Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Dec 1920, p. 1

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Agar}! pnlr .vIeu [If p . - q I II; .llm'mlu. ln $300,000 , . b w Ih oI Ilvu Mack llllmlc od-ohum-' ; IIveIi nIII'I 93501000 or oIIIeI- hpslnvlsn don IIIruIIInI '1lm r I-IIIuIn er Ihe local sham, I I I I I I' M llle evening mhellng IIIIIIIIIle. l ynll and Menu-h nurn shy nnd Ma .rhton wene the'nnealrum: MI'I "mul- IIy lman InIrndueeIIIIy uhnInnIn Fnolu . III Ihe I hung memlmr far IIoI-III ,ye I-II . nhevlkwl Onlan and Mn Marrlmn on Ihe "llL Ml unl- ' . 1 Jul: Flnllhodr oms. I Ilere ere name III IIIss IIIe'IInII'u IIIIn In. Ihe onenInII jIIIIdelne I "We were |uld ll| Ih yonnerv'sllvc 09 venIIon In orgllla' IInI'I'IIIeIt-ew a eenIne nI eI otInws, wllllvlhe trehly ' hypheneled name has none In IInII II . er yaw. ,I'. INT }D 611M135; SL .l Halo sm- II'Isz bres} I I-SHlN~PADS. v EQTRIC .APPLIANGES Tome". new. rule; Div/Wu, till the III E PAINT. i/S'TORE , .- Phone 28} ' Newm'arke _. - , REAL BAN KI m3 sEnvlcE "All brancllcu I)! this Bau: lire in a naltion to give. theIm'u 'tcomprchenaive Banking service. Government and Municipal Securl ies are dealt in. Foreign Exchange bought andsold. Mpuey Orders and LetI of Credit issued. Collectinnamade ll polng in Canada or overseas. _ . > I m" . IIaIuesIl . pronIhIeII. Iaun. r Well, when when lnnlll luau IInInIIt-d' Ihe .Iuh In II no! llnl In rIuII '1" " . ' I "Sunre say II-am Idmuh 'IIII III IIeuIe. II II wn en IIn-IIIIII Al In Ihe haunt: me meh llll uld not he I; hIIIIen In IInylhe-yen' Ihe 31rd 35:15.. In IIIII we w m IuIII Ivdnhnuld have no InuIIII III- lI-IIIIu 'wIIII lIIe Yullkl In 'llo mcn who IIIIII uII are now IlruvIuInr me II ne'nnrllnn' lIMlI JnXal WnshlnElnI. ' I I one Mklng {m . would IInII IoI' ulI anIy we would nrdh. IlyIKlYu II, IIuI when rhen In eenl- uhIn nII Ilrlyg up In llmnu nus and demand sue. IuI uvz-r) do my run we llmv. Ihn IIuI ' I I ' o w nllnn IIIr lnllll What Is I' II II IInIIII-Il In hogs \I'IInIlIII I IheII- Ill-mm III/ Te lmuIIlI'all IIuI Ihue 1" .' I-e'nuI nul In Illlhl l nuv llll nl llul We are qu for II b'l need quI we 1 . . Iqaan la net ll." dz Ime- er Pllvlldau. unId ill- Hyman, "WI! Im II nIIIInIsIned n nyeIenI m IhIe under, theI Ihe hrIyIIeIsed V Um III-lee guts lllla Ihe )Iullllo lrensuI-y In Ihe mm or euIIlIunI qu. II vuu huy cmmhau Bllnvl haul Ihe Ihune pl-(Illnlaull III Ihe nl lm: noun IIIIII IIIe IIII 9! Ihe [lecclcll mnzmrnclurcn III every Ilalklr Ihnl nueu lulu Ihe [lulIllc Ire su llI ugh Ihe Ian'Il uhhmsl- ' N Is [(Ikch rrnnI Ihe laxpnirr and 01 Ml H21 liHKI'I [II Irl [(1103 lo Ihe en-IeIunIvnI III Ihe IIrivllPaul Iew who I nclll b) lllI: lllrlll. 