Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 Oct 1920, p. 5

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ERE anly' rtlblda Mth lameness someAsyitIn No amoral V ' on don't hes the noyorpmr You tahletg, rottlhe them they nro nut Alpitln n all, - lmlsl on grnalne new Thhlelo ot Mont." plainl nlnlnpzd wlllt thoralsly (, lllllvlll [neluibcd l. Ft. nuamtornlneltrn astound mv M tn- nlllllollt yur loooaelle, tooth- tm Htlrnclltt,'llllcllmltism. Dulnha o, Cultan nntlh, ltntl lulu unorol y. lhmdy lln lmxu a! la tullhln~nlho larger [l h Alntlt! ln canola Aupllin h the trado mark (redolent! t.. t' on, 0! nxyur llsuutotnro ot * enter at nlldyllctldld. Wllllc It to well known thlL Ahpltlu "none Itayer manulactllru, to anotttt tho Illl ll ltglllllr rl. lllll:n:;mll1, hll h EBA lht ontpauy, . ., wi ntnmp on h lhelt limeml tradt lnttlk, the "uuycr Umhlt, uhlteo ot Apnllcstlon lo't- nlvnroo. Vll } tr lterrhy Khdll thul Ed- wlll oaoroo Taylor, ut the Guy oI rut-unto, In tho Cot-uly nr Yeah and .2 ul tlnlnrlu. llrlvo wlll on o the Ho llann-nt hr counts at no I :- tyluu llnnonl tor a lllll or ll tllll lllrt \Vllh , I.llllltl| l l l tlnr. Ilth n-shllng In the ulty at To. .ntnu, an the grutllttl olutlullnry. II at urontn. lltIa Illt (My ol Iilllrl VlN l}. ELGIH, m yongu Sl. her tor the noplleunl. Stll ldtotloo ol Atlpllontlon tor Dlvoteo NOTICE Is In lly gllun that utuen trlorenno llntoll ol lhn filly at Toronto, In the Collnly at York. .ntd l'rclvlllct; ol llnlntta, \vlll apply tn the l-arllalnedl ht canada at the next hcaollm theroul torn IIIII ut Illvome Irotn hor ltushltnd Itrndhrleh .tunell, ul the my ol vol-l .lulller,. llmvlncd at. ll oltlmhlh, on ll around at desertlon and haul- l. rotated at Toronto lIllIs t llll day at Annual t.II,, lozo. , lllllldn ltlorouuo Arnie . hy ller houolhm, lllllllNHW H, lilHlFllHV, lvlltttlhttd LAWSON lh2 my street, Toronto , lullan ot'llupllsallon tor plvoraa l~i llt:l'ltl)y lecll llllll/ Mal- .ndsr Lshua. lilluulllvllrt ol the any M 'l'urotlla, In the County or York. and l mllltctul (Mllllrltl \Vlll llrlply Io Um lturllatnrnt nt tlunadu :tL tha next not nonlh 'l'n -toralIIIlothlvoron tron. ht.- tvllt- M the thluu u: the will) any or 'l tlvlllllv,lln tlte county at York, on rounds or adultery and dcotlrualt. a :ll. 'l'urunto.lltto t2lu any or . lll, 1920, ' -Alnh:tlltlttl-Ln ue, , ll) J. H. (inllla'Olth. Holl.. ' l'lart'lsltlr do, r. nrlnluldu st., West, Tumult}, llntlco nlJllulllnnllan Far- nlvome NUT", I); literally Klvul [hill Vlll- tllnmtaldnvunoylo ut the my ot To- t ttlllu, lll Ull} liuullt) 01 Tu , s llltl Pr0~ or lIntal-lu, thmtlmuan. wlll Im< lrllll' l'ul'lllllllclll Ill Gamma at "It! - a t on a Itlll ot Ill tram In W) Margaret mm It! llll', City a! lrtllltlnnI ln ""3 "My lll Mldtlltsl . tn the l llllmu .ll llllldl lo, oll lllt: ground 0! allullllry. lhltutl at Toronto In 25th day 01 . A. 2",, 1920 _ \vtlllatn lllell :s noylr, ll sfl. Ills Snllcllot lttllll'hll'lVl'lc. IIUDI IIIIIY, lwlllzml (t LAWSON, - to? Ituy 'l hmntn. ttotles ot Apnllcnllon (or Dlvnmu, NU'H'lH Is llvrtlly glrun that Jollll ltoldon et the lhtr ul l'urtlltlu. In the at York and t-rotlnee ot 0n- er. thI nllnly to the pan ttl or I do at In: next sossloh thrlrnt tor .I lllll or thrown. lrotn nls Agar. Iloldon, ot the .. l nlly ot l'nl mllp, In the llmntty ut lllrll tn the l wtnr. o1 rmlarln, on the ground ht . ttltlltl'ry and dtlhttrtloll, , llaluu ul Toronto tItls 12th dot at August, A. 9., 1920 lnhn Iloldhu, 11571,. It)! llls sullrltor, - tzl'llttIu-JY. I>lmlnw st lllllll't .' Itotunmte (Innutlrelh. 