Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Sep 1920, p. 8

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it mum" Holdup Iowan luv 91:) you the pnl ulgltt your (you I'I'WII Failurm titular . , lABI -DEWATY. .2 'Ioo, iboxm'for rill hlu 25s: 1% rlt du lon'orzuut Maw-Id by ' nut-Alre- Lhqu Oil-twp B'roptarliggioISaio Lou , Ilon Gill, North 75 Itttrct lllul hilly, Innrn. nnrn .wxan. lm] 75x2b. stohllmg Ior 2a ohltlt: and a ho let, . I hnu . f'rt llhono. r Itllrnl mull, tzunvnnlent to church null snlrnol, ' o'uores llt nr Itrter'r' cmssln . ilrluun newly. lcoprult'll. 'i llbl is n Inrul humor Ilqthclluurlbnk an or Soy'ornl 'houllen listed In "l uwtl. Priced no stone to Ital). M WM 14 Imhums, Nuwtllolltol. .Ioo zero. ' . Owllllmitttry bnihnnu . rill) Bax MD ' 'F07R;SAL.I. .W-Eklijtilsdte ef Lion. "MaChllle Shop I i Vlolorplove'r Itltllspr ltern 1nd .Bllmm. . . . / 2 mm amln rllresilera Inna i zd wlth nutter lol- Iltrlrt powtr, ,. r ' ' otter . Home good..hcctlnti-hunti mollun . Engines. . , v' jI w.'z. autumn. IIII IEliIgIl". lJp llle lltimt ' " nn With mm W mm my . [Mom nw ml. omelnu I Inloum my . .1 ml". mum. ooh H'l my . Maw wahomi' In :9. roll! null whpt'ttq you ur- ,ruay lo guy a iotL nIm uil um wlth. on IIMI'N. I r 1" GREEN rhlnwr and Platter- Hn nnur Arden Ayo.. uewmurkal. x moon Nut at luau-n at. notluo or Apptlchtlon tor dlrom. ' NOTICE Ix lIerL-lly glven Inst lzllu- ,Imh tumult-r ol HIE cur ut 'rororlto In tho county at harm-ha Prsllnor nI Ontario. wlilruillll to tile I-nrllurnonl setnloh thelont tl-oln hel- hun- hand, .lohn rredoriok Alexnnrtur. ui tho Cli) ut 'I Drunlu In lilt; County at York and Pravlntle at Onlnrlu, rut the . around at deserllon llltd ollultery. noted at Tumult) lhls 2-Ith rlay at August It. 0,. 1920. ' . Elinhelh Alexander. [23' her nollellors, GOI IlHY, FIIELAN a. LAWSON, 152 m, sired. 'l'ornnta. Mummy 1. I m-mlyrno, NW "our; ol Appllnntlun tor Izlrom ,mturhehtaplm .NOTICE is herohy glow that llnlan GF and, ot the Vllloge o1 horrllrlnm Ln the county at York and Provlncu or Ontsrlo. III hrson to the Pavrilzlmenl ot Cohorts at tho next sessloll thornol tor a DUI at ulvme {rpm Itter Muss tuna, Alfred Grcnnwuadl ul thr Guy A: Toronto, In tho courtly oI Yurlt; Iran Pm llmu at ontzrlu, on lltrs ground I)! deserlloll oml snutlery. Dated at Toronto lllls 2r.lh tin) or August, It. I1, 1920. - ) Helen Greenwood, . Iry hor sohrllam, ROBINE'I TE. nDDPREY. pn LAw ON. 152 my street. Toronto. [401193 0' ADDIICIIIOII 'Dr -Dll l. NOTICE Inltt ryby given Hnd John unlosn ot lln: ctty at Toronto, In County or Inn-t null vaince ol Dn lu lll. llulrllor. \Vlll atllily lo Ille In". llamenl a! l' Intlit Ill (I!!! "all :I SSIOH thereof fur II "Ill 0! Ohm : [mm ills who Alum: llul n. or the III ally oI Toronto; In IIII l: lily III ' , Provlnne of onlor , on litt: lrmuml st uuullrry nrul 'rloserllnu. Dated nt 'rnrohtn lllls 12m m at ' rlouo. ol Aorllocuon rol- ohm. N01 . Io hrrolry elven lint wn. Illm mu" DWI. or III! routo, In urn county at York. me I m- vlno r nnmto. Grhtlenlhn. will In I to Illa Phillune I M (hllldh kl llle . next. human IIu-Iso [or a BI" DI DI~ Boom; mm th Mm'il a el lldlm GI 0! IE 1 n on I: n . snugly at. IIIIIII'Ioe enhIndlhrr manor to u. mlmemun o . lery. . --m% T to till: 25th dry or one,- , r r _ W'lllIun I- .vumm. Esq. - t r . hr ht: soIlrIIors. 