mail . -9. t turutturs (or sets. ,aununihsr v 1.7.... l MAME! ( . will accept n tin-ant market. - . . W for solo oar I1ch leatherette cow: ed htvnnpnrt, ollo Tnp- try/housed 4x115. yd! Kllml Ill Ill-w l). \V t lllrll. hutih lillllt Nil out yet ___.._.g...t_._,._.... ret- SAID 50.hcm inn u, lot 2G, in' --o r*- cancunnlan Emil uwlluplout-r 3213 ): John n. lionro or, owner If. Tot-onto. WN unto Wuludist lnduslrioijllnnlo. , it .hettl work an u-liauuy mm m w No opts-otter. lo mun. lined Whitman ' ' toiling nitn' and wild. Apply to i. D. stoddorl; sui , Newtuitrlret. 'ilwetl. _ , ~ calm or Mutts vrtr'nthultlyi ot the late Alex, nutter . wish to llmlllt their neighbors-and inoudu ior their kindness during the illness ntld death 0L their (timers. 1 on WANYED (MILE) tier I uhlltl sch-r707 st sit. aeorga'r. About do rhllttren ldtl' . Term begins uhou lst oi Stinlettilltlr. Snlruryutllloul stool). Ill" 'lnti uuii ltlu nllu W' A "E qt ll. ii. ritx. st. unorge it, ncrtnnttn. Nwza i 'ItlA'lt: mount! 'A'r oME IN YOUR EPARE TIME , .. hundreds oi wutaall In Idlllll'll: money tin no on o 2mm: nbtldrsn boom. and isnltntc with wool pptlot ay u We'll: mun work, and p y wuil. Bind sample at your work slid It (or nmluutm . lienry mm it in. nest, 11,, 250 sprains Av... Tot-onu- lroom strlls in other l I triathlon n tore-tiller H I1 lilies lite/Nor , 1W - gm ,3 at our brightly c d ute' baths tut-y ,o Ill >0." , ln llto'hltl stirrer mytn it. is bottoms bulwark. t A The u. r o ' no tasted Mr. T 'A. hold to. earliest "DEIIML nowrli riding. West nnrllntn .tHs li,n oi the Isle W'll. held Mlm'r premnl- so i tiling isr st terms in the Legislature, . , ,. . ii the mortal novlnlon, has more than litres sitting in Newmnrlret it,tl . bornetlling Minamoto. .irl nullnvlile . tleto were, over lotto pop at. against ti e asscnsmcnl.und{lltu'pvurl had to all nvory night In the wnelrgior titul- wants undvlltull did n0l.w,1rrd up the business without several nitornoon meetings. i i i f , Tito new members or the ilelglten 'culltnet am not going to slip Into 0!- ileo' the old llldlog rulu oi ,vuo un~ r postilol. According to the statement. at tile liender oi the covetlllnn llie new hltlllntertr luliiit itgllt, ior their limits, Ilnn. \v. i, ,Mnckellitlu King says. rho hovernmenl has usurped all the right oi a trait people; A now government has been iormntl and n nutv luador appointed. The coin- nlnu right detltsnd ,u ntatonlent irmn tho new prettller. bet that no is pre- paring ior lly<c|etltlolls. but tor a sell. tmt election, 1le at that ill ills various isrovineesdhn peoplo will lotto notion to sea that-their rlshtn In re- suring responsible unveromeut and u rnprohnnlullvu drllalnenl are not litr ther unupetl, and that opposition onndl- dates are put in tho iiuid wherever tli government brings on a by.niootlon. Our Toronto Letter. my Cnulwll went on record them dry ailernnen ogslnnt the appointment oi as nolnried Tmnspnnotlon Committ- slon to operate tho tiroel railway when it Is lnltoll over by the city. Til: recommendation}! the board at Go trot wan ,uius relented sad the entire outstiotl stint been In the onntroiiern tor his purpose ni neuding,on names at men who will not without tat ry.. 