and no colleen) in our line of endeavor has greater share of the public con dence - than ours. 01;!- one ahd only commodity is Men s Wearing- Apparel. Work- ing together with two of Toronto s Big Busy Stores fer the single purpose .of . . serving/Men and Young Men, who want and :appreciate real clothes 'value, ' absolute dependability, and. that thoroughly good tailoring, which is after all the nal test of genuine clothes value, and these at Common sense prices that the average man can afford to pay. Our direct ass0ciation With these two UBL'GCONFIDENCEls Wonderful (min in this district, and. one look at th this means to you.- busy Toronto stores gives us a buying power far greater than any other 'con- 6 prices below will be evidence .of what m 1 Young Men s Suits ,Ven l- rill 8"qu hnre heon nrrhin n 'rin u-nwn's lllllwl in "nun Extra Values in Raincoats mull-oi oh nun-e ni nll nun [ll l's- nu smck nl linineunle in every .h-nenllehh inhrio 5.00 to 29.50 Young V Men s Suits , in uii llic lune-l cuts, unlile innein, ou~nlulu minis, 2 or ii llnuon, in nil [I ~ newesi tllu'il : ill \li'm'sqlt'lls , in erunr nnniui .rhn unlr [nun-en, Nlrli-lly nil noni. 3 1 s Fall O Coats 'ii lilivl . iI \iinllli l'llll illalilili' ill" l lill (knits, for [how l-Ililly ei'uiilllly; 18.50 to 38.00, m NEW JFALL SUITS AND IOVERCOATS ~ A-COMPREHENSWE SHOWING T . :_ Men s Blue Cheviot in iill \vlml, nunrnnlml Illillgu are, n-muuuu uh, Mull - 'lill ul ln-o.nur hl-lel- \hr-eiul Winter Oyei coats . slimliilu sci-mill in none 'n Ull- hn-in. No huh-lo, nu .nuiexn, no .51on ul- euior uiil he iuunu lilb ii'ill iron. Hill; \ lisl enileeilun 18.50 [042.50 . lli ililll l llllil Dark Grey ' lulmsl r-iuu-eoi hiuu lil' 3 hniinn 3500104250 4 . (Elillllll' II'l lI Twill: lilslcl . lii Ililil slim-Iii! / Men s ' Worsted '0'. iir llllsliiiwi Mill. of U : SPECIAL. EXTRA illirk u r lrn lennih. lnr . llll unul lieiinu ilninnn, :xlra ME irina oi mu wi lab- IS I boon In II MU - When yui In Lllld . Illkn-yaur-nwn-brud of ill. hinan Ind in. i lung 0! mlhn ly uy . luv ni our "Me-well brad. It WIII lm:- you Ind your iunlly um " but you . ioi oi minim iou buy our emu. 3 a - V a I? 3/, Ila/IA so Mill/VS r. . mu , my ououigli in he plus-m Minn nuleumhile in in irirn. mu m :3 W U'lb while in me man um I L012 Milli he has in ride lian gnu. North Yor s Foremost Clothiers, 000 inch NEWS. Brlu iill. 35.00 t0 40.00 V THE GRE TEST STOCK IN VOLUME AND VALUE EVER DISPLAYED IN. NORTH YORK . This in ihe lasi any or Suilon i'nlr. 'l hc equinoml storms eernrneneeli Wednesday, Thanksgiving buy me leeks irnnl hinluiay. Allcnd lhe (1mm Wclnre rneellug lurilikhl in llle nwn lliill. Ohnul l Aanolinu omen. .