Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Dec 1920, p. 8

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ow : no? decanted 'io .tromrl my and Mrarivtjrlttl tur ot De'nlta'hno. - r stun u-I: vlattlntr a tho? home; (\her Mlkf, Mn. lit- V. W , tun vtko, a armor lnllltnnrt llong Wul the rumor htlrr ltlte Wnllu ever '. not no. , r r "magi-1.1!: HUVM ot Ottawa apenta tow'd-yp ll'thtt home no; trla nlator, Thor. Watts, , v , _ I av ulllltllsl Wnleyllllt Lohd ln 'thovalty. H ./ I . man's lh'dTlTllT _ wghe lplttttuta met ll llte'ltultle at hthr. M . Golly on Thursday l t and a tame dtlendnndu'bl lotllea lI wuv rd to a uptrndtd report 01 the can vwlldn held-ta .Teronto. ptyeu hy Mr r Ittk'e, 5hr: lmurtltllttltno may help- nrtrtdeu and and a (rottl deal or lltu p outer Inhulutcd'aw notus. alan airframqu ln' Intern-led now In helm ura trnotrea at our aouoot ta t-rdlah,n taut aunt In the eohool. whtoh he needed vary muult; hath art a .pm ptu room tor 'onr teaahera and alto ' In done my Uro nholorn on hurt or ' h'a'p to turn nlt ataohool. "tuy ' ar e ulna plinalntr to hull). mvlde route mm aldthing tor_ the ctrltdrenr At d month t . ,unr. llama me or short aoaount ot o llurary-atnde It came under the I ' Ute lrIbl-Ir) Conyenttou ttta' ' ' The matter or f o lhmrldu (wherever porslh at. who ut Ito and he that our tthrary wllt Madame a trap lltmry In thp' m r more, ' ultra l'pnfold and ma. td'llta Wall! very klndly Kurt a vlol n Ind plane due W IIDPF. ~lIlnl to nee M many out to ehurolr on Hundnl t. rttlr entrrtatnment on "N: are tooktng torwenr to a good program undue tult troupe. The?! wllt he a Kind: Ire: (DD. ' Mr. Cue ot Mt. .tttrert apent sundov at In con, Pearl s ' Ilsa trout na-tvetl olra. wtlmotl and Mn. ood: are the t]. r. 0. convmuon In Toronto tun week. , 'rdrn: ultra spent a eouplo ot doya ' Toronto toot week. ' x / H7. and Mrs. Fred Andrews and Mtnn Me, alao Mrs. condo and Etta pent, sundry uyentng, wlttr Mr. and If. BPS . , . ulna mud Fnlmn-TI spent Tuesday anemone and rules wllll Mlsslitlnn . stat Z M ed arr-a, Wm. sarlth are vtatttnr; ln lluqlmtllll: Ior'a'tew days lhtn week. 1 W 7 ? S POINT. Mra, Into 1 d ohlldren ltnve Iett Ute Polliltla Endtld a low weekp' troll- tloyrr r'utua lt'er perrnta. utr. and ltlrta. Knowtor. et'Aur-oro. / Hr. In MnI. ttlehm-d ttnmltton turd ' ehlldronhrve matted to Toronto, where they urtlplpate ,spentllnt; the wlnter. ' le' umtt l- .entertntnmeut mrd rlhrtatmaa 'l r}, all the lrnltcvlew Pull- IIo sohool wlll he held Inrtltn oohool on "Thursday cv.tlng. ttre Ttlrd I neeepruor. tun nelnrk. The udmtl mod attendance ls dortrert, ea tlte [lruv panda or Ltte wncbtl re to he expended .to urn m atatatoeuee ot the two Frunull ohtldr eta wldoh hat-e Irren supported at the reheat tor the put two Years. Mn. 