 'Oider ladies class Children to 11 years WORD FOR THE WEEK Be committed to honesty "Old fishermen never die. they just smoII that way." My father is a physician and for many years that motto hum from his of ce wall, I never un- derstood why and .5 a matter of fact, I didn't give it much thought until just recently And evcn then. It was a revised version that I came up with It goes like this ()Id CHRISTIANS never die they just SMELL that way." There are, times reign the Christian's Iifo literally smells uptho works " And like the smoll of raw fish the life of some Christians causes others to Cough and wheczc and ovon mako thoir oyo s water as they back away from tho odour I Now this happens in a lot of areas but I'm con- cerned with the area ofour mouth. I'd like to (-spocialli zero In on the home for a moment and share just nnc prinL iple that l tool will help you and your family control your tong-Io It's a tomb area but one wc hood to wrestle with lest our halitosis spread: to the epidemic stage. First of all, listen to these wisc words "Wherefore having laid asido once and for all falsehood. talk truth" Ephesians 4-25I. If you were to read that verse as Paul wrote It. that's literally how it would appear. It's suggesting to is that we be COMMITTED Tt) HONESTY In our homes. The word putting away" expresses an action that is done in a point of time. it is not a continual day after day thing, it is to bc done once and f r all. And that s why I am caliirg this a committni. t ~~ it Is a once and for all thing where you say to one another as members of a family. "book. woare not I m tip to one another. we are going to ho honest continually. Wo will not lie ithat s a once and for all committmmti but we will speak truth I that 's a day to day practice) Too many times we limit lying to those all out, calculated "big lies". the obvious ones, But that's our mistake. How many times have you had a busy day and didn't want to talk on the phone, or there was someone in particular who you had no desire to listai to and when the phone ram you said. "If it's for me, tell them I'm in the shower" and you hop in the shower with all your clothes on, but no water. You re in the shower. but you're also lying. 0r. "tell them I've just gone out. as you abandon the frOnt pord'l. I could go on, but you see what I mean. In doing those Iittlo thirgs you build a spirit of untruthfulncss in your home that will lift its ugly head many times and more ofton than not, degenerate into vicious Iyirg. And when that happem oIc Satan just roars. because he is behind the lie. It's part of his plan. Jesus. in commenting on Satan's character said this: He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth became there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie. he speaks from his own nature. for he is a liar and the father of lies." How 'bout that? When was the last time you ran that verse throuzh your mental grid as you stood fully clothed in the shower? You see. we need to be COM- MITTED to honesty or Satan will rip us off. Friend. if you suffer from verbal diarrhea. then cork it. And next time you are tempted to lie. just lift the lid and take a whiff. That s a dead-mouth" Christian you smell...not raw fish. "Ill SKIES AT COLDCRI-Il-IK NOBLE-ITON Husky Team Trials will be featured at the Cold Crock Conservation Area here Sat. Jan. 14. The Siberian Husky Dog Association of Canada. Southern tin- tario Division. sponsor of the popular time trials. has scheduled tho competitions from 12 noon to 2 p.m. iii i'tii a 820.00 810.00 $20.00 "0.00 Rev. Wesley lkMiIIe. a missionary to Africa for to years. 'will speak at the Newmarket Free Methodist Church Jan, I3. N and IS. A Canadian. .Vtr. IIcMIllc played a role in the growth of the African church in Mozambique and the Province of Transvaal in South Africa. School ' 200 to Women's club attracts 3 By CHRIS VAN KRII'ZKI'IN Nl-ZWMAHKI-IT ~ A womon's group, which will not discuss religion. politics or diets. is flourishing n hcro Recording secretary of tho Nov. market Women's Christian Club. I rudy Brands. said this club attracts 0ch 200 womcn to its monthly mootings Allhohh tho club had boon nii'cting in Aurora, It (Icciilod to oxpand Into \ owninrkct two ycars ago bocausc of thc largo turnouts Evon though tho club Is non-dcnominational, Nowmnrkci's chairman.- Joyce Spence. said its activitics hclp fill a spiritual hood in tho lives of thc womcn in the community" Sho further credits the largo crowds by saying. "Thcro are a lot building Ni-IWMARKI-IT Tho Ncwmarkcl Mon- tessori School a non- p r o I i l . n 0 n - denominational school ~ will shortly bo needing its own building bccausc of Increased onrolmont. and Is looking for financial bpr "We are approaching members of the local tusinoss community who may bc interested in assistirg in the education of yours: pooplc in the community." said Bruce Ingram. chairman of the board of the Nowmarkct Montessori School. We would appreciate any donation and will provido a tax-dcductiblo receipt by return mail." he said. "This ycar. wo will have :30 children bctwccn tho agos of two and a half and fivo years enrolled in our established children's houso' and 15 childrcn between the ages of six and nine years cnrollcd in our 'junior school he said. "The school." said Mr Ingram. "provides a unique form of education for the children in the Regional Municipality of York and the County of Simcoo." Kr" .