In. M Wu IIII Al Ah will M W Imam-Ill. 3, n In Ana-Cull: 0 law; ll, VIA actich 3P [W W: , III... II y on al u'yom .Taynxoljllll klnd ' { I I Thelma 0F.unl;ID/HIADIMO o 'au'l. unIInI-Illunll I word or III" hilld IIIII yaunu (allow IIIIIlIn'. unII lelllllllk lIlll voluInII'rIn lIIu lIIlII IIIIIIIuII IIII Illa ovrnlns Inner, And noon IIIII frlulul lIuIIrII IIIIII oIIuokIIng om lIIII' oor-III Now (Ila Lloak he IIIIII eIIIIl name was run wrllllcll III B, lorelxn longua. ll wnII not I luelInlonl lmullm). ulmnlldan III lunlullpnI plIrnIInII. II \leI anu al "In llooln aIIlIaInlnulod "solld rend- lllK - 'rIIII IlIonsIll ll prenu nlcu wnn IIII IIuIrAnollIllug. Vllllosoblly end lls lullnuarnl wen alenr, yul II IIIIrII-quaal urlrluaIII ,lall no nllluno ln llcclarI K IIIIIl he could uul'undmlnnd I worn or II." wIIlIu Iluuleu 11ml lnInlIIlI rl Iny llvc on Il IIIIIIIII Illnl, llnnlllly linolle non-I banlcllllllg lo IIIIaw an. Indeul II III IInlvnmlly rronunlzed lIIaI clvlllzed III-anla wuuld IIe llrlller I) II lllnlr Ioaq mu lumen and IoIIIIIInr. oIIr mrul ls lao lnrular lIlr our nasal. our IlroIIIl laa lln Ma l nI In waulIl lIII Ira. IIIunIIounIy lIeIIIIIlllrII lIy Ilnlnn Inorn nllawlnu. Nllw wlIIII II Ill ) III llln Imd) Ill I-IIIIIIlIr lruo or llIo IIIInII. Our lllnnu- Inclurom s-Irerllsll nrculuaslnd IaaIIII, I.IIII III-IIIIIIrnIIInIl llIL IlInI Inurl ls allarau III IucIl nlIunIlIInon that we can no mull um lraulrll- or llIInl-IIIII. A M l'lllsl Illuwym numu Ilnnorlunl I ~InlII ml "11le II unnlI uIIaul II. A Iuw IIIIIlI-IIIII ranII lllu lmok am.) IIIIm nanny clnvur' nuwllpzlplw IIInI, II-IIIIIII II alnwr- III-llnle In wlIlnli llla I I-IIIIIII-II IllscuvL-ry Is rnluoI-rl Io.IIu almllhl ll l'Irlllb IllHl l l "nimble hy .l nlenl dl'dl al IlHIllJInd nlppnnl Inlll. 4H I llrse ,IIIaI nrllnle In marl IIy n lllln'lrl'd la nun who I llln selen- lIIIII IIoIrII. ' 'I'IIC llrullls uclcllorllle ll Icy-um | Illl\'ll all In do no IIlInklIlg. 'l lw mug IIIIInyrlIo, \\ Illln calllmnled \V'llll IA llouk of E JIlll rcndlnz. llvcla td he - lull" IlrII'uIIIII-rI-Ialul n warII al ll." plllh nlll' rpoko llIn llulII, lIlIl llIIIl aIII IIoI lIlIIIIy IIIly noIIIrrnlllll vr'nulmess a! (In) urnlu, qu anly lnnl II was IIIIIIl Ial' \Vul k Imul lusu IL was ullexcrullled AI l \L'|'Y day s lIlIl III lure llhmll lnlllulle zolnl . {null [hut neullli grlnlllllg, :0 Ilynry Ilay wu ellnulll An I llllle IIII~u I-I-IIIIInIg. Kueu, n noon on IIIII llvlllK- rnIIIa lellle Iar IlIIIl nurnnsn. ll you do in)! rend any male lllnn ten mlnules I III); lake I Iml lllal. no not my ' III Inllrl my man man you can I-elld IIIIII uullarrsllnu II II In only a nu mull, Fix your IIIIIIII nllnollllaly on wlIIl y,II IrII rcndlnlr. (my me lllaurlll IIIIIl Irlleralo Il, Illl Illcl e ll? IuI unllrnr or your Inraplllnu II. 