s'utll ll? ' ' Itle not on I ' "(Tr lrdhndoll n ot bunlne In rtmt cucltrr All it. to... ornhulr. _ is seen and yell flit. uLllrII hpcrAunl tisonenlnsr rr'orn Minotnr to d- 8. I v . I'llh'elira....et a It : rushing hlu. money - .ter. _t WI: l~ oil out nt Lake Simeon. - m . nt snow ot Sutton on Man- .lu. 4M . Mt hlu- : ht iiun. til the Methodist iInton Mll hold a '| rll t Sula .Ih the helmet in ih V 3 5, . rntnt ltupmy uI hnmc-mhdu litlrr uiIIIIiu uttered Inr unlu. Ara WW t I III Ilt- nerveut unn. 'l'tlwn houto. r round. good than nretorrrd. An- ui liuttnn-s iialrory, all We 'ldllcr court 20, tech, Mr. peter Fall'- tern touting his uitr and two ntenuonuh- Km. llc has Imuml over to Iteen the We. let go on suspended. duntehns ull Is now working tor lhis brother,- hyla . . VIMM'I christian Endmok' , int Society met Inn Monday even- tsr. rltcl hating been closed Ior tour rttuls on neenurft ol the Special 9- - hm. , l:veryonu seemed Kind talus runs the wot-is again. I iltylorte Munro save a splendid .rltlr en "The power at an endless .tn nonronrtotn solo, In tIint - rs rendered. ll. meet with [lid thristitn c, It, next Tllewny cvcn- us In the ultrtstton Church: Irrt omen ronnerird with either sn- my yitn to he present. Vlh llors rho wrirrin innit, 0%!an Eurvlce. Thtro this n terse ronirreuotton in its heinoutsl Cllulcll on Good Friday ntrolnr, tninit tho eiosins seryire o! Ur! uhhn Hungrllh meetings. LIVE. 'itnlt-uo. Thomas parry. Itn li nnd cnuoi- toot Ital-l. An excellent end my .mpl sermon was uehyored oy luv. E. a, hall at the Christian courts, A Unlon Choli- Ied the sinis- irr znd Mn l-ied LhSalle sang on an} Iioonsts solo, The. union services hm brrn productive of cordial synt- llthy oniw-nrn the tour eonnreyattons at lht Tmm and-pennnnent wdulls hill thllnw (mm atldlllons [0 [he mem- lorhrhs. v I VII M. 8. v The Woltlvn s Missionary society or I?) tirttiouisi thinroh had a vary cn< ltyih it and Inspiran meeting on Wed- Uhlh) 'tlltmoull. it being the oeesrton t! Iii-tr amtqu Tlisnksolfe ns. ll Brown or Toronto. wile ot Fret. hiown ol. vt rts Unlvdt-sliy. save a .rr.~ thougt and interesting Mdtts. on Fri wqud conditions. _rsu to it than ot women's Wot-k itmto Mrs Howard Clint: and M s. W. Whlls lurh rootnruten uenutltul HMS. Mm Mrs, Holllngsllead us Ma- (amunlit .An Inleresllnx reature was the Ilrl st'nldllan or s ule mumbelu rho rrrititrate and our to Mrs, Irwin. tn persidrnt oi the Soeiety. nttrr Ihr- ln ellnz, runner was serv- l In IN Gymnasium. (he (shuts bolus Iltttlrt dlruratrd with n protuslnn ul dillodrk. whirls o'er} the room a *m lrltv :tripearandc. The pro- Ltede amounted to 230.00. tthltuy tie-shat. The hospital was snootahy decorat- td I. lit. u' [or Easter. and made sst rht re Mssllile tor the soldiers. 0 J rr Funuoy manlan the 5:! iatim Anti} tuid a sorvlre tn the Ar sttIM, itnh 0n cunuay stlrmoon the Methodist Chunh 1.7M): rendered their Easter mush l/ll "ll [ill-hurt: a! the patients, I uldmrs (lotltrorls [1( 1: of Town . not no it My poelssse rt trunk . i-r. whirl. Was niso loueh mount to sen thsl the. ' no not Initiation chrtitlsn Cltllrcht tutti. CuntLt was duly observe-I W 5 last Shlilttitlt hy- - I ll nrenehtnu Thr Mtr'r II) 00 (III!) was nxtzellull. Al in e, lwelva new \wrP ry cnlvcd mla Ute nor luster. heir. r1. 