Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 16 Apr 1920, p. 1

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r e FE. "a qlnul In NW 2 .- T' Em gnin . potter curl Ifrll'tin' tti? . ,/ t, , . Toloolrrlptttnr ,tiiotm donut. It is s vory' pthlojtnsttpr to prop- y are (or. tn'e'ls. it -y tug' IQllN t 5on PREPABED tho minim-retry not roll-toter oration ior.6alrdtlon rtd,poltrh . oo lurr'tttoro rt trtl Wodww V ' > produces so stiletto hollng polllh to notch dust and dln wlll ital matron:h ll btlul out itan p lqu bounty ot the wood nod prooorvcs it. 1th manual: he'ttl nitrite Ind aeratottsr trons showlng .od'wlllnot not. hltatcfrerpeetoit Baillie , It 3 s . . . V ,JOhl ,S W am A Fowl : I ll.le and [HUM [or All . r cantata: more polinhlpx as. to the pound odd o't lashed quality, it 'ptoda'm trateu, motttaatingtaahsry nalthnodpottsh with "it: tea-t snort rad [- ira I h men selling part to Illo world. For turnlturo woodwork. oil ototla and ltrolrnm it to nor/rushed. Tryt rd m. . V )DIINSON S rttl trnmtlr watt it told tutti immrndod hy ' l .. f THEMNNS 'HARDWIR'E TH E PAINT, STORE. PROM" SEIVIGI , The complete [ranking [apilitlea provided tit till our branches enable this Bank togivg' Busineaa Accoulittl the cart: gndvalte'rttion they need and dcmrve. . ' _ h , ' ' The Merch nun the Mpnuiuctur will lind theeervices n'd edb thita ea > colt assistance In cotft cling thqr business. EMPERIALBANK. 07. MM ' NIWHIIKE ? in ll/Multilin- 0' Nut .. Therein/ll piprolrte'ut , itsnndtsu pedpic,1o-dny upqh uto solu. l'lott i which lltp'tulllre prosperity oi Ilto pountry' dupenarl They Var) l he ltoueinti auertlon. , ,oThc lilghtcprt pt Illvllt r' . a Iritc raiuius'oi mvellull snthieht to rottido tor our gaunt undnattonrt unpundllur l ,' , All lute ttuoslloon pro intimately retitled. to our system ot lttxdllolt. . :ln ordnr clearly to cstnlrtirlt llll rc- lnllan ltlp let us consider somc ctlcals at our, present rystcm : lat out tluntelpullilcn hrc toreed --try our ayntem 0! unscnsmrnt and installed to ptltllallzc the pudding at overydwctllnu ny lteovy loyttion, Tim mind and cottncuitenlly tho prte; ot u lot upon which i huittl ipttnrraasett try every puhilp o ttrndlluro tor ituhlia rot-vlcc. Dy ll tlcluua lrtterprblnllon 0! ur I)! ln_w ti try, lhc interrupt, the vncunt lot to cultured ttl muuh lean llilth lllU vatun domuntietl hit it: awn or tram tt would no user, lltlla tnlikltlg it easy to ltull it vacant rtnttl the, ownt-t- our get his prior, ' Titis inoreatos llltr amount or capital necessaryttoghulid honors and rcslrlote_tiro su ptyf in addth to lhltt tt ltl tho contempt asrorrors. Mr rardlcsn or the luw.~ to assess land huttt on at ya hlrhcr rate than ntmllar vacant land, and tttis. with the hth unsonsmcnl on, it nravcm l! one or the chlct [datum in ntlutlng the present altortaue oi trouselt. L2nd qrculcr production will meals i help in naive the prohioto ot me high aerator hiring. I Everyone is hcinr called upon to Producn Pro- dtteo~llroduoe" and yet cvcry uro- duecr in handicapped hy special ldxn- tion. when'tt tr romemhercd that a tax upon any tailor product in vir- many an rddtltonrt eottt ot production which. Will) a protlt on ttrc lax. cntern lnltsrlllte settlntt price, it ls'tlttslly nren tttat nnc nllltth, qutr