Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Sep 1920, p. 11

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, The Fall; Wheris Men $l0.00.and:: counsel impatiat tlato/ IN THE 1 IMPERIAL ianrm aLooIi, a=== Ic annId lulu auPPLIEa l- tlmi red tor G'l'den thirties. hitch at not used, nuioo carry-Out Pslts, , tried to Inst 24 hours. toe in this , . Anortud rlunrs. ALSO Itzn'pnumtrl nmcha. snulal Prlcas on nrauotit Drink: At. Fuunuln. leouzs, coilrzortouznv. IcEuanAM' Mm sonny Mtllt and cronm. W. R. .CQWIESON holsrunl SL. new the Illsrkol. ME ldlhl wllon Inpa- (It: and dlnnultdn hur- becoma acqunlnud with our nrrso rs, l uMlli" w. llilt hits thlr, nut-ts Iuri livllL our pulry ll Allt i rcmnsnlon tor the "an mlntr paninn tor "I. "nut rliul. I: I. he ly given that Hllel Qilbrillh 0! till: [lily 0! Toronto in the Event) oi York nnd marines or use , the villa at William lintbmttll. 'dltl leY in II! I urliuncill 01 Clnlldi the nail nesslutl 'lltereot [or I Dill or tumor irom her hushond, \vlllinin lf'llllnltll. 01 Ill: Clly a! TDroIlln tn Illk'. l.tIIlllly of York Ill the Province of Dn~ mo. lln tll'; gmund III adultery and Kiallr D. b .i Tarolttu this with dry at August. A. 1).. my. v" r "i with 1 turn) n n. RUBINEPN B, comm, PHBLAN d i v LA .* 1w tiny Slouch, - v Toronto. V in 'out tin-auto binned r, for... . Our. stou [lull Liliilll NlEWS. Apouhle Humor. .brcot mill Gnlllt: In Ncwn 'rliet next ultlllyia douhle hendt helwoe line's o1 'l'oronio in the 'I'owni 'l\\ (l and tour In iIlH . to see good hall Ion ohrlsllon Endeavor. i a The inemhrrs oi the otrol-e auni ,v purpose holding . Corn ltonrt at u ldl'm or Mr. E. Pall-tine, tenurot Nt- mnrhet on Manda) ewultnlg. Alll ineinln s are Inviied- also ill1ng n Iriend with _.___~t_.__ Another Addition / 'rhe uihee peololly Works are line 'uliutllur large building, iflx u on theirrre lines to he used as .l slot-oi, Ior dr) lltlliller. ell Ir, Io. ooieu oi till: on, side oi the i-in ilullliiilg. .Ii I. n. nose has the eon. tmoi. A Lorri Prue-Winn: . . Luet nununer the 'l IIlt' Dule ln'lunlilight Dullul') I Culllu alrtwvd 5,500 in prizes lor the lit-st \deowpisplnyr at llletr sands. in this All, ordnu Dlntts. son OI 0X -\ltlmlll:tll G. A. Illtills wits n contestant and Hum with. to tour or winning the $100 Mlle. The Judges m the task was s very dim- oull one, as every window ihol rlut tll- lled wo. good. Eighteen puree were nullity in window dressing, which is encouraging. He will do holler next time. / Penny Built. . The report tor the lnunllls or May Imtl Julm llas lust ueen Ict'ehcd and we notion that the school children at Newmarket still hold arlrant.uiaca'tn the matter of Itirltt. the versuo monthly deposit per pupil w s no, There are only seven plsees In the Do- minion that show n higher a yersde. The total savings tor iisy were (1235.73 sod ior .Inne 12.55. ,I an the auto or June there one In: sceounis open In the Fermi Dink M Newinsr-kel run the Intel on done-It wns $2,372.12. Ii hss horn In it mid "Save the pennies and the paullds will tune csre at themselves " Mnlllodtsl nlrulot Mouton. The Hall Meeting at the ministers ond dulegutes on tho lint-Item olsirlct, in uoiineollon 'wlttl lhe Methodist. chureh. eprned in the eliurelu hers yesterday morning, Rev. Ii. 5. well- wood oi Aurorn preslding. Retires enlaltves were present irom undlerrl. stroud. Queensvllle. shsroo, Aurora, Kettleny. Schnmberx. King Ctty and Telltpemncevllle. lrcrd were more Indy delexltea umu quulL 'rhs sea sioo was I. an up with ilnauulal .n . iers'uireeliog lhd Dislrirlr . In the silernoon new I' Bunion'dnve tan nddress an intern . on tollnwed by n Connecuun Center one on "Met . odlsni's nnrorlnnily', A Cnunellou-l nl Flz'lii lisy wss slso dlsonssed nev. df Boyv Coming. .th ISWelt Boots . elm; :lrl ullE 'tlall./ llulst].ly evening, Supt. 23rd._ IA lllgll elder Taranto arche m will] ownrded and Gordon drcw 3213 tor hit v even Yeai's" Business ,Eiper all 8 "Boots is 0mg tit :Su'iis getting low. "We arfevjiik I in. 1 ce'il'n. No I r Buoy-ts ... .....l. . I > I York have. Saving- Opportunitieuk't'iucl ljas are now ,Yolir's' 5 Fast, but we7still haVe / paired with Good ' Ftltltiv while~y0u have dig/Opportunity to do so." M $5.75 Boys? $4.00 School ( for Men s $6.00 work ' one for... . ASK yqurseif what you will. have to pay then. . 