Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 16 Apr 1920, p. 6

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II In I . . mink?! IInIhIsncliI am " Ins: PPS. are" filling: 9. -'a 1nvi looks-rim. II ,- I'ivo Tli' room; ; . oIl MI Ipql [cabin] wlI _ In Ihe h nromoo III qu Imlurci ' undo lhu n usplo "yorlll ir goo. Lt' cvye , penlri onI-lu llamas ro .Inslmplcnlnwrlorlloon, _, rho - oohl'lor or ry much In the region"- nnm will he rhor II. Wu hood {or I s ,Iorarr nIIomIInc j ooh wlll ha MI ? Mr. John ulureruon, on old rerlde n . I. was IIppurrnIly In IIIII unnol ilNitlI on 'lllIIII-eILIy,nvnrunIr. ,Ile wnlr ollarlred \viiil pleura-phon- monln null lowed nwuy on Saturday . mornlng. I I _ I . IIII IIIIIII' IIlow-rllno hr nuIIorInu Irom rlhlrl'rrll htim'k or pn nuInmIII, Iler oonIIlIlon In eonolurrnll sedouv. I ll mud or wonlher we hpvn ImIII lmvl nk Inlon In llorlrliulv mlpnpulnr. lilohlynl noow an our plrccls yol. 'i' .conuolnuon In Ihul. n In gnarl tur Iull whorl, ' . -* nI-u 617 . ' Sharon. Home mull Ihono pays. ,, llonl on all Iayrlderu, _ I The molar old hold Ilmlr mollllliy rocirllnngnl IIII harnn III Mrn. no" Pal'dlnrn,. Now oliictml worn olceled to tho year Iolzo. ' II Invlle overyonu In our Lhasu on sunny ovequg. when II lunlIIshle Iloul- wlll on nhonl. Chmu and help along Ihe worh. . , mean, a. w. nomnay oI iiallmx npenl a low days ol IIIII home hero I n- route Ior Vancouver, whora IIn wlll trko up hln now dullon. { WI are glad lo knnw tllal Mr, and Mrs. aulherlaod have men Iarluunlo In neourlnlr a humid In ullnnu Ai- Inllxmuorry Io soe lhom how: we ro- Iolon mm "mm inrlileir good link, 'I illl Limit-5' Md "(an dillech in I muhn n rhsnge In Iho Ion o( Iholr lea. woloh who Iormrrly mloon coni. II I'Ielnlr\lor IIIo con rm your lwrnIyIlrr. Mr. nun l.lrn. hovl Weddel enlar Inlnro Iho young people M Sllnnm on 'ruendav ovenlng al IlIeIr homo. nur- our the warm; lhn hora prrsonlnu Mr. unrry women, who In ahoul Io lrnve uharon Ior IIIo now home In how- rnnrlrel. wlIII I Inunlolumon, AIIor s ilvrlv rvrnlnn rhea: In games and run. Mr, ralvlo Wouurll. In a low well nilmlpn woruo, Ihonhod clan and _ novl ror IIIo erenlog on hehsll oI Ilm ornwa pmscnl.'1 horo werr, lwenly-Iwo In numher. . rrho. neIlII nI loss Gladys Barker oI Sharon look plan rudrlenlnlhln murmnk. oladys Is mm or our gl . and tho ramlly Illn'c Ihe lIaer-IulI symrlalhy III IIIo olllago. Mr ruul Mrs. i'oL A. um I wenl In Toronto In 5M out o. \v. M! on hlr Journey In IlIn Corlil. \Vu are glad Ia J Prmrl Ihal Miss IInrlha rleIoIII-r is Imorovlnr. "laugh slowly. IYOYI' thful (hl " lial nllnlimr In. BMMJMINI- on show mono, We 0 lnr l'Kfr nunmlonro hm. IlIo wralhrr Irnnrnva Mary nrnwh 1m: ralurnml In 'vlllr, lo lalo- Irp lIor rlullrs {II o MP. Sydnry (i dwill n1 "nilllnll Land)": Silva Mr. Frank Tale ml Fldn yr Como mrlv ynnna IrIenrl and III-old Yllc rush [IN no mm NOW Mill nIno/ly. aml rnn wlll wln noI wl. . man In rrI-Iho pram nromlliian Is hnlnr [Mum Is mar/III Mr. ansnv n aillahll- slrmshem- palrh. swan ll . k . Goorglna Council. Azllleeiiu cl shale oouoell was hold or poIIrrInw on Salurony. .Iprll Io.nl2 p. m. , I- mhr. 2!) promo. Nloolrs ol l cllruzlry Illcelllls real! and adoploo. An nccoanl was rerolren hour or. Paul a! 'ulldltrlanll 101' medical :I| undsor on Mr. 