W3. .1 0K7. , Vail pump on uuntlten In. B't uom IIOMD in that clean will it moat .detlratlla home . tor Imlll j i loudly. I 000.[orllulnk solo. , . I [on Pro-poet Mm, f Home at to t , hall, hardwood arr, electrio- llgillu. turnaeo, liot ler.tlesied, stone cellar, vomndali. . uood mm dime. .Ol lo .udau. entail dow ,' inn lh\ lla - . am i ildlizg used (or state and . - .dweliirpr. Hva roomii on that ileor tum BIKIIL on second tloor. . Cament eteotrlo ltsiite. ' ,in need ululi' ,lyrioo piano. .tiioo o ouua on l|latt sin . cluclrlu light, walei cement eeitawsizooo. unaudawa moo atii'r a moma tloun on list i I illro ot. tloud lot 70:120. Tlllli is an u| hr ale houne equipped with water cleotria light, iurnuee, sishla. twi lieu litulocu all in Klmll condition. 'titnao cash. on eel-horn at., ooptdut Block ttouro a rooms and hail, water In llama " (lenient ecllar. garage. hen iioiinu. Thh ' is u send iliiy at aloud. not paint 200 ti'cl-ca oi choice Land . In No lt (lellIrnliury, Ulrde mutt: In sultan. 1/. mile to church and school. Good gravel road. oui siorcy house at n rooms. aood hair on Hlultu wall noxol. Drlve lbw Itnit Milan. 0 [ml ti. l-tfly. Hitow and other varielllL-it. lllls t1 ' JII CIGM (amt, Pollsteiitllon [it till]. call and are our list at tsrnlu silo 1'qu properly. "ALL A nuhnowtt. tot eti. Nov/market. W to THE ruaLto./_ Fltltllllt; Ittll. Architects and Enxlw neeln illvo condemned our iaeal sand and sievel pile tor Cement Work and general nulldiug Trade. and seeing a meat tutura tor-Nawmarxel, l hsvc heed made Sold Agent hy the it mind illicit, 0| th at BRIOK 00., EYE; tter na'ritot and vicinity. t eaii oupply hand and grevol wlitall lies ticon tented and passed hy Architects and engineers l 1' ~v~0hhlnbr than you out uuy nratel nirt - tion. V Find. Car in thin weak. 1' a. limit, has still. howlnnrhot. a. hinder new. 'nrlioae to. I lama!!! l sTANDAno To WHloH ALL mute ARE onlttWinEn have you ever wondered wily it is that dooleru' It: other metres at sewing moeiiineo take pains to cmpiiaulre their wilulm that their particular insetiiile is "Jutit. up good as" the Singer. , oh why it is that more than 2.- nuo,oou women huy Singers every year-dilute tiliin all othermolieo coin~ lilncd l Or why Slngtll lsalcs haye spread ,. all over the world. into every civilized country 2 ' The . nger has so long represented tiie lllisltuttt degree oi excellence that it is lo-dar everywhere recognized as the standard at yinrlcctlonvlltc envy .0! every competitor the irride oi uverv owuiir. I it is easy to own a Sinser inii o polish deposit ruo tin payments, exchange. it. J. LEPPAnn. . Kcewiclr, Onl. , O enerol Agent [or York Count) PropalhgforSale Fume ltllvla on lint-on st. 7 m ltla, thnl cellar. \ancr and lights: hot tion-iii. Garage and -siahie. . New Home nll "Iagll 3L Fl llrl lll mall . fiden'l (tun- vetiieneee. lint-dell and irult trots. size at lat Mixed, - ltouuhwit HGUEO on Ontario El. 0 would. Larisa gurdrii thztl plenty at (will. Dnuhla (trick House on Elmcuo at. M large rooms, csiileill cellar. l'lllkllw nttlo. ItDlI ly to All hr nay- orid balance in Wit. IIODGINS, . . Ila: 615 Newi nsrltet. Motitlttleltttll, Engraving. Special attention given to tuserlp- tiao. loitering in tho Cemetery. het- tcis tioisttut in a workmanship man. ner. eleul cut and deep. All undo ct deinetery pmulplw attended to. tieer given. work Q notation a t}. W: LUEEBY. Phone a'ts. Arden nve.. Old iiiaoililles- Model-ii