'l ltourpson nd her dtlugltlcr, stltoteL lm'e returned to the etty Tor ltre wlnter from their summer home, Gnu: Glblzot." , Mr. Itautry Kllgour amt tn-tde are Inry mulln In lltal! heanllh new country hunter '1: Itclrtlly 'chnt lltrm 10 our mmtnunlty. We "ml [0 learn Illnl Mr, Ed; war-1; Intl IHmlly are mot-Ind from we ndahhorttnn ' , F. te ream-old aon ot_.lotrrt Weaker, anal. Axollla, near Kttohmer, wan lulled try the hell wntoh new Tr'oaa a, otropprn errtrlue In at. {dlhu a horn and rro'rtrad the poy'a head. mu, not. me. t3. Clgurette ttmoltlnx try an trreaponathle out lady at the Ase-l Pwple's Ito rno ltm caused a the width endangered the Itrar at more ura rt da otlrer Inlmlu and dull- Incline -hultdlpo to an extent or mm at s 5 lllls roan-tort. FDR um Stall house amp with plenty ol Emu] ' 1! VIIIBEG 01 Queensvlllu. ' F J NORRIS Ion MIL: It aloe trunoh a! young (:oekertls. thorodzmi Plyutontlt ock: from m~to~uyrumrodlred Slack. Pride ".00 cult. llItItttY ALLIN, Mount Albeit. , pot a, pan. 1, heat nwultmuury. . . FOR SALE I ' Run Ilred hole/GR Cattle. a Mater and l or to remotes. 'Aprrl) to wdo. ltth, , tau oueeaovtttr, out. W tan-u ,Ii' Int-arc ndrnlrh maxed ' Hula In Iva-01 , our: lot 21. Iron: 5,-uut arm. '"m Yor PWIII " Itth lo , ct mm, , v . Holt. . , . 2 d to .1 to, rtoro Wln I gully-mar ull woeLVWlll lru' |_lt u oerlt. one ovary ,nltmlk II in all, due tutor otheone wllh y u. Itopp our eldew tot, \ll'bl: kept. rtltoyullt: You ll tter thtr wnter than they want Imll that sktllott and h treome a alnmre Mm wox'ltoye' to'v yatk ttowr( the rautro ,nl llr oad. . ' j " _ ., Mr. aud ztlra w. ttarrttt, were to 'rmorttrtana rh. .laat \vuuk. _ j r ler'e dlln Morton an the week- wtt r llt ure rentlurcd uday'ntorntntr. ,, . _ longer the Mutlrotlhrt onnuat ulll (ln mcnl on utomtay utpht, ulhlr 'Ilttt o t, on Xmur evade the curtrtlrm UIIllK ' the 2'2n d. thou rt]! 1 entry tor owlrlla. Where \m-I an, nyvlllr whnlt th. llylllt wcnl oulI In Hm dark. . l lhndtet s, s. Apntvoronry wlll be held on Sunday null/Monddl't ID null 20. Ah nrtdrenr nll tan raven to that ehlldren' on ennday nrornlurr and pmohlnp In tltd'uyenltls hy ttov. \Vopoott. anIH tree/on Monday evenlnp ttntl entertntnment condlallm; oI tllnlngltcu. mellttll nh and ruuota, Tho Itnnltuy hos-Ir aro,tretttng hnry. tVutelr rnoxt weeh'n taeue tor Inttuer porttanlara. . .lI you_warrl n ntee ehetr take a guard on tho htrnriot Mr. trran't store: Gun- teat close on January 3th or Illa! Irnrehet ore hurry pyaatt Ins tor |lIch,uIttleI-lalttmunI. Wnlhrtn " raergde." B gluy so. taut tlalt ett Illolrlunn. Mr. ll. ,5. cook on Eundny. . _ Mr. III-I01 Mdrlnlt room the week eud ut llldrrldtto.,~ , . Wltnl lukcdlone of ti l' Yollllg' In I) oyor to tho Illlh no rnuou lliete rlnytt! lllad to hear rm, lattto to To tar rccuvhrelLJttt ID-DD on Ilur WHY llonla. The ltnyrt lluttnll out In good nunl- hont to Ill'lp unload the lulnher tor the l t. ' _ rtnk. t . t "I'Ill . llhrlrlttlan Hntorlolnrnenl ol the Kltttwlllk l uhllu cltanl wllI-tre held In Krautok troll on \Vedrreerloy ,eveu. Inp, Dee. 22nd. , w- nAVltNBIIOE. llon'l Ioraol lhut t \vtreret when ! \vlrut~'rtlo I lolltutlltll Sunuoy school llntertntnrnont Where S At ltuvenrthoo. wtre tn Tuesday. two. 7134 nt ll n'ctoelt a arp. The concert pttl enurtat or readtnorr try Itr. Irene atoollltendy or heowlelr and lltar tttrtorlo Clurk ot I-Iokerlu rr. also songs. ttneta, ehoruoea, - tlrlllts anrt dlnlopnoo. Two hood nlnyk wllt he ptven enlttu-rt "Unule lop'h \VIII and "Um.