0. or F. Pyrulllllt house I. D. n. P. are lmvr Irur a social - mini; uemny. sum. Isl, All members nre requested to n present as it npn 1 program i ' rind no culuynllio liV'L ll no; In prnml. d. Publili Dancer , ,Irinngemonis are, heir-s made an n donor: to he held In tho. tldltlclld\v5' tolnlsh ihc 5.30 to l. 0 porn. iars l l noticing (Min) atch tor turlher unwind contesl upon in all school rtIIldrc-ii. 'I'n llm girls and buys mailing the host. Itch oi the .Innt luirrl we are going. to nil-n twenty dollars (cash) In prizes, rill dmwlngs ID bf: turned into DrD ll-V lllll'N Ding Start: Llde 10 n. m. l-' iii/my. Sl-nt, 25Ili. coll nl store lnr tns llonn. ' Fnrmnn Stout OPE". r Yesterday lllmnlng the u. P. o. Slur! tn 'cnnnirlrei o MINI it: doors to the. llul ilan pres led an lllvilillg illltli ill thiVe PFBn .tuCls. - i'llb Gen '3] . on gel- wos hrr iroln 't'ul'anm .nni ronurked that it was the host store III I had yelnun opened fly the ran... no on tho ro-unemlvo plon. sue on. nounrerneni elsewhcr surrodue court. Equities oi 313,550 In ieur parcels or real estate In East Gwllllmbul and sa,009_'personnily maku up the estnie at James H. Ilorr, n int-m , who died in Esst Gwllllmhuri August 1. ite tell the Income lrom his estate to his widow. Ml l. Emily i arr, Quesnsvllle. until Inn, 1. 1925, when $800 In to he paid to his son John. 3500 to his son Leonard, and 0500 to earn or his other top rlilhlren. and the (bikini! to his widow ahsnlulel) . JIy n will executed Del. 1, HM. .Inhn Kendrlu a retired Iarrner. who died In AMT March 7. iesvlns per- sum] prone y mined at small leit one-hull or his property to Ills son, Sun-lulu Kendrick. and s the Interest In the residue to his son. nsvld whose ehildren Inherit utter hls destn. Board 01 Trina. Altllolllztlt ihc attendance or the {list regular llleelin 01' lhu EGAN at Trade was Aluumintntlng, not mind thaliltwenty being present, the meeting was very interesting nnd encouraging. The meeting discussed plsns tor crsnling groster Interest in the siislrr oi the hoard one also considered his mo ter oi seaming incsi improvements. Ill i rl all present took part In tho disnuulnlls sud esnh save valuable rug. demons on the Iopirr presented. In the serence oi iir. It. w. hunter. President at the hon-d o! Trudi. Mr. J. F. its ey presided. , 'l hn round-s. the hilt resolu- ineeunrr ere read a?!) on rnnlicn ndqptad. v t , , wa recount one o! the Newmnr- Iret rirs ior ti. o, and. lire-other [or nosuse . use, wens ordered pun capl, nylon presented hs I). J. n. simpson offl u's got-o, In address. 1 rr . l m ulslriol hustling we: to no , 0- tlnued last evening In the mental? DI Illa olulm Slum loll. ll 'hy uls choir. lmplon.vt r or yummmvu cm tor In adorns 39m 11. s. Murine ' Chu ii a] outlining prominent so unusual; undid ring the caution Motor on mqu dualism, orlntersn to who human-rid mtuluomt,w or the low. lie, with! my! oxidant-in wont ' a com- ;n .. ly .tn , liq hodl en privileged to nltelnl mth sod hy pulilio men at d he hot! seen the client on the community lite at time lliuCEl-i. lln strongly mt'otud the idea lit a wilder prior to lhr address. ,jl lie hummi- hour |lut tho men to n hopny irame ol rnlrol to reimqu the intellectual hoot which ioilowed. 