'ol unl) (s (Ila IIrIII III II now exists n hunxen Io Ihe heunle huI II ls Ihe lIInsl [Im IIIIe Inueee III normnllnn. II [5 [turn heneIIeIanes III Ihe IanII Ihet uIeII I)! In he 'II-nu. Ir Ihe nn ev er Ilmlcu DH [3 l0 lll ,nnllmlcd man we Slmhlll have an c (:0 [ x on IIIIInvsllc manu- IIA. IINS npnroxlnmung lllc Cunloms lax an llnpnrlhd nrllclus. In "In! (mil: Ihe I. (-53 nrlee III nIIInuIneIured sr- llcle: Illll: [U I: ill-l , whulllm of nrnIIueIIan er InInoeIIIII W llld all 50 Into [TIC Dublin ll 'L IMPERIAL. , 1 av CANADA. V 9 Murray. Manager. sabeAuelon at dorm oy Newanrke! Branch; Aurora Branch, SOUTH :END LUMBER YARD. EM ENT I hRESII CAI: gusT RECEIVEI) I. / P .w. Ooh. church and D'Rroy ELI. nil: WM. IIIII & SGNS GOIHMITED' I V I V ) < I V j a ' BUI LDINHMATERIM Shingles, PI'Istg, Etc. Doors, Sash.- nlld-~ I " Dressing, Etch, Tl Wue eda {8216;fapn#64258;a} lelled Factory SgY-ards HuronvSt.,.Newm3rket es? 'I hen Insteer III Wnrrylns IIImul when: Ihe eIIhIIe re) nuu wxls Io uuue [l' n our would I-nlhur he lmw II 15 lo he spenl." ' I ilk numhy ssIIl Ihnl he [Ind heen approached by represenmllves a! [he Min-Ia] pIIl'l) In leave the llzlrl eIenr In Nor-III York for Mr. King and tIIsI II he would dn so Ihe LIneI-hw weuld see InnI he had a sale eenrm my. hul he snhl Ihnl' he hucl accented Ihu N rlll Yul-k nnnIInsIIpn whuld nllclgllo II: For n FunduMIII-l ohuus I'II "II-men. "Wllill see we nelng InIe pnllues Inr 1 eahl Mr I layn II 15 Inerer lu wIII eleellau Ive jml'y Is ,weII IIIshunII euI Izallon and so heme. nu] our munulzauou sIsnIIs hu- somelhln rm Ihnn that, II sInn . rseI Ihe wIII III Ihe msInIIIy er Ihe Ine nnIe ervslallzcu mm In I IIIII had IInI In Ihe pang; lwo mm "Idem we heneIhud rule. y Ihe uIzIIIIIIIy III en InII llllnorlh'. In Unlnrlo. Ine hIIve III ml N lll Illa Mmlalura and III I a nun medurIIy 01 um I hm: In. lorcNI HII wlll I'm Ihe WW and s IInII mllllon people III II: nmInee. In chums II uIsIIIIIII- III In: uIeInhIrs el l nrllulll'm nve enhl quII law! eIIIIuIII govern Hm 3,000.0 [implqu Ihls nemInIen, M. olIawn lllcy II-ve gum: Idther. We have IInII sm cmmrlll by nmers-In e.aoo III lllrmv val when even Ihe Insrnhers of Parllumnl wry. Irnnrsne IIIIIII Ihe cIIIIIneI Issued lllc orders. _snd IhsI he "Thul Is IvIInI we hIIvr IIsII under, lhe Iwa IInI-ly IInII-xi. n svslem whleh the nun an Ihe lrm al- on Ihe can; V deserlhen as A IInI sI-slem we emxolng In arnlnn lIne' n nerly nee new 5 eII-e II-e (IrnuIII I-n' me. In Ihe II-e Enhtr |n.lII-mk I'lm n II SW l l'vl" Ive YIYM'I G n 'I Drvllln ,Ihe rem II I II InsnI eI s F4 .IIII NI III A 1mm. II"... m: m J II... ' I III Ihe money camell when eleeIIon'n are E IniIlIe'esyahllsh-nent er demuc-I luv; aluminum [lemma Ill