Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1920, p. 7

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I RESTAIIRANT. (Mlmun [not all wnol) 4 Cashmere (Mrlclbf llll ll'o l) . Sllk, In llll alludes I mom whon yoll m. c In tllls more oIIII lluy II snlhol ,. "null-o," Ihonnh II-n ulmnot IuI InInorInnI may no morn Jmllnr V l nulll-ulllI-c cl your sullulxllzllllll, Come here SallIl-lluy tnr your hunter Ilulm. JDIIDrlsrlE Ei GGWIESBN Imperial llIIfe' I IN Tl ! ' IMPERIAL BANK, BLODH, SI - 4AN D TEAROOM Flushiyls " .31. :l:.." : w. R lesON, Ilolnrord 31., non: Illa Markup s UAIIMEHE ANl) SILK HOSE, (LIIIIIInIel-ello, llll ll Ilr brown .. 'n-un' n 'nllncl clulllcs' an e _ Ihnluuln nch lli l yh g .g II Inn Ill u: ,; :' . y ,S. oII-nnn soryIcI-nhlu nulls: lo Irlelly'un.lo.rluln ' - F'EUITSSAT 522.50 III ' 'lllln . mnnllunus, -Ioln Ihrh- Ellnm, llulll uni I: I III!) I ' '. . SUIT A T mun You Izonlil nu! .IIII'nIiI-Ino nun-nun w nI'nIIeII openlnlloruI-rni nulls III 350 \ o'llnluk Incunullu In IsIan you drenwrlvpllllz. Inm II IIInploIo Inust IlhIIIIio , u _ ' j out [m n ulnanllc nu hm III. II.- I-IlIIIle III lululelll, lmugnu Ialld' \ull'. nll l,lxl|cl!llg customer. I, I I SUITE - Tth ('0" llull ls Ill'lllld - IllnIl-m mlu Mulm ll y mall!) I) lllll \I'Cl'y II amlm s sllgwn In IIIII' IIIIIIII, lmmrll d le'cdll on. our nlnhna gl'ulfully nurtulnod HUITBA IIIIpquIan.d normal-ls Ila newly, Ellnlisll cmnomnnn rm nl ' 250. III m: 25c- ,l n Idnmll,ynrl Iy pr, n 5M III-Inulll'u Ilullrrllg, ull alllbar1 Lo j c ' . - sow mLLAIls SPECIAL - All new 3d) l51-0VH' ..'.. .. 1.. . llmm .l. l l The l'r I "up; um All. , Hc ,l-Inon-Ih' L'eh gue I _ Ill'thale or w r' yllly I l1rlzlayfllnrll , II you llrc Inlemlleu In war- I a a re, lo uun Ill llllll I WEI. NEWS. u r. o. convanllnn. I . 'II III nal IlIIIL lllu Funnel-s \vll| hqu o I:onvenllon.ln Nowimrlel on ' lAnI-II mm In noluol n runulual Ior IIII" mm Mi v " ._I_romI-Ila.wllhy Mr. .I. ll. Mluurd niIII monsn coll. nI Ills rosluonue nnlsloru slrcul, InI- Ihu same nIl , '/ I chcml hlgollons lnu manlan lo ilkrecnlelll ll. IE lo no II Conservallvu. llnnnI-Ia soy lhnl.I m. IInrnnlIy, who Snlll his [arm Ill-1(ng Tn, [me 5 lo. hn ll": rnnn quulln show 7 \Inuuovllle and mung I>lquros 8.1L. April 3, Allynlsalan I slllll 35 cents. ""Y - I 'Ilnrn 7.30,, SlIlrl I q olocla Thwn some men III lho cIIunI oI unnmng "m I r , .. buslucss dorm In our unbllo :cllllols 4+ I / my in nmninuu hy nlnnclng oyer llle w_vo 1-, u, o I I gures of allh- uurlng llle mnnIlI The regular InnnIIIly nIrclInI; oI llle l llu IIunIIn IIIIIIusIIzu 3292M. on \\'. I. l(. U. will he llcld bn THCSd'AY