. W) l i; The lndugurntlon of a new-and inn-roan int; feature with thla store nnd. 0/5 done in such it mnrtnenervilth such ' earnestness of purpose; 'ya d ndyan tage to it a'people but it will'nntinhllnh ltsell iat once as an annuiiev ahdv ba i eagsi-Iy anticipated whim Thanksgiving of tin allowing yeana-rol ound- l ll' tbralhao/ alw'a 's lr tdi 'ted th tor'daednt not talk. shall attest its earnestness, and this determination of'aqelngrto II: that; whgn nothing 3 have dad a: 'remailk- apple 41 is that KARLE axtends tonveI-yvn'qok and Granny? tho store; udhvany detail Isthm-ou ddneyror not a: all. This sale lap-roof ppsltive of this kind .qi purpose , bapk with van ide ca," buds and. p rlcas. No matter- " Wham you live, yqtll ll bra welll paid for coining nd paid in tangible termg DOELAR 'SA ED. F and' all next Week theae I al knbie offerings will he Pre'smjted. i V "e , ' ' . K ' a ' I ' '. ' nrr nil yillpll prune no r' i- tenor. ' u- l' pnrthnu- out he plul ti on . ll Ol'l i't'tlllis. oil') in cqunl nnz still. or. ,ltllt-e our p . Saturday, Extra; ilVl , sold in N r.i ti i|IdtI lie Ill 'vllnlelillitl. pn'rlnentu nlunuinetudul lot; lihilllil . i or lilistlIll llstl ly us on Hotel-tiny null-plum. - nil lrupl, n'llnle. up to the ilitt-hl IlI|iiI's~i tl-inunrtl, ill'wt ti it 'lis llllii colors, Hill'- )rk Ill 23.9 ' Special. 7$ i-I\lr.t Sill1iilllm lhlrhlt'uih hilii tinnlhinu'tiunn . Shiite, north oil to $3.00. Suturdny . (Xiiniiiiilliilillsp\vill'lil up to so, null 57, noiulvlny' : 0|] Ht lu'ly 'm'k Elli Ls, I uilllll 9 75, shun-til . 2tio lhtlils till UVEHMJA mun nml \lllilll hli'ilie, illll .- nuu |lillii| iliue, Iilp ll, new or tlili mid. "to 1 mill nIiii . any other well lnntie r i lis. north $2.50 in $3.50 . ilnllksuivilll} rule sills a liln ALL-WOOL I LUIC SUIT $1095 limit- ll nln pnrl- Irish some, would $22.51!. Those of you who were here wear and Over-ails for Saturda GRIDWD.v .NORTH forms r, , , .. GREATESTOLOTHIERS . ulI island in wuloom id (9 n. m... all. one; it hour rein to plants the nion mentor people. ' noy by any the yen- needed it ll densiti- lolly nood. Order it by home. . l V v akewk PI/M/E 59" MAI/v.57: GDWIESONV S Imperial Gain; 1 "2E chum Alto aupPLiEe Vi ti ior Anrdun' parties. Milli back all not used. who curl-Out P. r, , . iced o Int 24 haul-a. YAtunill in illickl, Assorted ra, / Aim NEAPOLIYAH mums. liteill prices or. DI l.th Drink- M rnuntni. llmcilES, coilrzc'riouzilv. ICE-CREAM AND BODAI. ' Mill and crenm. W. R. COWIESON, , .lllslnni 5L. Mar the iduht. oTIIAVEu - "Stiller nld Iioisleio lielier strayed M 23. no pun. oi Willieilumil filly. soot tilh. Idiom-lion ,, 4t "WWW will he Iowudud. I pilvm CURREY, LlOTT 4' has. run ollulos' its. roman fluor- In ore-iiohl '09de W hlrh orldl work. it ii no hand" In. uni-ad lav Djil. "mule- ll WWI umu 'Ml "Daiy. znur , my 'Illno. Win Iron. . ' w. I. lLLIlTlT, Vilnoipljl. * .lvith the sxeeileni nunrnntetni lam intilpn dye, v. .. stress out innit. NEWS. Tnunhnrt'cnnvnntio/ Pupils, in t iuhlle si'iiools are e ilaviliK [WU iii-lads] a Hill! week, 'i ilm's- tiny and rriduy, on aertlunt oi lilo 'l'ellehors' Cnm onilom \vilirll is billing heitlin Toronto. Thanslllivinn nnnec. Hall to he present lit the Thanks ldvipg Dunne to he held in ttle (lilti- Peilows' IInII, Lot Street, i'lmiikl. giving ultrllt (next :linnony) under the eusplees oi the Town airls' n -el.oil Ciilb. linolest arnhestrn nt Toronto will ( ll Um nluiiix, , Dancing to cnlnmcllcd 3| 3 D'Cl l' Silv mcuis will he served lie rule. in he lulu t who r lli.llle i rlpp Smith School met at the home oi the Supaliniendenl. Mr. w. it. lleinler, on Tuanliay evening. imving lor ti ohieot n surprise itilohen Silowcr