1,515 my 'l'nrunlo, Notleo aerpnlluulou tor Dlvarao. Ntl'rml! ts herehy gll-en lhot thro- holh Alnxnnder ot the any at ollla tn txr llautlly ot York and Pruvmttl: at I, trlll apply In the l-arltamont undo at the next sosslon tlleroot [or a lllll or ntroreo troln llttj- llus- hand Jnllllrl rdderlek Alnutldrrr, ol , It; at Toronto In the lkluuty ot and l mvlnch u! Ontatto, on the around ot ltesortlou and adultery. DJU Il nt 'l arnnlo lots 21") day ot .\It:tl~| A. ou 1920. lzltsotletl. Alexander, hy her hollclluro. l-n, antwltzv, PHIBLAN or LAWSON. 152 my street, Toronto. ltotteo ot Itllplloatton tor utroroo Ntl ltll: Is hcrchy elven that nun can moodonsld oxtlly, at the any at lutonlu, In the county at York, In tho Ptvn'lutm ht ttulorld, wlll apply to the l-alltalneut o1 unnadd ut lltt: uer era~ squ tllr-reol [or to But at Dlvoroe tram ht; wlte, I-aIt-Ielo Sarah nxlcy, on the nrouud ot adultery and duer on, noted at Toronto, In tho provlueu ot Ulllttrlo, the lath day 01 Allrll. 1970. Duncan tlludallald Galley, hy Ills sottottors, llt'llllNli'lVl'l-l, GQHFHEY, plllIulN o I LAWSON. t52 llay st 'l'orollt Tllcrlt I: a to, h ulglMlYllnq 921qu , and. . , ' I \llltlah energy and lltrm rsn o er oom- mod, - the out holdt urarln or valoo. ond lht I nllnu , Illllll grunt? of \vulllt llne. not. hot ht ull, lllc "return or our - .tlay, I ~ not Illtl, llul ohuwlnr on the out)? ; l'llr Ila lo lll'lxt: :tlttl/uhl:V Ill Wurlll milk , Item. I - l llud's In: lll l0 llll 0! us at Time l llrl Yttur, lllll . lOIIlll, lllll week, the "03'. lltl , llltllt w IAml Icvtvry mound ht ' lmwvr. ll wt' lull list: )1 llglllly lllr llle (snot! at all our glorlout human urolhar. tnnnl, , ' W Pnsron 500nm) nntlotlln Astana annel Partly o Polooal. I All nttorte lo we the otelhndlyl ,hun.un.llanulmr. whtutl rueeully eul- lntlnat It. the natulng at or now nrlnuul tyt . or danru "lllt; \Vohleyon," Ill llllllur ul Jul") Wt-tlltly, [atllltltll al Alrlhnulstn, lvl'll' eltnruuterlaod on o olltny, hllly hll' nu ol utorol llllaltly," hy her. In. John ltuueh Slmlml, lturl~ tor ul on dry llnptlut llllul cll, New Your tztly. t Itottrellleltyl lllat. dunno In prod: llht: would own he dulled " ltu Wes tryau wttrglu" and loud to notuw rules ut dauu - . hllur llltlt "The tenth. brand, "The Congrellallonnt d tlle John the lluptlat t In an unendan ll tlII'utl wlth' "To nautenmoaornunna than . su-atnn, why. It ml'tlmlm und rhome- lot here ty, cantlng at It ones through the [mum and tho uhhnnly-ahahu and ulhl'r llJlOmlllillltlvd Illnl llltvcvd m) Hl) ranan tu dllltlmy the mot-ht tooth or lllt; [maple la name a donor alter n holy man, In nothll lg llltorl at an out- rage on deornuy and arnlallnul Inaull [0 Um {'Illll c, Ultl n \\VlJllll," 'l'llt: Amurlcnn .Hnllnnnl Alllluclt tllon or non ~an Nhhllmt, tn aonrentlon-here last wuck, Introduced 1||e Bn" ln nanueetlon wllh o