Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Dec 1920, p. 2

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Egg 5!" 1 ' ".915. . - Lo Null _ ',___._____.__ -e~- Vor tile s monioudldus ,ou Arden Avenue. lliirlieo. ulrclrlo llKlillil. nrlil, oil eonveniuneeii. .Ailio uruoininr;X Anoiy lwrlori.Nuyimai-kii| 1 l" n > ' ' -' ldud d velnp enl no u loplnen loo soro larlull one i p 7 . V I h ' - atriumloioel milownsulp ol Arniolrorls. imliilrlhsilmo egpoosoollns soullle e U/n'llillill\vcillglflnllnar minis? 1:. ,, . .. 1" mm llnirear . . y I :lu llg: ior a isrln rssideueo onionso {I'll-:1 1";ch (lieullilrrr hlx 8L, or.wiii oxellnnso nolll {arm}! (or sham a. .4 The mm] mm, mmumr rm (Pam rim ln'lA s 1" 'Uf ulunlhl mduoll'n. wgllyh 1' WWW " ,' . 1' wllulll oi oripp'lll nunulsoiurrlrsysud you: gunpowder; V ,' nnrlo': 1' V 'l'illt IN 1. WW! ""Y W 7' We in rnlneni downs nounlrlered lminulloni llmlnm mmlv Y "W WW 'liu nplnluuvlymi, iii in o' mnonanoo r-r Pm nusrr. i will u {M tom"- Hum. lilo ruling sl-llle olilnrio unlllllel. ill (' ' . - . . . 'l'llls-glynii nn llldlcallun oi iilopolisy ' ' , F . i will li iiurhliud lil- lilo nservs- ' .soiions. " mm 5" qu lu the death oi iir. Jiiiillpll cursor. "RM" I . oi ingernoli; nnlo/rl o law he ruosl , x ' "" nql rm sly-en]. promincnl impel-anon omlur, ills . l. f22 annular. .mn enlnpreileurive rrilsp oi the nullinol. L s Ml'n 'slllllu lruils. Very nlllrvoilrlun isnuliy ior kcunhloglinl l , .,..., "woulle m. reusonin inimluiule llllmor. aiLraellve I . ' . - ' nioiiurlu loner. iliiIiiic) oi noeoell nnll m w' . WM. A. HALL, ' rendlnru. in roporiee made him one .. . m, mommy l, or me gnaw-ll piuilorru npcukcn oi mm n ' e um sonsrsuon. llr. oddmisclly iiw- " . . marker uudienues oi 111m eigiii or ten . ' . 7" L" liuieo during lilo vurlauil icrnpelnnpo ' lllrrl.oirus lulu? Loi o-l, vonlrs cniilimniir uni! oiwuro wllil marked il." 1 Anna. Wad-l ' r . lump, raw", numrn, i-. 0. W .POULTHV WANTED illoilo'u prim p-id ior Pauluy. lemons... wlui donn ii. Wiovson, u. worm rut. Toronw. min ii yliu hm my v-nloon. ehlp Will my lull lull. prion. Til e liydro coululisoiou nave 'nnw sol ponnension oi lilo liioimpolilnn llullwriy. lint no lap no Newnuirkel ls concerned. ll will lioi e illesi us ion some lime lo some. llur suuirsol iiilil lile Yul-k Iludllil iioiivvny in imp. plli elcelrlo nun-em has mile years lorun sud oeeoroins lo lilo lerms when his county mode wiln ills Yiirk llnlllal when rulinlnx their line up Yoflgc . Hie u [or passengers sonuui llo nonuscd mom lilsu 2 eeuln per mile snd lilln eonlranl rune iur in years, Tho-Culan us well us An l'fll'l)I [\lnliinnml Hill and Newnlurkel um iorluuule in having longelernl eoll- lrneis n3 ilyiiro rains srs illglier lluln 'iile York lisliiul nave neen oillrrsiolr. 