Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Sep 1920, p. 8

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, s ' ll'nnulli klltm'tl mi . I I I , . (By ltollltny lit 'l'ti-dtty wu 3m! talking at golltliilti lly,90lllrcu, community clttirclien, animal, dniiiedtle dcleneo und irlvlng lquMI lnlJrnlllil . npvorilltlnk oily oi theso llI on he hetkrrqnltshed wit ut o govern "innit! imint. it uh lnl isovbnllzlclll. dcpnrtinent ttnd son It oi llllrt new man! its something \ l'y ni'lgilittl and ii hiding in the twentieth enn- tii itinl ilinro rhino In the lowii- 'ulllll tuill Gwllllilllitt ll"ly ' it ii tee norih or itnddy t'o -, nnu. ilnvtd wailnni hy innno. ill front the shitn ui .\oir A ,o Tl ll't ||l| it hi h d iraln Kliut tlrtit-iro. lii huiiiie-i wllll Ill strenuous lint-n iii i.nni .lng 'lie, tor n time. to It! -iinnt. iieint; hi it Mllgiullh it i oi niiud, tie h ennn' pi-enehor tor ihu ~ oi rhnids nt Ot-Hltltltlx Uullk~ tiii.t'nnt;n till-cot, h v y dli'Ailu tho iiieir. 1v01'iiltlmltitlt Lorrie niiods iiith the utilcllilt; lions litiltliilg o ' titty lt ulllrL 'i iiese t . he inn-h Sundry. mostly by or tennis tini-inutiy xpcih-tt) ' t. PL Sindhi; or music were not nllowed nt tiisso-nieetinos. \Viiison lvns pn utilimtimly fund or llllisic unll 1w . dish-idly preneiied ndrtienting the 7usn oi hoth in their sorvi l- iir this he \thl! ioruudly xptil i rrtnu 'thu ehureii, he then Ill gmiiztiil the ,hody known its lit: fililllll t-il oi horses" or ~iinndetr-s," woruhip nt lll llllldhitug tittliin. Jlllill is log-house wns til-tinted. This snnii lincdmt: ton smntllnud ii int-gr. trinnr, meeting house was linili. 0n the iirrt iloor hundny snrrioes were held, llln en. ond'iioor was hired ior tin ' tutti tho hsnd to practieu . alsovtiie lahieu wore plorei .it tho lime at tho, toasty, i it reetlnp o Temptr- to tags so slrullz ilnd the soul aieoom o thnt the m'uuliutl oi, n temple wns hegun. Five lil sturdy work was client-fully t, by Lllerpeople (train 725 to into), tiring needed to oompi o the lion. phi. Far inlitnlloll oi the lltiiltllilg or Stiluiiiuli s 'l'elllpltl, llll llllillui \Vili propelled oi. n stout-e root out to. orther us meet. its iluisihli: with- out sound 0 h-nr'nnr- 'rhis teniplo is in. tlt-l'l'ul s - Jli -t y in it won. il CI lltl'lils. ll is built on n ennninniding spot ill tin, irotty little honitet rif strai on. it is sixty teet square und seven ty iitt- ll' t lIlHll, tllltl rniisists oi v sl Hl HIE twelve [luillei and tho seenini storey. 'llu'ti iinrni 'i'i-uhn-ri tii- twelve pilinr~ no d iio_or on outer vlilllal' , the tour supporting the third iioor on inner >51|\m|'( . inside oi these tour pillars is u henutirui nlior. synihoiieal oi the or linen nier iiuausmi his hrother spout o - whole year making tins ark til their own ilomnt IL wns min or lienutitui "hire-k walnut. Sn peeioeti- wits it it led that it was put together with- ont sound or tool or hummer. Al tiacll corner stood iornps oi gull]. 0n the stond inside wits it ilihio, Kind in a drim'enhlte callcclitiils tor ehorlty were kept. ' strvn wos hold in the meeting hm no livery Suiitluy ilavhi \ lsnil siteriiuon woe oi erred as a holiday. so that people could he prepared with the [lrtipt'l' sunrioy spirit. . i A Splriidld Clmll .t splendid choir Wits ul'tgalllletl in 1618 l at'lict: wall hell] in Illll Iiiill :Uimt , lhtl lileeliiig house :tlitl lands or young people would come i in .ior iiiitl near to nst on the ill 't'im Serv' es on lindtiy New ry popular on duculiitl oi the spiriniid choir. hhntl Nils ill slul tl lllttL wild or en ly oppice ted by the young :mlill. A music it it! 0MB lltin'lll ctl years old ' pl L-st'i all in the ltltllllle around which [he nltlsicl' s wtlliltl gather and rust ( llt itltihl l'll ' wtluld [iraclltm in ID llilll nhn lite meeting house . - A [led