Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Sep 1920, p. 9

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plunder. {5113", I ' arsdutte 'l anlo [initial-cl y l ' ply llouredsurpeon~ y " m Western liospiiel . i E. 2] Assistant uhlcw .aye W Mme anti Thrott Hullle _ _ ildtznl Surgeon )lonhnlmn Ml- . 5 , Now voilt umny nnd ultgmlm V l'lloiic po. Dr-"Iiildll'l l T r ' plain and-Baluon Slug rlcwmhrllot. r I , p, p. RUTLEDGEr DENTIST, V lleizeuley l'ileutl, kiihr i I . in ii DY 'A non lllcl i. UlIlJI Neural! 20 L I on. a. w. OTTO" .- I siulun and Surgeon Ill:wmnrkol. Ontario tiradqu Unlvcrslty of Toronto. late nonior residurlepilyslnisn ecleu linspllol, li'llll hirer. Mos. r : ties. - Chm l liunli at. Olllce iItrurn: lo.:ld.i2; 3,30 is / Dr. 8. J. Boyd. Pl. Bl. lo - t-.ln hlcdlolhe oi Torah li'e elseclcuntiuieml lliel nyal : mllelw oi I lolunu and member oi pysi Gallons at Surmnn oi ens l r'erlner eliuleol esslslunl in due Eye lieshilul uud thriller. l, r, less. l-2ur. Nest nnd lllroll illsplltl, l.indon.,r;uslopd, eyes Tented. alsue'es Buupllnd Tclephoue lio. v hours LE; BERT .GREEH: pAINTl'rll AND DAPE lillltoliit, 5. 2nd house irem Cohen ti . Newmurkct. I MIDIUE OTODKJIF WALLVFRPEQI en lrsnd. , I Phone 280. ' Pl 0. Box AOL OA nDA LIFE slimlle 00- tl. P. Hiram , I lut i ourottnnut lit: , , Wires. oo. nl Vork. , E c-Bnilk ol~ Toronto Bulld- muclng, notslord BL, opposite Market. 7Pliolili still. ll. o'rourrm. - Net-(musket. Yczcllnr u! Piano; Value and Vice iln. Garner 7-5 hlusliinl lrlstrumcnts r linil Repairs. Plano i'unlgq f I A tibr Gulumhln r2 ono , aliphnphonos nnd ooordul I Camplolle Etookl I'rnmhlaelwloo miss ltonA McKuwoit, Opticlun. lll maritime" wlth s. o. MCKEWOH. Jeweler, Park Ave. nowmsrilct. o_. w. wtunlnnm, nil-tiller Eollcluzr, Eta Neli'llui'ltcl oln eer in null or Toronto uulidluu, next otimlllnn'l nest hsta e ca._ In liawmuk el 6V9, Ely 6"00. I Thusrlgnyil not let Olcol lione ;o_ . annlg tends to homes itcul astute. Furnaces: Work - Pluniliiiig I Eavetrougiling Hes tho Enthralled Built. at in Elm Tull LEADING 11mile Milillillll 8t Solis 1"le To EHITH'I Rm Let Us Slit) You i ell 0' linrlil . . \Ve nsk Fall to iilmlno lt dart-hilly. ldalller, slllolllng, whims. lllll~ll r Ytlu'll line it Ml. mill-ll in etcry parllmllar; 0 ll w- our priee Mlli nny, even the sll | l"1llll Ill ln lil "film" llill ncsli. Y ll not our. the lowr-r d you lloow unit you he soiling ll ddes. Fred. Nottingham. drew-rial. Shah s Gilttllilglie I oi stillness rrdning schools is Inlillsd Inc all Ilqi . I'll! term irsrrl this so. With. Asemr w. ill int, Iruldmyr Voila: A deemed to... Tmrlla. m IlI GIEI'S , c A'SJ'D a l pl Deni i u "d' "l .' iirsrilord uud w. Owillimhllry nitlcloll poun. in sun in uiia e'our'i David Millard. drawing gravel. l'pyulLl hr. won t lie till. nuellel by Gillian , Muslin: inunlillllellio court wt: doulrle with: tits 11]! , Doll sllilc' III II 0 [ll A twinning Iturleisn. ~, ' irrgthe Junlnl- Plano Contvui'nl ilrolilp lllliillun,'steuiey title . ten or ilev, c 0. [Juan ol K43 le tiled ll lulle pl anmnrltel lllshlSollodl, wun llrni prire' Mid' wee praenleti ou , l'ntlnh'rliy lileiillre'cloril it Jim Ex- llitlitiell with it lelycr lirolreu.liedni liltitley is muslesl world-r slid r irl-islli,iulursl Llcl vlllm. I V mill. to ll. ln. cisilii tluelihs ill the llllurd linoll ' r . it n. m l'liltllti worship, Theme. The cllephe d ililtlrrlsi I ma ll' m. undny Suliuol _ 1.00 