UII- IquIrIliuelo "Elle III-III. mu seerelsry- IrpeuureI-II aIIIII wmhIn nrgenluI ,Ilune,'.wllh IIIII loic aolnz 'wIII'IoI-ru IIIe-IIIrcIIIereIII {.1 I s -- Du'rlng IhdIevenlIIg rn eellng m. chndlnu wars pnllv ed by. songs by Mr. Ian en la III usI lp'lmnrev e ear-so InneIIII Tlllnk'ayllllu lh e IIch IIrne an _ hens-II 'ln n' nnIIeIIInn he IIIIuIeh, Ihe prn CoIlnol Ihe ' ll oI'rnIde, (/l (he Hm IIrI I . I. I I. , Fllllnq PrluIJ, I ,I I eIIIIIsnI Ec hunllu: I Iln#8216;, ,zanIeuIIu-Iv In; Imlnlm IInII eIuInln r II_ I are Nduully III-opplng and In Ihe euurIe III or year olklwo Wm M nrelt Ivell mmuzed. I \vaeeI-eI-e I so tulllllKI'lImny 0! Ihe large {nolorlcs In ullm Iuwlnn-nIeIleeuln-nz (IInII "I m 25 per eenI, and en l'u have null- mrcll (u lulu: IE; Ellwe Ilopm . Inplllwry Eauss'tlon In only " Amen Free Plus: 1 [run IIe nanmenI eI IIdueeIInn III! Onlerlu III Idenlly Ilelvrlllllmd IheI ever y human I IrI.Iu when he to re Ive nIIeIr euuenuun, whullIIr Ihe CJIllUf l or Ihelr Inncnlsi IIIe II or nol. IIereIIIIIr slI clllldmllI ol sehnnl age uIIuII nlll II II. .IoI reIIIIarI 'rI'Il lose nII llnlh exeenll UImuzIT limits nr nllrer lelsrll rensnue. IhIeuIs who Ilcglucl Ie_ nenII IIreIe ehIIIII-I-n regulhrly l Iy lH III-ought heme n IIInnIIImIv . II Inna. \vhen [lLlXIll luse (II h, or I llvllfly's, ll lu- IIIII-I wllh Ihe work ethe Ieeehmn, IInII II ls IIIIIIIII- to (he nrngms er Ihe , chlhhen, 'l llc nun mal'nh) he III nosed III Irom 25.00 In 320 I ll). o l- Ihe ln nmrhm III .. IIHH 1h. (Maw-III common. I Landon AIleIrlIt-er : IIevlug IIcIeeIed IIanJIIawanI Yugllsml as r, Ihe Ulllnrla'Conhcrvnlh c nnrly'enunol ex pm II. he Inher eermuslv In he eInIIn |n he n my uI III-agrees. anhhu; eoIIIII um eIenrly show NOW tom - IIIIIII-II- Ihe narIy Is mll eI'IumI IvIIIIl InuhlIe senlIuIrInI and Il Ioughl Ihmugl alll Ills prm lw IIIIIn Ihe henqu IInIIeI IIIII InInIsIee III IInII-I, loresls IInII nunen In the IIenrsI nevernnIsnI. r'I'he IIIddeII-lIaIchmr d cnmlllls. on II . hruunhl la IIghI n scenddoun snerIIII-e III nuhIIe proper * Mllllmls III IInI- u: IIInI IsllolllLl HI I; gnne In the e gone inla IIrIveIe Duukr I .I qusI uhnusIlI-e IvauIre'. amuIIIIIIs wIIII- In VII... Sl ullvllln TrllIIm only one of ll}: lllully Onlannylowni Ihal hnI-e long Innkul IenIenI Ia secured eIeeIrIe pnwcr IronI Maximl Num erens promises IhnI we y wuld have ll huan made hv Ihe "Mira-Elam ln'c L Izmrnlnslon lull we am sllll awn. - lug Ihe IuIIIInIenI eI those promos 'aI'lII re Ills aur own thllng nlanL In Ihe mennllme Tan)qu has had Illus- _ltl s er hams Inn on Ms mun sheets and \lmusaud III IInhIs, shqu IwIee es Insny all/Headed, nlmd m ouIer sue eu. The m Is ux h current aalng In vl anlqlnvlomnln In llghf sl'la 