retolutlan nnhlns tho; the Melhotllnl (r'llurnlt rrmayu lllt hau on dllllclmg. "The then that those donnln g Inau- tern make," t>onlllrtllltl -nr, Hlntlon. "llml. lhuy duslre to rIlIt-lfy llltltllhllce' ls Idle and entlroly 'hurlde lllc luork. you rannot pnl-lty a [lolcuulln Yau Clllllllll (llmztlurc u x epltlcnllu. You uttnlml lnaltn, a. ruttlenudhovr lllllllc." Ma 0 neg nllelE Lev: IIon on earth; now, luvm [our more Year: . Ehlllu llayn a! .lay'l've Setl nl halllt; blllll" ull In ten slum. tlud I: love at or, total. day the route, > For days ol war. Ildw Ell!) Ito ht: lo llIlrllll) 3 Suntu there In nu Gull; Llth on they tell 3 turn lm't: lll'uctly' my, and tulle llreuda our and )lv-ll. llt : nlot rue that Inttrrd Is the ' sln, w - love lll\illtl nny nnrur rotor In. mt, t'rcclhl thts tool on Imtrrd ornsr, 'llulnr tn nun rlrrnst u; (mm DDHT B FOB HOUSEWIVEB so moor at ltlvlll lltnt' hoen Ilrllul'lr on lntrll too to tho r l clt:sstlt:ss ul the' llutlnut | .- Ihat a ruin "don't" Ills hm ll mutated. . nun llault Is I ul lmhllng alolhu plus or ttny ntlltvr ~tIIztIl Inn would at totes In the mouth. Thls rilmlln lho sllrllm or the mouth a .t rulno lt roth. Some ot (Ill: irtItr-t- t ml'h - tIou-t rlnl. your Iltu' h-nntnu wln- detls trntn the nulstdo lrhtrl pyrannu lur, ttu-ultnro tn utoho u pet-uh lroro whlrh to hang pleluror, nldet untl prevent u ll'l' _ t) Iron-t lrlp In the house. he rare. tul tn hlaulnn rugs on lllt; tluor. Dull'l hunm your head an open t;lnht l doom, nan-t from, to dark rlosels. dot a httle eletlrla loreh hnd save yourselt many unpleasant r erIoares. . hon-t leave dontrsnn ttuplmenls on the, otatrs. .l durtpau turns the shit. way Into a lohognsa shoe to: nnwoey fool wlllt nuns tllcuttlhetc'l. - .lzouo REPREBEHTEn OAPITAL AND LABOR sttraltlng on the rneahlng ut couttal tlntl lalmr gt l'rlllll) hluthntllet mnn-rh. 'l'orollld, ltev. It. Newton Powell saltl that ht-n Jesus tthrlot was upon ttns rat-ll. In; ossuntmt hotlt thu role ot annual and tenor, .tusnt was a eapl- lal .l, he stated. houauso hy- Illul were all IItlntrs made. "0 turned wall-r tnlu wtne, rntsed the dead, hosted the on . \VItnI tltllllolvs would the puts- out day h'allllallsl tnoke lmlll ouch powers 1" Mr. Pawn]! proceeded, nut thtta uahxesraten all to the task Delore'lllm, "teens \vui also the grcatehl at It, hororo, It you are not o taller then y all are on later, Hill It you are an Idler you are a past. The church at Jesus mum to today the oustadlah at tho teaehlngs ot Jesusl ItIl olotses'oamo to Jesus \hllll thel_r prohlcms, and la- dny It the ohuroh It Ilvlag up to the cum to pass, at all the tostltlttltzns we know at. the churoh ot and to host Iltted to make It ooalrthutlon to the present dtlttoultles between eopllol and tutor." I > ' - mun uunm u the In 0mm. In ML WM noun. 1 " on. splrtt ot Jesus the sum thlag wlll . 