4:. tinii. Ii mkr Ill (It:V (HOHIIHK. wlllle new I. P. I'tetiher oi 'I'Ilrliulo gave the ser< mm at the stoning shrvlrt bollt ud- 'mn hrinn wry murh untoyerl. rKlun fly was ousrrved st ihs M'IY hit/ll (n In IIHMIIDOB, '(ll Inn'rltnn ml. the smalnl Easter . tnlrr .\lr. Pioirhoy spoke to the lze nunihrr nrrsnnt. and oil were inlrhrsly llllt In his snlendtd re- ourns A number oi look dtliniin tut... tor christ . Wltinr ntttlirtanrcs at yum-n its. Came again next .llerr Is a welcome tor all; Mantlnir'lhh tithina cunt: tho unto. , i. t'ihi._ oltt-rnoon'lrotn :i,Iiu ' e illnrr, was charged wltli uu- . \vliy,not domnnd d r wng aulvu you 4 1": drop bat-rat: is: APRIL, 1920. v V Interan Iiayaltls Int Prll and Interestlpsyrhlo nt min PRIDE - Thirst) hand are secure nonnn rind ntno adjolnlng mu assessment at They have 20 years to run Plinne 13.. stneklni; thcIi 'nhlnnn thnno dusltt s orIu'nItatuotton I ' r-ntouaJlnI unumtnu qr Harlin) wu nr FLU-I OBMJQRI' MRI r ltosll iry orohtums, _ iiuy now etther tnr'nolrt \vlrllar. or tor spring heennse P' UPI unnlm In us at 'tour . ' I \, peyyo \s ryur. : GREATER. ,WI .IGBLLINSF mm: 'tlltor'" NNI Q , ,. . WATER DISTRICT 6. VEBO S DUE 1BT APRIL, 1840. April and let Detolter. k at Montresl. Toronto. Winnipeg. oust ' Montreal. 00, YIELDING, 6% andilhtoredt d by lha Tali POUR )! Wlnnlv '. SI. Bun ucv. Truth- nlnlpnllllcd In all wllh I lotul usamuoupo. ' l'heyraru tliit nest Sueurhll Mllnlplpnl llends tanned In Canada, They Boar Intoon at 8%. _ Thay pro convmlbla at any time. Illiolio or 'wrllev. nontie nttons J. ' M. WALTON, Dealer In Government. nnu Muniolliat llonun. UHORA - - 1- ONT. promptly. , Kettleby; Miss Jessie AMIan ot 't orrntoaiient hsstor at her unele's, Mr. John An- nins s. / Mr. Altred Terry spent at ills home 5th line. hitss .11, T1150!) opens s tow doys inst week with Mrs. w. c. Ilaon or [he tuwnllne. . V Miss Agsle Seymour visited trienrts In the any last week, , Mr. anti Mrs. .l. w. Titsnn spent hostor holidays In Toronto. . Tire Motiiodisi-Itsdiea' Ald met In the ohnreh on Monday tor election or 01- mm. Luneh was servrd and a roeloi hour spent, " Messrs. s. .1. llencuck and nhos. Wndl returned trom the North to roend ranger with their (mother, Mn whiter Glorrson visited her mother'in Newmsriset., ' umnr ssysn h'rsdoh hnnh As soon to be opened In our Huge. Mrs , A: M. hatter gave a party to a row Intends on Prldlv evening. Among those train a distance were Mn neoinson ot Oshawa. Mr, Gordon Webster. Kingston. Miss Vlvlan Weh- ster ol Olem'llle and Miss Baker or Toronto. - Mrs and Mrs. Jnlln hrohihald have moved to their house In the village. The host other Is now In its new qunrlnrs. lhE (H116ch L3H!!! place Apn'l ls < the holidays We tray ctty. Mien. Msrnh Ito.-Three ncnohu were Instmlly killed odd one totally hurt at Ouanlcdase. ,i2 miles east ot this olty. lo-nltrlit when the ontolnohlie In which they were riding with the' curtains down, was struelt by a bussengcr lratn. child Tillie! N0 2 g It you mu om at law I: or In airs. main: welsh . )1 Juan. tt lr why a unten- dld ilm DIr. No on I .tor bllno nohtnd time with it In your user. Tl" our II our host. nurttty. cold ruled; and Wat-rum a give "my drurtr auan. A lrler. ,nmn Clem In retell stores at Slmlfom are asitinis tor a weeirty hall hoiiuoy tl months at the yuar. ..canada u blll tor the League or Nations to the end or March this heen Duld, amounting 10 551.043, Cllullium. Arrit