Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1920, p. 7

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'er _ , like ~ ii/lost Wonderful. values [95 in _. and" hell s] I lorfMeli; and, Young Men i ; , . shits in snappiestl styles for Young Men in the bent conservative models,--ahd'for; men of quieter tastes. [Suits in :ev ery- wanted pattern, color or fabric. Suits bought fol-opal; cash montho and months a'go, enabling - Dunlop s, ,ali usual, to place before their customers clothing oilihe strictest merit at priceid long, by for than ' youxiould be asked for the same suit elsewhere. ' v r V . . I - 4 Big Suit Bargains at less than ' . Magni cent Suits, I r Advantages ' $25.00 ' ' ' Alnplo more iillords yonplonsure w' alum, curry oodvonicnno Strong, non nnydo onii irlnunod culin'nll mm as n M, n '"r 3 0"," - "9'"9 " " mm " , . M u) 36 in. llillii ynu Slm p illld Young Hell's (LlaLlllllu mul Furnlnlllnasvln this {i311 ' l . , . . ol the oouniry, no curry ihn highest and oral mama mock " _ , Beautiful 3111131} no lh iollroi..posdhle wst oi producllon. Your norm nor- in hm iwoodo And uordods, llnely lrlnnnod wllll good, ido'ip suits or ol-eroddlg L9 si ,on lho lnl'r'er prim to $10 on ihr liner prndoo. Come in and lnrpool our groai stock. litmllu llillngiiy wl 1 , Hilary lvnnu d Elylo i Dpl'cselllw. We undnulileclly $5 In $8 in suit below nlller bullet-s In V on every sl'ill . .. . .53250. $55.00, $3850, H030 Ynu'll bl} convlnred M. n glance ol the truth 0! our mammal . v ' DUNLOF Sv GREAT URNESHENG @EPARTMENT misuudpiy olcuit .. .. .. .. $2200.525M,$28.50,m.00 catgnn tn youn vunntu aa no dither! More in this Ridlng can, fol we hr l'r Elia Indigent stock and gmnt varlety at Iowa- rrloel than most dealers ana oompallad to pay for the name gpode. hurl/lent lines of fur-niahlnga we and on the Jobber-3' lat enjoining the same buying advantages as any wlmleuale house In Canada. and pnanlngthls advantage on' to you by I the allm nation of the mlddlaman u pliant In other Wot de from botany to you at one pm:th Instead of Human. . GLOVES ENE (:As iidEnE AND SILK HOSE, 25th In 3135 - ' .v on n. no... u... no on. on n on down... nun .. n... . . Extra Spam! for Saturday 'lllloulcr oxmnplil oi nnnlop buying poll-pr. This ini mnslsm ( '1 001), n oi inn, calm-Dre) suede, 'wllll black hrnldod hacks; Isa gm wmumfm'y 8" 001) plnln hnuilo; nil nlzigy, on ununuolly ilnp nunlily. ': n '3 Hi I WABllMlLE EAI E GLOVES $2.50 / Those are undonhiodly the hind wearing plnvo on iho minim, mule l value wvduy ls $350 to .00. They come In lawn, prey, brown ullil loll. ' mndo [mnl'bcsl ignplioh, Scotch nnd annndlun ill-reds nnd worsiodv, line gorges ulnl nunnouhhurnoo, normal in m nnd lullnrul Ill ux"! ston [or ) v mun ml the Ilium oonsorvoiivo modcin to. men or quiet undo We mo'si. up. ing riulllngly pronoun inmo lilo linml who in Norih llork, and ill our prices your swing in podiuvoly from who to sin , IlAYNB l-IRS uselul rain or shine mm, In pnramnup, cheviol, wlih ruhher