d all? an {dunno com > V 0 ml. I, W" . , _ sum"! 19' Inc Dr, Em. phyalnlon allo' urayonl > Nowm rkol. Ont Tl - Hum Muir- 9! I (raw unnlord-Mldelil lpby u a Unlon llnmlul,all lllvar, atlas. . 9W Phone In ., omen ller : . I so 12; 33 /_._.,__ Dr. 8. d. B_oll I du In In , llvlno II T l nnln hn lll lm Llnonllnln or Inn nnyal "050 nl medulla ;and Inemner or In IonnI douche oI urgdono ul hm.~ {m r l- clInloaI .nnlhnnnl In ooamhnmn Bye Unsnllllhnnll Unlvor. In, college. lane. Sohalalldl'l onl Ilohlllllll. London. Endlnnm Eyes Toma, ulna n suppllm Telephone no llama 640: ' ,II o 1.3 .,/__ 0. loKowan - mm mm AND dnllltuzn Park Menu. 1 Adlnlning pool Olllon nEm' GREEN. I PAlN'I l-ZII AND PAPER HANGER, nrden nvn. 2nd hounn Irom (laden so, Nowllllll koL _ all!)on BTOOK 0F,WALL FAVE 'orI Ilu Il. . I'llollll 230 ' > If. 0. Box AOL onunnh LIFE AEBURANDE 60. II. 9. Hindu. Dlalrlo nonrannnullva [or oo. o! Vang. ~ I n~ lnnh oI 'I ordlllo' Hulld~ mom, halalord I oppoolle Mlll knl. Plume 3075. n.3 rourrap. ' I thm rkol. . {A l or hlano, Volod pull 0: L re ll!" nonlol- In all kln a cl Muslan lnnlrumunla , and at-hire. .' < pluno Tunlag'; l 1 II I lol- Columbia M on Ila, iI nnpnor-hone nnd mob Complcw mkl rmmplmnlml owl wmnlnlm, nun-lam. Boll-IMP, Hun. . Newnmrknl omen, In llonh ol Townlo quldnnl. pm llnmlllon u lleal Enlulo omen. L. , Ilnnnmrlol every any 0 up. TIIund-y. . omen Pllunn so , 19.... up. would Inndo In Imon on llnnl k mlal WW 'Fulmlce Work J In Plumbing j #. I Ea'vetronghing Our Specialties' I Bu the Bathroom 4 Gulf". II. the Shop. mm TL ! LEADING ITNBIIIITIIll ROSEGRIIE ll SONS! NEXT TQ SHITH DRO'OEHV I Our Spedial this week: Sty llmldolph I Meaty Artistic HALL BROS., summr. In L luramm. 'vlmloopaphm Newmal'kel, dludle 9an liner \Vahl. el 13 OVIIIISIII 01" , ohm ml RSRRSHFRRRRS _ ) . , 7 our FLOWERS, Funeral Flowers BULBSI, Ila ON I ! U! Mum! W w. a. mum... noon: 1 . OXVAOEWLILII WILUIIC Almost nll III-u... nnld oI ud- chlnhry can no mud dolor : N ulre d dl Ioasonnhlo price! w lllli F In, (L' -. rouolh NI 2., ROGERS, V "swam-kel Wm Wm/ca I: . -> M m min angling Wu Iowans ' dled so suddenly lanl. - undel- 4.31m- lug nuv. T. a, Meannldl inlfre old Il ll'o Mr. Arlllur anlm' II SMth- Treooura. I A enormuleo wu l) pnlnled Io necur around and Inn-Inga tor mnlclmlll Ahulllcl'rmlus Imn he called Io nomplelo ornnnlnallnn'and ulller ormngcmhnlr. "I present were hopelul Inr u .uocennlul .eanoo. Propnrly onnn rlnpl. III lenly Y. ll. I\., had llullslll no random nl ll .lou, I lllller nn Thun- my Idreel Ind Inle Ionanellon Ildn wrnln The Inner Innvan InIo.Ih'e uoIIInanr llulllnhlmd an norham SL Mr. wllzhr Ilnllfllnllxhl llr. II. A llrodle o renldanae on-Mlllnrd Av and wlll Inhn pounaslon III lhe roll. Mr, yllrnlllrl expel-In Io rc'mnvo lo 'I nmnlu. I Mn dm, llnll Iran Imngul lllu llaunc on,hnlelord nlrllul' latnl) vhenled hy Mr. ulnann er the ank nl Tornnlo. wllu 5mm; In Iheplly, obllllnry. - Tne Inn llednmnd mpmn, who wanna... In