1 , . - ~... ,..._.,~..... N-wo .n '~ - r - . . n l ' 810 'Re Bra. New-tame. Aaron. Keaka OIL. Wed" Jan. II. me i l. 26. Help Wanted 26. Hel Wanted " THEWERA SALES cm i " PERSONNEL 33. Tral: tor _ 0' it 0' IO)! TRAILER. solid . angle iron trarne. la"w is, lion capacity. S250. P e 095 972Sattera::ltp.m ST TE.) *- 34. Motorcycles KAWASAKI motorCycles tor sale. Don Wood Motorcyc Shop. l7 Alexander Road. Newmarltet. Call 095-230. T:- 29. Sales Help Wanted 29. Sales Help Wanted NEW 1978 MODELS I a. .\'.. .\\s SALES PEOPLE , Ages lOandoirer MOTORCYCLE winter . A FOr new and row In storage, C." m 3222 a gf 5 v Newmarket 3. Aurora e pm. 3.1 Earn To Deliver Commissions . . { P Y 34A Snow vehicls 1 10",, I [Snwm I, Com ' for one of York Region s largest and most 0" LE "77 5' 000 This tractor comes with eleclrIOslart. Tecumseh - progressive communitymewspapers. 35'3"??? 3 "' powerplant. solid state ignition andsix lorward and Cd *e m Salary. commission and car allowance. mo ' '0 'M'" 39008 17"? Snow'lh owm '3? A i r . 15 i i t H ri- I ' tram-mounted single stage model with 35 intake 99 Y 'D N 9 9 V "9 U Pa 30 3'5 80A SKI (new track) SJSO. . "Hm ' nd ' l Both A I electric start "d'h- 30-dogreedlscharge chutewt l eye a m abom eXpenence' e C' ' ' clutch b0 h l the driver's seat (Note T-Faa phone a 733i 1 7 f e h. _ I atyusxablle romm red) W e If c aim on w 89 we'g s'equ. "N SKI-DOD 399 T N T.. I uys l972 stii doo uo T N T SALESG. SERVICE 3 ! TH 6.308. ' s595. Both excellent con , " Machine 'reoail Overhaul'nnd preventative main m W7 I S lanai go at high speed production machinery on Our . ' SNOW VEHICLES. Arctic , .ttterhcon shill Hours oi work are erm A 00 D m Cat and Slllroule. Bethesda midnioht. Monday to Friday 5' Sales and Service Larry Van THE pg nson; Dyke. aus. 004-7774. res. use Approved apprenticeship in mechanical work. 1166. TF 39 EAGLE ST.NEWMARKET preterably mechanical workshop practice. or an ac FOR S LE ' m s boo". l (CDIDDIO eOuivalenl $ Wm "5 Experience in overhaul at high speed packaging lines in x 2 ' l the pharmaCeulical or lood industry 38, Boats and Mgrlne .38. Boats I - r I"! YAMAHA GPA 130 Good condition saoo or best Otter. Phone 7223390. 2 2 "71 YAMAHA J . Good cortdllion S450. Prime 895 6177, t 2 FOR SALE ~ Trailer. home built. New Se" plywood tloor, new paint. to" wheels. Fitted tor snowmobile. SISO. Ken 095-72 . Xi 2 ENGINE. Yamaha GP2'92 SS. Completely rebuilt. very last 3300. invested. Make l APPLICATIONS: It you have the necessary Qualilicalions and wish to arrange an interview, call or wrile ALUMINUM WELDING MIG 8i TIG Boats. Truck Trailers Built & repaired. no repairs too small OFFS RE MARINE SERVICES LTD. 775-5781 i2 44. Building Trades - Bulk" -r Trades NEWMAIIKET AllIMIIIIIM Aluminum Siding READ THIS TWICE! Alli Till HAPPY ll IIIlIl PRESENT M? We Require Experienced Sales Personnel Immediately. Successful Applicant Will Enioy Excellent COmmission Plan, 78 Demo. Health 8. Life insurance a 015de iAiES OFFICE NOW OPEN 1'. Weekends 2 8 Weekdays PRICED FROM 'io Quali ed Puichasers 1 478-4134 Personnel Department STERLING DRUG LTD. Yonge Street South Aurora. Ontario 727-4261 ext. 203 Ask aneut our Trade in olar. E 2 Soffit Eavestrough . ' "'"" 5' Free Estimates 25 year Guarantee PLEASE APPLYTO r . 