Leer [my Christmas was] red lulu-r tllty to this sect. in h dark winter inor . in: nnv'i'nn-z 1mm: ctr al-utn'on. i illll \ lH'li [Splittin- arid) I _ . . nlni ripple l wet'o ioiuothlnu. w tjrlnlnnyhdg. Eneh porwillprtld li eehlti tor the tenet, lhB lg irredior riinrliy, , ' Newt-r Dried Sunday , r 'l'lle inniplti \vns l|(_lV r used oil liniidriy. niid \V ll used only ililoetl titties a v or; On the iii-it. Ft-lduy, oi the tip maul ottlio II t mitts wns li ii lld lllllhu . t id \lll Jllllc [to tenstoiitie turnover wns llnhl, utso on cliri. ~ inns Dny. - I . Al. tho lime oi the trust. tiin-tcni- ple wns ttluniiiintikt wlul itu citritllitt i- lnslilng with "Kill. lt ms lnoked oii tvilii iovn alill'ltnpe dry on illi- enplo or miles around, 'l ho pen would asueiiihie lit the meeting iiuiise..tiieiil led hy the hand, u. lg to Illedeiiipt Up the curious eui nd tiltih'tvity i band would do ih the s end storey ullll riltcourne sweet nuts to t leopln. llurore llnl iii-ll weio l\\0 trillion ilii \VlllDll tile iitlnrhngs wri piper-d. l'ln- , newiiilt - rttini, nnu .l lli otter- linit tlu poor islil vt'lzll and money with tent at low intoi - t to help newcomers to gel u stti ' lrst l'liie (It-anti 'l'hti pip m ll used in the meet- illt; llnuw ill Utll'lliully [tl'l . vctl ill lhu lcinlilc. H was littill iii Sharon, ti - iiist pipe orgnn in Upper Cup. llllit. it was built by llinllnl ll Collins. \vltu with) llullllilltlslnr ill the British .triny undoi- nuke oi Wnllitlgtnit nt lllt! lltlllle ti! Minterltm. llltnpll) the hunt sltlt'led it ct'illtllm y - l'l were lltri tlitys lll'fm'l ll! 41-3 or ulltlfit'lakcrs. A titer in -iuiiy preserved upun wlllvll llitlll) lllitlics were cart-ind la the Cl tlllvlm'yt it was raised to he :lll x! 0f ftlm tub and L'M'l'if'tl shoulder high. 'l'itlllcst Art) l't ehcrvud. upon widen the ti-nits \ re sprond are curetnliy preserved iii the temple. Young and old con- ' oil it to he n t honor to he ('[lclm tor the would hu waited ' . clothed in spots - wh to llttusl ioinh, will, ilnlzt- ln-rni initl - ittltl till: we lllllt l' lhtllt lllo l 'lllllll fill" denim it s tools st ll'l c lt- llll: . So Illa i-tl . 3 V lign ltll l'll til] .tcta llitll ill r tiled lllu lent \\'t' in talking ilhniit Sl/th'L one Iilllt- llliiltliiltr is pre tl llt'fm t! ull l tail was tl \VillstlllK' Si The lmtiplu was our. iudrd ll~ i retire. Olilsiile thr mir- und hntweeu the mudwny who the outer runrt inside with the on rut-h side 1)! the \ ils n door sinnirying that WQIcmlltl iroiii east, west. north niid sotilli turd nit were equal. Din-ill Wilson was the only preseher. he died on January mid. agt il tit _ For n tune tht iwii ti d it ML mm- 1 t it (3, Hi 51 mFElin (5' hold in than. g h I There are 0an [In P til the "with hm s "aw in . I). Graham, Absalom \Villsnll ltllt \li'a , James whyiints. The t- iple hos litre" litiuglil hy the Yolk Pioneer nnd historical Sun eiety and is hemp prost-rred in all is beauty. _' tionnininity centres only ho croon izod under gore noout supervision, but il XS (luublllll ll Ill ennui. let nione excel ih ')|'k done hy nortd \\"|lstiit in the \vnods nim hundirri years ago. ' tihilrlrrn oi l l'iil'ri sold all at proihiee on s roopernlive . . tip it liltth till) -r procession would he inrlilt-il tor tlittllly Yarkr 'l'hll build wtlllhl toad (lltt [irth'Osslml tionde would he lintiglil wholesoio tnni sold to the people at rest, tho huud tending the [irucadsltm littnk to Sir on in triumph. 