'ro "humid in nnrouiy oi goon lireediug Ewus in " isi onl m unores ' ior lllreo years icrln. Aopli m . . .. \VM, nunupws. Msln srrecl. liewnlsrilrl. , , We onsire lo eulor a pwlcsl:ou use half oi ille slnali slilidren 301m; lo l>uolls gellonl. our nunervallon is ulai inuy are elven iivo uiuon nonle. work which prevouiu illonl (loin elliiel novan play or iieinl; oi sen-lee lo llivlr psmllls. Everybody- soneelves lllel llle ilmlll is llle prinelple pari or mall's analornr- lleeauelr il lilo llrain lniili rile puiriio llsve lo oare oi llie ilodr. Them is loo nlueil ell-ens pol on udvnncliig lile slunli puplln doirllnenlal lo Vllldlr main power. children ileeolne ore llenslerl ireiore lliey- renoil illle Scliri'll. man my s|lcllll (- Gun! [II nsileol cvnryvllmi' ii is Iiol llulli id have llrem ope-nu annliler hour at home. end in many cases 2 hours, on the some work. We .iireel iile al- Ivnllnu divine Principals and Sellool 'l rlllilccn In "I15 ml . You own it so o duly lo your lamliv lo loin liis s. 0. ii. Lodge Ncwmur- irel". Meels 2nd ucsduy, L, o. L. lisil, ilalcs niadiy elven lly nny uuuller. 'vJoln em. you \vnn l. resroi ll. V _ l c. EVANS, 5i - sec . Box 591 . , Rem-'1 homas Bakel , oi iin-orgnnized .uiiuroli ol Jesus cilrlsi oi Limel- usy Salan will ieclure in Vioilsy iloii, mind-y. Dan. 12 ! I! 5415 P- m. Bullion : lie Aposlasy cilurolu- oi '1 p. in. by 2 , nE'v. JAHEE mum l, jecl: Ill: llesloralion. , (ill Wsioolne, Querilous answered. oi iile . No previous period in lllcllnal liilrly years ll wilrles, rl so much anliviiy ln lii'e e hinge oi owners oi Ia'ml lnniis no is lnallliosl iil lilo last iii 2 years. Nol since UN aid "lrnrley da y helors hHKlnlny and llinlrley lndilo' barred the wAy lo lllo American moriecl. glove lsrni lands ill lllis l mvinul: som mandaii nueli iigures as lire.- do i day, ii is probably williin llle marl; lo soy lhsl prices oi ordinary lorm lunris. in uvolsgo rpixed ianninr; SEB- ilons, huvs advanced nllywlivro mom 0 In $50 per more. In some Eco- no odliihloii councils 'ilr o in show- Bil-Inu- . unwind-rmqu . All work is inloii and- In ovor y dull". - W rosy noisi- only any or folnlarlp Ilug l llrlilurl s or... m ville. Wiiil s more oi psi ronose ion as o risuon Inn you ilfey evnelnrrf lwssnrlven lly llev. w. l.. Luwruuee luuilwoo oppreoioied izy nll prelieni. dire. lisirl l-riiolulrd lovored us who a )loio. ' kvili no in charge oi Verne Lundy and ripe wine Suylnso liral llnve llelpcd iue." upoliu iirleliy. 'i'he nielilorlul Tuiilcl. , Guranl GM. 5. Quielr lion oi our lowlis nwnlc uud universsi. 'lrirlilooli \Vu iiie nanlo oi nosaireiin cnidiveii iieeuii, wire is :ni on UN: puplls oi llle old Newrnur : an lion uudy ooumo. rFruv mo. was. all-w. Pu... m Vol-loo BL lions. awng in special cirsuulslonees. ine srlvsnoe llss psen .ollil lrrcaler. Men wiinle memories so lrnek lorry, yesrs_snd more ,leii oi lanes in inis v . seclion stilling up in line In sure in I J" urn-sour oi ills deys lone pssl. Aner liisi land noun oi chulu wlisou, ones-us. gradually issued until llnsiiy olmllsr - i a ~ isrms wore slow oi sais oi. 975 in {. w .m 75.3 3 