Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Sep 1920, p. 9

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diless'i / Thiestore has wide ion for the high character of the clothing found in our ward- robes. The very, atmosphere of the store itself is di er from the ordinary" clothi I store,and_the exclusive styles; so abundantlyjdisplayed; lend it genuine distinction; Whybe content bh common-place , when here, at less cost,you can enjoy the latest products of-Ganada s foremost manufacturers ? Wefully guarantee our prices, - (1118.11111er qllalityp to *be below any other house in North York. ; Comparison will amply sustain. this. -' claim. _ , _ , _ _ ,, 1 . : L, .l V " iv 1 ' I .. I . ["153 2&1 overcoats , Mountains of Underwear _ , ' .1 . .1 3 , v r .\Boug _ht direct, from the mill for sp 1'. - 59", and You"? Me"; - / j : cash and middlemen s pro ts cut 01ft. .- v. a .Any style, anymateria'l, every want- ' g ' ~ , ed color- or, pattern, a 'sh owing of - i_ ' which we are justly proud, ._ """- SUEITS & OVERCOATS AT .7200 2'2.5o, 25.00, 27.50,, 30.0.0, 35.00, 40.00, 45.00,.at easy stages to 60.00. . Scotch knit, elastic. rib, eece-t lined, in all weights, shirts and drawers, per garment: 850.. 1.00, 1.25,1.5o, 1.05, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.50. i Combinations . MEDHJMAND HEAVY WEIGHT 1,95, 2.50, 3.00, 350,400,450, 5.00. Included in the above are VStaIi s. Pe ahgle, Mercury; 1 . Admiral Atlantic, Dr. Neff s Sanitary, etc. NEW ,ARRlVALSinuse Opening Out) _ Tweed and'Fe lt Hats, every make of Gap, Angora. and Silk Scarfs, Silk and gashmere Socks, Fine Dress Shirts, Fowndes, Dents andr Perrin s Fine Kid loves, ate, etc. ' ' A Vou'are earnestly invited to inspedt this stock, make youl1 own comparisons. and ,we ahiiie with confidence by your verdict. Everything new and up-to-the-minute at noeltively lees than,so-_oalled sale pmceg. i ' FOLLOW THE GROWDS! WATCH OUR WINDOWS! North York s Greatest Clothiers, ) ' dpp. Imperial Bank; Newmarket . - Ilil: Anglican Cliumll on wellneuluy Did you cl'ier red h ~luoth grow? Griicrdl Superintendcol 'oi llanlisl' lore Lo he shown, an Mm, "e dmm and AL vmnun and was Vol-Harem ntlonll m: the plulnres, nld you see one Sunday Schools for Ontario and oue- People 01 Newmukei, look, > lim . pmwnuu mung ... My, me ,m'," sum 0, "my 1 l The iledlor, nev. cool. Me decay and heedme d a h dual: :1 nee. lie nan had such a \yhlemp hr a oninmunilv need [or cammunilv by or. ' m y . J. Cnnho , Provincial rdusil r ll nlgir, idol: rhiirge. h. lloml lri- Sun umsc pioiures. All this will be nei lellrc and such great success, and and for communily aanllary on lines ) ls mm m a 3H mm d I V I Supervisor 0! he lal In: rho... iii v lion. a. mum. hliles no... organimanr rod hemoml poll. Thursday and Friday mornings has such splendid ability Illal. III]: will a! child Welfure. This exhtbll 115- u p L p as he "mm" x" mm" law" W- inimum ugrul we chronicle id vbmlw ll. ll. lliniz. A ilirk 4-. \\!'||vkny\\ llli'il1 'lill-l. Ilillllr' gil Ill 1 VII! fill" Um w will .. .d d inir il..i :il'liw- illltvl lzal ill l ur lwn years he was mil Uilllllr ll. r ur llr \V-li :l 1 . lilill llilllnl mi. 0... mo...- aid...) n! the KIYH W h...- undir- l pI'L-a lrllld ill Ulc ill lil'lh l: "Him- l-.d.iu lit, non mum-ll and "WI-l) Si . lle Mi... in. ii being a no... simple Lode. _ dmr oi lmlli lhr i. o. .v If Hir- S'illi of Hilgllllld. u Mllxlllcs hp we in CIIHRE Ilh e "mm llillv v)! Ills (lentil Win Hi DIE hli'lll pi me Nnrlll your him/II, shorlallun. J D21): or. .. genldl'youuxiilau in me ..i hie ind win he greatly l.