Yorkshire. England, a come In IhIn naunlry wIIlI III. pomnla on In . \frml. Innnmn. The Inmlly cvcnluully snllled on II mm II. Inc Ind 0! mm- nnuroh whom , deeeannd wnrknd llll Homelale Inr over_ hall nlcenlury In. only nurvlvlan hroIlIer; MI", Then: dare almpnnp. won a ducuonslul holler In' NewmrluI and r nmoved lo vnll- eouver II, III, II 'numher a! years nan where he npenulnled In land u, III Iren; [Inonelnl Indvnnlane. The lulv shoe. ll. slmpann, wlm aondnnled - very audnennrnl drug huaInern In NIH"! mnrkhl. war. andlner hmlher. 'nlr nedyvlnd Slmpeon'n wlra Ila.an pro decennnd lllln some men ngo. Inn. [arm was sold lnel year and In; opm In Newmnrke'l lo reelda who his arm Mr, Frud Slmpnon. Uorlmm alreel 'l llero uro nIx olllcr clllldreh lcll ln .vnnurn IIIe lonn all n klnd Inlller : Mr: 10%) Show oI l lorlllrl, Mm. (new line. l'lerIIL-ller oI Mlnden, OnL. Idea w. wIlIInmo oI Nowrnorhel. Mm. Mr \Vaux al oodwood, Mm Mnouade 0'; Aurora end Mr. cneII'TI sunpnon o'l ouch-h. The Innaml nernee wounnounlnd nI_IIIe rcsldon eo of Mr. Prod Sllnnsnr- an 'l'llllrnllny nI lnal walk by llov. IL v 'rharnnn and was lnnzely alhendnn nmann Ihaea prenenl Irnm a nlIInneEI wa.n.ll.v. nnd llrn. hlerneller oI lIIn ; l elnh. Mrs. A. a. llenderstlll and llro. llnrr-y wnIIn l Toronla and MW- . Manny o! Dl-ollklmm . nxlunded lo lllc Inmlly ln luau vrr qudllen horanvem'eul. man. of "I" and. noon". henlh name Sunlloy In Mr. Ella: Ilogern. n well-hhowa Tornnlo eon. IneI-elmnl and huslness mull. _aI hl. rceldanre, than "mine, Deer Park, In llls won. me, I . lm Iall} Mr. "13ch was Imrll nl Inn In Iago. and at IIIe Inge ol L'IIII II lllu Iullllwllng Imallluas lulcr lul'nlllx Ills alltllllull II! can). In III-Ia he aslohllsllcd n eunman) III rorolll4l.\\vllll:ll In [897 neenlna hm hm m 1-; .l5 nun/on unmmny hlo. npnrl Iran Ills 10ml ennl Inlereals. he look on aCl E pdl'l In Ihe Indllslry In IJllMl' polls, Illalllg' I m-(Idem :Inll I'l'ciixlllllr 01 Illl' Cruw'. ' Coll] Colnp n). In nddlllon I0 III! {L llml will) IIII: cool lndusll'y, lllc I'llls Mr, [log-11 s Illld lndny nllll l' husllll! cannrvlallnns. . lclll ol II , \ dllonnl le Company. lrnridenl and 'II-ensuI-er nl the M. 1 mld .ll. llnll- \vzl) . Pruslllulll und Transom nI Ihe I'JIEBII . Illlllll and I mth Company, I}, 6., Vin I Nbldclll u! Illcclllll'u llal Dank oI Chanda, nnd n dI- alo r at In. Nallonnl rusl Company, Ihe Imperial Aceldanl and Gunmnlqnvculnnani, ,llle llomlnlan Iron and sleal Company, illlll lllc {Inn lllgloll Mr Ilrlllle Company. Ail rl. from IIIE lluFlnBSS IMEN'AIS. lllr.'IlchIS was well known In Illa ally. llul lng neen .In AlllhI-lllall In Isa-l and an . Iul asphunl lulu Ille had. In Inns. I he was loser ahsoclalull \lllll Inony,orgnnlzn' Iona; :Inli LII'IIILB pl nl Inemlml' or the SanIer ol Trlende, lle Idenllned Idmsnll mm a numher ol' Jl ncllvllllc . He was "MIGHTY-Trad:- are. n! IIIe unnanlnn nInIe shelaly, was \'lcurl mslllen| nl llIe-llrlllhll and