also. rorsomeyoars p'sslplioesnai-o Him lawn m . aemn been more or less slerdiiy nlllleillns . v ' - unlil now lur-rns Around Newmlikul. deemed. who died oi Newmsrirsl on m m {mm em N am m llie illl dry oi May, mo, are hereby we 5 unlined or lile illle some. properly ' proven. who the undersigned. soiioilor ior suns w. Arnlilorrs sun iiunu llsli. rxseulorn oi llle iosi wll| oi lilo ssin H0"; "AOKBNIIE Kl o deemed. on or Denim lilo zaur any oi 0" 7" WE" nsosnnrr, 1920, u llnuleoloieiy ailer illni dour lire zxeclilord \vlll nroeeed (a dlnlrUluIc lllc ass'dln amongst )Il l'ie puller mulled iilrrslo, ilrviuo resold ' only to lose clulmls' lilen ijliill wiln ~lllcill and le enseulors will our lls ri sllom-lhle ior lilc nose-ls illeresiler, dislod ol liewmsriiei lids our day or neesnursr. A. 0., mo. . w. c. \Vl DIFIEllD. splieller ior chiililm. Novvulsrlrel, nul. l... m _ nimli-m'd rnoiounn unnormudlnn oi in. "Union "we, say. Eruul Lunalnu M. P. oucllee. nee. 1 a rseopliou leuderso ninl lly lilo aueoeo ilelorrli mull insi nlglil,_M|-. nrnesl Lupe-lulu. M. , lor onenso leasi. r elsiod ills expellenonr sud censdlsn Wesl,. slesusd during his record loiu- ol ln \Vevlorn Provan vnul lion. Muckelizll: igloo. ille lilhnl al lender. Mr, King. no and. non niel wlili III-- was lmpnssldiis M iii: quslllled success nl his bill incollnu. Iiul II was wills smell me cllngs ill-l no ms mori IDMaclaled. ior ii Wu minimum. Mailman", ', L . . round undslsllsndlrin oi ills lllllnlll hind, Ilia VIII emdlunn. h]! knuw lodyrs oi pulrilo uiioirs And lil- uuisii lrl; kindness. , A Mr. innoinu: said he ind on till! dsnsemuo sol V ivlllels' _ _ s rrnlrur Pm,- vlneos and on live lioui 'Dl ndurur more. were 'lomu ipdiilo llisrouu spy: in Iii-id.- ' than uni nu iully molliiusien ills pm. i neg all} . sided Jv h slrs, Lydls ior o 1 ~ number or yerrs ,wnn ln' lowers : 'rsli li ld_,n innsl ii'uiu Bounr sud ernoon'xea in IIid. nonoolr ilupmr: n wounosy uiiolnonn; in pronouns run-nullian lo s Arno 'proluirlloii pl violenvvi ,volod lo'Nlnluuis. Allow Ir- iiolen rsnisluuo/ unsold v'rusy nove been. l ol'liiere'riionoooi Mr. is. E, eulornri' y ulna ii. iroivs'frculso lilp coolli'pmao Ann;ai erii,aw roarly d i relivin- warrior oily nul liimilv - iion' nod oxpsrlenus. oi neverrl rv on menu brkjll o oar osesl slouli- ilrm will more a xuccugu oi'lilis'aar- Apoul rorly-ii wore orelicnl oi illu wseiriy. (i. E. niceling Idol Tues- A very lielpiui uddrens lle mcoiing liXm Tursduy evenlng Mrs, Cameron liail. The ionic will Ali HllK lhe rnorllhiy cone rir'oriilioll meeiing oi iile society an embryo are union in on present. eeulivo husinerrs n al 7.1.5. _.,__. Molhodm nullan O'NWL [large nilendnneo oi licliolorn and parents idol aundoy ond llio ilislnorliil Semen was very liilemnllni; linil lll'lv presslvo. Mr. Waller Stephens was {idling superinleliileni. Capt. liyleo nave .u very appropriate and splendid address. ilev, Cum. Lawrence nlso wllll ruilollie inoeriplion. was unveiled iiy Cainpanlml Soldiers, llernviu ull~ ray and \Vpsley llroolls, nod eonlnilul lilo ioilnwing nul s: Pie. 5. Ml:- Donnld, i.o.