Mado ailn s null. and rlnn Manuela I up (Mull-Inna - good condillurn unwound-i. " m on , It WIOWilllIn-bllrv., . Ta'Lel llnllucjwllll ltllln and a an ii. ii. Nicol, ham. more SI, 8 Golv roulinii' : hpply ux" 1, . . _ l& ln homo. Lat}! con. zwai Jahn 'ureeu- . :3le All / sew-ii __r...._, . alrlr or, Miriam-wad .ll walled oi, AD Sl-l IIN.,InIIuIIrIiiI liurnn. iuulr, lined, mix 20. l. iv. lidli 9 hr aide I n . Fur Bille runillv Avollu liliiii . lIlI ,lnwpll r . rnnnni. ankv Illllrni. h-uidlr llglll, haliniurg gamer / llriliiimsr. iilrndeu, airlelrii- llrill I,__,.___._.._. - Inks, lq Money oranluplmuca ai owns or ildupr. 'slllrldr. \'nle anndlilon. , l rguiiv in . , pi implelnn , .\riiru ii. llrl :pr solo h red, brick house on (in- lalio 5 . r a room, Ilnlils; lurnaco and Mi) geld 'dlimiiillieold; _ I IN AOK'GOWLEDOMENT ,W wish-Ill lhnllk Mr, l-yinlrl (or his .icnerm lr rcwurd glyun ily hull in our hoy'a ior ilndinir a sum oi money. wIlInli . , Iii in perieel oni I or lid-me lirl liandi A ildrllaih MM. 6. irn laid and Which was returned In llllI. rlio'n .i'o slnle lImI Hmm \vllu are re. nilermlhle lnr lire illlllera who look llle lino annealing in lueullx ll 1 llimiu alnl lniarm ell Jilin wimn hill mnuuy would Ily) iound as anon on iin dis. nvary will milder ALEX. IlIA'I IIh. 0N. rllANK IIALPII. 'About' 60' , Shooting If I . 3,; on Eul dly, cal. Apply in ilarry ' 'llw'ri \Vl', llmrlhuln iiuliil: ilinmii; payers paris ni rianadag you rile or send us lllra lluy providing ar ll conlalua laims, Ari apples plenilini and and Illll'. lor quick sale. cook's eockerli New Juie) . hll n drain. . no nuke room. 7 p. .v Phono mi you .W'III gr. to lllmut rel-oil- MARKETING Voun FAniil your lurln. we \llil ieil Madam iiislhod oi hiarkati nn rarmai uliler s'enlcl a ea champion l rllll zuaioraiol- have iar sale is a meal rnmpiele savor, l lirles a halrei a! opinion a day. also hike ion iuaysa oi Blend at and A lllllu iiluru ihan hull pl-lee Geese Match I ,.,, on ihe premised ai lanai 'noav . Lilovn, " slap on Melmpulllun lly r Norlll oi Aurora. 1m. 1620, commencing ul nne o clnlzk. Shol Gun and Nile. gonna Pupil Nilrses . UENEIIAL HOSPITAL. errand. Ulll. llle FARM liuyliit s' n1 terms if] all i it you have a land iar sale. we will send you a irce eupy on requesl. ir a dascrlpli oi )ou oi one A Buyen um Hallow Elwhlulg. ii you wish in purchase a iar-n. rend ior iree. enpy or le Form auyers' of cliilcl uiii rlnsses oi lorlie non small deseriplluna JOHN r lslll-ilt (K 1:0,. Lulnsdau liulldlng, 'l'urollin, rnulr EVAPMIA OR Fan one I}. Hi LEWIS. Yonlia SI . N mar van HAL! duo pen oi nun orpinpionr, unit) vqsad at eight hens whlu h wcra h-lualli insl year imal airs: Graham, mn Ln la iron. enIuh nlalna. Also yearling ooolr aim. Mn. ura- ' This will he sold righl FRENCH. llama-u 3i Ncwmngsi. . 