l'oeelnn IIIIIIe suelely. nnd was a dlred- lm lII (he Clllnn Inland bllsslou. lle \vos..V|cr-l"reamenl III the annndlnn pence nnd Arllllmllon Soclch ind In Inna me l nl Id lhe oronlo Ilnard al Trnde. hel- nl Iha anlnnel alnhf sun-lung)"; rour dnnnhlern. Mrs. A. ll. llmlan. Mrs. UsArlgslrome and Mrs. J. MCIIHUKlIlIIl, of Tomlllo, End MB. 11 \VIIIIeomhe. al Indlananolls. and two sons, John and Mind Rogers. Ilolll nmnmhlo. Almlller son, clap elmc (loge... \vns Idlled thle sen-Ins oversea: II II lllu III-log earns. i Soull sle. erle. 0m nnrll 9. oenlenee o! {mun year; In Klnnslan PEnIIEnUIn' wu melml out lllll nIoI-nlng lo llus. nrynn. Ille Drlizelnlll In lllv Ill-hue lor Illa dehlll of NI- mlean IAICIIIEI'. when II lnller WI! healedanq naked 10 I. ly on Ihe marina. nl l'eluillry 2. Ilnrl he dled lllor v almond. laud: Small and Mel-old, Henderson. Immune. In Illa crime In bolh given lehl yam In the pamlenum'. / , (1r:- . Obi-Mull an. n Irelnr'y' ul (llu Yul-ll den. llr. and Ill . oped Sllllpmn m; - 'rlm nymnalhy oI many rdanda.l E o He was also a mem- mam dam; anemic I VII 'pulo'dloeh Ind will have npoorrhi) Odde 99! Ml; rsdr worn leve nll wooldonyln the sprln dim at tho madlohldsrytlmre reshlnzlonle gown! 1 menu Ind, lm ler' Id In IIII ' / vg no r you d, h' n hem'd oldm Modll-alpiui oovery. . [I la Ii lttmdard remedy that can bo ob ed In Who or , Vllquld form. : e WIf-hnul alcohol [Tom wIlul root; and burn, Tluaomlllm, Ont Ever since 1 un remember Dr. Pqu medIeInee .ma need In on. ' v . (Amlly alhnmnnnrl - Inny nova. lulled Io Ivo nod mulll. Iln olden Medl- cal Dlmovery' Wu I IIde In A bull: and blood padun. .nd lav blom lllul "allllv lo zldll loved ex- ullnnl, 'Il warm to , hlollc hl lronblb - Ind llla 'anullw I'mlullpllon w hallo mnup when I d-e rundown no I only no... holh IrybcnI-llclnl ~)IM. Gammon hlndum... run Eolllrllova nlnnolloll ah. Them In III lenal nne' nullvo rane ul l'lhenen Ihol In, Ilule Irnuhle lelh _lysne.mla. Tho hakllno neems lo dell I.I ovlcd ln IhIn reIaIIan and la Innre Ila cnlll nalll he In nallh cd and II rm much to aollnly ldm. II. Indned, m can. In sullu cdl Ilo em on long N there In I. Illlrod ol the {call below an, IIIB onpaelly In lllnllw only by , llu EunDlY- ,' The Idehlmo, II lurlllcr appears. car done no .nInInhe In lhe rnnnaer nI nohllln Ids Iood for llr'e very nlmph weoln oral lIe dues nnI eaok II. Nor, Inns Ihe hluhlmr or m oIIIn \wllo In pulleomed. In Illa werrlen 'lmll III. Innnner ohenllng II, ladeed runny he sold nol. local II al on. II- -III lL InIa lam; elrlpa on Inch wlIlI nd an Ineh Ihlnk and Inen lower. In rln down Ida IhIonI on one mlllh Ivmr a rope Ian a well. 