'l'llr, nutmeg- llon oi (Lam, urics wan supported by Mr. \v, r: hoisn Mr: K.ttt Mr Nes- lutt mitt he s . d in the hill was "loved or llir. Nesllttt annulled lly Mr. .IIorthnore that n committee ~nnslsliou to! .I. P. hart-er. \V. t}. Doldn and Capt. Bytes he appointed to arr-lan toe on opening meeting oi which n prominent allmkr'r will adore: the rnclnhers and lit which-in Board will he asked to undornc the ira ot putrin- uddreslcs. The, motion eorrled. . n ntlllt III In'lllrlll Ill ll it til, llrxl ion m; o the donut he would mum to introdu - discussion tor the or men oi a shat-rig rlnh null olhe plain {on winter ponlinics tor the yrluli people oi N ' . nix llnlt'n laugh! lhlll it was nnst llntnr in tlltll lllcm \\ <l5 no ute"! s l~ in}: link In lll\\l| (1 that Illtl cltlzclls tool; so ilttlt- Interest In the pleasures oi tllt young to Mr. M i'lilliurc had at Culll ah . plun tor a puiilhi purl: tor thu to n. The plan einnraeed l olry Lillie and the .silrr iodine urea and mllowed the contri- ol the. erreii through the s cclolly tints to a point north oi the Queen slront nudge, A general dis- i'Ilssltm took place on th s topie snd ilnolly ltln matter who Isl eror tor s later meeting I)! the BMW]. .\ir. Keith, Ecoralurr ol the Fall- Iinard. mode a strong nies tor the sup- wt or the memners or the heard or radc. he pointed out how the Fair was an important institution oi New- marl-:et and Ihot it was not getting the support irom the cltlzens that it merited. IIe aske'll Ihst ihs noard oi 'l ntle consider this matter earrinlly that greater suoporl may he Icrlhcom. inu when Pair time comes around again. The hoard also discussed the nistler oi Ildvel1i5irlg the odvsotsses at New- marlret and at placing the sell-ant. sgcs heiors prosneotivs nnnniroinrern. esoeeislly In the case at loose irom the united states. The Board adjaurned st 030 in. in, \____... o. Rom" OWILLIMIURV commit. TAKE Iio'rIoE 'l'n the Editor oi Newmarket Era. nosr st . i have men s snninirr resident oi Orchard Beach lor the pastnlnetcen nuts and may he permitted Io,muhe 3 Aug esuen lhst wttl i think, lie l henetii to tho general tuliabtlmlts oi Nnrth Gwlillmbilry, . Tho Sutton rosd run part lIlY uroiisriy to the tulle. sod Ins hsen used unt) this year very Ircduenlly hy tumors and their lumtllu tor plcntdur This yeor osmners were permitted to erect tents on this reelloo oi the road neerser the lIkE, ond these eminent prevented'nlloaetlier_ the Inc oi the rose by -. utnniouller sod general visitors. 'rhlorn are so low latices on the like that out no need by the den- ernl outon lor monies snd will that It :1 occurred to ma't oi the too/nun nusIu wiry well mot} balm hours oi thd md more rout, when pronto wind nhnnse. wd entail themselves-In this writer. .Thn wrote; onus nominate lu etiqu 1nd tho Dunn he at the lith on a tan, he n matter at any great moment to this rich tnwnshl and the unnvenlcn ) ontl lliunuru oiltuillcd would he w worth ulul Aloy i no criticise without severity the rodd throuuh Orchard llcoeh, l unusminnd the mum at looking ntler this mull hos Iieen changed, hnil it this ) cnr sample is or ally value or In Ill workings oi the new system. i would suggest that n change he made, The rod-I \ x no credit this 3 . r io tin township ouunrll ' ) lI-ul) ,' Yours m l rctl ,II. non. Ettilur'u Nails Gunslilurlllg the taxed paid the sham roud this summer his noun a Lila and the ulllnu 'r'hl done u unnuh loo lulu. W 800 FAHMER tUnDEHED lino 'selrod a? suspected of Chicken Titania when the t ntnl shot was Flrodr unite. Oll|., Sept l I. Ihoii. a prominent Jami. er ul st Ktll'ull ulltl part owner of lllc.lnl e llriekyai'll Opel'aLBd ' hy Jils- Elliott 6i Sun5 just Gill. tidn the ity limits, wos the \t0- tlln Of a llullel Elmrlly after eight o'cluL last night. and died in till: "051) di early llIiB morning. The man who limit the allot matte his escape. together