- i.- oi .ollvliy in the lie ls lurrlved by his wile. Mira lsiihol 0mm . 0 iv... ilsuglnera. Marlon and {Honda spoke ailrhlly oi Hie rdsport [or the lli'l'llasl d. lie was honored _wllll .i Masnuln lininvrdl, llie lirolllrnp ii| nlliig in o liolll', inter. nt dl Ne nim- l inelory. - child weluu Exhlhil Satan 80 and Del. 1st. suiiiid hoot dud la'illlill'tln'e.\\'l-nk, hll nexl o l 'l'lil; rehdm 0' [his paper illwo Cillllri'll'h Wick. and "hi Child \Vvl kin: Exlllllli. , ll \vds} hoped llldl [lgllpllkanllll lil' spt llnkinx lillll have lip-,lr rl oily drnushll to ihal when lhr ilnal honre rdioe ihey would be ready in mid II. and then u. alll-od no. n. times. Firm Tilly. \Vcllnre Exlllllll IE UN: ilrsl oi ili Mild over in appear In Nrwlllai . whole \vL'rk (urgin- nlng at Monday) [5 used hr the Sun- dny'orhoois cl ihe town as ohlldr h-s cllllil or panama in (he s. s, is in II: visllcii ll newline, ulld each her-uln viled id aileiai ine Serrlcea Io h held In ihu Town llull Tliurpdly and Friday at week. A, l ,- r . Pleuse hole ii... inn oi : ' 'rhursda y morning [0.65 lo noon the Exhibit oi meollnhlbll ilaurzs run who ly, and intro ohm; all to x ie-turra oi health the evil oi uhslmlllry meihoda, talent .bnlll lllli pay-(in! . . ,1, "(WIM- . s Ind om. not", Th . mm arrriee took plump inu- like we in groan the hen nm un lid . - . dolllil seen me items which hdv'r .AI IIl I'd [rum llllll: In Hnm rcIferrhlg to. colour-to. gin, Illa illole ololuru l M some hour. The School liadm la piendldiy behind this and inwe wr- ungod ior King Gwrxc Sendai dhiid- mn n7 calm: Tllurlilay morning, and m ehihiien oi the Alexander liulr ilnd Separolr Schools to come Friday mornings, . ~ Theo Nlunlliiy uiiernodn, (four 2 . lo 4 will he held Hie tinny rilhid, which is out o hany hIlIJW not lol- every llmillcr whom lll e one Is giving her pallxleiy, heeause it does rial seem well. . or does not drvrlom properly. it it an lopporluuily lo have her child exdmlh. ad by em! a! the Town declors, os- (shim! by doc or lure illiriie, iree of any cost, in r rivate room, when none hill nurse and nmiher ulil dull- .ior will lie annulled. pianyh chlm has heen run on lhr road to healih lilroogl. uni inelildil di discovering some eeridue' minnow. Don't hesitate lo hring your homer and soon .mlidren. Al. l p, m. ll ha a very ioalruellvo leoiure on venllve nonlislry," by Dr. P. 1. con- llny_ which will he oi inlereal lo old had young and id ina town irihera'ahd modidlhen V - Thursday: evenlnq' will he a great riieh (reel lo all who nollava in the religion: doveiopio oi children and young people. Dr. ea. T. Webb. who is a Can he hum, edunaled, spent most 61 Illa aallva Ilia In Mom I ? in s. e w'ark, w'u called in an as In chloago lo lilia aharlra 'oilha Nailo'o wide \jvo'nrd Xnnng wpl a Unlanvv'ybl- sown-rho. an; he d great opportunity on Newmarkel id have nlyll, almost lhe iiral (own in he so iavored. diler llla ednilhg hren This meeting will lake lilo place 0! the usual'Uolon Prayer aleeling the last Thursday evening oi ic'manlh and will he wholly and We hope lilo s. s. and Lllumh workers will rally in lhia serviee at ihe Hall at 3 o'clock. Sllr- ring roux service will nreeerd earn talk at ovcnlug senlues. ior admllianee, inn us lhe re