lllllilg, Yancy iwoodo and cml cnells. nll lilyleu, $1200, since. $18.00, $20.00, $25.00. moo. .llEN'B sinou BOOTS, ms 89 pnlru young lion s Chooolniu Duals, medium and. palnlt GOWIESUN S' imperial Gale IN THE IMPERIAL ERNK BLOOM. RESTAURANT .._.llND-r TEA ROOM 3 {Flash yslais ay lmpnrinl mum, and by plu- Jlr. diy oiln quanll- W. R. COWIESON, Ilololold 5%, near I'll: hlukol. r you HI'VO our orally 4: your pupils may will my lhlt I\'l dlllnhlhil. ll lulll nolp you, onuri-ln dun... ii youvyc rialior lrlod Wilde (Al er "6! You IIIVG mod ymu'll no Inn-y uni you didn't ll" I leaner main non. roll up ills iood moo. J/Balwwi/ Mia/e so, mms r. ran aAui ilmiaii and Lot, llumn uh, New- u mlcl. 4 intro hcil lnud. excellrnl mu. ill-should lonohon Io too " 'Applyio -_ miss emu mix, (I prim Arlhnr nlvd.. l'orl Willi-no. Om. L IOTT W/E oor all chum In. 7m aim wool-[or Wnlnv loo millim- n. owlwophm, pdnh doom-mu; nocounidnl... dim mlounu. nom- moronl looohcu. Mound loo our oridulln him nun n ulna nul- luf h noun In your. law lily ihnc. Wriu lor Omwuuo- ' o w '.l. mum, Mind!- ouil will hills. nrlollehl Slendy ion tor mud in drivo noi- loli a brood van. , ' Noxl. sniurdry will hc ramom- my in Newmarhel. 'l'ho Luwn'howilng clnh hcld their annual mnoilng last night. Annular ohmgu. A houim on Franklin sin a: lllc North End, urns uuid lo hll Slnliil. nn Hngllallilinn, Loni ween lhmughllioisrn. Hall .2 Burl-0M1. an Glimmer. Mr. iiownrd hlooro rccolvnd the op- nolnlmenl til chrelukcr ol Nch kM ilrmolrry mill mini.le in on illc lsl at April. Ilwl'innl is n Idllliml ioliow and if people will lllive a lililo patience he will gel alum; oll rignl. Llnorui Ludloo opannlu, The. Liberal Lodlns oi anmnrimi .1 low dayo ago elooled lilo iollowing olllnon: : proliidnnl Mirg nliilll . lei Vic ills. K. N. lluhmsup Seorolury Miis L. slurr Treasurer Ming 11. Cine Anulller mndilng will on hold ii. lhp homo nl Mrs. H. 5. Cum noxi 'ruosdny cvcnlns ul 8 o'olooii, when lilo orgnulinuon will , hr oomplolod. All Llh'eml ladies or the To lvl'l'hro nordinily luviled lo olleud. warnon'o lnullul . The annlarlie hrrnch ul lm: Nnrlll York Womeh'a iniliiulr wlil ho held in the Farmers iliuh honor in lho Blink oi Toronlo building on Thursday aller- unnn.Apl-ll'15lh,ul2.30 p. m. , The program will consldl ol o pnpor given by ililu. w. Slepllens on Mob lng n-iinl you have sen-o the purporz." Also or paper enuylod, nooks oi in- day and lllelr In uence," lly Mrs. H. lurch, ndll anll oardun lllhld. llvcryonc come and he prepared lo give no name ihnughlini nugzenllons on snidenlllK Sde. Vory suddon'nulh. Last Tuesday, Mr. Edmond Siniih non, o \voil~kllow-li and highly rosnrnl- ui lninlor oi Williohumh Township for many years wllo lollrod {will {emu lng opernlionn and was molding wiih hlg non, Mr. i'rra Simpson, Garham sllozi, Innk u spnde and wool oui inlor lilo gal-lien lo do romp digging. An hu did nnl rclum lor some limo lill. dduglilcr Jow wiml oul lo see ; whrro no war and (and him dud. ho was in in. uaull llenllh Ind hi. pnddon oroih in u sml blow in (he inniiy. ohrlrliul ahumh. sundry. Anlll lllh. . ii I. mo Ioplc . lia "\Vllolo, church a Bdhool, Who Tenohcsi- \vhrl Lennon. 