'Irlop ol LIIlurI whleh was laid (Iver unlil nexI ml 03 (ll Cnllncil, _ Thu (ill rk \VJSIillSlnul cd |0 n02 ! Iho Couniy Irrras rer Io oaneol IIIe mourn oI [axes arulurl III at. unnra. [4M [0 VGMIII'EC man huulnsl 1M 35, Ming an error III DESEEEHIEIIL I A grant at $250 was made Iorlnllhl n Hidewdlk on III- hlue over In. Easiorn v nlaoh mm; on IIII ron. Iloa. In In. event or Ihe county golno on and hulldlnu Mid hrlaur. The Inllowlog srsnonls worn pald : . IolIoor mourn. runnlr In cui. . ml and labor . 95.00 Clmu, D'Nlil, Lvrcnxillg roads .wesl lowollnr . II, llloolngloo. gm- Munlclprll \Vo d Cosh hook ,. '. llonald lddel , low. on u s |, Gordon, rep-lung nulvarls - . hrooh Iownllno. I. (lemon; labor- ml town . my Blade , llbal on nd: I , Column mourned In nI , Treasurer's why: on Wednl ! -, May rs nl luau .u . moron: . Dion lllll'l gems gnomes... ; H Farrah; . y.ol Ewan! guns I we, or omngo biassams moo 2,70 . IoJIl) U50 9,00 awn so, and um hogan vi haul. 51.4 Iron/1km '4 l'j 6M co'ynniul Iralyxe'o: I llo 'Kmlpnuy rank ohIl Ihh onuloorrlo JIM nIlnr Ipmolgh, {imiqu "wit-his. Mr. Drlpplln wnq'mldlu Ilium nlll Dur~ horn hofnosleid, iwilcro ho had W I up, InollI. III, hl .Iilox lln_ [sortie l0 nIourI no: loss IIII Ivlrlow whn'wu .Illru .I lrnnuo MoNi ' le vurllpwwolve veal-l old. MP5 John and who; Sumlhh Purim ! M II": 'vIlIIgn 'nre hrolher Mahler re- ppenrlroly, And Mr. Uhurloa llu'hham III Aurora nlno II hrolhr . .Ilr. llu n-I porn, who won-In hln nixllclh yeon wan n dolor, enmehl lnun, aua \Inivo oii)" rexpreIru. 'l lII- heurllcll ryminllly III llm'wlloill eun nnunlly iaruxlunilcd In llloile hn Ilos loll leihd, alov-Iullvrlllhl , , A prellyrhahlor w IIIIIII wd holo- IImIed {II Illroom'olnoll- on \Ve-Jnus- duy, AylHl IIIo ovonlhl when Gunie M , ulriml douglIler.oI IlIr. ond Mm. .Iohu A. mom was unlleo In Innrrlnru In . . i euorloh wnlloln'uiowls lluv. u. s. hovnrlog oenduoled ghellunru runny, Ilsa, Jon, n. erghI pluyed lhu wedollng muslu. ' Tile who was gluon owoy hy lIer laiilurl won her Iroyolllug null oI navy bluur rlolh hrhln -nml - groom, wore unallounud Mrs. lvnlghl, rhollrer oI Ills bride. wore Illool grey ia clnl Niu dueomlleus uonIIrIeII of cooler llllolI, groom's gm la UI'Il bride who a men plona nmi Ir. (III; organ , n pull-Haul gold hnryul lmuil. Tilo hrldu's glII lolhc Eran"? wall a halo ol golo uull um III 'oeremouy IIIn wed- ulhg nupllel- WM nerl d lu lIIn dlnlog malllpwimm nnmn nlxly'guosls IIqu Iooh, lunludlng Ihu hrloo a olden uncle IIIIIII Colllngwourl, nlgth-nlx yearn 0! all. Iioniduu/nlnllcy onII cheques. runny lInoIIIIlIIl.'nnu I'Inelul presonlu worn git/en. ' Hul'iy In on: evenlog Illrl and bird. ulovor ioii io opond'lhulr {:xnc ynwoq hI ohnwa, lhe hnrle Iravol- g It'll gull Inn y nnII hlarh mm." V 'lmw' "mm "m , unloh olsphsn who hand 0! Mrs, I). J, lephens Queen rule, was he see s ol n In ' HIT ) deIiIIlk on ,\IloIIII Iday, April 7HI, 1920, when noIIII Illhla , her only (ill glIIor um unlieIl In nIIIrrlogn lo Mr, llorIy ltnlghls, Mlor o largo nIIIuher nI noeslu had Issomhleu Ihe hrlunl pariyhunulionllnd Look Iholr pianos wlIlIo hlenuellsnhn'n Wodulng llamh woo hung pillde or Illrs, wm. lung, slsler or Inn. groom; Tile hrluo was Inran way or her mall-er. Ilnd was ilcromingly olllreu ln n gown bl llroh coinurcd grorgeuo crepe heavily ornhroluerru wIIlI' hum] pearls. Slfe woro a br-llulliui Ilrlllal voll wIllI spray and c l' lmurprel oI sII-oourearl rooerd. a L$3.