1),:6; an 108., . an impartial llldgluani ihu Judges have (run Is an nearce ille \VIlll'h 1 Will r lr in, , V Av ruvl New Pnrlililwlcl on' Saiurda ih' Liberal uurornineoi was our oi lha is llldilor' nhuarvullvc! only h d III. l'arme rr li nild'Lahiz; : I'llu ourcrmunnl claims on addiuoual a ual. lnrllillll; a lolsl o! 25. llrcrnlcr Farm has announced IllII, he hadns nurancc of sunlim wliluh'wlll cnalll Illin lo cnrry on, inough in a pin r\llnialora wcro;lieiealud.. It >n lo liar- h lilghl. - j ,, rlianlrrglvlna wmd d ii meanl Surely nobody ihltlk ll lshnly lime or icaslinr. ,'l crux oi the mailer ll irrailludul Canadiauagond espyelully horn gioai maxim in giving ihonlrs lu lilo lluiur oi ihe, unlyoraa . in me hounilll ll Iiarveu luat Euruerc r Truly ihe pauinllri had all! ' l'Ilu carih lr ihu Lord's and' the Iulllgsu' llrorcoin I ll/I. nauy people aei M l! lhiu we i so. mom (or lhn abundde oi load on ll-iery handyhdnid we expreaoour imnllm. uni ior lhn peace lllui ilruvllllli iror lilo hanlahnlenl oi ihe purl-in oi lining drlmi, and iur lilo wouderlui lllwleil rilmcnl oi lodunirlul and mm. (Ilt'l llil I IIIIIIB. ' Par l5 mam: IIIIIIKK lcl ihu people allow llielr grail ladi- l'u hhuhrllir and uy pilendanae at mi devoul nllliude. l . Baldwm Breezes... an idqu llay 'iu'r u i gu-ranarl., Nearly u very our uj illlli acciialr seemed in he in unnuan sluu. 'l'lil'c Idrliu oni iondulddmli over in \Irlll lrllele .Iahnlmn undJiun! r lly. ,gl'ile, lnriudad iho ehepparda ihe \l . ll'llllnlu and olhe duni silly ruuimnes prelly pnariy. when llii- aninmn 1 ,iml ihu lllly'u are diild "I'll! hard in Ill r Alln ily nailing. l(:l he in do - and old. \vhul i \vllai ) where 7 When i . as are inning. lilo idol. mail a I'L'CIIDI. Whal I When I lllpu airnwlrorrlnn. at I IIIKI ral dllyr euch week i nr lighher ially llllul-ina iim ihai she now iii-uni duanilllds ai' rallnllerrlea on ihe llllsh es ul uednr llrun all nul. MI]. The (lucohsvllle Sulllili will hand in rdraloh his hnid head ami llilnk a illlle Iillrllcl. "Old Juinlm, .\ll'r lIulIil rmnl'K lnunoler nor. was over in lioidvrln an Sululllri) inr supplies. Mr, and Mrs, ii, and non uulrra"alarls. 'I'Ilu onrdial gr p oi ihe hand idiown lhoy have a irlendiy ioallnii ~ )'aur uncle and you can hol 'I Iic 0w] reelproealei 'ille l ullnig. They ure lruiy u llldKnl- Illt ll eonpie. llria. Jim. ll, iiliiionden is exuueiad iiprne al lho l . (I. lhls week Danie him i Ilcllliids -huil|an I a lie sold one tan a large sure and has reserved one iar llla liunllarr irip ilria lull. III: II": ialely Illllmrled A palr oi noon hounds irnln renneasae. (lo a. >) licy are all grcal invorilea or mine and are as mueli ailachad in me .is in iliclr illaileri Always dolighleu to in. ior a run with inn. 1 don-l inow how 'im not all ihe dogs in ihe coulllry are. special irienda wllh me. .i had a inoihrr who l-oulll coax dogs may irom lhrlr master- in splie ui rill cilorlli, iirs. \\'l|l I'Llylnr dld liliignlliueully ill u|l0Il Falr. raspculsilly in hullci tone lesls. i aiian Ililllk i should like lo see [I I0l 0! our uxlroi Sliliil'L women gel aiiel- ills. 