1 Suppl-y School 2 so p. in. Erwin! TOW 'l'llo N54 UM di' Lilo. _ _ A Dual ul Brink KIWI lesson: I greoi and aim Liiei' l mu} sovloun shins l'vrxhienc: summon, wny nol onma Sunny nlshi uld loud of Him 1 a ' Imouvlluluu on lilo main land. iNTEnZB rlrdq LE En _ mom aALirorliiIIl I lenderllll annel-y. liu iollowlng Tn'iomolinn Ly ironi Till: ploplo oi loilm received by bll m sioclrin g oi. Nuwnialnul 1min hnr dougniur-iu hlw, Min. undo. Slacilug, wluon nho lion very Emily allowed III: In puir llsiir ' Avalon, enluiinn, ind, Ca|., lllnroh aisl, mo. \Vu have decided in remain ior a low wtcks longer on llll; Island. is miller amusing when you think w: ll) lllily (or n (cw weeks uncauou IL was imDusEllili: in gel aaonulmodoul l aulsmc a! (in! hotel In or about 1403 AllgclL li. v 'l licro is a m EIO about the island nilol- yuu lime dlnycd iwmlu and we have [ll-5| tinny people like aliisclvcs \\'|insc slay oi iwo, illrel: or {our \vclika have lE d nut to all mill monihn. Our gcogmphlooi lnuwlcllu hns MEL II augmented by nding "lens are nlhrr Channel lrlornlr lilaii him in lho English Channel, lor the groups lying all llle ouori oi Snnlhem cmilornin pro and mum chlannol loipndr Sgimv. nonlino io prononly Lilo haul known 9Flhe r and in hip ouo hoop nod ml li-hilplloii. ii'wn iirrl mind by u whlid man, Eenhr (lanolin n15 , ho lhu uro oi Lhe undo oohnllo Iar,nne or lilo aleomero Dlyln x'ldelween' lilo llaluirl nnd main land. ior nlpunloln polka, canyons, dlo. 'l lleJilxnd won-in. liahlled by lddnns and ironed ol lhoir nooupnlion arevbelniz oonrinniiy un- oirlhod. ill_pmrnl romo men in huoy near ul'r lalliillui rxolvlling for on nnrlorn univmliy and ham come upon many bodies, wiih iinpiumenis oi war. old. The lslnlld in ,oomr lwenlyslx mile; ln lenglh, elg hl lllllels pl ihu wiuncl polnl and lid]! n mile in \vlillh av, iho lsllilnua :oonlninr 50.000 auras, inooily hlllr, highest Peaks minor and moon loch, ouch over 2,000 leel high. J! in ol vnlrnnlo nzllire, shaw- (lng dlrllnnily lwd Crunllons and [5 pi ille unnlo range and [iirlnd us ihe 600d asnil banana in [a he (amid Mohave! lr hunched Ir ldlni, It in nearly ni. ahnul imhly~eiglli miles dloldnl. ii.I came over on luu lilal day ol January cpnydns run down In ihe nu'rlrnro. wryg calm in Avalon Bu) suldonl'ewr| n norm! rm ennui: oi ihc Inland, v in mm chum: ihnn on in: mun nod tor illo dnpoivlnllnn and oldluslon oi lli'. rubioolr ol "Tile plowery hing- dnm." and aim: caman down hm "The Yellow l'ei-ll" lakes on Quite a dulernnl. Aimee! mun wilen'vlcwad nomu ihron iho rind miles away. A lliiio over yea r'pgo Wrigley ol chewing-gum lame, acquired lilo lo- lond, nnd has In ihoi nerlnll mm a great (Idol 0! "WHEY in making of H "an all lllu 3531 round l'caoi l." llc Intends spending a mllllon in year In iimprnvomenlo. Figure oul how many )rhewu you have