Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Oct 1920, p. 10

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/. 2 ,ln o ' nlslles. 3. than mual lic nl. Iensl. ve B lua 'ln nuoll olnsii. ilnd LllllllBB tour complulu illo conical nu prlzu.will be awarded. . Vviil ho conhldnred u ooliieni,. lnuglilng must Iii! done on Ule home I . - whom this c Workanl . . Enlrlnn claim OEL "All, lilld must he Hindu lo ol > eon, Woodhrlilgo, or .1. U, gleehley. Dept. oi Agriculture, 6. ' Nuwmul'kul. ' i. rhe oomnntiiion in opon to oinyoungnn under all yours at lice: I'y' olniia ench mun Ilium. lluvii i in lilo trounly 3M loint'lwo atriiiun nnd lwa. Each class iii-infer 'on, tho inr m lhei Holler! WiiL e. conioninnlo io o Illeir |iil|d ploimliriil rilui roildy ior iunpu'e. on Hm m rnlills of qu. Isl, (020. 7. 'I lm Judge wlll uolleliler can one mr tllu followliig year'ls orally 'yrlolioral cum ' . lhu Bland uhooh in lliym i r on mammalian eonn in . in great deal oi uninvon hhie exilicim recently. Corporal )lilllrhmolit aim in in vogue u o dia- ulplinnry' m'euurc in the "puhi, I: well u the Blind uhw l ihrourh out lanmnii, and the criiieinm in nor diluted auinit this loan oi ounioh- ment, in mm. litany parcel. and oihign bin in in n mall: aloud azainnl Illowlnl iho [1m to on boot. to; well uii drown, iiiliilh ulld/K nrlrnl land will he lllllmll on tho iollowlng noel-u curd (loner-oi nppni lci: . 25 'l llu iliilllnloil Slrnlzlillmh s, llvumiuiili nnd dcpih . 2r. i-nehinlr onli ohhnmlna .. ,.. . 2il ilrown .. . i 15 li'lilllill V i in . ' Thor-ii illinil he ioui- oiunoer nil .iolluwo: . Gluiiil -ll| nod. lilhule pillilehn iriiii likilll mlll's. Al lieillll. llvu . ploughed. und llnliiili. . aims in non illoch to he ploughed. Glnax zl ln iiiuiiillo or ally lullil oillolnillnn null, ulliglu pleiighe wiih uhirnlnero. At least ilvo union in arm Mack to ho ploughed clash 3 ln niuhliio or uny lnnd oilllor thiln iiod, two-furrow lllnugllu. li'l\ 0 heron ll| ono illoch to ho hioiliiilod. to (in oi. Iouiii till-en horses in ploughing, oxuoni in nirlko out uild linillli, which may hh done wll/ll lilnglu plough. Ciniili I" Hlulllllo, trnelor plough. linil~y.ico will die 0m.- llolhii huli lllllML iiellolnpiiiiy iiti-y. . (lonlonionlil mily ollly untol- one chills in eomptiilllu prizes will no nwnrdeil in olinh olmlli nu iuiioivn : . Frnm 4 l0 0 Mill'qu iii nllmii 0m 0 [0 10 Mill'ch ln clnllii $10.00 (lilii' I0 lilili leii ln Olniiii Conuwlllnls rli-e heron in one lllilok to ho Unniiilllniilii "my iiiin llllllglu plough l'ill'hll-ilie 0.00 ll-ll . .. NANA ) 4.00 Zilil .i . . . i l 1230 3rd . . . l i 10.00 312.00 ll . . 0.00 . willO Bill 4 . LOO 0.00 4.00 The Blank _ ., IFmrTl/iie FARMER .The Brink of Toronto places {arm prodiieiioii and crop nan- cing among the inst mils upon its rciiources. A large number of the branches of Ll milk are situated in riirltl neeilons end in villages and towns which ure supported hy the [arm- ing community. We iindcrstnnd ll-l, the farmer s requirements and are propnred to assist him. When your crop i. sold this Frill, deposit the proceeds with in: and cheque against Milney piiid ouioi the pot-ire: l5 liaril to nccoiiiii [Orin cheque io a receipt. minimum NEWMARKET unlith rim... savanna: ii.r.i ., F. A. Linicr. Mnnngen lion, li +noor tfoc A 1.00 pul- roll Prompt YOURSELF THE JUDGE we .hlp on nppmvnl io lou- llnlian where Ihele in an agent. . 