,noo om wu OFPIOE 017KB ammo/or on llltf l. Pllyslcl a nd Saturn-i Nuwgnarli V _ , lamiqu nnirmliv o1 floran Lulu Humor leoldaut physlaluu union uuepl 1. Full _Rlvor,.Mon. ucliilaulle J, ~ _ . , 'Phuno lit. oiiice Hours, . logo ' _'3.30-B iii-.9. J. gem. in urnduuie ii a Medloln 'nmnln, r en 3:an Lilienllillu at to novel 333532 0 ! pliruleianu and meiaourni Illn lloynl college or surgeons or trig nnd, Farmer cllnlual eaaieeaui in Moorullold Iil e Iln'llillnl and univer- inv college. For, none and rirroai iieeuliai, London, lln ulnnd, ' ,1 Eyeu Tented. ill-area supplied Telephone no . iiodni - l- . 1-! ,i__ - am: onus", l'lllll'l'lil AND PAPER 1 NGEul Arden Avil., 2nd llousu irom / - Duunn l Nowmal kel. . olloIcE orouu 0F WALL PAPER ou liund. , hulls 23 1' 0 {lax lot. ## , ON'IADA LIFE AEBUHANIOE '10. ii. 9. Kim", nld tint Raproaumilvo V "Dr 00. or york. , ' (lion-vilqu of Toronto Build- " lng, nuiernrd EL, annouiie Market , v Plionn limit r A. BTOUFFEH. Ne hut w in at Pluno Voluu Ind u. Till.) Denlut n'. all liliids or Muslim! lnntrumanls. . and Repairs. , Elmo Tunlgu ' "I l ululribla i'n ouo MA I, ARE; or ones -and Acorns. camp! amid Pmmpt urvlool MIEB noun nonunion, oniieiin, _ ia unnng lon wlin 9. cl MckEWON, Jeweler. Purl: Ave, Ncwmnrkel. u. w. WlliDIFIELD, w nae-elem, Miioi.k:if..ra,mm 3 market Ollicn, in an o v Blinding. next Hamilton s/lice] Eriuie eliiee. / in iiewnurxei envy . any eroeor Ihurldny. ' Oil'lue thue aoi; iiouer loi. pnvuie lauds toilivun on iieni delete, Furnace Work . Plumbing Eavetroughing Our Specialties In the Bathroom Out t at lh Shin). 1113 LEADING TlNEHl'TKB MSWRNE SEEMS Illle To WITM'B GUM! ~Yyr 9'4 Wedding martin. Minister the Photographer to hell]; the murder: ier you tor Ilium I HALL BROS. Eirnwl vlim Niewmarket, iiiudie ; ane Doni- wm ei thi New Phat 0 V Miami or. iilim cues nounu Amine Treat yolmuli and your team lo a New Eel. ne uylodtle and ppm- eular ennui gelling ins lie-I. "pedal- ly when wa cull pmduonlhnuunulv and lengviiy In ham! .u not: modest price 'Duz limp nmgnlg a slieli uld aiiileuvu nnpomea on any lime. - - Fred; {Nottinm "ill dieiln . lo elllldr n queue . , . llu lliineblill re liowa~ ,a enugryl Genoa. eeieiiy. * . own VA urinary. s ceaeu v- Specially , , 10~ nwn we called, . w I v 13 raaaery y sureielly. ,17 n0q vu, runnury 20 s neeidliy vu Town. - inning, Elimqu ileum, r 3 lieniamln 1'. ir n, ai Newiua liel. wllo uleu on May in, W20. lei e'n eeluie valued at lilo iil , including nnniuugen worlli mun eeeli uiuem, Join and real osiaie wo 82,000. J nia wlll ililll'd .luiy llllfi,'lllli widow, liaenel M, lrwin, re reim a liie inieresi in'iiie clillro real end iiilmollal uninie wiiii'iiio exeeniiea ui dildo, wiueir gees la n lion, llahcrL i,, lrwin. oi lleirolt. Upon the deaiii ei naenei irwlu, ilie lwu nuns, l'lllmlmi li. min and lioiml l.. in vln, oi ueimli, rare lire unlanee oi uie odiaie oilloriid hyv iiie \vlilow daring lier iiieilme lull Fair-Aim. uurrie ... . ilmerion . undiord lirumpion ceilingwond cooknewn Lindmy .l London Murkliom . Ncwlnnrhcl (mine i. oalniwa mlawa l Quuullsvllli: Selionmui-g . when. n and 0 Sept. 22-25 Seni. ii-lo incl. 1-il . Seal. 22m .seni. ii and if: i 'leat. in-is seni. 10-20 .Oei. i2 and iii TM mom or Way. and niilie nrui iiungn iiini a driver or a molar