ior Mlhs Eilllil l iirnllglli. one oi the touching start wilo;ls phoui to heeol l ill-ltlr, neiw n to and ha were present and ii'very inyl'ul evens lug we spent in home. lollllwed hy rliimlllllenls'xilli good wishes. r Bond at who. Banquet. ileiween sit and 70 huslndss dud ill-niesslonsl' men at Nelvmnrii el hall a ulcsLL mqubie ernplng i'ni the King ' Gcorgo iiotel insi Morslay nleill, under the auspices or the iianrd of Trade. in the itrsl pinee it may he taken tor Krdnlcll that the llosilery dill itseii credit in serving o Bouquet in keeping rcpululinn oi the premises. Following the menu. n husincss ses- sion oi iiie'iioanl took place, lieeve Keith in the choir. . , ' A coplmunlnpilon mm the prank iord heard or 'I mtin, asking oo-opers- ilon in pelltloning the Minister nl .llis- ilee to extend the tune tor merchants to more returns ui iiuillme until all use untitled. Action duierred until next meeting. On motion at hip. w. it, l'irllulnn.l seconded hy Mr. N llllt. llm Seoro~ tury was insiruaieti to convey in Mrs. Clark the sylnpnthy or the linen! and express tile loss they let-I in the re- illllvei by death oi its vice-President. Mr. J. R. Hervey. on Ilpllzlil hr the Nlny helgno at Canada. rnnde n put. I 'l) ilinnit, willie, mine 53, dump! Ia'st Saturday w I rememhak the remarkable Values nhowii. ywe can assure you we a ne able to duplicate every triple, lrllrlil $2.515 . $3 2110 i i" ily ..., . ' pnpuintion and illill. ill the greet centres business then lnsi the helpiul intilnllev oi the smaller eopjinuhlllc . We love llld things to will h we give, iiley ilo- eomo pan oi ourselves, and nuniimeni is oi the soul. lie culllplilllelllcd the Town on shine at progress and urged loyolty to ennrlrueilre citizenship, lie lnllinnteti lnnliy things which go to more ll prosperous town and the necessity oi looking niter nllll_d weir ilre. ' Al the callcillsln ll it vote oi lilonhs was mnved b"lil . w. E. noinn nno seeullden by l.. 0.Jncltlwll ior ili is most excellent ld inspiring address. Mr. '.i. v. Harvey ullo expressed ills Borsoiilli approval oi tlle oddresl. On motion oi Mr. ilsrvey, seconded lly Dr: Lloyd, it was decided to con- iinue llnriug pullilc addresses need it month during the coming v rlnler. 0n lnoilolrot Mr. nunrsnn, seconded li) .\il-. Eves, tile ioilowllnr were ups polnicd n Gunlillliiuc to carry out this program: Messrs, Harvey, Doiill nnd Gaul, Byles, / Tllu quehlioll 0i caniiuulng a iinii~ holiday among milnnlx All lite year round, introduced hy his, Taugh- ton, was delel-rrll till next rlleetlng'_ior discussion. _ The gathering spine tn a niose nhoui ti o'oioehhy singing the National Iln- illem. it . 4W Emu. Tile ilndics lilo oi the Christian cilurele'lvlll, hold a liltzasr, Toieut spite allti,Ailel-naon Toll on Nov will. plsns e reserve the (lat Dr. wtthrnvvie Lunlursr in (rise. The llrsi,heoturn ln tilts important series will be given in the lion, Dank _' r . .IiEN H Mtcit v'vnliil, .' . l _ . A newl lot 01 lllii lillnlil i-i|l.k Jimkll Iil'iilvo ovi-r shown. ilil ntrety . V t, L t, v . propped tor Titlmltspir lp slllc $le at Toronto Buildimzl'nn Tucsdoy next at d a uiouk. The price for the entire noulse lll one dollar Him an the dcmnnd tor enrollment lot- ihe unursu has been heavy, men sre utilised to hand in their names ui le earliest op- pariuniiil. ann Edwllnqy ' Should the weather on invomhls illi: Lawn howling Giuh will hold the test Tournnnlenl lor the senson on Tllsnrs. giving Ilnv. it will he run on the plus and minus system with .i rallies vane,s|arl|nt al [0.30 and the others niier dinner. = The draw will he made st in a. m. and very handsome prizes 1 he awarligd in the winnn. llr, Fljchull hnl donnied two ollloitens, 9 ends I s promised two pntrs p . riotln nppesi that when the indies lune Gent's Gloves 'and Mr .ini" Sienitley' their canvass iiiity may he cordially re. celved and tilsi Ilie llnouni oi i600 asked oi NEWlnll'kel may he more than soils el-iheo. . 