-lipi. w. Dunn. nor. ll, ii. nonlii 61 MM. Wm, lie-roll. ' \Veildrnoi n lo illo older genera; iii ilopular in ille soeiui circles or her lilo second duuglller nl lilo iulo James 1L Cald- well, speni ilo youiii and early inor ilcd Ilie in lllls llor liullvo loivli and kill ursulinur Solinnl'nnnd were more liliplilnr in ins villnoe circles oi lrianle ship and serial rnerrlllleni in more old days man she, ller nklll as n lllllsk n was well known and np~ preelnil-d lay all her usoeiales. lining "\Vosl"ln llie riinillies wllll lli r lulslrallri and iaruliy oi ivcvr sons and s llnuoliler, now all ssliied in me \Vcalenl provinces. Mr. and Airs. Bench resided principoliy in Winiiipels. where ii won her delirili lo greet and II rinsslhle enisrirdn in ilcr coniorlauio home all iler old colorio menus as liley Journey-on lo and iro iiiruuml lilsi \vrslern Cll) . Alloui len years also sllo, wlili llor, nusiinnd and n sou, spenl a couple oi yours npsri ironl sil oivlllzaliou ill llolu sleadlua on. liie lown slles oi nllllron lllli on lire ionospilnhie slloro oi lire ilurlson noy'ond ller reium by Rios learn nine iiundred'miles bask in \Vlllnlpng in llie deplll oi ivirller, was eilronieied in lilc press oi lne eouniry or a loai oi eudu ranoe ssidum unedu- od is any women or olller mun lile' lzsliulo ol- lndisn runes, jrlro venlurc was sueeessiul however in many ways uud nlrs. lieeen nlsde sl iessl lvyo ex- lsnded vlslls lo Newmurkcl sud lies ,relsiive, ind irisuds in comic. olier lnai in ling nnd eiiillias uxper ldnau. Mix/J. \v, asldwrll and his nisler. ilrs. llrelsiorn, nre' now the m ilyjlvjo ai lire \vellvknnwn Caldwell is lnliy. i rsllllnx in (22min. lino alllgr._ o irralnor, Mr. 5. P. iialdweli. llss need ior years n rillrsn sl uocllesler, N, Y. The rzdlior sud MN. isevson ism very klnd NIHL'IIIDMJIISES oi [Ila cull-r lsiunleni siren inem lly Mr, sud iiirs. neerl. wilenjlu \Vlimlpes six yearn pen 1' Molly. , .. lir. sud Mrs. irred w (Hover ro- lumeli irom sukolohewsn on Friday oi issi Wei-k slhe lieilis n l iur sovml mosillr . ' - diro our lliii roe buck mun lire lie 2m linspii'ol on Friday or iosi rill neoouul oi puluinl resuiin iron. o lorn null. l - - , _ r. and rm. 0. u. ivyirler or 'l'oraulli were rolling on irisluls in ann on eniurdny. on iilslr w'uy lo meliik lo vlrli lllelr unwriuor, lire. Mlllunl live, .\lro, will. Morilm er. uueeu 5l, IlZuLl, llild a iew ln ior lllliilerJ ridiiy iii-ii. Mrs. lluury lrorll IIL IIIK auloug llle.,numbnr. enlovsllle lilne warlipeul. r Jjorlleil lroln iiie rsrly Sound illnev illon arpllo Pold i oi Kerwicli. n 'iormor Kriillunlu ai ch General A very on 'llii: llospllul ololl recouliy vsoaled or Miss ilolmes. iile Asslsiuni super- inierldeui. I inarrlr qumliliir . The many lriouds ol .ilr, snri Mm. Thou. linld- woil. Nowrnorkel, ure pleaded lo-lcdm lllol lilolr non, nailun, wnu 'lian been very ill ior llle pasl nix wuulm in nor rie llollpllal, is now on s lair wily in recovery. ~00. ..