1.er we... r. . LaasaI Rentals 395-2963 " 478-2092 7-; am' We re 50 d 0" se'Vlce imMAcx TRACTOR and 45 I - 7 seem- r r 77 ~77 r r a' r r ' " n:tiotbedlrallertorshortor Required for Barrie-Orillia area. We are 0M: l long term iean, o.v.w. looking for an experienced electronics m"""" ' so Reduce our H ' t l service technician in the office equipment or in... so... _ Y ea ing C05 5 2i. Articles tor Sale Do Help Wanted 26 Help Wanted "eld' preferably wm acople' bad ground- h" 37. Motor Vehicles For interview send resume or phone Brian . l/L //L IH\' .1/CIIII/CHLTHG con sacs i w or double 3 . 3t. Motor Cars for Sale 31. Motor Cars tor Sale wAtire o ro y I rorso Psafnesses' (onars ' . .or m 7 nctuded S :e 23 a. 2A 895 9382. High . wk paw. Fr" page. vsu i 2 pick up. Arrow Towing. 095. 476-4415 or 895-5l3l M I. n Adic'es Wamed WHITFIELD OFE IrCDE & OUTFITTERS 5922L to H pays '0 096' Locany . we auy .uo SELL oz Colborne St. East. Oriilia. Ont. inViTo2 39:3? 83:: I M mmwmommumaw'mumm um house-held tur hue and . .. ,. I ' CONSUMER LOANS I AUTOMOBILE-FINANCING .? :3- is are" r the Newmrrkr' Area: writ a - a. 21:33. "2 m , , ' ' ' l l- i( l- JSED FURNiTURE. za- large. progressive National Retailing :cfa gs Powell&Co.le..88425;BF ' ' Yo geS! N . A was in to Com an , lbnA i 727 an; 1 rt ' p Y s we PAY CASH tor me In order to be gmsidered for this Musibe ab'e *0 Work 0" '"Wa ve- . RADIATOR seewce turniture. boats and. position, the applicant must: PreVIOUS PrOdUCIIOI'I Plannl experlence & "oases fairgrounds Nev-martin. alll desirable. Minimum education - Grade 12. wuselraiiers or what, have Alli-i Hours a MOI-days! 750$ ' ""'-' "565 " ' Location - Stouffville. TRUST CO- ' "'0 e Be presently employed in a super- ' 47. Meats. Produce for 47. ats. Pruce 35" c," D". _- visory position SUPM" hall men resume m: ANNE'VANDENT'LLAARI CRlPPLED CATTLE V . Salk immediate pickup tor tur 5.3.: 5223. 1:22;. waverminimumoiarearsexrrrlrncr Manager Production Maurine 095-5104 p" " " P'" DENNIS IS CIll IING I me... phoned, .596. "5. in Merchandising, Display. General Retail. Box 302. The Era g." "S' "M f." "0 2:" Mun 5' "Jr", ".mnk. - - .- W, A-.. 30 Charles Street. Newmarltet. "m" 333,." Beef P' k " 8. Lamb 3:252:23: 3:125:53 West or rresenr emrirvmenr with a HONDA cmc l r or r Veer . gophances a any large volume Dept. Store. THE or w . goods enices Phone 47s EDPQCONlaSOtl airs TF aHavea realdesire to produce and build i Woedvllle.0nt. 48. Pets and Kennels 48. Pets nd fan a good future with an ever growing COM- Wm ironic-g -_-_ WANTED - Camper lop tor I lLEAOE CHAMP ASSISTANT COOK mi... 30' not Phone 775 n . BREITIIOIIN KENNELS REGISTERED '7 pa Y 0' "m c M" St Be d P 10 k Male l rough . rnar ups. wee s. . - . . o imp w.ii.t.