'l ayiur and make. her husiln ier ilie prizes. ' aw i could Hallie 13 or H A 1 III14Jk l-lllll dill maids In. ||IIS locallly who could milk}: |IllIIK llullly lllIEI'EIllIIIIHV But II Fan gel ll iII OIIhElI the I: a pri:ll)' Illal) Ilueillt l' ill 1hr Mild 0i work and iur lllr'ill) y D; hils Ilelll 5w , lu hEr ex? nlulis ai lion. and also lidura hairs. Her exllllilla oi [lies and cakes ai llll: Fair are so line lIiaI ln'ordcr io.lrlve iound ll [necessary to eai up moal oi inn cxllllllla. 'l'hernio rc ihc exhibits are worlir more iiian his prize. Mr. Taylor dill noi eomneie in ihe heavy horse aoalpeililnn. No time. no iinle. In oillar years he has been a sure winner, NHL (ihasley cryoarrnan is analher oi ouriDuIry Queens, who won in ihe buller cnmnellllun zl Sulloli. From personal irnowiedge i know she is a grand holler malrer.. 'l hl: geniry who come on and spend lile summer on lha Lake shore aro very ireca in gel her Iiuuer, inur Miss Velrna Coinci- rilowed suah lli uelll Tommy Tans (Tomatoes) ihai ihe Judges eouldnil do 'ulhcrwlsc ihau give her ihe red ilchai. They were lllB llnesl I ever 521w In [his Eaunll'y. and bushels 0! Iain. Tidy Tammy should liah c Bxhlhllcd I oea, iraraioaa.) lie always has a glorious ilnc display, Dur volaio llamas have roads gruai money this your uni lliey re iioI rel llulle sn riuir as iiaron nolila' ehlid. ilasier heouard Comer. sou ol Sam; uel Corner, ir-., ieii irorn a beach lm in lhe ylilago where lln was galherlng uuis and broke ills arm, and timerle (ml and bruised lillnsell chtrEer tip on ihe highlands easl oi llaidni n realuo 5 rising young ladies. ' Ail horn and raised on ilial hlaloria ridge Iii/rim as wmdyilidge, 'l ilelr uirllr- day-s are all in Column shun: nm- iinron on. . iiary illrd (lilghiaud Mary) llel. D. Riora lilddeli 05!. lo. llelmu Chapman cal, ii. nessia md- dlll DEL 21. They Ira Imongsl Ia heel indies in our ralilsmenl. Long his, to ihem, Wood in dear, and cost is dusrerruild dial are we lo do i iiolir nu dim. cull in gel. ' \Vhan inilrs read ni'uie :cnlim lun'u nmounl 0' ( In E 0 WIS n We! me people oi the i'rovipca'ompiurio, new loan reunral ulll :l huruli) ill n dlllre. .lhova'llrn anirool uaiure, ihe loss l ellnaiion lhc r is in lur ,nlum hl'lxi lmen n Dilllnnl nuiierer lrrliil very have ) lypo oi liii (lanai anoeedu ui ihe rriih hunual all I M! al Dituensvlllc on Wednesday. A iolriy irond crowd \vhi lli MIL-nilunl . llil: Majority llvllllg Iudlch, snneeui lhu la'horon Iliulll was re- rrrolieu and ihe lilrlrlilurdv . handed in lime lo secure ihe Snlion IlaiilILilu lhal ll was luil ilo lira Mld~ way in rualre nii ihe nolno and amuse lir o punpi menl al. ads were more nurneroun lirao 'I any Iil erlrlllll lillrrw, lller accumuan r prlnrlpal crhihiilA-a In iilyd ii, iionrc in Ilroliglil liaison and i vlli iluiiedno III parallel-ops. Gen. I ur- iii ilh n orrudlrher or ice A'nd iroil'i' l'yu seen and . ' will '10 wllh. where IIIBY I. 