Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Sep 1920, p. 10

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, home otter n log-tut; nt Toronto'mclty nit , m: mm IAIII- Poldh' .Q ' '1 dilnk it my duty, toll ynuhorv ' shinnor. at it M'rn. Alex, uteri-iron. run duuuhltll: et aoiemnh, him, spent u oeuphi oi wooku with her .rtet, Mm. hen uu'rkiiL Mrs, nitritili ancillgn wneit wit .her writ-la rinier lterc. . tin ml nit stm Luna"; oi Aurora, guests at iir. multtlrm Simeon sio'utter for/ti new rim . ' W - FlPl'll MRI l'ynlltt anti tailors iiiies-linhcl , No. a. nine, niieutt- 'eil ihulilnhoni Phil. hem ntsuhomherg nn yrhluy Sept. iii, oml brought tut-it with llthtn' tnriy-ihrnu ptlxclt, Thur won the nneeiol prize rim-{ed tor lllu reliant winning the highett untuoer oi and 10m 'i'iiotnnn ot lnli links uii'y are ' nt Newtiturlteiulu'rir'ig thuwitit or her ' ' ' Ind natural ! do I! this but u! bin Com G v'l i'ts $133131." ltuallh. Vegetable until I took mod Io hunt 1 Im mm, emu, eh ~ to ui my omwotk. Inle sigh hired nnui'n work Ind I also {outta und u [tell help far 3mi- than: on hunoreti name in hi .cotmiiunlly. sin tom whem orig u inrnu numher lalv i intro u feeling [ital mine at ihem tin t roughono big muesli nnr thnt arty oi the uncanny mite g onn by enn uuuasn plane ~01 goon innit. sueeegr er lllluw. witty notion. in n ouigniuniion ntiiiti thing: Lillie by 3. who when ihinesm'camer is under- minuvl. The uneiont \iirller ltnuw when he wrote, ole no thwarts, tho lllllmmxcu, that thou the vines." it in the little things we must wntuh it w: want in win out. tirul the big- ttettl Vor ihe iiiiie thith in tlitily non . inulutieh nt humviuhtc. ever uetieen hurt the renlly ME, Hui:- centiul turn or waiiiitn in never ohm. lllllq anevnhe iii rah-Minted, unit by fllt' ' )Iuvc .)'t7u ' ' But just now; i ""V.K Investors who demand my rst usually ve to be content with lowvrates' of interest. . v; V, t,_. I, . High intgtesintes' usually imply risk. utizy is " tight," To move the Eralh yctup'. theiBanks are calling loa ns from manufacturers and merchants. . Money usually available for'invesiment purposes is . required to carry on busmess. V . r Interest rates therefore are high, and bond prices are low. Prlzul |n proportion in ihn number-oi my yell: melt 'fom my bible: were nuitlln on lite roll. limo Wnii llie no v i d Mun." win? 7323 lnmdltlncmyum';g: nuohyourmeoieinohunonntorrne. Initiated/ 0! lhm 7m with lc'm'ue 3.2.. ,1 eonuuiud maul doclon' VICTORY BONDS ai'e among the best long-term lainting irotn anyone i. i have ontl r - r I securities allallable. We recommend those falling along with lltnl We noticed t oi nit n min or woman gulu liallnflcil wiih hitti- 'ud uny'dld not do not my gontli . nun, l'ttud'one box at 'Soolha lid-(Anti ivn worms - ,- laid in] iono- m not! eietr. the Whitman ! thern inn been no mum. tthlnk it in . mltvclluua mm. other medlclne did 0 my good and I kind All Hm . 