'I lreil at waiting tor tile e duster to return In his err on one or tho To. main suburban lines, hobol-t Payton, n nlbtilt'myetlr-tlltl passenger, signalled lllo motnrolnn to -gn attend, t iic mnlormml, sunpeollng' nothing, did so. with lilo result that he travelled 80V: ernl miles minus his running mate. - \vht-n ilhnliy he did discover what ltsd BALI oi' DEBINTUREB Debentures oi the Town oi New. ltlul kel are Diluted (ur still: (or an tllllounl Bulllellml l0 cnvllt "to coal. nl Iustoliln sun-era on bugle; water. 'tlstn, llsuml't, Timothy and iletstord streets. . Ainnuntii will he received itnin not) i stove or more. ,an rate at in lu l til 5% slid the [Grill 25 you . Itt : l, 4 r oi . m u I P. J. ANllnllsoh', rim tian i v 4 1. E . [ML-I'ch : run. 51100.00: it: entity. . 6. w. \VHJDIPIBLD, - Newniarlret, opt, Phone 30811 or house lot. 23 Exlrn good OXYAQETVLEfiE WELD "IO Almost all brokqu path oi inn. liblosry can he antisiuetoruy w toured ut r9:amlnllle_ prlcos by -l|lia Process. Try iL N. 11. 05171113, Newmnrkel. 'Pthe Rema MHZ Ernst. oi Rank 0!, omnto. undel- F. Brillllsgera Blacksmith Elton. Lnttnltta PLAOEE Fon llin FLIGHTS Guava, Jul) 20 nttur witlch time it will he matter (or no llalliox, and hare miles apart, so that he is imminent. ud ior omss-oountry iiyirlg. t wnya in Hearst and Trim attempts. It is uxpeuted tllst tiring will no tour oi the Air lloard s stations in Canada by tile mld~ 't lis atntton at van- couver is now in cont-all at construc- io progress ut illl die at August. lion, and sohlnes are on their wdy Mechanics re ondlie ground ut Mor- tlsy, Allia., and machines tor use users are gulng-iorward at once. nockllitn "Ilsngst- will be opened next wssli. bud comp horas: Is alresdy tbs scene at classes ut thu latter may will begin us soon as the necessary regulations barn been ap- saltle inill y ying. proved DY Illa Clblnbt connull Mount rarest, July 2 n double drowning nooidsnt ocourrsd here this autumn. emrwcums were new It may ,ll lyh cook, 'oross noting; humid [MM door, A not bridge over tbs Hv resorts. but the our-ton Purlller lniurtrlutlon can he had trout Win. KL Vl oi Flnnnctz corn- 'l'uwit 't'rensurcr. rtrst Mol'lguge on ve acres at land - and good house In town or Newman- r, kel, hearing slx and ops-null per cent. has nearly ilve years to se- handing places Nil shortly have all been marked out in] mes-country air illgltls in autlsdt, on easy ultstlnn to leave. say his route charted through to the opposite side oi the Dominion, with landing places marked on his map alrdlsllllcns oi about no 1]! linnw where to silllte (or no loreod landing ooptoln hrunhnolld, oi the Air noard stall, has lust completed a surrey oi the country between \Vlns niprg and sudhury, lonollng auttable ntrdrenle and landing sites to ho Cllul h ln soull- lttg mo locations, Captain Diutittllnlm riled hy tluuadlso National null. tlten by Grand . Tile landing planes urn mlrbrd along these lines or ralihty which will he tollnlvcd lty airmen tor their lirst - ISM {our warn. and last! is you-n. Willis Ml) tsu innnd m ctolE rails .23? .0 won I sister it so deep ionl, Ind at In ll-OM Ind tinprtcnedctho' innlornlun turned Phy- tou over to the county ylulldn. ailtt yes. tervlay the boy appeared in lilo county I nllcl: dourt, charged with interiering wllll signals. he had mods lllmiteli lintllii to n ilvc-yoar penitentiary-term, hut the Magistrate, in view or his youth, treated .lllm ienlenlly. A line at 5.50 was tmponrd. Among tllnswrlld Issued Tuesday at Osgonntlo llnll watt one by Joitn Shear- , down or lllchtnonn Iltli, who is lnltlng notion agslnst it. A. liunlnp ni Toronto rnr 0,000 tlornnges tor "libol, slander and tlelouiniion oi charm :- Twenty-iive ottednnn