0311311 sonrnsv. P ELllN a I , \I. tty 9! Ta- . Mr, and Min -s ,v. , wrnmo turn I os rtnn or, try "all:qu Inlrroillo 'vnlllad rvll yen Ihlr ytonlty, maul) _ . ' .. [ml pl; Thu more uhlvout'r ot,tho l_\I.h cannousiutrllnar Kin/3, n lhr. Dollonr muotoh road win III: no at other'hoeluent on uesdnh, [in auto boouplna lty In, on Io;- - llunlitx "shun, nun; ml to road I. . r munlu ol (tune-looms- ionehrd h altum 'o lite tlr- Mrs: oh mun wan injur Ionl ownut hut ll Ir a rutmole they uronnrtt wltll Int-Ir In t. The ear wot Ilndly DIBKEII .Tlrlt slldl III lilo Natl l5 Illll feat/Ive III olllvrlllon ol Klrr'g on anI. I . . . ~.. u H.. .Stoutfvtlle. .. 'I'he sun-toy. Isuhor'r plcnlu llciti uI I/i lk' Mustrnnnnon l rltltly Inst, .15 tnvnre'tl willl itielll tteutll hurt vol III illtll l-Hucvcsillll In the Men In in: wngmlrulllln. uroul enlu lmlllcanl) .tIIIiIIlt: inf, _ at N} was r. ' the II name In It mum-ups ltmk tho, I. Mull all! or Sltluffvllln'h t-mlllllg nIno cattllll ily Ilnu Perry, uftltr [an tmllhns nrtllllllrg llluxutll' oust .' . .___... Schomberg. tut-ls .llunlnn IT lll'l"nlIlllK north Ml"..lalll bklnlll- .\lr. oml limthlorl: uml 'rarnlly. at utter, N, . urn vlnlllns her part-nth, In. ml III . (:lltu. Int/Ill. . . 'ra. It. (i. Dowermall llnd (ion. Lult'd uheut suodny. at tho tlIllmnnr llolrltl of Mr, II. Glurk Ltltrny A large nmnlrrr tram her tenure . tlln WentonJUranghyllle'loorosne match an wwnesduy u! la st week. This has glven In lrnpressltrn and next ymr we may look forward to n uttle htluh work mlmeiveu. . Mtu Marjorie nurtlng. 01 Iluynl hunk stun. Is e nloylrrg her hnlrduys. 2 Mr. A M, Arrnlltmng ls InsloIlInrq molecule llntttlng uyhlurn. wtleh eurrrplotell the whnlrl hnmcntoull wlll be (me Mlleur al llllmllnutlnn; t Aurora. .lt II meollng ol Ihr. Aur LI-ol Stock nml Poullry alnn hehl lust Moll- llnyj It In: IIMIIIL'II to hold'n rtlhlon nhow tn the Arena M133an l'lth, tho .blm l llllllx a: the Ilnrtlenllurol Snell. l rslruw' In tho nmne rhuo On Wed surly uttornoml lllu moul- llcr ottlro umm It'rrnsh or the North York \Vamcn'n Institute ilulti than regular monthly meeting all the harm: ot.nlrr.,hllrort Well on Yahoo Silt'cl. A huge numhrr or them were sratort on till: veronnuh w-Iilltltl Um onenlnu 0! mo program, which our lumihllntl hy thossumnnlem lnlJlttIs ohm tho vornnltnh. rnmo 2N trot Iong' try to l l wlno. with a cement hour a In. .Ilrr IhleIt roll o ulntonoe ol 5 root to H round. _ on run was though o ml or the ladies werr tt- nr- lrlglllmled, The Scllmtlherg lml klng mrt warn nuts llurllwll'lu Miss stonn. Mrs. w. ljrtllrlllu) . \Ilrl tI LID) . MN, \Vln .