1 util- bend at. without hind! until 1 HM SouIm-Salw' HITW' . hule'M-lm' Md the blood wmnveothnuumotthnahwe. a4 Wlu' oomniotea the ml . WK MMARRE (Alli), x no. iioraiommtrinietzezoo, At all dale-{or rout portend hy ', mum W. Qua... Out. iiiigiiiniip ih hue min wllh new : all Paparl ohm-c tram my bright trim mot. olhrliiu u IplIndld any n nnmtivt nsttoruu. corn. in oel my ,ptiuu you m V lcnmi to to: out mutt WIIQlltur run an rontty to buy not. I-ioo iiourtur wllh- inrgeni nunihhr at him my helical _ the grounds. v 1 . . W d . ' DOIlMliEY A nr tvethiing litnk hioee hi hi. Clllliilnil ! Augiiehn Churnh. Toronto, \Vt-tiuesuny, Sepl. into. when Yranilt it Vcrcnh (licnii) hotter. eltiett daughte- oi iii and ltirn. George \v. litter o Ournilu'y heemue the lulth or Mr. wti- item .tuhn Kl nl hir. and him. John meet, 2 llolinmnioil two. T0< ronlu. 'I iih weihiing ucrcmnlly \VLIX soiemuiteii by tliu llev, M. l . hemir. lic Iii-Mo who was given "wily try her tuthtr tvnt-nneinietl hy ltlint lityrtie li r of Toronto. whitenir. Damon \Vitiemnn..rousiu nt lllu hlldt) noted as hent mm... The Iirlde worn n Eilwl'i of ivory nix ere-no no enino, lirr irnveiiing suit was at nary hiue with rent (Hill hei lo match. The htony eoupio tell on the evening miln tet- n lrlp through liiv Nliiga'm District nnd iiutitiio. N. y, On their return hir. Mid hint, Kieen Ill rennin nt heihentih. Out. We wlsli them n tong nliil llnpiiy iimrrli-il [list 1 kma em won Tnopuv \Veniuh. Seiil. 17.7Sllll2olllullnil 0! shorts hini uthloiie events (or the animal uiilltlrcn s rtttriiile anti h|l|K|illl i-oinpeliunn honoliy held at iiit: Watch [all tnit gum nxnclli-nl tritium-Alon iitlii ye- . It inrttu ntiontlnnce hinrk- ed the nnnnnl creni yesterday lirliten Ill E3. l bigot! Lula. . Wli' l" I wom'ul rint thit letter it yw iK NnY JAN , limit: to lu ur wllhou ' Pinkhtm r Va altar all Ilia av donoe ul Min d lilo suspect our Beechanzis Pills. Al and overworked kidneys allqw food muons to emulate "l'v'v it good mind to unit |l')tliii;, hm] , i hit up." sniti n young innu wltu hull linen trying to retorm. hui wlio toiuui it honl to thank owey [tom the out evih. out iiteohi orsocinien. No you liawil'l u tutl' iiilnd to tie itii)lliliii5 at the sort." mun lttick tho shnrp rclitrL "only n My] mind truuin mz'rinar no QUIT Wllvh. ' R. IN . 1 pou this time time in country who will ooh. :(giving L din E. LIME m un bl}th $0003! 2. u , rev on fun-it Lilla P lu dngld medicine I: no land Grind ilnon then my other mdlclno ln emit Whenyottulznaw", typu have a stomach it s! he to liver. You need azy liver a triul lnutlly unit or hereon, and it nbnvc ionrniue, growth teen and dry rnl ee iv ln. i iirni nuileed title in n'young than who hlzrlcu n wuncr work iii the smile time i the, llil wan inight and emhi. iiout out: nnxioui to loom ti iirni. lie ltuew lie uieu-i know uuyihing nhnul the work. to. he euueriy llhlened lo everything uuyouc wutited lo lell hitn. Atlv ilccllivnl wnn rapid. imd hy n ter ieo et tieoths tori teiignntienn ho n managing editor al the uni] . it leak him iuvl ihre illnllllih ie iese hit ioh. Why 7 he. route or seen at he got it he 41 uld d liiitl i tee hig to ienru unytlililg trout unyoue. An in mntier oi inui, he couldn't have ienrneti much us o rt: Dimer, 'hul writing h own aloi nnri htnitiling mcu hutl tlepnrinienin ure vi- iireiy dlflcrctit llianE. 