'rIIlIllI I|\D\'5F Ian", In Illnl when you lake un I4I-lll reading. yuu wlll llnru II I-rrIIIIrI lnumcnluln lo IIIII ynu. 'rIIII canlIIIuI-A m I year All brlng ullmll a wry Igrnlllylng elmhgl: ln y lllllllly [0 Hunt. and when calllmllltd wllll I hoax In illllxlllrlnrwal ll gnulllll, you will III IIIIIIIII-II In my, 1 mm unv dorsland III" VH9; an ~-~ unlEFB lellls [ul'llmnll It: UIH I my III Ionlllg III luau Ill Illa. I'Illnxll galnl'd I lll! glllll , Lllll ( All IIIIIIIII nooa cImIIl-r. 4 fJur nowma am lnucll al llIeIr Qllhr y la uur Ilupes. . The]th cellaln MK 01 Msdolll IA n onlll luuu aIlIIu-IIIIn l'IIz man who nulr III IIII mull In :01! usullly Llrspall: al Ina unl< \ l ' llon all to be ludnn rl ny wllnne llley mural roulrr Ill-II IIy wIIenIu IIIey IIIIIe. Ilnnuluera In measured le III: "III vlllur clllwl It Inc mmulvln, IIIII III In nun. _ r I, o I you 50ml, my me ! maul ' - . - "Tn luak ( r-huhlilnd, II ~ all: ma. Wm you ellIrI my I my may _ W. , m yl man wd. : _ I yum In III: municghrdlnn Wamfana annualan Cnnrrni [WI D I, Calm Ymil Mahala; This III/alum? HE GRAY-DQRT has gained new > comfort, new . wnvellicnce, new style. Ten maior Illlplovemellls and a dozen Iellnemenlnsmake it easier lo drive, easier lo/lide in - aq'd to its aIleally suilalive VALUE. AmUll fentuics usually found only in much higher priced carsl to daya Cmy-Dglt offers ngins tank in the rear husky rear axle and canuleverllzprl n 3. bath Chatham built. Wrstlll - house swung and lighting; n'ncl-luilored Raynt top; side< curtains which open with {he doom. ' Ill spite of doublrzl produl: II, dealers report'tl'lat the demand [or Cray-Dolls far exceeds the supply. It would be wise to us: your Clay-Dart dealer at oncel *' . I Model 15 - Regular $1575.00 ALL TAXES INCLUDED ' 15M Special $1746.00 _" 159 Ace $1862.00 _ I 10 {.Ryoadster $1575.00 I 'All no.5. panory arreig/Il (Only Extrn QquDblT Mom-Is, Llulrnn . . . Cllnllnm. Om. N. ROBERTSON, ewmarket, W. JOHNSTON, Sutton West.- 0. LAW. Zephyr. ARCHIES F N alt: TORONTO so' . ' (Ill-Juno he am It non lrnrb , Id. le annual ngnd= ,ennuln. IIIIII phonlm-lu nelzhbon. ,t Even III. III- ulnr and mower. wlm yIIl! _ ' . yrmsnl wll'rnvldl) bu glnulnr lo lell upon IlIruI v'Iero urn gang : 0! I ll. clu l lu, nun bod :ka V I , I The ald IaIIlII laved lhell' no, loo well/lo reproach hllll r llln delenlon mm In an llm, null: al lllq'yallng lllvnllhooll, bul piety hegrll In III III lllolliht pl Ill: Eeyamllun r-I I Yonfll men get dyedvol IIII IlIIIl urly IIII_rII In llle elIy. Tam." {nlhrrvlol hIlIlI' And when you no, I warn you IIJWIYH Ia rerner n- her Innl we ve mu gar I name Ior you IIan here a; me nla lIaIIlrIIenIII ll muyn'l III III IlIIa mallow; III IIIIII you'll nee mere In the clly. llul lI-I lnare Inn earl lbnl,llle gaall Lam llL le dELI yuu tar. IIIII and I III IIIIIIIIII; ,lle heel (or you, son, hut when yml on and our IlIul yvul' IarluIIn-II nor way off