Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 16 Apr 1920, p. 7

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" . ' {Msil lt \illliin appiegt nylon/fonYollilg Mall, in the hent'l'aervallllie models, mill flir. men' 'of quieter tastes. Suits. in every wanted'patliarn'. color 01: fabric. Slllt8' bought'for b 0t. 0th momma and months ago, enabling. -, 'Dunlop s, unusual, to place: beforeftlieir customers Clothing. of the strictest meri 9.1; prides loss by far than you Would li alikgd for tlie'iiame suit elsliw hore . . _ . I , [NEW 7 SP 11% HATS; .74 Big- Suit Bargainil at legs than V $25.00 V. B 36ft Felt Hate, Fedora ehepee, with, flat' and slightly /'ourled brlms. shades of pearl grey, steel, fawn, . kill-ownand blue, just in. I, , riuirhuvhiu iii $5 runniruulirru .. ' 3.50 .to 5 50 DE. PA RT M EMT 'geBt stock and greatest variety sit lower- mm of fur-niahlngs we are on the Jobber-3 and passing this advantage onto you by u etlene prom: instead of three. . Extra. Special for Saturday. / MEN'S 10.00 001 s " [$9 [Mill's Young Mail s (Illnwlule ITMLG, mflllurn and [Millet], we, lealller solo mid Iiwl, regular $10.00.. .. Kului lllly 5635 Nam-iii Aiming (lineman)? @LKN HHERS ' NEWMARKET - w. L. Kliid MI 11. Marlon . .lll il .l. \ldiliirisnn All... G. llowiil . w, . Luiidy . s, .i. lloyd. M. l). Goa. 'l lloinpiail' N .i. lloadliousc , lllr . \\'iddilicld l in. \l righi . Magni cent .Suihs' I , llinili: h-oin hos. mull-in, scold. .uul lanolin... tll'l-Cfls'nilll nomads; lllc sci-urn umlllnnnorkluiriiro, urrierl ii. iii uni] lilllol l'Al ii. morn... rlyio in. mm... mm iqu lho mo...- norm-inure iiioilvlq in. mm ..i nuioi 'lllec. We must u... .uul lI'lnimll'll mills, nll him. all in ii. in so an... fan you iirl slinllnr . - .. .sislis, 519.50, mm. Beautiful Suits in Mill lli'Cle J lulu lvo . ilm-Iy Irllilrllixl lvllll our..." llniiino, .iui-ienl iii, n We ill-o uillloulil lly 85 ll!) . [lily liunllty of null . . .. .'. l limlullllluly [ii anuiilim lllusc ii... "nest nulls in Norli. york, nuu'm III' |irlcrs your unionis- Imsllli'ely irom $8.00 in sin in. nvr'l'y null ' .fs3256,.$i5.oo. $718.50, _sin.oo NHQHHNG 5 can, for we have the Ian, mill. wiry \vlilllwl slylc'l nlrkh Il(,' I. $8 n hlilt liolriw-alllcr llnll. *9 In ' 2 $22.00, $25.00. $28.50. $30.00 . - I r . __ . u DUNLOPS,GREAu FUR , V ucatena to your Wants as: no bihe v- store in thl Rid Flues than mostdealers are compelled to pay for the same goods. In most ll let-enjoying the samoh I ylng advantagea a's any wholesale house in Canada, ; the ellminatlon of the mlddleinnn s. profit in othen wouda fnom factory to yo "IJOVEB; - llliN's CASH! E AND slui HOSE. in... in in: SIM lur Gloves liull nro lioru. $250 in $8.00 (mimcrciin, lilnuk or lll ml'n . . . . Anotlmr uninhiio oi hunlim huylng mim- Thin lid on... Us ({M hmm ("M 0" mil .