1 The speaker at tile evening. Mr, M. B. Tlldilope K. i0rlliin, was then introduced Ind a sworn man ara nlens div puziicn ddrpslt unite ltouli uirodur '_de my I Nevw- v main-aim .inii rill depend hello till 9". I n u 'ieraun imbhil' l-l ' on I a, some export crocohe it WW I! " inoncilad oliljnpfhh rev-ark thnl ery- nlhlitaur_ nun twitslve lVlD barrels or apple ; while the atoll will proviltll pecan Ind duCka. T i tournament will, be [or Scotch dopilles ,rlld ermher. should enter Illsir norms or solely as possllllo and Norma ilielnseive: wim t woprhs oi novelsu 4, : I ll'rndioid 52m down n v mans rlnlelsst Friday ln tile loans that may nould toils ha somervllliavrrrophy hank Is Nwmnfk llr'r v . * prom, II 1nd .ih nits * pig's aw d men/r. cl Iwr'ell y olnltr'gi n >. . i ,. _. . . with ih (or in yyinnr hut ins worih. while; iilnns rel-gull sod hplighljoiiisrcntii odd Himhandnil e lent lTvIlh'ihr piano oi zsiivnr mule 'wi reluwl. II it 'ery unevenlth photo. tile It now may on 01! will .. i' 520 Little rltlotl he in utility hull midi-its, stril ' s'iliii nimui there . MEN S NEW: Y Siliui " i168, will uvi eJnr 5650 iii W $34.50 without the shadow oi dollil t' liiia lot r toilet-lien or these ponlrnriohip'llul-meh Milli pew silent-u, every pr lpuinrj , . suits other tilnn that Umqu . I no mood or'heiio than ninliy'kina ln llie rlsunl manner at . $11.95 /; Tllouiwiiivinp Suie 33.95 MEN S liltiil till/l E 'l'lipvsizlte Ext.le Special siso. ms 55 , me up ' lms limit.pr GLOVES o cllpla inns, umys, roll-us nnd i tlwlls. re ulnr tosl.00., ..l ,.. g l, "52.59 SWEATERS AND stylli'rrzllcon'ls epl cselila (lie "IIE r Is ever shown in this vicinity, Muuhl direct from 'illb mill, V necks ill till it: newlsli miol'it nntl trimmings, nilil-nvcrs lint! mix in NEW \mnwll'shmis. Splxtinl Thanksgiving pricw, 32%, 32.115, 8359, .50, woiiiilivs anvil 'owmtls (lloieproely (on Sslp Hotel-lisp only) ehnmpnpue, inan, pearl unit novy, regal; Women's institute. 1 Tile Newlnuritet branch will meet oi the home 0! Mia. .Inlln Smith on image so, on 'i lluniliay nrtcruoon, 2m. at 2 a, when the domes litiill Institute 14w chll CWd iu \isil u~ mid [l the program. All are lmrdluiiy in. viicdr ico. Dnnl Folqii , The ncueruil Ta or Sole oi hilch lnude psi lg and other orlicies in ille i. o. 0. , unit an prolva nilernuun. all. 22 mm 3 in o. Atlernoon ten will aim he sci-well. came and 5&3 till the nine tilluns to lluy llnd eats com. ilelnilers are asked to leave their tlunniion 1i [lie I. 0. D. 1 . Hull indium 2 o-oieek on the day at the sale. ohrluuoh Endeavour. . spicndiii meeting was held an Tuesdny plgili wiien Miss Gladys Bl) troll guve iile inple "Diilli: Verses that Help." i runlr cilmpsop led lite ninet- ing. The contents between the amigWhites" added plush interest it) the meeting. Tile meeting next Tuesany evening will he addressed by Dr. Lowell Dales. ii is hoped iildl every niemb WiII ho present. Com. ' Prainhtnlion. VVIIiMllImll-TD . iinvlng ll presen. lotion on \vedesuday evening act, 27. ot tile lieuneii ilali, Vendori, in honor or iilelr iloys who went Overseas "Ear King and Country." Each hey, also the relsiives or those who lodii their lives, will resolve a cold \ancil. There wiiipe prominent speakers. Aurore mud and other enial-iitinmelli. Eve. ome. No chaise tor a mih 0. F. 0. concert. . 