I Thieyes broke ond entered is restdenee en a shaman. ownshlp harm. rented by William ,Bryan. and removed tables. chairs. hens and other housrhold equlpmeul In hrond daylight. hryan, who ra- nirtes on a term whlnh he owns, a short distonee away. kept the house turnished tor his hired help, but at the present time is unorounicd. KlnkMun. April 6.' ~Tllc 0ntsrio hlihtnry iiospltst at contours. the last purely mthtaiy horoltst' in the 3rd Division, is to he ulused nndhu Ist'ot hioy. snd i'lie shock NHan are to he divided amour ysnous hospitals throushout the province. The hos- pit-i hntldlnar ore to revert to the Ontario Government, wluoh has not yet deelded to what use they will he, put. nail, April 5, Whllu estlng his din. her at the nihlon Hde Tnnmu Ilene Chummll. 213 nurhee Avenue, Toron- to, was srtrrd with s shutting spell. and irrnlnir limit In his chair. expired immediately. or. Itsdtoyd. enrol-tor. was summoned and attributed death to marl. lstture. Deceased, was In his sath year and had been or earn- msrelst traveler tor 52 yer/w. Fur the past six years he had represented the mind institute oi Ottawa. itoiroil. Mai-eh Harv-Oneal: ot the ninnrsdo Itotol, winder street, totd the authorities to-day how three drntrd mon lleld hr. and rnhhed is card players in tile hotel early this more- Xng. The halld s seam-M more than aloue io sash and Jewelry ystued abnyt' utmuu. Msr Koooio. msna. ger oi the hotel, was wouoded on tin tirnu hy n hiriw tronr a oistnt hutt when he nttrninird realslsnne. 'rhr cant nt'syi-rs were engaged In earn ironies In a room on the Ionrth Itoor when the mhhorr oreurred. Alter Ihe thieves Md reoured the valunhlr they looked the vltllms In tho hath. I OOIII Hull esmpoil, .,Thr death I: hemmed trons iirnnhtin or air, chortes Calder, {are mor meinhnr or the Pravlnulhl Legh- hiltm- tor South oninrion. In his GBIII ymr. The lulu Mr. Cll tlr W65 ti: sun nI John {7Aer nnn hurt Iran: EM ' llolh nhllh rs of Abel dwnilllro, erotinnti. who some In tisns'dii in than Ind settled In nrontsit'n, Darn In Dronklltl. ntisrier colder was odor ed at whithy roltnsirts Institute, 'siihrsriuontly he leek up {dmnk ud eull-rlntt million It _ \vsr'thr- ten years; n tnmhe r n(_lll'e Tciwlt munch and {or {our ) it methr A! the couhty Coulis Its warrior-ted to lhn tmglrlriure In 189;. Ind nil-Into lit the w, Newton. sinners Slotted has-nun hydro also. goon. lamps, snuth'r . Itrmwsro V Weslti'tshousu . . II. It. Itlnr shall. rn Board-or lteslth. w. It. Eves, N hoardor Ileslth l mu ,Mrb / neldfmdlla Town Sounllor - P, Dun, gov d alliestth puma w. it. wtnser, re hoard 't . IIentth iieterrrlt to in. CQDL .Iiis, hurlld. lndw eleoninlr . w. II. Wiesel, snoweieaning listened to alerts: ' o i lxlnnn, noel. . 3.87.15 Appllcullonx tor eleolrlo Itsht snmi. ell 10 Davis heather Go. 'sntthilhu lioii. That or Plllllrl hearestey re~ terred to. . 