out ways to de- . err-ore ttte cart oi tvtnn .it to repeal all taxes upon lltlng! made hy In- llutlll') " . rtlvour puhtin dt. 000.000.000 nml the lnlrmsl required. [0. IEi- wlAIt' [mnslous t ll'ltl nllml novernment expenditure. norosrtlntra n rctcnuc oi .altaut 8350.000000 a year. .llonnls this to he ralttcd \\l|!t- nlll incrI-ttnlnl llll lmndy lnltyntnltln irurden or taxation in which the people tre now suhtcnied i To increase the tartttwauid hc tu ltlt: so these hur- detur and it is terttiouht iul it this would not reduce rattler than increase r I la ut nr lt- WHITE! ntphtmrr tor mcot, npo on oltno ph eroiotjstullullo slunnl hu settled otter llle treasru-r honohco um ades the councils at. lletuuhtnel. 'l no hy-atcoilun dnhaolo ln'whlchdhc tioveromant lost ll, hoped to hold and tho apposition rtcl ".th ll had three rntnts tero ot the olpwn hltd taken an active part in [h2._'l'cmlskdmlng light. All three contests conotitutod n dctcat ui lllrv,t The result ot the North Onlnrlo (light in partt ular .pmvett llthl-tttt<cdlled "l 0mm: ' II the part t thccleuloratu oi the a. cord" or Union Government to not the yzttuttt: o't ttshnpoputnrtty. tor tlton. it turn. ML-mlt'ctl. lilondln and unit...e sov oily unucrluok lo "cducnle"llltn rlectmic (ll Temtrttomluu with regard lcolott it, nutrit- Are crowing. , - Slowly hut uumly the tanks or the ntllctut oppnalumt and tho mrtsn otlpusitiutt.uro ttroMllK. and lust mi alarm. hut. tunt us timely, are the ranks ot the devernute'ni party dwin dlllllg and its Miller tsuhnthnlllJl ma- lorlty ltnlns uhaltzetl to o Drwdrlaun one, Two years alto tho novemmonr commanded a matorltrpoi 72. To~tluy it has 34 'or lets, hurl-is not obtain sure at that on tiny lmpurlnnt issue. ' :0 Yeah! .180 [Item eri B chhlncl a! over a score. Since then thore have dcpnrlcll ,tlon, Messrs. Darvon, new. hurn. ntaahcnn. 'Cl'erdt' and Sli- Tltpmar \vtdtc. wldlc tion. Frank cpohrenr hay pasrcti oway, and his seat, wnn in 1917 by tt heavy maturity. her new wen try the enemy. str lldvlt tt-t is encoding his time netweco England a d tranrda. and the prune mlnlsur is trotting in North Caroltno.~ The Marl. time l l'oi'lltntls lirll-w houl a room. srn'ttdivc in the cahtuct, while there to no rlrctiett rhpmsmlalh e nt~ttrr two and,n hall million French-flaun titan reputation in tire caunclls ot the tn nttlnrnl. and the rights ot lahor nud rnttti are sponsored tram lt it null-alnclrd :lntl Irrcsnonr tilde hotly. the situation in anyone cite hut the novel-luncnt cannot hut hhl cAr tutti. crnus. it n<t| tropic. 'I'tlhl Union has ottlllw-il its unctulnusa. ti tt eror ltdd any, tnutt he rpmrrnti'lo' alt. stnce Nullan l0 power lwn ylsluu aria. lhe , The wccit.hss horn in noot elsrnt' turmeriy hold oatnc no 'u scvceriluw ' \tn'Uttlnlt. cape cirlty since no loss titan ' to thin record, and the electorate re ' voti have auus'thl- - r me. thin t know, lliclr hands. and _a|ng ' who at wo, - wo'chut clwl. children/lo chi-ill. To touch them to knuw to, ilt-ttas oi the intuition Army. . t, ot uorpt, (sincere. and tlel a Training, tnelttute. Army 1 r not cit-Aislan " AND INOTITHITICNN m THIB TEHHITOHV. - E THEM! .. consldcmhle. opproprtallons important work it is apparently limit mhnppy consequences Uot'kmlnclll. , rot-m .ot . ollul. sir George stated lhnt tin Illelll iilartusell to conltntte its prcs Iorllli cl rclle! under in toent with It: tratulnr. 