}: room were prrully doooralnd wllh rank and wlIlln oornallons, terns 'nnol hasIr-r lllles. rile orremony 'Ivas Imrlomnerl hy nor. II. s. horanog oI Gueo olili nnIl.aIIr-r lho many can- 'mllli. Inns IInu neon exlenuarl la llr ;nrlnlhs. KoIIIIIIIs, Mr. iiilian' slenllorls: ro Ier or no Inldn sun . nod Inoln l-oo Illue " mm ' noesls wore Ihoo Invileu Io llle Inning-room wharo IIIe lahles had horn ronsl dlIlnlll) prepared and III-Irony r-(Inirul wIIII honquel or our. IeIIllr Allel- IInInII luslleo hml ooon Ilo nll lo me lunrlIann, and n \',ry pleasure social Ilmo hao hrrn spool Inmhor, rlnrlng Ivluoh loanls and smells worn, much In eIlIlanoo Ihe hay-or ronnle loll 'Inlli showers .oI aonlelll yor a shorl mp. . Tim groom s run lo we hour .15 . sunhursl o! Inf-is and Io Ihe plnnlal .I gold har - IIIIII pearls. . Tim hnaoluol and easily glIIr In lhe hlmo aIlI'l groom show lhal lho young nouplr roloy Illo well Ivlshrs n! n lnrrrr rlrrln oI Innnds. A lug Iinw was muscled on Thur! lay mold or IlIls week will-n Ille Mour mIIsI Choir ol Allrrlm, romprlsrng 35 I-nlre's, \vnm Io Kh c .I program In ille llrIlIoulsl (:hurru hare. Fortic'uiorh noxl Wonk. Mr. Alnllmsn Young, who Is mourn: Io lllnhmond IlIll, sold hls rash III-no In Mr. \Vln. he roman. Mr. lInIII. polnam has honour a InI In norm ner. .s a [Irllizb I Keswwk. ., \\'- e IJ LII-Pli DICBSL'LI lo AM Mrs llI-o's smlllng Iaer. here again hang may for some lime, _ ,\Ir, SI . 'l'nsull III slerllng llaoh I -Iu, as called mu) IlIIs w h. llo - gumg In SI, uolharlnns IronI here. Mr, Slo enson has made puny menus wil . on non we' are Inn sorry lo hour III his gnlno. We harn In llhi Nam Mr. \\'ni|nn, InIrnnrlr II-om WIn- llim'l, r We undorslaod Mr. c. cranl has sold Ills hurlnoss la Mr. Mooul lor- llmi'|) n1 King. w: mi Mr, Mauro exrrr sorreas. alr. Issso Man-Ill oI 'l'm'onio was home [or (We! Sundln Mr. and Mrs. er King were (II? I few days llsl weL-Il. .NIl-l. W. )l, Horn [5 vhiung MRI 5 Ill sullen \Vusi, . , hussuzlla Ilorlss. or Toronto u I homo Ior I In. rt I lmn InI werh. Mlgs u. cool: 0! 11mm sp'em lh e wash end lo lgelrwlalr. I Mrs. n. TomlIoann 'uloo Mrs. H. Lrp- no, I Tilo . Prayitm s lull: and a or mnnn II slarl Iur n how IIIa .6 with. ,I, 'sII-Igwul. Wmullt Yo vmllplr rJiIII "a mum Mom. In x. m Punk suit hoia - V . , undayv Ec'iioo III gol , Faylm" nook Ephqol null'lhu njldndM-INV Ir var abouzw porno stIIl apunu no hour w II In on Euudoy oIlernoon an 2.30. Everybody WBIDDmL ' ', Illr. [lured,LnIvIrnmuulph u, .l. OI Incl 10"! Sunday al hiu'ilomo llur - rhu rlnrlc' floW oVnr Illne urovn ronn on , ly, ram, and lrIl II IImInolng hlu hoy Ior nmi IIIII. Alwr alrlor. Baldwin, Breezes, slap, hung. horn we urn again! Where do we [so irom hoI I hols 7 ' l mu ilnpny la iplornl' you .HIIA IluolI'I Iolm owlln Ieellop ooho IIIp. llcr. IIorseVeIrIrwen'ho he has heeu Irulluo as Illoukll \IIII idllJn l cam IvIIolhor school kunl or am. It in ruohoneo lhol- Iho owl onu Ihe hur- rol oro preIly Ioush 'olrl lIlrdI lIuI our IlIno murl came when wn musl no down nI Id Iuru our Iacno'lo Ihu on Then good hyul "old llenluoly home. our pool midlmsu, Mrs. I. II. cm. leouenldms relurnod Irom IIIe hos. nlIoI nomawhnl Improved .nn opera. Iloo was deemedyuueoesaory, our lllllln hllllcr, so well hn own hero and about oueonuvllln, mum-ea {or years {mm rome unknown cum. ulcariy comprehend. lllr spasms of unusual,- were hoarl roullluu lo nee I'Ind noun; Ile ulo ,n wash or two ago in ma loouslrlnl llome, whom no Weill In Miami the bhlanoo D! H ! win- lerl 1m anlopny revealed Illol can. cer on Ihu llvor \VuFi Ihu lrouhle. Tile mndloal sludenln nan lei] Ilro real. on 'i'ilursdlly, ApIIl III, In lluio roohllo rnluhl pure incl-Ill ro golng an GilyWalll WiIll Iil hie, 'Hlie Clllvenvoli rind Jnmvs AI 1'! I 'd map, nonIeIIIII; lilc .onle .nu holly nI \l alIrr Comer In lilll IIosIIIIaI. As near as I can hill , a! 