ulieuld leer-a Is and ni in lamenting almuls Mi)- veiuele lllul to an ylur rigln. iiaq ine rigid or way over you, i-anaeauepiiy you have me rlglii oi w y over any on your leii. ii eeeine tliul inere lsi u iaex or pumluliy on me Iiuesllon. inn ii should lie-com- mun knowicd el' Anolllcr tcslllullon wlilull many raoiorlsle aillier do not know, or ignore, ie nni- reiaiing in ne. dehll luun on u ei-onalng, At any arous- ing wlier here Is no iraiiieenolice- man. tllc i ederlrian 'lluil'ummlklil'ol wily, and i an neeideni oeeure ilie mn- tin-lat in lienle. nll mowing the note iloes noi rrlieve lllln oi ilie llillllllty, Mml) motorist! loonll) (mi N ,(llougll they owned ilie nireeie and delighted in lnuklng lire nrdcstrloll lump on ine erossiag. lie surc.you know me rules, oi the ma neiore you arm: and even though yqu aru'rlglll it is neiirr some llmus noi in/laeiei too rnueli on your rigliiu and uvold n ld alrla' Bunhull. 'rlie ninlelr ontilie Pall- (inunllv, on Thursday evening oi laui week, ile- iween ilic miiee sneclally Girl: and and line 'l'own Girls ullmull-il several hundred people and nmyirii to ill! llli: molil enjoyulrle at ilie mson, For lire yin-l lliruu lrllllnlgis ii looted us li ilie oiiiee Sputlully l'utllll was going in leave .i "walk over," the 5mm: standing ii lo a, but lilo Town i'enn pleired u p cenrage and in Hill lli l li: score was even. llcn ilie ernwri nee nan to lie outtin unit cheered ierl vlr iai-oi-iie ride The enlendld llatllil; lii hlls: M Smk plunigrri ine wilillu siiuiiioa and iii ilnai resuli. war, 22 In Zl in lawn oi the 'l'own Girls. liu i-ulleciian, lain-n up (in lire urullnds anniunied lo .illplll ion. The all ,zil,5cclru Is as iniim . : riiiier sneri. ly .\i, Slilllll, 2nd in nine, lingo. e. i. Mles lirlnner, d, M Manor, II. lilss (hunger, I . f. .\ll~s. UgllOI'iIE. 3rd Isl u. iiieu Kelly. llllhy 310:3, s. s. ,. O. Mullenliziuer, r. I. fl, noyle. r. I .l. Lei-kin. ll. C . n. rinsiillrnox, isi l. zml ll. . in, . ll. audio, 3er ll. ll. Lyon, l. i n. 'l'iiveii . A I, , -ii 22 13 2i Sroie by tuning: i 2 3 i 5 a '1 ii, it. E, om sneeieli~ 1 i a 3 2 a 2 ii in ii 'l'nwll i 2 a i n i 3 22 ll! 5 .ialen ilase , 2. Miss Hallini r 2, llss M Gmngcr ? Kira. Osborne, hits: 00d- nnrk 2, J rlln o nuslnrreok. a 'l'i1wllt,!ll. Sior 5, n swim. a. 'l \ ML ,' Struck oui or J. min i, ny .\i. Stork 9. by DJ. MPH : 16 liaee on nous aim, L rldn , on N start 2. all M. Manor . it by plwllrd hill , is! lllhnler, Min Dorie. ms .1 rlm Runner. lilea Lark ! . LE! on lbu Spechlly I, Town 9. ~ timplnF-Wood Ind Hon-thou The return muloli iu_unuaune il to lie pin ! on me roll- around. om: nlenl nail-neck mm ll and unto the crowd oimperu will be men mlar than ill-en ho; meme. 6') till 2 , Hi: u a mu . " 9 ll}. limo!" Minn m From . in > 'Ml (or. r' I" Plrlil. montloned to have cllolee o! ' W. or do V d h! M doctor 'lilui. ouh xum ' Tm, date "For um lhlxl: {an 'eePio 1 Am runr ion 11 lung and run my a nick rpdl. x all: atly [wizde LhAm," vMIlB. m. NAB EOWNI'BBi w sir-ere an Moinndla'i andreli. ' Siiilrlay, .lul) 25in. in n, [IL Surlilay Sullunl. ii a. r 4m. ii. i-'. 'l n, m. <Tliu eongregailoa wiii wor._ wllll ii. l'mxhytc lls in liie llrinuyieryun church. Tim".