'Nolgmn. Inndlnn nll lIllK Ille Irehhno dnhsm vllflll: lrom lndlnenllon, He can mol'r ~nnn Inenl (Ill Iho llcllll and non n! ~n walrun, provlrlnn no hard nan -rIIIy Innl Ill onlllnn on IlIe onlm v' "E I-nlle "Illlll he unnllnnnlly shnrp ~lml ' Tlm Indlh 0!. n lIIIIn I-Islhnn oll .'III. II I. Imlll lIy those who hnnn nenl In I. II". o! walrllu nlln nrl II~ ml 0! "no III on. own clllldren wnull' In Ihe {1mm nl an Izmllm nIlIInnaI nlne or lllc wolrun In lrom IIaII N l Ill MI [Hall I" llllnknnhx nnlI lat-Tr naelnm-Inle rdiomlllflnon In llln IIIIh ' 'w rlnnllnnl. Tnnphlld nl Ina nulh . "lll lIllr. II nnd dllvlll II no new I now mm dyapenlln moons, . and- v A LITTLE mom: 1mm IIIII llaal year I asked .I'Iy hexl Klrl Io he. come my wlle. end she Eald "No I" IIIII I E l anon \l llll Illa Klrl. I mor- ricd, her mother. llun my lalher married llll , EII II Now I dnll'l know what I illll, when I morllvd (he gIrIIs mnlha. Illa glrl Ilumnle my dl r. allll \Vllhn Inlller married nly daughter she wax my mum. who In llll; Incl-Inn nn. Ill My mnlhar-s molne. lnlneh Is my \I lfu) mllsl Ill! lll) KmlIIInml Ar and I IIIIIHK Illllllolllor's lIuslInIm, I am my (Inn Krdlllllolllor. W [Illnlltn xlloslulls. 2 pcmonv l were . , have occurch In/IIH: Dlsll'lcl of Vlllcrs Gulil lll, Id kilnlnclros Ironrcllmhml. The ex- [IILISIOI'IS wm e causal] ll) ngrioulllll al Iraclom eamlng In ennlacl wlln uncx. [Ilullull shell? In Iicllls \V IIICII were helm; plowed. 3 - Dyed Her Faded: v Skirt, Also 'a Coal Hammond om hum. anahhy Apparel . lee HIM 80 Ell-y! Don t worry noon. .1ch li lll. [no mmond was," gua fnnlkell on RIPE new, rich, (All: can mlur Lo uly kHz. mum wool. .IIk, llnen, mllan o. Inlxkd dre>(ea. Idlgllscsn gllu, Ell m I ear eve I In I ADITle. null: 15. halo... 5 ma mam. ny rank. I, have dealer ow ,Wlummolld Dye" Color (hldl ' m dull I'm. III-h a anll: Ir .,\. . I m a. at ,wm-I Dom}. w '1' '1'me am Ink Ulyp' Plan. I. ,4 low-r u metal-Mum" (om . . . l . ho .ndd'n nlydlrlg Ihe ,u, of! rum com- we mm , I - r- , , g port um and no decl- o1 Immune: lzdm Illenu r we no. be. new enuaholll Imam-z lane a In a lat .th um "Inna; ln on how. Ilde.. new at mo, nun. or Inna NICE [hull mm III. Sonlh. Ill. plw n leoleqonl. at any um eur'howzd In labor. gammy-wand, "1m. \uoanluu oI numllu lowered on any elde. v mm those out docks no n In...- lml. nllroadhkhenvy, ml nue, heavy-unwed I .ohoneo; rock Val m2. steel cln mnedl gridth peneclly, (00 mllu moon l'nnce I6 Iho I'd-Io In. gum. {ll-II my mood um: loud the men: were only two. No Fondly Ku'mllon ml that Mae only the Amelflcln hlghw-y Ior llxllllng Inn. um... gal... upllo lullle. .nd Iholr .npnly devau. Every aunt: oI mac mom], made In Immuhlu. out at our hIlln hy men melted nod mind .an rolled Ind hemn In our hula luld on: down by In. mllllon Ion. In {III-III place. (In Ihal ma run cm upon whlI-h room have onad-ld own or Duo: or Inn Imam- conI III Ine Europezn lendn 011 II ran Iocomollm and: an the rmnd am. "w. m. In drama. The mnlllmlll mm lowered mm. lhe'lltl x 0! (he [120le M III (he unh. who Maxim. In!!! In (error, I. the gm: mathlneh rolled by. man- pondma'n drive, wheel. dwnxnag In. enxlneen and worked nbon! IlleIa when Ike] rented. I I v I I A. ll: mm, llde. hmkenhodlea, mlrlllo' noldler will III III. to