'III II 0Xth was nellpnolp mlhor crank) nu WIIL Ier nlnoprll Io gel a rush In h ng hInI |o ([an lllll lll Illlr gal Ills \ rk in HM! nlIIl klI'kuI! Mm nl ur ll: |clnpl l lraoIIIrlnII Iho rlkIlll nnu erushlug "I! hone iIllrl IIIa hralnv rauslog lolal unconsrlnuonras. i\. doolors worn summoned Irom Sullrln onu wlIlI culnv melnlnhl prnnIpIIIuIle mrlered mm In or Iakeo Io IlIe llospliai which no waoilolLe' 1)" III Illo or log. An onlchan oporallon m, yluI-inmltl i by ur. powell aud in several days can. ucinusnnss was rosiorev Tile In. said I! Ihoro lIoII hero n) delay II Inlglu have proved InIal i rom lato l reparls in Is convaleselog Invoumhh. The whole nolghoorhond hero are well plrosoll Io hour Ihls, s wnller III II well-known and rahpeclwl ulllren, III: [5' :usollar. good henrleu Inllou. Ilnosll'l rllr'pulu, Illuugll oocaslooally he does lake It nlp ol rnr oolr~hul IIIIII Is not: .1 Ilnphrunnahill I-il'), II II weru so IIIoro'n a gresl malorlly oI sinllcrrl In llIls neIglIoarlIooII. I In rolrroneo Io liII: ligrnl Ioarher In-our lasI ilmigot wa Ell, "Oil i'm so glad." This wr I I'm lurnonll Is and ying, Oh I'm 50 $11!." N I I sake huI Ior IIIII kldn' or who were gelllng along so plrasnntly llIaI lholr IoIeIIor has Iolded hor lcnl rnd ldken Iloporluro Ior nlIIer lands. Presumoiliy'tn gel roamed. The chlidm l, prlor lo hrr unparluro. had n llllie oouoerl and gave her some nInIplo memenlo oI lheIr good will and regrcl at her sudden rrsolullon, nley lluvcw new mm In rgrypl Ilahool. M'sglsudmll I T" say a new hroom sweeps clean hul our lllue rIur n swamp heauly sllrhs lrI her nool llko he'rswa shr- onrsn'l Iergol lhe corners. , r Cilnl Tomiillson ii making fir-U mush: in his llllli )Md The song I! slugs Is no Llllzz up, new song means dollars In CIInrlIs-o poner and a good mull) of Illom loo. \VilEi I \Vllal I 'hnt i Our Tommyl ilke s nuuglIIy llIIle III, In mooheylng wllh Ihr IInaIIIrr homo again. Some \la) or Illlmx he IH UI' M ii [IMP Than ii on old Min: Ii, "lzhilerJ Ills should mu m llh edged anl IlIr orIIvIII- u homo or iillrr Cumrr and ,Ilory InI-ll. HIKL'IIIL-lh, III s end. Ily InI III Io more a h'rrmnnr I (III I or Inn nnmannad or IIIo [hie I I, M s ,. lwauilmi sue for a horn slleh In II, "III-r). Thus was II II roll In brood In lrlogn a fr-w nIIImIrs ago. "I-II, ilul r onowny. idun'llmileotlnl lho 1mm: nI Ilrejui IaII nnrwlusl Ihr llux. - ' linrlllzrll Pri . oml his lmu) Iiuvu) I'Irr Iahhor up' mumps in oul'rown \llo \ II "NIH lmml InI-l: Illfl Illus- III: . - James A Cry-demur- n'ocomponlrll I v M e9mes ovalx ly r onlllrlavq IIng lhu iAal hour, Elk-rally! plnlnr wIIIIIhIIho oeelorn ooulo nol I , Ihwr noolety. 5 a ry on o ondl m mlnIl lh ordor In; Im'orou .71]!!th You mlghI goy r sleeps. o n IIIulolI.,Illo' mollu g mhev w . , some nlour llulo pol.