'l rnlnn |IID iiilll you he; i euuid, all you or one wall known law, "'I'Iil: more you and , t nldrl' than ll demands. , . - itir'bldckulnllll's wllh, Mm. le DI)E( LVII. -Shll has at Ihril umuin d Tlldy llre golnlr away in ion women sllllo lohd,'lilili. I railk nose and ire r Today a yieilma or a $0. _ l'l Owl. , Oil/IENBVILLE FALL FAIR dqu,/yialill!' nnnlrihnied tn the 'l lll! ah. welo "0| 'l'llo luklru and reirealr. Ailiioiiliii ihe liulllhcl' oi ellilieswar l llliie rhorl oi lasi year ihere was pparnnlly or grind a show all on [ur ihe llllleo. .l. are Menard. .l. A. lloali 6e Soil v hose alni iiurrialrn iiorroa. ill Silllri hum dullle air. suaa 3e - neii \vmi ihe ehiui cxliilillor, willil: in llal Ihl. i i waa liven C nnolllloil llulwuell e (3 Ilill & S , Wank ilamsay audios. l', iiennln. 'l lie lal. In! lllHu hull a Hill: of Diliry Cmvu. while M. H llol lllc il Ilie (Intli III .\u w. sliircs, i There was dulie n pliow ai rllcop. w. N, (r'lbil nan cillei winner in Shropshire w. ll. lilil <9 Soil In saulhdnwns, Silas Sanueii in Lulu-b lers and .i, ll. linailn oi Zephyr In rm iord howus. The lmlilllcullon in lion! and low] was dililu illnilod. There was a good general display in iha ill, parlleuiarly in mats. Irlllls, iluIIizr, linking. canned irons and ladies- war-is, in ihe laller ihe llrlllclild] exhlhllara were lllss Mailer oi Orchard none-h, Mrs? r . 5, could at sullou. .\I ma. Gardllnr and Mrs. Gar-lug oi New lllnrlilll, _ nunsidemide inicreri nus Inklln in Iially driving more being ionr enincs in im- regular class and [lime ial- ihe GII I Driver is years and undcr. This was nol concluded when ihe reparlrr leil ihe gloullds'. All (he [hi all penis (0" llle ( our ceri.were sold in line nilarnoon :mll ihe' Tt-n'ari is lhal ihe program luv. universal suliaiaclion. . We eci io rive ihe ilsi oi p whim-r; in lieu Issue. ' Wonnn~_ mimic END 7a iluilylllh PIIIWV ueiph. uni. lo g'l'rlligelrly ioliowcd einsely in ihe willie oi is ill nllng parly un sainrday aliernoon. ln'lliu Sdllli easiern ouishlris nl lilo elly. lwo young men. Lloyd Soheller, agedirl. and his chuln. n. heinosile, i7.'ioolr advalilalie ui ilie iiue llay lo go shnriiv sup. and were worirlnrr lhc-lr way In new Vialoriu road lo the Dundee road.