p. in - lllrllt: worship. Theme. i, must dolilaslouu ' tlltlilg ill lite world end it only remedy." . ilev. w. L; tLuwgtuec. poster, Msthealrtoltulch. r .: sulrdilyl Sept rmsrsm ier the-aid Day at h nwulurke rnlr. sold, ltitli, tropes 0! Hill Prize Mill, II should Null 2.1V) I ll .or 'i ipt 2.35 urr printed ; nut! in triers . Cliililillnnvllred ulydcsdele ul~ Shirl: not en, octlonj hini Prim should reuii gill/DD 'and not trends to tile voluo 813,00 l pr, led. . lll uddliion ld .lllo',many a|lmnllollls ilireidy sdvurilnedi the Mill -me_nt is orrsnslilg ior e trout ollll'llu .xlllllllldn ui lturdle huees ou lo Ier lpsl doys, Scpl,'23 nltii 2i . t nrlotlels. ,H; V; . unsollnu is now up- to tilt. .l tiooi evoi ilillgli here come again. Mr. hchewon, Park Ave. lldh dilu, lricd lhc size oi his Jewelry slam,- to meet irhireiurins trode. , 1 Tlle very hesvy will. on Saturle llllqlll settled llleiilewerri on Main gt.- l.tslllniplr slrueit.a.poie <0" llamlkllxi sire tllill splintered it to blame, it ls eaid that Tlisnitilliiylus Day will llkcly he on (letsilililm .. "l luvllu your irlends froth ll dislnnee to nlnke,thsi proposed 'vltll Julius the h'ewnlnrkel Fall ilelr ulld llllin leisure, them an edited lthlll n. ' The it. v. 0. 510m opened up ill 'i own yelllL l'il-IY. roll Fair. 1020. liurrie , iitslvertull . ...oot. iii-ll .Oot. i und 2 ept. it sod 17 on, n and ii ,Sepi. 22-25 .sepl. ii-ls .oei. 7-9 .Sepi. 22-2t .SBDL lo- Io Still. all end Got, l act. l2 end 13 Oct. M unri (a , lost. 5 Cnokstuwn . l Lindqu liendnh lilurllhltrn Newmdtkci Ottawa Sulteir Welal Quechsvllie Shiloh-there Udall-t . . v i Woodliritilge Vork oaunly rlumsr [Vllnl ill use out oi eisili eiosres in the Jodelus Conlpcllllo'n wliisll closed it the Toronto Egtllllllllon inst srdsy, York Ctlllllly isrmers led the iieid. Out at lllo l younir mon wlio llatl entered. 223 went through with the contest. end all all times the competition was eel-y kcenpwilll ry credit-due scores heirlu turned mentynwe counties at mitosis oer lic'oselileif. e m i Um udBll'lig o / lenvy lers s, oi rl ptlssillie seere ci 200. 0, hi. ulnyter, ol h-ewmnrlrel msdc irrs. ncei collie ludilinrl we won hy E ii White at \vililetilie, with isii. Slalir lei While at its enureeintte marl. rim-onto. my up in ill the tloir) entire ('13: V 056 [\ildi sllil rt! ittlgolrzy \Vih ilrsl u the sheep Judging with lot. v out of n pnslhie 'iOD in the poultry clsssl Us 'l . Hnilcixby. lll lllllnd CrPek, mode 255. end i- ll. iiownrlh cl 6 iluronunie nt-emlo, lnnlnto, 252. eeln- irls stlcuntl rind ililnl respectively. AL leu F. unlslopmiorlilmn. scored still out at n possible not) in tile groin, and roots {:th5. East Gw tllimllury Counch stinrnu. 'epi. ioth, 1920. The repulse oleeililig ol the liunieip. ui council oi llle Townsllip 01 East Gwllhudlury wus held on the allow: unto. ulll the members present. communication horn iicelsc ureel- en collector. with] bonds ior line, which, on motion at Mr. iiii-llorrisen, were EVDDDlCU 1 s sstlslnolory, V 'l'llo Treasurer was entered to ply ' allowing: _ lllellt. 'rlnsdulc, on ppnlips so. 500.00 George King. work on ldemnd. I tote ail-at. can. a . . sine Din'ld stuliles drawing ldi'ltligc 2 r (LDYerllg . s . c l . - e I y D Newulsricel Era, sd.Vnters lilsts 2.00 Fred Case, wort, on resti- .. 