'Illre III doing at 'sanLlees. And III III uIIr mm: In given In [ammo III as her horse unwer \vhll: w: an InvIIed Io use llydmmlnlrlu cumini ZeI we per horse mean In M :wendne Trimth _Is uhed "unnInII "r v TmII Commlulom ne nnu'w Menu Anyone will) Hi. no b. Ihln Illle resIIzed Ihe: Hall ' Arnmr Helghen {S {In Bilukc go umn. Ils na'. er; Mayawu' Th ")le olnln h lnn Is wlIhIIeI dengue Ihe evenhI sny made: or any um. I): as me gne elcd, no" I. InIeeInn IneI, :III 'IIIIIse stnllnmeu who nr emaytne the humans nI (Juv- emmelll [Irolecllon lIaIchukcd l0 llm IIenIIngs, and have Vleomusr pm- Iesled eInsl any downward ulslgn or Ihe III: I Several human. I)! emnmun Ielk who are gelllrlg nnIIIInn mun Ihe Government hul e ehanee la nay hleh Iexev, IVE epusuI [OHS 1m ,IheIe susem, We have heen IolII hv Ihe umnuIseIurens oI everIlIIIIg, .' [mm wIndrnIIleIn IInI lllal ll Ihe plat! Holl a! :Illtpfylnx IeeIIon nwv' xil un IneII- IIquIIrIeI Is Isren uII IhnI Ihe cuunlry will InI- IIIedInIely.Iza |0 |lle dogn hy Ihe-II eII IIeIIIIIhg reuIe, Nle III. Insl awn : I slmuld'nlqln ll IIE Inlwllu end \ lee ,su'e II Mr. nbmz y I-nII Ihe I rollml sIe III us nll En Ie IInII III Ills II-IIIIIIul IIrI ulna Il( Ihe .nI III hen Lm m! I II; Inll'lmlm'lls llthloIv I-h |o nllr ll?! s an lb .Irh haw ( dd/III III In Ihe' nI' IIeI| Incl? new mat they must. he Im:~ ' Ill uunn ' CIIy Guuurll wlll I '- hnree-power emu. Mill. The Mnckcllzle [mWOr lel radlrll III~ IeresIn me now I: Ihlng or llle haul. Pullllc anurhl n Is In mum conlIolI l m- all IIIII '[VAV'EX cu ms and rmIInI Ilnes Ihe .IIIIeheneIe llllerl sls reeelve 292,131,000} . 'l'he ully ol l'nromo \vl|11:Iko och Ihe Inn-IInII; IIIeeIIIe -nglxl Camp II III 37,225.2115 nI ,Ihe almw: amnqu. In :hIIIIIIun, IIII- ally llws Ihe any eeIInn III "III Mclrapollhn II 553' - 000; and the mnpnrlll's a! Ihe Tn- riuIIu a Ynlk IleIllsl nnIIway Conlpany :Il 82.375300. These letter M]! be anemleu lIy II I y'on Ihe IIyIII-e- l Ilvoll'Ic I'nwur l unllsslon Il kucll lllnl' ll Illls Illunlnl ) lhl'Ollls'll thIII -I . enn v olb nn hy- IsIIs lo I ku'lllem'o 'l'lll Inner IIIII he rlkl (qr ll) he; ue oulydeu hmuI Kllllmlllf'l rl hy Ihe II). The '|'. e, 7, null I~Ily h ol Ihe Moll - IInIIInnmIII I pald'v larrhy nsaumlng summon lmllll uhll'llll. Insue ol eIIy head's at a par II I. {or Ihe remnynaer 'l'llu price for lllc Mulronolllan cll) -Iqu In Ihe" IIrrIs- sw 'llrIII .s In ago IaIII suIn. um W 60,000. IvIIII ,1 perpelunI Ilr-IKIH ImnI-hlse er Illv III a sII-IIeI with en eellmuIeII veluaIIon bl S - anopoo. - , ~ ' By-Llw w Pu nlm 'I he I'IIuInI nl Cnnlml ham 3 IneeI- llllg allel- llIC conform : Friday I'll \\|llcll Um girl? a! Ivroperlles Vv a runny eIIeeIe IInII agreed unanl