Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1920, p. 1

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pinnol nii'crd la ho ram . oi ill- Bye-lulu. Jill-ye lhnm oilornined now. 'T. G. Watson ' uraaunio ovuolln VTlIO heudln g Gaunt No paper nonl out 0 Pilpnr 06 well ad lhe Oldest. North ork, unless lipid in advance. w Innllin In nouns-i .250 whcn ncl no null. .50 minim Bum. In lav-no. only. j COOL , WEATHER NEEDS The, Story of z; a ' ' t ' Canadian Progre'ss iii ' R 9 For Melina: ~ , 1 g The lilalory of Canada In a Illislory "VI ' ' ii.r. i.i :l: ~' i H E P A l 0 R E ) conscionoi mil-:3 which minich oil of ' uxdenllon l0 lllla rule, but they were New Perfection ,Oil Heaters. Oooln 1 yzo. pm hour to npomlo. We have a fort at Incl. your a prloo. "lhe Coinposite Combination law}? Is a grant suonunn. We hays 26 cold In ulln Town and vlnlnlly. They burn ovary lilijld M iuol. We are Headeiiaittei's i , I now-<3" for Electric Supplies. union (an alien), Irons, Yuauloril, arm and B-hur million, "intern, Eco. l n, Elonmdty lllltll Ohoapoui. Ii- uoI Vail Orin Una. ~ We Ildv e .on our oors uio lawn Ideas In (Docking and. Heating Stoves. II wIII hi: to yoiln lmiordal to In opoili. our mack. (AI- wdyo _ :1 second hand Bullion on hnnd Lnkon In'exoliaiwngw ' ' Inhlgnlllnnni when compared wlili ilic imporioni inovcnicnin iiinl were cor- Hall on ny lhe peneciul sdvncncy oi rninrm, ii in unclnl in hour in mind when eonnldcrlng lhn dlnlruhcd slols or public opinion nnn icciinn in our own dcv, nmi ihc rcnicdy ior unicsl. Heating and Stove .Thulill who cm in donhl no lo l'Iu enuroc lliuy siiciild pursue ought lo cxnminc lhc olian which hisicry ni ionin. 'rhc'y wIll ilnd in ii hoiii on. cuuinncmcni nun-nuidnncc. They will rciiiiic ihcl conndinns oi on earlier llny wore ncliher nirnld oi plo- gicss nor prone lo-vioiciicc. They did nnl dnm lliirli iho slrknm a! imi- nrosr, hul iurncd ii lnlo oidcrly. con~ slrucllve eilounris. Jllli: lhe msn who lilacs Nlngnm Fall: [0 turn the whnols ol Indulill') . ulpomlhlo devolnmsni. when Lord Durham came in Cn'l'ln iln some highly ycnro nun lie ndvncoind rcuponslnic novclnmenl as a remedy ior disconicnl nnd unrcsl. A similar noliey hnd hccn sdvocnicd by Csnl- Do Not Delay that job of Painting. , A nooii'ooal and ovoroonl. of liowe a Home Palm. will pay for licoll lnan times over In tho roloollon Ii . ulvon tram our no i! hard wlnlerd. ' he Fall In a ' ' V nplondld limo to Palm. 'Plione'28 a: a: NeWmarket w ' THE. VALUE OF; MONEY - Money reddy money in an essential in every ' line oi huninesaronniile or (arming. Wine inrmer n build up Savings Aocauimi, which enable them jo purchase (or cough. . A Savings Bonk.A ceounl with lhln nn'nk assured ready money when needed. Interest will {it current gain. I no iMPE BANK R Reynolds; Manager. :Ncmnnrkei Branch Aurora Branch, I A. 0. Murray. Mnnnger. ' . U MARBEHTE BRICK P ~W- PEARSON. Our. church and D Arcy sic. THE W. GIINE i. .3 NS so... LIlII DIIIILER ' lil ~ iii dliln liciormcrs,,cn i.lherals were ihcn culludhhul iiicy slndly scccpicd Lord Dllrlium'n annual-t, and recognized in hlsinmous rcpori couched in clear and clnllucnl inngunnc, u vnluchicmcsns oi pcrs uznion. Under liic lcndershlp oi hrcod~mlndcd micro-ion ouch c iinld- wln nnd Lnionininc. iiicy liloml ilrm ngll si minrcprcseoioiion, nnd worked poll nily ior lhe rcionn whieli hrounhi nhnui iho nvsicm ci seli-novurnmcnl which Is now on coinhliuhcd nrlnolM-s. '1 th principle has hccn proved to he Knoll nol only (or cunode. hui (or do. slruiil, New Zeolimd and Soul): Airl l, ii in cnrnhincd \villi nriiish sclillmcnl. lhc nlronncsi bond or union ni ill: ilriiisii ilinpuc. ll lino cloud lhe icsl cl nemro, null ll lino siocd Illi- ll hl oi llic incoi icrrihic our in Ill-planar Canada Wsl hul n iiiiic connin- whon lllls ornni I'clni lil was ilillllnvi1. and occupied n placc in iiic worlii'l eyc. . in ihnn iiisi ni mnny on in. sinnilicani .uronenii Kliluilnm, llul il was nuicily milling hlcloiy on ii ircmemlous sdnlc. iis picnch lum- LnK UlE'wlldvrnrhs loin innns. mill iii pcocoiui allvonnlos oi rciorm wcrc laying llrnnd nnd dcop lhn iounlinilon oi n nslion nnil oi ihc nrlllsll honour oi Nailoiis. ' i.iovlnp Toll/lira oanlodorallon. Ac limo wcnl no, ilcicels appeared in lhn bolll lllc cl Unlon niii'nonldd hy Lori! llllrllziill. II Karl: Cdlladidu oulcnoniy hui nni nriii'lilnhll nuinuon unpcr nml howl-r oiinndo. on (in nnd oucuoe \Vl ll lhi-n culled. {m All hui onn Provlilo r \vllli our linislnlum and one ilcrcrinucul. upper Canada who inhnhiicu nuilnll- by pcoplc lrzc inlr iliclr do. ('Ill lo iho nrlllsh lnnds : Lowel- lznnndn. mninly hy pco colliniic. 'l'l ruolonw worn illi- iorenl. llirlr uuiloul upon liic w lJlr- icrcni, I'lloy disnnrecli upon lilain lhings Encli oculion hull on equal uninhcr oi rcllrescnldllvcs in lhe 14 5- iolnlurc willmlll regard in pupulciion. Winn Quelinc as iiic more populous lhoarmngemenl was unincl in ouchcc, Whon nnicrio overlook snil nnsscd Quclicc In hnpulnlion, lhc nrrnhncmrol hcrm nc unlunl in Onlan'n. ilciiec lion ion r rc nliim :illh iiinlod diss'oluiioii oi liic lininn. iound was, in rode in hill-o our iicncrnmcni and Parlia- and local or Prnvlnclnl Ilenlslalurcs Lorin irncdom. remove muslin oi onlnrio and Quebec, but ii suhsiiiui. irnclny illclr d Till in France. Up. Now prnl his hnin when no inc nsr Camilla \ clilcily l Ilclc inhcn pnkhdwioll hi to minds Lower i: ludn wns ellicily lllilllili) oi nirhnnii woni Tl piohicni or close oeurnc Brown's [anions cgiis- iiinilcn by liahulalion. lil- roxnllily illsi was cl Iasl rn_llze ilic Union menl {or ninlici-r. oi coininnil concern, and ilnvcrnnicnlr. inn incoi nilshs, ii lml (he alll'rinlfigru at Union mill ii nel only helped in iricllon hciwcen {all i Loin Q hisMil R Doors, Susi . Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Etc. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES 7.00 900. Till-no nlghio each wank. .SHDRTHAND, TVPEWHITINO, siuozma uni zilan A ! in: touooL oF uI/ANV nav. Newmarket' Steno School I I'AHK oi mama noon. "mimic! PRIOE8216;ilylfW . . , Flooring and Moulding Turning, Sawing, Dressing, Etc. - The Will. Gallo ii 30518 96.. Limilal Factory & Yards Huron St, Newmni ket. CORRESPOND- EMOE. o rrlo: nourilln, nl=in.unc,ir:m., Em. i '1 ~ Loumitin. Prln. cd ior :l rllzid hond. s hand so olnsllc no lo nllolv Canada In r-xpallii cash word In Illi: l iiolllu. Evolnllon, hol nsvoiulion. ll. is mnsi inipnrluni in new in mind ihal ihis cruel cliungr who eiicciod liy pencciui discussion and poliiicui nciinu. Al lhn lnnio iiinc, lhc iiniicd sioi wi-ro r'cnl nsundcrhy i:h1l war. lieorne ilrown the areal Liliersl nil- vncnlo ni conlcdcmllon ncled iho uuninisi. w an: siilvlng," he slid. lo :ulllu iorcler. Iosues linrdly loos m lluus ihen iliolo lhni Ml e l-rni inc iirlirhhourinn nchuhlil and exposed ll in all lhn Ilonoh oi Clvll w . Ilich wi- uni own 4,- di cnlisli inr iliauhiulnccs lllai we have lunch ll holler way ior ilic Enlullon oi our ii-ouhicsi Arill oliouid noi everyone oi us vnduilvallr in rice in illc manni- Iude ni llliy occaolonfiliui earnestly ocrh lo ilrni willi lliis inioxliun ll) ilic end: in ihr. ssmc calldlil and concilan illry ooh-ii in wlildll. so (or, ii hss been disolihell" I This is illc spiriiin which our prou- icins hove hccn ioccd in l rhl Ind in which ilicy should be lined l u'. lonernl child. my ihic ii lll nnl mesnl liini II is monopollicd Iiy ilic Llhcriic. hui II is Del-ale who have Illlli'n lhn icid In- oxpreunn; inc msdlnn spirii, They m uniillcd lo nil ihu and : ier lhs .isl-liilsunlcni oi niponiuilc [inv sininlnl. .Tiicy ire chimed Io ho I very large clinic oi-inc died in con icdersuon, ii is "it Canadlln spirli. nnd ii is inn 1.. c -0corirc Brown. one on i .dlcicnl oi n Gonncn'allve Governinan slid olicxiiiir lo oscinl hc uonservclycs icdcrnilzing unnnds, nuns ihc quellioo pmllcsi. h. won lhn lllncrnl s rm|amplonl oi ihc icderaI mien mi inguinal lhc'un- worknole nyslcm oi lcsislnlivn unloii. which would now mosnl one porno. meni lol' nil comic and on l-ruvin'clnl Loglslnlun . such n nvslcm would rcsuli iu _ 'enllrmuuli cungcnllun oi| humus? 0and., null prohooly lo deadlock. , iAilcc cosicdcraiiou inc chlei work oi eilnhlioliinn valiloin) inoiiiullonn in comic was done hy iiin Llhcroln under mvam dime and Oliver Morin ' "mic lulicr had in light ior iiic lcrrllori'. Iliii rounurces. iliu inle- domlnnn nuihprily oi ihc Provincial Lnnlslnluio dslllml lhe coercnchmcnis oi lhe conn cmiivc novcrnmcni si ulinwn,_whleh invorcd lhn uhworlinhic iysicm ole nlmllzallnn'nli opposed lo locni irccilom. LAW cud llic aclacn null. Coiwugnown It) later limes we {ind llll) Liberal Pgl W' Vllllcl Sir Willrlil Lndricr nsspnlciod with anal. mslcrioi nrosperily.) unq wllh admellilnz of nllll more lmn ancThnrmuny and good will sincn p cople oi nil mun: null rellslmla in ccnsdn. ' ' llo l.