50: in slim) n roll on Ready nonhuyr We .m you oi ulmnlecd qualily. ASK FOR you... In he lll: judge FREE aher inrprciing ill: nool, SAJII'LK in, or our risk. simple. lret'by mull. niro hie miliopnl willl pricel .ud inii lnlorma- Sen-l Inner or pon curd. "Send in. he. .nlnpiu And [nice oi Read) nK nn penicillnr. ol Free or. .lDAY COMPANY, Limiicd. lelury Diririhuiori. ON. CANADA or 53 \vlli' u llui'l eill sci or linoii ,qilireil of lllu fiii'iller who owns EVERY FARMER WHO KNOWS l) \\'l|Ulll lit: ilillil money or from whom lll" l'er reivoil ll, \\'lllll ll 'llh for, uni! llle nmoiinl, nmy BECAUSE [hill is (ill llmt is Mr l menu's simplllled Accounting system for Fai THE BVSTEM haul; the Rest Five Years a! Complete Accounlliig In om: Book lrl'OViLllllg you \\'lll| n inouilliy uud younly CDHI [l llve slhleillenl ol receipla iillil expenditures in eucll depnrlmenl (if the fur-in, Imii selling lOFlll ul. Ilm end of each your the loiiil farm of 7i rrduuliun in each depnrlulun iii hon yielded. Hooka'muy be purchased ill I THE VERA OFFIOE eell u duclioll, the east J and Hill Niil Pi'nlll Newmu-kol. , all many, not. i. r l)l7 Dorlon 36., Montreal. "I m niliint to lell yon ill-l Iowa my li/dlo 'mholim ior lhin remedy . xellcved mu when I hnd abandoned all hopo olhvcrxccovurlnxmylihzllh. I oomch luriny illlll arm I M it iorycirn Arid Ill ihumodriinu I took did not do no any gn od. z roul nomeihinn about will... dwa' belnz good in oil stolen-h Tmun llnd 'Dllwxddr: oi woollen co 1 iricd them. Mk: iinlnhiag n (on bans, [nor chi'nlyick'evld alum Dynpnpnia and my annual limitli i-ru restored. l unk ihe great iralt m'odinino, imihadimi, i'ei thil nondm ni roller." Mlle ANTOINETTE DOUOIIER. Wulnboll ba. M an dealer- or rent pootpcid by l vea Limited. altrrrr. oel. hire Around the Huh sno n till. Mr . liroii Ming-15 vislllng no. lrlelldd ill IJE emnlU. Mni. lv uricn Vliilllid llcr IIlDllle' lll 'l'aronlo oll lul'ilu The \V, M. So Ellllnlirls la he held at me Melliodlsl Gliunlli nl KllIK \Ve lllilie lli lilcel IA nllilllicl' Ill Um woiiiare. M . \V. Sturdy vlslicil her [I ll ll) ril'Olllll laid! week. . \Ve Ml: \ El'y gliill l0 he!) illlr llll illi'h. (Elihu, llunll lmck In the Iielklillil lload. Mr. and lll . ll. lliidllel \Vi\ l guest (if M n. 'l'. K. l Bquin Oil . ad - di [him Mornllis lmlil I'l' llie poreliiol rohi. , 'l'lle (In, Pulls have linen halil lrl IIiL' north end [41 : i: lost weoii. 'l'll s are [lylllg lll iinl ilellgllllorlinrld now. Why not he p reililrod when nliiier oenieii ill nelnhcrl The ground helm; covered with nnow lll not help ilie gilriliin nr rnoio any. wirliine i rimPll 50ml. Sunday . Mrlrllliig linil iarnily lllnlnl'i ll up in in ililil on Sunday, i .\ll~.~ llvl ullll' litmus 05 iii Uili - l' iHl on Ilnili'lY. . inw inhil lmm niienlierl lilo wr. . ly Clllll lI rill Silliilli l lo Illf l= in virili-r or ill . . and Mrs. i'. hi - ildioli lli l' innilm. iii... i hi hi i- i-lo Sli'iihl nhn | ~ lli l'll ll) inrn lrii- lln - llnnn all \ i soon ininrnrr. . ii l'oi'ig in wli~ illl rill-,1 oi MM ll. \\'lill(- nn Illdli w RAVI SHUE. 