0 (or Mush or > , Though-y tloe Jrom wll y. we My glad hung 'oould not no hull-alt: I would tly so lttgh, to damn-[ltd alr. I need 'u'at , kltnw to world rut-em ' l nan-ow: ' ,_ , , I'orlho halo of ltroltter or Mend, l aro )lanlj'lo a needy ono lend, ' o tor wlnna an a hqu To Ilt-o up to tho ntr. . wherul new not heor nu angry word, llul bc wllhlly [rut- lrutn care. - and I need not are a lrtond In area, Or the an. that doth ulm drown, That I only not utrlvu to gmp wllll ' mull. , ' x , 'l'ltu thtugr tth keep all down. a lot wlllxlt ml at hlrd, To tlee otyaydram trlehdu, lv or Jlly hull rchl, wlthuut ll. wum, Am! I need not bot-raw. al- loud, Ilttl had I heat tlllnk heture l Ily. Away lrolrl tlha wtlrlll'a pun, II t 1|er to hlgll, do you tuloll I rnay the 'I ,Itlttl thy tlylttg [tl'uvtt ull In wIn. 0 .lnr Wllllt s le lllld. > that an unswer tIn-uuuh lnu utol l'llu moat wlmllt-I'ltll meanagu you ever llnzrll, IIe rlght, dour heart, he l-lKlll, 'l'llt l lound the real I sought Yul llurc IIIIIunlg Ill) ll'lttutlll, Thu oloud wlllttn mute to'ttounltt. r .tnu \vratlsi I ll try to ltqu mt-nd. (1 [Hr wllllth in IA lllld, And ll llet trl ltlt lull (If l'lVU, l ttnultl rm ttl (a word. And pulnzthen. th thelr home up above, 0 tell them Ilttll wunnerrol story. lot a Sorter, who dted tor nul sln, l'llul. o :tll rnuy Inge} Illtn In glut "we only llvu humth tor lllltl. _0 tor wlnlgll no u hlrd, , To Ily to home one to narrow, 4m- awaken lame heart, l.y o luvltlg word, , llnd-hrlghlen lnelr um our the Inorr , now. That they they ehootte the who doslre, 'l'u llee tratn path and lae, illut awoken lhulr heart (a unllulra, l'n the Saylour, tn's t/oaa ulun thornv Mn 1mm t. Iorlng v trotn woe. 2 ><.'_.. nAlLl UWEL '- , HF IV autumnal) n yolemo patron et llle pausenger troln reads the lnllovmlts t In ylow ot the recent Immense In pd songer rater, alleralloua tn manage-- mrnt, government control, and other Elmngeu, purhapn ,luo rollowlng uolesl may have tome Intereot lly way ot uotnporlnou. 'Dn otondny tnorhlog. Out. ll, Ill-In, we hoaruod the lmln tar 'l omnln at unmley slallorf, one nttle south ol crolgralo nlslln ot the man. ent day. and, alter getting ahaard, the traln under orders lucked up to hor- rle'otollon, a rotten dtslanl, where they utlauhud another aaasenu, ear, that w. stondtrhr In the ldlnx, and wIlh whlou they hoped to handle lhe,exlra rullll L'nlltclM for the l'omntn xllllll. 'llon wlllCll was Ilcgllmlng llml. Ila) All lull nelny kept the troln nearly luu hours heldnd suhodulu tone, at In troy the tram bucked lalo llelle Ewan, whloh \lt then a regular :tlsllon tor rll passenger trolns and a tangy aom~ ntoretal plaoe. lly thls tllne It had heuome a ratuy day, ol toast tar'part I)! lllc lllllL', yet some a! the cor wln- du\\s were kept open lol- venlllaual). 'l'lw ehglne hurnrtl wood, and HS lEll- dEr ltud M be 1lllEll.\Vlll| wand and ll! I lllk \V llll 'zllor'll lttlel'vnl along llle Ilhe. Ilolland handlng lladt a regular statlon .tgulll at that thou, .mrl \wto one of lllu \Wmtlll 121G005, The rIlll Nurlllem llullway slallnn In Toronto was at Market Sl. 0n the return tout-any .u. out, 5. nt- lho cvcltlllg traln, the heat accotnmor llallull Wt: E ultl 5E! all boarlllng Illlt lrall) M Turtlth was .1 lle car, a: all the regular passenger eoaohas were IIIluLl below: wt: l'ultcllctl llm sl'llllln. There wen: hoards lald upon towed htnelrs nt wood slandlng on end lol- sealst 'l lle pamt ngers \vnrelsn num- erous that some young men rode on the mat ul the our all the way to Ale latltlhle, Travelllhg In thlo sort or w ,evoa at Exhhhlllnn lllnc. Is not the This now In these parts and would be an smuslng novelty Yet the arron'ge- nloats at me were ahead at mm at the thus the rallway was opened In (653. In eontpauson tyltu oondtlloua at today, there were then tower men trovelhng than nntv, In proporlloo to men. ~The passenger earanvere small" and [E55 roomy, and the em glues have greatly Increased ta slze. The seats now are much lat-Bel- and more 'cnltl!nr|hllle.