- ltlram'r Cnld. , ltl l'mll l r [s ltttprnvlng n reh under hr Dn's care. stratum lsrlltl: order or tltt- dry. lhil llchlnl'tj I n In alto!) IIII- provlng. ltth , ltuvl l uteotlnpr nt xtort,t .hrrrelr. Sorry to we them at lllla than at year (or rcvlvhl IttvuIlnII's null lllltlsb max uollcnrls are lmyntt to tntertero With one tll'l'JHlL r. llnlllrtlrms are lhr- nrrtorpt tho rtny, 't ht-tre dork nlphta play huh wtth.hug- glen. ltornraa and penpte'a .porsunat vrrrpomnee. Go gentt, young nItoo wtth turtles our Or they wtll surely he pultlnn your held. People trltnulll etther he compelled to nor-e ht-adIIphta or Irella In thtt day and also. , _ ' r - <l YONG}: STREET NORTH 'l lld l anlttr'lltutk puplto and spa- day Sclmol together wltl hold llretr Chi-litmus Tree and l-Inler'lall lnlem on hundhy ereutng. llet). 23. r A Knoll rum to expected. ,_ ,, Mlds morale trolrthue has returned ltamc Irorn her rlsrt. * * ' Mlis Atteen Mottllll vlslled In Toronto over the week-end. o Slya lur ot Queensvllln spent Sunday at Alwyn stolen. tarot, L'm'nlh elotaud re attoudlnr the wnventtnn Ill Toronto as one o! "I: delegates at Ilte Newmnrlrct nrauoh ot the u. P. \V. o. ' ulnwtttrert clover apeut the week ('llll Il'l Um CH) . rm 5. MILIIII It! Improhl l. Slle traa heen under the top-s em tor some vllmu past. 7 / mmtkn ' Wuoqig lollelly. nge or In Laura hlre htph etly to Mxt. GEorKd\B)ron Arti- atroorr or Zephyr took place In ltnttorlr. l. l rualyylt'rldn chureh, Toronto, tree, It, hey. I It hluatard. eouelu or the hrtde olIchullltK. ltlr. \Vlllte ot Tumult: pmtrtod at the cram. The hrtdo woma tnvolhna salt at nrtty rrrrntlno, wlllt sent tram and French Illuc velvel It ll. Allis Mllr dr chosen at thud-Ire. war the nrtdo-a'attepdont.. The groom war aupportod ltl trta non- n, Mr. 'coorze w, Antlalmng oI Topouto. A map- uou to the ttnrnedtata unruly ma d on . ID I) ymrnt. rt ttrr trome or Mn. It. or nah-r Really Aye. M Md Mn. Annnuhng tart lnto tor a ahort-trtp to Pntro' and Perth. 0n thetr return they thrill reatrto nur Zephyr, , Girl (1 It h heh'i o' I tit-pp ( Al 5.50. , Ird dla n oI, (ll't'rlslllm pron tlret eatto Troo a afar-rip predatory. _ ,hlt Jntm My tty gyltlll to ,nr t target, the , I'Prvldtt In llta"'l raullyIt3rlltn{Cliu ,nrrrt'almhar l Illo rltolt'. nudin try the MlnlttLtrl . rte , "I'llu lratllca Md or the Treapytortan nltureh wlll trold'tlrelr monthly meeta ltrt; on Thnrpdoy. Dla. Tull, where the huntnera ot tho war wttt ltu tlnbtlt- - N1 and elnotlon o1 ouloerr taker prot- Tltp ltllhllteamlm ot the l mylly- tertan s s. tuttd r1"mtrit entoyohto eor-lrrt twenlnu In the hall. where o, ltlrnt \V ma Inlmtt. ll the nttrot- Rood Image on tho .htr. 'rhe mar wnoftovely when the arrow trtt lml lt Moms 1 ho rrolttntr rold errata. .v l~ v.l. vllotvlrtmlt . tlrratlton rlorntoy. nee. would hrorrrht det lndn home. ten "0mm ne oompauted llltlnte hem and opent a tow dlyn wltlr net-,rrtrtrr, It. l'ulnttltl. . \th underata ud the nehuol hoarr hove engorged hlr..llerborl ll Itunnam at Guelph to Lake ehartre or here alter the New Year Nurre hover-tun ot Cotdt ler rlatrr or nev. Lovorlug. at the Humane here. , sue tell on ctlnctttlny to take .4 meta Imeplto Unl- toaohera Mm Clark and MI I'I rry, ore-rpartnp no pntnr tor the concert In tho rsrhool hnuoe'uoxt-Wed- nepdny olteruoon and wloh to Ilfttle everyone tn llt auetton to come and entoy tho rrood program. I tor hoth or them we cxvecl tt Come along hoth un-h _ cowloron lz eroqu up Monday hut. yteelat cur-tetrnaa taproot )nuuln tdetrnnn m earode w. It. Wet ottJ Idea all; M . 