street cant have henn purchased by war-Its Catn- mtssionor lInrris tor use on the oivie our lines. As the amount set aside ior tllln purohnse was 3200.000. the . rare will cost In tile neighborhood i tinted npioco, . while attempting to turn around on his bisycie to recover llls list. which had blown oil on the Ilnmlltou high. way nt hiltnimo, Malcolm King, aged iiity-iive, was run down by, a motor car and iatully iniured. Wound ' Ltnltntmn "I13 TANKS Thousands oi art-rots or on lonltsd Ilriiilnttr, :o.l., July is, noon to-tlay, when lightning slruen lel large [links cnnlalnlng lllollsafllls tti inrrels of crude nnd light oil st the plant or the United States Asphalt he. iinlng :mupony, Wagoner-s Pal south or this oily, ih-emnn have lJuull lighting desperately to ve silt-taunti- lllK pl Hy. st to o clock tit-night the names \Vl'l E shooting (I hulldTL Ll (not hit!) [lie , othi Llluzlng'ol|\ s running In the roadways. Twin ltloebs oi wo-ntory houses. the bottles Ill/Wm men, urn burning, onti'many more are in danger. The burning on is also iiotving Iowan! llle eliils oil Catnmtly'n plant adinin- no, . All hope or cxtllliilllsllillt; the lllllll- ing. oil was abandoned tilts utter-noon. as the water supply was inadequate, sud the iiratuen were directed to exert all their clients to saving the dwelling llousrs hundreds or ianlllies, resi. dents or rairiield and agoosr-s l olnt, became irinlio with ear. and mot-ed all their household neloneings'lo the tilmcls, The aggregate 103.7% (a (HE cunlpanlas is estimated at 00.000. \, The two tanks were shunts by llghiulng aitnosl simultaneously. one contained 55.000 barrels oi crude oil. Tile second loan exploded, and tilt terse oi the shoot was so great that the root was hurled Into the aural about 000 ian % IWDROPLANEG tron nxpLiniriolt wontt ottawn, Jilly lD <Ward tins rencll- ed tlls Air hoard others here or the completion or s sueeesslul iUghl oi more than 600 miles lronl ltsliiux to halts st. Jolto, outs, by l.leut.-Col. beetle or the civil operations branch oi the Air lioard uld his roinrntilon. ltleu|.-Cal. Wilson, The ottioers oaoh piloted a "1mm; boat" which ms to he delivered at itslte SI. John irnm llallialr tor exploration purposes in the region north or st. 'Jnhn. The ex- plomllon und survey work to be our. rlsd out it being iinaneoa jointly by lilo Oueheolend tho Federal (lovem- rnents. instead or iollowlug in river along its nouns Lieut.>CaI..ltncltln new across country, using a series oi lslrrs I: loading illness.- Ald hoard oilieers here regard the runs on s remu'lrhbly suenrssntt one such as had not previousl been a lmmd In cannon under srnllor cum dhtons', . n in survey and mlonuon o whlsb is to be carried out lawn]: nilrlhemynt or clients I mvlnab ground out he mm by hydrophnn whlsh would not he wmln.wllhla n: Wezu Journey by moo bad on sea I!!!" m min tbs oi Transition, yrsvlouslr i only diodes mis t . 5 g e ! slot The mm W ti: p lnlnsu, temcd to d hell strainer. o gmmi/ :1 hope by that it in next h M can a nut to report Xul'lllllr lln- ' * lMiih,rIKM htiM to rat- mnrie shite-grunt till-ans oi the Harman troy [alkali-Tine I it is rnnt ethipg worthy eternal . knot sally . y Iititteoerous it kind-- hosrteo old to ix. Mlcr their mil-m irom,tll'e wust, where they lived all tri ors, it now with Woke! said "nu ma know you : mo Ilge you The 3 solids-mitter hall I long ingmmn er owl-salons ill-o my qenllmentsvelitstlyl , ulneoted company .nl llerm