6. In, corn. Itnnltpotien tor water granted to Duvld Leather coo , Mmmunlullundl Pram a, A. Jamua're sewers to he done this year. The Mayor was in- strueted to set eont lisures dn dtr, posit plant and trunlr sewer, and re; port at next meeting or counelt. rrorn hooru oi Trade. adklng Cuune ell tonnnoint three member to not wlth nthem on a Committee re Shori~ one or liouses. Messrs. Marshall, Penman and F. A. Lu ndy appolnlw me hydro Electric Cornin; re shipment oi ismnr. helerred to r. at, In Coin, ' rmin Tnmmu .9. York hnu. ny. ro usmnroge on oar. tileIerrotl-to It a. Lucom. . From S. Goudwln re property ru- nulreu Inthhpa'dal Works. .uiter accepted and matter memo to the hldyar and Town Sollcllar. From hell Tet. co. so steriiee, lie- tsrrrd to Finance com. with power to set. Frnm Cl ln. hl. st hlrg. News re ntlvrrtlrlnn. noterrr'd to nd Finnnee Com, Puman . Pram rtorlnnn Hannah and 35 others nsltlnir Cauncll to rehutltl bridge on Timothy SI, Enhl, wlileh was washed away trust Surlng. From tleo, lihsltelt and 12 others nhlilns tor a sidewalls on the North sille uI Andrew Street. llotlt petitions rererred to the IL do, It. (loin, . uy-str. . 'I'lie Inliuwitli; lly-Laws were pas- sen: line to horrow runney hy avur~ drntt in the ank et Montreal, to the amount ot wanna. to meet current rxpendllumr. 0nd to raioe salaryot Engineer as per report at last meettnr. Due to rats: salary ol Assistant Engineer as per report: 0nd to raise salary oi Clerk and Treas.,as our report, The council on ussed the sdyisa- llIlHy of Esli llns a huuslng com- mlsslan. out no deelsion was arrived at, and the matter will be taken up at the next meeuns. It was pointed out that the poouiotlon Is Increasing rapidly title to the (set that the older esiahlirliid tsetortes In town. are run- nlnn at tuit esoaelty. white several new industries have heel: Introduced within the past year. At least an new dwellings routd he used to ad- vnntare at rinse. - The treasurer-s report on the sale at munieinal wood to residents showed that the town's venture In the Iutl business had not turned out n sue ress hnsneially. standing umber was purchased to the winter or lull. in, out by lh muotoinaliiy and brought into town (or role. soon alter the supply resume ayuilshle. the weather moderated and the dermnd reit oil so that a considerable quantity ii! the turl had to he held over. The hust- ness done ar'nourited to 35.075. and the tenth lost use. . Councll adlnurnrd at It o'oloolr. Toronto Markets 1 Butler. our III. I Eggs, per dot. . Outs, urr hustirl I Ulllckcns. per Its. . 'I'Iinothy llsy. nrr ton Mixed ltay. toil . .53 .60 5.00 .25 30.00 26,00 Live Stoc_k_ Mdrkets ItIrIiesl prises paid In Toronto thin \veeh Extra choir-e steers in Itt-llers . . . . . . ..e utstl Choke ulcllrr steer: and Itellers . cholse nutrier Choirs snnnrrln Millrsrr . Cholcz colt-rs Medium call-rs . Spran l.dtithd sot-en .. .. . I530 iiogs. ntt em . . moo Hugo l:l,hu . ilt'ls'l . 0.00 , mull) . .00 Inn 1.00 n hints lud- lnuug -rojnno _ hohnetr. GEDAH VALLEY' V aulte dull on Sunday, or Buster I 'I llluc runaways to town this (yeelt. A liulnner nI lioIIdny Isliors amenu' [hum were lur. slid M . w. L. wid- dl cld nl d 18ml 1! 0 MN. 5. E. Lithily Iihd daughters .1! J. thllt . Miss Ali-n Pepper in Toronto at It. .Wltltlmcld'lh . , l Miss noniia and'iiussett Ma hull and Mills Itrllrir at Toronto at \Vin. Marshall's, . ~ Miss Merle Shropshire and smile- mun In ,nd also "qu)!" Shropshire of Toronto at the farmer's home. Thor. Shropshire. Mr. Kennull Hopper at his home. M drn. itrrlnan and hurt Wnoeoclt oi their home, sorry to report that Itrrry Brnhdnn in no sin . We wish hlin a speedy reeoyeri'. V ' ._ we are pleased to report that Mr. .Iohn roote our esteemed citizen and netahlior has so Im- recovered as to he out again u his Inns oonllne- rsnni to the llmlxe'on