4 lllu ttIcltunl ll \ISIIIHK parllllon In It To. At It la, a hit; orow and women. a The In-eshytortan Il ourpaoted-alt other turn at tlr nntl proved p ltch fruccu-td or MED were lu ea In. any .laclthotl who the urea .n the \Vust all summer haa returned tame r lgIIIll. ' ~Tlte M'Illtlhrs and toaetrerir at tho tlulltcldlxl shad-a auay prertlnmr tor tnelr utlnlvemary tonne". mt nee. 28th. Ileana ttrs. s. Ktpp and Mrs. s. noon relumcd on wedpeaday tronr tltehlhuu where they were nltllt-d to am the late m. John srraator (lurme who dlltd whtlo tht-y our 1th week . a are very Ly ul Sharon) were llterc. , )lru. A. T. \Vatt, Mrs. J. 1. Torr)- hlrp. .1. It. .\) Iwnrt.l, MM! .1. ll. Slltlth - and turn, .I. day: In the ulty. Sutton West. llcllIudlst Church-r A very anecerstul tolnt mount; a: the Ludlcs Md and \V. .\l. Soototte t who held that. Wutlltcstla) {Ill/HIE home or Mrs, I I'IIIKIG. howdy lud . howls aprnt h Iuw Inrtdlor, the mute Slud) ~v~lllt-lt was taken Irom our study hanlt' as. hlgllcd us for [he coulan ) r 'I'ltts male and ultrstopa," wlrtep was very lnslrucllht. :tnd Ilulp ll. Our nlle cLIVr: tor tho eonltnr'; year to nlittthur at lllt DltttI-clt denttmlbur or the utlrslouary spotety. All] buslnuhs lolllnvctl conslalmg III III' Itnat [ll ni tor tlrelr play whteh they are nrenarltlg tor Now Year's nltslll. lurlltur nlrlloulal ir) ttn-Ir Annlroraary sort-tees whteh to to trelrotd Sunday, .lnuuory ever-y lady. The Irnrttoa' (See lllllra tot- [Ilsa lar ,. The s. s. ludclterd were errtertatned at the home or Mr. and Mm, ltnadway Mullday evening.- ctrrlrturaa atoektrrpr were ttlled tor the prlmor Closues.iltexe wtlt he dlatrt- Illa! True End Enter- .t, l rlddy,evcnlttq. 17th. hope you lard [tltlnnlns to he present. Pro- gram protutsea somelhlns good. Please rememoer the sncclal curlrtmae Servlczn next sun- suttaote musla wltt he bult'jl at the the Tull htlla. day er-eutrxlz. moulded. Properties for Salt rho acre tarm' goon roll. In good sravel'r-ortd. and term: to sttll. pnrehaser. 200 dared In'> Nurlh awtllttnlrury clad/llama, all to I The rhrht UM 01.30]! , tor all klnd alrmlxctl terrnlug.- tutor 0.000. Cash 11000. w.\t. DUIIROW HHJ salute. Ndwmlrkel. 0! M a TO m Win an '.\tltrt rdnlor M _ Gund bulldlugr, Three'rrdlea l'o.StI|Ia.. l lve rlghl Largo hams, nllrf XEFIII . lll'l): 'rul oh anterr, vut antr- .tten yr prod "Ills, aptornahlle GPvDDGHUI-lir Inq. rtorarro hattrry, eleetrt l Wm-k. thorn ludeurr only low- v've'ektt manned. they and rtltrlrt nlaltm. BI: WIN. pretent- nroalrtnrtrs, driving met We tear-It tralrrtng, . ' Prudent ml , 1 rhp thatlreddrmnr' tlolrttntt around-WA (to Maple to I, rt'hlltrrr, ootd ware hhtfthttzworq It to thereto no . Imd : md'tn to her yolnvaad otterondor may: lrualt. g . ., .; o ,' ," trnwtra'ntea mt, th'at wlll mtko tho Quetthkvlllv rtue open his ey ,oh. what wlll ,ltte gwl hawto' nay trout ptyawhorrleh now 7", . Wt'll. llttrc It lprt mueh to any on tho 0th or Nor. dattln'n llltre nnmd a ttltllt: mantle tt'terjlltl. artlrr, r prowttur very large on lltt: an. at Dgo. When the mow-tell tlnolu owl tounlt