'A'I'ie 'r we llall was titled on Wed- nssday e eolng at the tree eone put on hy the Untied runners. Tile president olJlIe North York u F. n., lur, w. d. lilil oi Queensvllia. presided. The program consisted oi selceilons by Mr. Mill-disco. comedian; hiihs Vlviin linen, etoeultnnis - ltutehesnn pron. vinlllusls; and an address hy itr. ft. A. rowers, president oi the Ca- Operalivuv o. nesiues explaining how the stores are operated, ltr. powers mnde an silnnlr on the livdro lindleis, shying that when the iaeis really reach the people. may will recognize lite unpsnlieled nuiocndy they allowed to he set lid in their midst so money that wares reckless oi the eatnhhshsd sniegilnrds M responsible government as ii a millions in its lordship over ills munlrlpauiles telltale unquestion- illg,ler vloi Ii loudly promised to us. Who truth wls. tout the isle goverm ment was uvenwed by the holly iivltnd rrenlnd: It passed lesirlsilon that would he unhailel llbie it it were not in will print," He aim paid the ideal store n high eomnilnlent when he slid ill was the El lnd ln li lip-Iri- data store in their oillin. I , . Mr hiurdlsoll'wlll handle the cold prey fillivorllllng nnd puhliatiy work from the Nowullrirei ilnnch lnd will lilldenvn'r Ln give the sums dervleo and . exhilaration to tile others I that wall]. in wt prison ' 3 eiivs OF A Perisher, pcod assorth billion will. aiyie, worth - blvlllunnoou l 35, $550, $6.50, 3750. 5850. (Bee \Vlndotvii) EXTRA vellum IN FIN :lll'lliSS W in 55,00 Prubylnriln/oiiurclil' Special music in ilean prepared lly' the choir toe'rllnnvsgivlng services on Sull . ' ills lionor lulllre wtddliieid presid- ed at tilcscrsiop oi the Court held In Neulnnrlret on Wednesday. There was quite in list oi pines and n numller oi witnesses. .Twp qr iilrcc suits were inlerestluu (0 IE Spliciabnrsl il wnll nnoui one o'oiilvk wllun the eourt slunnrued. iinye Vour Flneru. Tile indies nl st. Paul's chureil purpose during a wllcalinll or old news papers sometime during the later parioi this month. penplehnrillg pipers to dispose oi sru redussied to here illenl tied up lll Ylupdles and watch the popsrs [or date or colleea iltillgrld Mincellnnnoun shower. on Wednesday evening a nulnller oi tho girl :riends at Miss den rglau Mann oi Toronto (iorlnerly- oi Newlnariretl met ni.tlle home or idol. hohi. Pii opera to give the hridr-to-he. a mi celiansous shower. she was the re- cinlclii. nt lpnny useiul nriioles. The house was prettliy deeorated wiiil Autumn teal-es snd nlouoinln .lsil her rips. A daintliy bullet iopoh hrnusilt llie sunlsi evening to s olose. county Dommimc "mile. in la. a. ll. rusuiar Quarterly lllceilng oi the County Committee at York County Young Men's Christian Association wss held in ilie nnriors oi the Methodist churoh, Aurora. on Tussdly evening. A splendid supper was served by lilo ladies sud was done lull Justice to llv those present. Alter Hialwm l the company ddiourned lnr business and reports were heard from the severnl committees, itillyor Eves oi Nm mullet, chstrlnnn oi the damp col ' mitten gave on recount oi the well: does st the s nmmer Camp and the county scereisry sunmllied ills repari or work done during the summer. One oi the most important llemii oi busi- - ncss was the mAH E a! piling for (he lirii \l'lliilal uuvdminn lathe llEM llz Ni wmdrkcl rirl Wednesday, Del. ETI I. Til'is soiherlnr is {ol- ihe purpose lll llledIlnz lilo Cauniy Cnmillillce (or "If imman ) and ill: 'Iuii llulhorl alter lile war-Ir in in! Calm! ills Sl n! insulting addresses will im given by G pi. 'I . Y. Desi ilM iiiilcni and men who are inleresiad Ill this work are urged [0 make prnvisiozl in limit piano in be nressnl christian churnh. V Snow. 06!. 