\Il,~ i nllun II Mrs. IIllK Orchard Beach The church was Sun-I llltll'lllllK out tlln nullrt: hat. been tho In nllorrro a! \I . Milli Illllnl attain mt Net r onec. lllrnllltll- r n and Ill) \Vts Ilbl Nllw W m lltl: preacher lllltlIIl: \I ll ' l. IIuSl m~ n nunu u to illo: ulaoitlg srrv 4', tor I run. 'I'IIIS IL Ili'l ll lllte Erlll'sl iIItI Il ucll for ll )Im II \M ti StIlI r , , ,\l l.llmllI l".s u i [In It'lAlL-aa m 24 II, II Inst ' um: nhzh . I . Prltlny Mrs. Hull xm' a \(vnwldlt Mn lrl : till: 8 or 10 Int ', IN hall a Very sllnl mtt llIII . lmll etlcc or NI 'llthrkal ohlng on some or ltls llalislllrlllttls hora insl hrlnsy. 'l ho Molllutllal (lhu .ll nhotruro ,\\'- art Klzunod) >ont last Saturday atlamaoll. ltr. tillrnoro null dau hll;r nt l'n. runto were zuusts at MI. and Mrn. \v, II. Thomson for the Itenk- rnl. , MN Meklhlny I (Tumult) In tho run at His II ulluy Iar thr \ "Id. Mr. w E, Jackson, no and as ten or 'l umnta spent the wort rho .1 "Illglevwatt" eottage. II Ilullhl mnlo lvAre gr Ms o! In . . a conllllollutl mi youths Mun ttlm Il mm o It In, no In H. Jatlk nil lt ltJ IIIlr :lrl all an I10 'tls llt'll iI Pr lilt- mm: \ \ H .mrlh and 18 lllrtllvs .rmrml no has ltet-II lntlly gout unis . I Ill)! Jackson ' launch has er'lllkll' I ImlHt ltlxl Ml. \V. II. I'Iltlnhn s I llIuv I In tho Era etllturh I1 u llshlng tth hltn on It lI-ll MN. ryl-ulng whlrh tor-nu, ' A IIUIIIlIl-r n] *thlulg petlpln Illlll t Itanlin: Ill (mu! 0! Mrs Ilrmvll'h Clhls an. un salurhgy rulrhl. .Ilrs. Hartlan or nurrlr our N mhmuh noun wlth tusr shun. Mu. Ir a, Jan.- (II Tumult) \Vttn ll :l Bil-um On Sun IIL~i lallll r Dulllrtl MI yn'I-s or. null a lumen trtrnnr [ram Toronto and sll ll Mr mulls. w. I, Rum-mu ,- Tho sham Ir nulol. thus eyu'hlnpx. at dawn the run! In um shunt; at tho Iluwallnn In m Ilet'rlr s It. ulsqu program wlrlell W413 . .llumhrnr, " GENUINE ASPIRIN hXWnI an hour or :0 on So d3) ulter - Wr nxlsnho Bay-t: Ham! muohhur uh " pastor rt mi, Wh- co 'I.l ll flail-gene: run a on e * 0010 (I m! DanhIIepr mining 'Il erruhneau'a jug: eke'mh 'M .1) Haiti! 8 law-"mi out; owe r, old- the oestrous... tlgn of Foul: s: Ill-n1 ndmtuxnlnlac och, ,l column s el mama s Frl . r , I . . lmukilnryle lm'g y 'ln rlnl my url com . Bragqrd We ht Newrunr -t l-< lhl, ylrestallrnr hunt MM. 5. Altlrilll .1 31;. nml. \Vuld tr glhow Initvr It; In ttiwxl. _ [nu It ulwmn 'rueh tiny nrornlno at. the l oruo or hot; unuoh. tor, Mm. Jorvls 3&1 nloutm ' at the rumor 5:! yzani. I. '- llennhsctl hon horn In poor houlth (or room llme prnvlnur w Ilrzr/tltzulll. she had resided wlth Mrs, slurry olllnc the llellh ol -her- Irlrshnnu'tourlren, yq . Site was r daughter 0/ ormmlulze llaldy, ut moh- .Up to him dcalll Mr. and Mm, he. s r lllllu In .llurhhuru town- .hlp, living mr runny year at VIqurIo Slluam. SI Is surv ed by two onus, (intugh,,ul Vlctorlu Strum olnl .Ionrrs oI Toronto and one daughter. Mm. .lnrrls sum. (the ltlsler. Mm. .lyur, Vllwlrrrlql slrunre, Glam nor-mos, ' W .,. oaspznuz RIOTIHG III BELT/ 5T Bununn ( I m Incmy Flt Ilrltust. hug. 2 a illllulvy rum nro truollng In licifusl to-rnohl. 