-it EXCELEENLBHEF'TS" _ For Children s Mental Health Centre. f6* 2-smOoth. Quality dogs bred for Type TAxi Delvees. chautteurs Please TQP'Y'" Wm 0"" " C'W'W ' Send Resume to: hymn, may, mow". Temperament and working soundness_ license Apply in person to comprehensive resume and chains.2years old.S219$. _.,-_.._-.___-._2os_Limnmy___iLTr_%c3t7o .. -M A In . ___ B . -.- .. . - w "'l ' HARW ' N "k" m" 0". c331 " .i coicxi22's 553xci Blue Hills mm D}! NNY'S HONDA 44- Barium Trader 'us-nr g', "IDO'lch? out R. NO. 2, Aurora. L463 NORTNERN wooowoax ' ' ' hill- c 5 NC" 0 '9?an THEREG'ONAL UNDER THE WATER TOWER Carpentrycuslom wood work (4 u 'o:i~ hr"-' sir-wiser . l3, YONGE STREET NE and home imDWVGW- MS- ' :r'olitabe Aork Contact MUMCIPAUTYOF YORK MARKET Ted Debaeremaeker 775- : 5"- 993 wk cvsi'oiawoe mo. TF 9 ' ' NOTICE TOCREDIT DhoneEOS 31.: 2 i m WE SERVICE TOYOTA AND DATSUN ' :a'I'n " ANDOTuEps RELIABLE cleaning lady ' in the Estate M Allen A mi . i 2 9 Y i - P m miles (original). certitied. GRAN TORINO NEWMARKET foal SA Twos'oedgzrbg: 7 7 l 9. 1-2 ema e erman . RECEPTIONIST TYPIST . . _ ? 9 6 4 dr. sedan my eqp_ CALL mm NW mm. Noam All persons haying ci tor law Courts Pleasant . ' h. WES W s STaTtm 'ac 58" No paufs Oo alnst the RA .n. H r ... ...nogsonalr|1i theta-typing and. TEQIvmaL- draughnn 9!. i-c waqm' good cmdmon' sm' l-i . . . , achln.m,. six_ ' '1le A? Mum . , ' .' ' riood" reion e .o trarnrn'g"at' the pOSi- ondal Y levels ' ' " ' "' " M " " 1 on x ' 'm'm" 5 r FREE TO oooo hOME Simr omi'n. Assent-at Call Mrs Farmer desirable. but ex'ensive experience in capital investment IHleIdual 91: DATSUN no, good I ' t 7 h" ' .1 T2 black Labrador. 2 years old. is h, l97 , are. " 5 planning draughting, cartography or necessary. Oil truclt supplied. We require condition. idoor. certiiiod EAGLE ST "5 an c apAv'NcLTo_ good D and wa'chdogi new '0 w" mm "A'YRESSr TU" 9 9 ' ' an energetic indiVidual willing to work W3 - ' EARLYSPRlNGSPECIAL phmen$7251 L, dumcmm,mdm.g Demented Apply in person at deSIgn is essential. Supervisory experience h t M , m h t d d Mn ma LEMANS woof 000 BOOK NOWANO SAW 0' b. m m" M coime m m DaVis Dr. and communication skills are required. arda 3C e"""95 9 5 a 3' 9' Mom, mu , mjph'me "H TNUNDERBIRS Driveways ParkingLots FREE to oood home 3 9" ' February. I910. alter date the Estate will distributed having re lowmarket l 2 This position required an innovative in- . PERSONS who have had dividual capable of presenting planning Plea 0" t0? 3" IPPOIMMOnIr 9-4311- monlhs old lemale black Lab. spayed. Phone 095 1674. Tennis Courts Free Estimates B95 8621. 