17. iiornillv iopio: nevniio l hill in tho lielne. The home It! the chili sl nriuory ltrld Sclinai a} religious iulowiedEn. solidly Seiinnin12.30. dihsed. - c will he 1 main] Gianni ior and - unions Than-string rsniss. several persons have consented who awor nonla oi the questions u,ioliows: wusl a idrmlir has to he ihonuul tor. ' ' WW) I wage run munkmi Ion I TORONTO Sill null 512. Sillii ' i. of, poill'lms ontl wom'telv lire Extra Special Thanksgiving Solo $3.50 . In Whit-kshlnte, Under-s ' ' bargain oHast week. "FOLLOW THE / ' ' I " - " ' OPPOSITE IMPERIAL poem} I, WES. _ ~ . What a ioeio ry'nla'n nas'to he tilank- [U] (or. Willi n llunlness miln llIIai-iklul ior. What a high Suilaoi pay his to he liillnkiui inr. mm a Mlmni teacher has in he llldukiui ior. I i . \tht a mother has lo he ihanvinl (or. This will allow the people lo ex- press their thoughts and ieeilngs. The chair will have speelal milsii; tor the oecpslnn, Brioliala. Ailel- home in on cxulipt'milng enn- dlilon all summer, the business nai iirin oi Main Sircel is hegipnipg to assume a psssuhie sillpe, - The ladies oi the Methodist churrh the teen age hey-s oi the sund v . "-10! upper in tile Gym lost niisiii. Tile he). ehioyrd a chnrllarln al the north end on Monday night. ri'zt' winners at Georgina Srildol Fair crowded out ut this issue. has 'to he USE DIAMOND DYES" Dye righti Don t r your mnisriul. mil peek. lga at Diamond hyel' can. llinl directions en limpie (hit any Walnut tin dilulon dye o new, rieh color into old garments, draperiespooverlllgl, ever . tiling, wheihel' wool, in , linen. cotton or mixed goods Buy Diamond Dy:a' n0 other Idnd thsn perieei u snlt. uo gusrlnilsd even it Bun hut-e nor-er dyed haters. nlggtri ill. Dilmonti Dye: Color Cardf in_ [idlrwimjl 7 We are pled to Inform within the next two wbak! in our etoro will drop. illnersoii, tint, uet. i2. A young isrmer mmed .ioll n sirlekler, who won in an nuto, wot tilted at a cross. IHK :ll \yolverlon onoul 10.30 this ulernln Trees obsirueie sirlciler's oilservatlun end when he i to the c. P. ll. lroets he tried to reverse the an will 5 lied. he leaned irom the note. _eh wls illen struck by t train, and strlelrler in min was knocked .Igliins'i it tree by (he unin. Sumln. (let, il. The liahllity nl parents. glinrtiil lllh or others who le- his; or nnalml in send children to sellout and also the illllllity oi em- Ililnyurs who engage elliiliren ni hehooi nge was emphasized by Police Magir nil-ate rlornlep to-day- ln disposing oi the race oi n lucll employer who had _ lliil his start a her under H years oi no. nieneo was suspended upon ll, pl'nnii-nl or cells. $5.50. @i ioi Sal is!) here: 2 miles troln llrnlltord. ind nere. clliiivgicd, llllsnce hush and pasture. 20 met mi wheat, rier barn ioxi l Guild siabling. [Jamaal house eenvenleni to Church sud 5 tool. 1 mile iron. nstiluy Depot. ibf) acres. 1le H, can oih. North - 7: acres iligil cla lnsnl. nsrn anlp . Stunting ior 20 rattle and 8 horses, i rdille house. Tole. phone. iiurai llllll. lionlenlrnt to dnurait and School. to seres near. rsier s crossing. iiaiise newly dgcomled. Tills isl ankle-1i ,sulnlner home near hallo sllneor. ' Seleral houses listed in Town. priced lrom ilaoa to undo. Apply - \Vii. i:. iiODGiNS. - Eewlnirlloi hairpin V r the latitude or this district. that iha prices on nnnrly ovary nrilnle _ llo nutm- Mill Anyone my ny warding hlail prion, we are rightly iniormsd that they are on the downward mm Thing will no! coullitulc Ban-ills. but wlll phow ill Flllil ilpum our Regular Every Day Selling" Pride. '0" m- About Oat. 20m in. urination, unnuwun. Ill l minim... Hum, m. . whines- our one volt . WILL will have I lull melt or my; ' n minnow, h l HE_'- UNITEDIFARMERS cosOP-GO