The-Values. we are giving inre a great. surprise :to' our litany Customers. I be able such Wonderful Values for such a small 'amount of money; The Crowd of sum fiedv Buyers that we have had is Convincing Evidence that this is a Genuine Sale: 1,. Ladies Fine Boots, a dilleil 'styles to, choose from. Reg. $7 to $10 for \wr North YOrk Marhle & Granite Works. ' mini 0.41053, Prop, . plioiio to: o, ii. i2. ux in, uroil Sir - Newmlzrkei, Onl. liner 6 ii. Slollon. The largesl usnrlillenl and but! deslknn oi , . MONUMENTS, TABLEI S .431, AND HEADBTONEE ' ln Nor-iii York. Eilleluioy A warrior" Dul- Mona. lallmule: Elven wlumul any obligation. Spe'elul mneldemllon le'deylndmu '0! {silen norm, m ooulmoi ioa lei-go on?" Na order loo small A: wn lake cam oi Ulla ulna. We take one oi them ull. Tile luamuoiiou oi J 'llodarn. Electric Appliance u. out work! unmet us lo of!" you prompt oervioo Ind (inset workim. dhlp oi remomlo prim, Ill unuminul l doll. lly our "pm. , auiiems Slouo oui io order, Longest irnoorim and neslere oi Mamie um annlta in North Voile ' V K GANDTRN THE DOUBLE THOR ROUYE 2' nemlod Dlnlnn Oar SBNIM mixing ooro on ulghl. Trains and In Cli's en principal my lrlll . ,lrnr Iuriiler parllculara apply in any (innd 'rruiili 'rlokei Ageni or c. E. Homing. Disii-iol misnomer Aaenl. Ti)- ionio, But. , i l, R Y. BHOUGBTON, you. ll. Ul-Tavm Aura snarl" Sawmills Comments ,I . of Exchanges. 'rna Lulue o! iioilono. v 'Alllol'l lIr ce Press : 1'iilii "drier-lire~ lnsllliillmi, uremiizou ioi- ilio purponr oi iiiveeilgullng and collsld- el'lllg uni eollillllans iiioi ilie I|1|I|ni|5 oi ilie world inee io-dey and ior mak- ne useiul reonmmenilolions ioivnivi improving iiieoe coiilililoiie. iiiii Ileuigiic. ilnu already done much in Juslll) lisrli, ii is now nine inonlno nlllce ilio League, mm lilall ior in lilo Peder: 'l rmlypwas uiiieioliynonsiliiiu ell. inirinir :ill [ilcslz inoniiis inc nonnoli or llii nongue llils linen may lo porioun lib tililelirms, The as- uunillly oi llie League in: imen nailed lo moi-i in Nip-enliier nl Geiun/e. soine lolly nriilrliis nave , n ilieii- when once in in: orginlnilon; Quinn and hc U llEd Sialcs (in; ii! only ll n linpurlonrr eligiuie ior ineniirersliip wliieli slil| remuln ou|side. i'iie lul- ier \vnlilil imo neon in long Min li it had rlnl neon fur-.Ulill cumin- 5 prill- ilos. Cannon iiiii linl-e iiiree mores entail n at ilie Asscii lly. MOBOM THE eumilx 'oi! IMPIJDENOE Mix Muigiien and Sir George Fozlvr -',\"d0l| y Iiuic iinriiions min in iiiul power ie Ioul ille Canadian people. The)! lire viiiuully debel lhlng iiienl- srhes as lire unl) bulwark M iarllirl. reopen slnlo unverninuni ng lnsl lioiA slieilsni. Anyway. tile enemies oi responsible Kai/eminent, dreaming lo inelr view, are iiiu Lille-ruin, wiio mo iiien- illspil nllnn iiom Baldwin and i ioiiiuiuo. ilie auiliorn oi i'ospon lo gnvernilleill in Cannon; iroin sir Oliver Nawal and Sir \vllirin Lanrlor, wiinso love oi rsrilisii lnslllullonu \ vns ardeni onel elmr re. Illlm George Brown and Edward mole and Alnx under Mn keilzle. 'riielr lender is Muoironzle Kine, ilie iiulnlnanl iiieuie o i wliose speeches In rupnnslhie Knrerpineui, and min nelleves in tile npplieoilon oi ilmi principle in in- lliislry. 'l llil Iilrllit rs' early is described by Slr George rosier as almost as bud (is llnisiievir, and Mr. Melgllen says ilie minors iiuve aligned inenisrlves min srdiilemmongm. 1 . To eop ilie ellinax oi lnipudeiieo, lilo Halifax llerold says iliil llie people or condo muiil lie "saved iroui iiioin- selves. um um enuner is full or no. real. ind Illll lire Governmeni musl remain, in power, Hull lime may he gained 101' llio relur-n el ealm reason and reuoiuilenury insiioola allowed in subside," 1' In oiiier words, (1:an la duoi-llied I: n liimuu Asylum, or which Muslim at Iii-inu- Yrdnlnn _ll)wol| I'- new in. on mum. (can in.) Au Ii. ll. lhlwh m_ m. 1m. end lilo eolleogu'eo In: the keepers, iuii Die lnm u mun no looked in uo< ill Ihu iuow lneir nniiy by - wllllnga hm In topped a Tory oovoro ineui. V linl wiilio ills nwole oi'cnnedu Are not to he" lliuwad to onion their government, the ruling clique [It-I ll: Don'ttMi this Opportunity to your Childi sapply en with $3. Children s ( Mis Laced and Butt .3 r Regular. $3.50 to H f_ ' yRe- gular $2.;5l gin lawn niuy Illuke any eiiunge Hilly pieouu \vlllioill uensuliine iiie people. They made Air, llelgneii piliiio irllill- ale-r, lnntenl oi sn- lioueri Burden. 