with two young girls. Provincial con. Etnhlua amt lilo io al polica have , been scourlng lhn city and. Eur- . rounding country in an nndeovor to apprehend Mia suspnbts. Ono man is lit:an held as n ma. terl'al witness. HI: is the father at one at the girls, who is sixteen yenrn hid. he is charged with being on naca ssury to tile ascapu. Tllu OlllEr girl is [Ifth years of use, Suspected Poultry hlevas The tragedy occurred us a result 01:; {Mill misunderstandin' it is hellnvetl- Alter finishing l'llu days work last night. George FL liolt nicked up his n illk pull and walked erm the house toward the burn, where his math", Frank. had commenced lornllli the now. I wit the Intention 09 lending rl Iiuncl in the chorus, As he came quun a'few rent or the hard he sow, in the dusk. twn iieetlnu [arms handed towards him from a.)tl|l hack 0 IE barn ~ Naturally 0| -lous liljee Iivho could he wnn. dur ntmut lit Ilisllt ill ll manner, Lind mode particularly suer oiuus Because of the Incl that ho had heun troubled wllh mnrautleru of poultry recently. Elliott made I'll. attempt till hull. lhxtwu nuangdru tu ascertain wll they were. ' One oi the girls hrako awn and winning a Hate helix-try. run shrleklilg towards a liltiejgu at shunti Elliott Look the other alrl' near to the limited bIIrn land poured in lien! . EWtIIIxu-a mu doing tiara} .ho reputed whtto dlrlumunadl .- i ' "Ewing down the but .to'ur we a 'rovnlvvr 1nd onuoh u-b titumlllino a d. 1' v " 3 not - it TORONTO been able torQller . . . , . W . a.'Fuli Rang also Qualities, aS'guod as. when? we EiIZS Started this' Stile. with its ISliish'and Mud, so be -Pre suCh a. ' Great * neyeSavi Such Mil q. e "of 4 Styles anti Sizes, , and} i '; , 4 ely to/ be'Cledned Out at any . es): PHONE. 15!}. ' that the nmn lrI pushadNLnn or the olt't'r wos uiok v coming neorei I . ralni bullet was Ilrod illi iuloly otter. _....non~_. t t onhizn GERMAN HMV OFPIOIR HzLD FDR MAsnu! Alamo Al I). 9.. LIEUTENANT I Theodore Srhuue, olha 'l'lii-illlurd L1 .ii .uIe This photognph no, nude in limit-inn upon his rim ttn-relllu Inc l-ustall ~ oi ii. 5. Dwuh', on a. n W "WW"! ii. nl Fibrillle huh, hut | . in, l n. It Blnton lehar tor Bout with Billy'nut Nluru in that country on no Is no- Mllkl. 'li illellcd ol deelli lllt rd lvr on (I- nl murder. UNOONBOIOUB INFLUENCE lln Shadow oi l'uter." _ lley were lleuletl oval-y ulm. ~r\cls \ ., in, 10. thicolisuluuslv to him . The healing .le\\'cl went I'ut lll. No lltlllil he lull], intent to tile . Nd llutnttli effort iilude. I ' "l u'lls Jesus might, flowed fol'lli through him til old. Erich moment llint wu li e, I We, tot)l are costing shadows on our Wily, hruu haul lil e dusty [Outliltllll trorll..\v4i [ii-uy . '1 mt ours, llke t olcrs', re d hctillllg my, in no life can we guuge . Unconscious Illllupiloe s mighty rahnre. lltlily uiir sho dnws t wo know not whol- And every gluuce tutti tune thulr Iilrtuntl._u llcdr. THE WATER MILL Listuti to the timer mill. all llId Vomit? Lilly Ituw tlIo creaking of tho wheels would I to hours uwny; t-anquilly the water gliilas useless on and still Nov coming blink again to that wnloi- mill. _ ' And the rovoi-h haunts my mind its the spoil hi one) u The will will never grind it ll the water that hurt paused. 'l aka tilt: lesson to thys [; loI' Ig/ltcul Golden yeurs nre pausing l1). lJCtttlly'E'PEBMng too. , Try to malts the moat [ its, low no lwnaut ring; , All that thou twist thlne own. ties in lit a u-du I. . V Power, Intellect. and strength may nut, cannot in: I "The will will nova grind wtlll llltl water thin. lindpuaaed. . ' I All the wasted lttl . a! lil lhnt have iltod by, Allan; good wa telly hnvo ll he, tutti without n gt h Luvs. that we thigh do have ssvatl with. all: i i ' I g . n - I l. l l I l i I

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