conveniences. Nowmal nt. t. , In as .ti " 5 st lzlfurotllwul Hill. It. I7. tie ht Mimi W' in ' lo 'deltnl'wl lliltt quanta to Mlulou able be turning them It i ' i . . . Any one Mitttnd lirtnte trom. cita- ilveti lnadc by it. Zurhtins WM 5 to .lauuary {DIELMII cril heiore tituy iii, logo. io.arraiigo tortillle oi mount. etc. liespcetiuily Iltlll lime. The Lost to wound, .; . lileut two me he odors lttoyolo ttnKllItr to ilruee Trlveit manure - iiudeo trdeu whatever oau it no mood at it. vLalllSaIurtlny, a boy named l creard Pi'ilrtly. while ilsiiiag ill the bum], tinned Iiut the nursing hioy ole. Sinneh had taloliu't it and tar tear. ct helps ,caueiit had itil-tlw-n tllu wheel into the oapol. . Molhudlll ohuroh. Mny it. lloitiei's Sunday. til it. in. lelis menu ! in the ileum damn. it a. ll ll*ti Service. llnp- Friends Endeavor. IIIKIII. which was lull or hclptul lllfluul "How to Show Sympathy. ' song a itrtlu. "Sonic other nay." toti u the loptu Cultlvnllnk tilt to." Lender Mrs. Vera I'licoillx Any one Waldemar de (Iain. til-ought Built to uawmultot. i away at the.home ci a triend. Mr. T utility. 'inllcr an Newmtll'kcl, who lhrtu years ago. sldo those a! his partner. . r rliiitlitm dined at. the King IIDII'I llctoie eturnlng home. The To ohrirtlni i Blind-y Bolionll tiinitle noll Day" all well a Mother s ltay" will he olioerved tex ahltutit alternooii. tit 2.30 to all vlncs, ltntl [0 Much all are \ ctnj dktlly luvllud. All the bottles on ou ttrsdi null. witll their parents, at up -tud to he lliitre. work that the to he thorn. we want yoil to come also. and sit he olite tlieiil. Every-hotly eotliel Yo will cnloy the dittorunt items oi lli St.r\ l :tl Ilolltm are asked to thrill their mothers with rotsl'wizllt'c other; class i and liuiiont period hit them. lustca lire iisi .itcr partner or visitors present. Duy-nghl saving in ay/martial. .v\~ ilu , -npiliitun ihillway iir .igiil Saying limo ll til ~tlu ii 1 li, pupils at 'llllll Htl l :H HJI in open. 'l'lioil ill the utter until. they i It'i litck car going . oi-ih. i-mrhll-l iinimriiutl- the nuyrldgl oil has acted wt. In part Another Mm Lcnrlno Tow A. G. ltiooindahl, Su lioipl ltrp the Hindu Sheetai Wurks. iett Town last Saturday to a on advanced salary. .tust it is with proloiinil regret that we we learned oi your intention or wtlarallng I'IIIM SPII train our melllllurr strip and the orguuipltion with which , it have dining iii.l.post three )thrs played an important part. We a tlnls reminded at )mlr ever radine iuid \VIIIIDE'III s In cu-nllet d .uid oyerp'w-oy Mill Hill cumin and WE helm! your mum employees. lil view those tools we uni at allow you to '.' Chas. Faiarn. actual literati-alt. uAutwni r .om . wow rite-o m._NIMI - Im Q IMO! I WI,- vnpriutym, _ dcpel-i train .our pltdst without at- tenlpttng to show in some srnall wsy our appioolaucn of our lost it rt III 1.1" out- Ilnl lbl'llklzs . ) a no \Vevlhcmmm ask you to nwlpl this ctun Beg as a token or our retoeet tor you. May it ever lend you at (ltd tmmy warm and loyal irisnde you lrttil ltidt Most In our lou to or. your gain. Wm my I in deep respeet, iiy a large circle or 'l'llti riieniio o. it. held their mouth- lS- .ttoilseunlllon lilcclliiir uL Monday Allur'lllrl song and prayer service . tllttti Lillie nulc gave a putter its on All! IJXKll disailseloa. Mlad L ioily Lucy Next week Mrs. ionephtne ludtey IIIKII hir. Patrick ltartiing, who tannetty resided in