~ oi um, cape, may suede. lyiiii liluek inniou hook. uh... (rmllnwre (strictly.nll 001) [lllllll bucks; uli nizoq, iii-i unushnlly line quuiily. Bllk. In all shallots .- ' \VAS HMILE llAl l-I GLOVES $2.50 'l'lleso lirli lllillolllilully Ill!) lief-l! glove oil the mul-knl,, _ [lie l'c lllni' vuiuu ln-duy [3 $3.50 lo 3MB. They come ln n, hum. um, iii-own ml in... . V g DUNLCP ss llWlESllN's llllll [BEAL'INEW8. 0 min The... llxcflll rain or shim. malls, h. porounuio. i-hrvlnl. u'llli r rulilmr llillllu, ionoy (weak; and emu-noun, nil niylln, 512.00, 315.00, 518.00, $2Q.0I],.32.i u. 3%. ). r . A .Jl. . . Hall 6: Burrows Real Estat/e Ollie/c - A 7mm) Elle ' Or a Inca/K lleslmble Bulldlns Lol {ill- warehouse nr anal Lind wnad yard. llle only properly nya hla la 0. T. R. Irdclla. Could pm In BVIllC'L On 5le properly In: some Ynme ld lugs \Vllll lols of Hand lumber ind ul (linhera. Would nil Within l) or logelllerl Frame Malian on Elm EL 0 moms. elnclriu llglll. water. cum-iii rollir. 32mm. 31200 downl unlined arranged. - Bond or Tn . , , aoclal Evenlnn. v IleKUInr.lnec|lng lield ln llio Board The l arleli Hall of. Si. -.ll..ui'ii iloon... null liondny nvcuind Willi iall' Ollill'cll won illlrd km. Fridny cvcnlnl. nileiulonco. . lie mlnlilcs a! [lib lonl on tile invilnliou ..i the, lloolor nmi amulet... iwo menilnur were read and ddopiod. lira. lioaonlnic. Mr. . A. lirunioil 'i ho corpomiion l.- l is ill mil in. allon nndpr. Wilkinson were gave u pleasing and very, muoh av- m TH Illls \vnek/ Quito iii-Improveman nmnnsca as new members and re- pointed address on lierinuliu liv . IMPERIAL BANK LOOK, Main St. GBIVECL mule. inhahlllulls and pruducls. \li =r=== RESTAURANT . u lcnolillls or u, A. him... and M ii. illiln ni Tamillti have an address nr. -QHL Lino... uni... ' .Evcs were lime-i. cllurcll mam-rd, mill airo a hrlr. TEA ROOM co... ll 21.00 Slonloy , ArmslmnE. hreokinii road... no... r. . Tiios. slaw, hrs. in; mid; can. 'I 1.30 ilnrk linii, breaking roads con.,n Waller p. \V ghl hmllng roads, on... in \\ illlam l- ohler. lirenklng in con. 2 . Norman hlliiar, cam oi Mrs. Flne, i week. . nohrrl llarrison. Doll ior ll. Sinunr-iiioi. . . . n. ll, null... bread in ii. Simr mrrsnil .. w. hosworlh, suppl 3 id. lho . 75.55 firm 11.40 _. . min a... . ,, _ ' A communlcoiion was rniclrcd iron. snwcli hy limo Kcllli. i... Curry 8-00 .._';{.;g;; g lino llelilui Gnndor Ca. ro lennr oi oi fl nmllln undolrr, Legge. oi Oak . mm a, "m- Lady mum. 0, cslnllllillilns in Newmnrkei. llidgoi conirllmlrd onlnv, iloirorh- Mwnmm as mnmmm W. "3 Min. conxlderaliln dlscuhslon ll iv... mum: on. sen-rd and llle monocu- nmmmuan comm. The hum declllell lllnt lllu prapnsul lhn llahun lugs olorod \vllll . d or ier nulliuslosuc walkers and wlll n o "WWW/ '35 " SMIW