average al 6450 n wank} 0mm! lIIr, Inn. and no: on our day (Tuesday I50 and llso nunlln make Ilepusils Ir mu). nsu numlier oI lllB,lIllll'F'S r l' lllarnln :Illll I'll-in llle l'resldc'nl cdulll nul al- IonIl (In Iho mh. II III IIII llc n.lll9 Mlnlon olrIIIII. llollla nI llrs. smor on llms'ne cl Av... I'IIB~ Illccllnl; u! Il lo Nulll- Glljbl Ml an Circle \V lll be held an Wednesday nronI ng, AnIII II, III 1.30 o'clock. Ill. um home or Ills, (I. E. aanr, gum-n Sl. l'lle llll;l:|lll|, 11] Ill! Ilvlllrcs ed by lIrs. w. . mun-E; u. n.. llm: not he nn snlll lo meal-he ~Pl'ess SujllI arlallulu. The holnly cum. my that ,nur Dve 'l nullonlory Ina (elk; whnl may Ill lllllln mu l Il l II Ion: oI lull-wunhlaa nonu- "51 um oomu no you In ululn Ind pure In I! lull- Illllll! lllnl hllhnl the Wll lTI dawn on your olnnlnn mom I! bellows: you w Mmlm her III: null! or our br ldl 91/3! ake-er P/{D/VE o l1AI/V5 r. .. FDR HALE llnuso onn Lul, Ilurou at, New- ...Iml, II zen; hm llnd, cxcel|eul IIIIII. II h-ahle locallnu lo fac- Inm. ,lmnyrq . MISS EMMA FOX, Ila mum mllur Blvd 70!! Wllllllljl. Onk LIo' , Vow. um 0MB 0.. I'm Illm wwm Wilma I may" - mmphm'wluu Mn. mm mm, "mm mm . Juana M w 1mm. Timid WI uu'um 1'" m7." omnwu. am am all in. M rm '0' . w. I: IIIII lloarIl oI llannn M \v. M . All lllc girls! or lllc church nu: cur- ulnlly lIII-Iled m [In llmal-nl. urLIIyIIg nonr . I TJl snrhng- Ullllllully. n. Tamllnlon some. ' llrs. Marlon Tnnlunson, unlnwln, onl.. sule'heucllclary and qxuculol'. hos hennmnled nxohale oI Illa wlll I of her hthonn. lIcnInInIn ohm 'l o'fnllnannhrl farmer, who died In Icon-III mylllhnnuw, February um. lemnu 2585 In househqu goola,nnol Ilnnlrnlenla, azllo ln [arm slonk and product-51000 In Insurance, mnz ulsll ullII lwo [nuns In qulll Gwllllnl- hury, valued Al 25500. , and nehnvo' Ilsell. * , coon may; , I I. llnve'yl lu quill; your llol x hnnsl llulvulm ' mnnlus Irerly n'rnv. Maul SI. cry holly, - ' LuI-soluluuy was bu for huilnps: ~n very we dllnz rpeahle any. I lluhlns re 'nlenIIInI. I . mm mllllnu ryI blaomlna . Many Olmsea ll'l own real urllle nnIl nrlci-a Ionllnlle Immune, I '1 ' Full wlleal his coma Ihroush \lIe \vlul In exoelleutoonulllolt col your hol lino lead OhrlnllAn Dllul'cll. s. r Vtgcmblesl , . I I > V "Splcllllld congregalluni lanl Sub .llara8212; udlsll lllllllllll hg 1m IlIo hulh lllumlug Mlll elllng, wllll Ih larkel muons}; nlIu new nInpla usuul 150ml sermons hy mu- nlrlmx syrup. . , I' Th evening service was In'Ihn mm Blnns IIal mro has made a Inn or IlKQllslll nun an IanIoIlon cx- Improvun In Illo ulore by mgmg Irndou In all Io mom CIIIIII. I The llll: lonllon oI Illa olrlue. sonnnu sol lorlh Inn {acts llInI lo no I . . , snlIeIl, we mu'sl Ilr'n e ronenlnnoo Mu-,0, . nuwmmnm IuIl conver nr . ' . lle Ilrlnrl ln'llle wlnnels'lu Iwo Noxl Sununy lllel'e wlll llu Easterlvmmry Ma" 9 . Commune ? EPI YlKIBE, IIId our cholr wlll manual-mm pram and ms 9 ). 