- m loddllng IIII,Io school fnr it' 'Ilme lhls work ' "the ohlldren In. Ihls oelnh- borhood arr rorhnrlnnly oluvelg brlghl an I: new gold oloon nud'uilll n'u a razor' ' I - , r V Uonls ohn owl. I Sutton West. llurollsy ovenlng 'llllss Doro sules l-uleri. ned a low young people at her llu mr. Mm. P. "all had 3 oilildren lrom III snou, Nowmol iln urn vleIll ng Ihe lr lllns n. sules. . .'rlIe olelghlnghnr hoen)goou hero Inr a low, dolls and nicizilh are oul Ilgalu. I I A numhrr lI-nm our hurg ollenrled IIIe' nurlral Mr. John .voIInoIon'n on Friday nlglll and, room a good man. llnonlolr war lndulgerl.ln urilll lha wee rmall hourr, Mr. .lohnrlon has ,sold his Iunn Io llrr Fenian ood Inlnuds making lIIrI horns In Newmrhel, Bliss lvn melnrd noenl Ihe week- end who her sunl, hlrn. Jar, sulen. MI, pleasant School ih lo he re- opened B r _ Tim school'har henn oins sloee Xmas owlnl; Io Iilu lllnurs oI Ihe Leaoher. who was In sueunrd hllns Mllllln zi), The IlIcIIIoillsl Lsdler MI ol sIII. Ion havn sever qolus whluh way would like In III [0 ralno money tor Tile quills may on on lry eallloz III Mm. L. Ill. Swil- zrr'n. lllnsl nI Iho Innlorlnl Is do lied, \Vili the Indian III it ll III nI - yreasoonllhoprloon. \l o u-o' r): som- lo hear IlInl we are . mm In lnro nor. Mnd Mrs. Mnxoll IronI our Inhlrl, Sinoc'tnminz ia Sullon pnrihil IIIay ilrlve ilc'un general IaI-ourllrs nlllnnK liln prople rd Illl unnnurlnnllons and In lhn reseol "Por- warIl anI-omenl Cammllm Ihelr II-llII . ml hundred Ii Im lo Si cr .\l nII Mm. Moxnn are going oven lo vlsll .III-. .\irlxn_l ,- rnolhr We IrIsII llIeIn IIurl_.<IIorIl and a solo I-e- Iuru . .IInII-ur ,\. P. It A. ll, Lorine Ion- li'ol llll o hsoquol lasl Wednesday high! In Si. Julllci' Hall to Ivhloh Iholr . \l rr: InvIIsII. a n nrnsenl Irorn Tar ewmorizelvamoux tllr-m lho Illslrlrl dopth grand Inaslor. i'iIIl r uluh hull II merllng in Hm lel a )1 Tilumll ) (II appoint. dalronle Io niknd lIIr. mnso moollng 'II N \'r| ti on Salurday, MES V011. BIIIIMIM II spam. {I few do): III IIIo cllr, Mllsd . [AU/Incl} Tmloar. Taylor and (Ironsharrg aiiondmi Ihe dunno ill hoarorlon lasl I'Iluay nlglIl. Illr mu. llolhnnn Is vIrIIlnII In uxr oouslu. I ge number or fanIluIl Irom IlIlI vlrlolly aIIumInd lIIe II. P, 0. nIasn-Ineellno in h'rmruarhul on sal- uma ' M and IIIrs. Jar. -rrI-Ioar ilavr- horn visiting In Town ). coon. unsuway is Il'rnllng n wrll Ior llle Sulion Creamery, lliss II. J. Macnonula snenl IIIe hrsler Irollnays ul her home- In .lolnn. .\llss llohooald oI nooloh. ooI- II. s. nrloolpal, ls oxnoolnd hoek on Ihe Iolh Io resume her duties on Insehrr. .Illss llcnonalu has had I Inng illness and We 111 he oleased In no her agaln. ' Miss Raisin cIozIer \ arauan in Toronto. Miss r. McLaughlin has rolurneu Io lilr , \ I .IIIsn r:ng apcm aaslor III her home In \Il'iiuin. Tan lalo Inl- Iasl cell. V Collslnblll Silopmm, II. x. 2 ,\l . l-., nf "Mill-l b: Spr llg I [MY days in mm. M 5 human ls spending o luv Iloyg .II IIIIIslIo liiil, lIr. Iran s-voll- srrnl IlIII errand all Tim limll Mrs chopmnh oi Trll'nllln :pen( I llltslluy iIl Tim a IIIIllnlng IInoru is on sI Juukolxl s room. In. \vIII. alomnahl i5 nonr- nhlillll n Mfg", Illuman IIDusPI Mr. .I. n. Sibblm has n largo rung llllillli our more new eoIIogos :llr. \l'nI. 1 la>'eris mellnx a new More an "In: man camera Mr. Miles hns IerI-rnl comma Imlkr unnslrunllunl Mr, Jo Ann mull lIns Ii-I, llrr l'rln- lracl Inr u new hard. spool III; wullrr oornor In Ill: hospIIIII nnrl IIII-rn [inning [hr sorlcly n! me Ill ! Ill-IMF} so plrssaol amunll