account or his accident. We were very pleased to have him with no In Yum Pine Orchan s, s. where he has henn superinten dent tor many years. . n Monday evening a MW at {Its menus amt assumes made him s nur- prlse vlnlt and spent a very pleasant and metal hour with Mr. Poole end his lnlully, tter a good rnustoat bro km!" nhtl noriat talk. Mrs. ll. w. l larler l'( , an address and pre- sonied Mr. roots with n eomlortanlo and usclul Muir Chall- elven h) the Plnc nrrhnru s. s. The addrosn is or toiiov ' . we have gathered here ltu-nlsht in your hoine,to spend a soelni hour wtih yuu. We are very glad to he shio to congmlulalc you on the mesa peel at your memory. and reletee to think ihot we may ooh torward to very seen having you with us again as our 8. Superintendent to whieh capaclly you have :0 long servedwith Ialthtul hdettly, and also a tread deal oi personal saerlnoe. althoushwe know mat on your part It has been a work or taiih and labor at love. Mlllough we all regret your on forced nhsence Irrnn the work. on; neeount or your aortdrrrt. yet we are glad to he ntrta in hran to you to- . night this assurance that not only h, '2 we greatly missed you hut also that: our nrsyrrs have gone up daily t Our ilonvonty Falhrr. that "2 want he your daily contort and guide, an that he would in Ills great Invlng' kindness restore you again to youil torrner healllt thal we might again have Um helium at your help and counsel as our Surrnlitendrnt in our} Pine orchard Union 5. s. and us you. limit: noi yet horn auto to some to. us. we hare Come to you tonight} with this mr-ss'tst or share rind shod, W1"; HHO WC h M't thought. [0 brlns' with us snmemlng which we here will keep us daily in your thourhlr and so keen Irirndslilo's memory evergrero, i We trust you will dump! this htor-i rIs chair as a small taken or our It. yard and esteem tor you. as one who has servsd us so Iaithtniiy Mid so well. We do not wish you to tools. unon It as s retomrense tor sender, tor that annual he gold tor, it Is (00' gr'rval, hut Ir you will rtndly accept it as a am at Iorlrs hearts and use it daily tor your contort. I am sure we will all he rind. ; wanna 4 I Newmarket Markets; nutter, ner ID. I arts per bushel euro, prr dor. Int! L20 Auormu :1th or vlthht Knuwn (.4 (ho vat-Isi- Form IN ens? QWILLIMURV ' ndsr inl|ructlaus mm the linker me more will be olimd tor sale by motto Aunllon Iy w. .l. Kusler. . Anrttonrtr. at the lust Osaka! troll-n. In the Town n meeh " on uni-day ths at I u, .y M. M aI the hour or lltti clnct Ioreooon. the totlotylnr Drover! namely: . The Vet th at ht d, pom I Basil { szlllnIbltr) l nlng gem; more or ten. : l - . The land ls rhout 1; miles Irfllll hewmarrei on n t.- 36 roan, more is n hrIeir-etrd hotlis than... ruin a trante horn on siivle lunndstten'wiih rtshiiiiir lltrrttlntlcf-r ln roir ra- otr. . p There and uuout L'r me. .,y mm- wand Ilium Ind IBM l uml of cedar gwlmp. u never rotors llmm rmssci IIth [Amh Th. .9 [5 guy. luhm lnd shout Mimi wot-sum. haleneo hullii llldn JR; 7 mu 1 ms ot . n . at H le ot sun-Jul Intent-lulu nn_ For N her OASIORIA. dun Mulqu mi, in w; .l. Km". humid: . In to EN. Its-git: out :or Dewy]. ARCHIV OF ONTAIs TORONTO 5 mllrz. Min !!! , t 1 wt{CAKLULN _ " - L'm't - sl6is. .4 NEWMARKET _ ' NEW SPRING GLOVES , . . > ; gAND HOSIERY Queen Quality mares In all the Newest. 