'I llls ehnn itnnhinen. though. the: heenuue he wave the rose" he mutt nnl ilnieu to all- yie irein tinyoile. no mutter how many more yuimg' experience they huu hta. iie Muted lo tenth .nnti he inii the putter u tniiurn. A , llls euoeessor was more mutient. liu \Vlui never too important In listen in ll: {Hume}! reporter will! thought. he hill! on lilcu llial would help the pnne rts n result. iii 01 n moss ot uteie hien this manager got n iew uenhie ener. t cry \mck nntl he is ltllll i nltllnis ihe Joh. iie inpw into sheet t, nthi it hllll growing. nail will continue te Kluw or long he he Conlllluuh to ieorn. The low hohis i rue wllli e win 0] Illu. W: dull r'uelecntl an :hpmunlty h) new you In you: tnuesimsnt ntqu lite-implied iltq maulil slimy (limit. Do: due in I933, I93? and I934. Dominion of Canada 51/g% Bonds' Vlclofy Bondi Free lmm Mininn Incm ism] . Prick ' .93 93 97 . . 96% .95 And Ind and and mi lniemt . initial interest . interest inrrrut . v9} and irlerzsl . D l ShCURlTihS @EPGRATXON a htwa . O.A.Munw ' LWJ xdrtn . e Pasta Vanna-rs Warrant . . 54m" . -Ttu.uw Hrme Airman... LIMITED. , End-I d! mi new emu; :5 KING STREET EAST TORONTO MONTREAL auncrt curt. Lih )- o w gene ,3 4 1ng,.hm No. it home .AJ. minus M... .lelt PIOKFORDVGIIED FOR saumooi nit FIVE Plll lls unseat/mums} rum. 5 heinn (lli'll'lli ninking i money i. thh- thi in tor . . . other gout-this urilt-rlt) lil~ wire. niir-i TIIOI whose. tint-tuieut ll(.(li 'rn'tl! ii uoinnihe. wit -i to st inn Just now we ore seeing it hit uhiiiieti in the kiiehen. 'the we. um. with are wllllng in ion-u one not iuwiug euy trouhie neeui thing the new lhiltlri uer goiiiug nieug with a llmllul ttiiuwnnee ui BllKul ii in llm Mitzi; who net-er rouhi e nuy wny hut their own not (mink Kliiiill n. their numer . who are lining the tit-melani- out hlnnlnn ii. newt, GREEN . Palmer and lfnnur Hanna Ardun gm Nuwmurkal. it much Wm oi Nlluln at. azuregntinn tint) welt: ottermi in Hm toethnii cox ueiiiinu nmeng tour tennis. Kline city eoin nnouriun the trnhhy trum Hlitilmiik hy n scare nt a-o. 'l lic sir, hi the poultry slihw llilh yenr ueresrttnieti its ltulnii hallhml in n inrge tent intieoti nt in nltl unhiiry innilhng. l tiitltircs oi, the evening show were toi cxlcnalv uihin-oy unii ihn ottieini opening oi it hit. w. NEWMAHKE I PEOPLE PREVENT AFP'Ettuioina dL itldc July Sullli slup._ Nit ! limit llL'fl , ynu north with llic tight. WIl); mall. hit the term-t. at noon (H'L lighting with you. on 'olir irlile. 