Newrnarttet. and who tor 21 years was Employed at the Mas. d#8212;Ildrrbl Wei-lie, 'I omnlo. vpahtiud .I. U Ilare, 3? ( Wing Street, an Entv illness . at three ltlolllllo. in "it; 7 ) y'ear of Illil 33c, III: Inhrrled Mltl Sumlt upward of predeceased line The rcllll llns were hrouglil here hy motor on ltanday and Intertwd al SI. Jolln u Cemetery-Ite- nto triends who accompanied the {UEOI EC it tine program to tieiilg arranged which will colnhine both these set-A value and show that. you are hill-lulled In' tile sollool ls dollltl. Mothers. till H l'out- (lay IOO, Fad [than of caunln, Fathers, tllciti. to their then_ ehnlt to provide a iiiieeil-intnule int; are outside speaker address wholn school in assemth us in Ta 5 next Sundnyidt nil we would like to see top the tray r was ltl' . ii. iii. 0|! iiu iness. tailed, limit. to i: p. in. or ., rm, and spent seventeen years or his lite lilo, 'l'in opinion prevailed that paying up the iilhis oi worthless ll iiiirnlils \vds all was retiuiroil It'll'lll . . r.3 ii . ",1" r, 0, MW. rpm tie w in late with u ileiiiitilul t to me is tile way that the host . the lligli the Ilctropolllan line. _ in minutes to it nnit intro to \l ItI| tinitr iiir iii Iri an hour at teaching or wall in Town till the 7 Without home only causes contusion a S It) lllc gt tl unreal 9 ! lhe ULtIor tllc olmuttlhlanuts ilie Gatin- in adopting the pl. of the ccpt s p'osltloti in tile United states at as they quilting war .tlie employees o In any in your power to [tro- nlt tlt! 1!"! Inlbrt 0' ) r cutltlliychi . sru ISIle behind and e sins quu A III! w " y \Ve lthps mil. the Ho ll .W marl . '5 Attai- e .ver y p's'li'i'tut.ilinesl oldoot Hillier. oi 'Iiu'dnvlllc died aiihle home on llrldtt itpril ' tlr. ticket- lodkrlll in tho sutnt a trrolvtli hav. lng developed to Ills sidehut li hravc. iy_ bun: IIll) oxaruclntlnii mlu till! the loot. lie was in liraoltti ye Tile lute llr. dkcr was s redone resident oi Whitellureii' township. who tile' lather, the late nl lt n llutter. oi itslrer it. his wile W. Jtutu Davis oi Lciiinnvilte. / Mr. \ii-e..lioltch retired train. their, tarili at Leinanvltla in told. . e retlrlitsvllu took an nctive part in Indlllnlplll matters and served at. wtiitehureh Council tar three yesre. III: who a mcmlitii ol itleltardeon i.odg it. u.,,aud it. on, and was held trieildsn lie is stit't'lvctl by his widow. nndvlwn daiiiititoni. .\lru. tion. < oh on tile liomeutliad and in win. Leathers oi the our Cult ion or \vtutchiire One llrotiier sylv . otsoeurvl . 1'! it rciilLlltli were Illlen-wI all Mun- iliiy tlltlrllu ldl l.einenviit- eon r) when-a lorgu.niiiilhcr nouciiihlyii I4 pay their last '[eslteolrh I viller m . w. it. s .4, v. ' wuo h' been a practising velennary surgei. in St. Marys tor the pant 8510M died on litonuay at Ill \Vai. street at the age oi 70 years and months. Ilu cauduval his death Wi nlaod poisoning. contracted white on guged in surgical work. The new at his death crime as a great oiiecli t many at his iriende., The late D Slevenu woo horn ln/Stilullvllle. t. wun'ond oi St. Marys itest tincp citizens and ilad huiit up a splend practice. lie was hairy inrpecto {or the lawn, am] lieid In Itlglt crlee. in at. ntnryg ond'dtatriet. ' There seems to he a that set e :iiiidreu growing up in the village in. -now. This wteli stones were lllrow through two at the large windows ii tile trout ct Iihla'ln itmwn'n store. The marriage wae soiemiilzed oi Monday