- * 3:: ha; is "-i ! w CHAIRS Ioncly \I'omon who fool tied to tho slow and this gives them a chance to got out " Tho club obtains mcmbors by pcrsonal invitation That is." said Mrs. Spence "a member wiB ask a friend to come and that fricnd will ask someone rise and so on." The moctings. held on tho sccond Tucsdny of ovory month. includc a spcakor -and ii special foaturc and music. According to Mrs. Sponco. tho spcakcrs Town nomes committee SHARON East Gwillimbury Council passed a bylaw Wed- nesday appointing the Committee of Adjustment for the town. Iiugh Shilling from- thc east side (Mount Albert) will serve until DEC. I978. Holland Landing's Marjory Jaques. representative of the west part of East Gwillimbury. will be a member until Dec, 1979. Grant Kitching's term runs until Dec. 1900. Living on the 6th Con- cession. Mr. town. DYER S 'QEDROOM SUITES ' ~ ' man DINING ROOM SUITES FROM M T IIVING ROOM sums mom $349". KITCHEN SUITES man m rii IiNiruiir Kitching comes from the centre of usuall' "talk about an oxpcricncc thoy had in which God gavc their IiIo a purposc " Hut wo will not discuss rcligion. politics or diets," shc addod "lit-cause. that way wo all remain Irionds." Tho special fcaturc ovonts usually focus on itcms which will bo of Intoi'cst to tho homorhakor. said spccml foatiirc chairman Donna Nount ln "I choso tho gilosts by kooping my oyos and cars .ipon and choso topics which at Icast 90 pcr cont of tho pooplo will onjoy In tho past, tho spocial foaluros hnvo included discussions on macramc. how to kocp children amusod whilo lravclling. and ovcn on 1/i ll] I/z IIII! COATS, DRESSES. SPORTSWEAR monthlymee ngs' 60inch ' divorco and property For tho .Ian 10 mooting. Mrs Nowacin had a lady coming in to spook on tho ic of "Discovering MIST-hm In Tho Homo" Tho St 75 admittanco chargo covors the cost of tho prowdcd babysitting and rofroshmcnts. Tho Nowmarkot Christian Wonion's Club is part of an intornational organization known as Stonccroft Ministrics According to Mrs Sponco. any moncy takon in by bcr club gocs to 22 missionary coiiplos in Canada "Tho missmnarics. shc says. "go into areas whorc thoro arc no family churches Tbcir mossago ismw'w pcoplo." EVES SPORTSWEAR EVES lADlES WEAR 259 - 26] MAIN ST. NEWMARKET, ONT. 895-9131 NEWMARKET 895-628I ,. O o . 3001MAIIIST.S. - 895-6226 Iviim WISE sum ALIYArssu ;. .Ar m's , asthma. A Warm Welcome Awaits You At The Church Where Your Family Counts ; VICTORY BAPTIST 373 BOTSFORD ST. 095-0902 3 Pastor: Mr. David R. Walls Assistant Pastor: Mr. Paul White Every Monday at 7 p.m: - Boys Brigade Club 8. Pioneer Girls Wednesday January 11: Family Night "CREATION: EVIDENCE FROM SCRIPTURE AND SCIENCE" SUNDAY, JANUARY TSTh, T 978 :4Sa.m. Bible School (A class far all) 11:00 a.m. "LET S TALK ABOUT TEMP TATION " 7:00 p.m. "HOW TO DO RIGHT WHEN YOU'VE BEEN DONE WRONG " NOTE: PASTOR: DAVID R. WALLS. 0.0c.. M. Div. Pastor Devewlii be speaking at both services an may be seen on Cebiecest Ten every Manley at 7'30 gm. an every Wednesday 9 e.m. way not com. and Ieln us. a in. te have veuii Hunt ASSOLIAIIO COS'II (IU'CIII 221 Carlson Drive Call 095-1119 Newmarket. Ontario For Bus Service 095-50 Duke-Message; 095-0211 _ TONIGHT: a p.m. Cable TV Channel l0 7 p.m.. Family Night SUNDAY, January I5, I978 Sunday School 11a.m. "STUDIES IN GENESIS." 7 p.m. Evening Gospel Service with the WORKMAN QUARTET. 9:45 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Grover Crosby. B.tti Assistfe stor: Jack McClelland lnterdenominetionai . Evangelical You are only a stranger once at Grace 4J0 PASTOR: GLEN M. eurrAm cos-nu ANNUAL MISSIONARY CONVENTION JAN. I3. I0. I5, I978 MissIOnaries: Rev. 5. Mrs. W. DeMilie S jz Friday I3"! 7:30 p.m. Saturday 14th 7:30 p.m. Missions Emphasis All Day suuoemo Sunday School - 9:45 am. Morning Worship - 11:00 am. Evening Service - 7:00 p.m. Films. Slides 8. Special Music throughout the convention ALL WELCOME -'~ oEEEmHmz ~ Queen St. near Lorne Ave.. Newmerket - tUMt arrow wITN us . Evangelical Clin'stian Baptist Churc Main St. Newmarket Church School 9:45 am. Morning Worship 11:00 am. Pioneer Girls Mondays at 7:00 Christian Service Brigade Fridays at 7:00 "Little Church" rowth r me wk. 0 0 oops throughout Pastor: Al Roxburgh. (Affiliated with the Ba Ontario and Quebec. ptlst Convention of a progressive family church patsiiie tabernacle 47 PARKSIDE DR. PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF CANA' SUNDAYS 9:45am. Christian Education Hour 11:00 a.m. Morning Service 7100 P-m- ' Evening Service TUESDAYS 7:1) p.m. Family Night REV. JAMES CANTELON 095-. 10 Main Street 5. Newmerliet Pastor: Rev. Glenn It. Boyce 9:05 A.M. Sunday School Hour 11:00 A.M. - Wor to Service 7:00 P.0d. - Evening Service Tees. 7 P.M. A Praise and Prayer I Iour a v CHRISTIAN SCENES SERVEES SUNDAY . Ii A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL -11 AM. WEDNESDAY EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS ONAzyiagmhmeesOAY a . . ALL ARE WELCOME (I MILLARD AVE NEWMARKETJQ ' i . 0 e e

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