'l'ilc wnolo uoinplexiou oi Unlon unv oi-nnieiii nus elioneeu, \Vliile, ere- i-ur Curve , llollunn, Burroll one lieweui-n now, all gone. l'iiii meal. rodieni elinngoe may lie mode at iliu luuiouee ol liil- iiiuiwu euml, lull Ill-z llu0|ilu niu ni nol lle allowed to veil: fur a bunny. 'l'lle) nre olnised as dnn. gomus iunoiiou. uuiil lo manage iiieir own oiin The i. .niion ilioi llie people oil Canada Lire protected [mill llalslluvlilni by liir pro 1 epresonuiiio gm - rriunr-ni' cilclell li_v kllzn'es. for mu rniisniiipiinn oi Innis. in duel illlw lllom km are classed llS Idols] will haw: ilio opporiuni y lo (eaiml liio |nsul(. -llonilnil Advcrllsel'. Children Ory' FQR FLETGHER S 'CA5TOFQIA! Moon-u... POOR sEnVIoz ~- I (oi oi u rural parlsli in angv u llie .iiunein-sier ilu run-,1 var lriing in make conversilli'iil wiiiii u pailsllloner whose Son was in iiie, nnny, Nol ineeiiin; \vllil inuoir sue on . lie llmlly veniuied, "Nomi-ally take dul p IMOFMI in this Iarce I". snlnnlki. liro you aware. Mrs, x., nil iliesu are me Thessalonians to l ivdl ln New York. suumuiine oil ilie Delaware Gripesl llr. Grace ulreoied the work oi ilie rescue For i Store will be open Ever xllgnt until 3 o clock. PHONE N0. 153.' ._4.__ RAHBPOR OFFIDERO WHO HEBQUED DREW 07 U. 8, EVHMARINE Leii io rigiii : Uiiiei union; w. 5. Grace nnii Captain 5:. C. Swinson oi lB lraliaporl General Gocihals phuluzraphad on board lhslr vessel on its lb- Allcr aiding in the l'EE ue oi the crow oi iiic dismizd .. by boring hole; inlo lire liun oi me o .onled under- no real and men by digging wliiin 52, p {m n_ [Sriei fme myhlaul inei porllali oi iiio hull, resuulng ilieiinpiioourd crew. inn. "Well, no my new wrnleui (lliil'e: l iil not spying ne didn't. nui I m sorry ier ln'l ii lie sen: parcels. i seni iwo in my my morith since. rind, lnri am keen delivered vol." ; n . HOW,YOU CANTELL , GENUINE ,ASPlRlNi l Only Tablets with Buyer Cross" are Aspirin No oihersl . 2 i 'niero i. only one Azplilll, uni mum with the "Ii-yer CIHHCIH olher lib-I 4 loin are on), aid iii-(minor. '! Genuine limr Tablet: nl ail lin'e been pmlillod Iiyuflhyllciuis lo ,I nineteen yum 9nd my III: by "Jill lliilil .ior ugligtdnhe. woo, Mmmlhn, Dun innudy lin limo oi n r or" . bl Jolt : or: .4. I? Hahn:- "r- ii. - "mm A , a u 1ime [h min. it h'wdl mnsv no nun . an; nieieuunmr Yb (gap-w. Mil. will in alum only: their guard cud. nut; any: ' a m (ht-pull"; irre ooii heavy.le onaiiniioo ind 180k Domain oi Aurorionn''i.qn in. MI uranium York. Tho Dhaio cum me two clumping i_u I):ngng Riomz . me Woniolor. Lei} to liar-i: . r - Impenliar; NQW'M nonopey' . ' .. . . o'ot'silgi or limp 'BO-Otshs ' It seems iniposle' that like 'should i on Boots, $5.00, for + Coop; " (D Reenlnn \ Je hmia Ju l nauslvn a 0m" Load and Can supply Your "Dilli8216; in Brantiord Asphalt Roll Roofing .quntford Crystal Roll Roofing Bra ntford Asphalt Slates '7 in Red and Green Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates, 4inl THE MODERN AND ARTIETID ROOFING! SMWH S HARWAR' N E W M A'R K E T Phone 39. * Overseas Trade Keeps Canada Prosperous "V/a iero buoy Wageu gnarl Farmcra affluent To Win Worlduifrade We Must Develop Our Polls Our Ships Our Sea Heritage Our Men . Trade must ow East and West and Overseas- Shut off this Dominion from lili seas and in] fty years Canada will cease to a nation. no N"; [As-(u: oi cm 1mm wm lisi Sunday in no Bum lioni ieaii. Inlen ld anl v. M. q. A. uiin u viwii Nell Suni (Ma Will g min: on "'I _iiie mph am ervlo cioi. Byirs. iir. WlihMi The low a, A. ll to i hi! Dr. Wii lanmeii on nv quulino pil'eoi inioi W! E Ei d ,eaum is ii men ui n uumpiisir l {infer-elm out a din in. wnnrm oi on anti la'li! one i on in! con: The LEM Wesley s Building. ii and conllll dry- up my Ila/ha ei lne can llrlrs. Gnu. lieurie u iii For Km ~comlilimui i-oiiniviii Home AlliIr \Vedloei; e which is iriua : lirloremi z This on lurl pi )( inniin ii llriviltae s line. You rm rel-ml mo rd end we mil )ou hi noni ii) i: iirn will home. and pencil! lo :uch as in iiuidinl'i: (1 "WV ) L-an . Vou im hllinn oi ) man. we L (,hun h. m iudl humble he My i'oiin moved d! cur hill in us the l. cdnlermd . liiiouiin yi- MIMI. mime