'Iunlm or lllh hph that turo through th ur - lulu tlnrellcm or the wehlmn hunt .Im [Inlrollllltg lllr: hireels. The shy Is llxllllllg vrIIh Ilarnes tram hurnhlr Innhhuns. A mu nun o lilrl are dell], lllh rmm \ lnlim of u rllt: sllcll unr- mg n nlr 1! melee km! the not or n rnnh hunch an n school. The rinllllg is lite ulllcrmalll nl tho kIIIInu M hath-e Insunrtor SWmIZ v. u no shot Sundale Llhllurll, ' 'I'Ilu tlrllltltgt IS hl utIllytlnGrqusan In whom nrut lr- n) . , l'lle now-r". lIll'nt I rt lnltl It "It: Karrlsnlls :IIlIl llII: ll bly hwy-ulna In at nun-runner l-orrtluhtos, 'Illvt'lll' alx IIIIII II III'IIII la- Mllrt' Inn horn tullelmlt ltIIh Inrrh lu-Iligllt. nrrIy'In tho or. Ir luun Ihl- (Irr- Ilrltgadlt wus mill/HI out w. r-ntnou\]lmr< In 'lwo hours, all l\\u at l) . Il't'~ the vtcllrn, .nII Ihrlr Irivlllis vtllu are all/Implan In otn III II 0mm worn stoned try the. mtll) 0ft lulturlr- Pl IINI lmtllrr Inlr ltrwtul. = = . nv Irloratt l'mtlv FROM THE two 'I'hr msl Innlnr hoot In nukt Ihr Iltul uh nt 'rhonll at Hull lllh ownr, Inhn Iloran nl \l lllgm Sm), rhmle hIs wal lo the home at In nrnlher. Iornm .Ilnl-nn. t on ho Iln not-rrrn mr mrly yours. Ills VII. '45 Illlill tzly unexxlrcled rIIItI il \\':l lntlt: I unpleasant sllru we lul- llo nt lllllhl on . .l Eptlrll ltll Illa way IIIIIID. lg lhnllo along Um north and llmm In .Iltulaml hull vto l.-'Ikt- Shuron lunar- n my Inieresllltlg and. . lIr Ilornu Is a I hy l son, . towel-l, to tumor Ilarrln Mr {It tut-rm to building her In ls l lullldlnt. contmtor nmI hot I IIIP lnlll lll Sat), lllcll.7nsn (- :Imlnt-r ' ' ..t)<lth\\'s has has" unable to ca rrt rmul cunelurlo n Ila I - Inn. .on . llcllmnal Itsll onn the uni)- nrlllllnn irL' hrlno rrhlrnlsn, hrnlrm, not. Aug. 24 wn lhnns Inn t-lilv It r-I llt nlm\ 1nd lilo sII' mnmlln, tlhtrtol onvn wrlrnrno In tom w. \lackem. int: hurr |lll~ nomno . Iml goth nrlm. .tl ..l H. lhr :Illnnllus. ' HAS BAYER CROSS" fhblzu ' without "Raye! Class"i are not Ashton at on Gelfznnine h erT-biehol Alpillp l so I arm" I) Age, Intoly Inuhd rrlur the uldy Ba er roar, I . The ~Iarysr Chm: l- your only ray 0! lam-lug tout you are gut: genulu Asptrlu. pruerlbed Ir] byulr m {or illnILun you. ud prov. n1: hy mil' Ito-u to m. Murals; Cold: no 3092' homing Em ' maul: Su- 41! 12 ' r - aylf' Irin "n th- Ind: nu limo-I law r Wm. it it, mirth ! 1th hour smrll Sic, llama la "or r ' lr Hula Quinton. 