tiringle's has arrived and itcrinnn's heart ovorilows with toy. tor don't ' yltu out its hrs a boy. l'l'llc Owl calls it Jorry mingle, : tire. ins. war-doll lino purphnsed a now our and Is sIvlng up hard work (or plilaliuru. Well donut N0lll0. The tumour ltugiiith aotreus. Ellen Torry (visits the iollowlng ih,s it-lonu-s unto- Krupll "Thorn who tore me call me Nellie, That's the way wllll .Virii. Jim, Wordell. Sllu litlown, nit Nollie all over the country and tr ultln ls'tlllwn tilt It Vlt guneroua-lledrttla pernon. t , llun'yi comer is making wonderiul uhnngns ill the old linvlu oratlnm place. lie to raising it up two test and cement yeneettng the whole oi the ntrnolure. Tilers in a right way and a wrong way oi,ttolng || wllurl done right it make a very warm house; dons wrong it is or cold on a ham. 1 a title iortuu out or his strawberries. title d. two strangers. It. sad it. met. Suy'il A. I thought i told you time it I ever nlcl you again lnvouhi punoh you, till you bellowed this a salt. Snyn ll. alt'l! oli your coat," and at ll they went, Alter a tow minute A lively sorlmsgins ll. not the best ni tllo argument. uys'A t'vou-ilgltt better til you did he- iorsv says B. "I never saw you be- ldiu. says A. "Come to unit at you I never saw you "more." Why did. n't you say so," soyn ll. - eoaune 1 Jun! pincovered i had gone twenty miles out oi my why and was testing pretty sure. turd wishing that some one would come along and gills me two words oi tip, llal'it about the way the rlnhlwln ltssehull cutl lkti were tent- Ins. They had tlviun nul' ml the lertiltlu detest oi the Knowlnk boys end when they had lite chance to hove a game with' cum Swamp they in (lighted) into them an savage as a meal are and Gum swamp went down ill a heap, but the owl says llitldwin can't play ball oily ltiors. it is only an apology tor ball. A young naiasol come out or the want lanl week and gave the llrownle serihe tta nwlul tongue lashing, Sllc Ill-l thoroughly wdil qultullctl to do It. .' n, no doubt. tlsn token lessons ironl nulltroy Cove, wllu is athlil tli sueh ttnu oi ianguag She gave llllll nn irish ltlesslng ornamented with nil. llngsgate. Tile serllto lining a little than look his call-ignites Mill meeti- llt ls. ' . same at the t rl are hall 52]) nuth breakers, it cor road there at the Devll'u Elbow on Sunday titgaged In the lot-able pass time oi iishlng. There was a good sprinkling oi women (not ladies) to the party. I . lloherl Stcvnnwll and his who our seen out tor n drive quite ntien. We are glad to see they are married. A widow can Ill: very hclnlul 10 a will] 0 r it they both thlhh so. livery boin ulshes theta lung In their od- Venturcev The union or their inr- lunB \vlll be Well for all concerned, Quennio Ir: a good llollsevkccnnr and nohnrt is a good movldnr. All: and hint. wtli liantrmn and lanllly lllfllorctl down from Saskatoon tu iraldwla. i hope they had enough riding (or a tow days. .\lt~s May (Cam Tooth nlolrheres in the great weoiy west is l-isiting her grtnt many intends be . strs. iionry cta ry oi liniiingwood it tell hot- slster-ln-law, Mrs. ntincnn arowiord, tor a row days last week. .