him no '.I-ul- Ioloed nod, slam! lor se roml d They're very am In sol n Irllow'. helm o Ihumolng lhoge \la omen. Mm harl owes. unruly hoonp an ounce, Iooh rm hubby am for a run neuron, Sh I rle'rnr amor, I . I name I'hlse 1 _er oI women no III-r Iy clnvnr II hpndllog we ouln. Inohlln,' I or. ohla young-daughter, Mos-III, I h II up rlhvgu win. I i'lrb . , Wm rw mm. A! ' sullen. MIT and Creamery ls un 4hr runslrunllon and null II: In onero lloh about Ilrsllrslml my. 7 . \Ir. .1. I], swam hos hurrlmou - hml oI hollllnlns Iwhlrh. wIII on a 'Ialrrslllr, nualllon Va. IlIo 'Dlllry ln uitl'y hem. . Mr, B. wl InIIIrIeoo III: hounhl Iho Arliey Ian: on Ins Dun uns ma lo- roons hullulngn new rot-Melina .I an early hale, , - Pail when II. ln hon madam luvs w fijmu. , r demand and land pnln mm new .1 _ , L unno- yglua' - r ., I.I IIH-I Cornwall ole guerln of her slsior, Mil! . .ltlrsen II, and RI .wulln'rnnnn or ' Min Charo oo Br Mould uphill: resolved prlss [or/D umin coniumur I hu Bulinnd. llolvhlnr, ,Mlsn ' Ir. uni MH Eiwrjrld w oro Ih'e guest! nI llln llolbor o nur- ins, Ihe Easter holldsyg. ' l _ rues. lorIorIz Spru'ulu Is Inn nu oI Mus M. III-.hlmghlluu , , hlr. Ailllll Silica son I Ihn hollooyo lo the clly. . ' . . yum/murmur hall o'nr Io Inn Stolevio lelI rolullven lor a law Ivoolls. lIlr. Ferny osborno was in town on Monday. r ; ,. I , our drulr'nlrl. Mr. F. o. Tremhyno Is huvlng n mum and hlr.,l.ake Is osslnvng IIIII Ion, lo Ihn business, ' Mro, wueox was at her uomo hum. Bl, lullon s" during the lIolIduv. IlIIrs' Marlon llowara snenl In ow dayu lo IIIr cliyr Mr, "n milh spool IIIr, ll. Ohhnrne'a. Mr, hm! Mrs '1; El Tromuyne were ln,lown IlurInI; lhe week ' Mr. nlo x. Allolol'aon spcni Tuesday In lhe eII- , ilrs, llveroll Yorhe nponl the weak- end lo Iolvn Inn guerl or her hroihcn _I\Ir, M. ll. sulos. naughler ls lIeIrerz. Ilugh lllurphy, a runner, oI Georgina who died Inl slale, hlmh 2, ml 33.248, Ilsa Iy In so ocres ol land III Grorglna, $2.0m); rash, 3023;5w1ne, 075; horned mm, 9250; horas-a, and Iarmlng imv lmenlunlt'lbr A daughlor, Mrs. .llargarol peeello charnrnllur. or unorglno, In lilevaole hsnoIIeIaI-y. (Inorglna parish Tea. 0n Monday eveulug. April min, a parish free wo'g held In 8:. domes Ilall, Suilhn, In honor oI 2v. )II E. and Mr /Moxun, who are salllog Inl- Englund nexi. weal more In make Ihelr home Ior a' um. All members oI lhe lwo congragnllnns were lnvlled la Ira Um] ahouI onohoodreu andlhlrly nIloII ml mDC-b avolleu Inemsulvor or me lnIIlaIIon nnd Iho opportunlly Io IIIII Ian-n Il Io our reolor and his rule. 1M woo run-rd 01 '1 p, m. nod all no Ihu doors were Ihrown upenrlovlilr puhlle for Ihs enterIanmenl which followed. The orchcgln our several orlorllous and Ills; l o rmloar and Mr. Slurlrililge sang. ilev. Amnil gore a nlre auurrsr, ile rnnsl Irn, panonI i|cln .wzas tile prerenlullon al I sum or mon y Io Mound Mrs. , sou (mm parlslpooero :lud Irlemls, wIIII ol'ch-Imnd wlsh Ior Ihrlr Iqure 'welloro. .lIr. Trcmayne, lnxn nler, IllIln snoreh lnili n! how mucll Ith we n on ennui or all and how Uley \\ u M be lniltsEd in IE W'wic viilogo uu vIelnIIr, .Ilr. Moxon, In respond- Inu gore on araauol ol how ho III-p- pl icd Si (a Fund [0 Canary; and 0! his I Inrlenrsv since eomlng hero onuul Ien yearn "KDV III, has bncll In Ihls na iI'Ju<| IlIroe hrs 'll'ld 0 nl'(' V ry illf ll (0 )3an WIUI (hem hlll llluil M be Eii in our