'l ln. lli|"ihll )lelllurll-l Llllll l'll inlenli hold 5 iliuir Aiii 5dr) iiuri on llli \' ill-\l, Url. will. iicv. iiiiini- Ia uxllm. lll ii. laki chore rli ilic \li. si morning . 'l in; l'lki ll ni hoih .iluo tin luiiowihe lioniiiy eieulng, (lei. ii llleliull iillninilulidiiigosuuiiit n ing M i r lllillll oi .\ir. Allie ii. (Zola. 'l' n ~elviiii mm a in ii. L emni \\'ll| lli piliriiluL roll... h itiloii llllll, 'i'h l-ll'nil l'i e husi {Kalil oiirr ||li: lining hilt-i. ll oln i-utiihi- l> ihe liliii-r nl till my. sm v in ion um Mr and or our- i-iiii- llx l.. [ llllllp, in. hnie iiimoih. \lllll ul. .\i |lii~ noun ili ii and lll. John ii liollliiliion. ill-ohlird i ii\( l'iirm, ll'iu . he; ilic Sf'elll- ni o my f ivl-iilli v on lilo. niiornoml or 2nd, \\lIL n lllnir . :13 unlit-ii ii ll\.lll'llllun,\ In .\in . nf nnmmnm iii . 'lllil Illlll'l illllir. living uh; .llllllill il moi iiiolr piano. on the hind. liliil him. The hriile in ii rllilii ii blli\\lll 4l iil \\lll .- iilil. illh nln olilvv illusion . le iirido corrii .i lll-1"- llllil l ii! wllllo axle , The I! lll h glll lri Ilti: bride Wu: .1 WM - rill-l i'lllll Diamond PM 'lnl, Alll r (Ill! gn l5. nllllllll an r illir 'lllll4 lx hill tlv il ln .1 il'iliil) illlllli'l , .\lr, Jill! M Slum!) ll hy Illrilnl' niiilil slit-Minn n! i'mlla lll . l nooll wlsli o, the hrhio Ki)an l i\\.i)' ill .1 lrr'n'clllll .ull ll' llliic rlinl ihe :Illll with inner \rll l hoi imd 5rer loll iur, 'l'lH hririe ma iiln roolpirni oi iliony- holliiiiiill ond will) pi~ :ilsn flll'lllN Mill money alnililnllIlK I" n large rule, which slit-Moll inn hliih nsiorni in onion ille mun: oonhio mllla lll(')' Will rmille ml Ilir-lr lnrnl iii anFubllm'l ' * iiIlILMrn \VllllL- or T-lrillllil \\'i ri- 1hr Klll'el or Mr. 1: sir-hols on sun: dd nir. Wlll noilooh ills rriulned Ironi Illl' Wm rl l n ns illir rionx, , iLe coumo oi lime. more hindinii ihnn . year. onis. ' I by or and by man, hnwuvur, SHORTWD, BTUD-ENTB MAV EHRO J. NITHE h l'lOOLVOFPl-DE AI IV DAVi Newmarket' Stenogrhic School . .1th do nloh}h aauh1wegls. l , Tviiziiil'iii'lriiii; mum on To 'o monk, HEl KET. PRICE or FM, Props. oohn aspoilin-l HIDE, omen: nail-Nile. 'sl? Ling, 510., no. A. LouaMEEn, Prln. .. l'. . - Apniluiloii m Illi in hereby MICE given in me Cqunly ai Yoi- Mi: nppiy lo the Parlltllllelll olhc' , Dlh'aRc (ram III: on Daughlan iii the arid ( y lion. a! hillcli nl ro'roulu Aunilril A n., mo, _ Arthur ilnilrhlr, nill'ifsil'r'i'v Hollno oi nonlleailnn liar Nii'i lci: l: liniehl aiinll anonio. ln Illr Balm! M v iiie,prnrlnce oi rlninrlu. ilm banana: oi the humiilailon which my undorxoi A wmyaixn nsalnni um nraolict hon been inanoumied or, and Daily liail, and lotion: iiro nub- iuhod daily irorii render. ior and animal the llrnetleo. A law neolm ago nevi 1. w. Pyd- dolio. rector or Plehhluy. norhy, nindo ll Duhlle proieni ughlusl (bu calling at all): by men trachern. othoru lol- loncd him, and roocnliy n ilmiinr can win dnnlt rliih by