\Il-. hinrlhnore, treasurer or {he Newmlrlrel; llsutauqua, rcporls llml {ill [lie account: are now p ld anll lhere in n hnlenoe in the Bank oi $12.63. This ihe {In-ll. ihne llisl lhere lulu heen n er i heianee. ll Is a good siari ior nexl rerron. ODIWIIY. Mir: Mai-la Goodwill Glllelinpaxed 10. Men oi her aeulriner'n rericicnrel 939 nlnnr EL west. Taraule an Salur. day. Dam in counly Lellrhn, lrz- llnd. SIIE name to Cilnldx many years nail, nnd wllh ller nuslzliild. George ilcon. who predeemed her 27 years also, nailleo in Newrnnrliei. leier living ni iiioum Alum nun many in Tannin. She wn . mariner or climon Slreei hlnihndiil mnrroh ior l6 yam. , six vlvlnlr are three nnnghier, Mn. M E. Johnson, Newrnrrirei; . h. s. M Tilini sale. Church are holding a 'i elenl sale in The Willing iielnera n1 ihc Priiiilils llii: aileruonn oi Nov. 20m. in reserve Ills dole iin :lll'll a. w. v. ll . . Comrade. 'l'. Dnlilson heh leu lnwh to [Ike a Million with "it: D. S. C. ll, 3! London and [lie hl sl wishes a! [lie hranuhgn Willi him, M _ihe Mai. ineelinlr r rude LIJ) asked la he nilo )ll linu- lo give h few Iscls in regeni lo. ihe monasrn ine crease In iriephnue rides, rloilng he Dn|y wished In do lllls because cerln |I Cll) Branch: and Individuals connigcl. ed wilh the 4:. w. v. A. were uoiing very linslile lowrrls ihe hell Tele- phone En owing to me said/promi- tLl rates. 4 He "Isl polnltd mil Ml IE said Company had spam well OVH' $100,000 in wages lo dependenir oi eohilern luring lhe war. besides danh. none to ihe ed are and mirioile mo tree iglephona nervine to me Red Cross, which in all nmnunle In hnli a inllllnn neiim. lie Alan mashed on Ill: Irealmenl the sum company llandr New Fall llals _& Caps; Underlvear, Sweater Coats, Work ing Shirts, Mills and Gloves .al the "lowest prices Opposite Imperial Bank, Newmarket Italian and innir ills mi. Mailed by Commie Andrews, sccqnded by Corn- reue hevhlsnn HIM. anei hearing Cnm- mile Day's explunrlllan A! is reasons under-hing the said application nl ihe hell Telephone Co. lhzil ihlr Branch oi llle G. \V. V. A. 20 on ream! {ii being 0! the opinion ms! me said Company is enlllhi la have increa lu rules, so Niel-Mare will lake no Jollnll lo opplish lllem. _ _ ii is lhe lillt ullan oi this much in llnld e mimic nluclllig in ihe own iirli ni en eerly dill: when Md 'ruriey. provincial Secretary 0. w, v. A. and niher naled speakeli will speak which lnr paslers and ilail l miss il. (loin, ' Smlm Pier-lo. _ . The second annual oimin a: his descendants, oi Jolin ami lasheiin Silillli, larmeriy o! Uninn SI. Easl Guilhulhnry. was lield ei ihe summer home or Mami- hm on [Allie suneoe. Sum. I lli, 1020. A very InlEl'ESHlls slid Melile Ilme was spent in Kelllng heiier acquilnlell lind in reviewing pail eweduuku. ed out in all llmlr rammed men, 533'- his a Mlurned man always gal ilie p reierence In lnyllilng. He hnd wiih him ievml iiemi, slmwllix haw every minis used in me ieieplmne work had 'l llnd in iirlee Ind nipngelher I19 save I van aomnmhmalhla nuiline a! Ilie urgeni men oi a also in ruler. him Waring inve nl mic-um he he; u mating - lily ' - p . 