'l he tlucstton tt-nt such a stun ill the ti'euse, . VEBynu have. lttitlrp pln css version of. r-stts Loren - 11' would do Vyour' heartrcutl-l to net crowds ol ttttto chihtre tn the strccts nl ' chip, run t'twakcnIlng'fll china will l lne lhmusll hflllslnx. ,ttlcl to ,ipvo .tcsus tonne at the Jill - t DEI IEEI. .1" china they tlttyu is number a Glrltl' lndualltal School. and Tile Salvathlt 5 . cohttlsfcuuy. and will move (or the rtn klntr trotn the estimates or ttic'vcry tor the, \Velldtttl anti Trent Courts and other old h hotnecn cast unit west and may tor the vern- soldiers lunti aetllt mull hill and thc depart. mcnl oi nnttltrrs ctr-ll m-cslnhltsh- nysltni ot vocational important one that It seemed impos tthto to dispose ot IL ot a rtnglo snu- . t. . . I "(IBIINY BIIVIR rPIBB' - ' tN dim It Ptonm handout at it osohr point; Newman ! s d Motto;J I ndtnol; lirantt lllnrttsrcmlonlird Bea qr illub tt tomlnrjn the .\gctl anctl llome. Toronto hged'lqa are hurt it moths, v, ,ctsorn in Montreal pray lath, title, shc wait adopted an a hnhy lttltlllhken lltr her room parents in the wittter. tress on the shores ot Latte $lmeoa. ntrtr nation's I'lnlttl. , . . lira tscaver wrr thtntr or it unth uret ntr oet. Toronto. when she became lull y_ ars old} shower tlron a very .itttl_c old lady. with hmm eyes at brown and Illch miles at grc'y hair ltnwlntg trdm dude ltcr willie can, she was sonnns tt'ultl porches, but litith IND repnrlcr nearly lllrbl: llnurs ht hed- illntltttt the did her work, unit mil tvcn to thread her uecdto did she use glasses wttttc her hea nz was slur reunited losing the tirat steam- hoat no hate Simcoo tn tsaz. how the slr .tnhn cathornc steamed up lhc' ttottand lttver tram llradtrrd was as alt-hr to her mind as years are. :thn ohc saw the bottl. Mrs. near-or told her trtcnds, she ran to hor,motncr and exclaimed It must be the paid - ,tor it was the that time the had ever neon a sort 0! house ltoatlntz up n river 'with ltmokc issuing tr'otu its chimneys. II ntrdopalntiuu t.taottnp: "I only remetahcr seeing my ml molller once," she said, nd then my roster-lather and t walked lumen the unetoared truth to cotterteh where m) lnlzlltel- had came all a Vlnll. Bill her mother spore French and she npore Enxllstl. "So we couldn't tray anythinptto each other. lust ntaycd mi thon \vltlltm hoot; s'. a nieau t ot lt KI: tlrt-a he were Ilrlllm'lnr ctl,_"a amour in her childhood one alone. so tar at. playmates were con. eernoti. and tar that {#:1th she made tor that rl-zishn itlll ntrttt- *grvrtl urvat irientls ltl .\lm. heart-r recalled rrotnu onee a mill oi slani. lt oreurroti on the l h pi .\ nrcmhrr. tildzl. Granny malnts c'ir. .tnothrr rerun which she recalled was in that. when a ery eotnrl stretched across the city in the shape til it sword. in her time people dc- clarett that It would moan our. "and t n "1t>4lr,u - ' front Int "tor April tiara. , Burk 4.itarrtsott have urethral; they new rum is llrrrtson, Sheppard, a navioon. , ..