allowed ilhn lo invest in his lriono. ilrrololnro lhu lslillld has lice lrcqucnll d hy llshlng ru .ihulinsis, nnluru lovers, 'and us a summrr rcsori ior rusldnnin oi hos ingclos hull nrnrhy pianos lo oscipo null-liner hm. hls winier ll has horn nrpl going hy caller" nnd pnrlh. CHI lourlsls, lovora of nailirz, \VlID<E 'clile! pleasure is In Hillan and ill}:- lni, fir perhapn rililylna Kl!" film "(he cpdrilorl links in Saullll-rri C1lllamlzi." .smamrrr game ovur ddll) wllh hull- nrldr or ioulisis, sumo remain a low hours, others PEYIIMH ovrr nlglll or ior n iuw days, would or months. ll n quluker passage is deslred liinn hy slumer, lhon Mzsuc may ho had by hydroplanlu in $25.00 single nr no.0 return. in L05 Ahgelcs. . The Sl.,Ca(hEilno holel in a new )\Vrlglay enierprlse, whore millionnimo oar. nd nnoommodaiion and prices in sun. lileli purses. will: roll oi the "ally" in made up princlpnlly of small hololo, oponmenu, l'lala, dullogor, hungrinwn, pmhud many dl (help on' lhe hill dldc and nearly nil lo lei." Wlnlel- pncm lilo lrmn oneizuhr|lll (a ana lhlrd less lhan in summer. ll you wero lo psi; mo "what ls Illa ohlci indniiwoi Southern Califor- ma 1" i link i would answer. "coloring lo the iourlnl," lor lhnl car ,lpinly unpioys more peuple lliun any- limit rise. . We have lnkrn all [he rcguhl- lourlrl inns. some Edver'al limes. 'rllo Vlbw in! la $ullnmrlne Gal'lll'nvq ihrnulzh klnds-linllnllllll Donia (5 well wnrih u lrlp lo (he isnpd. 'iho rind colonel icins ind moms, lhol 'glrnl kclp [oi'mlllg n iorcglunder lilo ~\\al! r (lib Iindl law 50ml] m V E In kelil as ll n bral le was mowing, the marine [Meals upon lhr rocks in dil- rerenl dlogon oi dry-rioprnunl, lilo gold pm we mm, m, m W, wmmillsh, hluec) ed porch (I! vivid n hlno Avnlnn (Ilia only lawn on lhe inland); as iho gold in yellow) Ind many ullltr sprolcn oi lilo ilnny trim. or )lulilll l colors. grocriul lined, oddly maikm. darling In and ahuul lhe kelp. make a! well u lilo lomelhllm nevH', lo his familial. 'rilo dil- For lhia, ii iii ololnlcd ll wing in "wimp: iiih, we have porn and ellen mysledonl "Illch Cumul di loo-n" llle .ioprnroo auil 51mm, which mvchil roman Ircrn ihr .ldpono-o h- londn Io Mulls. down lhe can: and mund ihr cnlnnell isioddo, ovidehl ly invalid; (lamina In home way. ml! Spirit [in] 'WMIB ( Hamlin In no pm. fish. llle win I iooi {or nodding hook TM Jopliluo Gull Silo m, lilay hove mll schema from all! a! the deep \h lkrl DI lilo Paclm hm inn born 5! you In- le il R) in Inf] 3'. is nine ("Ila ylened our pol-inn. , l ihinx lhr hum heluliiul mills we We Been in (he (lull lllla "1211! V equllollo. lllid hc-nlirul mind: with rouolled toy-ll. NEWMARKET Tllzl brings in mind (he hildn and Will! llmlers uf-Ulc land. The rung hlrdr are numerous, Home low llhn our own, hue molly or mori are uniid ngw. Thalia nro miller imi- llani ln plumage, ulrinlngly mark'cd, and monihs could lie spent. in may- ing alone lhu bird life oi lhe Island. Till: blrils ire pmlzdled, and in nim- mquenco are quilo Lime. oomo.amund our collages. lunch in my dlrgull a woman close la us has a screeching mlmi. The wild liowoio have made at our lnllnd lriils h lime unmelhing new, ior on lilllrrrni hill sldog and rally-orig lliiieioni ilowuls are iound llelv lnrlrllcg romlng oul no In: Fcaaon od- valich s'onln oi lileoo are like our onlnrio llrmrrn oni mosc are dlsUnob l.