'l'liL 'll never eo- srri you, either, no long in you try in help them: it llicro'h uny ttlllllllig ihn stiusisie. you will he the ml to null. retnrtnher ihni. ilui lli 'nhii | Kn on with it hurt du itniiiihe iti help you against your own wlll ntui otiuri. Slick lu ii nuii rememher iitt ) oit art: not tighiing niuue inni it you unit. you n i going itneh niene tn the ruin llml tnreti you, hetore you iurunl neon} (mil lrlud {or n heiier iiio." iletortu may seem mud: "Killing the gnml light may turn tiilitnitii. to Ill .y n young tout. liui the theutthi i. ~lliiilitl|ilp.'. Ilial llu ttiw ll: [m -n iinsls or good slaiiil 'ilittu: ih. soul llliil iri tel lilin tum in. i - ii nuoni nun ill i'l link |0 inil v'llfllll \\ |i| Ls lli llix l in II It' t'iillilnl l ulllll itil an) 'N'JV" Ills tltllllliiil. tin \\ll| hr the i ill|l|l ilnll Iii- will 50 nlolii- (ill rout liar)! to slit, Nor WIH ill) I III llitll M. II :Ill) Pa~ l or nintsnnier i llii', un ml itnt- he lia~ lull. it will gum rougher linil to me cnllr. wot-in. Tlit- il(t\vil~. it .s] nilcgeti, \\-l'(' orth-rni h the inn- iii 1 Thomas in lltt- \ r rilliix | , italsnnlng. Ullli~ sin-hi Iii": .,t n r time in lili liim'l ~Il|i|pluml'~ n] it ilrrxrlnillln. rilshuivuis. slit. )mtl! ortlrruti iiii 'ilri noun lwti hu- e N} (illl , nl l l'illll :lrltJ M Ill liliil tin- itlll tniuii. stint u hut l\\'lt llllingx .niii nnlli~ oi itu in unit. hut nrnu r IL; rereii, 'l'lli- rliilinmi . lirtwm _ lltttl lhi mien iietiniiuh Klvt iii itntl iltrmltii in si e, ith-ttnrti-s hunts! . {tir numl) I lit iimktw [ril iili lil-fttri' hr 112' . l'lirh. i hit. The woman who cilnilrtiil it o your on in ienru covkltiK nntl hilltan ls netting n gnnti |zl|tlti lil- ' 'l ue Uitl \\')Il\t: her one tigi totes. he ii wllli linsllilg Itaw dI mitiitrml. ilui enunin nu- ntillxlng teeth he taken their uiae I'L h Ofvlllli women who [rill . it our wins at Thu pi-w rbl'i alh illll with; pull u i - 4i! letting lliv. tltlll l no _ it-hvtiii-i-tht. i.ii;t~ uh iih-uiti \ , or mil. i hut in wnuu-u win. no anhz'or nza Manes neheuiures oi the Town at New- murlrer are altered tor mil? tor at; nrnouh sutticieut to enter tie cost 0 5 mm a my... mum Mnny owmnrlcet people nre uning Mm "m" mm , and Emma, shuttle glyneriue. huehlhoru ltth, etel. mm tin nilxed ln Adler-lvkur 'Pltls Mnuunls will he reeeired lr lll slow ushes HOT" Mm lower bowls! to unite or mate. The mic-oi lnr so completely it removes all foul. 30 terett is we no the term is yours. ci't tiniru poisons ti-otu nlimei rry Furlhtzr Inmmlalton Um he hilt] [min C nlxi Jud [travails nnp cudlcllls. Wtu. Keith. Clmlri n nt Fliiiitcu (Jotti- \(llcl 'l~:it reiieyes ANY CASE oi gas tniiite, or oi on stomach or sour niemneh. otien CUIIHS cnllhlipaliulll Ill uni case 0! ehrnnie :llomntill irnuhie ONE hniiie minim-cu wnrltlerliil results. w. J. ilitiiersun. uruugisi, Newtunrkel, THE. BlG VALUE/ BOX {Bl T out rill' so with. aileron . nil-gilt. F. F, mm oguolml'iois "1).. 9. J. Animn on. TOW 'I'IIXHIH'E Farms for bale ! 1W ueros tsuunrei . s'lotl horn. irattie'ituuse. close to school nuti . chureh.. 