- ". .lfqllow lng _ ore rpruenlallvu' chosen by cash municipality to'fprgn the Hmlutrc at In lit-tom Pulv to Karl ' York ,~ 11ml resistors. T, \V Tyyopglnhtt lfcl'guml-t, ntoert Webh Tho, Lawson. .tno. lllsotr. .tor. stoke}. .tos. Wood, Ed, man. W'hll- elluNh ll, Silas Littitty ' Zlno. (Ill-rim. Ed. Wllelnr., Will- Macileml David halter. Jaredvlr rd. raw, Ptnytti. wv Q. sorted Just. '1 GwllllrrlburV-k-L vl hoscrs. tar. par-p- ltdrtt tottn mes. .tatt. s tverytno, Flel~ encr. Wm. nunhrrn. Wm. Gang.- North. tyttttrnpury le. n. Terry. EllJalt l msm. Jtio. Norton. Pilentl Marlon. Georgina ilcnry Traioar: tioacr ltilt. .tran .ttittdctt. navtd Mellie. an~ lnarlteL Kmltluti Jabkmn. Nelson Gnrham Mwln r. ltwlll annald stilttert'aud. humor Char, horn, =eih thtun. tor. Henry, ltotlspd Landing Arthur .\lctttsstor, Aarp n .tacirowsy, hanlarnin ll Tliot-ne. Tho. sitar~sprtt 20th at the Hull: ttotol, pan-market, by Rev. Ant, smith. .\tr. .tohn .tonr s ot Georgina 10 Miss PhL-hn Wrrren.ol Plckerlns. , ttprtt 20th, at St. Patll'n Church, I Nawmaritol. try hcv. Cunntt Ramsay, Mr, Walter .las. rnolo oi, wtrltchurch ' to .\t o Grace shillinglnw ol llxbl ' lttvmll ip ~ t Frol n :r'r ryloTiprlt 13m, 1093. ' .\tr. Waller/r -ctl spout Easter holidays in Ilurora. , that Urlthztn spout Gnrttl Friday in the city. I , . .\tr. \t', l'uster or (:oillngwopd \let home tor the holidays. ' , lira, Smltll di himvaic is risltlnl; lit-r sister. tlirt. tnr.) lingers. \ir. Long ui tetroy, cousin at airs, t, p. llt-trry,'wat here on Saturday. ' Mr, Angus McCrlmlnon ot Normal School. Toronto. linen! Easterv'hcllr dots in town. .\tr. t:. A. Hogan ol Kthgston spent l slot at home. lir. Thor. Dszns \iontana Minor.- r teem . 25 volts. ltd * j rwch. .o , "I, Aurora Branch, . . R. ReynoldutMlnIEe - our revenue. . ns already/shown, our . A.O.Murrny.thage r increased Vixttllrrn onthlngs produced , hy tenor will add lavlllnlr prtco und ~ increase the cost or living. A nttmller o! rtromlntlnl llusllmsh men in Toronto hctlcre that the sutul tion ot,ltte three-told pmhtem hes tn. the taxing oi trnd values and the utll tratlnn at their at anl natural rr- sourcca uro nol yet sltennted. hand l5 lllc only lltlllg \vlllr'll can ltt Inxetl [normsan 5 selling n . 'l'a tax Innitl la in make ll hM It? then ltltus cd. and the hunter the tar tho lowor \\ lll hc' the dung price. and in lllla lllll llltKlI ldxallott now ll ury. If llnl'llletl It) lt mll. "in D4 lnnllt' n henortt lnalcml at a hurdcu, hand. the gm. oi the Almighty (or the use or all tits children upon which 1| must II ! and 1mm [all the sub- Eisllmcu a{.all' ls drawn. has llt Nt largely inonotlalticd and lose who u it produolll'el) are heavily tailed. while ,llrosc who nettltcr usc tt ' themselves nor permit others to do so are allowed ll) cheapo Ilh a lower his. and lll many teases am aclually exempt en- llrell' ~Evt|rylltltlg hut "hand values" was la lzd (a curry on the hr, the one tltlng wlrteh owes its a stoned to Government and [tnpultltlon a pm. tlticl. not 01 individual enterprise not at the whole community. The one utlng,whlrh ought In have been taxed oontrthuted nothing. The present mkmlalcd sllltnllon is a midi oi the )Var. ll la .nmlnuttll) ltllll'lu . lllel e- tore. that what should have hoop luxctl. out wus nnly should now'ho levied upon. Tax land vat-tea out- and exempt houses from taxation lll n lt ll Villl .. pccome etrcat. houses len||ftll. and studdlllnnal ndvanlnue M MIN! Y " (enut will lull. 