\vmli.lor ' noiies snrerlsd ilvvo yuuliis sud rceovered 31.500 worlll ui morellslidlnu ivilieil had been slolen iroru lour elem. ' ' l . m Town oF lizl'IlJAnii TAKE NOT ICE THAT L l'lli: council or me Colmmllou ol iile Town oi Newmurkcl hon com revverr on is) zaslo nireel lroln son ll. Hal or lile Wool lllnlls n! lire Cur- ponilou lo wliler Si. in) Water so irorn Emile Siren! lo slain Slmcl. . lei ileiu Elmel iroul Wslor iii. in .g lreulw . in) lluropy ll irorn Muln Si, in 5u~ "peuol Slrcei. lei Timoth Slreel. womuio .2 York Iulllzil liailwsy lo Unddr Si. in ilolsloni 5l. imro Tnmnlo 4. York luuilll llnillvay lo llaln 55L 1 (is). Sliorl t'wnm ai. Hm Slreel lnls neollons on Mdln sl.. es perv, 0m: , culsrio, Simeon, 2._Irlle aunl oi Hie Will is w).- 'aoo.oo oi wiiioll in lo he pslu [iy ille celpnra'lion. 'rlle spoelal mlc [lllr H. l'rnlllagu 15 45. The HIICCIHI nl IE II) III! pull! Ill lwenly-{lve nllmml inrlolrnenls. a The dn|lmnlul1 ilielinle ol llle work is lnlrlv years. i . Cour-l. nl Ruvliiliin will lie held on pro mu d oi December. we. ni 2 p. nl. o-elosn, sl lilo i-iro hell, {or ille nui'nosc JIl llcurlng eompielllis arslnrl lile proposed nssessrueul or (D uncumoyj oi {roman measure- meuls, and spy oliler oemolslni ivlllsll persons inlerrnied may desire in make and wllioll is-lly law oosruzaille ny llle Cilurl. ' lisled oi l . mo. ' 'r P. .i. ANDE SDN. . alerr. l Music s lie-Creation f N 28th of April, [916, Marie Rsppold, d the _ Metropollnn Open Compnny, Hood on dieing: oi Ctmqh M in How Yuk Imiqu in'w lucid i Judy pilde layman ' A. 3610!. She an. in dilm mmvii'h this new Hum-uh ndin- don of lag: valor, and the K ldicncs compiued of iweni'y-flvn hundred mulls critic: wer quble to dis- timid]: lids gin: prim. dulnn o living voice irons lu RcCrealion" on the NcwEdimn. Noztdny the New York Tribune ul Edison: Sna : ihc Soul of ~ no unmn wumni _ . ulna! on IIALL you wan! your mouumsnl lo' us soon i1ll_lu|lnx. 1 his organisation en- lrurlso iu dulsn And ld,ynu iiionunleni should [use soleolni .mr. ll- illness. is ropulnilos null iis respond: ipliiy 0 01" damn) l, ii is mmuthe uphill II known in: gnarl work. .1 Music C111 and mu: dcnionrlme .myau oils Illperiorily oi rile mailman I , . airmail-roll. wliek. '5)": WM limo MWENI (layll e queensvliie r lionllilol new; in luklno'c lliu posiilon , lilrueied, an Lueal lmnr emenis.l , rlle Emile. - wwooli Als'sno'rou, Duo. 5. lino. . lu llir; lmll Airs, Levi Weddell, a *d unhier. RnriiMy Al Sharon, Deo. olh,'ii32ii, lo Mr. sud Mrs. milk iismsay, s non. 3K lio Altair. Hollldqo-Hmn M mu dieliladisi lursonusii. Wednesday. Dec. ini, 1020, by ilio nev. iiemeri Lei: 'F'roderlek llollldgs oi Township of \Viillollureli io Mm. Dorliuzie Ainuon ol vlyiun. ' aliroy-rllsmsou (Jrnwwneuioy. Dco. .',Ilil, (020. by canon L. z. Skey. illzel Evelyn. duulrilisr oi Mr. and Mn. .i. ii. 