- will he no inldwcck service. liov, w. in ii, i,awreuee, [lame _.._~,_.,__ , min nan-lien Ru-Ilnloni arrangemenia ior ilie min uatla- lion. llcUnlon ui ileud lmke on July 23rd, were completed early inls week. i- i-iendu oi the liauallorie ln Miralee, Mount neuais, Aurora, anrnarliei and oleewliere in glee couniy so well an in Toronto, new given llllmri r i'ork'Coun- ly veiernns morn nnnaurilslng Builllorl in emailing ier iliie nailierinii. The nraniieai, osslnhnuu so llandilomulr given llai: mind a load imia ilie lie- ilalon Committee. Willie ilie mill dcrs in keeping ilie umi lnxctlim n never. know me day when u did not need iunds, Although ii received County Kruntn and Killli ironi iilendn it was never a rich lmuolion. con- sequently there are "fl trust mud: re- innlnlnlg ie it; umdll utter Ulc'w r as ls/ilie eel-e willi SOIIIIE more highly ' Im nmd oily unlls. 'l lle dialineilve York County military llzidgtls and oiiier regimeniui millin- rneni weed nurrnao-d oui ol lire County Counell giant wliieli was ulsn usedxo raeei reennung and eiiaiiar When the unit ' nioiillixed ilie'iund irorn lie eaaieen were deroled in rain. menial ylllrpnnl and iii. e made were handled by a unmnllltoo . mill-nth"; Bll,rnnlis. The railway [area at every man will on iasl leave neiare going uyelsuas, were paid irara Comp liar- rien to in: iioine 1nd reium iroin iiiese luade. Over moon was spun! this \\. _v alone, l.i. col. F. ii. Clarke, n. s 0,, line ennnaanaing ri lcer,':ilwa)'a reeoaaimi lhal lll'll mm]; were not only in pranrriv a" the men at inr. hiillnllim llul saw in ii ilral they were expended in a iimely manner. Con- smucnlly on arrival in England the special limit! in ondon. wldeli leek 15mm or ii, alien iunde when lions were neinp rearnaai .il or nrn n on. had no duties in iar m we i2riimvas ennerraed, 'rne'laui dls~ (rlllutlnn we: in England in Novrmlmr 1910, Joel llulnrl- ilie lratialion seal lls ilr5l araii in l rnmm. Tlm amen-ed: wcro dislrlliuied iy rampanier and mail company iiad its own mm o! lolliiieaiion lliil liverynno han a really .nnei deiioinini m'mlan." . l ilrlay' rI rilnldli ilrnmlsrs lo he or ne a: n .llllP in lilo aid iiine "now-wan" an ine nirlhlng valeraar n! "in l'l'llll 1'. ever have again now iiiai they all: ieiieri-rl by me conven- llosn oi aivil iii, ine nrorlsiaae ai the o. 'r. A. and the earns 01 iamlly rlaiins, Praianmiloa. ' On Tuesday availing, July 13th. about eighteen members of Thom lluhukall Lodge 'gatliered {it this home of Hi l'tlilli ', Lil! Slrcol, iind bade farewell 10 her all lilmu mg ior ner nPw home in Olluwu, where Mr. Rollillsoll ha" accept ii .1 position. This fullowi 1111 was read by Miss Mela L Richard- son end the preseniaiion limit: by Mrs. G ring. IJDBI' stel- llulllnsillil. , , I'Eprnsell'lng lllu liiulllhore nf Tirol-a Ledge No, lug Newnlarkel, have Kallll'l'ml tngiiil 1' lo evil-ES! our liesl. \vislii's rill um Eve of r duparlili a lo a new lield oi zcl .iy. \Vi) all klmw allil i'oalize ynili- unilring zeal, willingness and en- upi rnllon willie ii mener ill Thorn Summer Sessions in Shuw . semen, Twonln, irom dune 28th in sent. mam eonuaurui opp-nanny in quality tor a good nueinee pouuor. GUH. Any time, Writ. W . all-w, issuance so. Tannin. FALL inn-min- Aun. 30m. , 3.?" .r. Vang. um oho'mq an, Yamah- , no, III-Howler our nude-:- nun _ aromuwcugn a- Mshggnvnwummw, iv m-mieunmm , 5mm . yuu'rli throughout lllo l'einaillilc 01 work Ni. x -i En; ndv, en V (in leuv "Hi we W y'o'ii l eepi I niulltolgttlns liolflur heir ' . 