'Tdkn plates all an desire. toad. ointhuts. ctc.. atop putting ch. ,, nlsclrs in HIE/WM! at trade and come pierce such, as torttts | enses and wrong taxation, and ntiteh more qulr - 1y lltlin try any other means it: cost nlvlh lng \\ lll come down Take lllt' lax all pmdlmllnn lint! diacnurigt lhc holding at land idle. Then there tvtti Iv: n0 llt etl lo urge men in Nilllct'. .\er ate Xupl (mm prnduwon by llm lion. \V. t.. .\lnckehzle hint; snltl lltttl. the ruhteot was one on which hc was ilt slruus a! millilllg 50ml: rtlmnrk'a. llc understood that it was not perltllsh slhlc to tip so on the orders at the day. Would llltrtz ht: an opportunity Irtlor an l0 discuss lllc il nl I 'l (1|an prime lllln'lslel' rel-Hull lllitl titere'wauttl, ite nlting to .\tr. .tt-oharnhault, who .15de new "It: riursllol-t 01 fl l'nsll bonus mnl tilt-n taken cnllrely [mm the hands oi the oommtitcc on pen- sltl r George. said that Hit: state. tut-t tt ,ltlsl tnade exp scetl tho stand t n hr tttr not-crop nt. sh rar he knew lltlv pl llnitln lalllmillev 'Il'lll neycr had it .uurstiun or a rush ltttltlll; or gtatutty retrrrcd to It, ' _.fss.t.r n B _ WHEN ltzlinv wltmt DEECIIEH LEAllitEo A Lissaott sure enough the Crimea. war lollott lhc opted lady would tell her tit- llors. in this .\tts, itonvor tuarrtctt. Ilt r happy spouse was captain rmnrts 'l'roneht me years alter their tune- rtctgc she was bel at her llllhbanll. tlathTrdrreho was drowncd when Mil strip aanlr la Loire llurrln. chrn ) ama Itslcr she married .tuscph tleavrr. .t us. live at \ llrlttzhlrc. They tired in the lliatrluis oi Newrnarkct anti tlldrrtrlse until the death nt ttr. neat-er at years ago. or her ldmll) oi three girls and tour hoys uhl) one daughter sun-trot. .\t 'lhomar nennrlt. 'l ) ot \ll r. ticatnr s grandsons served in tht- the war. :tnll slle prdutti .toitt \lsllnm :lllmtl thorn, Mrs. her. or had at tJllv terrnl times :ttlitplell trvc hers and out- or ti rrril'd to the tloer War. in tho .\lai kmzle ltettettian she sayv hrr 'llslnrrktllltlr deattnr mitona to Uni, .\lcNahl troops. \Vhlln lvshltng nrar llollttlttl handing the heeamt- tam. ed a nurse. atttl sue hatt said that she was once ttmut t ln Toronto to "litre tor the ramlly pt .t phn itnyvatd. donor ot ltlrh Park. \'lnrlted so troll Pllker. rat 2:- ycars or more. until a year or so hereto the ruched the century mark. " runny" spent the summers plcklttsnltull in the st. catttsr ines dis- ltlcl. she displayed quilts ol nu own make at the Tutuan Ethlbl on. Tiler not irean spree in her ovm little tonal tor a quilting imme. one was titled up tor her in Et'anzel llail. Quer n Stm et West. Toronto. Site sold her uuitts at 22 each. a small reward tar two weeks' work. After war broke ottl she ltnittcd runny- pairs or socks. timing the inlet oi tint-t5 custom tell all. Mid all: was unahte'to dotray her room mm. hut she as allowed to remain. prepdrln hct owrr' (m'gal meals or proud and ten. tt it: are ol ad she herrau allendlng 'allon Army meet. mas, and \tm'e tho .I my- pole hunnrl. \\'lton tot ) Ean' or are Iltr city he. ltet hither t-surtt an pntrr lor hr.