- when. al llie rear oi ihe linealron iarln, ihey espied an which several apples were sllil hang- lug. sclreiier iried la iiol one auaui lull ieel ironl ihe ground, and [inclan he could noi reach it. lo ilia rliic in iruooli ll down. unheediugly he held me weapon rry his mum : in endeavor. ing lo dislodge the apple wllh ihe huii when ellller a lwlg caught llie lrigsel', DrJhi: lar caused llla rlile in discharge, iilo clial gu lodging in ihe ceuire oi ills hr al. learlng a greai hole lllereln and axing lire vital organs, scileller never spoke alter: lire acrldanl hap ileliecl. null wlihln_lwo rnlnulda he was dead. < HOLLAND LANDING Mr. Ilrimlnti and iamlly oi 'roronio made a ilyiug call on ills. ll, ueli lasl Sund Y- Mr. .I. noiaasan has his aisler irorn \ uilciluvcr wllh hirn. also a slider ironl riinnireai, spending lllclr holidays. olirass ilelo and Audrd'y ough aro horns ironl inelr holidays at Meaioru. Mr, Edward Chapman and menu apeni Sunday wllh iiira. ripher. \Kml b al 'Juu lsullle hair on 'r uesdly. oi iills apple tree all r " ir, and Mn, (ll-a dasewhdlca in Aurora orl sundny. " ' -aiih J. l > llulr hilt-Ill lliillly III durorll wllh l ralhl-r, , - r\lrn. iihnries Klrily WM one i ihl, - .II". and .\m '4. i Jl '1; ml and \il a lleryl \MII-tl in il ll sun. 5 HT in l-lnlilnii her . l. Merl-ill. al ill-airli- a, h. dalmhlar. Ml n. vIIlv, illl- iluyil lillgirMIlH Hllulln Ii-i-ild wllh rill-nus in lira lIlilil'l n ui illilllluniul'. \'. Y., In vMIlllH lll'l' hhilar. Airs. Nuwion .\larihali. z * v . ilrrhi. mi pnnliry nl ihe on Wednesday. - :i l.. iliuy-iur on image sir iiho old llunvlrk l i'lil.) -lu l-ee lng r licvnm lilnehd ir. NlmnAii 'I rIvrlll aml iamily . o leaving inr uraveilllllrrl nexi week in make i lr iniure home. , r-Mr. lie arir and his iamliy and Mr. and Mm. chin-led iilrhy apenl Sunday wllh irinuds al Sandiard, -A.\Il', I uilerouu di'Shelh urn vlrllnd llli oralller. Droylrlal I dlinrnan, on Sunday and lnaughl wllh hllp hiilllplcs oi ihe Hiielllllm e uni. ~ l|~ii l.nlu ilolllua mid Mrrl. ilnhi, l-riieiurri r lllllllilllll ll shower in To- l'lllllo on Friday nlirlil given hy .\ilaa Laura Word in Miss nourrrlan .\Iniinl :'I"im pruaenlaiion oi a gold lleplu lloln Kalil nul oi ihr lidichcwan lllvl'l' h) lhu women, ui llmnldn. all n iiaiivt'iiir and. y ll lllere, was one or ihe fi flillre'i rill .uapiinn inroinred lo lion. \v. i.. .\laeirenziu'lilng last l ri- day all mean all me Alilerla cnhilnl . PIODBIIIBiIOI Sale and lands in Mill drurclldilnr. 200 all/cu Ill Nnrul Gwlllllllbuf) Large horns. lolelr eiad house, oJi in good repair. , Ilu mglil klrill oi anli ior li)l IiIIilI oi lnlxell rarminr. Prlcc, Cash cloud AIM) hill) iarma in aasi liwllimdnlry. I25 Jun?! each. The very IICiI kind and llolli have irond huildiags. llrll on in ma 'l'ilwn oi New rarir . one hm): elad on Park Ave, .onn rril c an an Church 5|. one Ill" . l on ilain and lillcr cheapo:- IIOURH Ill iIIl [i l 14 U1 nwll. CHI in and den wllriI' we sol. i will Liv pleased lb show you. corner . and llllulliy Sin, oppqnilli KI Guo ge "MEI, WM. IJUIIROWS. v ' Ilval Eslaie, no: 7M lelnarhel, uni. V 9 M11316 3 , Ile uliml N 28d: of April, 1916, Marie Rappold, of the Meucpoliun Opera Company,stoodouz}leetago of