\' in v varioilro. A hoinnlsi would xylw-l in lilo on Calnlim Island. 'l'ile culln mi iinnm llava nol nuen uullo ca inicresllug illough ii is unusual lo sci: lid in hioamlng onisldc in .lnnuor. wllh musics, hellulmnc. iusrhlas nlni olhl-r well known imusc [lhllls liml oi homo we have in cul livnlc ll our. Tlinru is no much more i could wrilo you or lhir Island, hill i am going in L llisi- willl n ilille slorr oi your mndsnn ll) show you lhoi whllo nc is null u! rrhnpl M: odurnllon is gulps on. Our lirsi lrip io ihc lslh~ mus lie was molly, lnieresled lp ll. Elhn name I minkhavlng much lo do 'wllli ii. An oxpionnlian, gnawing how ihr Island narrowed down and [man |hl> lslhinno impressed him no l mllch ihil "6 morning n1'lh his nor- mm and mill: hz made llle island ilnd ||le lslhnllis. ll mulled mum in l xnlaln uilal tansululsd n Whon lhmiiilll l 'lld, "Now chums, wine Is a slnii 1 null My answer .mnml n: hr uc orlginalliy. A wall-r irilnnur," .l pow srrlizn oi onr. or ill hill- sides hrs haul ppcnnd up, Shallow lair worn si lllnz 3! mil nl lulu pri- ionl_rnd \HHUH ion (inva rdmnom lo zoo pnr ionl. Fri iiiis llllle island. like mosi hi W3 pm at anilinmlo. is having lls loll Islsllli hnom. I Ill nrnil Mu n my nl our liiliu hnlnl hon. ndo wholo riroui l: pmolirally ol lho same giyir, wilh ourniynlus her: In rows in lilo comm nl lhn slrecl s5 wrll u al ride and in rear. Ton many relily, lhougll llus y donhllors lM'e u grolumi shade in midiummc-r. We had A dwihiiui lrlp lo lhr lallimus. Tim: wens la on me. boal and on uni rooounl wo hdd' inroo hanls Hal. There I: n nioo pm. several dolloger and one laud homo when Mr. Wing my: oo- W wolo lqrmmla in lo ln'v'ErIl Ihn "rd ohgzp oomllod mo room. wan wu holdi- lullllld lo llla'd'hk ldr ruonie'ni. 'rnrlo no over 10,000 shod! mg, no" .9 lllmll in om otrllhrr wild-lwillns whammy? Au nt Euquo lilllor domnl. 'nle sheep phonon lnaiiod ion, lenLIIEl' solo nnd llwl, rognnr 510,00... .. Saturday :535 , NRTH WORKS @ lEATEST LTHHERS as it lncy wciu mostly Mexican, wiih 2 spillika of Americans In oversee lhzm. din old china; Junk. which won abhore ln.o llllle bay, was an apical ol lnlel-lsl. . Macao... Brlulluls. ll lo loomed llizll sir, N. lion- Hall has houglli lhe plemlEL-s ocouplcd ny Johnson s Grocery. alrlhdoy pmy. Slxleen maple were pleieul \Vcll nordny night a: u hiuhday pnrly glren ai [he reoldehcd oi Mr. ,ln llmws. Mrs. Andrews rung Till: Old union lluckel :lnd gov-n a Iew Scnlcli dnndcs, [he music belliK nup. pliml by Mr, novld Aiken on his hog- plpcu, nurnmpanlcd by Mr. 0 lhc organ During ihr sDc .vnhn iimniilon our loasi-mssler. (hung; worn played, |lic morl