- arhu in to hospital hot-arr at tiomrnntcut has made clot/an tcsls pt rut ptrhtic opinion, o vole. ot ntacmrote. ,. llt lltc clumtt lty-clccllnnu (he are dominant voice oi the eleutomtc hurl h alrullklb' against Unlotl K rovcm- lntnl ltlld the mandala has been lllal they allriulLl rcllntiulsll lllc rElS ln uf fllllCV: and quit. The lugtcal dem'llld tor dtssatutton tnntot-l try lion. w. it, . mlzll: Kills. leader DI lltl. ltlll cr-ols, and tract-ed hy the Agrarian gi'mlll, has hot-n strengthfa d hy the 1- Home of Hit: \K k \VlEn ll will prov-on that not open the slivcr- ton- lled and [llaualbltv oratory ot tion. lleayt-s. ntchrttch. tllor'rdtn and Guthrie -rnlllt| me the tlovcrnmcnt candidate lmnt disaster, even though he did call ltim<rll a rlonvonaltva and was a re- turned soldier, Thrtr \try' alii'rirtttty at his critttlltl'tlum was to him a hole: lost hamlican. There is still a taeau cy in cast Elt'll). hut Illi: issue at mats has turn :1th ui pending the result ut the hy- clt nllnns Ill nvc mentioned. ll-ls nhw talrlr apparent that the issuance oi the \vn'ls more Wlll bul add ll) It rant-s ot the opposition in the ltause hull lllB l'crnmutl may not DE ln MI) llul-ry abaul IL lung in Until Mull. in reply to Mr. Klnrs demand tor dissolution the Gnvnrnlttutl declared it to he s intention to hang on" un- tlt utter a cmslls and radlstrtputton had horn held. in optic oi the unequivocal mandala at the etcetors lhlti week that may allll hr the intention oi the ow crnrnent. The question to wildlth it can sun-[8d in doing so. deconstruc tion has heen talked ot. hut recnnslrut- tion is hnposslhle unless the Goran tnunl cull wln )ty-elteclidnn lai- lts new ministers, and their is no reason (or hot vlng tat it will hot-e any more stir > ss in that rthtlccl in the lutttrr llttlll ll had In llll plsl, In Incl MET) Ilefl'ftl ls hut dnlmclln further from Its pl'tsllge, Tlli wal l'nlnmll rtlnls llt lllk Nttliwclt d lit grittlultl bl" tl idly attrition. without hope of telltv lllt nls. Curtain of Hit Dl isclll e lurlllllh' \tlslftll OMS ll)- .\tr. itrCoymirk o_t .\tonlreai Easter in Newmartot. . Mr. n, it. it. Phlllps at anzu st: entertained a mother or ladies and uentlcmon Wednesday at a chant, SDL laI ln Ill: e Kttr t: p. .\lils Eva Jack. n enletlnlnzd l0 ) [temple at THE owery Tul rh da) m clllnl. .\lliy Rl'rlllzl l'erklns lj home tram SI. catharlnru tor the Easter holidays. .\tr. \Vlll MolllKapt'lry oi pole-horn spent their-r at home. Dr. I d Can? ttlltl .\ll'o ! (if aranlh NHLEJSltvr Sunday al Ute old home. I ' . .\IaKR Kt-ltnal ut 'l'llronltl IR home tor a vdratlnn. Mr. J. N. D3195 it! DMYIUII l5 it lllk lnl'ntls lit Nttullt'lrl . ,.\lr. Gr rt. Ddrlson lifts gunk l0 592V torih. \vltvt't! a situation lit a llty'ttuuttr store is :tvt lllllti liltn. , Elli lelll rclumlld m The Cedars scalcnlty. alter spinning tour months in In ersall Ittl l . he Ul tlfnnl Mill .\lliu [Indlll of Tt tmttlu s, nl Hull-r holidays at the home trl .\lh. Jnlln .\lontxomery. .\ttss Laura o'llrtcn. who has been matting ttcr ltnmz at Mr. A.'Sloullcr's El" , lhulr mmmnl Item. nil: M- lum l0 Shuttvlllc. Messrs. slsllam & intently have ttltsolyed partnership. Mrnoumll rt lttrltllnn lidt e s sall ad partnership. the latter least-tr: tooa, _ The altar inrtl ,drd. hy hav. 1. Victory, .\tr.,nltrrrt .iloxetl to .\llss t'lla ll' lltirwl'henlor. bnlh Q1 North \tll- llmllttn' Apr]! 