Illullal} In I- qunu-nd lrl Couneh IIst | 1)) WV Ilt- hublnlllcll l0 llll rule- rmers in mm III I Ihe l'. a. L. and |Hl|a|3 (I9 nmllnetl ' In llm wewdfng nnrnnrsph. A Apeclnl Ill-tullns nI Ihe ' callEIl nl xl \Vrll- nauiay l0 dPrII WI Hm nlnllur. l m lm- Ihe L'llllnz [Inwer IInII Valllkl hnldillgi bken Incl" hy [he Hydra end Ihe cll) wlll he made h) 822,715,177 ban 5 and ls ll Ia Hu ehlenl n Il?,9 ,823. Fremlur ADDWVBI hremler qun' has iFr d\01 Ihe deal, and an lmhllll, DI (Ila UGVUFDIIIOM has nmmHL ll |0 pm when (he necessary/IeziIIsunn nI me am ses- ll I)! lhB Provlnclal LDEiSlMNmu AcquIsIIInn of Ihe IIseheneIe com. name make: /Ine llyllmvEleclrlD Iron-en Commlsslon Ihe large-:I'pnu crl gellnmll l and dlsmbunng corporall'm ln llle world. \Vllllyllle mm :1 ready aimed, |llnse unw Immune-1. and Ihe DIIHIDZAWI develupn renl undu- enn- eImeIIun and neerlng mmplc llle "ydrnrwlll have a loud supply III, Immune horse-power. ThIs .Inee' II sIIIIIIe nun Impmsuvei whennl s renule d uer o'nly' Ien ye snI' sna n IIIIo I a'llydro "all Ihe In.l el-hllon. llle_ power Wllll Ill II Ihen an. Them ,were III I l IIme only IheIre muIIIcInIIIIIe s In he IIyrh-o system. Today them see 250 By Ihe end at I92! Ihe Hyllm \\ | have n lulu InvesllllPlll nn hehnlr ol_ Ihe beams III Ihe nrnyiuce o] heIwern' manhooo IIuII Immune. The upllsl [Ilveslmnnl a! IIIII To I ronlu end h'Iugnn Pawn c on \lln' pI-lre'nshl In III-Iueen 3125 WI :Iaoi and M II .IN I IIII nevelaenu-ht I:n_. new new a l nln acumen oonIInue. l The Hydra II ow bl: In In: no I e ' Imnlt- IIIIIIII v w ll power; as II nsIqu sII Ihe can. an: III 'Ihe Tarunltl I . As seen as Ihe nl ni'ay lx m um I.) Ihs eIIy Ihe yell-o rale I n uell, end an IIIls ~ Ihe my will save ! .tma II III, Ihe dIIImneeheIIveen Ihe hm" In I Tlln rll) KEN pm I l S cllull 0! ill :IeIrIInnIIInn III I 15.00. 1m M .m .eneunr we; and )vlll IInIIhIeIrwII mnxe. I:nnII-u m Ilw se [In Ihe M myullun nII RHIVS OF 0mm: TORONTO ~ 2 r hmmlnenL In melesl pleee nt I; end Pou rlrlbuled enumnung In my mono A. 0. U, w Melhndlsl, slhleun and w heel -pmnnl;:lndlg lhsIsts ever ' Ile'wlre of Klng v'ney thnlbrowb,l * a. II I . A 9 ~ : I s, by IInII-IrecsIluns. Mr. n pew, slenhen' Pry 'er Aumra In MI" .LenII __~ , . r. 'A' A .Y. Imust unmanned I > h-Ieud-I on Mommy mam, an L XIAIHJS cly 81.6417, 000. theh mu he dIIInII get! when Ihe purchase III closed. The ehqub erg and Aurora IIIIII my I nwneII by Ihe .eemhnn x or Inn III III wllasrl_ Inst? arc.o\vnltd ll) Ihe nmnlu Hallway Comma I ann um he Irnnsrerreu III nIeI-euald. ) II II. unIIerIIunII lllal, \Vlm msIIeI-I lnlnlrl l'u onlu l uwur (20.. Hie-Teranh. IInII IlK-ll u Power cu Ihe,I:IeeIrIenI Develop" III-c Ihe Tnmnlo quI Yazk