\lrs. Jr uv l'iynard oi Zonllyr about u ltlw days around her old home last ueolr. \Irs .lohnnna wtlbinsnn is spending .r rely ours with Aunt Salll' Cryrler min. - llo hoortohorry barnge are up on the mess, 'Hiey go tn strong ioree tl , The berries are very large . excellent ilavor. llc ,owl mode a pig oi ntmroii ate too many Illllt wits under the weather tor a day or two. Snme tolls don l Imm l cnuutzll in step when they have bad enough. lionltltulsrry Torn mat-es it his eustnm yearly lo go up and rare in the resume lit-Try. lie is the tool. l-st pierci- oi our section but l'l u hurts not the slonnsst plotter. He might how out the less-es and struts with merit to himseli. Music hath ellarntstto south the savage beast." A good many oi our savagen are being charmed by this its. lighirui music they llear out on the s snth. ,Those dashing darnsels are ' muzlt al. V The Owl. W0... PINE ORCHA RD. lit. and tits. ilsll, Jirs. n. l.undy and tin. and hits. .1. it. \Vidniiieid were among those present at a party wlllrlt was girl-n by air, .1, \v. haw-Is or Queensrllls. All report a good line. itinstsr tl. Mantllall is spending his holidays wtth ills parents here. ' iiir. sn Mu. ts. staren spent a law days in he north visiting friendn. Mr. and hirs, Reid are spending a raw days~vlsltlug irlunda in tho ylol- nlly oi London. , hitss A. Munro or nttaws ls spend. ing her holidays here with her aunt Inl l unels, Mr. and Mrs. \V||lat- Wea- Icy. many rtiouas or Mr. Walter Wesley will Its [21de to lruow lhtl VIE I: 1mg")le nicely. - The islands or Mr. . llops will Its sorry to bear that ho is now under the daetonsotrs. , We trust us will soon be q'trha weil Iglln; ' The inner surroundtiu tbs environ has been much ingrovsdhy the out: or aunt lt toeetvs r oongrrtulnted on their this quarto ' iloheit hang at (that Swamp tnude 7 1 land now. duMn, I hhvo noualtolenasli f lhv so P. ulouih tint rent" dni't 'P nk Iwn weeks build-ya too.,dnt. / t i - Mr. ul nlnlhdl' huttdu o\llts,bi cliiiord oi Toronto is M n1nd, MI r rise Elm-Ii tor. \Illlllg he niewdnyv . .,, ,. Mis .clsrlt gt Lindsay, formerly onltin, publln So not start, is visiting In. B. Howl , . i t "a. Dewalfo Mdjr nddluzllldr, ani lhn West. tnlllt'lllll wee #Mrn. AL, P. hos-rhnrdsn Ave. , v - r in, nlnrrt Mills and daughter Edllll irnm] ilort.wtltiam are visiting Mrn K. N.,nobcrlson, tllo-tgow. tint, upenl' Sunday with trlends in wrmnrket. , y ' Ilsa tingglo ,llerleltun init yes- terday (or abidagoh to mate till/1X- iended visit with her sister. ,trs. it A. storr Pronpccll Av ettlert unit relatives from AumN an nlldland on Tunsrtny siternoon tits. . Ilarrilttell at Toronto shut the weer-end with ltca'trlend. ,\lrs Jss. llnmsdon. uorham st, ~ it. .\i. ii, ltanning und inttiily at Toronto spent tho vk-Entl berg wtlh ills brother, in it. b Manning. v Mlug L. arson and that K. Illn- lIalo spent an dry with Mitts Mu nlinw dt Tllo Cellars." Island drove. ilrndipivi witness airs. Duo. At- ln, oi NoWIlltlrliel, npeitt part at last welt with her htotht lira. Palm. ,here. -lir. let-l \vost undetweol no attention not wdeit In the General hospital and we are glad to remit it was nueerssiui. ~ \lrit. ti. hiunsiinw and daughter, Iamtly oru camping at "Thu cedars," island Grave. ' \Vo tire pleased to Itnd there Is ultimate recnvery. ~\tni. F. hellry and daugtllir, use Mr. \Vln. Euworlll spent Sunday with Jir. an Mm. Jus. trend at " l'lln Cedars, islnnd Grays. ttr. ii. blolrtoon, who is warning a ltlinlng claim ill New untorlo, was home tor the ttuanllly 0! tools bank with him. lltnltlord wttaesv : hiessrs. it, \v hotltaln, Mel. waldruli and t}. b. Bel Newml ut on Monday CVOItlHKs Whittaker opeill Ilust Oil or Newtnnrrel spent sundny atlernoon with Mr. nntl Mir). McMahon. r. and lit M. Itldlry ttite