'l lley wot-o I y tin- children or price, slwnys . lislteil, no nickel-inns or dinner. lt iiL Lawyers did not iinurish'in Sit-iron The u. .ct [minty eouid learn from, not L all, like Children or Warn of s N nlury alga. " 4...... tutm oltkt. FOR A Lil: LINE. inn dlelghlonds '0! people wauld coins tor ule morning sun to at it sin. ftnothsr sdrvics watld he held a it till, Alter lhls llll! feast would 11:9 held. (in: wnuld contrihutn tur. nys c EA ersnhsrrie , 'unnd kus aid with plat , p l The cold dty would turn- t loll excellent. mites. pushy hking tulrpe helping or [anal lurker snd yumm- nnu ' la pound colts "Asked the hoss tor s misc 1 . du) . Tom illmcl to V yesur keep my hero shove w, er. that 1 ms helm; .wsinped wllh hill sod wet in ttsiiirer ol solns under it he dl ' tome to my rescue." d l :ilwmt did he any t" ' l 'l old me it VNI s holiness he 'wnh running, not I ll'e- l .rliesrn to say "No," but never so ll unless you incur it. , ~ . ldrco _ I out snail-nets Y'f, ~k' i sv mid 7min! hut-9'. entity-canto hors- s, it In r-rquln u ioth. hsodiiqshsn . y H In orda u; under-turd wh qpm'. hnvo an lnuiliuo't that su-touly oi' ghom g the its. ta'thovlegnok. This pd/ V I edited the cotton i it uniting at three hinted: ouni nt > _ ' Inilho whole dtinlmtn tit troop to the him than, tnd iron: thy, heir to the hind limb in their rwnmtlvn lotto-air John... This hand him it brood dud-ubmonhtt list posterior n tbos Tn catch edge at :hls_nurise's,ti sh nohed'thy lininchluus ultnchm outl s' sill-til unmnwhnt lllnnaulnr-lhnped helm, at consider-hid llxo shove, where it urtieulster with thnhaheli oi the hood Iqlnlpnntl srndnstiy de erehneli in rim or it nxtsndn.dowu~ ward", becomtnx outta small. and terminating ln a rmnll homewhst Del-Imade nodule, it little more Ulln lmHhIrdl down the lust hon Theda nodules end no reudtly tclt one on each side at thornwlerlor - not A at tho large bonn, it In" lnt hu above the (htlneki ' A splint consists in s sohy onion bnlwonn lilo iorsn nod smnlt h'oues, iodummottoo is out up. nonsin hy concussion during Autumn , ohm cisiiy on hard rotds All a result at this ,ln nmmutlnn is mints in thrnwn out, and the iliumentcui tit- lschmont is destroyed. The orudnto , oi tna, soil it drrt, but. soon become. canvertod litto_ hoos nitd unites tho isryo and ms." honed by hairy union. An emnrsemsnt oi nede or' it sits esn,ukostiy be soon, whlch, in men cssos, nsdn niiy disappear: by lbharnllnn until nothiot nth noticed. Ind In msuy cued.cannot be detected even hy_ monipnisuo ,.si tho ssms Hutu lhs nit-mo thorn union hctwcsn' the hahcs is psrmuoent. Hones in house inst noes hits s spiiuirwiii always have it, pithcnxh nu vlsihit "any toms may hm diuppearcd. We once hear people only lhttt "A splints." thut the minus onlnrisehscnt nu up nsliy dthtppctrsd, but the unlon of lhe honed remains, tlu Iblnrnllnn tines not always occur. it s not nil- eommou to ohsorvo well lnurkrd npiintii In human or any site. in homo eases tho splint is double that to, no enlnrnmnnt is notionhlo on etch side 01 tho iimht in such tilu! Niels is usnslty s holly dayutilt extrudth across tho pcstartor suriocs or tho lnrka hnnc, ircio anti splint to tho other. Thin eitcn cuussu In irritsilon to ill cnusprnnory leamen l (which passed down this surtoco) sod chum permoosntrismooess, sontti ccldons ennro persistent nr-nelmnneltt thine. nElB. ' Eymnwmun ln many cm on ismcnuss is caused, The ltrrt lullmn- tion ntvmn presence at splint it tho uppesraueo nl' the enlargement. which nsnully annually dienppcnin. in other other lsmohess in we msrk cd, and is usually ckamcterlatlcl A horse isms lrnm.spltut will usually stood nnd walk sound, hot [I naked in in: or trot will straw well marked lameness, the head dropping decided- ly when tho tent at the sound 1e: touches the ground. Thu lnosehses is , alum nottced heidro there is any vine ihls enlargement. The/lamenesa is more msrked'wheh the horse trots dnwo grade, sod the intensity at the lnmeness usually-increases as exer else is continued, uentpnlstieh will urnslly reveal this seat at tho tronhlc. ny pressing between the uininh nod nger the line a! attachment hotyieen the hrsu and enroll bones train the knee downwarda, the seat eon ho to cstcrt hy the house tllhehiiiz when the seat at the trouble is pressed. And, it ssvoro pressure ho applied ha ntii ottcn reztr on his hind iers. The u'altal seal or splint is on tho Inner serious or the [are cannen, or it may ill! on tho nulel' snrisse,- or hath, sod is usually one to three inches helow or tower. The hind llnih is aeldnm sdected, hot when It is rho rest is nsurdty on the outer surtses. ' Tmtcoent.