1 mm, llpcnlnl nluslu. In Ihe nwrnlng [llamliwere Emmi kg. (ha '3 101w EEEF'W" 0 mm new mem l anuornor al In parllunenl uulldlngr um. ye an be nrlzswl- 9"" 1 -IIn Toranlo all Mvnday ulle guoonn slur 'wIIl-h reoeh ||| lllu Inornlng Ind 1., m wmwnm \m open h, IlevI \V. P. Mueller. mm ? 0 all Mull 'nnu 'uouunllnuon Inllnall In Koswl In In: uvenlnx. Bu'lh Hume "0me mn- uhm 3m null and Ilr. l- lelnller no Ins c llyl/Dl mm Inuit ,nn'II non: ln en so we wIIl mm nonleuung goon mg. "m, "and", an my I! we all In mend 2101 EM!" Tomnlo Publlo lmulea hsln lIr, rlsluhur wIll [M m 'uuorau ll Mm mum, 10, an. d. the aullul'y.sollool In Ina ma animal! mm: Mun II lll.lhe neon-Ion ol moulou by. unmade Mhunl well u n : tantrums-m: 1 w ll lle Chrlll tmdegva nn gm hold-A Mm; l sl lull! nexl y 'avenlul .3 m]. V _ n meld chm Ind Ian. am my , 7 _ - ' rm: lull-ml or Toronto, won lhal 'n u Mm . . I Aurl III: . ' In a In ho lc Ir Inn ...I 2.70"" 1/ . , m' I I II III. I. Vll ' I I, VIII-cm Tm;va But I m (In-Ill II- y _ (ullnlvnm lllllop on. or rmnm. 'llhollLfca oI conlrnd ollnn \le nsserl IIIzy III-e , V { _ I am IIIIInIuj; IInIolnI III-Io mum. Iln Inmecllon uIII wnyluc8216;lllu rum skepuonl null ' I N am; 15:50.00 1 I . Il'n ,IIIuw m' mnna oI #8216;lllzillm'tlmm be muuollu culleI-llllmyqumul llnd F I-oII-II und Co ml mg by only mnnnlnzlul-cr. I, I :Dll 5 annual, 3135 $20,'& on, null! ah I 'l tsprlllu alll'l'nl In II'InuI-an'zcnhyrnm II'III hundred um. nun Illlyillln 2130.11) n-eorfyou rlu' bod III-nl Ill IlIIlII llII uloulcg Immanuel 'l IIc klllrl. gu Il#8216;l pn 'NORTH I'- I. rnInI-nI-nuII-II; al :I II, In, Wc cxnccll nnr l'lqllllly I rcsldull'ln llc \\ [|Il us and we onIld-Ilke n good Isrnlvd (b Ilm nI ~snnng an: ILIlJlJls have arrived Enll su has aur Irlcky uhn In alum la keanllosl; Tools, In Illilllll ly ll 16m; I April. , C n ill I;- I m, nu: AT 2000, II Iliroflr, |_nn ln mic-Icy or Ilno u'Ilunllly 0, mlorlllu IIIIII h nll'onn In nuoII-Iln'u Ill_ [III] mollnh. I I I mum rth), . " "PM!" m'? Thrsn usolnlrnl'n , . _ rubber lllilnu, muIIui ,SnIIa null Ivn llnrlcez plulll hut-k 'l ll Included a "nu Llull'r I'M for 31.50. x }ll-.l 100 Ill-Inn o Ym s mom aohnol cloud. - ' [ Tlle, Innuulrlol, clnnses Cluacd on \vodncI IIlny lllglll. , 20 nunlln mm IIIeIl Ilnlhr huek'hy III-nuln 80 Ml cl . , F-lr warnII'Io. y , All 9mm In an a Ipr Inxes