lals lur at daughter oi Ills tnle Chair. \Vll- non) tell on Tuesdny to visit his old home In London, England, sailing Irom Montreal on Saturday. They expect to be gooe aboul three tnculhs. I , lr. iiinrrtun and bride are molt ham their honeymoon trip to nicotin- iuw, which they greatly ruioyed and are spending a raw days with her part t-lllb \lr. and Min. Frank Kelley; be. iore leaving (or their home in Smoky lyn. . v. .iril. Adle oi arnniord, New Jer- sey. and son. were the guests 0! bits. Iionry Hitldgo on Tuesday. nirs. note will its better known to tho people ei Newmoritot as . tllnsl Kitsie Smllll, daughter at the lan w. w. Smllli. She is looking All and ill"- parsnily enjoying lite, t:tsnl youngdadtes irnm the Yaw- man to t:rh_ Works, hurheslor. N in. visited the Ollicc Specially \Vorts last Prlth) . They were nominated through the otitce and Factory t - Miss Wood and nuns sturr. They lcll rritiay night too Toronto and were the guests at Mr. slemln on Solurdd . _ VIOTORV FOR attAhlilooK lines tor America's our. New rorir, July 20. l 10vyt't1r grip on the International yachting dup hangs by n linger to- night, the result oi Sllnnlrilck's ntsou out, magnmcrnt victory over Iletio~ lute lo-day. Tile tea king's ntnrourneen sailed in winner by more than nine minutes. Suhlmcllng imrll this the handicap or seven minutes odd leaves the green illsr two minutes and twenty-obi EECOHLIS advantage. her back in the lllslory oi the our struggles it to related titnt o nriusb yaeht bested a linnitse cm who the latter lost a topmost. Last Thurs. day the Shamrock at this day crossed the line a winner. but again an aeol- dout was responsible. ' To-day Shamrock oulraced and out- luered Resolut and the triumph is unsulileo hy aeuneat or other de- traeliog cause. The victory erownn Tea .Tdm ' twenty-one years it! striving to bring hadll' to the tuition isles tits Arrinrltlrl s cup. Sir Thomas has the cup two-thirds over to irs- s rare is apt in all likelihood to start the old cup snot-aging tn nougor, ireiund, tile home oi the HON] ulster Yacht Club. The yseht Amsllta brought the cup to America In last and slots Illdt dls~ lstn day the trophy hns net-er been in danger. ... SNO\VDALL The young people are looting tor- ward to a good time at the mill nio- nltl at hand Lane on Filthy, July 23. There Is a big dsnoc at night. , A car load or irlrnds trout Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cross. . - The girls Itgldlilll Itt held on stit~ the s town on Tuesday nights. Ml" Mary I'lrmn 80! ! Sunday II her horns burr. Ill. r visitedy. Mlu Anna ,nogari ni Kst'tloby ll! IK Wllll her K0". M . will l' Irt nnd'Mn. Tho n. Lowiv brill! .\llsu t). tienne,, Mrs. .ltlu. Bond dud report that or. c. it. It. Clark to improving nisely every prospect at his weekend and took it has attended a lecture on poultry in lsn Giddy-psalms or Toronto. accompanied by tier Mend Mltilt Carrie the week-end with her uncle. MI V, G. Proctor at the -ltlehlrlolnd llIll Liberal: Mr, and Mrs. iinigeon and Mr. and dint. Keys of Maple. and Mr. and Mrs, Lenard i We are sorry to heu that Mr, H. Davis l.r snoring may from tiers. 