lultt or otrawherrtot, til t he played. tan ntlrerwlnlr goodr r ' . . (Bullmu, nmwtlctl volll.) _ hm.. - Stout'fvrlle. . w... .' .tohu ltrlmphroy, ttltpa .lotln st. John, wtllt gomltllll for ltIal lty llds lulrdle 'Snndl on the oltnrtte a! torrlnp d green! I'ltus. pptlteyrt name on cheque: oz, lam drawn on the stan- t rd llunkhrr e. , , ._ ago L. . v / HNIHVl IAlaIIr 'Alut a! the young people Irom here attended the donor et Kurt; Clly on Saturday pvenlnrr. ) r r ' The puhllo aohoot eonenrt In to he held In the aehool houre on Therapy. nor. ml. Come and tee a real eon. rrert. ae Snowbnll eonoert olwnyo l: the llDltL Itlltnt ll. Ferguron- npent It law any: ln-Il'omnln lhla teat week. ,ldveryhnrty ontoyed tho mlarlou rry mlntrter (mm Toronto on Sunday. r Mr. and ltlra. 2. Evan ylalled'lhlr. and hm. Forren on' Sunday. Munch I lir lnz ot the Ittolng ann Latl No. I29. . wart eetohrated blender . to taunt nrentbe'rs pro- tented the lodge wlllt'n net at eolorr eontlrlln rr otvllte untoo .laek end the cauodtan ttnalpn, wltu approprtatu Iltmlugr m. Mort Wot. mo. t . w. llat'cntlt-l. tt Taronl , Grand Mar ter. won ltlnnng_lllndu'nreletll. ' attornanp, The Itokenhop le an adrll< Ir holleyed llte tvt crltudctl 0v . t M a rut ttntt lt t Id In Moehantoa' llaII Monday lllgttl,.rurnra notepayelu' Anooolatton nomtnatod lltu' lollowlyz lnelntrers to contort lot- olcolton In Illl: lore was due to an arr Hr. \VIIII lnE. Dr, \V. J. SIG vonson and \V.,J..Knuwte e llr. Srrtvcllt-r; corruel \le are. w. large, \Vehoter, yrt-d BNWHIIIE, It. , lhttll and It Damn. matador... ulnLe , "or "Emma - nALAnV, Lott: you m The axe to tall on many gtrla ern. ptoyed hr the Pellet otttoes at m- In a It not lleeu deehlrd that gtrta Hunt; pasta, who are not dependant (In HIEIrvhala ES, must make way H1 that tmrnrptoy war \ Ieran-t may Iilld ~worn. e r ..r .lrrnrr Lenglreed hra pramlred IhIE. says I . 1, March, of "IE 5. A. U. v. The rrttnloter promlsed lhnl alt-A culttrrt would he rent out lmmedlotely to all hranohoa to make way tor ro- lltmed roldlera. The same aetlon. sluled ttr. ztlarrh. who hromLsea wtth regard to the em ployees ol'tlle clltll nentee. Illa ordera to no tnto etteat at once. manta ... alnl. moral-due nup votsott luv tmrt xma -r noslou, tree It.~ctloaay te'avra draped over a Ilnne .watt untatde thr clly'llmlll allmuled the attentlon at tour Iur-eoated ) r'tunx women out tor on autoroohlte rtde and they nthcwtl a hug ouuoh tar cunetmu decom- ttona. It! they wem 'ollonhtorr hark mto tholr lunouslno, _\vrlllarp 5.- l4. nuely, Slate cornnurtlonera 0! Con- sort-anon, drove up and trolled the party. wtthout reventlo a tuo tdrntt. ly ho smurf-.romlndtd them that ratdr o h roadstda greenery made them tlatrle to arrest and tho auaponston or turn uulomohlto treeure. ' We dlan l. thtnklt so Ierlous. re- plled one at EX-onus women. "Well." remarked the commtsrton. or, |'l may no. 'l ltdl :lu 'd nelson Ivy." ' ' W4 ...