'l lii: gnaw ihnn ls nii Lillth culleallutL weir teen Priee tattoo on etiEy terms. d H 129 urea. 15 tie-res un er on i var g. lien. htinnee posture nun birli. hun- , - I '5 } ;" "v ningwtier. contihnrn,sinu V _ t an gmhusu 0 HIV hou Price 25mm en ea 1 t -t 20 nor" on Lute Show. horn. large house. in reruns. nwlng in. well. too nnres under cultivation. drill Eiseirie llglils in here unti linusc. Price \\' 15,000. Cloud terms can he nr- "m mm ... ranged, _ _ ui er h hitters at the lini l' . : 91 333 mags innit llu uller. .\|l:s>:\la|viti iioitnu. spring llrrun 40x60. stene mules. le nl- J-"l mm mm, 30x10 lmmgmem en with minor luluries. [muse nmi hog he II le dweiiiug ht \vlts.:tlimiilollyhulli,\lli)\r\u in. at 1 rooms, those to r line. The thin-r hi the hit; lludmn n-ir whieh hast farm ln lim il'ownslitp._ prm tvt-hi em the L t-fttol etuimuhuwni. usual) with $5000 msli. hnianoc lump... and t V 0",), mm , m. n arranged. . ciioieesi land la the 1 l||I )' \\'illil, Mill Hi ' llilngi ih - run nut. lio rainitllilnl ls lli.1| trim oi so iiiiie filtnlii). lho) llllnl: lilt (ill lIl Iii llt whet tho .tuti iiu \\'i-il | ll in tho jun y llr liiinli iinil HHH B 1tzilliliil IrIU llllIF "Ir is" llir) 'nii'l 1 1|. exert lie]: (I! llz iltniiiwrinl urns us women :lliil nniriois ter i ln tl et gnnu will s the sour rennin. smnnihrr linil nnsinr anti hniier all ihoi . lliilt'. ll ls Imlll. \vllll hum 55 Ill our own linking, a! HIP oularl tul ll hold) ill slai Iii-.36. sui II jn) xiiil illi ll! eiery u: ihr- qilluicr never an noun tel -. sitar: Aim: noLLs OVER SYEEP EMBMIKMEHT nrivsr Lost control. . . , Lucy Cuiiltilr. thittithit-r til 0 .ennmhe en the Rheumatism Now is the lime to get rid of it! v Nature is pulling for you~ The warm weather s hete. ; This 5 your chance gmsp ii take Tomploton'; : Rhou'mallo Capstle (ngl-oul of you I'ystm dad rm! way! Said it miishle drum tor . riotian Ask our urgent or wrlu us tor . free sum e. 'l etunie. ton's. 142 King at. some. I: Sold in Newmarkel. or w. .L potter- ton and in Sutton \Vrsi hy_ in it. Tremaine. atia MADE rnnttr wnAw trim! snow un Autos i \\'ii~lili'lglltil. pt, 20. 'i'he nitrn- llan ut nuiomohties hy go. in e iinur s my is u neuron")! of tin [man "i now li _lil|il|Fl1 hy the drain ivn iii<iiiintinu ot Will'sl. out nullify? ' strut iho iielmriiuruinragnruiiurr unnuuurrti lo- now being pru- t. r-eii upon n st l min ni (Ito i-zx nrruuuutni Furtn nt Arlington. Va. though on outnumhiie hes hrth oh- . -il with iho nemhuuiihir, am: it lt' ii-t-u usoti tor iiiumiu-tiimr rnmies \\'t-ll n for routing. llir: pos illlillts or simi- pas .im nut yt- inuy tlvli-rv 'thtix a . v vw Liftoff Corns! Doesn't hurl I bit and Fteezmu costs only New rents. zpo nnros, the SI 'rrmnshih noon hnvn. Lil ch house. i 'Nu w 3 iuud. oil under tzllllhnllonr I'Wlilwr uf 5.1 20 , um, mm. 35 pm. choir. iintl o~ the) onhie out nt ohuieh acre on easy ltir s to miles irern Suit evening. Mr. tinnwins more on Toronto. ' 225 In all under h on and won- ruiuruh in lhl ell) at n high g { i mic t ll sheen on (iin 'i'nihhi ragtl trout Chum, mm mm 3 Mr W W _:\)lmt r. nthl n) the rnr \\J5 nyprn easy