lhere~1unl naolrel your Pride and name hack-llele In us who lm-e m , so young Tom ten Ine lnI-III IleII IIIIIIInI; lean and n high lIeurl and all. I'Pnllll ell Inla [he urnnl, III-IIwa cll) ln well III III In IIIII lurlnnn. l-Iaw he .Illere Ina all IIIe sor- ry Illmpnalnlmenlu llIIII repnnlrllly overlook ulrnuurlng ll-II year at III- nem e woul be I long IIIIl llarruwlll: IIIary In In Iln clInIeII Ills InlIIlloII la llII null. yel InunIl llle Innlnl pol Ill galrl IIIII llIere II he IIIIII Ia mnnuenrly. Ind blatantly exp 'l Tom made annlllnunnr tor Ill unlu- or am: porlllan- rIrIly la IIIIII lllmlll-I' IIIIlnnly Mealny III-allure III IIIII IllI-k nl xprrlonln In IIIqu xpccl n Ill "Well. unywey. l nI )allllg Inn Iuw In and um III IIqu Innuqu lab - Toll) cnnxolm lllmw lll "1mm IIl Il llH an n Job a mnlrac nx gang. mt II nIIInIrr. or nlIIIIIIIer-II IIIIIIIIIII. or lnurIIIInr. th lvlll eIIlIlce Ia keep Inn uonuz rnr II wlllle IIIIIlI III Karl III no IIlIlon I wum Iurns BIL I'lul awn In lIlD' llnml 01' work lllv lawn century but lmlwl lllmnvl! iuII den y him-lull! up Fll rl iluulnxl a blank wall. He Il d IIII ri an III pm rlly emplayrnrnl llllll uohnl II-IIIIIII lllre IIIIII nller IIIIIII- IIIIIIIIII um um bh IIlllI no ulllon curd. llullllIPd lll 'llk yllullhy merIIIlll (m I: wreck corner In lIlLI stillnllll N'H Ilu of II".- l'll) I)? Icy l ll-VIII): uraIIIIIl IIII'll llnll II th IIIIIIIIIII. bk threadbare unrllIr-lllltiwnr Tall! Rlllllll all [he EI'PHIllg lwlnrr CYIYIHVIIDNI vul- Ilerll lz IIlIoIe III- IIIII I IInIl I IlIrIII-I III wllk ll m Ilcop llllll nlulll \l'llllmll frlzuIlIgI . Jun! Ilnw lulu: II? Ilnll lllrlml lIll-rI IIIIlI-arlrlg In "In (-lllll ulIIII on we nlrcel ramrr Irlllonlm Ilunlmr ("11' nal. ullf llng l llkllng III lllll heart ) lllIl lml k I! llv \llln IIIIIrIIeII IlaIII lIIl IIIaoay rnlerln III- IIIII I-ery nlllo lug IIIIIIl unn In Irnrlacl III II mnlulenllnl lanI-I llow'd y'lIlI-r II VIer IIIII (ml II Ilalne laln Ia IIII e In ynr mulan I.. Alu l Imll" .qu I \Vlllrlllh, nlrnul. 'I'nIII,-III- IIIIII III- accodor \\ \A IIII lllllll llkd. hull) an Inn wIlIl II Inunll, (ru nl IIInIrl- lllllI llurld nlll hul arr-II IIIlo IIII- Mlle III III III III, rn nl. ll): IIIIIo n llll|lk Ill mm nIIII Illu n r IIIIIIaII loll mm. mm IIII I-ye II 51!) "Mill: IIIII unon IlIe IIIIIun I. vnl ll IIIIII- III nrl- Im I; Hllw'd y'llte me Mr . IIII III- II :IanIIIII III Ills rquuIII :ralllrg IIIIII- rlIIIIIIn LlObL l' III no IIIIIua IIIIII I-III u vlnry Inn up IIIIII IIaII-II run I warn, glonlly. ll [ll III II llrdEll IIIIII IIIIII Illsrullr lIIIII IIIIIIIrIIulrrII uIIIIIIIII. He Illukwl llEv II uplcal Illug, IIIII Inlerry IuIIIIuI Ill Ian IIIIIIIIIoIII IIIIrIuI llIr caIIIIInIII II horns. Fl ll) 'l'oIII IIIeIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII- IInII Innuere . "\\ ! mm In Ian. IInIII II "Well. you're