m" W don... Klvc .. irond nccouul oi lhoin- WSW Cmmmu '35 '9'! th 1 Wm M m mm m. drnil lei-ms nnd cundlllons Dial would ' ho nocnplnnle niui prMcnl same in llir, Ca mpanY-, ' iin Tllll, nlhnLlELl :cl oi Vlms Illuslmllns Jdnhdluli West will be shown ii. the Alidllorlum .oi lhi. nllodisi iliuril. on Tursdwy cvenlng ncxi. at. a o'rini-i. The: llows um u... very ii 1 nhlnludhlc. i ng iiecuwll regard- iros oi expense i. the a, P, R Dr. undriwrddoaoi. . .ll [lip realm-lice 01 Mr. and .\ll Jalln \nLlrcV/E. 1ch SL. Newm. d. a very prclly nodding lonl; place on \\ ly :iilornoon, when Uiulr Malllnnlnl oilurail. ilou i- iunliily. .inrii Ialll. n on Prornaol close to High school. mu iuinlly V Fiesh ysleis a. lmperlll Marlin, Mlo by dlnu m. w. R. 053% human 5 snsoirl Prion In nnllnll qudhli~ b IE loll.- whim mm" liiu end dlsmlan lino Medina acquunud wlm'our lirr'rd uy liillr mall" inllihlli lllolr. [1an Ni." rigid. our nn-lry ll niii menlun In the "nail meal. unnlnil lo. iiui'llnnrl marl. . I H/o PAID so MAI/v.5 7: la n. nl.~ _ClasS mulling in liio lionm nonm. ll ., . ipulllli'. worshlp l'llllilsli ml." 2.3a h. m. eunda'y Sulla k _ 'l n; ll).~ lllilll) worslllll 'l'llc le- Icy ni Declslan. my. w. l.. h. Lawrenue. motor. "First 2.. met wllil ii... on "Tuesday evening. The Friends gave lho min-rm. Wlilnli won inini nrllng ihrouiriioui. and mo iiiulollnn's euierinlned rIehL royally. We lieiioro lllls oo-onorallon ls very heneiieinl . Nexl Munday cveulng ihr Aumrd lionlioi Young I copln mool \vllll ino Frlnllds nod o soon llme is anilcinnlod. Anyone nud everyone in Welcome. coin. * 7h. Illa n. F. iii. mow... ll... Plan-lieu liorlinn iii-own nnrspd nwny Mmlday nl llel' residence. loo li adisnn ovenuo. 'l'nranlo llc hue ll... limwu was born in Nelvnmrkel at years ugo. ind "all lived in Toranla for ovor myrrh... Fol- li.e nanl ls Minis 5112 had reamed un salami ave. EM mu. n memher oi \v'rslndusioi- Prushylerlan Church, and la survived dliuiriuiry in... w. Nai'lor. null Vlvlo suns. llr. i. A. w. ilrown, and Arllillr 11. Brown. ally Voilr wall Pillar- hy her husband. 52 N. w. Drum. and r The rr llucsl oi iiin olllc o Spcclally Co. for lliu use ol the ham: on Fri- ilzry nigiii. null nlro 1mm lhn Y. M. c. A. ior i. work 1min 'I'unsrl y nlglll. was KrJnlEu. Dulh 'ni Brook. Mllhrd. ,Wor'd was i-ocrivcn lorl Sallirlliv mornlili; oi iiio doll). on Friday. Alli-ll lllja, 0! ML. Brooks ll. Mlllnm El MS lioinn in Pasadena, ,colllornlo, Mr. . lllllard was hum on Yange sum and was lilo pummel non of illd lulu Mr. John s. Millard ol llils town. yo.