lI Im 1mm Ihe eld. now In: wan I-nl- u.d analbnmped, and jammed nad sumo all he went over me llxlllly hell: I Allmy In In heepllal .h-nlnl ' un there-lull n 2 up. In (ell III: hump Ind'phllnr nn Amerlcnn lo- comuve. (ell In. mlldlly at rock on- an hllI Immud bid) . llle smooth mm. o! hm. no! tome gnlzuken In. lmllmd.,lvl tomlld noul-ol Am". [on In nllbudlnx nqu Mlle-[ll (lle .allrhly algln: and lhz lllly rnnnln. m1. The lundmllle llegnn In llull by I. by lely . "Then." he um, "1 law I wn...ll .Inlu. son-elm... had [at ham 01 mm" I Irhal I. Amulet} The wlrller Ihnl nolwonndnu ald lhmhy' Ill: solld Inch. um 'wondorlul c nlldn Ihnl .nndo not only the luahwny for our power but me roundnuon or on. Iran npuhlln. ' In on. Idmllmn llul slmrlpdplrllul lad Iold al In. Innqullllly Inn come WIIII Ihe hnmp .nd pall_nl an Ameri- can locomollve. our llen u wet; mln cd. \Vllo 01 Ill hull nnl WHIIEI I wIIlI hnv mlned. llle pltch er (umhllnl: Illa hall mennwhlle lo {one one at our Inn;th lommouvu zo lhundnrlnzpanc an. Impmnml dlamon I II WM more lllnn a locomollve lt will ll laym- hol. ran.an m- lllll nal Inumm Ina ayn lhnllsm M II. Inn ma raII II, llere. .I Inn. In, Illa Inlernrttnllon. brought home Mn nolnler n: the unlon Ihnl In no Small pull. lulu been made Err-ll by the \ lrlon, Ihe llnrlng. and Inn downwrlgllt work lhlll conquered llle wlldernem. crossed Iln: Mel-n mnlln- Ialns. nwopl om llle nrnl es. I'rl w med Inner nnd mlglltler mnnnlnlnr. llnked llle xunrlse wont to "Hal III the sunset or steel. nan convened n mnllnenl IMO E llelt llhorlmod UY llla Amerlun lntomolh e. brother of ma one 1h yllclled up our wounded SHI- dler and nude lllm 1m) Inn! samu- mlng hnd gol hold or ldm, 11.... "solnellllng" Illld gol hold of the world. mnohciler Unloll. Fuaun Alr Travel. II .I. [Ircdlclell lhnl lu te nnybe Meir... Iron. now. llle' llky will be mulled II: In "Bull" llnes 0! Ill! Inml E lhe mlh now I: handed lvllll Ileel nlls. sI-Ilnal .nd eullng housu nmbxhly lvlll he enlnhllnndd IIIglI In lhe air. Where III: III: IIIIIIIed. lvlll draw up llungslde eInIIre dlnlng hnl- l noa. Io.- llle nlunl E. mlnulos Ia. dln~ nu. Aenled wnler and be served, no eye" Ihe prices wlll be Iannud In (hll VISIDII Is Seen but one failure ,Irhlnh harks luck lo mm: The Llln- lug-room glrls ll" be warm: (hose .alelan. uxly hlnz-k drcslns. ndl- Illng In. some old gloom even In me In! Llahle memes! bid! In "I: In ll!!! earner. why Dl l r -y Thlhk ol 'rhm 0mm le Kmund Au nlml'zlr dllMlllnz shot the uln; we lhnuglll the hull: would have to he nonl- lwmd- ' . Indy s Well. do you llunw, we were In Ina heme medlmnnnl the d" of our llno Clo-SI lullrnl. hal we had the [orglll Ia com um ground wllh llr Lolldon Oplnloa. . HAM! Ion Hull WORK >'\VB Mn I'll your lulm ollellh Ihl slronsesl, mall durable. mm W... Iarlnhln Ind oI Ihe"clme Ilmu In. nealnll and huldlomell lllrnesa e... moaned. wry. men" Ind no. realm Io ho' pmud homeland nu Inuo m m'ol hum. car lunly Ion nylon; In! Ilu money I.._ um um. , , . , , e . . Fred; Nottmgham. ' _ r . _ MM out I. a Wall wldnlur' ch hnI now .sll: um rm owe IL" . - bib 1:? 