evening, at the liennoniti Parsonage, hy the her. Mr. holivel. oi Mr. lilartlia darker. e! l ldkerlnt 'ownsitp to Mr. toeon iloadway. oi Stiluitviile. lip. and MM. headway willx occupy the residence now oc- cup oddly Mr. Faster liuteiltuson. A well-,lindwn ilguic in Stoutilillc passed ovvey on Tuesday in lire person or ilhrnpl it oigiinwander. at tho one at is years. Illtt death lotion-cu an illness or about nine months. . . W. uiitt nncpo PILOT THEN ottnilttan tilt d t. I. ._r. 0 o. u. alloppard Hll interesting nidc ncwn atmeo. uueet ntdoi-ioiti. Mr. 0. ll. Sheppard oi the Pnuoesa Theatre exftn ud a dl'it d, and. o'ullxcqtttitltl) . thrilling, ride iii ills utunrohlle on Monday. ltis "r idlitit while goth south on Simc e sired, 'i'ornnto. ii when ills uhuut I ir stepped out in see what the i ullle was. it i-linnlicd IIH mind and started again. u e is male did lid hetero gone tar ll pd, rd aside a pitui- ll n our all! Itcailntl directly tor and n llytlm [IUIL l 'I'l ttgt'l) was averted iiy the chautteur. who had headed it d on. llut IIH fltltoll in agdln chand- ltut its com I: -utr the rind itlld tour down the sidewalk. Al Kl sti- and sldlldtl a .ti Illt: car i it tell the st ltlk o more iii the t'l tl c it . [IRE vol: Discountlat JDT itenienllior |Itl~ wrieii Abraham Lincoln was a yatint; iiiilil he run run the It. stature lil llllr yum \ mill! lit \\|Iom Ill.v Iltuattw L gilgullilhcn sle died. hater he nl heat a neuron who was n constant liiinlrn on unu. 'Hllvrillla pUIIIlr y ngalil. he lull tor congress and again nus hsrlly dcr tented. Iltl then tut-ii ll) gel on appointment It) the ii. 5. hand uilice. hilt tailed. llc heeaine a candidate ion the d . late. and was Itadly deieated. in than he hrcanls o candidate tor tilt: Vice-lireeidenoy and was again detected. in taao he in '. m : deieated l,y Doug Line iailiiri: alter snoitiel~~ttad tall maximal oelbacks. in the race oi all this he Ll'cnltlltlly became-one at the counltl'e greatest men. it hat the greatest. , When you think at a series oi sal- haelisdilie this, duesn'l it make you ierl land ot small to lleoaiue dlde durr aged, lust hecausn you tttlnk You an: . mg u ha i it t! _ i the distal Dcpl. assembled and pre- s-rlitrii him with a Civil Eng. arenan piiiuvii with the lttIlowlng address. to show their appreciation nI tiielldsliip ..ut gun -\\'ill: hIITIOIlTIll OIROUMETANDE B You SI III ul y." "So I zttit. A fellow . it how. idiot nudity." Iiltt h nolllillg to \t nl'l'y nllttul. iiiiliili it was very considerate or trim to ntlttltie it ll your undes- hrs." to ss _ . i, , .. .llusliogeo. this. May rlt ill dine persons were Mllctl'atttl anpl xiinaiely in hundred talured by to reward tawdy'l Oklahoma. I) small town in Cllemka day night. according to rein) ' t-rh'cLl , ' from snamhlnl Dulmd. Mammal, .\l.iy Juhn ltau n We ! 1 liiilrd and a (trend 't-runlursin In llmllun was sl ltDnEl:WMu tive tons ot ultra: glyrclico explodedat the plant oi at of Jnmea Morin end , discontinue r I i in chicory, low. it say. give courldcntt to the dummy ot a lutcrtpa pto tilled. , l ' g The ellleloiicy sl r to up. loust sltceted o y liner o lmpropor inorlactton or alt-ices in tricupnsl contact. Indoor! it is estimated at about no per cent. or the nullitblo unionist oi oourgy. in aoetul wo'rlr: ,Tllc oniect ot,luorlcaltor t is not only to reduce irlellon. out also to carry ii viny whstnvor, excess or heat may be, sencluteci, tor s certain nploiint at work will produce a siren uiianiiiy or heat. out the carrying and on tho heat in only so incidental eon ltlon. tor heating at tho/bearing tillottld not arise. Olln v . tor lunrieatins- ourooilen uhould parueiil (wt) qualities that oi cohesion and adhesion. Their ache. tilve prpperltoe lie in tho character ot their molecules to cling to caell other. and Illc|rlndbulllve ova ty in oil to anything else. The an on at these two propertteii nlalie up what is known so viseoplty, that is the body oi. the lubricant. 