- o humour oi yonni liir. Drunks llllllanl wan in huslllcs! in Newmzi-kot. \V c i... won well and invadinny known and when: lils drrii. will i... lesrellcll by a large nlrcle of (Hulda. From NtW- uurlrol lio wenl in Orililo ind llved lhoro ior rim... limo neioi-o mmnvlng lu ciiiiornio. Mr. llillord l. runlvou by Ms wire and hls dnunhlor. Mir. Edna i.. Mll lnrd, in pnmdron, and by lwo slalers. Mr... D. numrldc. lionlrui. and Mlss IL L. illliord,_l'-.rk Avenue. Newmar kcl. odd by hi. bmllier, liir. David Mll- inrd. ill... oi Newmul-lie . Tim lrlllii-nlem loomplm la Pasa- donu on lllouduy alltrnaou, llle lgil. lnri. , ' mwmnriiil P hllo Ilcliodll. 'riie oriiioi poruhilon oi Nmmlarkul lr keenlug pace \vllli inn rmwln al' lhn lel. 0.. . ouduy no less llinn [55 lilllo'lols commenced rulinoi. mull lhis week lhem an: emails/.600 on. rolled in "l iwo phi-iii. nuhoois. The eldeslidauxlilci , Velma Pearl.-iiucnme not (all lo 5m. liir-m, us lillu mil pro- llll: wire oi i-ldword noy llrou , son or air. and Mrs. lzllwnrd Needs, lirv. L. \\". Lawrence olllclullu Tlli: hl'ide. who WES Ki .. away by llL fullmr, idol-ed charming In a grey llk cr 2 de ollcuo dress. omomldcruil wllll sled] needs. The runny Vresexll: which my rccall ul showed lhu Iilsli lslch ln \Vll lcll Hm llkpny couple al' hold. The simm il pill in ii... bride w... a handsome Mantle Cluck. only nonl- Nl es and lends were [inhi- rni. Allcl Hie nerrmony ilioy pal-look ol .1 .liinly repaii. 'l'lla bride and grrmrrl um. [on {Dr Torunli z nnd olhrr palnls. llle Iarmel' lrav-nillug In B IIM'Y lillle serge suii. will. nal ii. mulch. nn lhuir roiuu. lhey ill Nslde in Newmrkcl. M in Pn una oi \ Jlll Plpor. Snecldl in. per roll ai Young's Fdli . lulu.- hr your only dpnarluil y. nil- IIIIS own. alum... undel- i2 yr... l t. Eu! _ Gwnlhml." \lry Coqu men. A am, 1920. The in ulnr uicrling oi lho Council iii llie rm shin nl dz. a wliilmhui-y was llPlll on lho alinve dole. All nll lillm present. lilnuirs oi inn mEillnz read incl nonlirilicll. Commuulcnllon. 1min ll. ll. ii. nincklliii. llle F'l mic Hydro As- zinlllllon and iron. noad Overseers 4. Pound Kniprr. dcclllllng appulnlmenlii. llrodrlu Cale Tint [he ohm. or Roy A. CoMiE nn on lrlscl-led in luu oi llohlrl Knlzlils decllned; smniey noyd in lui. nl I Emy Brnwnll'lz denllncd: Ell. King in his oi Alnrrl \Valsoli dr- ollnrd mill ihol Mr. nonrri an'ns bu l'dund Kronor al nimnhlll and Mr. arorrr ilinn be Pound Keeper on Co... 5. Guided. lllnhnrdsoanole Jhal lilo Muni- clrlal aounill oi Easi Gwllllmhury am in lavour or ii iii; rile lo n. ihrrnod la all llyllm aner en; 3nd [hat [he .s mammal. no lnslmclell lo srud n copy at 5.00 lllls msnlulion in in. ii... role as~ 5.00 dtlallen :l'oroulo Gum... 2.00 l'llc)larllsaii' 'i'lth Mr, Sllck- 2.00 uoad iii. insirurled ll) commu iiioxlo 00 will. Mr. .llarl. 4...... many .00 hour. will. team blending malls and 2 on in insiruul lilo 'rroisuior l6 Howmukcl l onl. 