'i'llo'nuon, lol iluslioilne Hand, (0 nusreii J. liliroy, 'roronlo. son oi Mr. sud Mrs. ii. A. Cillruy, xllnivieir . Ont. . ~ The nsppy eouple am anendlni; liieir linntimoan in nelroli sud on lllelr rs lurll nlll l-i-rids on lioneesvslleo Ave. 'l'oronio. Air. and insl'Arliiur all my and Mr. aeo; nilrny oi Kenwiell- also Mlsa ~ u Gllmy ol noenoslsr, N. y., oiiendrd'llle wedding. wuumwnrnlni SL Mary Magda- ,lenis alluroll, Lluydlnwn, onl., on iVodnosrisy, nee. isl, lino. by (h: EV, A. Mai/Collum, Rosa VEI L lluuKliler a! Mr. and Mn. Wm. Cowper. [0 J. Mlllun, lion u! ML A. \Voilar, Nublelon, Om. . corn-wooa on Nov, 2U. 1020. in To- i-oulo. by ille ilcv. o. s. nespsrd. Mann llisud Wood. eidesi ususnler or in. w. p. Wood, Aurora, lo i.aneelol n. Case..eldosi sou oi lllr. sud Mrs. w. (lose oi Aurora. l llo amh. nlnuorr Ai her some, can i. kins, on Nov. 22nd. mo, unrisiiesann ii. Mum]. beloved wile oi Mr. i. 1.. . lqu In her 70in year. Batman Al, Yoliue 5L, norm on Nov. 25in, 1920. John iiarliiorne. son oi llir. and Mill. 0. ii. Bare liiorpc, oped}! years. woodseok On Tllul sdaiy ileo. 2nd. mo. ul ller inlu residence, 357 ilingnvesl. Tumnlo, Mary idlizzlieili. widow oi ille lain Sylvesler \Voml- eons, iomiorly oi lioulli Alberi, Niel! 77 years. .lssusll ill \Vinoillelr on Dec. 2nd. mo. in nor 'i-lln ye r, ll aneils neeell. beloved wile oi iir_ \vln. iireell and usuulliel- or llle lull: Jus. ii. Caldwell oi Neierusrsel, i- unsrsi ironi iler isle residenee si 3 p m., Der, sill, lnlermr-nl oi \vin- nll'lw. Mail. l powlrnd ili \Vll cllnrch on Sunday, Den. Mil, 1920. I lllllndil PEKE . iiie dow oi the isle \Vm. mil-land. in nor will year. Funeral Tuesday in Newman-cl Cemeler) . Emu won Wednesday. Den. 8. 1020. . Edwin l- llmore, belovrd husband oi Louise sillex, Tomnlu. . l- l prl'vnlo on Friday. Dee, 10, ill. 2 ll. in. lo Aurora cemetery. H. ' In Memoriam, "Int-In and um loving memory oi my nopileiy, Alvin Illnll oi Keriviell. vvllo deparied illis lilo Der. iilil. lllili. , ' sum and sudden was me call 0: nos on nearly iov o uy all; ha blamwnn great, llie shook severe. wli lillis mounlli ills desln so nrsr. .lusi only loose who loved esp lsii. The pain oi nyan u issi isrovr-eii. \v. A. lillsi. nine in lnvlng memory or our dear son, John Alvin llll si, Vi'ho illl'd lies. uln, mo. in his run year. sums dsy sonielims wo silsli no. The near isee we hold in memory. l- sll In our ii'esrls llll memory clings iiel siill our lleariuro 50m iiul' enoll pussllur your vrlll nesl-rr bring The day we shall lneel ours more. ralnel-. iiolnsr sud Slller. William iii lovlus memoir: -oi luoliier, Mn. 8N \Vllllmil, will: passed svvsr. neo. uln. ms. "He knew Ilia urloved sleep." willilhuill pud i-nriiy. s. d: Rondllo llli'iiiitlilonllllllirlllllllg airwd'ln'voalon GOLD BONDS l l ' I s A null" Be A pan ill When Oon lloml Helurn in Normal. ' p m muelpnlliln the tulure and buyan urea, , Bonds nl. mum prlcoo. . voun oxolc or 1 iillnjiilllrlss. ' Prim: und ' { luleresi 9B 93 Yllldrr; ' 1r 5. 