1t bush or young 960ng imrn King City writs up ill-Mr. w-l er's ,lrusli Ia Mr. Lloyd's on Thursday evening. They brought mulls wllh than within distaste ml! mull on in mm In s . sodds d boll Torr stints mad: ottu. ' .. .: , .At. no Militia be lr slit planted ia-thy }lla8l Godwin itth lilo mi ts slittmstotttneii over . Every con-dim guys in Franco slut in to herbal-ornitth um mule roi llt yholql xtn In Molt onto will rbe nonhsutntunltoally, ln llloznext or it n-througtt militia h quarter-I at Ottawa; i , ' r , i To date. It was iurtllor stated, It: proximwa iour, thousand phoiggmpbs travellers taken and is hoped that shoriiy.llts Triathlon will be aupnllgd with photographs in evun cdio when: - grovr unisll. ' Owlllg'lu the sand sisli employed sud wooihsr eondllions on the eoutlncnt, howeven th e norir must prseced'slowty. , ' ,, I I rtvrs ran-torn sills Annex Alta no; ITALIAM'OII IOIAL listntltttn, July l l(ntettng t; troupe Atunrnnos, italinu consular s not. unconscious by a blow with an automobile lite nye lllKllwaylllcil rlited hin'oilleo nl zoo .lanun street north at it p elack lo-nigh , broke e on the sale and made a cluctll gel-awn They carried nwilyvi't hex or too the ltnluunl or which Altlamlluu was tu-nlght unable to estimate; they also took two mull lllrlr victim s metals had his gold watch nntl chain. The money In lhc'caiill box had been de posllcd wllh Ills consular agent by in low oounlryrnnn, to h iorwurdnd til/enters. The police were not noti- Ilrd until lltili dn hour nttnr the as. audit. The consular ngnnl' told til that he was ruling t the pa. mum oi his other when the iive mun, mask- ed, entered irom the all title pointed a revolynr at lllb lIliad nld ordered itlm tn lllmw up Ills hands, Amorous-l struggird with the man with Illrl gun, when one ui utn gang islird ltim with a blow trnnl llll uulomohlleincir The held-up men were heiw .en the gun oi lg and 2.1, the consular ogent deelar. ,. I . t ellm FEIN DHBTHOV , l.lILIYItnli stanza tiilltlln. July W. daring raid was carried out by armed men at the Klng li bridge terminus ,ol the great Southern ltntlrnad itllr alteraonn. The raid re. . sulted in the destruction ot three rall- way oars titled with tnllltty stores, which were lining guardu by ten ital. dlers. ' Tile raiders armed wllll revolvers, more up in motor em and surrounded zit] lilo soldiers and aller- as Bul in the cars containing (nu military stores. Tlllz Ill-z brlende WIS summoned, but (he men Nlu cd in Ex- llnsulult Ute/flamed wllL n the ulr- oumstaness oi the tire were learned. Neverltleleha, Uteillromen kepltlln Irom spreading beyond ,lhe military stores. . um-om a llnmes THE Lannma FURNITURE alto lll lDEFiTAKllla llounn litllord's ()lti SLarld. llnlh . . l-th l' Undtlrlnlllttti nn'd Embnlmlnu CHAS. WATSON, proprtuter curls DUNUAM, nlioulmer. mm The amino. thllllIv tln l- liddy. 'UEOI KE l2. \VllUri. a soil. Thnmson4~Un Thursday, sort (nee lrenc a daughter (Margin! listens). Johnson in Neivrllsl-kct. Hm), to Air. tuld .\Irs. Geo. John non. a son. 1110 Altar. nailing-diuh dn Tudsdsy, July l_3. by iter w. n. nieTaggtrl, Toronto, , daughter or .tir. ntld nits. Laura Peter Mark, llmrldac. to Waite llolilng, King. The bride was attired In cream |i1 eoletto. were a picture hat or French Guorgetle to rriatch. and carried street. The honeymoon will be heart roses. mum in Detmtl. Tm Tort-lb. Push in Toronto General llostlitrll, all Wednesday, July 7th. 20. Snow Wealth, in her with year. or Lloyd- town. diesels At lloltsnd Landing July ls. widow oi 1920, Jia tyslta Glover. w. n. Glover, lit het- 63rd ysar. .inisrmsni st duesnrltile. Cemetery on tvsdnrsdsysltrruoon, Evlnl in Scott, on llursd ,Iblh, 120, Joseph Alexander, iii iahl son at llr. and Mrs. Jnlio Evans. Robb At, Toronto General llospltsl on TueJYs July 20th, 20. Hild . oi Normnn delrly beloved ' lie tidbit. oi Nohleton. Funeral Tlturadl) allemnou. on Tue dry, July the 201b, HID John Pi lterton, In tits in yesr. lntsnnent st Lloydtown, Thursday. Iain At the reudenve oi bi sou. lit-low, Mr. wm. Tut. an tbs lib con. oi Eul owiillrmury. on Juli iolh. Deom Bum. in his nna vs Island at oussnsrtlla on wean: dry. 