'riio {l reaaurcr oi lhe Muzlioka um aspllal {or Consumplh es duslres mlefull) In Acknowledge Llle iollaw< lug colnbullons Nnelv d In Newmlh kel by His Fleld gummy of the [VI- uniiul Sanllal'lum Asleallon Davis Lyauler Co. Will. (June & Sims . B. I. Hunter N Dr. S. \V. Dllon v.4 Jas. Sutherland Slnllul d 4; "HI J. U. Slenkley MN. 1'. Bolton F Fry, Ilill') Fufxpll Mllllinn lamlly . Ulhnr lev. i l inr llle lili- lisan . . : d ihnl me [in mi he nil-icimd. Carried. The Reeve iiiioilurrd u ny-ilolv in m l a rcdni ml in (he l alllna sull- .l..- ions or ii... l'mlvllalllp or east nwiliimnury, iii-inw read .. ml ilii... Hamil and socondrd lhai lllile 32 on suspendtll and 1:1! Hie yl.nw lie [( lll a second andJiilrd lime llilS l . carried. Council In conimlllec oi llio whole H. Cole in in. cllalr. Cummlllcc ros'o and remix-led (lie lay-Low. list Lav} all a (Mn! (line and pAssed. liovcd by limdricr seconded by nlnnnnlron. Th3! lire Cuunbll do naw odinurr. in meal on Fllday. May lho 1m. oi lhu awgshlp llnli. Shawn, oi one o clock in me ulleruoon. / Cari-lad. .l. n. Mackenzie. Clerk. Children any" FER FLETDHER'S C A S O F? | A SOUTH END FLOUR/AND Lia . . . . . . 22.511 morale 'l roams. Hardwood Ilonn. lur- nlcc um modern eunvenltnte. ' Th]: Is a {list class house. PrlcE "non. 22.500 trash. . On Iln 8L, Known iii lllc nodal-I &. Bell]! le. Ely Slables. Good lochlinn for In! klnd l)! huslucis. , 1| musl be Enld an (AM (|Illnk 82,300. on mun a... mini. lion... rnd Lol "1.1L; ii. in room... llnLlLicd dill... roan rel. lar. iumm. gal-1i... mu .lnhio, in... i. d mule 'pmpully. 35.000 on may Isms. swan nuy. who... lloun on Li n lilmi. , 'Good lol would. Thls l. in un- lardllo house comma with milr 212:: u ushl, iurnm, .ilnlo. ha llell mum all in linq ciao. canalilod 92mm cull. I 00" ? ~llmolhy rild ehuiolio El. 5 'mmzd homo, lauslicul. 4h halal .nd. .plii and hrnliom, dd... ho uso ind :innlr. Pllca Wino. cm. 42,000. This in r mp. iiuy wich on norm... BL. nomad. alori. lion... 5 roommnd [saltwater in Mouse. Gomeiil ccllnl', sumac, ii... hound TM! [5 .. good nuy ui mind. Acl quirk in gel pussaon lnl oi lily. 58000 80 lam, 1rl oou. wnllioliliirl. aoil clay loan. in lr lhle 0! till livnuor. Yrma house. mm. mm. drlvu iiiell, hen lionso um um. Lingo rm... Building 7 iliuda d orilamenlll Int Bolli- {NM 1196!. ILnle 0! Hal". A IeMl new mearlnw. a me. all) mum... is rm. idi plnui lm. iinlrnoi pulure. Glut: lo Newma le. 5i mllll lo "Isl: Ind l uldllu srhooi. Tom... no woman. l... us .how you Ihls nropuiy. woo Mm ol Dholu und in :4lo minimum. in... ulles lu Suliun, h mlla lo dlmmh uid Selina]. anon mvzl mm. om . vioiey noun ol 8 min. ood inn on none will will. nrivo lied. "in house. rix non. , lo none in. when. u. 1... now mud. hill ylouimlns done. a non... around. i ' and .now um olhunililn: m i- . nu: oi. iumuna priii. rlrhi uni iii our in oi "10' mil". , i M" mom-o - . I... P. nuncnr. .l, Kerslmw . li. Kllig . Iii A. Cornell v. iii... A. B. Ecol! Miss K. \Vlddlllelll . (as F. llayrs . w. 1., Howard. c. F. Willi. . . ll. lin alvlon. Jr. Al Young's Fril- iliiil saw: v a l. .sohool unannimoilniion ls inxeii lo lilo; 'lliilll and ii... iall. lennhor, Miss. Elnunlan oi minimum, l. lncnlcd in' [he lull or llio Klllg UEM EB Salinal \rllli no nupilo.