|ha!'dl'PII ly In Increlorn. Ia Ellawn by ll lllllary (l) n conaillu- Iionill phi-iii,- (2) a coniilrilollvo pnrly. (a) c narlywl Cansdlon unily, hsr; compounded will. , . m- in no Trcdlncni. ll ls 77,1111? Iriie to lll history and ~ . . rr owllm or Will" 80X , . I . lndlnlmcnlv oi swim sior plnycre oi lhe charges or "cornplicily In n conspiracy lo 'Fix madam World's Series," Gnml nkcy lion suspended ilic ploy-urn in liucsilon. inliewinn Ills indlclmenu by In: Cooll Counly (Ill.,I Grand Jury. \l m ' will: "to u willle u u Inhmehllplii. Charles oomlslicy, owner 0! lhc Gnloog While soil, whose ciioril nrs Bali] in hove occn rcnponiiolc ior ihc uncovering oi evidence which lead in ihc \Vhlic Sox end one rcrmer pinycr on lrdillilvnsr il. hos iollh in our ilrillsh lnsiiiuiionn end in the cnnilllulion. ii neurons in ordered libcriv dud pro gross slonic consllluilonsl iincs. ll liclicvcs llilil in ouch proorcsn lies iho reinc dy (an lhc unlcsl nnd dlsennicni whicii cidsl lri canndn ln-dny. ll has no nunircl wliii any l-inv-lncc, wlih nny rncc or Tellillulis inllii, wliii cuy nlosn. ii is Dru-ellnnnlly ihc nnriy which isililcd In iliic all classes oi ihc nen plc in s common ciluri lor ilmxinlili ond {or building up ilic Cdnailllln nniinn. - ll qonilrnollvo mill policy. ilr laiiii policy is conninioilvi, alm- inn nl increase 0! predociion. repres- hing pioiii rcduclng ihc lllKli oosl ui living. rcliclinn llic coiiliulncr nnu encouraging ihc producer iiy in. moving or reducing iiic inxon nn inc inclrnmcnis Iii producilon, in law; onion: wag plunged in do. prelith r {rim ivsillis oi inc inil con- and hail li'c cn dissniminiinn in ilic cx- lrcmc. 'l ll wcsi who lino. ling Ils rusl ierlilc lomln olinosl. idle. \Vlini n clinniic tank pincc under lhn llnuildr ndniinisiinlipn, lniinlnmiion poured in; lllc Helllclnenl 0! lllc \ l INN-ll: lIliIchIl llh yirolgl s: llll- produciion ni \ ilIL'al nil olllur grdliis anIiln {inn ddii lhc wundcr oi ihc world; pnpulnllon iicrenucd on much dunno ien you oi overllmel il r: oih Hum: la lln (i\\'II. Kalill'll mil}. lll: i.ilni~ol pnrly (ll-ddy l: nnimsl- rd by llw sanic shiiii as llinl or loan. imullll } iii Idol ii on: duiisd'i'o cidleiinnilshipi Io EU I inc ilicsc upon Illclr- main ls, roinol lllusl: which .I E iinpmlirni or llcslrcuil , and mode and will coniiucc in ihc wclinre oi lhe men, women one children oi Connda. The Liberal Party in proud of lllla hisicry. uni ii lines all! real lls rlnim OII lllSlllr) Him "New occasions iiring now iluilc " liui new proh- lcms may ho soil-rd by principles Wlllull nuvc slonil Ilie l sl 0' limit. Molliu n change. nni ilic spiru ls ihc SBIIIE {IS [hill which nnlmuliid Ille