'l IlIts in a greater dart/co ttiau any other tacior deter- mined iho luhricniing vslusot the oilu. \Vhits vioeostty at an oil deter- mineo its value as-u luhliesnl. outd- lty lndtcsloe its .adnplnniltly to any one particular tortillas. it is because oi the alnttlttle hctween viscosity and uldlly that tllu panic oil will not do tor the heavy engine shell. and tor light weight machinery. Bitch rtav outrrii an oil with goal tiutllcieut to eul-ry the load without be- ing neutered cut at the b . Beyond this cundlllun the more auto and outer moving the ali Ills, better. A thiciiiiutirteatieg dina at good resisting hudyvla needed tor the line rhstt oi an ocea a liner. but s drop oi the some oil would put a watch out oi commission, practically all attic luhlloante now in are are at the mineral oil inunda- tion treated to tree thorn train uld. antl to improve their iltllllhlllly tor special piirpoaea. sperm oil is spe- cltill) good tor - high speed light machinery: ior heavy hearings cantor oil. but both are expensive. For great pressure at slow epecd turd. allow. and olher'dnlld lubricants are null- 'II IIH. xt pressure is great. And speed iligli, cantor, sperm. and nesvy min- eral oils are used. For low pressure at high speed, olive. sperm, rape and retitled pelrolotlm give nslistsciion. Vegetable and null oilii am drying oils. tlltit in. they uxldlu rapidly. tauuieg garnering or clogging oi the hearings to which they are applied. it mineral oil doaa not oxidize. nei- thcr does an Inlmnl oil, not mineral eiin have a low tlosh point that is. they- the at a low ieluperalul . ilul- inal oils develop tally acids. theas corrode and pit thevnletal they are used to lubrlcnte. tidullerante oi variouii ltludd arc dded to oils and greases to give them body." Guru. H03 ): lime. Tull), lull soda and tree acids ill! have their tiwn distinct purpose to serve. Slin- ole lcdls may he aliplled to iuhrtcanis tor duality and visecsil to test tor cltl autumn: It [ill of cotton waittc with the connected all. and toy it open "Han lIIB Surface 01 Dallls hell steel or brass tor twenty-tour hours. it steel shown even a slight norm plan or. it the class turns green. tree acid is present. To tkat lnr guiunly adulteranie place a drop oi all open a piece oi glass inclined at such an down. livany gum. rcliltld or outer viscosity prntlllclns elements are present. they will he apparent by the color at itlc oil sirraii. all rue adul tcraniu deposit themselves upon Um glass in the (unit at sediment: . IA gout! lluztllly of lubricant will not blah tlokn. \tht tl t'nhbtd DE- lween ille linger lips. as oulelrli'. as a poor one. It would the economy in three ways at least to use two idereni iiinds OI oil; L'Cellottly OK [in el', 0! muchlne wear, and ot oil. and in addition there would no greater ediciency also. Evans. 