3.00 Dir. i, can. 2 l- loyii Cuniilnghnln. Brink bu lien. llillillilg. ll al. a . Div, 1. soil 2 . m. e, on us . Willem was pass 1 empowering the cow dull Treasurer to borrow lullds iur crrrylng en the business oi llle Township until the tours sre eel- leeteo. izoulrrll luiaurued to meet on llli1 willduy oi ilel.. at i p.u ill tile lloli rerun. A. l\. Mbnke clerl. W l b .l lotto 5,50 ,rAc-onrdllllg lo the Montreal city x directory that oily now hes a unyulll , lieu oi 301.2 ). l ig n the 5th est oily on the cell neu . Inf-afl'ile Print ! 0! \thles rimmed Acct puieo. on the Western cell-it ei ilexieu. Dll llursday 0i Hill week. 1 : Merl, our. Government ordered all [overni illellt hulioings lo ily the urillttl "as and "naive "I! Prime Wllli "In \IMII ssiule I .l llirlldilillouoillls Divl on . ll. l5 lllu ' 'lohs, tile Metamucil-Lulla- ' ior ta'uhedlo, herdsotmqesk'nlnt. minimum , lesion-mole wdmmnvnwwh8217;lmd u. Or wOnL' in uvdlmtblduhi unison mutrdllllnehdmmntu in . disordered dilation; WW end tmnmipcinnillhcurnc,necwoatl would hint .t in, with tiled one play drudlermthcrinttthcydld mnoeocd. i then their Piano'- linoleum use use lliixcd p hill-l;th lookmunh heliernndiui Elm Iwiilrornmmcodtll o to sit nine-inc e- 1 dial , Mm MAYBELLE n1 chiming Ill. o will. be Heise- [nullde nerd: Bu dol N. Y.. lair concerned Idvloe'In/l you will twain w: modlcal lamina al I modding whollyylthnm [co no chino lhllavu.. ' E 7 l Damn uiionEo TAKEa TIME Ono Fnrmor hu sailed It liy deitinp up nrl Elealrlo ulster. . i Anybody who knows onytlilug'eliout lormiulg will tell ynu it isn't ditosctller the deiuol ilcld wot-ll or rolling crops lllut in nllorullHl's ills pesky chores willeil hove lll'lm done every day unil lwlee is dry, und sometimes three lluleh sully, .llisl. ill kocll the term soluti. . . , licrc llrs cows to tie milled nlsllt There is sioell Ll he I . There is teed to cm. there is wood to out There ls,dn lrllerni. ineilie Amuuul.t)f thel nollurlnlf Elna]!- oh work to do~iust routi c {wlllclr reps a mnn,ou the lump rom uny- iliilit until dsrll, end hetweep time he lslsuppnled to he tickling the soil with a plow er hoe to mike it print; iorili load ior some iozy bird in the city in out. . when you u/Jllit; lo imllsltler how much oi o Inrilicr's time it inilcs lust to do tli c illlle odds lllld ends ei daily elroren'thal coiltrih- ule only indirectly to loud production, and how lnucll man power it toilet to do it every day, end llow melee hired men ere, you my lich willil il suvlnlr it would he to liiivc power trendy in do it ior you. This is illolilly nllsui the term or \Vllllllill ll, sueiraue out at Lellayu- ' lust eu orulmi- sort oi kil'm, lis hundreds you'll told in lilst section. where ll rrlunund wile wcr'e grinding tileir lives out nnd eoullln't seem to set uheudyery {Min . v . done, set his ilrol .uivwe'rlrrie ilnd ll there wasn'tsome way to tulle mast i'li tiini hor. uorll nii his shoulders, it were mostly mecllunlenl prunrspes. lost routine. Ui qulrcd must rrrucll hralnsilllst llersc strclilglll an not much ol li. ile neureddlie must he inmeehenper source at horse power than his urine and thei he was wot-Hi ten much as a msneser to moire a mule oi himseli pumping wsier nnri grinding contend dolor; pesky lliiie Jabs illul took his llrne and strength. So he lent his eyes open sud prettyl soon he read nhnul saint-body having on electric motor run s milk separator sud n Iruzzsi\v, , "ll o ihoier \vlll run a sepsrdtor null l l hues-saw," Nasalle \l she rene, why ciln'i it run n pump unit n ellurr. and corn hlicllur nnd u teed