3m ' llullh , II 'Illn pan-Inning : R a. - ImMurInanfg. hurl-Imam Mill In. mmwm summit- whahuf'm now 19 m norm: on I'm m-lulllou no mo mm. W. mumm Z?! I. more": 9M1 woahxmnlmw , I. | um um. He d [IM'GOWQ "man'qu Mon-Ill ll- - * mum.mmm RbVEF TR [In those Of-NEW Illmpdlllru ' Ham-on IBB In 2 I .060 I The ulnlemen l I), I. no l lavelle, eIndnnon III III! [Ilcunso hoard. helm IIIe l'ulIllo Accounts Cornndenlaa at we lnglslnlurl} wlll .nnvInee may or Inn nodnd panlllnn Inlea by me meJnloll nlIIaaee, when II aopelml helm lllz Provlnelarlzremler noldog Ihnl acllan llo Inken Io lImlI Ihe ainounl whleh may In: lapplleu upon doelor'n areeenallorl, . "And my mumollan In." bold Mr. l'lltvelle, lhnl from only In nlnely per cunl. nI Ihene nllclscnpllund are nal necessary undEl Illa ACL I III- Iend no InIouInIIon on lllc doelor ol Ihn provlllce ea n whale. Nln ly oer eenl. oI ule medlenl proreeelon ere la- mnnlh. IIuI Inn ten per cunl. are he- uerlulnn Ina pro/echo... "One deelar In I. cerzalp unurIo allqul lssucd moo pm- Iennllons In n munlll. when pr. . lKllud In In. l'ollce Canr l ne elated Ina lowesl pllcc he Imd charged r a pI-aIaI-Ipllan we won. \vlllle In [Irr- you; I'Inl rEK IIIr pnllenls. he charged who, I - I . Ila Wu: Ilncd ezon, and allowed Io condone ln arneuee. . "He I. now lllsulng logo IImn a I00 I. mnnllr. We heard or another dad. lnr who Is nu III-I prescnpllum In Home III ' $100,000 Iron TnEI lT clIIIAl. lll- mall's hrnuslu down In In: Home oI cammnns lllls week Innluda only Blooms Illr conbllucllon wurl: ml Ina I'rml IIII. ow Ihonl 6177,0 0 n: In: :II hr- .. . (IIL all. nlnng lhe Sewn lllver. n: unwnrlls ol 09.000 lldsvolreally been upended II Ina houlll end. and male \llll he rmulml In 'colnplnlc IIIe work IIIl'rc. Tn manns Ihnl conrnnrnllve l) IIIlIe prawns: wIll he made durIn llll: )tl - 'l'llr: loch aI Was Ipo h cumplr-l-Il Ind apenrd ro'r nan n mly In Ihe onion. The rlllze nu. I Ihe , . II. II Inc [loggul monk. unon mlch on-lJ has now Ilsa-nu. also nIII llllul) he complnlcd TId. luldge \\Ill coal allollL 350,000. The rclmlnllrr of mo, mom-l nvnIInhIn ndl pr nhh he llslsll III' we HIK' IInuII, who ml Imo areer heen ongun. Tn Ind-e nny .an Drama a. [ho Swill IIIpId. nnd ml; chulo would reIIuIr nnnIIIer mllllun dollars," nnI II would ppm lhal Ille Govern- menl let'l. llm mnnal pl ollde Ina y Illls not. The nrnp lo conntnl Ihe SBV IIIrer \l IIlI Illr llInl-oln Lakes, hr \va) 0! ho. 2an mg La .ns, llaq lawn lllal I. new sllnl yfwlll he Ilnde duxlng lhe cnnl~ mg suInIner. Colhngwnnd nullellp. W BEATHID A ollILn The Judge III In Egslem courl re- ..muy gnnlencul n cIIIlo-henllug man la! a nrs lmpnsnnmenl. The con \1c|ed mm hm! Mmlled Kullll' cu llBal- lug \lIIll o holler >lraxl n llllle orpllrm b0)! Innn Ia Illis dIs- "\uu'rc gun \\a lrlul. and We lodge Io Ihe anensed. And mule 1" men m lh'me lodge who lllus spoke lo a man WI... .1. men-Ilalh- whlhled u IIIIIo enlld, u! llM'E you in. lhollall . III ollle men who. In a Innpar. whlp cluldren, |Ilelr oml clllldml. Ille nmnan helnse Iuey should love mosl al all on earth? 