LID- cmls who won responslbio (ml'crnr lnrni, lhe Lihrrols Mlo had so large n simrn in hiinging choui oinicdcrs. Ill-in, llic LllJlii als who pinned ProvlnA clsl iishls on n llrm oasis, lhe Llo- oral; villo slooll (or poscc, uniiy and good will sniong mall and women oi all mos and crews, ihc Llhnl als who in 1896 hmllghl Canada cul oi lhe cinugh nl despond inlo lhc sunlighi oi prnnperii H< <_-_._ liiolflllsns' PElluinIIs Thi (iiilarlo . ilolllnm' Pensions Iionril has ndopled llic ioiiowiilg icin- ilomy ilni rsic : Widow \\|l|| live or more childron. :55 per inonili; willow wlu iour or more cllllerIl. and pin monlh: widow nmnih; widow \villl hm or morn chllil~ mi 240 nor nionlh .ri Ill \' . . ' - Illnw \lel [HE or "Inn: children. 8H3 )ll nlDlllII: \l llluw \vllll {our or more children, :50 per liinnl widow wlih lhrrc or more nhiidrr , can our menu. widow Willi lwo or room ohiu. ren, 330 nor monlli. Alinni Loon cpplissuonn ior mnih. ini pensions onsivd. Tho prlnciplr nl lilo sri is illsi llic cilownnois pcirl lo ihoso women cli- idblc under IIS pnwisinns shall lie nui- llclrnl lo cnonic lhr molncrs to pro- rido proper homo ilii. proper loud and proper cioihlng ior iiiclr cnlloron. piish lla onrlc lotal holrvjs niusl lul iri- nolnlrd. ilio annlienlloiii lll pmcd upon liy lhcm, use oi ilinsc which are consiruciixc' will. lhiec or inure children, ills oer on; allowances nsvs lien) racnll'hl hi- nricm'ihc commission rsn nonnmA (or nliow~ lhe rc- luliv i? ll; noun 1 0 nu nnmllll "Troiolyco Buy", ecolohcr 2isl. \vlll he cricoraicd in every school lliruusn- anl ihc Province, and mo Navy Lenguc oi llansdn ls oiicrlnn MUD in prizes ior lhe icur hcsl glories wililcn on "Why ii in Good To Be Drllllill." Tun Iiarlloullirs oi lhc coinhciiilcn are: .luiiesAsl $50.00 icr pupils oi lhc lllsll School and or Upper Schonic, also inr how old glrla who nrc cllu- callnx lhcmscivcn lhrnurh home los- ccnn. 2nd, noon lor pupils heiow ilio lilnn selionl (grade in public one whole schools. 3rd, 5.00 ior pupils hclow ihc lllsli sohcoi grades in puhllc sun yrivoic Sclioola. ilh slum ior pupils licunv lhc iilnh Bill a] mile; in i-uhlic ins pnrolc Soil oio, ilni less lhon 20o rind noi ninrn Ulali ouowcnldn. nuidclrciully lhc loci pnioin-cph oi Archdeacon (lody'n nd- drcls lo llll: Annual hlcullilig oi ihc unisrio division or lhe Navy League, iioy ielh, IMO. This nppcniii nn [Inge lo oi lhe r lnied ncpcrl. n copy ni which you In - linvc upcn rcnucsl. Slllily csrciully Clinplnr 2i, oi I'Iln. vy League licodci- 'Fldg and riccl." dwucdh '| lllE [\("ulr-r In ("Alol icil (or Sr llarll nullqu ll} ihc oninlio ncpoiimciu oi EdllB l. lls Value 15 hail BX- prcsscd oy Adiillrnl unri ucniiv whn m . To {and Golullcl \VIlllam 'iliill's lflg nil-Plcel" will ensure t l' "ii! In on oi ('( Illullivs ll! \wl' WI hi' hi, I] lhni lhc ninsi impm dlll leswll ! lliclll :ill in llli~'I lllall in 