'a Willmhlb tlimllgmm In. ' The are math-lite ' vhn. chum h eoalno more J'lte nail will lcllIu'nw all | wIIIrnut'rrnloh, nltenllan {mm us yin try n lhln hIItluoe '19! r ltlLlKlll that no monthlle put tn. hunt! to tho mango and Iooltlng Irrelr wnn' l tor the Klngdnm ot' _ ,nlI. W2 Illusl lmget untt'talluror om tunes!va They are hurt nmt II Ionlh , .ll lll a nun; \vnM c opened at only tw vutlunlls Itn- lhl nuxntllllnr wnulll it'll yolk lull It Is normnnslr lame. In Itt tlmlltleunre Inn nownny, II rcpt-Mr n. Iln olggerl IlllnxJII Ino Irnttvlnonl It is lutlnti ovorywnorn. It all: on. row, Ii. soy. ever neoornp nnill ly nhIIvnmt lh ilh rnoanlrgnr llll Llth Nullalll't- It In l lll' nn ) llll nul an "n" to It "Ilnllglll" and v . ile Kmal'csl IIIan ll not I. lllts Irllcnttollrl Ito was lo It ~n lth much Ille me n. or nl Ulll IIIIIr Wnl'lI. IIr. round the .lvle. the pnllthal 'cnmulnncu. and w ttvrltl lullers ll "amt: term In. Arno-Iron may, hit: rur than name): or l lci, nntl r, or, oml mnunlulur, sml .ntm nntl n llnllniras Juatlce .mn no, an. m De I. Nol nnly wllnl auutll In hr none In peace; In grappling wlth eorrnrrtlmr. nppmtlltinn and mor cell'lry hollmmcss, bill wIIal DHEIII I!) were lonkml In .1 world- 11h struggle. 'l llcril It salllclhlnx at nonuuvolt, In every soul, Il l-rn-s nIIl normal erlt. II bpyalth 0t otrhhultent. ot rcilpnl'lflh lllllllns, or willtl ought to he done. Tilt-rt: wart: those who Inuglll Iluu. volt hIttorIy, trhut to ltllenut: hlrn, oven klll hIru, hut hls the "on the whale wot a gut: and the Muse he wrought lur lrh nplrerl Tlln tom. (I! or art: em I') n, In Inn-om. lo nvrr- whotm. In neuros- the "auulll" wIthIn us. nut that rhan-AIIIIM linti. uan no torn; at rrmntmml IIr-er lt run-- vlw _ I wound rnortc noon TIIIIII um: " or wr. have 50 ,. wn Ill round Ihln nlrl+llrnl there are rnor gum] men to tilt: worm "Inn bull 0mm." 'l ilus rental-hell one a! ltlc n lrruherr om tgrtlutl novellan throl git (:unrrtn lo the lnlsrrnta or Gill-i Ilnn Men's I tulnrnltuns tlelron trnuohen In many muutrlrrl n u hurl In oolllrulnr hm-n In sumo oltllle moltl rllslressnn menu In (II-nlml l-Illmnl: durlllx llle war Inn-r. , ' . 'l lle.slil|l.'ltll!nl hu~ n ran "I error. utmu. npllmlsnl Ltbnul It. We Elch more a, lull. 'l'ltr- minor Itcy Is'u'lnd too lrnlrh, Some m nothlnr hot the latllls u! .ruunklml. \\'iIgII l'llcukcll Hwy rum llII Minute III on "wt-ll, III I (luv MM wants out; up. . lo no Irrtlnr we nhnulrl glue I-rrtlll tor that. tn tho )htltvlh or the hue: Ilnrm, wo mum "ltrrllll' 'I'tlu imbll 0! hullins up lllglr slontluul: thnl nrlthrr wn nIIr' otlrm rant a uh to and ennlltanlnlnn wlthunt nrrluy on: will) rlrl nut llvn lrp lo lllenl l~ - We should row! I lap! of t'hil 60 In: I Inst we Illl Into lltld ll nun-ram Jiabll or ilumllng our Inlzuw mortal . 1 Ileltl-l In gu ntlne s. Lnnk {or the "Ed. on \\'I'I nl mun. Aul nuh Ianlnylo hover Ialltt'lu mm: l'l, IIurmn nature ls lnulrh' the some the \\'tlrILl olrr. There mural lltI-r nru he more gaudy. s lhzln lull- n In Intlplltamllntl ls. Ill-em: hr I'rant Ytllxlt. 