7m, ll) lildil ll. Flasher, .\lrr .t. \v. N. lihillrltnrlvltl .\ttts .\lrrttarot Travis: it] H- Sl (iu'lllllllhurt r TllP TMIIIIAH llnl llnftn. April it haiph sinrtir, in his Gt lnl your. .\l Ellypl. Aphl lllt. arllel llnikill. In ltbr rlll ) cctr SOUTH lath) LUM ry- abs t - FOR SALE: w Birth Llltlig and Short: , B_ER_ YARD. P . w. PEARSON. llr nn' \vard lloceher used to tell at how he was laugnl. \\Ilun a tiny, to depend on hitnsrtt. "l was sent to tilt. hiacthnards. and went unccrlnin. roll at whimpering." said Orison'Sttrlt Harden, relating th o story in Street. N llal lesson must he learned: ruin my teacher to a quiet tonc, out with terrible lnltnall) . All explana~ lions and mists he (led under tent with utter srornlutness. I want that prohieln. I don't want any Nisan why you ltaven't i't. he would say. A- t dtd study two liouts. t- 'Thst s mulling to me. i out the lesson. You new not study at all, or you they study it ten hunts, just to suit yoursel'. i want the tossou. It was laurlt tor a green boy. but it seasoned me, in loss than a month i had the most intense sense oi intel- tert_uat indrnonttrnro and coding In it. end my mutations. , L on: day his colt-i. calm t-oiee tell upon me in LhP midst at s ttrm'onslrn- tion. No l' "l hlsitatrtl. and lllttt went hack to the hortnntnr. and. an melting the some potnl alt-air. -No 1' ullqetl in a conviction. htrrrd my protrrrss. 33!: our Assunmunl or Ennllslt worsted sultlnps at Prices that on: tails than Ready latrines tor tha sumo qunttty n! (lands with Dlnlltlng made to measure and any Slylg you C. F. 'WILLIS. Main Street! [IEngA KET ._'._.a ,4.. s 5100 rtlzwntt' , 3100 The maul-ht 0mm paper \\tl| ha l'opulnr tVtth tumors that tasattou, union matter tl mat-r nrn ldhle l0 l:an land ltll: lllall to use it. and which tines mm in rim. tml|lon as they Ila prlltlllct'. Dl Elli hluy nreu torfnnduco. . Tho Annull rontrt vatuo oi the land twhioh wine is wholly r comltlunlll' prudhred value). together llll our trmnlttllle' paint-til, resourtrs. -arp amply rulttctent to provide tor sit the \taltl \Vasnlnuton whore a Cpitzltl. n tttnllthrdtlurnltlp la llattgllngx , . Stl lkol' r-s is a candidate and ' hashern stated that \\'. ttntt lI would also iikc the it than, hut Dlr ttovrrurnrnl t- r mum to hold neither CIlttIllt-rlatttl. where .\lr. sponsor was tluulilltlliy elected in t9t7./nnr hur- llaln. .\lt-, ltowoll s soot. in 'the rust- nt rltlrrr srrutttrlt Ille position. to "flirt nmt t nnlt ton. . "0. too, we atnpttttt \\)llt No -rv welt . " \WI).' wittrutrrrtt I, ~l as ltl' dut, tint ymi -- '\\'llt' didn't win arv \ vs. I mited 1 art tintvn in red liltl \\'r IIl ( 1"an :ttld llnldlt ll. and n.- he sot MW at ten-anion utth ultt, NH 1' and "Grni'ttlltla heater. hum .\la. it. into. darted this to tutu:- it L ontl tt1tw months since ~ttr.tu. uy" llcarer ltttrrcti oh- share in .t mph ur tttr- l.tlrtl'a timer for the INI- hood ttontv tor Agni rt'ounh. tr sh. lull llhltl Ittl attout ill ntttml .muuv A: a sit: the most popular huutte or "to item. : tuti tu-tuy o tlsiior; dol the kindly sutlsrilllultll'n: lhll ' in: it pleased to learn Ilut there is at lcs'st one ttrrsttttl tllit asny that science has horn'ahlo to cure in cit its statics and "ml is catsrrh. caturrh