'viiluo only,:l;ul l'enieinllinnco v . L can 2 mm Lodge and. ulclllh m :"1 IL ' W liuy A,leiaii 9" 3 h iEGail won 4 all innylle Norm. Ilia. with ull gaod wish he (Sig u) 'l'hevuenmen oi Thorn eh, l 32, Nowmarkul ' ll: llu neon replied Ill a low we" Lliqiscn wordl. inumlivrq {or ii ' ii. A. liiiiir, worli' ii Ii. llillla, mailing . : demlvzdob worki von. 4 . .. - . , id, gr Jilin"). July 9th. 1020, The rui-iullir mapllllK oi lllc Milli! - nutcuuneil oi ilxe 'l myusllln cl Baal llwlllliilbury wan lielrl ea lire annve drill: all llli: melnll prL SEnL Mlnuteu oi iii in raeeiiin; rim.) a d eonilriaedi .tIOllllllllpl lllans I'qu and limit Wm. , ., ., Stanley Morley, eiieen (ill-,Biud inure, Ami lowinsiu nla he made to tile lea-d, Am! the y S a", m, .32- 09 mini Ll'J ullacllul, rune ,um a 09, bonus aluourned , Carried, _ ierinoa-Mlcliwadd 'rliai . in "I" no d be inelruu ed in llilVL' a \i ,' walk eansirueicdin Luildyvlllc 1mm ilie crushing ai lie. 1 liilmly'n e la iiieuioewalk now cunntruclcil lll 'i' lull. niov 6y Mr. Cole geeanrirdin- Mr. 'lch Doll and ri srllvcd um we no e wan, gram . aon al Slla dBPBllmUlll ul I'll! U, ine greai European 21 Dl nwnlilll niacin: tile and no Swi. l, uuuw slluvulllliu dis . con. 5. liewuon vike, mills} Merging . than (helium-breaking road- . so none Agdrgm, work Loni 2 Gou'il. e! um} grading Lon. ' v ' l V llnur, cm, 1/} Mrs. . loo um N 250 die 21-22, Jami i. nlcy, gravel 1 Polar Morrison. gravel . J. ii. Keiilngion, gravel travel . ' rm. Poutvr, W lk Coll. elali naied. in aieei en the iaili day oi August at uni: o'clock in ron, A. iii aoKe W MMIV dam: To oniinlm Muulrnal, July la The pilhllclly 9. ii. :sL Alcs iiiai invasion Canada 350' inane his order on me 'i'rea rer ior nnl'munt a iollewr viz; John Lenard. aupw ulmvolllng, nae ucen experiencing elnee shlxlplilg wan rulusuil in very general and draw- . natiulian Hom lire viral nlu-aru had an ' unionization |lull cnv'llllllil ll to (10 won- epin ane'ni in iiie winier of, Lilli-.5916. , during the m to "In nun uni g Con. I David Sluiilea. work on llrklxc |0l5 i5-io Con. i . (56.00 'i'lmi. liorils. work on brlilg ; lnls i5-io, con, i , \V, P. \VllKlllr work, On 2 Mark llnll. work and limller inr ymnur liarne'r grading , rrd Andre-we. uerl: Can. i work and new Nanny Wilkinson, gravel .. Alcllli: niiirliell lag malmnis from a large area. i; willlllvnlul ununlry oi ally and lit neamuuilng llu queia In this persistent stream. Every uieam- er ndlllilg irom l-lumnuari polls iur the Dominion ls tilled Ir) eapaciiy and me clans oi ilie new unuadiau ueiiler was never lilis nor Li} a boiler type, Tue canidian neeaa ur leen alone iiaa- died 2mm. [iaascnghru llI April and May. and ei tllls iaial man avowed lliu lnieallun ai neiillng in tire lid. xnlnlan, A party oi as husky lini- humus went through lo Alliem wlmw they all: tiling iunni. lialerliy at mean were aeeornnaeleu ny ineir lulnlv lies and leu noriv mnrerenied ranliai (u "it mum at 580,000 wlllcll IS bElDz nui lnla leum land, The lini- ?ggg loner-ii are dll ri (annex-5., new .Ia.no ' 011mm, July 16.