'notrtlltlts mastu- fut-rtin or irorn 1 to soo noroe tor solo in vorli and a... llnltlllllollntloo'. , . l. , , v r ' ill] Totttn Proportion and Lotto shore Lots. le tong Ilrt s uloi we linth made: hnn'doplatda our Ilitt,; islet with us li you want on salt. r ~ 'l); HAMILTON ns SON. Metropolitan *Lifev insurance Go. : Ltigesllnsllllili Go. in the World llotlee Is hereby glven that I have tnlton over the hunlildsn formerly conducted by m. Boswell laan wlll be pleased to intend to the would ol the public. GC It ll. @EWEETEHUX. Pmnpodt Av0., South End, l tldwmnrkot. motel Moog __..t=llor.l Your Thing: " nv rtnvtrtu Tillztrl naTnl-znnao on 8150110 BUILT I" u epooloiiy. July tour, 1920, nl Queenst-tlie. to its. and Mrs, July 15m, into. at Private Pntlenls' Pavilion. to .\ir. and Mrs. William ll. Thom- chliallont. Port uredit, tinrtnurly at Richmond lltu), iuly 15m. , iuiy Ser l lu M St. Albilt s Qllurcll, Noblelon. J Pinkerton At Essex. uni ALL HEPl'lm , T0 OllGlI'JGU 6's TUDEE illi ll E. 9 , lulca'lllziiig and Tile Service. MARKET BUILBllllG. l'rlEWl't'lAthE't . ....l'. _ WANfE'EDl 30.000 HARVESTERS $15.00 to Winnlpng i-luttlill . clnt'w tall. blond. titrum. lttll . Clnl pt. hill: to wrunls-r. rlul true. .2 ts wtmtn. Jttigtu EXCURSION DATE ! Iron-l u TIlnlO ltttu. Bill and Iain l-Tornllla and EIII thereei Auo.11lh and "int Toronto, itorib, Witt uld enolh Ihrreol. Luvs Yoronlt) 8.80 in. ct. ' ru lioru ILA Warmth: rrru stator Cqudltl rrtuesttu crud mu Arr-t. er vllll Gtulnl mum. thldze u. c.1ttnys.. fusatn to r _ If You Want to git to to country on Pleasure or Business. all up , .Bm's leEllY noti i'or-lnlrl In a Lot II We on it OOVEHID IUMV, MHRLAGI away-J: 0 Iran Prom-Clam. A. .OVD Pro llullt Mll- u m. 17! may Mull! to New Your, Jul s Hrs Thu third rte-e _ is nesnluts's on ltsrount| ollllhe gaunt. out at seven and olluu so is tarn- ls re red by the rules to give. . _, , ole out ow but. u town. or B 0 Y W A N F E D Bhlnlmek iv o a one ier nssolulo. . V 'utrgsra tells, ant. uly n.~nr t . , result or burns reulvrd hen her dress eat-trill tire trout n gas pltis on the near. llllls blunt tits tw year- eld daughter at Mrs. John Lennon. ot tlbln m. died It the hospital tut ' , tut lli sver' slnoe mkmmri l. wu deemed the wtllrlitr at tho i'lrsl. not at III mm lot- the in MI TWA " mind .w turn the Printing LIJM. n "1 or... bits I bl ion-l n you at Ml I and was at :stor I Tim I [ram Ni wrote ll znlmrlcl .sucresai ' lPu-nwnl on T tirlsudi .nulniltr room at them sc gnglsnd ,aiior \vi ,rhosen l gtit nit , ilr. and ' islands the art to roturi land. all into: obtain Parlrt lith and pp n t patient on dl) season. Ll! Well mustmt dun he slroytll tel 010,-: rite or partial who itlll or mans chin Mo under A. in u stranger Tho I it store 1min in excellent The li Illrllcr t. he fallil listen ll min at Alhlcllu Two | two loo. nanrli night spell: v. M. a All In it. A. l it Mr I" lath at Th. Aurore, l piling. tourism. charge. the marl boys. do rresltrd nnrori v u the b mln her The sun Jlllllnrt to uni Intentle _ it out up Hell mt Toltl Miwmul 'Ntl t in the 1'! do not i