'tre; IreAIral o Ihnro Is In . H": IIan . wnol Swllts one nlsunvm In [(5 us; = mun-holes suddenly mvcnll: ~ try n Ilnsh n1 ught. lake (or example lllli s o! Itth lce in nenlemnomy N1 ,r rhooshutt not ltlde Ihysnlr (mm; 'l ilou shsIl surely help him (0 [Ill lIll-nl lll again." Illnirur. or lleiplIle There they are, Immoral- insl Inn, Miter. lwa lml'IP \Wl'tla lhnl mtrl lli "III Rs d8- nnttety ah. I census, All llin it: contoured In lhsrn: trIuInlz Irnnr - r- prluttrgr , or hrlplno In nhlnr Illlxllltislt smter: cyhlllng, or sst-hlnt: tltmnrluntller. As mar, .II SIIS ls ID :llttruIII-I uxv IKIIIIII', III- wt-nl about vtII lllIS Kn d. III- was Vrl' IIt lplng ll) IIII, 'M'lls ' runslnnll) lmllsldlctl IIellI-Il, lnln 'll S: ., tpailty rnlnhhrcmu \Vt Lt'v I'll 'I tIlIlIlllK (tr llt'lnlllttV ulitI sun-h . ll I) dt'tltrtnsll nltw lllr l:|nd II curt: Roll oltnza \th l lll) Slur; M u ) lllir t'ill a l ran n'an llll lllt'm hwn) . I Hm when to start In the IurIIIII to. him; an man: ulthout .-.r n thnn ouy-tntng rlho wo how 0!.- stnhlmr lr lIII' issl Ihhn; thal rohlht no. nu. they have rlono liltir work. wIII~n they hm llown |Ilelr lnsl nlrlrl, rum plekrn up than last tunnel or than, (Ind clennet llleir hllhr D)! a mo- Inn at a bank . then, on a toll Ilylrr, lltuy as our long a or ' troy IIL'HI swuoler (or II. The stream lullllo. (a: snlnellmel In tho nllllll lllny monk ltlr l Ill "ma I ll! Illau : llv ly Ml: "In glut I'lnlp, rtorttnl hy llrrtr III/Ind - 'Iherlr immmins IIDl l! 1 ho norm In wnr'wheh nighl ona WrunK - r/l m I; Ilu * M. town ultra. , 55th In tho hours ms, rh your lawn to . stun When lIt-luthlrs W Kb ll-m W )! I Ions, Winn Bl'l- h' TORONTO i c Where little or'no minute I: to be tun, net 200 to 390 pound: per new all It'rumt. Pbavhrk - Pu taunts. hut. not; he tom. .86 3 2 2 2 12 10 r 10 , a, ll 2 0 3 . FILL lN AND MAIL us THIS I)an FORM wITH cHEQUE Oil BANK DRAFl V tron AMOUNT DO IT NOW AND MAKE SURE OF A , BIG. PROPITABLE FALL WHEAT CROP l we are urdlltled la see the loilnw. lug xlalctnenl sent out lrom ctrlmo "The Woman's uhmtlan Temper- MIN: Itnlnn pranbsen to sure uhlna mm n lInuor invasion Nporled Io ' nlunnou 'm .l llt: was! _ . nntlclnatlou oi a drr ltnllsu Ststos, no llrdluz to theaters at 5 mm W cm nuuterenee, It . Prancltl hrouehornp at Kentucky deal- pd l a( an uuohrlrtllan lmIIIo out or n allllslla'lr n.ttlon Into Cilinh was I tllt: hlaetenl nnchrlsllunll AS lolly all you are borne on .1 rrnrlrrull )urrnre, help those ho hm nut/amt empwreclt. ,' r me In, nb.nm~cilalx llIeor (ml ,X 'I ilf .. m0 up PHD D! I: E In Po Full: Whale lawn-Milk H "L . Ferl lur'un be sown law in order to IVDIIIVIIIO Heuiln 'mwing punt r. Inmate- t pmetlcu l I: instant n nut on. Izer. pounds of:- - m 1.; 08.80 '65. 63.60 624qu Namath , 0 o o o I ' was 12 10 is 14 4,15 3/ ) ' 4.00 Emlghl: prnpnld In your station on ordexb o! 500 lbs. or more. Good: shipped In 126 lbs bngl (16 bugs {9 (ha tun). Tango Cull wnh Ordetn I__.__ __ ____.._...'LV_..___._.._ 1 M l Irrrrlstv lthlo "u I "V mp: men I Em! B t . the market. . "5 The Full Wheat halo :1 no _. taken may 27. 