the Guitar- hilry Eduentlnnnl Commilien. in thin onlin Mr. mono ohleeiod hernuno hin li-yenr-old daurhicr had neon heat- on hy the headmnnlnr, n Mri mili- do . n, nnd riiinled io .iion her to to lo uchnali The tuber nnd iho hudmu wr worn hail: invited to auto millr uni) heinro the Educmilonal Commllteol it Inneaied that lhe lrirl nnd noon ranod. new on me palm oi ench hnnd. ior reinring to niny niler Mhuol houru whorl ordered (a do no. The child had noon aivnn homo worli to do, but Mr. moi-m contended than all school wink lhould ho done dur- lug lahool hourn, and he reiienicd thii cont-2mm hrourht on ion child by the unlnz whlch iollowod. The hendmooig Pegki'jlggq n method 01 adinlnin or n: ho can no lo the it 1 lack hill-.1191: llrlvnin radial n: nil navo her a omiio on lilo [all hand and then, hooail is 9! LE: liningonlo d 'dchnnoo which rho nhorrod, l [ave her a nirolio on the rirht hand." . No Mllon nan iniicn ll! Ll ! com. in .nninoi Ille hendrnnrler, and hill words with the xirl who inior- mnlly lbmll The mayor ioid rho inther lhnt on on old noidinr he miull. milre liiiit disulpllne mum in innin- iliined rind lhnt helluulii would noon become "hear rardunn" unlcim hench- elo nurn given oxccniive pawom in iho mollor oi nnnlrnmenl. The DHD' iiiiinont wan haul and glveli in no noirit oi rerouhnenl. he paid, Among ihe Bukgonllonh made by nnrenin who dinnnnrova oi iho can- ilig oi lheir girls by men icaehern in liiiit women leachent or nttendanii he employed lor iidniinililcrinl; nun- tliinonl to the girl pupilil. Unwriulerl [rowel Duran lhe liciirihg or n lnniiilii recenily it run lucnuoned that it in regarded an inn helghi of"b1i l iorm" ior u doclnr to lake liin lecmml book inio n inn couri. Thin inet in i not laid down in any proieiiliionni or olher ilooiri ii iii only one oi the mnliy unwritten lawn which hold way. viiiieuinrly among l' Dleii-i dionni men, nayn Pcar a Weekly. noeiom, lawyern. don [labs and member at Lloyd's may not ndvoriieo. who matter, no ier no it cuneernr domain, at any mm. nan fought out ll: boul l ism": {EN Yum h1ek.wllcli n eurgcon-dcniint anneal. ed :B lnlll ine era lali oi hie name iroln Ille retinier h) the General Mcdlmi Council because he had ad- Wur land. Til: nnwllllcn law will! LIP- lieid and the care was lost. I Aialn. medical men may nnl men- lion any llllieovlirlos that lelll bi) mode during an examlnuilon enceni when: Ruth exumlnullon hi2 held [or lhe informailon ill a llrd person, nueh an the renrcuenlnlive ai all lin- unrance company. The luw ls lull ol lhcse unwxlllell lawl; a hanlnlcr mills! wear in ile~ wig. not n nowiug one, and it would be ininl to idle inio court any but i red hair. Among the Fl lunal INK:th a! dam:an (1 la a Areal Crlnli l (or one [earlier in [n in 'd Dublle clash held hv nnotiicr exponent ior lhc purpose oi learnlng a new dance. The correct Procedure [5 IO KO only to a ledeheri i' Instructor. ' The heat example oi IhE [lower or an unvlrllieu law [3 me WI) In which everyone ninnde up when the Nation: Anihcni ir_ helnz oinyod. There ls no order about doing so. it in n curtain ihnt has become. dilian a command Record Price ior Bull. The \Vnrlil'n record price ior a Bhorlhnm hull Wu paid in Landau. England. by Emil]: ll. ennarer. lr.. when he numb-ruled ilio nuproure chnlufill m. "Inchuelu Climber." {or inmooo. The hu|l, deriined io on. poor ni the intcruaiionni we stock Ethiblllon ln Chlcaxo Ihln year, will he shipped to unenon Alren. where it will be used an breedlng pulpnhth. Canales was the nnoccanini hidder ior the hull ni ihe Highland Ang- cultural Soclely Show 2| Aheidu n. Coinnciition wen noirlled. lucludlnE rehieaenintlvcli oi lirornineni Auror- lc'dli hreeders. Courier, iamoiir an n hi-ecder iii England and Snulll America. WEE a judge at Ille Clucuso Slack Show lain Inn in "It! Orient. 'i'o urioninl women love llirnuli evelyihiug. and many are ilic cllalnin and Bl'mlli they pl cllce lo keep the love oi ilieir eweeihenrhs or llua~ hands. A Yoillig'u'ng. Pa, does the echo riiwuyr conie at the end oi n wordi" . "lnvaxhbly, nly non." "It doen'l In the ward 'eco nnml- cal." (ILVOENHE MIXTURE ' ran on on "ovum" Simple glycerin . huulllllom hark, i olr" 115 mixed in Adlar-l-kl relieve. ANY CASE 3 on alamull or Ioni- slonlnclil it not. on hiiih Illlper and lower hnwel nod remnvu all ioni nice ler wli|uli_ noinnonod ntoiuanh. alien CUHES uooniipailon. anenll up- nendlullll The INSTANT Dlml Mr. w, r. iioihorn illr Men on "us rink llsi liili Ii nhii' in he llul .inilli. Mr. nnd Mra. iiiiiynni' iipeni tho warn-nnd ll ii w. P. llnlbn'm Mr. and Mrs iii Glover mamas a nnd_llme train their molar trill f iiHiVES or" rolled ni *AiueM- - summon Min doctors and mucous. One mu: who . suffered rile yarn iroin lndlaesllon ~ and ooiiiill auon wan hoinnd by on: dou.- . 1. Palm naught, rim-L _ , , - _ ' TORONTO oi Col-i. sll'i i-l and oil. ll in. l Boyliiidn ieol 1'0 LEARN PnllilTlrila BIC! WAGES WILL BE PAID To intelilnont noy mull.- . 10 or 15 yearn of ego. Apply at ' ERA oFFIQE. apply in lhc Yni'llhnihnl o me nexi Sension ihertoi iii-C:D DlVolee lmm lllh \vlle, Tl . linw rbsldlllx lll lll radio, on lhr iirliulld oi .iduiir.7 Dnlud ni 'rnronin. llii ' Sirriiu 1WD. GOLDW I i No riciz ls htrehy given lll urnnnwood, oi mo in [he County oi Yul-l: Onliirlo, wlll Apply in i or Canada ni inp uni a lot it Lilli oi Divorce irmn h hand, Alli-Lil om iiarlli, hi i ill Tainnlu, [ii the Crilili i-rovinre oi Ontario, on doserllon and adiiliorl: mind iii Tarumu lllls Augusl, A. 0.. will. iieieii G A it he hillside llii- church of me Colgnie Fnihcro in Ulllvlll iiuiiilir Ilil- 5 ll \vm i- {our man ml lailmdil workers. willic out:th iii~hhr liii- l lill nunLlll KIDDIES PliAv roll nvlllo Lono hiriron 0F ennui fm m rel ll al n ioi lm will hiy- ' nonunion oi ilie city oi WWI, ..-'.. . ittn.noxl scirion (heron! ior . B il . helices Mm: on the srnulill oi eiinllnry wih llils {Hill .1 M ohm. ll ' mm (Icarus Taylor, ul ihe Elli}; i.lillln p. e ciil- oi 1 : . lih dry 0, iloiloo ol nunionilon roi Ilium al in. mine oi Lamb I e in i) or York, "Ii arouni cl doih in, n A iliwscid .. Torrie. inn; i..r.i liner oliiiirr iiilir rillilir. n mil in ihr r. 'hopiiniorhnn ll. prinlilrvllill i ,. and Plowing; he l Jrlllmul on in. m Lu.

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