grinder and s milking ninelllue ? Arid (or ii t mutter, why can't it run the wii wdsiului msclllne sild writich l" Alld he ioirnd a motor could do ll. The i -mer looked into the mailer mill wound up hy hitting omubhlly install :in uuliit at his place. You se , he s an the main line at Irilvclzirid there was un unriilnol'izlal line he on id tun it he lied on his term, it laund he'd ' .to make ll hiniseii, But the out t they 54" up nudity ran lly . kerosene. Til v have some sopt oi cuisine that uses kerosene. and this engine turns llitl thing that turns the dynamo or whatever it is. thnt utilises the current that 1.1an the trust tress. _ Well. niter u spell when the con- lricsnee set to working seed and prom lighting the house and horn and it nu nil lile chores, own In milke his the cows \lr, shelmue gured am one rainy day that it took less kera- sene to do the wars'itlsn it used to little Just to keep ills lantern lllied and the lumps that used to he hurried in the house. Now, there's s tanner who used his hralns. There is no end at hoot, breaking lohs Lllat esp he llilrd all n iarlner's shoulders, these Ihlngs which require mere Tullay oi muscular ei- vears sis-o tunnels put in horse . end hsd tile leum uniond hay whirh ior centuries used to he l'lllnlied oii lry trend. The thins shout these little chores. the pumping water, doing the milling, doing the istnliy wdsllllllq. illihls the lamps and such snllli tolls, is that they seem like such small lucnn quenllul lrilles tlini s men used to ih st he would look lerrlhir lazy to gel n machine Io do it tor him. and a wnrusn would he pretty shit less who couldn't gel out the \nslilng [WHEN usmo" w l LEON .53 FL?" 943?; l as there used to he. tizwl hummus: o! DUKE ov'oonml tlcllt'v WMOIWIEL Viile lunllt i .lli new end dhcltlislwl lmi'lmll oi lile lluke oi iieuntlrulli, uncle oi King 3 '- .. .l orsc elui lol-llic r ueveluor tlenerai oi muslin, ' Tile llulre who'll '10 yes oftlell villi lndlu soon M llm reproseutnlive oi the king, i His Vlilll will lake- lliu [llama a! (lit) Dmllnalzil pulled, _ V- I 1, olil illli till] 0! liliy maulillic. llui the point is there little incon- suliuenlill jollli yr-rlurlillgiy pile up. 'l'llltrli are not us many inch and lriryr unei alrlli urolrrld huliledo run and retell :- pull til water or lum the grind- ptoue or pump water m the washing Lois el tllelu urew ill-ed ol the monotony at it uil nliti out the the city. where they might loud some muelliuc not seen iry power. slllie. visit ill llle Pilnne el wrlles \ylilch hilt been'voat- Ins llin'l wllut ll Mull lo he. The lady lust nusllosvn hilllou'on the hour with her lqu tied the runs the sowing New, sit this lln lrlnrlnlnlg. .iuhl llvlillg ho is lo muxe ior-rides potl- iiot it is slrcllllih lroin hnck-selrlhs John ihut may he employed or git-alu- nud ruore ililporbthl tests on ralelliK the road quFly/Ol the has lion. . sllurrt llllle'hull mr machine ior her. It In saving lime and which hesr dll'eolly offers y return from the' Pre erred Stock sridan opportunity through the Compton Stock' to partictpete in-' the elipansion of a well ostublished andprbgress'lveCanadianindus't . Write fc'r 9U fully descri ing this investment. I bOMiNION SECURITIES . Momut. v COBBORATION 1.1M, mp , i nun orrtcll TORONTO n NNO Inn verve-limes ital mutants. that silllllllllll lllllllltillllllllllllllillllllllllhlliilliiillllllllllllllldlllm Electric Electric Hot weather .oods 7 Tooliltei