hotntr stratly intluonrt-d ht- t'rlltrllltilkrlldl conditions rrtrutros vouattlutlupat treatment, ltull'r untarrthiledtllnc is taken lnltr- unity- and Arts ittrtt the thread on the Human: surtucos ot the stotoin thora- lty destroying the inundation oi tho discuss. uhan the patient strenth try In All? Plieerlul old will: htttltllnk up tltu counttttitlun turd csslsl- \\lt|lt tn the l. spltrt airs. treated-t...) not ... in dams its rem rrna math- . quill ~ whrrh rite rolled a, proprietors have so intuit; |trait lrlt'l' lhlll :e t r uttl. tip the hill or nattratlt-e powers 0 a s .u rrrt Inmlltllolorrl l vents trotn the hlhia 'llcdtelpo lhu they ollcr ode llundren a... mm... m. .m 0, mm , notion lar any case thrl lt tails to ion thr war she tnit tusny rue ur N- 5" 1'" "5' ' "- . to.ohlo. stint in its .ti [s not mouth to ionw \'1rllr'll (iltal\'m| mutt htruw that my inow ll. Ynu have hunted llniltlitr ltlilll Wot N llh . ll all lltr wtlrlrl SW! your Vluylncss l m aav V1 and um it ' (In? (if "IF (1' IBM dplu (tn lltltl i am. nah.- I fltlrl near aw in that _- noun-Mn _r hatter-tied lt.\' mill ltnltl'il ofslwinf lmrtt nlltm ,H YOF i ._ ll lou arenlooltntr tor a titted tilt-tn, down-wing start tnvralmrut. ram munir slo with "AV tttnltluton , Cm, in Victoria s has Toronto. - needs a! Munitlpnl. PI'IAVIM IIII lltl .tlrtiorpt revenues. and lids ls the unit wil) a a llinllzlll NVtmle can hi 0hr lulllctl lllslly, :tlltl \Vlllloul Kgmvnlltlg lite present sltudtlon. Th2 ndttrtllan at this method 1n solve the th or question. ol llottitltlg. titsh Cost ot Ll a 'nnll dllu revenue willuh are now draining (or lEllldliIenl. There is not oihrr'rmllw solution 0' Int-tot: pyu lems and null lllelr Bull (Ion tho "All"? Bmfp ly o! (Inland: depends, - . Tllf bubllk lll e anEtl (Ii ll run- ill ! k Illls ldl u. the meantime a somewhat drnsrrnus untromrut pregnant willt the pass illi- ttes ot tatst discussion and dttistou has develonrd within the rant and ([19 at llrc notlemlltvnl turret. no mood together. A score or it) ol the \v h rto Itat'r- hnndctl logcthr turn-all orstnst th Government-static ta nlottdc'tor the completion ut tttr lturt suit my nalany.~ Thcy tunpn that ta rehdnl useless llle resull nl Us ttuo,lmo outlay lnr ttt Inh- oi le m- pot-arth- saving o enulpto oi mlttlonr nlun ls poi-r ecnnom) . Thny tunnel; declam "All I! ecannmy Ia lhe valm Try one. rnrnt'a purporc they will tnust imp vnthlrosn t'. .t. charisma 0.. no. "'9 - . 5 id try all nrttsniri. 15o. "5th wure no glasul attuned unrs' _ , _ i , mints all llllmis, Anti tnsnsndtl In Wall: has will trip up io i'em List about," said Mrs, Cameron,|yor.r tn.- ruinortltrr oi thrtlou pe ltlenilenL ".Itullnltzmnrlttnltb hur n birthday party a t ttrnuy was . tore the dirt we t d a special treat [itsdlll Iuhltlna torn ytl to thtt. 'II who tltd not know her. The nutsu hatc- tut candles on my; on a Illr nottrolt granny \l alklnx in the contour |rluniylnul|l) told the prim tt Inlttltl nmftulll to her 'You are pretty old. helm she died. "or used! had Illll l'm old cuou t to role lmwerltl pod in the Loan tmy silo-t won t! ttmnnr with a llzllll til the spirit whlrh _ l|l|\t r ur. _ THE GREAT ALSOFOR LA align In" t s not. Irma tutu: TORONTO

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