Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), January 11, 1978, p. 14

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- .. :r- a . v > - - i - ~ 3 ' III The lira. Nevin-rid. Aurora.Ke~Iulel,lh1l.. WHIJMI II. MIX 3 NEWMARKET PICKED Flyers tie North Boy, 9 UP THREE POINTS BUT ROBBED OFMORE down Royals, lose to Ronge l . ['5 a ' :3, ; Klb ' V - NEW MARK l I'l' lulluwlnil 'h" illi't ll Myers lli mlm llK'k Scull ltomhuuuh IInrl llefure the end ut the Nuvis rounded out the v [I g "" "i 'l h t N I- w m .l r it t I In Willfhlnpl suree "lllvy WM In the box for John ( ox assisted second Steve Novrs "rinit Ilia ___... -' . ~ ' l'rtn Inl ull .lunmr A PIM'TS about t" ""Ruw "'mm (:Ionn ( ultinit Put " ""7 mm News also racked u " 9 , ..- . . _ f . v d . goal "Dd III'I'd Ih l f ' l M In IS al ' l-lwrs linked up three in Ni ll llIll l-urhnn sat t-Iyers ahead when he mvonml bouncer n" "UV "33m" "I'll? _ Q ' llIIIIl IIle week. lilll tll _, "HW' NW w c um goals p :de up n W I" "'0'" "w hm- Aqqigun on "w hvlppd 0" three m' I , "\M m H' rulill'rl. ahead wrlh only a few "I mc ltungprg' nor and " ' . . III II r It e r s .l o h n \huulrl th e lmrl more . . t'uunll r were I Iyl rs ht lill ' in the way l- Iyer eum-h minutes left and the rod .1 |uw [rm-k u h and To" - lieukehourn unlimited Tex relene called tillley lur Ituhllmlle and Dave I! 3' lwwe and Ernie (Foddem . VII they lrulmeerl the ltnj ll l'he l"l ) I'rs play-l ltIll hurhzm (tr-Titled the holding ile hiltl been l'nrrulhers received the .luhn ( mr and Rick lltlley l a lhrl" mum s lust week. mmdvm telling the little ones Flu Ilssusts North York went on nM lM "no Mam each ( 8' ll l: \'- . ll l ,. . ,.. :In the other uv was _ . . . , . mrsr I) m rum Ir 1 _n, pmk v. .5 right ll . Mmh ank nod "w luser lwree In the lhIrd The i' lyers score . {)1 York llll\ ll II 4, ll tl'_ lit .l mgm lhe lns'l II run m, ~ lruversull I 4 lll l\|l)ll lu \urth ank. nd that mmdsu night they llt tI { irth Ila} I'll 1 7 . llltl rIIuIneIrlum " Flu-I Men- Nuvrs lIIul In :I high \AflSl \llul on the North \urlt mull '- In the mulrlle oi the net .IlItl the llllhl new r earm- t"lyer manager .x'lIln tlutehklss Ilrlrled, "I nus upset \ulh It Things like that lll the eluh It klllt'l I the Last Sunday In North llu). Flyers l' tllt' hack ho (ling littley loo " liIm Mr'r'tleer scored II hIIt their for Newnmrlu t In the North ltuy encounter and Scott llumhough tllllll ll lwu Inure 'l erry Porter and Steve Nous hanged in the other markers 'l erry l'urler plekerl up three Ilssmts and llurnlmugh, 'l um 'l Idmnn. score wrth II hth shot by lluh Millard that caught the eurner ut Flyers gnnhc linve llIllIer's net I'Zrnle (iudden put Newnmrket nheml unee again with n hard drive from elu'e In liun MeAleer and Tunu'l'ld num helped him on the play to lake the game at 54 In the match last Thursday night In Newmurkel, Scull Itumhuugh picked up In hat trick and one assist Myers manager Stan Ilutehklss said after, llumlxmgh thinks that the potential is there He knuws that we have the , and tour in the third. three goals In the li . period, one in the secun ltoynls pumped in lw - ell goals In the first perl . me and one In the second II I ll third uIre . . nil Warren Skinner ha ma: ZL'I shuts on net whi mh lluynls goalie l ele HS. Lennon l d 