0. A. College. uueiph. l'ltmllilg retirmia top seed. This reters entirely to the produc. tion oi seed potatoes; not those in- tended tor human consuinpdon. The slewing ot seed potatoes is better divided Into iw sections. the early a nd the late. For glowing esriy po- ialoes oi ihe lrlsh Ooohler variety the send should bE selected Il uE to U112 and at: a: pnnlhln lrum ntl) or the variousdisoasts which attecl the potato pltnr or tuner. These should he trohl ii to 1: ounces to weight and cut up lnla pieces 2 ounces in weight wlln two eyes to the piece. They are planted shoot the little at June and am glt't uvet'y possible cultivation with lhe soil in a slate at high teriiiiir: oeiier har- lug hcen clover and well torciiircd u-iih orrliyard manure to which has been added :5 consider-ante quantity or cnnlntetclal ieriitizcr. aacui two the. per acre. Thorough spraying to (mural lea! dlhuttsbs and the Colomdu posits should he gives throughout the heusall. b ut' the Itth seed the Green Mullulltln or liuial Neu iiorlior [5 II The planting is generally done huul tune in lo .tuns nlh under similar oouiiiiions to tile tor- iuur. in all use it is uetezstuy in select a roll that does not dry out during the l' iiillo.as potatoes rnr seed should not he subleeied lo a chockvill any ilillo during their Erowlns period. .tn shunds nce o1 water is Ibeolttlv ly essautlgl (or thrill. angle as to permit it to dew ts'eniJ) | / r. ti. till. Lls'rt-zll, Manager. l "'l lllil should have came last even- ing," said tire. lzarli, Inudlitlgvovet' at. open letter idle held in her Il'rlntl't " Iltty will he hero by lllrce detect. an it is almost eleven now. i mulii keep them to tea. and how am i to Kel' Elam! wltll no girl. the baby halt slch,i and pays away 1' , llcr usually nrtgiil iece was doinO-l what clouded all she tried to ttllttk oi seine way out at the dlllloulty. 1 But there is no tline [a lose; l ust get to Vl she exclaimed. mplng iiit. r iisther. she tiled to lump up. but round that little lien. kneeling iluieily uehipd her. had isstcueu her tu llie ohair with his horse reins. no henny. iienay l" the said. I might have known you were in mlschtni. you have heen quiet so long: it took some minutes to release her- selt..lor the small day had done his work very thoroughly. Then many had to he scolded a little and kissed a. ((0an deal. tor he was a'wlusomc childt in spite at his miseiliet. Then the hunt aware and cited to he talrep up. and tile dinner must he seen to. So the hays were home tram school lie- iorri their mother had time to illtnli whet ,ehe ohuuld do about the tea company. At the dinner table she told them all shout it.,tor this little woman-was In the hablt oi tellan those boys Jullan and nslph~oi her ilumestle attairs. and they helprcl her very otten. "two old school illehds oi mine." slit: explained. "are visiting Mrs. sea- hririht over. in ltlddtotovnl. They wrote proposing to come to see me tilts lemon. and tiring MN. Sea- hridlit with Ilium. They say that it it is perteelly convenient they will stay to tea: it not. they will only mate it call. New Il-lsn't convenient at all, with your talii cr away. and no out unit the may sc cross with his teeth. but i cannot- tilinli oi allowing them to come seventeen miles to stay ilali an hour; tor they would have to late the quarter-IOJuur train ti they did not wait till etoht. Desldes, i should this so much to see them a ask them to old - eaid ltalptl. Can t you gct some. llody to cook tile super'l I'll go [or Mack Laura." his mother shoox her head. knan