wlll he some expense on dinning will he moo. each level-Ina. . ,i have already spoken oi Friday , looming an hurl please oollee Friday iloard, the Sunday scllnnla, llle w... Mlernaon iroin i to l wili lie lilo semi ohm as Human aileron-in 1mm 2 lo i.chlid \veinre Exhibit _ M l p. 11 : Friday Iir . Bnlmer nevioa oi Alli-on will speak in mulli- crg on the 0am u! Children, {min a medical point or view. and a anon program whluh his neen highly use- lul elsewhere, will he put on h) idoal Theo i- rldhy nighl will ha nnoiher really nae enierlelnlnenl when lit: Pageml "The higlila 0! tin Child-- will be out on hy all lo cal and hearny lalanl um will he wenn a'gual deal Bring all me 'idmlly In, hear Hid aae lllle'spkhdid enlen- lelhmeui ' . * M amoa oi \hrLIe loaaunga our local doalorg will have aoina part in uka he. _ aide me admin-lion oi lh a! In ulioln. \l! _ limo (o elva adore-m hid in demanding to Canada. - religious, No olllrsc and hahy hul will no leer. lule o e 'inmg o longs lo the Ontario lloallll hepari- ...oni. .ls loaned or said In hi the re- quest oi his 5. s. or Newmerkei, to help our town people eaten the vislnn at larger community scrvllie, We hope lhat rree Denial Insoee. llou and iree medionl clinic lilaYVE mu of Ule mailers provided. by "H: 50ml people 0! Newmarkel ac. ilui our little one may have in: hesi pdsslhie ollaneo lo grow up Millh HIE lies! and Mulldeil doll poor, learned nod unlearoed win he able lo enjoy lhla program 'l llnrs- day and Friday oi ncxl week. When you Ullnlt lllal (he School [bodies pdsalhie. old and young. rich man's lusiilule; the uhu-iren's ild sunler and tool the Doctors oi lilo lawil are llcarllly in lawn or ii and cd-oncralloo splendidly, you will aea ilial it is or some worlh. u 30 [El or rally to ihia greai week's ellorl. This child Weth sxhllnl Is to inspire us all id raise heilor men and women, helior lo heallh\oi hody. .nronger In mind. more rugged In morals, lruer in rellgluul lie. Followlilg la the program : Thom-y. ' momma ~ 10,(6~12.00 Nov|hg .plolluu ior lohonl childmo. Kins aroma EVENING : X liublll: lleellhg. Cuimnunlll Slil'glng led by Cam. Dries. 8.307Lwture, " ellglouii Educallon, hy lie Geo. T. were, Toronlu. ' . 1 5, sum. Hepllsl Church. mm. , r ' MGILNLNG : lo.i5.i2.oo aloviog pictures ior ' school chlldren. Separaio School and Alexander Muir schooi, Al ulmoox : 2.00 Exhlhll alien In public. nrhy clloia. i.oo i.eriure. The care oi Children. hr. illililler-Drvlrls, Allmm. Play, "Prejudlros" hy local lzlenl. B llblic Meeting. 1 _ Commllnlly Singing. led by cam. Byles. The hiring di 1 - or lou| Sunlily Schools, Pialilsl rs. J. E. iiolilngsheail. Admission me. Silver co|leo|iun al non. (vellan susioog In dandy Tax- pauses. _ v I regard in the ngni and wrong sl or me street, Finally. he evi- droily dlll lna rlgnl llllnl lo it, a: ll can": in a standstill. - uni-ha: lelu al ill. in ohm. ii: ou- oi public opin- In to which all ma moduli. m our-inland m anle or uqumal l. on 0W2" sounn nan thn A HALF HUI)" or IXOI'l-l" Owen Sound seal. to A loan chloamao. ennui! o gml daai or ex- ollaaleot hm in aiuoipuog to ham . the lnwluolu rod maulmillur at pp silo. algmlb mona and-lulu Gambian pamd'ihe duher oi deiiaale duality TORONTO inolomy elz. - He nought a ew loa- ehlomn-i aurisd pill to in in run ii. , Anar inning ha roix ul Mw slunll. and ugh wild In Lila Il - ior

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