81 Ida, and Ehndas, Doublq ppwa rename In or co (m . . . . . . palrloszno Vleils heartened : Hose, heavy thread, shelter ot- agar y Blah 'I w Emerald Pu' lo thy, Mlle oodgklisn sift? v") "' flow eokwut- for the E rind 'Ft rtthoy collars, Don-r rind culls, ancytVeetoos. I Had har- Gilmore Hue: ldr Early aprlno Wm w 1h Oxford was, all sinners. , Goad 8choal Hose for the Klddles In ladk and Tang Flue thhnd , . .380. pair The Best Incubator Made G U A R A NT E E D To hatch Imam Chicks, alld' Better- , Chicks timer any other ltlctlbato . [my m 5)! la. Dun-June \u Mulch rntm' ohlnl nutter article. Made ill advert sizes. 60 was to ,600 EGGS CAPAI. Sea the Branders. ' SMTH S hihiwilht Mahdi SE... " Newmdrkem: It Fame 3 Farmsjor' 100 AOREB [H 8431 ? iA WROTEJ'A Ellis Fm ANN- OOW. 8 51L!!! mu Tomato All wortshte. Iv. acres orchard. to sores mi wheat. 50 acres tall mourned. :io sores In meadow. 12 acres trosh seedlna. clay tom sell. lety of water. good spring and n well. Frame house oi to room. water In hound eeliar, cistern. turnses to house. nsor hsrn Iosxta. hero Na. 2. 59x30. lle~up 5 horses and so entriemater in stories. Driving house. not; pen. hen house, silo. Windmill. Sch-NI on tsrm. Church In tnlies, Itural rush and telephone. Stone road t; mile. possessloo arranged. Price demon. Terms arranged. ' 10a danish lrt Marathi-re tit-sh, 91/, mm Fk AMH- WHEN; I? Iile FROM WWI} , to: arm workshle. hats-ice hush. an sores IaIipIouahsd, 15 Im- Iresh dzeddna. slack clay terns soil, lave]. I- mma house ot t rooms, Barn on stone wall. Iowa. harn Nn, 2. 85x30. s ilo etxlz. School set Church 1% runes. stone mad I tulle. Fossesslon nrrdngeti price "7,500. Terms si-rungrd. . 7'6 HERE? Ifil D LINBWN YPa, 0H ? STONEROAD. QT HAMPTON, 40 MILES Fm TOWN no acres worltshte. Balance hush and posture, tt acre nrehsrd. us sores lsit plausll III acres is meadow. In sores (rent Medium 2 \ltelln and s rreeir. rrsnrr house or to room. water in house. reitrr. cistern. unlllmo l in IODSE. Bin) mm 65): , lie-up 5) Iran and IE rquL . 09m yard. \ulrr In stable. Drilan houiz 40x18: hug pen :Ile5: hen noun torts, School to rds . Church to his. mIIn-ay dtml smiles, Pris session arranged. Prim upon. Terms srranrrd. I8 AGNES IN E BT GWILLIMBURV TE, 2% MILES FROM NEWMAHKE , 30 MILEs FROM TORONTO- 30 acres norashir, halrnre hush nntt posture. I ann- entrant. II Adi-rs ryr. to aorta Isit pioushsu. 10 hrrrs in llll . nrres tn-sh seeittor. cm- tosrn soil. 2 wells .nri.a steer. Vinnie house ot- a mom, water inside. (Ellar. cisterns urns hrrn 50x35, ham . :2, 35x25. tishin I horses and s rattle. opzn yard. Itrtylnr honor, hurt pm. lien house. Fllo. eltonl on'tarm. tlhuruh 2v. relies. no good gravel road. nsthr drool r, mllra. possession arranged. Price $1,100. Terms snauuru. 100 AGRE IN E'NllOOKE TE, 0" THE STONE ROAD, 2 MILE FROM IBLIHGTON, 5 MILES FROM mum ro sores wars-his. hstancz hush. to arm hut nloustird. er noted In rntndow. rh sens n tsh seeding. I'lrnly I wairr. 2 watts siul n WIlthnIlL Imel houss or II rooms. eeiirr, uirtsm. um [um aural). tte.uo h KIWI and Its ultlz. ooso ysrd. water to slams. Driving him . has pen. her. house. idlo. School ttt Inll cunrou Its-nuts. hallway depot 2 miles. Po mslsu arranged. writs 0,000. Tom arr-sired. , l WILLOUGHBY FARM mummmvul a rtm ' wr'nyawl- . J or . mum. l - Isl}qu 'luttdn. _ - ' KEAD QFHUBQOBOK WON!- wm totem. ale. ,3