Carnegie Hall in New York besides new invention perfected by 'I'Iaoielu A. Edison. She sang in diiecl oompnhon with thin new Ill-mimean reproduc- Lion of her voice, and the audience composed oi twenty ve hundred music crilica were unable to disc doguilh this gm: prim: donnl a Ii ing voice Irons it: "Re on the NewEdison. Nextday the New Yerlr Tribune nid'. ' Edison Snare: the Soul of I Music Call and let us dcmnnurate to you the superiority of the NEW EDISON .i.' n. v. gunmen, , Wuhan-f. ihe weak-cud. , ' hlr. and Mn, Ghlai'ln are iun irlondn Mrs. u. ncli, Tll eougugauau ol' vw lheur idea In, delay-er mars nodhal u as u some. i knnw we have a low around here who mm inlay eodld deyour a norm mil aL one llllhig and inaialiin grounds. Mrs. 0, Thompson hsd'irieudli nwr away visil- 'm. llouluaou and wile, also ans; ilermningwny silent Slumhy wllh a Mclhodilt church llaieued to a aory'lnonlrrnn nun lnterzllliuxjemlon nil Sunday rendered by nav. ll. Loyaring. - - 2nd i hum. on d huiluinar. {mod will. 'I'hl lm "I (a Sull ll, 9n noon gravel road. Prlc rIslli "I IIOSE who-em} "rainy, ha ha , ind assurance lilnl ihu hIKlIVI d glee or sell! and onllnlncllml. We are equipped in Mllzldcllnn Ill a lii_uroliirlr llllln- virus are do. CHASrWATSOIIliiSD "FUNERAL DIRECTORS " NEWMARKET. ali'r. . Mull: Ii. luv all lilaliv The Cradle. , damn 0n iulme Sire | r). n. 19.). in Mr. and liraa dullgiliur. AI 1 lldl' VHIII , iio . and Mrs, nylon lino dough ,r. mouwh QHL l l 1920, lo Mix and .\l a non. ourroy lli \V in .l Tunney Al 0rillla on Ulzl. LINED. , iii. Mr. and Mrrl. .\l. y, 'runn/Ey. n w >llre 2Ilil Kralldcllllll living or .\lr/IIIlgll 'ruuney oi rimsmarliel. ill Uri. llllh, \Vln, iironleh. 4, ,Tlld Allnr. Dnlhnllh-monlnun Al DulllIns. ilnl.. on Scpl. Hill. 1920. hy ii .l. ii iiscbanald, Annie daughlrr ui ihe laiu iir, and Min, lioaald .\Iorr risou (idrlneriy oi Newlnsrkem in / IF. Irwln aalhrailh. hoih ni Dundloi Tunuy-LoolnIFQ-AI SI. .Inlln s Church. Newmurirel, all Ucl. a. mo. hy new. l ulIicr \Vcdluck', .\(l'. \\'lllinm JUIIH uilny or Newmzil'krii lo ylias izihel lchIBIr oi uarrlc, . Johmmnvnrnwn Iii urulilu on s |. help. mo, hy riev. h, l, 9. Shop: wii. llora ,,. dimghirl- oi Mr. liulI Mrs. J. .l. lirunn. Sloullvllie. Dni., in J. Ireland Joliusiau oi Newmilr , iiei. Onlr _- - A neodwoymlanehcrd hr lha Ill; ii, Sievenplner. nroillu. on eel, oih, 1520. Allan Suhle r) manohard oi duuliylunll III In Mn will Mll- \\'1) ol SIOIIIh IlIm llolim-Wlllinoir uil Uri. lihllsl rihnreh. llerr Pa . 'roranlu, Il) Calmnll llr J all: (IJlJl rIi iiarlun \\ ll|lll6l. danghler oi ilr. and .\irs, ii, Wliimoi. .lurora, in Charles I) uli , oi Taroilln. Tim fnmb. Nnnld~in liesnlcisori. i2lh. lain. lzilzaoell. Arnold. wl , .lruoid, in her 88m y , 'I'IIB lLIlIL rlil lanh place on Thu irom inn home or her liillKIlicl r Mrs. John \Valririor. Kuwlck lo QIlc/mi lle Cami-I175. _ Dluklb M Zvnlxyl'. llLl 'l'hul' ' DEL ilii. mu, ulna ulcrie in l r aim year. Fllnela ll S l y (ll .