s\r ": irons 'v Think it! Hit: "\l K! sheiruue sell dam. ill ouutrlr'ul c which let Farmer tor lllm by that burlis kern- lrd hluker cleat'ic power. When he liets ilere is the lump [5 without oil, , When he sets turns on mom light. on the Wider til it inD lu :l'llere lit no struggle with the'ehltern purllp lliui ilocds-prlmlnlf. ' Then he sees in the hero with trlr milll pulls. drieitler hullon ilshts the owl staple tucuum pump st worli lit: acts the nut oi hell in the mornan ho sham an the electric light, up {ulnllllulg Ior u mulch to "Kill it surely lump, null then llmllltl; to tho-r kitchen, ire Then he tums vault and starts the mlittihs uiuohincs. lnhl account lIllrlrler Shelmne wns Without it lilrcd luau tllen to help him he mlllls lllllliluli seventeen cows. the lot in lees than all hour, iioud ll d nllikor Wlld can Inllk ten cows al hour at the lidsh at the neu- suu. b When it comes to commit: the milk, ileeerlrle ir ills power with Illu sepsro. tor nail the eronm rind. slimmed milk rectlveshannels \vllll- out rclililrlm; one perneli to turn while another pours in. l The electric power Ko Into lhetr're does the wlitllc business: all ellurniull rials ileeor lueels the * it used owny {mill hlu iieid hitrr l eillrrh with the power to 1.1in 3 "Ion war-ll up hour. ill more to weril li lulu q lerulhe nutter wo d w n it heeom nene weed. ii is nu~ iilpger'ille- old hlu'k llrodlliulg llu minler use his winter-s llllzxit ".II . she and test ight ior shout. out, drown end it 'iu'llc . lira hnuris rli' itu l-rr _ saw-hues this do; nul inlet up" supply oi ilrel, silo iiipl; time is n critical schistml llo il-ieit is la wait until the euro is Then in at it .____.,.o 0.... VIE IjAVE nE'rrm FEET. 7mm min GRMIDPATLEMTII A Illlllllu! generai_ onec hold. "nu army at cnlisllmpllvoe, with sound leel, enirld.oulmnrrh. nlliiast and nulllKlll nu army at giants who had blisters on their heels," This sounds nhsurd at ill-st reading, hut the moi-ti you \hlnk ll over the more you are convinced at its truth. A prominent Turento' tlrln reeculiy had to hran one 01 its slur soienmep in 0 Hit: mild. and IQ pul him at sumo uulmporinui olllee wnrli because he had it illinler- lln his Ileei l 'l'ilis msn hlmlzly cauld not do his work until his ' sol hack to normal. This sounds like s nioedrlr edltluo oi the legend at ilrc oreeli lsuli, huhtlie whose mother, you will ll mtzmbor, l d him by the heel and dippe hdirn trend iirsi in the river slyx lllurdly rendering him to. except. lhl: lchl by which she had tlelilsillm, it was that vuluerallle spot that ilnsily csuscd lil~l tieieet ulld tiealll ily Ferns it t not rieee ry to El) hack lnnhy lien or in lmd the results at im- prdllei-Iy made and improperly iltled boots. The test oi our grandparents hud to uceprnrnodste themselves to shoes that did not lit, hunts that were Illo short or loo'nalrowgllr too wide. out tillth lldvi: happily changed tor the hotter. ,. the to, at l . proscul genumtluli re developing under h aithy and nor -nitl tmntllllilnm' his is due to two reasons. Flint, coriudieh lndnuieelurers are rushing shoes at such a and to, at size, sh m. that every size slid ape oi tool can lie exactly tilted. niitlvllic pull- lllu is learning lhui it is not necessary by. M ind lie _ put tnio the site before. it i Hm mm mp; "V in sacri ce oomiolt by w: n5 stools _ Painters used to1 lilre silo-titling ouiilis lhnl w it nilout (llu country. la Ill; ldils ii They