\tttl on meat dtllera have agreed to make no turtttrr drttyartu. tatte- oept no phone orders. to roll tor cult only. and to reduoe llle prtre ol mgal Jon cents per pound. z chteteo. lleo. tt. The rtemoratlrod culltlllloh It! the copper mlutng Indus- try, wnloh mom to the pnee o! the metal dronpltlg nndar H erntr a pound tor the Ill-st tIrne atnee mt nod to dl-dlltu pnrtalltnurt ,ot produnlton Ia rottruted mullet-hymn tllbcnnlltztllltg pt dlvtdcudl try two My porphyry oom- parrtea. . I Brampton, urn. l:. ttt tha nnnuat rom-enlton at tho Poet Coupty u. y. 0., trnra l: Iy tton. mourn: Du- herty apnke o rn apy-ttllngp. nut nac- tratad the ht; quorum Illi ("War llummtlll u All! avn tl (in Traotor saloon. toll Klllg Ipw-a , , Toronto. w. etyadraa llt terl. m ttydm llgut and power on uncut. tor- tlll la and or {throat arr-taro I've tnt rr .DMQMA l was! Ind mat mlMI; 015 III ! 115 promllbddrhll A0an mry Inna! tn upland roan n wotru he ma_wundy,-onlaunz'd Jar: Nahum! ,u Ills I ,lgllntry to llr'tvd tlao l'rtltltw'v' .Ttro . . " ' )y - v that tho wmnzurrat , neurone on, madam oven mot-diluent, Illv t ed" The non. hunlverrnry ot the ehartori ' Mtnul wooidamage , watt dam: to Gregory-HI uatrouhop by the Monday run to the rear 01 the bulltllltw. and It Inl'llttt_lllltlz rnpulatpot eleottni: For prone. wolIwn, roeponnlola [for rotten 'al,llt u. '14. u. ohpdllllle InlEtiilll tronuty tureo ween out, I w whenever thuy'worlr and ahwaht It) at the ruorntnn hearted o'I the U; II. onventton. toelle'ra' tpa retro r lut- war route. lrcmenqnusly hard upon ot/eryjhonoo 1lno In (Email, beeru It to a tan on tho nooetaartorot every llama Aud'tho tote'ger th tornlIy,tha Manr'rtlt: tut. Thur It to o promthnr on me ehlld- llma homes! tart, nrodlo trend thr'ro was to great tondenay lo drawn the u, a; 0 low It lets poutlont or'ganlzatlnn. - Wu hayo'xot to work tor aonrettrlnx . blazer than putttnk un ln enr- lldmt-nl. . llle ca M "Men Ate "in ltltnla "It: Wurld aver, ind wom'en v to o'. Mtanty tow ,0! them oan aloud proohorttyn And that It the'reoa'on I am that d llllle ult mam that the antenna or our ortonlrauon Ir calm: to lum our hr- dagond make u. be- have Hut. wo our? ttthhluvn our- ob): ttve.nolety by lent-tattoo. , Lezlllduati Ia not a e,nre.att.;" eon- IIllulm Mrls. lJm Ic. WE need mire lulu Warn anked lo l arllttmcnl tn- mot-pow, we alrould nul bu auto to r . VIII) the term, tor Instance, hereon Her can only come about WNHBII ll etrnnrra In puouo etuuroe. In other - educalloh, a change ot vlew- urodle'ttvor In Toronto, put her ltclrl ta on the tar-m, the do- cut-ed. "I want to tell you there la not one (Illns In the elty that appears to rn Why. I have Mt treen tho moon three ttmer nlnee l'canltz her . (LdtttzhlerJ Jraronta Star, I __..,....ot:ct .._-_~ uItIInI-ra Ital. un. V V DETROIT PAV 0M1 Detrolt, Dee. tI Tltrcc ornrrd men held up the payrclu ot the hetrolt wutto Lead Work at Lyman and hue. aell avehuoo thta attomnun, and e roap- ell wllh $2.100. v A! the potnt at ruwlvord they Ioreed the nee pull! or the ear to leave. They d re the mdnhlna a t'ow hrookr end then andouedtt. whom to mlunlet the enttro notph oorhaotl was covered wlllt deleottver and po lIoo, turd noverot Itlera were on the scene. runnlnz, down every trace at the men. The pay car/Witt oe- oI the comma! v Thu bandlta walked dlrootly In lmut ol the maoldne, causlhg the drlver to rlaeken lur apeed. wutle the eonwaa atllt lanIIIE the men lumped on the runnlng board and Iorcod the drltlor to apply the brakes. I - The culttcr, unable to use