\Iollnl .iiueri nemeiery. nice-llum | Aurora uei. li. 1920. Daniel )IcClillllln, iormcrly ni VI lei-la, I]. [2,. In his EGIII Year. Funeral \Vl llncsduy [CI King CH7 Ceruelely. Perry 0n Monday. DEL ii. 1920. al his home ni her snu-Iulnw. Dr. W, a. ilelilnley. 1037 Garrard SI 'l oa ronio. alarlha lrwin perry. widow oi ihe iaie \vlnal erry. oi Lloyiiiown. in her alsi year, raran ln duro ra, an (lei. dill. iii-20, Iluhy Irt-Lle, youngcsl leugillcr III .\ir. and Mrs. a. .1. rareu. Funeral alondiy iroru .\ielhndial Church. Inlcmeni ai Aurora aemslery. BmIIh At Ills late residc aee Queens- viile, on Monday. eel. liih. i020. Alheri .l, Smllh, son oi nerve SillIIh oi Exit awiilirauury, used H years. - I month and 5 day; The maeral look place on \ r'cdner dlyr lhlerlneni ai Quiellsh lllc Ceilicr lery. / Richudlen On \VEiJllEidll) , BM, [3, I920. M 0m residence of her ilall ll- ier. M Minnie Newdlelr. ii [.3354 downu are Toroaia. Belay liail illehardaon, In her vain ycrr, wldnw or ihe iale naalandn iueirardaou. service ai ihe slim-s address on l-rl- day. er 2p m. >Punernl leaving on iielmuoiliaa our and o. in. lalrr. maul in Aurora iienleiery. lain, ai 'lehureh, ilci, i2. iii-2o, . , and Mrd, \vm, Currey. anon, r v l,, // but {922 i923 iiri line 1937 192i iasi zoo ure- No. 1 ally loam Mil. roan ligllio lronlr Prqu qnd paring rial"... . ,91 qcroson Izhorlnllo more - Inlsq mural qpoll 503m f min for sale. , ' ' 8 roo'rn, bl l . Newmarkoli. propel-Ila: [or laid. . Elly ynur Vlulnr Inaurq lie you-rim New 7 lair Heal glam, Phon o aodna. THE SAFEST INVESTMENT . IN CANADA Wiiiilly Buildig Viploi y Loan lax he need hulldiopw ck house oilIIhe' was! lildo M Main on" and see 0' i- Ionu "st 0!. larm VD. HAMILTON & aria sos D " 'aliid Steel .\Tires. ~ .0 $p<ldi USE FO IICARS. / ROBERTSONS GARAGE) ' Water Street, Newmarket. D HAMILTON i SON. K ' Flrelnauranco, / , ' I ' I30 , erlo, Call or TblophDYIOa Bonds dollvercd to your Bank free of all delivery or brokerage CIIIXI B?. "BIIIIGAI dude i 0 bonds at'preuenl pl ICGB are nbsolululy In the baruhln clans. The supply :nllII'aIiII: ls illlllliell, I'hilm rl aclian is urged {or llloao nlld desire (lICSvlll opporlllnlly. voun OIIOIOE OF FIVE Humvee. Fire Ih urliuc iii'ofd nuli'ri lqpr. 12ly y pouch now, nl l us write that Fire @i@ 2: lo I alliiuielzl oi ii Slruui. in and viii-in SON. " i ii A, g l I .log ill .8 ,nralrcer lila' rem Elven in and um lairealla game ii the h .an Wrdr morale mower. r unw lll W s rca plelea a . dEDiTlcd - lhelr 'nni nd Delulors. Frldly * lluve unl, wh- ihnl l. Ill-(amt. acasln ,w ornnln' \Vlll' llailua . \Valrh l I l'i, ~(a .iadualrli A mri canneril. and con Friday n cinlr. I and Me ll. it \ r Karl. ii a. epidural roll ihr- air I ihel r rug ed, :PrIllilD'lI iii-idle