IInIIIaI IInIIw y are, and Ihe Sellnmlmrg IInII [uh-Ina IIIIIIv'II I; . eIm- enI sssele nonalalmg or seen and hIIIu In. IceeIuIIs reeelvenle and Ihe a 'Icls I-e rrreq In In Ihe schedule an- uered hereln are II} he Innen euI Imm IIII: neseln III Ihe re eeIIIe mmpsnu, nnIlm c noun II I IIIIrII. Ihe wen d FIIII . The L lll llil llllCE of E IsaIII_eIIfIIIIInh-s,ncenreII due [I \u ' ,J 'u. nIhIrr,IIIIn In) mummy IhIhIIIlIcn and Ihnse (0 he 1m- squIII athIrI-Isalllhlu he nnIII er III-n. lelI-(l Illr hv Ihe vcndam 11nd nnl II I mnn LI ll llll) a! "lo Gall] company nnIIhe IInIII SPRAGKLHI ls PUT III JAIL \VIIuIsnr. lm. 2. IIIev, II. II, II. 11 , .IseIaI- or IllIe nIIIIIeh Molllullhl Ch eh nnII Innner sne nl eIqunIIIeII Io lalHn' IInsIIIIreIe GunIIy eeuquIIed lo IzdI hy Mngnlrlc cundy IIrI-e (mu 4 on Ihe charge nI "em-- Ing .uhl IIIIIng ll( Trumhle" on xanuhI-I- a. The euIInII accunml llll ng n IIIIII I Iln lI.\' Ihe mehlhlIInu mvn en Ihe (mil-mull IInIIse wll TruInhIe Ives alll'sul |o have Ihrmlcned Spmckllll'a Me and Ihe naslnr IIrInI; lllr IIIeI shoI. :unlmdleIery IInII-nee was heard I III. cumnor' Innue 'r- nIIIce-s I hung IIIaI TI-umhle IuIII lluurlsh ed n euu, IIIIe Ihe Inrnnles or Ihe road- lqul III-med having seen any wcupnn. A IeIIrII- (lam Allnrney-Genernl Ihqu IInIeeInn llml Crown MIUHIE) .lnIuI II. new be replaced when Ihe r150 tunws up In Ihe Supreme Court for IrInI ln' an du|hldn umseeular was rend ny Ihe manslrnle. ' cIIunIy Judge. II .I. counhlIn ordered IIuII Mr Sprnc lIn be sdrnlued Ie ball, IIxIng Ihe smounl A! "0.000. The hnnasmen; I. A. sum ernhl, who were on lllI: previous llmud, were ualn sampled by Ihe noun, They see munhera nI Ihe us:- lur a canareratlon. W . .LOil Ilme Is nol nnly nt-vPr mad! up. hul ll seems In hreerl 105$ ln s lnlnprennruonnlely ravm manner. And one a" Ihe suresl ways In Iaee IIme Is by nenlnnlns Ihe lily s lllll: hie. .Jnseph nlnsen, eI bursa". Iempmnee. munlclpxl. peIIIIesI were [or many years, dIea IIIsl week. I Hold Irum 5% In 7e. me. 1: BL Form and daughter III Ml. AI- Izert allan suuuey In 1 0th Mr. end MHI \vIeldIIIeIel- ar'stII pm Sunday mm mm naushu-r um. .Illsn, IInII Ave, ,1 . . " Mrs. Alberl Lundy 01 W llatlumh hes hnugm s mlden#8216; an Queen SI. end moved Io town lalIl. weelI AhauI so young peopIe Jalllldvln s ' Iurp xe [ISI many cvenln5.glven by . I-II. heluon. LoIISIn Io Ml! gunmen. gau, A IIIIs .Icnnle SInIpIIeII III engaged emu Iendlngs eI Schumth an 6mm). rnen nIeIII, ' = I " 5 helow zem here yeslerll-ay hIImI-' an. :IlI Im m_II a'I' Publl'c Sehenls, wIIh 3&an e III-I monIn 0! t M Ihe market hm selurday IurIIm u IIer I5 I- 1'! end eggs Izr. ' The Nan/market omheslm were "BMW! I!) ll Di'hltl' supper in Man - (l )' Iwenlnnjhy Ihe leader, Mr. Junk nunh. ax 'n Inrewell In II, w. , rnrncl plnye who II Iesvlus Inr Ihe any. , , IInpaIId Maid, 'revIn cler Inlo hls new resIdcnce nt Ihe (on! o . Maln su-eet IhIs weak; I I Them Lndlge alllccrs . llpl B, I ormlrk, C 4'}. Bass, H. hum, 1-. II. nrunlon, D. Lhwrtzd \v. II. Howsan, cues, nnss, A McClelw Inn and I II IInIIIuI. v I The Allan nee. I by Rev. J. Lem. Mrmw, Emnsln. Iss II IIII Graham. nlIeln druid M KIeInhu rI, Die. '5, hi- ll 0 . SI Cocklng, Mr, P. N, heavens, eIIIIIIr b! IsnIten Enlensus . l0 v IIIss AlberIn Snlder cl Nablelnn. . III suItan. Dec. 4. hy nev. A. Mar- lln. Mr. nubl. Count In '93 Solzh- renIe IInInluek. hnIlI Nam. Gwmlm- hurI , . v In Nt-wmarkcl. nee. L II) EIdI-r D. prosser, Mr,..lohn P. nehmer la ms: a, York heIII III HML Gwllllmburr. Al A wmarkr , Tll'r. [2. by EM" Clllqle) M'. Wm a. GIIII In Miss May IIIn Crllc. Ith III IIIII IIIIIIIIInhury. The Ton-lh ln Km: nee. I. M . .IIIneI Todd, aml so years. > In NewmzrlrrII, her. 1. Ibhn Eher lmwlt. arm 78 yam, DIIIIl'nl "ll'll lllI . l'rv lnlflu l7. Y'lllm'n. 1m- vldNI sen r-I Izhns. II. raIrIInnI, Ila! In. InInrr. sI l ' I Dunk : (Iran/1:, nee. s. ohILLIA INDUM RV annual: anIlII. ner, G. T|IPI hulzdInnh III m and snuInnIenI ol Ihe rleeIrI- Foundrle Mm ed. was IeIelly II sIrnI-m by mu snume ansmnnn. and William - The rewrrn VVI LI clvcl tally operat- en, InneIIInn helm; Ilene on ele uk- luennee al l.0l) and Ihe Iauearj ms-helng nnmIevl any Ina ulkhl TM loss will b- {mm "-5.000 [6 0.000. watlc w ' roe um Homy Thln l In IL Klnea'dlne Reporter I We mum Ihe heII Ihlnr IhsI eeuld happen In (. aI-nda II a Krm nl eIeeIInn. Theft Ive Io mln) pamu who mm In Inn, Ihelr hll Inlo Ihe neg, Ihll Il'vvbuhl he weII In so In II. and In he vuhlh deelde VIII-l Ihzy \vlnl. e dn nol IhlnII Ihe average memnee ol parlla. menl wants an eleeIlnn Ile ll lll Inn- y essy end dun l vI-enl In lose hIn Ioh. Il se eleeIIon we: on s Inl of IhenI wnula m road-bye k IheIr smlomI lullzlnnllyI _w: dnn l bhmo then-I IonnoI w-nung e MM. ARMERS For convanlence. safety and speed In sending moIIey anywhere- Use In Sterllng Bank Money Order. Judged by its advantages, (he The money order In paynbl one: Is negllglble. e at par at any Chartered *lisuk in Canada, 'except lu Ihe Y iar cr. I . 1: Ir lost. e'nevv one Ian M obtnlmd wlrheur delin , A reoelprlg mm: :2 Ihe runs or pllmllm. uni when the fmoue ,order I: pulled II woo tuh- e pennenen: to celnr or u muney. for you. can bunch of Ihe swung Bunk urn! mam-we moan: .- . Erancha: u : KuwIelIfoIIe-nulm, Aurore; Mahmud Hm, The -mnbrook. Lin-Inn Thornhlll. STERLING BANK - or CANADA :- vnm, . Jule human I, - ' \,

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