1923', m E w" In he's agitate arono~ newasunwnl ' utilized wlth narrow-ole: Fellllligiv AIM! "I! on We": Ewell/1d the Whulu hold was dlstss sml roltlvnud and lawn to Full Wheat without aeoltlousl 19:. he dl crnnce bzlwnm-I the {e tillzed and untertlllzt-d pnrllnh ll nmaz. lug - and It Incidentally HInb-Ihvlca FrrIIIIm w ruler ens moan ransom LIE! For Il mediata Delivery Where Illnllure In pleutitol, uh: 2m) to son Annm- I Lupbm: . It Inb<DlvleI Ferlll lztlrvc'ont tho form at arabsDAvles Fly. It glver th good root Bylkm. lit Ink Ind stroll: I09 melhr eliminate! wlntsr-kllllorr. IIK ttnw. run the well-310m mus IIIAI. Ill thoy res rum. 2 I O 4.. o , .1" . v . ORDER FORE! ONTARIO FERTILIZERS LIMITEDV Dept. 5t matte-um Wu! Toronto, Onlo PIN ale HIIlp (mmldlluly (he (allowing: Lnnl ORADK I Bhlpphl Elation ILtIllrnnd . 1 union . ;- noun at Appllmllon tol- nIvoI-ce NOTICE ix hereby glun that Alu- untlar letl, huuttelr or III r l or Toronto. In the t trunl) at York Prollnre at u' III hoyly tn the Parllnrnent or (Inn Ila rtl lle ut-xt ses- rlon them-l, tor a Illll 01 Item trout hts wIte .\l ltlllE llallnn oi the Ialtl litl) oI Tomnltl, lo the County 0! York, on the graunt u! ntIuIIFr) and dvrerll n. at T -nto tlllt I'llll dt) ol "You'r: xkhtl is I:er You best car ll no [06d In tit: buy I wed . w rm Ir mam. without plopulltbnmtlm had not at Miami? llotlu ol Appllcattoh tor nlltm . TIC is hereby nlm that net. cm I Icahn-Id alley. ul the Lil) rl l'arnllll), In llle Coun ot tort. In in: I-ror-Inen at Onlarlll, Mll apply to lh Put-llanrnnt ot Cnuadl :It the hall I: stun tlwrtol tur a tIIIl or uholte no: Ills wile. Pall-(c1 Smh all y. III III urmnnl a! :Itlllllcr) :urlt or: non. tall nt Toronto, In the Prat-Intent on AND. the mill day at April. mu, llllnmn Illcsonrld 0st "1 on m. 1 "In mm Andll: uollne. Impuhl Pohrine Ind Imperial aniqui-tu m hp! mycu mum 'lttck c: - III two." Iihlolle' WHY ml ul! Steady De endable Sawice MPERIAL Polarine mules a mUlDrIIl neatly. dependable cervioo from ilia car. and every moving quietly. it gives comet lnlrricztion to every type al motor part. it keeps your motor running nm oolhly and Imperth Point-in: maintains, under all operatan conditions, euctly the right lrbdy to seal in compresaioh and reduce Weal'!llhul nl clean. Imperial l niaritteest plum! and cylinder walls. the gruelling lrictiun of engaging partso ablishes and maintains; power lightunlbetween It: body in wool against hloh item uni Look tor tilt: Imperial Polarlne Chart at Itemnnnendhtlona when you (buy oil. It Show: suited m your car. I Huh (I! the three grades described below I!_I.lil 'v .,- vhllon and qur~gallnn grated cane, steel kegs, halt-barrels alltlkllsrrelg. Buy by the barrel or llalHnn-ci mot save money. Sold by good denlem anywhere in Carla/III. ' ) sh nun sacuuv sun-so m mun uproar Unrlhhhl dawn . ml la, . l oxx t l" aid M17847) , // J IHLI LII LlS'l l - liullll" LIIJHI IlelIUIl l}l l]t",l'ltll Lilll' DAWMMV! mml (Fir-Inn: W) 1 TED

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