0.51" \\ hiie rerun oi ille yunnlr he rile en- ioyed ilre heihhnr. olhzni enlnyen me .noinr'heni hips in Mr. new luunell. Abnlll ho Eal down In Imlli dinner ruul ice on ma lawn (iii:an om lake. The ilay was meal and Harri-Ody en- ioyen ii In lire iuliesl exlenl. Among lhm nrereni imih n dli- IIMO ware: Bijnir 5min: Ind lnmily oi Mlmli nl Ion nLMn Ward !!! Aollss 0F ONI. TORONTO \viilrid srnllh at Chicago, snnyat 6'00. smilh mrmariy or snayner: Mrs. Crallu enli sun 0! Sioux Lnniraui, on. and Elmer smiih inmllr or Uilersnn, Sim DK .lnlm Smllh. recve 0! E35! Gwliilmhury. ruler enjoying ihe rieii, they lell lol- lliuir several homer. Mali lnnklnx lor. ward lo nnoiher nreeilng lich yerr. __._._~ liem uriin nliiribuilen The nnuuel iree d'iolrlhulloi- a! sample ni seed grain will he conduci- ed as usual 3| line Conlml Experi- incnliil harm, mlawh. by ihe Dnmlulon cereeiiei. . ljiie [allowing Hulls oi reeli gnln will he event nut ihis season: sin-inn \vheni liu hbnlil b-lll. samples): \Vlillc 05!: lahoni 4 1b.), nrriey lahnnl 5 in 'B liild Pm (alloul 5 ill), Plaid m u (shall! 2 1b.). For (nhnni 2 lb) . Only one sample all: be ml to each anpiium. Appllclllons Inllll Dev mi p iiled larms which may his ohieineo by wr in; in me Dnmlnlon Czrulill, imm- meniei nun. ourw al any urn. mar sent, 151. A5 ihe amtk oi seed in llmlled. miners Ira'ldvlud w Ipnly only In nynhi diunimiuiinem. Those who - nlied me me hri mm no union. lariy runuuled to land In their nlmnl ei our: so ihrl enniieniion' lam-i my Liz {am-mad, lull _Nh leiil iinn 16ml: wi M u will IXMI'VFHL . PM" Brown. Many heal: were mavli: m on hearing oi lhe nal!) 0! ills. Peler riroun. who i all mm) .n Mr r i- denre nn meect eve, \ln Thursday anemone. .epi. 23rd, eiier an illness nl iiemrli ii weeks caum il lrolil nenrliis on me spine, Mre. nmwli came nu: irnm Enxlliilll 27 )Eais nL :horliy alien is mar- ried lo l L-lL-r Bnmii, her.- liley hire l|\'Fd in ihe u. nll) III Nf'wmukul .lml Aurora em hlnce. in lll |\\'o lawns may have many lrlenil Mn Brown was a lilglil) lespwlcd menum u! ihe Friends church at Nnnmirkel, niu-ayr reiililui in her Eundiy . nnll - .1 and allier rhnrr wnrir. i min shell she he nil Fill in |'iv Mini: and li oluiri li hni by n imr circle oi Irlcnlls, Mimi ! whom sllo was mnilnnaily lumihl; and sarlllw in a, my possihle. The tunnel semen look piece in the Hands Church on Salumay er 2 h. mq nu wry larer niieh dnnce ni lllls an shourd lhe high esll-r In ln \Vllluyl rho was held hy ihe cbiiimlinlh . Tile mslnr, Kiev. ii. perry rnniineieu the serum. lie {mire hlxlily or her ; nilhininnu Imeury eril Io duly. lineh ryinprihy was shown hylhr many "an! inhnler iron: Imr lmlns I i. The pill burns Wm: Joli-uh . nnrly. Jahn anli. Waller llvl hurl Hillhll. . hrolirw. ,\ir Waller Grevcrl Myrllu and ueelll _ 1i holue ind .\ir. Cherie. Brown Di Tarania. Much el'inimmy I: fell (or sir. Brown and funny in their hnur oi he. reemneni. Cum. FOR SALE W. E. Rutledge s Machine Shop W 1nd eon-i HJINVCMH (Iliuan .inli Threshan hells. Wilkinson Com liox. i iuy run [or inner. ' ' . I . swam Tl ll'lola. Slum 'l ni'lrili. Cl! 'l nciors. enin 'irecinre. l . Slum llgliir Numher oi I nl-lllilc anllll'. i Vivlor mower Mill. i \Vhiie Schmiur. Shun. good Wood Saw Some new 2 Inc 'hollrr Tubes. Lishi \vl-ll-nrlllinn alum. Dulcilll 1er W min-rec lo Vmoum her inn liar