3 2 loaded, new MICNIIH M .. __. exhaust. .000. open COMPANY 2-2 r. n. _ . nc .ri - - 3.1 lelaws-2mi- l-2 PHONE (416)267-8849 ._ ___,_______zl- 'eOIaSSHFecpraas eand/or conCEp's m the be ca wrwh'c form' A owueo It VOLKSWAGEN best Aaiitotcmornoy IRENE'S POODLE 3:" ' " 9 "aims ' spray Painting Apply in mm . .. .- :ggzegg%gf' ' otter.asis. Phone 095-3329. uterine-"u 5cm 0" OOMlNG' d have non - . . c 055 lastics, 543 ' . A- . ' W - - ' - i. All on oroom no on ' gags:th Sim mar ! 12 Responsmie to the Commissioner for the 2.. ______.___.3mm:E "m m. wm ",Esswun cm", a cuppingpm.m n ,1, DATED at Toronto this in W - r - - day at January. 1910. MOULDMMERS mm... total draughting requirements of the _ ma GREMLIN a cylinder, on... "mop, 63,000 mu . vinyl installations. no too too Emu, . em 1,}, Dr chhmond Hill Plastics Department. The incumbent will supervise auto. air conditioning. 42.000 mom, owner, "r, mm small. excellent rates. tree W Momm Eumm, M m Convent 0" and provide technical direction and War 350- ' be" "" 727-6677. 571-2 "m' 2'2 NOTICE solicitor. Cecil it. Cra .nieclioh me Or blow moulds ,raining ,0 me 5,3". purchase of For partt work in a 28-suite apartment Not ceall ed- Phone 8 " 825- m, pONT'Ac , W5. on "9 ANY witnesses to accident. suita not, or Yonga s st 063" Cal'mM W drau Ming supplies and the matmenance building in wmarkef. Starting March l. 3 350. es. 9.3.. automatic Jan. 6. lmi approximately Toronto.MSE mom mm W AL 9 . . 1973. couple xperienced in clean", and 1 lm TOYOTA COROLLA. as transmission. Ldoor. new 5:05 pm. al Dims or. and 7 _ s.S400 One! 5 2 2 tires. 47.000 m es. cat .1 . . r - Spouse not ise employed pre rred. I I i m, b NOTICE TOCRED distr nuth bus ness will be tinumg responsibilities. THESE was, MUST dition. AM radio. FMS track nvo v ng rown m we ESTATE k, Calling on independent Write Box . lhe Era. 30 Charles St. 00 stereo. $.00 or best otter. SEED Chevrolet. please contact C. GORDON Anne" retailers in the Howl-garnet Apply in writing before January 20. I97. to: Newmarket_ The MGM! 0"" Wm be phme an" 6mm John's)": .Green,395.6357 atterapm. L TE OF THE Tow. (O and Regional area alary R H scallion, a 2501 'y. w 1.; l - ' Md- _ "EWM RKET- " r 2'3; ggfgs fg - Personnel Coordinator 0 l. 1974 Dalsun 8-210. 44.000 int VEGA. 3200. Phone 775 BEAUTIFULLY 53. personal, REGIONAL MUN m The RegionalMunicipalityolYork 24 milesr 100'- sxcel'snl 30770'l9'59-m- "1 'LLUSTRATED PALI Y or Y BABYS'TTER need : '0' 30 I" Newm.ru' 0",... condition. 