culling prlng d Plc Ruling conlnsl. which was won ny )li . Jay Annnwi. lllr. Tom Fisher, who rocc-nily nrrircil lmrn cull. lnmli. on. one oi lhn gums. Dani:- lng was lupi up llll lnidnlghl. Bury linily unioycli inenlsdlrcs lo llic iimli. Children 02'? ron FLETGHER'3 GAS-reing SOUTH END FLDURV ND FEED STORE How About Glover and Timothy Seed We halo d good ulock on hand oi l hle prices, Buy Now holore 1hr nihilch we have u big slook oi noun IND FEED io i spnie oi bHol a Mly iii. Come and got iho odvahlage by buying \lhllu prides uro olendy. Galbraith 6: Son. 'ranlmlbellvol y. Plums so _ 'nm and modem onnvenlcnrr, Hall 6&Qllri . . Real Estate Office A wary_8|m , or a most drrlmlo nulidlnii I dl ior warehouse or pool Ind wood 1nd, ihu only properly Ivdllible lo 0. ml. (racks. Could pui in when Dn said properly cro pomp ilmne Duillh ings milk 10!! ol good lumber cud useful umber; Would Hell BEN lQ~ V h' or logeihrr. , mm. liouno on Elm on 6 rooms, eledirio lislll, water, crlnenl cellar. szonu. man down. naiunco aridniznil. lion-o ,on Proapocl clan lo liiph aohool. llprdwood ilool-d, {up 'l ill Price ".100 . 7 mum. in flrsl M355 homo, 52,500 lush. ' On Main an, Lug: hum Bulldlhu Known 'as Um hogul A i'lrlily Liv- ury slahlcs. Good, lacnlion ior m! ilnu ul huslncru. ii mull be said no Licl quick 32,300. - Oh hloin 5L, arm Hall on! I, "moo ll. , ld rovllls, linuhrd mic. good all- lar, lumc z, gmgo mu! rlihic. hl: ' ls dlzalmblo propo rily'. $5,000 on only luau. ' _ 54am auyo 34mm: mu on Hui wool.- I v Chad )0] 701nm , TMJ I! All HD- lo-dnlohrugo onnippnd will: wail. eleuno llglil, lulu-lop mole. IMo hon housed all in lulu also common. noun cull. elmm nmnlhy and 0M ! M. a rod-nod llouio, Mshml. m Mm: land. Dig oud hln noun. drive- house uni lllel Pun 13.000. (lull " lial This in ii soon. My dlllcli. an Born-m on. civil mm mm is main: ond hm, waler in house. mmrnl cellar, gnrogo, hen honor. This ii a good my ll Iioiio. [ml ouieli lo goi pcnsesslon irl oi my. soooo oa Arum do wnliolmh Sail clay loam in lnlr Ilale ol onl- liyndon. l ninle houro. innlo horn. dilvo shed. lien homo Ind gin-go, slime dud ornamrnlu nun. Sonia hull nods. Luis ol walrr. '5 Mrunuw meadow, 2 nor-cc nld mmdow, n ncroo loll pllughcll. nuance puiuro. aim id Nuqu kol. n nulo in high Ind Pnblll: School 'leu l. plnohmr. Lol "Mu. Mimic 268 Tums DISH. Spring Term porn null uh mu I'M ul- Elm Turn "on JIM m In nail at law'- Ildnud I . Mow. , lo imam. Inu- my um. rm ominous. r. uoinlooh, ciliol- Moon-l, Volvo. I My us chow you lhla DIV-Ill iii. no Adm oi'oholp- Lull ln Kollh awiullnhury. throo uno- lo Sulion. ll mild in chunk nod uhooi. 00ml (royal ma, all. rlony hon-o oi a mom aood horn on rlonr woll lam. [Mira med, llrn llallu. vla non. lo um All Min\. to nom new mix. Ilil ploughing door, 6 n r. oronlrd. Iby r i um llnnw ind oihor vmllu. mall- I. Ml oil-o round plioo vinyl iuld ealylkrmll'. ., _, eon um no o r. m oi lam in Tom Hourly. V . ' All. Q

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