terms. to note. liilill. choice inn and gen-i WI i nuiiiiiugs. .lniee sauna. M. tto rm tortu. noon in every respect. or ihr uhio oi e. liluii sliol nine . eiere in fur iiuo. .alotm. met the sin. the hrhine rhntn the 3 1 me I'm" an Luke Shiner 0W1 nuihouktuu lit' unturiuuuin mung cedgfaao thin out tll s 1' tier, whn \ n no. .t , I _ > I liter ersiijhnis .o to suit nurehnrei, n W! "Wm! l iui uh Iinkl Front shim. v I'M tIImM t tui on Lake I wnl mull, . (Illi lli win-n n. on n IlLtlt to R. swlTlER, W, Ne o, elitism HIM WITH A GUN noun or IDPHOIHUII 'or llurem NOTICE IS llu'l gh i Illll EH - bblh Alex-nder uf Ibe Cll) u! 'I mllll in the contriy at ank and lltorinee or Ohio 0. will an ) \o the l nl oi Lnll the next susslon llleicol toy in hill at mwrrt ireni hnr liti-x- hnnu. .tnhu nrederiulr Aluxandhr. ot the Clly ul Toronto in the county oi \ ol'k nun Province nt Ontario. on [he srounti oi desctllon uuei udulleryi unietini Toinlila llils xiii. tiny oi Augusl An) 1920. ,t. rnheih titernnner hy her soiieiie . AOHINL TTE, annmav. PHELN a LAWSON, I lng .SibOIlCJiE hottie ill" I inquired, stained hunt-nth ih tIH r. nuti wt lot Georgi: ilowson. n rut-uh re. . hug on int h an the 7th litre of . nt hunt, \vtis triati hy Pttlic Muzklriite ilruutou yrslertlay on the elm-t; uh pointing it izttu uutl llll'l his io niioni Miro-i .. ., . in tiny street. - . ltin hii i-il tunn. uh . _ . 7 Toronto. us that he ltzlil truuhi, Linn. gl- Applleullon tor-airtime '" n ' iiu'rici; is IlIEI'NW Klun thut John . "Glad" I] Hlt Olly DI Tamnlut In [ha ' ceuniy n York and Prov n at on. Into. n '. \gm {pa}! in {In P?!- llsmenl at not a o v tents: msnnn y u "n therent tor n hill at Dlvome mm his will) A r itoinen, or the um city at Toronto. in the County or 1er in the mvlnne'ol nll o. all [hit ground 0 Idit'llery'md lon. - . r . - I luv - mind. i Tumult.) this itih thy nt CONSULTING ENMNEERB THE E A. .itimzs a.. no- u. M. Procter. a, It. as ' Mun-nu. 38 Yornnu: Slit To'ronlo. mm British. J'M Waler- worts: s werrirr Systems, lurinrtniers. Schools. puhiin "dis. liqusinnr. it, iorien. Armluuanl. lrll hliiou. cur Feast pitta out v oi the nitma) we aim: nd inlitnldnted him Ililu Hiinllng it inch-nil ln {ullr \Vliun Clul k girl ieuoy lin uise nickoti up the r . to hurt iusi annual and run or . the dtior with new it tiller tiiim will] u shol. gun, call ll! on him to's'lop. Clark anu'y tve DOBRO!) IQ Pbu inl v -' with your ringer- t. MLony mention. rott earn. or corn between lhu tops. withstand .IJI callus" hum banana 0! (col. . ,n (Inf-hpo ot Prouan sort.- little ll my Artur not: on V drop: noun mthom o nut run. The nJor tutti D wsonjito hn ti rttniiyvli gin hllrllni. they hora: 1!? .i like ionl nnti nilg lll. to you'll humoth serum on}. huvu Ma, hood tgxaminedr lnd'ler Jinn-ignition. r3 Ellwlmtiul one. him 80.0 wspanoii so I no: mmym'r mull! 52nd mono. , .k - V power. it' Ill: dust t urn men mmen whnrevtiih In hiitni thu em or men, _ . TORONTO

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