4.1 sh that night r: IIIII l- urhan said. "W " 4" h H hm [row :I ill (lelml III the l-irnIe (iudtlen and Steve Hangers came hIIeIt players that can wrn (.ra lll\llII' the net :Iml entl III the rst period In NIH/IS helped out on lvm -tutr1'thescorenl3~.'l wrth hnt'llt y games and I hope dominated the rst a I _ . m leml 'l rnppers 7 5 early goals eneh Mark llnrris seurlng with he r-untinues tu plin third periods and I i'lh _ \ 9 It tu me lhll'd period In the Norm ynrk :I slupshut from the point well " \et'und was up an (IV I 'lhlll' ? Hull. hllVI Nnrlh Iu y vamp hack "much. [tungprs [pd nl :t " (1H, ?! 1:30 (1):??? 0" 1 l IIrtor (k wn "i P F e v . . v - . . . . . I H"" " m" 9'5" " 7' :l to score one Runl late In the end of the first. Terry ' Y "8 " "V" ' "'I" up t\~u goals for Asmslnnl lyer euac 1" 5 " I)? 303" HIP" h 4 l3 " day "lam U". Norm load 1 he gout )uvlge H . mm} ppnml and [hen l nrler lIed the gamenl l- The Flyers pulled Newrnnrket and Tom .iIIeIl Fornn said, I m: . m Hillier m that point and T l (l m n n . l) a v e our guys are getting . Yurk arena hut tied the North Bay Trappers I Iluln'l It the ll hi on and tied at In mark r l I enrlv Into the seeund ill 7-7 last Sunday nlght. p R p 'v R ' n ' the referee was nuk\lll 29 of the game when wrth II high wrist shrill I " I" Wilrrm Sklnm'r M Skinner makes the save alter a shot from the point. Flyer Lee Blossom takes North York Ilanger Darren l.uwe out 0 the play. The ('arruthers jndl Steve better shape now " \l .\ln IIIIll-s and South set up Ilnnglmmer' lur Scull lluluml :Inrl: Noel t'humlm x helped to hold off the Barrie Iii- Inl S on Ilelenee for Newnmrkel l \h. \I I\I(K I I'l' l'he \ewnmrkel lItll'gl s hull-sale \Ilnur Mum Robert \K mere nelurruu~ twree the llt SI Newrmlrket l;le wn-k. mkmg llieh nmrker :lnrt ltzmlztmnler nmnd llIll 2| .Inll Horne and ~\ Imlh rn'elved the _' u lu relmn trip \pul m Insists un the \ UHlI .. .. SE R V/CE ELECTREHOME lll'litll Wholesalers still tops \I l gmu mecd Wholesalers mm have Z i punts ullh H turn, one in: .Illll only turn losses in Ilil lr unmr wrth llII'hlIIIIml llIll I-Illl) lt\l week Ill the NIH, li;Irr_\l \lI'KInlm \et up 'I IIIII lll.|ll' .lmw ItrenIIIm Iur llll' lIrxl \emnlzlrkel marker -tllll \lrlxlulnt. mul'herl the \ei'i u'l'l \Hmll'snlrl' nal, maul-tell ~--r ' fall'lwibfr'liurl" " _. t. .'.". " - liI-splte the lll V the llII'l-munIl llIll gnnl 495-031 3 lt'lltllll was t lll'nl :Is \I-vurmrlu-l nutshut them ".' T In the Killlll INCLUDES: 1-, , pm . (1H, .0? NE RAL CLEANING CHI VI A( FMFNI OF PARTS RFQUIRED olN lAll NEW FILTER OR PAD 01 } MONTH GUARANTEE PARTS 8. l AHOR THIS SPECIAL SUBJFCT TO AVAILABILITY OF PARTS. SERVICE llruwn .Inrl Ilrlzm Smith p..l\HlurulrlullI-Ix lu'Ilml gumuw [ur Ilt llt'l\'l' \eumnrket In their \n-unrl nmteh In \eumurkel With Harrie un the Weekend, goalies I'III&\\;Ilrllllr . IlltI , PRICES IN EFFECT WHtLE I QUANTthES LAST on UNTIL JAN. 14I78. Plumbing & Bathroom T Copper Pipe 12': l1 ch 'l Im IIII) I lI . II II - \lllllnul tor the Door Cha'n Guard x Tues I' Type M hard coppe' \t. tmiexnlers. .'l they E I II E I For home 0! Beaver! Easy TO Install pIpe tor most house- 2 shared the gunlrlulies 393mg 59 "'9 Ec0n mica! lIIes that have hold 'nSlallal'Ons '. \\I\\.qu.l " I A Curlly ey ' It wax theIr mnelh 5:}: v.s-nq.uv. r, .3 :5. m. an OpelalCd BVGSS Ingglligllgfvgdcitishgoflhm To'kt sea \lllllntil nf the season. = ' tmrsh beauty to y10ur rerlrnqs' 36 Wh'te durab'em let 'llll'll'l l;t:l um through Sq H see some! mday, gigtnglaked on Al I w \l ll l II e ' I ' $333933? sum. Plain White Slipl- Medicine Cabinet ' Reg. :5 49 Surface m0unt con- 31 (1 M It ' ' 3 24 X 48 Panels Ventilating Fan tempomry cabinet App! M3130, 'CCan 4 For Suspended cesl. Bathroom exhaust H 5 8 " 17"" qamn mi; system Easy to tan Wllh welded steel Kitchen Faucet Viewer any. I. our panels Plan 1 , OUS'ng W lh D'UShed Sungle lever Door 329 $4 39 Whllo a'Um m 9" 8 kitchen laucet 8" A yes One way vrgzon trom 50 CFM wide-angle lens Wall Decor Alummum With brass tInIsh , . Flat-Dr up?)- Deco'mI-Ie F50 - B'Ick :5 easy to Ir:- slnll and low eco~ comm! A' Ioue Beavers Reg, 55 99 99 Slab Doors 'I 9 Copper Wire I ~\ , Copper - ' II I] . 0 O . I Attractive. saggy 12 x 12 Mirror les For Beautiful Walls Fluorescent Futures mamas ready 0 These eas to ut u minor 3.... 8m to It m 18" IIqure _. Y D D 9 9 gr0und 513W tIles add beauty and drmen- R0939. l0r under the c0unler NMD 7 14/2 5 mahogany 2 gen to any man They 5': 203 3U") 50 It can 4 Interior make yow room look larger. Gin-12 - Plain Only " 6 U 9 - doors. that am, Booster Cable Toggle Switch are Ideal for Rog 31917 One pIece tangte- SIngle pole log- e tree construclIOn 6 gle swnch In 3:35;? gauge czblc Ea,Sy to brown or Ivory. ' ' n ndl . st or doors 2,6 Fles acrete PaInt Smear, {MM Brown Ivory I - Durable paInt Hardwar '5 3",") l0! conesele 12 Heavy-Oun- lnClUde Rog. 32m . tloors Several Cow" thl'l doors. 7 , colours. Gli- ' 6 '8' hi h. 8 '3 g 1 . - . WWW ~ superlu" Mm - ' . Cordless Timer Duplex Receptacle 2 3 Of 3 A beautltul deep 9 1 27 Woodgram appliance Rugged recemacw I . ptle. polypropylene 5 "9 " "" 9' " 9' 95 95 Wllh shallow depth. Spruce SIUdS ma! mm a 99' 'mo wan Hand'es up Brown or Ivory _ n luxunous mush pile to 1875 Watts 15 ' 2 x 4 x 8 . . . use to Nady "sfes henh slam 27. x 5- amps Chi K Brown Ivon ' resistant and tade Door me 94 Economy Studs c 2:333:11; resistant. gas . c c . . _ I y to Install 3 4 x a x W . . 2 x 4 x B or 92V: 27 woe "Mt Arume colour: . I - - . Chime KIt wr.h v 10 volt transtormer. ' . Panellig Specials Fire Protector : when you buy a 55% may Panel H M who bucket 0" bar dOf 449 . ~ A entuclly rieIl chicken. l g zgzsizesiszrsrssm K F Pre Finished Panels Disposal) any. Easy to inst economical panels in Harvest Pecan or Furnace Filters m. 313.95 90 S Drumatic I Must Oak. 4 x 8' panels. A dirty furnace 1 V :IUITIIdl Of tiller will increasq : . ' . 2 3 ' . . (OIOCIS , our-lust COSIS I A barrel contains L PICLeh home 1UP :03 er as {W prming f of chicken, regular pnce. nishings 9' ' the proper r $8.95; a bucket contains and 3'89 88 amount 0' heal Pkg. 3 I _ . _ helps pre to escape. , 1') pieces. regular price, vent static " a 13931- Several sizes. emm'w- 9' 15- x 20' x 1- thick Io $6.85. And don't forget the xin's! Humidifier Pads...3.44 20"x252'x1" m can no 3:00 AM. 'l'"""'m - DAILY FOR YOUR walla . (t snowmc CONVENIENCE knurlmaalnwu. IIAVIRM 4; \OOO-lelo . , groth chickenv u. OVER I00 LOCAYIONS IN ONTARIO-SEE YOUR PHONE BOOK FOR IKE ONE NEANESI YOU.

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