6M {35 7 iii- no ~03 ur nadir iree oi sil delivery or I" HAD L70 63130 . FIN-J Insurance, noun. delivered lo Real Estate, Phone 808m. ln @WN E Rva "LG @ Kl Your gal? _ nopnlrod ) Ganerally Overhaulcd Dnhbdn Taken u: Valve: Ground Rlered noszrhinicd V Battery charged and Hum. iiovo iii-l old car mm. lo looil and run lllll new no usri were. Le, mill-or modal. any ion loll. or smell promoiiy surmise lo. l: on. allergen. 021! end res - . llllmii diddilieid. lllcablllr'o ame, / I [JAIN n1, COUHI. EV-l IEDUE lilo ullllSlll _ ' - lnvoslmoilll @ppolliilllli PROVINCEOF ONTARIO ll'i'ulldoil 63% [Sodium lllolll @ulills DATED DEO. 18?.1920. DUE DEG. 481'. 1933 internal I ii yearly duos and nee. osyasis in gold in Torcnlo. nonlruisnd V llr 4 DENOMINATIONE $500 and $1000. Woo 94.34 Yielding 6.8 poleolll. -rneso nndu sr o secured oy lllilhn resources, rovsnuri suo orrirl all ?! me proviuos oi ouurln, in. wellinlesl urn noii populuul in in. ncrl .. nondr wlll lro alllvmd si soy Bulk or. neural. mo. cheques in onymonl coupled on any bank in in- counly sl per. Phono your order wad . This issue will on sold oulcxiy. r J. Nil. VJPAL CSNr [lulu ill eovsrnmrnl end nlunlslesi noose. leio is >30. Box m. iovos - XMAS I BUYERS Bow Gulls . . . . . . . . . . . , , . i . , . . . Hop. 57.60 (or St" Mon'o avrelsisrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . nq. 34.50 (52: Boy s Pullover sweaters . . . . s . . . . . . . .neg. $2.60ior U " Lituoalrl'em.... ,l... . . . . . .$ie udios- alik Drones r. . . . . . . . . . . . .nsp. $22.00 ior sit-N unlu'swe amoe- .V.... i udleo Moreen Undomdm ..........Rog. $4.00 W3" no.9 Bllk Onmloolou . , .Rog. $1.66 for 64" Mm asulu'.52ls.ooiorsl Hollis Woollen Box ... . . . . . . .. .Hoq. also. in. r . . . RogJA-OOM M only In roir llllluy sunken also. 31.00 la- 2:: Shaker Fllnnsl Ilium . . Rog. $9.76 for EDGAR SCOT". rem Mommy... ".4... NEWMARKET .SPECIAL INDUCEMEN'I S l Farm Pr od 'l oi lll e \\'l nineu olil suisil lnnrl Bin-Mil ml in llrnsvl ll Arlllrr. Pulilol-s PM, mi rd D!" l in Nblmcn-l The nls i. 'homblol i N wlnarkl lorio, lo sill! Mrs. . diploma unnllundm wilk cull! t .Ulel lllln M ' nob] rrl linger min; and milieu-Lia} The ma frang'noai liowomrkr lhu I'ollu Wsirs. i-ir lorllil riur lllrougn ll nurliing al pilei. in oils rl-slell heliml l lol-rnell lo Cruwierd rley, n rlv. llisllrideu War. who ll in France irelll Lire Melagann. iroorl drill an ulxillu: iVlurisel- i any nonds rn yield iron iile I lliir llill-l iol l: . Will n~ "ll norms in coul lieu oiull li lnnnr lini. H [I I ill-d. Noliril \l'hn on; ~ lnu lil'mr'll lurll plum srl-i um I w hsl 0 ll! "ll Pill lam] WIN t mnvin'in Fr'll ae lilL Was-aslml l H. lirliillon Duh. {ML '1 I'A wry e. one ""1qu Hanan nil | GI, Huilillyy l Nauru-uni nusr lill , 3A" w no sud no:

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