~nhrrlh Examiner. laws or tullllmm llItlmr ls llln otan ot the world There o hell nmrkol tm- slllllr. tall frowns, nosslp ls ltlhl a hoot ml] at [It's Illl soulr tool rot-hlns It, It you re nrnhltlons lu rah- ln-st our 2 to rule yatlrst ll. The root harone stun tltllt'l'lnllttstl to harp the heme ttrrs yrsrnlur. No lellow lam, sharp that some othrr or an doesn t onruslonally ell. on hltu. To otorraw ls always ,. ttuslu day than tavtlhy herause wu protnlsc- to do more than we do, Auoul the only lay ltdo tlnu sets out othaotletr slutt It s law-gear tour In a hearse. , Many people spend so tnruh llrno In rsrulng a thong that they have no llme to ltte, ' The most susesutul mmhants are those who hellevo most thoroughly In ndvcl1|h|llg ond telro plaelleo luslr her hat. Inateod at doing as IIttlo Ii you can tor your nlhry, try dolng as much as you too. You wlll bl: surprlaed haw much more: honorable you will teel .thrrs, when your my ant/claws to handed you. llle'cli onllanor lo-raorrow . ' ot a lrlp to l'arhnln'lllw yeanr ago, w Mr TORONTO hll W i FN H v 1dr. Stool. t l o o'tnrl l w than at, an lo-l m M N the ntnrlai- gt roots. tubers, uh- hog o and data" It In a erratum, tlrely ntmhlo mattor It the mate:- Inlruo loll d to berth wttut htthounh the d r-praduelng' han- torlh. would not! mold: uro lll'myu vn Iliue they ca not du nay lntun untll- tho matortot are that unmogad to room 701 art: 'hrulltns, haatlag or lreetlox. Alto .oueh tatnry bu been dons therd cny Ibn'clerln And molds am Itth lo,teed on the torn. and thtaun and on a result 01 lblh nellon roomy or, rot lattes olnco um grsdaolly wreath: hotll oh la spotted. 'rheralorn, la ntortng roots. tnhors, Callbngtl Dr tclory. l! ll uncanny: lst. To llllva only hound, healthy rroelmenr. = I ' and. To htlndll! wlth esroso u not to hrtltuo or otherwlao datum tho lll mllell. - 3rd. storo to s l. trellwonttlst. cll plsoo when) more will to no dun< gur ot nlthsr oyer-hrattnr or ltcuxlnx overheatlna or lresrlng utll uhuttl~ ty klll tllu ltvlau tlrauo ot whlclt the room oro campnaud, ottor whlrh they will rwdlly decor to n renntt otthu litrlltl lntlllllll ll lml OK bactcrla and llwldtt In the llcltd lltsuo, In the shn1ng at each mute on huntah and pom whluh can he otoroa wlthoul uuuulng wa huyo to preyth . lllt: doyolopmentolmoldr and yoasts _ Il'hero ore alueyn meet-at on the our tree at tho trttlt, lltaetotla .da not damage trqu on they do wuublsa ur meals on neroltrn nl tho sugar lull atltt noture ot the trulln, whleh ls not Mtlltlttclory tor hreterlal devololr meat, hut ll lust wit to hooded tor moldn and yeahl. llul rroa molds and yeasts wlll not tlsveltlv'qn round , spalra and pear. that m) mnnuly stored. It, howoror, tlrs :lru lt Ia damsged to tho ploltlng. handllnztor Daeklhz. men. the htulsad anll oa- Ible the mold Ivoraya sr.yusl call- lhnt ore on tho IlulInn lu'xumlnnlo and grow and multtnly, And when onco'they got a hurt tlhhy w l'oon- llnuo to unread eroa thru ih tho hound healthy ttsauo and trout trult Lo' trutt aatll tho whple pack may be uhullod. '_ Therolors tn tho_atorlsg ol lueh lnlllu u lypletl tmd putts .ll ll hanoattal: * V I .To In" only alptlnd apartment. 