hla re. volver. attempted to shove one or the lrto 1mm the memo, thl was o\-er powered and thrown out. Wont ... PLAYED Fubl. ultT_It. DAUmIT dld not net may. stoutt vlllo, boo, Io. srvenl cash In excltttnxc lut worthleaa nhuquea glreu [hour yesterday. Saylrrz IlIztl here, a than gIvIng Ill. lame as James John _watttrd Into the eluted one 3 er n no rr ) lliu' atternnnu. alter- the trunks were closed. made one logelltur he realtrad ahout e290. nut James St. .lnlrn wall Intro lluN to return to Saskatchewan. where he sold he llyeu. Ito sauntot otl up to Ill: hotel, had Illa dtnnnr, and then roun. IM d Into the pnnl-ronm. The no lmln wnn out. bul mount he had plenty o1 tlme he matte no ettort to cotolt ll. ' In tlrr rvrplug one at the ntrrohantn huan to trar that every-thlng was not no It should hr. Just to make sure ttrltt IIIII tears were sroundlesa no call- rd up Mr. Polaley, ' _ The Int-ruer tttd not know the llan mono He had neyer employed any one try the name of when st. John ltg lrad never [titled a cheque to one a nun. t - nue otter- another tltr revonteen tnrrt up Mr. Paisley. Then they uted a null tor Ihetr than. Mr found trttrl dutotlt' ntaylntr Pool. Iml Ilta luat hIt wanted, a Thtr mornl l a nun utvlug the ham.- or llllord Umphrey. the .IuItEs st. lnlrn at the nloht tor-torn, appeared helm-l: ,\l.-. \V. n. suunttm, .t. p., pald haot the money that had here so ktud- ly glt rn- Illlll, and was remanded to tat-e trtrl In Toronlo. * ____... _. Smlrt Catt-rent Seek Ilen. It Does ml Ian ttt payt Axel Ncle hon, 'ul Pennant. In a nun hellever that It I ltws. Lisl year- Mr. ersnn boughl a rtuorlrr-sertlon pl tend two and a halt rnllos south or l knnml. tot- whlolt lte prld .200. Me cmmtrd the larrtl Iltl yrar and sold Moo bushels at and In H not all. A: Mr. Nelron lLIll Ill: 800 bnwgls 01' wheel Int! 1000 bulhvll of out tut tron: urto than - STORI A / Shrunnnv splint In Tut m a tpah Tart trium- Top, mi and. 1: turn 'rut {settler To r-huttlredo . kph" wubhu a .. lluI' out" Hublwr ohoo ioia' utvy/mbbu- Ithoo lion hr Heavyvlluhbw uhoa . tirn'o All t auohar ammo: . ll rt': Hubby: I nutrlrrra ............ ioon norm-a >\:uuth ' litmpr oduealton. It every (armor In an- _ money con buy. heae pnuea not good n Mun try. rooted hy two men, one It: eanuler oelt strlrt. Mr. and tlre. It. II V to death thlr ullcfnoon b) lre ot un| known orlatn. The cIlIIlI Ilatl hEl It" In lhe E31? al ll gnultllllallll l'. MM, Hurt S) er who \Yt'lII Olll |D a (IL'M IJY HON, INN- r sllllnz In a plnatr rhalr tn the She returned ten nrlantra rhatr om'clancd n rllmltbb and tho ohtld prartlrally cro- he hurt lust llnlolterl wurklnz Inr. , 'I'Irnrtloa Patslay, a la or north 01 Plant! and cheddar tn utoutttlllo but. Lluslnns: memo! stnhitrllle pald KBUIJIMICHL. later- to hnd the :n extt or tho pnreha srs, undursea cheques, otl and qutetly pocketed Ms euange, .tlw' "m' Selle Register catnrdty, 0:5. td ur. n. M. Currey wtlt have to demon Sdlr: or term atock hnd Implementa on rear lot to, End o on. Wtrttrhnreh. ad Owner I! rEileIng Illa \V rl \hIIlt Ill! 15. A. Slmut llralty CU. moaned .4 ' Toronto Marketd Fall wheat SDI InK Wheat . Goose Wheat ttnckttlreat . IIA) . mlml r ltay. No. I. llutter, per lb. . s. Ireah, per tlox. uldckens. per lb. Ducks, per Ill. ankeyr. per lo. . Newmarket Markets I- all Wheat . Sprtng \t'ttrtt . wllMl some Ituro ago at "on lblulul data. per hush milling l 00 (mm the wheat. or Barley r....r. "on more thin he pudjot- the land. lI-y. prr tan . nutter, per to. an. Ilrt- nor. HOUR AID LOT FOR um 'ttt rum-natu- mldrrtre'onautrgom atr . . wIlh'lmgp ntl Small truth: While Ute : Btfiat Edam]? 