[n a inciimmndilin dealing Mill ine sugar allurlllon} I:- ant-d irony hy the noon: at eonqnerc , lllllrl now Is llftld out tile! 1er \Ull he a l'uducllon in prch in iiie near in. MO 2Li0 lma out) this moo 15.00 ions 06.60 to 3.00 10. ) sum .00 I I ' . for Guitars, u ' enldhnh , e F./\. I .Mandolip's; Violins ' - and all 'NYON'E in need 0! Strings for, their instruments can nd the v' .b procurable at our store. Our St riugsore the products of the . beat makerg and are truly ' String instruments with good quality. - . HEISE S MUSIC jSiiOp,~ Y MOTORIZING K THE FARM THE horse has been declared by Thomas Edison-to he the most inef cient machine in the world. In return for the amount of food and care needed, the horse returns less in work than any other machine. The award 9 team of farm horses costs $400, a ood set a? double harness $100. a wagon without ox $115, making a total of 3615. A Fowl Truck -/ l8 V750 at Emil, Out. A Fordson Tractor oasis 50 at Deaxbom M ch. The initial coal: 0! mowlizing in km: in slightly greater than the coat of a horse out t, but the lower cost of operation and upkeep of the (new: and truck and the greater amount of work done easily put ' the horse out of the running. Government experiments have proved that the coat of feeding a horse is 8.7 is per working hour. l A 1mm of horas 961mm: plow more than two mixes in a lea-leani- d3 . At 8.7 cents per hour or 17.4 cents per ham- (or him, the one: would be $1.74, or 87 cents an new. A Fordsou i-aclor plows on an liqu of seven mes a day. The cost pa- we average; not more than 75 cents per mm {organ and oil. The Eordgou does three and it half tunes as much plowing in a day at a smaller cost per- acre. Suppose you urehxuling produce in mmkqt or bring- ing out supplleai Iltlie town is twentymlles away it m i take you a whole dny to make the return trip with horse-n It you have a heavy load and the weatheris hot it will take you two days. If it look you twelve hours the cost at 17.4 centa an hour for your team would he 5109. The average cost a! your ulng a Ford Truck, for gas and oil, is 4% cent: a mile or $1.80 for the lorry miles. But with tho Ford Truck you can make the return trip in four hours. The truck enables you to makethreetimcs us many trips and at a lower cost per nip. 1. But this is not all. If you motorizoyour {am you can gel: up an hour later in the morning .You have no horses to teed, groom ol- huuessi You start work alter breakfast. When dinner is ready you stop zit the end 0! ilie_ driveyour tractorth to thehnusc, eatyour dinner, and rat till it is time to go to work again. In the alternoon yourmqlor worklslust as well though the sun is hot and the the! are hzul. ~ And atniglil: when work is oiler you are though lol- the dam nu horses in rub down, feed or watch on am always tree on leave your hum {or picnic or amnion no worry about horses loll behind to he cared for. . . Every way you look at it the motor has the advantage over the home. ' It meansshorter hours on the film, more work done in less tithe and at less cost. AR HIVES OF ONTARIC . When you are in need 0! Strings, remember that right in your home district is a dealer with thehest quali- ty Strings at, prices that ar right, Main Street, Newmarlieti The Bfest Procumble A5 to price, the price of_our.Stringo ia the lowest possible (consistent '1:itour:ta gillll