could nu t he. sl hit his ieit til the mercy oi the irosl e dull therc. s ill tin and must generally some inrmer vi too lslnall in order to nhtalu shoes nl neat appearance. This tery desirable state at uiislrs he. lleell lll huslll ullalll hy "ll: will, lilsness at tile people to lake tile ud- .viec oi the retailer as to ul size where they iluvu electric [lnwur all .mil shops or shoes to iluy toi- eerriiotl. their turn they slurt the cutter and res: nrld lens was illower go u when they get ready andl nut deals .\i shutrone lltiie lllrlrll r "ml is lie iier OVER 1:000 WNW so it tiers ell. than .i hired mun. ihlt llii' ilusy huu llesloeled, To sa chore oi dilly tilting lumps, .\i . sh etrune has new. W. - in THE WlLDEnHEss lie lmr out hrerl nothing oi the, . nnd cleaning Ilundrsd taillight lists united in lo mes the cost at kerosene, mid, A~l dimer. is iuunul-r til slarls wort; when she ore es the to iiou unliuuili 12. Fiiieeh out the village at . wandered tnr tilderni-ss slid the Kirszii, ui do a in l trillion. ilmi n ci- hns a tired hut , unnllnrted mountains ill the ill my nl Ilial will ulk as tests and nover ally n electric washer is luxury. lam; :is the wan I "a" word. so huge.- s clly , \Vllcn Moll (Linn may llin't . illl liiilcncmiorll puns-r nlalll of its own, They report having lost lolloln-rsous hy slarl'allon one other all lllV. . MOOSE 'o pre lit is with honor unless it l'lio elleh imusell-ile can he independent ol_ l; }..l..orlclily sillsll. 'TISIilllg, ' Tllen (lit?ch llir vacuum clmiiPr, whirll sill-is up the house, cleans the in 35 rugs and err on. \\'lilc is his Imamwlliclr Milo): . it gives Mia Sheltone sil the more And even time me her sewing. , m AncHlves OF ON I s . .ii l) d \lliutterlui "ring that (isn- du organization to provide illul hlng set-rice tor the poorer people liul host hi all is the running waler iu lllum Mme 1m 3 "0 "595- h electric power msiies'pos'sllile Nol to have to pump elrry drop used (or; cooking and woshll nut to have to lug dud edrry [tall aiter pail lust electric terms can Seventy-live cents u tlsii is the charge tor a Victorian Order nurse on amount which sures llle sell-respeel oi the inmlly ulrdbie to employ on luilcgeur dent nurse. The annual report dis- closes many tllnussucs,oi visits inr which no money. or lsry little. was ew received Wm WL AL-I-Ilalr'n'wuh mt- llle 'I' v - * Photo rewrite chromed. the Iwylhon step o! the pictured Bush-ll, TM, . TAR 1. \, \I Electric Washers Electric r .. Fons. Refrigerators, , . Scrcen 'Doo rs lcecci-eam Freezers, - Scroani'dowo Hammocks,- _. L_ Rubber Hose. Perfection Oil Stoves and Oven i Willis anl, AMEHME 0? LEAD, BUG fur ' . __A.r__ - it . all it lwlllll i l r duce Her Taxes --Pay Her Wait Debts - -Kecp Workers Busy " Make Farmers Prosperous By Selling Her Surplus Grain, Fruits, Dairy Produce, Manulactures To the Nation: ol The British Empire The Key to the mullet . Z . ' Ships Canadian Ships The Navy Leaglie ol Contin AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY AND ALL KINDS OF FACTORY MACHINERY REPAIRED AND MADE EQUAL To NEWl ,/ We Wold on! Iron. mass, llumlnun . Emma. 8106 , [I llth and other insists, We Ilsa do MARINE OOHB IURAL CUTTING. . l I GET :YOUR CARBON REMOVED] vBy-Our Process, 500. Far (Minder. . we lire located nut! Remy to: Business . QPPOSIZTE CANES FACTORY" Nniv'uiliuti-n'. . __ - Newmllrkel Wing '6: Citt ng 'r

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