2. To put eat-slutty wllhoul hruttlag. : To no": la ntw l, nltll Yul lllstoo rlue whom they wlll uolthor lrosen, not, 1), H. Jones, 0. A. college, ourlplt. Watch our: ploughlng land In I! "VITA r on that all cmpztnte calultllly need on n: to nyotd damakh lntcnhe M In early Whit , when horveattn potatoes tor outrage or tor mar 61 he metal to remove an more at the out end as many at tho tmall,lrregular, hrulsed or alsooxed Hummus all hasslhle. It mantle to ovatlahls It In on ex. cellent glad to noraad It oror plough- ed land and then place the sell Into Yl lm about l hlrly lnvhe apart by motto. or n sthglo or double should- hon-d plough, Toto preaeryoa the ter- Llllly. lmpmvmt the auhsalt and leave: the land in excellent candlllun in Illa spring, eap 'lally to! cultlval- ed oropa. Complete all plottghlnt whlclt to reoulred to he drum to the autumn. when pmrtlenulo, gathsr and tend or burn all renrnanlr a! rreetanlo "0W 1nd ntllet' relust. elecl In the eld [mm the BMW- tug Clap some at (Its host em ot (am [or seed Im' the Ialluwlng spring. when llllll'lg lhl SIIO [he lhlld cub tlng a! sttalla mleht he tatxed wtth _Ll:e corn tor lmprotlng utlatlty ol the snail ayportuatty tor urenaratloo tor Fltll 'orL In the thudeu, Ilnrvestttllo late rohhage. ruult- ttower and relmy; naurh ot thts can he put away eolotully In storage and held uhtll well on through the uln- lor. sllshl tnolstnra and :5 deg. F. tor routs, dry and anal tor eaten, and dry 72 deg. F. tor wtnter squash, _ Al lllls tltur tho gs rdr-a hlmuld he well nlannretl and deeply ploughed so as to adt the lrosl lo tueltaw It. Cut on and horn the asparagus taps, and clean up tho rhuhsrh had tor next year, glylng It at oonllor o1 anura. Tako on some pars-try plenls. put them In ants or boxes und allow them to now In the hntl el some counsel glrrn early: All "In: ktlled by host should be clean; ed up. Rant (rolls except the Imam Ind solslty should he taken out ha tors the..srouad becomes too wet. sun-sh and nunlpklnn should he gathered hetero (rusted. 0n rat-ant [round sow rye at the raw or three bushel to the time to glre a green trot; tor htouglttag down In tho snrtng. Lute solely should he htlled up to start the hleaohtnz Prat- 55 Ila tnre It to put (L storage, October lllma tor Llye Block. l- rs roll generally hr srlrrtod lI l udlnntttgo Illltl .noath. ' ltlutnug c-wds and tenth: lltln ulnnlll Ml] rlrun them up. and mllkt llnun eolntottohle and mum durtng the which It s u gtt-ett good posture they will hog to gola. and he ln nest posslhlh roadltton tot llremllltg, enlatlrlllx more tauthe. Stulllea whlol. or. swelll noon and wltttetreshsd alter the lttll IllI Elllllle "Inks taora snatlsry naurlals tor the stock durlng wlltlen' _e.._, l ' Cold 11: the Head, to In acute ottorlr o_t Nasal colon-h. Those lule [a frequent In Inc had" Wlll nd [ ll manna o! HAIL'B UA'I ARIH] MED ) NE II who an tho system, deans. hs mood Ind Kalli-T, them less llll lle lo wldll napalm lick! of Acute comma hm, lend to (mmnlc (month HALL. GATAIlnIX MEDICINE ll (IKE!) Internally Ind am through the Blood on the )5an Samoa I)! the mun. (has nducln: the in amm- uon Ill-l restoring normal mdlllbnl. All mil. Mil-M P. 0m nlnra tor Field Worth 1.