oIIIIn luck IIIIII IIIII pal! Yer nII yer uIIIIerI. eIIIIIy IlrIlIuI nIIII IIIayI-e'IIIIII ull Elllpu' hull) , Ino. IIuII. Ilol Well. I guwen IIIII Huh I uln'l IIIlnII y . l IIIII' \\'I II. I men n nnl Inr ll llIIln Inn IoIIIIIII MN \Vr IInl will IIIIIIIII I IIIlIlI jack IIIII III II. sw'l "l'ou- )ou IIIrIlII lrurxlur Tull] IIIIIIIerl-d llrIIIIInII ulIlI IIII IIIIquII .IIIrI- l'f)h|lll'llDl| a! III$ IleIIII. --lIIlIIII-nl Nol IIIIIIIIIIIIr Ille >8ll tn IIIIIg or urn-.Illug IIIIII I. IIIIIIln. I arm I. Tm: IIIIIIIy IIIIIIIII- >l )|l III. II-IIII IlIr Iillls all-r CIthIlllIlE me, In nlclll. I Ill l IIIIII on Ink nllIIuIl-s IIL IIIIII. I III II-IIIII- In IlIIl l IIIIlIlI-IIII (or | InIIIrIIII elllr .IIIII my In (alllllg arr II lug. I IIDW IIII mg mm nuuuc rl~ \l In my IIIr rlnl III-lure SIIN'K' hD IIIIIII Ir; IIrnI dry, Ilan'l IIIIII- lleII. rInII- IIIII here I Iuolr II erlllll IIerIIIIIIIIII llIIII'II glll 20 Inner or III! IIIIrrIl II IIIr IIIIrlII .I. nanl lInIIIlrII IIIIn TIIn wIIrlIIIInn II IIX,DIII IlnI II- m nl II II wIIlInIr In III 5 IIIIIl~r II II lrosarllIle Old IIIrIy "couauolar. \VII) dldn'l ynu wan me [Ill M l alkcd yaul "are I IIII, nulen beyond my slIlIou ' aaquIalor wl IlIIl Ivy, bul III I cauld gel am of you was 'All shl. IlalII: eel llIo rrhllllh ll llIrlr mum and I'll h! dawn In a Illinqu ' " III slIol-l, lzdlea Incl genllemen, sud III ovumowend arelu I an!) null m be; lean la IM l are llIII Iussnu yau Inn 1 wlen Inn 0 win- dow l rl rny bosom, llIIl ynu rlrlgnl see In: eIIIolIoII ol my heart." Vulgar boy Iron: llIlI eellrr w'nn'l I I pm: In your IlaInI elI Ila lull um I I o l album! at IIlI"IlIa, ulIl iney renal ulenkLthlntnr . llrarlng II IIOIITSPI \IIHNIIIII}: ruler :ll _ 9 , want Ian I I- Vlheu, rloll gnu burn and new you I gal along rIlIre you came lo lawn. Iram llln Iaolre al'ynnl Them gvl . nl. wnrnI home! andvmln run every llIIIIIr.I Woll- IlIny cum, wnerl Imor h 'ua nnre In no llllnxry IIr :lroete In Inr rnllr r an cnrlIIlIIIIII ml Why IIIIaIIlII you cure Inonl InelII 'WIIEII Illey IIoII'l gh e I run but ya . Yull've [Jill m {[0 an Ill/lug. uln'l c '5. null" ' l . ' 'l'rlrrI lIlIrIrlIeIl IIIII slllldderlng Inn-Il- HEM Illlllllly l llle 'lllll. trembling ll mnall IIwnIIIII of IIIFI II-II IIIIII-nl lrrwllr. lullnn nA II-aIII {he lerrIIIIn l-olIl Well. hll, how About In Are 1 an III rIro :1 IIIII s}: IIIIIIIrIlIly nnrllmhv - - Imam v'leo III: Ian, HuIll" about now y' lllnllle Ille aluu bunny- IIIg III III lnrnl rlelI royal" gunned pom Tom III Illa sum or Inn wrrlcneuneeu. Ya, I ll do III lwllll lellI" C Thar alller clapped IllnI an In; Innulder wlIlI e ruInI-IIIIIr Ieu Inn IIIleIIIIIl III Iaenlllr fellawlmlpl "Well, I Inaugllr elm ireuld," he Ilbped IIaIIrncIy. We'll Irml me II Inc corner by IlIr lumber )nd II 1:30. Don't you (All la ue mm uonl" l won'll I'll be lllrre IIIl mull" Torn