4-speed. certllled. Complete List ol Flower and posomgn uo NEW. C." 51.350 MAN )0 r W" 7 7 50 ,r j ' ' M 2. im Toyoa Corolla mo cc. "1. CHEYENNE pump, Vgsm'swguag Fresh Rendezvous Dating Limited. DECEAsED (.0 "5 pm" 895 30 7 936. excellent CWINM- t-wheel drive. lully equipped cu 0,. .92., a... 1:5,, ; (1453-1661) tto.m..9 pm. All Creditorsol the above VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY i certi ed. C n 600 including H.D. trailerlng ON ontoseeoco o, agesarawelcome. Tron deceased. who died at dc "EEDEDW 35 ' ' 0" rm t I 3- ""3 70W" 0'0 N package. etc. 29.000 miles. eox iu.WATEitLoo.OtiT. Town at Newmarket. it . p r o l i l c h a r i t a D l e for kt: 8i radti'bggu pm andAb'Lglz speed. good running car. new Jory phone 717.9451. 2.2 53, Person. Regional Municipalil )0 organilatiort in lund raismq . ' I UC eIi I'S- MU x9" enced Y paint and tires. certilled. mt, Nelli- York. on or about the it? he rampaiqn Please reply to toweldanasset. Steady employment. Good 4. ma Artlc Cat Puma no. dark b, muff. 5.8 Mm PACEDWITNA v or September , i977 m Box 548.Aur0ra.L46 2N5, l2 wages for right man, good machine. . AMFM " u a", 'CNI DRINKING PROBLEM hereby notltled pursu l FULLANO pART nME S. 1770 Scorpion snowmobile. "why an . o'sjn_ "n": Perhaps " Alcoholics The Trustee Acttosend ) O with opening our Cosmetic BROUWEKSOD FARMS good running order. thns'm. L, P Anonymous or AI-Anon undersigned proot ol he Business in June W77. we are Company benefits include: , ' Calm :ll 995-4MInef79-m- _ '""' Family Group can help. claim on or betore the .ory pleased with our rapid l-2 Phone 727.000 or ass-$002 or day or February. 191:. ) 0 growth .n York Region, New Demonstrator Dental Plan, . . 32, Truck, 9..- 06. Gas and Oil mm? Newmartcet. tt which date the assets - wearcprcparino '0' one year ' ~ I, ORD PICKUP, m ' Estate Will be distri - . Hospitalization. Pension Plan and more. condition. A. rm Mom MUST sELL -- im Dodge 9: TeouaLeot m | ,0 ahead and plan to trai E ha 9 regard on Y several new BeaJty c Ski. low mileage. phase .95. Van. 35.000 miles. many Wood Want to talk. Call claims to which the I " ' I 329 . I.) IT'S. m. 727- 60atter6 ' w 727' dersion Wm one i so ants m me Me "i 0' Proficient in all office skills. good yp n9 pm ST-TF M 'Yr " ' 3" " essential bookkeeping pleasant telephone " V'wLHr 6 mm, M, I, M A... "W"- ierested in' learning more For con dant" mums" ' 1' "d Hw N 7 cylinder. sloo. underlined. I714 OMC I-ton tow truck. ' m ' d '7 " ' V.O. Contldentlal Diagnoals DATED at Newma about Skin (are and would manner. Keele STree a Y. 9. .- th9 395-3550 One? 6:30 Pit-Ob '00 : 350 C0. inch O veredStloper & Tru'mcm' 22 Prmec' Ontario ""3 ""1 a, litre to work a tew hours each . . om. t2 "'0'": MW rubber. push street. Newmarket. 095.45". January. A. D. im. week. please call tor an ca" Enc um. rVice Manager . bumper. booster cables and Tuesday a.m. 9 12 and Elizabeth Marie appomtment No experience 727.9444 i "7' MU5TAN "37" : sling. 705-357-3061. 24 "1'r"'-"'"P-'" Wednesday it p.m. Nc Adminis" .i necessary Training provided . l-z V-O. good condition. $700. "N 13 ! . ":7" "" ? appointmentneoessary. by herSo - r at the Aurora ottice. To ._ Pb ns'w' "2 autmatic.tham.nsa. "lulu" TF-l Stlver.Vala.POP . arrangean appointment with , 30. EmpJNanted 30A. Day Care in: CORTINA standard. 