} tltsdtoll. l tlllttll tugitlvu lt anlpurtollan lo Amorlca, Itml . Tllc DlllllDl ljllt ltlluml (l ltmtlp u! lllt: reluKL poLlnu nevuaizq VIIII'r n r ultimo F0" TMNDPORTA'IIOH 10 II. It. . u, mostly .Iuws, trout lawns nurruunttlng thnlrlw, waltlng In the Quaranllau ototlon at nanalg lol- The : are ten thousand ludtttt'cu at the atatton, It Is nalllLAIIIl all are auxloull |0 Itnrlll- -lllllIllgralllE ill, (Ila slnllhll. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES 7.00 9.00. HHORTHAND, TVPEWRITINB, Throo nlgltle each week. GDHHEBPOND- ENOE. bFFloe ROUTINE, 'tzpetnlrla, Em, E'rc. BYIIDENTE htllv ErtrloLL A'r YIIE sellout. OFFICE MW mtvl Nev/market Stenographic School nntllt 0F Tollotll'o Brook. llemtltKEr. Paton a my, Props. ll. LOUGHEED, Prln. . m l . . r , , ltoltru at Apflllcnllnn lor plum NOTICE Ia Ilarchy tttyr ,lhllt Halon areonwood, or the VIIIalto ol Lamhlan. In the county at York and Provlhce o1 antarlo. wIII nmlly la the pattlament or Canada at the noxt sosrlon thereal tor a Dlll ol nlvoroe lrotn hnr'hu'- hand, ,\ltred Greenwood, oI tho Elly at Toronto, In the county at York, Ind Prm'lllal: ol Ontarlo on the gtound o! tlr-terllnrl and adult ly. . noted at. Tomato Ihls 25th dhy at ,tllgusl, .I. n.. 192 Ilalrh Greenwood, tly her sollallam, , llom llHY, minute a LAWSON, , 1.32 nay 52,, Toronto. ttrtnlx}. Itoltea at Applteallon tor nlyo oa. NUTICE le herehy glran that Arthur Imuuhwn ut the titty at Toronto, to tthe calmly or York, Mechdnlo wtll - lap lly M llle Parllt'lnlelll of Guns n I! the herd scthlan ll lereol tol- t Ell ot lulvarro lrom hle wlle. Frames Mde :Uaugllloll at the sold Guy at Tolioalo \t enltn ALL KINDS OF . Ion the ground ot adultery and desor- |llau, l lldlvd at I'Irrnlllu llll! atst day at utrutl, n. 0,. Into . Al lllllr DEUElIKDH, aIujm mh) hls sallettol-s. MID [JADE EQUAL T0 HEL . an L'Jlgltl coal. lr Brass. Alumlnum, Bronte, maul, Hullnhln and Oll'mr Llutula. L'lo also do l tlAlllllE OOHBTRUWURAL CUTTING. lty our Ft vrti. YOUR CARBON REMOVED one. per oyltnder. WI: llrlr lmlr lmtl llll Heady (Dl Buslnchs OPPOSITE CANES FACTORY; , l E\\' MARKET. at New market Welding & Cutting W0rls.l IlrllEY. PllELAN & . I52 II 0- street. Toronto, llotlco ol Anhltr-ltan lol- nlvoreu. NOTICE ls llel ch) ulttu that Must I nalhraIth at the ully at Toronto In tho County a! York and Provlnco ol On< Karla, the wlle ol \VIllIatrl Galhmllh, \tlll apply to the Parllatncnl at Canada M the ncxlmegsllln tIlel-etll lol J-Blll nt Dls llel' husband, \VIlllal tl Oathmltll. or the Glly 0! Toronto In Illa county or ank In the pravlnce ot 0n- larlo. on the ground I)! adultery and do ltlou. Aug-tn, l. . mo. llaul ttslnralth. lly lnr solicitors, Ill'l'rl trial- BY. PllEL N A LAWSON. Bay street, Toronto. LA\VBDN,, ED at 'rotonlu Int, 10th day ot

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