1H umpire. we . nc inlii hill .4 b) iiic son. and lllal wr Niinol mist willi mil mo si 'I'lll \llll lwih win In llnvlerslnnil 5 llllll iii Wllill Arolldoilcml Golly Illnaiw \lllLll he speaks ul Morld Nani: and warm iroedom." an \Viiln a Fll rl olnri 0! [ml lens llian zoo and col more luau 50o weins. iciiinn in your own war. whsl orcni in ion "Plug and Final" clisplcr you llllnk henl oxillalns "\\'lly II i; Good To Ill: HH lSlI." Trim be me iliic oi your may. You will llliil nisoy such el'nnls nicnlicned In lhc coupler as: The hrmir-up oi Alncrion slavery. Thc proieciion oi ihc nrccnc irom Turklsii murderers. The ssisly nI Canada's cnanis, nnd ihc licenom oi iici- slllp plug. The sunl dlansllln ci ilriiish cllllcll: In ioroign innds. The ain'- inn oi Indlan and anyolweu cic. ncmcmocr. ll )5 noi inc boy: and girls who say inc mosl, nnr who lcli incli- diary in iho nlcesl way who no cure lo win rho prizes, Tile prize winner will be I 052 \lhom lhe juilkes censiilcr icel m sl slnceroly wiisl lhcy w-rlic', sod who lake the mosi pains in Express Innmwlwa clelrl) end no curalell . W FIVE ME" an: th50 WHEN 3an llLowa UP Tcrcnlo ai-inco vuclli Vlrwkad oy Exclusion. il'orh. ocl. ii. l'iii nun er- klllnd. iliree illlluro are missing and arc banned in ll. l\r. lodl Iiirir lives. liny nilurnnon in on uploalon which wrecked n iurwnrd coinhsilhir-nl oi lhe Iil r.i"al more Ihsli 200 workmen Elll ploy-nu on the illlp': deoh is hllicml and more lIliln o 3 on) lillul il yosiur. . , coIIIIEll'l Iali linLI. :i'ciiic, iicl. 5.4m hulldlnn in which liic World's Sunday School ilenycnllon horc won in he llelll who burned lusl ucior lhe onenlne oi lhe convcnilsn io-llay. Tho oulidinn was crowded willl ihc dclcullirs, hul ii is me helili lhoi nil escaped. AinullB ulcer in nilcndcncc were u number oi ilnmlllin drlcnnlco IE ilom Toron- io. _ Tho lilo. which renullell irnis doicc. lh cicelrlc wiring. illzrwi nl lcn minuios lo iour n'rlook, whcn lhe lIgills on lhe dome ocorisir ihc inscrip- iinn. i am ihc i.inhl oi ilic World" wcrn lurncd on, Tho hulldinir which had new conairuciod oi llghl molcrial. col'llrud with sluecc. woo desiroied wlihin n icw minulcs, A large num. ncrci dclcgsicu werc lnildc the build- ing. ' ' The Dry oi "Ilrk" wdi lmmsdinlely raised by lhnic Inside llio huilllinn and echoed by ilieusinds oi nersnns lil- hiooclllug lilo ccnlrnl railroad siniicn oiilnclni \ri lhc conveniinn hall, Al- mosl lminodinicly llin nnllm yirueiurc wos wrapped in ilallloh, willi ucopio slimming im iu lhe exile. \vnliln icn Inlllilll i lhn iillllilliw had both iiwhn. So groin wo; ihc hcnl lll'll il would have hccn impossihie lo in- prn rh lhi- huannu ici- wnrii oi m. l , ii ouoi worl- had hcen rcouirod. holorc lhe iii-c skirted l his i lloril'i. cninposrn ni .lapnneco ond inc-donors, rchcoroing under lhn lll- rcclicn ni proi, Anoinius snilili. uh,- inh. \vlllh dol9aies wore COIIIII'IK and going nrnpamlary in llll oponingni lilo, oli sosslcn. ' o W FAYALLV numlzn nv OIL EXPLosioIl Kilclienrr. 