desire . w: mm "mm hon Insure and soul SKI-ted and lrusl IIIsl II In Ihe fulnne lilo) shall ngl come In IIIls deal- Canada a! nun; nmy may will forget us lIIIl ('il'z us lhc pleasurr u! again gruc ll lilrlll "for (lid 53k 'i sake." RAVENHIIOE. The no news or "III sudden dealh III lllsn Florence ularrr name us a shock lo her mullyv menus inIIIls loenlily. Iler hrolher, Mom. In w. (i m, dleo on Ills some dale In Lon- Ilen. Eugr. lusl one year ago. A]- Ihough she was a great. numrrr lnr Inmy years wllh rheumallsrn, she was uersr known In murmur ur oomplarn and always upon-red cheerlul and hall' r. I ller hesullrul rhrlsllnn hrs and unsel sh dlspos on will long he relnernhorod by all who koelv her, llnr remalns were hroughl Imm III-r slsler s home In Tornnla, where sh: wss spendlng Iho. winlrr to her lIthI-r'srrslllrnre Mr. Russel Glover. "her oIII home." The Iunsral on Fnday was nonducled [13' Rev. II. 5. Layering nod unrulmoh Mullde Our Toronto Letter. \l'lIilI- nlighllng II or - ohrun F day nlghl III SI (lro go null Illoor slruoIs, hlr, n. IL [L nI-oumwns slruoh hy o Innloroor IInd Ihrown. heavily to me curb. .- non. 'i'ile nlolO- - I d IIoI slop In! no lrnuo mm ho had or him. \Vililin H . lllun: .\H'I Linn : Fri: Iit nlL llo was nor or lhu lIosl. known II 'lncas men olrlh oily rInII Pro-Idem III the. Tormllu 1e: IIilIIIiuIL Ills llalIh ls glx IIuy IEL -YIIOn|NL Prrry lllll nllll . II snro llIIrI, opened IoekI s at tho llnnernlIy ouildlms und sIoIo ImoI me am. liunlsr lle;wos soul In Kingston for two Malia moon dulnago was door by Iaoler pal, 'Uuuu Friday III {III} V' P Mouth Alburl r far-unnpry. on our wall onli III your door n you I 'un'l hrlnp ' II youuo lv, or ohln oy lulu 4m pull than or 4 Apply tor p'nrllc- ulm to vlhh (nouns 'Alasrl omrum. Branch at oloullrlllo creams". Phoha .n. A. PUTNNJ, Box 24, I w. \vsandolle S c. Allaon'l S. 1;. w. Leghorn n. Piyluoulh noel The no Inllnwed un exploaloo In Ille powerhoqu whlch Ia holler-rd Io have roused o oIIurI'rlreulI. Tho hulhllhg, whlch was ol {ramu rouslmellon, was spredllr ueaLroyed II was valueer I 32.000, Iha pdnl was vulurd aI 25,000, ohd parllally inaured, Marlboro Poultry Yal ailli tiol'dollo Quccmvilio, Phone 8 15. w- cpulolllu In lhu \ l hell. Lnym, ctmzlnra IrIIII E-hlhlllorl Ounllly, lIranIlng Sleek and E23! for llrlchlng I ll-II: and Plant: in Sensor Inspoollan lhvllcd. i , REAsoh'AlIm: zzlun 01ml A llIullod quanlily- 0! good deal) 0, A. (:., Nu. 79 Gals for Sale. Ap~ pl) lo I II. mow, Film): 205 Mount AlueII. von sink PM ! 1 100 sores. 299 Inlleo East or Suuon \ Ironllog on Main auio marl. i-raomld oollago 'und m3 chm, cellar, large bank hum, cemenl loundallon oorl sloollng. Smallrr l-nrn. ruh'rnl IoIIIIuallnn, ermen Dix- gory. ilennm , urlvs shed. good on rilrlni. on I-lm .lhour Ieo arror; ploughed lam. I sure pasluro, \l ushered, One or Ihe orsl sleek and mln IaIInsI In lhe rownslon. Pam] 2 Iao oerrs. same loeIlIIy. 7rmomvr! house and hlIrhah. chillrl nk born. nlons hrullIllriioll and smili- lng. lIeImrI-y. nlggury, some IruII. nonul 70 acres ploughed loud. Sol), rln) iorlm, Mi \l'I ertI). Grain .0le hey Iorm, ' , | Vii sr ril lhtse (aim: gopamlr nl-l loarlhrr. Al Io ounsr. .Inllx III, DAVIES, A ll. 