7 llwllf-Eht r kg [It 2 _ , . 9v ,0 Ydttlll LII [.1AIIUFADTUNI 5N8 SUTTON' DAlRY ANDCREAMERY, Phone 42 ' ' ' PEYEl mDnD nnnv ulIrtlIED TO DEATH / l yred ltooprr, a nelKllhnr, a~$ls|m ulglllng lIle names. but Illa elrtld wad :tlrr-dll) den-IL IIIII the sIhlEr 0! the dead Mal/Y, llu was In tnr: ro'om dnrtolr the mud- Itad bet-rt play IHS wIHl [he {Ire In [he me and Illu! teal pro to the rtotueallue 'the ttrr orrr natzy l'lusaell'd head, anl.l lhal pnrnlpp elothra then tell on his It Is helltlard /\\lllrl| eartterl No reserre L 1.10 no .55 .95 2.90 [.00 L50 33.00 31.00 ' .10 Lil) .tt .1: .u Mn (.65 .;'ft'-feattr_'eratpnhau ' ,lllotrttr w w' T;.ItvNTItElr. Ira Chatoe steer-a Ind helm-a \tttkrra earllng Lam r, . Illronr Mt. .tlttr-rt 103 I THE Fltnrd DUVERB' auto: qulehly end Box :53. county or 13110. watchman. ( m ltarurnt rtt Izrn-na , thrrtot, tor a trlll or ttuom Iron hta \Vllr Mar ltor-uttry l ullmr: J tall] Clll at Toronto. on NI: KItlIItI ndullur. V Dated at Toronto, In ~ 0! unttn'a. thla tltlr day at "(n A. n., mo. Atltlm: Hollrltor tor out gout. rn sold, on d at Tnnttrln tlrrrmuer. I all. ," m J 13 . 120 r t4, - 1255 m .9: J1) r........t.tol y; f. All [hid yw Dock and Ithltolutely the Heat nul't ' BATUHDAV ooflly. ' Live Stock MurkettI Ilhrnest prtoer pald In Toronto no nallovca olalhu on Llno aoudht FIN g: ' and Fall on tho ohlld. Chol re Butcllp: doua . peterhgro. pee. lD. Sl|lln3 In a V ehalr In the kttehen or hla Datenls CW BMW home at tel nubtln street here, nut the Iv-rnanlh-oht , n at her. was horned 55 "! Wm" rotor Ctlvca SHEEP LOST lnyerl trnnr tTl , on .5. lad lltllllitttlturr . atttltll \'ttt. I.'t_ 4 End 1rd hut Lambs, ltrnlorrt, ( It uttlt lt. Ill-In a hurt and odor tartttu H ) arm money Int eon. When you want In gall ru- t. (He or tor a Irre not.) at 'l Buyus some. truth l-'IS| It a lit]. uualtlEttd Pnonm tn Fon BALE Htutled on .\taln street, a mall rust troupe m'tn Bllup, aka a root atatrte and dthlg stud on the M. Also 3 arm at land mm a road ttw- lng troll 2nd ataurhtrr hour, or It A land alx rocmkrl {rattle ho :Iahlr on a lot aortso on \Irla 5L It good rtt roamed tramr hurts; t'al lot on west sltle at llttn Apply to a u! J. uusn. h'ramatrl. 0 IIotlao ot Ilpptteottr. tor nllw Notht: II Itrnb) dirrn that ttmt Tolhurtt. o! ltrr cny- at Toronto I: ll: York. In th l mtlnu o \\t|l tlrtlt I .- nurse.- I, el m the than under. 3, utmlt. lu. tppltranl. llou Llle DIM- hurt- f/ ttoueo at Annllenlon to:v NOTICE ls Itr1Itt' on a John hunt a! llto rttty thercoutrty el Yorr, to the or untarto. Laban: Pulhmrtll or Cantor at rlnn Iltrrebf [or I III It mellr, my llttr u n In "It (innttly 1" '" m EM, ..r urtttlld) 01 Toronto- p Prom: llI IN? V ' w llte tyle I ulrorrr~ r the CW ..r r-ork IIW" tnrr lrl dot 'I. at C0 - 'l'uh IIa' ' rm

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