she can t notni: - \'t:ll. Old diary. tiles." t her to do anything one up- an she calls it. day- i should have no one to lull): oil the children. and things not. i- ally would he all in a muss. i cannot ask them to sltt'" and she touted very much di pp nice: "No s szlltl Jttllztil, "let us stay home irein school, and u'll IIL IP ynn liul Illt : Whole [Milk through, The pally In Mum's good with tile - nd i can run errands aid wait on lilo." DUI. Ill nJlDIL v lid gel on ppltlnllltlly it you were hoih at heme all atiarnueli, out i do t lite you tn miss school. and you w re going milling atlcmurd- - at you it" Yes. mother," replied the hey-s. tooling at h other, and Julian add- (11. Iml inayilc you'll let us go putting Saturday and shah-t lose anything at iionl it. our write a note to \ltss "l So it was settled. and 0. tlle w tit iicined to wash the dinner dish: and reset the tahle with tile hest china and glassware tor tea. They lighted a tire in tho porter to make it ioolt- etloertul that cool autumn day, and brought in clusters ol/chysanlhz- mums train the golden for both parlor and tea table. Ralph ordered. - slers and en sed old Ma - in come and do the evening worir .iulian huddled liahy up in his truth and tool lllm out in the sunshine in put htin in d good hunter. His Park had everything at hand tor a nice supper. The lisltors inusd a ehceriul group ywhether their awount e large or small. 98 AGREE IN TORONTO {Pu done In the next two hours | The hula- friends of ltajottlstonlcrs' and business Whites. Business men ma 't ssll'ml that thevManagera. Ol this Bank extendstlt every, courtea . , e regard the'small'acbqilnl ol [0-day t_\$ the found- ation of mutual prqspet'lly (Or lo-mot tow. RNT t . 3 Asset. $109,000,000 .' as v V m ' EEth llE IQDK EhWE ON THE CENTRE ROAD, A I'l'IILE FROM GOOKSVILLE ea {larch warrants. llalarce buSlt and pdnlure. tin acres niehard, any 1!" tiall, level. 2 wells and a pining. l'miile house or is rooms. eeilnr. ell. tcm. Dank halal. aorta. narn Na. 2. 10x25. tie up to horses and 2t eetil.. Driving house, has pen, hep house. School and churches A mite. natal limit and telephone. hallway depot ivl miles possession emlged. I lu whoop. Terrnli srmoged. 180 AGREB Il ll VAUGHAN TR, OHVTHE STONE ROAD, 1 MILE FROi GONUORD,- MILES FROM TORONTO too acres workable. balance pasture al'ld bush. 3 acres orchard so acres in meadow, to acres ircsil seeding. may loam soil. tel-cl. 1 well and a creek. Cement east house or 3 rooms. cellar. hank hard to (L, octagon shaped. nai-n Na. 2. 56x3 ie-up 9 her. a and in cattle. 2 port stalls. Drlv ing house. hog pen. hen house. iec house. School t mile. church across the road. hallway depot i tulle. posession arr'aosd. plies 0.0120. Tends armored. ' 100 ACRES II'll Tp ll'fo rt . 1 1% Lills l ofll STREETS- UlLLEyjlil/i MILE!) F m'l'l OITV LIL'IIT 58 as wail-ante. l acres orchard. 1 acres tail wheat. 35 acres tail ploughed. Ur sores in meadow. lo acres ulialta. Clay loam coil. level. 2 wells and a crecli. cement house at 9 rooms. cellar. claIbrn. that him some, tie-up t hunts and 26 cattle. u rtvllg house 60x20: hog Nit. hen llollse. lee house. Silo aoxtt. ltish Selluol and Puhllc School ty. mllr's. qtreeisvilic ctlurphts. [luml'tnall and telephone. stone mail 5-oltl milk possession arranged. Prlce stoma, rcrrpa arranged. 80 [HIREG IN IZIAFIKHAI J P., ON THE STONE ROAD, 1 I IIILE FROM LIAI I, 15 MILE/8 FROL I Ol V LILII TS All workable. 