'I'Ilew arc Imny ol nmie ho cullllnua In Inn heuel lllzll when you "son-e Ihe .ad inn shall no clllld. And [hey wlllp lhenr lor dong llllllgs Iney \lnuld ll l llme IIOIIE ll llltll' )mhmls Ilill l Irhllled (hum Ehlly. wulpplng n elud has seldom done all) .and. II Imldl n clllldlen lrnm name. lu um nlnele. In evll cnmnan Iona. II has meld IIIem lo derelvc. lo I): In'pncriles, In no. II he. lumed mom llal ll Darenls. II has Iaushl IlIeIn lo hellu a Illll mlnl rule. In Illelr hm. . II Hum"; Ilw ml! well. n clllld. mm M us men h: eoIIIIIIenl. Lel u. eml whlnvlnnoasu Ior rnea. Lel - u. and every mu: who vlolue. duo of our my. to nhol v/nlpplng peel. nullan us thh. on whln he . every nun wlll) toe: In the posl, on. no we m n'l u m-LIar whlphlns hum. w: ahalllned (he whlpplns pool. I: our-Iva, Inn mly mu) heap II In men home lot Ibelr ehlldw. ....._..__ ml oon'o- man "also. I uumelloa Mlh' loom oomlus In. wllo 1"}. \l TORONTO PnEEOR'lP I'IOMO lu'omz MONTH allan dds: Illa len nrencrIpIIoI-e o I ILIII: Io. _ BUILDING MATERIAL f E T RES - MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN . , .- nouqn Alm lllzharlh gunman. such on Flam-ink. Slding. Mouldan and-Inalile Trim]. In Pine. Cypress} ADI) and Oak. and Blair Mnlerllll all well kiln dried and nicely lllocllillell. Doors and Window Frumen. Boom In Plne. Fill. Allh or Ollk. lhol wIII lulu-eat you. Illa lllndlymlllo no I1 lrlnl. Wm. Gallo & Sons nEWL lnHlU-ZT. Iloey lgimil Snsu 00k! a]. prlnca lulu vlll In lullnll $3,, DAILY SERVICE Lvo. TORONTO (Union Shiloh) 9. l'IIIIIIIIIEo BRANDON REGINA SASIIMOOH ' 15 P.5d,- cIILGAIlv EDMO I H'ON VANCOUVER Vlclomn SVAIIDIRD Innusloonrl tmn VnAIII Eoulyldnhvmnnudn. our. Inclunlua HEI IILLISIEEL'IDHRISY slcepma ems. Sunl Han. Wad. Inn cum. lhllonal all the my. Tuol.lllur 5 mm. and Ian lMolMllIon "MI I. lllllvlys' Ilml. ll.lzuloher.llnon , Malry. Gullah, Newnlukel . I" consul Pululu Dcplrlmnnl. Vornhlo. uIII I...I.h IIII .ulmlm I 71-min! n. on... IIIFDI nan-e run-u VIII-l" I.w......o. I'. Im- Canadla Nallnnal Ra ula Have Your Cloonlllg' D ml. Clnl lln IIIlIenII one' By Expe'rtls Cl llllllg. household III IUH, linen IIIIII delicnlckrulll'lcs can be cleaned lull] Illudv lo look as fresh and bright us when rst bouglll. CLEANlNG AND' DvElNo III Properly Done at Parker's ll makes no difference whore you live; parcels Dull be sent In by mail or uxprossn 'l ho sumo one and alldnlioll is gll en IIIo work all lllollgll you Ill/ell in lawn I ' ' \V. will be pleased Io all? yon reg-Mn; Cloning or new on my naeeuvn null-I: us. parkeds Dye Works,"[Lh_IdIod-g ' mower-mum ' 191 VoMo'll "x Tommi; IIIE Ill l. slug II SUNS'GII II ;. so ,5 VII 01., I. 5 Meal Coohnlln than 0. IL kgn. '