'er No. a. sum was - Immune FOR cam. maLG 'i'l-iNDLi nrhlrossad Io Ipe umlrrslgnru and eodorsro ~rl~ne der for Cuai tor the nomloloo Bunch lugs. OnIsI-lo sou Quebec." wrll he Iv (Eivcd at IhIs nIlIcs unlll 13 o clock noon, room-y, Anrlr 29, mm, for lhr supply or coal Ior [he llomluloni Buiidlmn throughout (he pm s Ol onlnrlo and Queoer. v nomhlhru sllprl catlon and (arlllkuti, lender ca 17' ohlslned tram I IIe Pur.l rlmlnr Asrhl, Demrjmenl or rnhlll! \\'an-l_ "llslhx. and from [he Cite- n. I III Ihe diurnal Ilnmlnloo uiid Inn _ Tnlllllrn Iii IIIll ht I nnKMIIH-Il unr, Irws lliadl all In? lornLi Supplh d II) HII III-Ilarilnz ni and III arrordaorr Illr \DIHHUUHS SCI for "le in, h, :rlfllr'rl'illmi cheque on o rhulowu hull IIIII- In "It older or Ihe ,IIIIII- slur nr \l~orl., equal In lo p. . oI Iho amouol 0! ill Ionuor. Won I, .III nnmls nr rho nomlnlnu ill alw he Im-ophol a*isor . or if honor and rho-p ,- Ir mnlrrrl In mm up an odd nmnuol. Kiwi? P -h under I-IIIrsI hr ltcompunledr Hy onlor. . II. n. nlisunulllnrhg- lllparII-IIrIII or I \I oI-h (IIIaIIs. Ami! 3. mo. Ilro and onion Io lho swell and IIIIilollilIol-y oi inn A. E Long Ph par 0011201: rtlory on "Elm slreeI enrly Momhy Inor_ n5. -5o eml li res lam thrown llIll oi . ~cnuse nnlmown-, Taken from (ha home return he hill mod and furnished Inl- lla ride 'and [II which ha Wu llvlog who a Mum who was Io he )IIII hMl mam. Vail llol unk rIIIIIIurI III hanl lnl on Man day olghl nod Illod on Ills-wad. ding day. lollawing an operation MN IS. . J , - Amu itwmie' uliqqu TORONTO - 2M2 KESWICK BAKERY Floui: and Food. Inn. unto. on our. min on Ina-nous all con-o. you Flaw our: on out. I _ aIlIlIllon Protggt Your Homes mid Earns Iarn now orr'pamd Io lolr order Ior Ulliyel'sal' . Lightning Rods Tn ymlncl your premises. ' Pril es on IPPliCaUan. 1. A. Kluu, Sullon an! or Rivenshuel Each Fan iiATciillm Pen [-50 Brod-lash) Barred Pl) olonlh nou Yzarllnlls. .150 egg- .Iralo'. roalm IrlIh a Young Cockzmls or zoo aggrolnin, Isl 52.00 per la. Pen 24 2-)ear-oid>. mother, Io rao LAP? Egg sumo, nlaled wlln 3 young Cockarcis, loolhsrs lo pan I, II use prr Io. I' 3 50 mixed Yialiinli, malrd / :WXHI a 2-year-old Impurluu breILlo- lay loohlzr 150 egg-strain at 156. Per [3. Every K \cst [or {ir iilyr qullr) yards, lol 1, Con. 1. welcome or! d1) r lcPlli Sundn)!. / HARRY ALHK. 3m, "oil, 3 I Silollfis Sale of Lands. CHERIFF B BALE OF LMIDS To he sold by public ouluon, All lm IIIIIEI,JIIIe roll lhlorqsl ol 1. A. non, know: as James .l. llIIs, Ihe de- IrndIIII in and lo lhaI vermin. parrnl _or Irael ol lsIIIl null pIrIulaes silualt Ll lng InII Moms in HIV TOWWIP of O!0RLI|"I,'|n HIE Colin!) 0! YLIII. and mom particuler deswibed a~ Being Hm ioulll in" of UN Is! In III on nulnhrr IlIIrl Concession oI IIIr TM oshlp or Ueur- gllla. In lhe conuly ol l'orlr, sold par rrl I-onlalnlnlr so arm or LInIl. Inom or lean. on our properly IIIan h unclr d I from! ii usn. 29 ht Dr 3!) fed, Ih II; ml II) III Irel, also IrsnIu ham 3. Mi hr 0 reel. also I woll, the pronerlr Ii 'lenced who Mm (om-Ins. lhl m Ls also a small olvhlnl. u oul no men oI I|Iu loud I. slid III I he workihla. l'llo pmpmyl sllual. ell umul (slur nIlIao mm l slrlloh all lhe can: InII Nnrlhrrn ail- uar. Under . wri or tied hails i5- IIIrd our or Ins supremo-coon oI Onlarlo. hohonrn -sooIorl A. yoolr, plum" and II n has dolsodanl. on hum-y, IIII l ply-Iourlh rm 0' Aorll. Ar BI lno. III M - orlodk noon. II III- only Ihsslrr- om Ins calm llama III me any or Toron- Io. - - llLex. Mogul .

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