IrIuIIerrII hroklnlyl Alreerly In Illu arlurlug IIIIII lIe (ell "1(9th mlel he lIria ulcdgeII nlnnrll lo Demure. on IIeII-ro, II. unly I To IIllI llme ulIrll Um Ippelnled nanr. be our; IIIII nurIIlI hands newer doun Inla IllK nanlrm IIIIII WIndL-red nlmlrssly on lln IIIII IIr. pnlllcnllr oulncllye In Ind nave only we need In yarn mol lng lrIr III Irreze or Ira IIIIIII wllh llle IIrIIIII II walllng. lle rlIrIInlI IraIII Ielllm. nllnnnll IlIIIIIr III we III-III lo uIIIIII III- m nmu Io be Dullyl I lnl'olunul IIIII dmggllll; footsteps Iaalr IIIIII IIIIrII IIIIII lIIe mare brIIIIInI- Iy Ilglllnu .relIII Inapplnr IIIIIrIeI, HIE eroIrIII nlrunuy IIIIII llllnntd. hurrylng )mlllt III [hell IIIInIIIar InII nanny. anlneIIIIII IIIIIIIIII wllll IIIe IIIIII. IIIIy nulrllrullan III rIIlIIu, TIIL lluu l Ilrul-nl-d slowly liy. ll mole IIIIIr IlIr lIoIIr IIIr Ina 14mm: to rune, IIIII Mlll IIIIIru mm lllnL'. II ponr Tom uIIII unb IIIIll IIIrInny, Ia IIIII lurIIPlI III, bouulll IIII- IIresnIlI/ be IIIInInu Ior llle aIu IaIIIII IIIII ch"- IlIeII, IIIII Inugul IIll! IIIIIIIIlgIIl InIIII back In llle naunII-y. Ila IIIIIy could reach lllbre by IIIaInIng IIIIII uIIII I-nr III I loyall: surnrlee III lIInIII nm In! Why lth'A" IIIIIIsnIl la Illa-l II-Iellon uy IIIII Ill]; 01 um when IlInre I! no alumn- 0141* And llnnl lhl n. suddenly. III ernloa II blnz lllcl cl IIlIuoII III III! ary {Ed I IIIg, IIII vl'allall WIIII IIal I IIanIoII nearer um I IIIIIIIIreII yurdn III IIlIn PIIIIIIIy raIIIeane IIIII IMI II In lholr nIaIl III-III la Kl'l IIDILIP. Talu'lIaIIIII-II IIIIII l II up Ilka II llurll ArIIIIIIIl IIIr come! no llllrn'bv Illlauely eIuIIIIIIIII Il. lllllnAballl new: nd yellan DI' IIrIrv denamInI- IInnI Iney Illrly Elll d III Turn: thi- men lIurIrIrrIl III-III" or Inarel ..I FllllllrfonunE la IIIII IIIIIrrIIqu boy who IIIIIlInol rIrrI rIIrrI (9r Ianrleeu hours. lloneI-I Maneyl Money! Far rnare IIIIII he noulnly could nerd ell-II In ma non eIlrIIrIgIIII IlIeIlIIIn wull I .urrllnz cry. Tom rlulrl-II Ina Iona a! llIIIll Inlo nII Ill)an pocyel. llln IIIIIIy Illa llne leuIlIer um; um 'nnde II IIInd anII [M an I ml de- nannIl-nl Eton. No need now lo krell lIlI IIIIIIIIer, CIIXDIHBI ElIDulnlIJFnl un Inarn near-I my [oh- I I I I I e I lluI Inn IIInsr rIrIIInIIIe realm pt ' young 1-onI-I noIIII-caIuIIIIr IhI l um IIIIy u-Ils IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII; Bllllnu Manl Io III! alII roll-I IIIIII IIn mm mm enonen III lhe III; um um he hl com home In my. II may and mud b In ml WI mith UM] I asp-DIAMOle was" -l';dIJ;-rll I54 ol "nlnwnd we. roe IIIIII unnellnnl Ia IlIII I III III-II III IIInIIII- ye I In, ILA 3 tlulu Illl gulmnll. I no-bra. I I . lull; n lIuIer IIIIII, elll I . noun: or Inle ' Buy mlmnruuvyu -o loner tum ulnar palm n .IIIII III [IMMIWI'IVII III. - III Inn mm urea Balm WLW WMu-unl 11,-. V Calm la ak Alan. I .