-i.ainenres is nsnnity present only during the lndsmioatory stage. when. thn osudotc becomes outdcd (converted into Donn) Ilte ln- lisuimstory action ceases rind isms. uees ditsppesrs, except the enlnrzc. ment he at snidelcnc idler or so sit- uued that it ti-rttsics Hm snspcheory iiysmeot or involves the inlet. uchcs trcstluent should he directed in way ln ammiuun rs promptly ss ooislhte. Enllnt lameness ulnally appears very suddenly. A horse may do pcrteeuy sound sud nttcr s rest at I vIrlnhle dnistloo when taken out to an" again, only show the chursctcristtc symptoms notod , 'rhc pallent should he stvco per tcst real, sndthc seal or the splint should he nhnwemd with cold outer llequenuy, or nounded icc kept to it tor a tow days, This will alien be tit thst in neecsesry. In other cases isiucness is mcre pcrslsicnt.,rod it is necessary to apply it human A httsicr some at one drum csch oi hintodtdn oi mercury sud csnthsrtdes mixed Illa ordinary viii will MAI-IIUY SEMI s cure. in some crises it is necmrf to hitster the second time (in sh onr s martth In rsrs cores on operation hy is vetsrtnortsh is necessary. \thn [antennas is not shown it t- s eidsnt considered necesuiy to treat splint, ss'tlls solute-hem nanny. dmduuty. disihpesn. wtthpot trest- H. anthems o. A. col. 3 udlo 'ro tr Sweenl ris' lihl ions hi ir blah Mm on impressivo gesture the Vinita: idem moving liclul : compony,"~no sud. - Ytiu are kn utnr'l" asked the rum. ' ' , "Yer," , '- u! in! inch-lent: with"; with. A mnknr ssdnsu 'sthoits In Iha visitor's eye is he replied: A without 'utdjeucea' to mini brougm ehml" . lrgtiblq it ,lit nocqu to ' 1 ti: nnn Mn (EMF ham Mel- serco yours nid never has . this sriics tram the loci the knee, but may he either higher ' Irlth one tit. Vaseline/anti applied in > Hid pNPl-ltilor ottno lmrstudlui I - would llke m static is place tnyour .._= enisr-ncurt-5M ow ACIVE PM t' ' .With 1' gal- RFlin'tEti for a yery small coht, you nan, dad thlee yew layers of dtrong fabricto the or tilde of tilt? tire. This reinforced and strengthens it,and piei'Ians fab' t: Breaks (mm becoming blowouts, ._ la Relich ih_easily'applit;d Witha little cem. Half an hour of your time is suf cient. Cli'y pref ', your rcpdirlilan Will apply it er yoii for a small service charge. . V'Any~ Goodyear Service Station andeos't (in: rcpajfmen call supply yo , NlT by unit, and [feature by feat-a _ ure, a comparison shows the Grayu Dort to be bigger or stronger or better than other light cars. The motor is bigger, with cooling system to match; l40-pound three-ling pistons; Westipgltouse starting and lighting; big axles; long springs; deep upholn V stery; llanclatailorecl top; side curtains i i opening With the doors; Thermotcl brake~linings. Arty man who will take the PR CES ' . t'l ouble to measure and weigh and test the I V gnils of light cars will be able to see and feel V tlie value which is in the Cray Dort. ALL TAXES INCLUDED Model l5 [Regular $1,575 , 15M Specioi shits "I 15D Lee } $1,862 10 Roadster $1,575 All flotb. Factory-r Frnlglyt Dilly Extra 1 I This value llasr'macle sales so rapid that you should see the Gray-D9 dealer'at ,once to . line sure of, securing your cat. K. N . ROBERTSON, .Newmarket, - - / I a i, . a w. JOHNSTON, Stilton West. , , - ' i 0. MW, Zephyr. iR:.s,"l.,thTh . clam . omnqu TORONTO

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