irom mi} should ii mtlilIr-y sihln i leleniloue. NImbIlsIan-In Newmarilel. out. in. mo. Ella. wile oi \anler llalnll ion and daunlller oi Mrs M. E. Bur gal-i, In IIL'I' 33rd year In Memorlam. ~ Smith In loving memory or John w. smiih. who died in Bdlnoniou, All! oci. isih. NIB. Uulli the any hrer md lhe shmown iiu" . _ e n anmmuniw my around all r an or urine lol- TORONTO "l or or i moms. good le cr. All workable. Email; and a windmill. in house, also nihmnm. and iurnaee on me properly. ClluNh ii lnlie. 0a ihls pro periy lip-re in all the Ilnl unalry smile in lhr, hell oi lilo SPnL inn and could use {or buildings or alone .i'enees. also (here is some sand in Iloasisiion arranged. 100 AGREE IN VEBPRA TE, EIHOOE MUNTV, ON THE GOVERNMENT ROAD, 5V, MILES FROM BARRIE, - . I 83 MILES FROIILIPIEQNTO o5 acres nariaiiie. haianre pas-rural 3 litres sand urrhard. sandy an black loam snli, ieyei nsan hard uasan. lie-up i horse.- and a oaliir. llurai mall and iriepheme. 'i'erlns minded. Sdiioal Hi miles, depot l0 rda. 100 ADM-:8 IN Tonowro 'l'P., 95 acres warlords. balance bush and Wilma *5 roonled rough rut house. wllh good view. r lu irenl oi calllc. drlalna honor. her lien I Possession arranged. h x null: 19-: ue-uv M Quin wile > and hen house. School ill tulleir g 1 mill-a to ally Linilh. c. h paymenl Mono. 7 wlLLoua .3. ii. ill-nu. Vii-MI" 0min. _ > anon Oman. aupnnmwywm aim_li @ll Sill l 98 ACRES, ONE OF HE BEST FA l'l'lS IN SCARBORO, ON THE KENNEDV ROAD, - 13V1 MILES FROM DANFORTH GAR LINE Philly- oi mlei. l cere orchard. Clay loans soil, lay-e). Slone house at ii rooms. slur insld Sehuol i lulle. church 1; mlie, l Possession arranged. llnnri Frame house of 6 rooms. Telephone. Va mile irom Price 2.500. ' Terms mannered. uood n-ilrr, l ncll and a spring crreir. church 2 miles. Prire 93,000. may incur Balance arranged. i urn-matin- oi l I} 7 .il. wall-la. J. .h VIII . l w'~81 l?:mw w worner _ usual; . I. b. lawn. pom I There is also a new nrlrir house or o roam ua'ux narn 91156, IIe-up 1 llurih and 2-: collie. 'l y'vo driving houses, nag peu, Iwo lien houses. The house and ouIIlulllilmI: are in A l eoddilion. hallway- lIeNI ii mile. 'rerma arranged. 40 AOREB IN TORONTO TP., 0H 'I NE STONE ROAD, 3/4 MILES FHOl'i'l ERIHDALE, 12 MILES FROM OITV LIMITS in rich iv-nrlahle, balance hush and psalure. Io eiay loam soil some hiaclr Ioniii suilaoln lor a elen'. and a spring (NEW Seildoi v. mile, 5 some orchard Drilling Imusr. htdvli 3V1 MILES FROM IBLINB OM Hail FARM AOENCY iris mam ii lhr m .\urrllli'. Ilia inrr. .avrry y... risen am down lo aunlhrr. Ill eyerar ~ l nnn 51. School irralils. ii inc 3 Town l Iaal nrhi an lndus School ll should in 'ihrlr app .nrlirr .l. lur iuriln 1 ar. iurni-e ariilr, \linl mill and Price zin w Sim!) walir. i all A .r. / izel. Dnudss r rililo house llrn llmlE ilaiinal sell. rirllly oi Bun slxii. 6 prior um -