- Tlie. bu|lon 0! pupils ln lilo lwo sclinnlli l. in. mi. NW3 . FEED ST RE 2.0a] sliolwoodnirourlcburha. m illoIm-eva bl. liisimcicii lo d... . "m mollliiiirnu Psnllly re sum... m "I... 4.0a lie dcclile on n slaled rum mo h. In: oi open accounl. aunm Loo A omnnnuoii 9min lhr iloliond H0! Aballl clol . 1.00 inmli dralnlni schema o... discussed ' d mo hul no ulan Wu laku lilo muilrr. llllll s .130 [loved by [con ded \hY [ k Ind Al mu Sllokwuoil and resolved uni lho arm zm :l'lli 110: ? More the ld nca. 1.00 lsruo his ordir on ma nus... ,0, w. luv: u Ngslgnk 0' new: All: .i ipdnllenl rs loliow. \ lx. moo Klng annallln unwound m, "0 n w any . of ? . 5.00 Build aiuihey. drawing llmbcl- _' m "w 5 m "mu" " " um l'nl-Brldiie lam'S 10ml... v.00 . . 2.00 lalt 6-6. con. I . 1AM & 2.00 Rnhdri llarrllon. liml. u "5 My, nor-mini .oo n'w. Pauendsn, . . .99 can. 6 rail an}: House oi... l.ol, lluron so, Now- I-Lirlel. ll m e heal. innd. rxoeilenl \Uild. li slmbll: iooruoh to lili- """* Alll lYW , bl S \IMA P0X. .lii l'l1ncu nriiiur mid, yorl WIllluu, uni. L IOTT , mm l-roduu. nlrly iiood marlrei iisl sulurdny. i... plonlllul. hulier scam..0ulle i. llil or polalops sold ai u per no; wllllc homo of mu [ill-men um. ald- lni; ior 5.5.00. nuling pride. I: (all: lows: EEK . Ml do t. Butler, per ill. . 'Drlz sull Ghlnkuni. ner lb Pololm, poi- his . 6.00 llanEY . 2513. lb. urn Cllli kens. par nil . Old liens, per in, . Live Dublin, per in. V midi... nei- palr I live. Young Pir- . lldcl, per ll. . coil Shun. iii. iii. . lloiuuliiilr: Sllroliiilclns 'roiiuw pt i- West King alorat school. ' nlv. cauliel- class i N. A. Gordon, Er. iv. 2 Miro Morin... Sr, lll. .37.I\- . Calllns . .. a Mind soon. Jr. lll. .is w. W. ".1. Wei-Hook . .l Mlls llll llenlall. Sr. ii. k In ii is mm"!!! SWIM is Mir. Shirk, Pint 4 gr. Amer .n Olllco Smiriiy co. 5 lug... Slewai'l, .ir. primer No. a anngt and chair eu., rlo.v in .uporlor lrunlnq iql- vellum" 1 Miss nail-ii: ,iv. . m. L. a, .idolrron . 2 will norm. Er. lilra .le m. in K. N. Nutrition V a illioswmdillrld.s ,4 JrJl ii i. in Johnslah . ,. . I Miss nnu'inL Iu li minimum 11.1) 9. l ,5; alirrr pill: ,aglu.!i. 81 r a mum in our Luann. lno a "Ill! lul Um Ml" mom. on... oil 1.". Inm- I m. Who in. mulogiu. . - , J. sLLio . WW?!" 5.09, Tawnllno souln .. _ while prints are dimly. . 2 sumo. lunhtr io. mu 2.90 mill. 1 . L. I). , m2 7 Main... Ll'. TnnnNTO

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