0M, UEl. 3.7313. A. Schwarlz. oi Errslau. suslalncli in. JllrlPS \VlllBl ! proved laid] by being sewiel) burned while pouring ml oil m'i r .1 wood line al her home lul work. The oil causal an Explosion which blew oul lhc noilcin oi the con. nnd lhp woman's cldllilllg Inoh um and was liierslly hurried oii oi her body. licr one i nr-oid child Wat also sci-crow burned. and lhn lalher ind his arm badly anured In crlinnui- Elllns lllc burnan l lallllng. The minor snn child were rcmnl-cd In m2 Kllchcncr cnc \Vall'rlon llospiicl. Mrs. Srllwarlx coccumhed lo Ilci burns al on early hour lhls nlornlllg nn lulu- lmpt [5 held out {or the rctol' fl! llle Clllld. TIIB llmtl) arrival 0! Mr. Scliwarlz. who cnnuurls iiic Brrslau IIuloi, mid lhn deliruclion cl lhe building. ._._._>o To-mcrrow Ii lhc iasl day to gel Ina Era si .50 per year. $9.00 role will Ilisl ho Is prepared In inno plnnoo. mined in Toronto. sncni Sunda) in Town. in Toma uunliun .llis irienils on Monday ovcnlng. Mr. and lirn. Thus. gsniner visited. in Ilic cliy this work. From Era Iyl (in. min. 1010. The Union King and \Vhllcinlroh. Show was held In Allmm lhli week. A loin} llsl 0! vanilla 0! lhe Gmle oi York. who won (hall 111ch- main Exhlhillon In horn , cllllll, Din. sheep and min la given lhii wciii. The new wellnyln Mclhodlsi. church nl_WhlIe nose, wII lhc dcdlcnl ed nexi Wednesday by llcv. Morley Punchcnn. president oi lhn Conlmncc. (allowed by d not dlnnsr. , .i. l). Grnilnm oi shnrcn ndveriincd The AIisn Ai lhe residence oi iIie bride s inlhcr. ocl. lull. by llcv. i.. P. Gunny. Mr. Marlin Blokes, bulk of Sharon. Amos Lundy in. hiiss Ai lhc residence oi lhe bride'- isihcr. 0M. Hill. by mm s. P. annoy, Mr. Thus. Turner oi Bcnvcrloo in hills LcIIils Applelon oi Aurora. , Died Al Pciierinw, Scpl.,6lh, nob cri .Iohnion in his Kill year. llil emlmlcd irorn Scoilond In um - Wazoo .25 longs in Mr. al Ill Millard snd iinllly have Mr. An Illelilllls oi Colll swolld Minn Williams oi Oak Ridge: is vlsll- inn liins iiisinic \VllliA. / ' Mr. WIII Moslcr was Al Home" In liiis liluoroc rciumcil on salurdcy nilcr l rec w-ccus- vlsll in lhc cliy. air. Icral Pearson his relurnztl aiicr spending i mcnih in Michigan The lllgll Bolinnl rcoioail Club him nrgnllcd iviih ihc {allowing oiiiccrs : .l. n. llalllilgnllead, .l. l) . McKay, N, in ilngcis. s. Gihoev. ll. Lloyd. w, Tri- vcil, .i Anon. ii slicers. \v. liownni. C. Frasier. Mr. A. nourrlnilri was lhe lll il mEYA Dll nl. lI'I iown \D Invesl in a call! I'EKI- sior. , ~ {lian Cnunly w, c. T. U, hold iln-h- Annual Cdl'ivcnllon In HID, emailth Church hcrr lhh wcch. hrs. c. n. llann new lhc a drc or wcvcnmc. Tho A/llnrv dl inc lleihodlrl Par- honagd, Sullon. oci. din, oy REV. A. linrlin. lin \Vailcr Sodom In ML Nancy Ann Prlngle. holh ol Nnrl i Gwillliiiblil'i . Tho Tcmh Al Emu .ionc, w-ii Io yrm. in Khnr Ti... on. .u... in hic .'Il8l)'l -1f. shiinn. on. 1rd. oi w. inllinni, aged i, licnri- lllmc. nEepznAvE vial-If III ELaiiI iAIL SI, lmillris. onl. ccl. ii liar llll,v nil llnllhl all 13 n ill! by hm prlsunrrn In Illi .Iglrl Cullhl) Jill VB fim' anl' lilll ll null Turnkey Gralll. [Il'lalillil'i Slanlo) l llc lull.