2. : roe sALa PIIIWOOO our... menu mm. , i Mrs. SCriver. please call # $06 for " g, not min-"lung~ 1,, "In a ' Mu "rm_ For 'm. P ' ' ' n _ , I, . _ on window regnancy estlng, Court. . I between H a,m and 2 p m. Twistre "ca?" m .Vallwt. in my PET . 695,. -2 van. 6 .mm". m '. w 721' ing. Prawn 5" "um-rt." W Jj ' chevrolei-old-mobileltd Cur .937. 9' no 4497' M'M' m" M" power brakestklno SIM. 5 5m- "2 Tuesday mornings 9-12 hd l "Hams "EDI-Elisa? ...-.i....,...........i. as... ... ..::.- "$03,..." 3.55 33" WM """- "35; promotionehonom-m. Mixeo _tiAaowooo - Wednesday 7-9 pm. 22 so. Private Tuitiol l 0 x ' 1......ir... main... ._.__ ' ' t-2 maple, beech and uh. pic Prospect St..Newmarltetees. ' P"""5'3m- 7 4 dr sedan 6 I " or detiv red en in r45"- No Appointment ' - TRAVELLING "AII p y c ng AVA.L"LE' ' Cy ' Tm CNIV IMPALA. 1- w - . ' m l __ come to Quaker "H's, 'enm y.rd' car my, uc."m' Ml t. oz mu'y. ' "a 9" me' mus a" VOW MMO- E ' new horns weICOrne Phone Lic JCD763Q'IIY a. 'Ilmm l "our W FOR conlldentlal Yon- Iully quali ed experience in re.mble rm Wm. .95. L2 0 ED: mua hr - - 095-3144. 24 3" w . wltatlon on personal. '" """"' m" m 937 "3 ' rm pane in ton 150 v0. J__ s' maritai lamil _ ___ " o a I I Y and , , - "53 . H woman, _ 3. , AELlAaLE DAy CARE in standard. radio and stop sioes or OIIF. drain linanclat concerns. phone Training. Learn ' " E"""" "9 " my home company tqr 3 EAGLE ST W Dumper. Etteellent condition. llnlshed. cut to your Family Lite Centre 095-23 . spare time _ you or i mum Damn", si'waonnliattewoeotlumy 1'3? year old. hot lunches. ' "mnlml- "7 """ PM". "3' 7" be on the air in l eneaceglmtd "ow'm . M ' ' ,1 Madow- Brook School area. "74 PONTIAC Ina 5.79 9,553,, no box Wl iP-m- 2-1 ' months. For re - i i and den": . , _ . . 4 train. For appointment only Able to produce progression dies with - glknr hgmrwmmm LAURENTIAN hona 4712:; 4.. P. "d, 5" r m. u 0 message on how ? calmsms. * 1-! minimum supervision. Good rate for right 30A y n 3",. - u 2 dr..h.t. fully eqp. low - - I _____.._ "'.' WW M an . l COM'ANYuuvm'MW person. ._ ._ mum. A, i, Lic, Hp r gleam - 2 plug; :3er?! ttETe evaiz': routing -. Ordnan. 0: 921 2'420 Na . 4 ' requires person tor part or ~ a . 23 . WW eyme puppy. wee ' c r r r cor er an ' i . W" "MS m- c" d "'3'. PM m . c' Wt. . '0' Wheaties-gleaming: .cmxn m As is condltlat. all shots. top eld trial and We lesson. grade I stituteot Broadcas appearance neoelipary. Can m lmm, Pwk'A" sew M|y'm'mch._m gs. , $550. tlrrn. Both sold hunting stock. St7S. Phone V grade: theory included. . earn .50 to so per hour. 095. NHL . ' m EAQLE 51 . mm together. Phone ww. I-2 "S5105. J 2-2 , l-2 _.,_ ed . ..__ .. r _ ,....c.. . Vuf , J'fhza _. ., Hwy/ fe.) ,- e i 1 :- . a. I I l A x o , a