1 pore orchard. 5 acres tall ploughed. 4 acres in meadow. l acres tlesii seeding. Clay loam oil. level. 2 good wells. Solid brick house at to recipe. soil water Inhitlr. 2 cellars. cistern. iumacu in houo halite ham 05x37. harn No. 2. 38x30. lie-up s honesapd 20 cattle. open yard. mtlcl lu staliie. Driving house dam; th house. hog pen. Cl:le silo 32m. School and church 1% miles. r nurai mailand telephone. hallway depot its miles: possession arranged. Price elopou. Terms arranged 8!! ACRES Il'll EAST GWILLII JBUHV T ., Olll GOOD GnAVEL ROAD, 2% I'r'lILE8 FHDI J IiIEWI'iIARKET, 80 l'lIILB B FROM TORONTO no acres w-orliidlle. hlliinee bush and pasiur t acre orchard. it rye. t0 acres Lil] ploughed. 70 acres tr. hicuioiv. a antes tr l seeding Clay loam soil. 2 wells and a' cm); Frame house di 3 rooms, wave the side. cellar. cistern. IlailI: hare 50x35. liar-n No. 2, sends. tie-up i this, and e wtlle, open )artl. Ilrlvlng house, neg pen. hell house. Silo. S lilo! on tarin. tiiiulell 2x}. ntllctt. lluldl mail, ltiilway depot 2 miles. in session arranged. price $7,700. 'l'rvrnlS arranged. I WILLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY. REPHEBEHTATIVEB : J. P. DEHHE, w. IL voutlu, tIavim-rtist Itiiineourt. E. t). reinstall, aolton. HEAD OFFICE, GEORGETOWN, 0N J. A.'PAScOt :, a. J. VHH UE, Wut Toronto, tion-vie DAILV SERVICE lvo. TonOHTO (Unlan station) 9.15 P.t.t. WII'IHIPEO GALGARV BRANDON EDMQIITDM V IEBINA VANCOUVER . SASKITODH VICTORIA "Annual: lll l-DOHIIHINIAL tutti [OUIPIHHY ttitzoun wt. Itlnlutllttl't ttlw ALL slut IOURISI alumni: can: tiltlonsl otl thr w". .l tt.o.. Dnnhllnn til-tier o. it. tt,t Ilia omitted rrl~c 1v. "tun. an oi moth all enjoyed whltl Mrs "ii roal lolly atternnnn Everything passrd oil well. the belly heoaiilr a little h cllul happy too Lnls title the LIL-t awhile. ll-llpii time er. sir tr . Park could and {our rolls a einhled In "is prel - parlor to receive them, and - light called When Julldn coaxed them tolldcit to the donrlioll and the xitctien devote .11 to Itl'r 'l lPlllIS the greater part RIIquI Agent. slid at~ 'Ini ll Ind IIIII Inhin lllnn liom It Clnl ln Nuloll} A. autotiar. Agent II canal-l Patioiipr or artmrtit, tore-its. iristcy. station. itewtusrta oi the time. At the iuhic. too, the hays did all they could to assist their mother. lieiph caretuily changed the plates. and brought what was needed iroin the pantry and eidrhoard. Jutl Iulls! wife out uxlslalrl-l [0 see it hilly, who had been led and put to dleep, was all light and tied not Yttu 'Wan-t thrown the covers oil. troll thins tor you Ilte anadlm laslvei calunim . ll Aldlmkn llle.%uuohm, .et noony lo~ day. The portions: the plant cos m Ilnr mass on will nem- so down. i. on on tion-ti oruie wow I3th in; oltlo c . . lenient: 0! your prosperity raining tile ptm.giyoer-ine, lull in will Matty ut I unddmiwen wo IC.'WAs {it nd i l'mnltilntn' . was. dolor. nonuniovdr the nler'oss tI fad)!!! entirely dantrved.a..; nta moonlit: a eld Vol Iii, ' nelwodn hem. - thorny: looked hut m. trait and tattoo said: "Well. even not girls. we don t man in our moth" llmwo stand. unit-endear ., ,g musrr TORONTO "\vnsi sinuous huts you ,have ," uld MN! u! "it: \ IllItll's I: III were getting may to leave Mill: the bays waned hill! lit hind. lo rial-IN lhrm lo (It? (lulu. "They do Hell's mt - 1 . ' to go to tile ' Plasma 00 on" up at Business vitamin Odun try an "Coll OI. _ c you conformit- lit a MIIIGI 0! Am