- I'M) Rulinls. whr, mld lilo anemone leI,; nun ownllinn irinl ii ll ! .lKSlli rill lilo Charge 0! Sula oleallng. TIIE mm mailr a lush Al lili: IJIl ll]. new; as iii onicrcd iiic corridor. Ilohirls hl. lll .l Iumkey m'ki Um. iuou mm o linau' ilou lior which lic ind luin ir'nin om oi lhc iilnllliws. The Now alrllt k him an HIE lld'e of tile IAN, rncclilng oul several iceih. Ullarlellil rushed al Governor Lulol'i. wiring him in me oldmnrh and slrlklng him on ihc lieail wilh c llill'y pie nislc Thc IlKill lasir lo nilnulcs heiorc llio pri- soners \vcic sullilullil. Thc inrnloy Ls culirilns ham a serious wound on ilk hood. l'llu urisonrri nlro nr- rdllgnod lhiiinorninlr hvlorl: liociciriic, . Ianlrll 'Ill llli- Chal oi muMllfoll4 n lallll'nnd dllcmnl lo ccripo Jail. c.onu r al r silooo wolmi or anode ilnnnlhslnu, ocl. 3.7Lnsi nlglll hurgisi hick: lulu Ymil llrarlllou" siorc on lisln slrerl and nitric db'illl .000 ppm oi dry goods and cloni- ME. Enlroncr was made lhrough a collar window and goods llki n oui ' ihrcush ilic lionl door in an suin sinndlng cu lhc sliccl, snd illcn Wax supposed lo have Kiln! Ell iroln here. commencs on hicnday. The Sterling Bunk lino llnve mnny llrlllsli iniikr , (i n. Crows, ni 'I'crkon- em. , l~i l. islirocyn . _ uldrgoux mm A Let a Stallng Bank Manager explalu when; The blisl. which riidaiiaerid iilu our Service willbeoi hene t to you es eclnlly cpermlona next season lo hnvc IlPeIl caused when Man iomli. illiu iho ionic-clouded hslclies sud qpridi-li upon by lhn milslnn. W..- l Turkey's will in chm [pr Thank Twhd, lly rciinouli n; c piiiy muni- var ilic ocoulon. ' 'Anon SF bannin- TORONTO nnris oi lhn inveslin ninro ucelvecl nnd lho ninnunl oi lhn nllowsncc lo IIF paid ivlnli. liciler ordai- bhldkem lllls w crk wuc pulled up lo s-ioly. cunnion. oui M a porlhols. would lupin-pin prions. 9 iron on empiy oil Innh weir III on Iiy :l rireisnn wearan non mask dunno-l ilcd lone: mum Ihc lhollnlleil. wh'c Two ol lhn inlurecl hnd liccn wedged hclwnen lwo ianns, cloned by lhe [en-lilo con. Alicihiir. irilcd williln s I Jonvird pan oi the lihlp, Wlls dragged W . pm. the Bank. FARMERS Blanking Service no npplled to farmers. We Indicailons illili our efforts linvo loved of value to Iomieis Iil every angculilInlI i! you plan an extension at your, arming. Gill! and see the Manager lhe next lime you ll: Kuwicil, gulch-vim. Aurora, lllnllnwnd ind. Million-noon, Lunlnu. nhocnh ' made n apeclol study of

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