nu quenloII lo my u all once. All nrgparly, we Inxes nII ulhlclI [Ian-z no! III pulll la r Ihree yearn, l he nus un IIIn III of May. I v \nurrson, clerk. Illawv u Gammencod. . v llc|lm1s IroIn llle Pull!!! uIsIrn-Is an arm York} wich yoszeroay shon- Ihal 'nlowlng ls'lu Dmgrcss nI Inouy vrlulllln. nIIIqunll lllc rnln 01 Small- and lluouay has mane luw~lylng Hulda mm: In work (or I my days. Seed Irls III In; gongrll anlle IInsl - oI Mlle II llle rain mos oII. Tnll wlleut has o lllru ush Inn \VIIIIIII- In go'ou condlllon os hnve' clover and ENSS liclds andHIIo growlh ,nIno ll) llIl sz vms Is Inosl Bullsfuulur) Io Ila . I a : ann Iauwllnn. , , Io annual husnnss Incnlins or me I wlllnrkel. Lawn Dowllng Clull \l'lll ho hnlu In the King Conrgallolel next Thursday, llle am or .lpnl, al a p. In. an (Ills, Is lhu nmsl lmDnllalll\mecl- 7 lug oI Ihe 'yenr IIII memlIeI-s are re- ansled la be presenl, In! any olllejs \Iho wlull lo hecome members are 'sneclally InIlled In no present. OIl'lce hearers Ior'lhn cornan Sea- so'om ll lle appulnlld ongIolhur husl- nuss wlll be Ilanmle ' olllllll'nn Il ununy aohuol. I Men Furniulu llga ever nhoInI In llqu IIIIIrII ' I. lg hunlllllllly l cpmscnlcdl :I _ l ' I Extra, Speclazljor Sutul duy . MEN S $10.00 1100128, 5655 full pulls yonnn llcn'o cIInwlnu; Roms,- llll Lllum quI pollle lo 590. Ion lnnlher sale Ilnll III-cl, rrnnlnr slam. ,. sInquny m5 _ "1 my? lllnII IIM IIIn cluIIIrs. but 3 II 2.2.39; .IIIIINSTEIIS or nhlnn ohm, GLOVES I ma Inn alum IIInI III-r noI-Ih $250 lu $3.00 :Annlhur exnnnnn oI Iinnlnh hn 01 um, mull. may mean, \l lU! 'EIGIITL DUCK. GLOVES $5.00 A<k lo see them. , I / s TIES, 75- 31.00. $1.5m 5200 ll Ilnn l. nay unyllllllll on amunl ol Iho IuIIrlnIIIuI 01 age cream: on. II Is no wander III IIIII nuInc has horn o IIo uIsrhohI wu among llle neople 0L Nevanarkel and \lclnll) . ' . 'J'llc III. firm are slmngers In New- (ll'lrkcl lIuI we clund a welcnmc -anll hnsI Ilnl III I recell'e u share 0 nIIIIIIn nnlronngo sImIInI- In men ple- dcrcasnr. Bunk slau ohemllau. 1.0 pusiliun of acuaunllll at llm IuInI branch or (he Bank or MIlllll I-al I 'll sllorlly be llllr'd by any or nI-onllnrd, llnglll'l, will) has , 'I lllly and fajlllfully lled the duties 0! Allnl DOSL {or many lawn granlud ll vaca- liml fur u month or so. and will llIuII I-onoI-I ful Lluly nl 'l'urZInIo, . A, \\ nllmr, lane 0! Pic -ln.|llw or Manager lloau, Is all leave owing lu ill Ill lllllnl will now usgume Ll": .Inlirs or aoIIng manager. u am: no; nlnos uuls an; no "Ilarl Hlnnnn mum all] JO m ~ulo|sna 6| r. ulna .(III LIDJIU- nun unn .\'.h. s; Immn u]: we. TUI'IKEV SULLEN AND DMlaEl lpUB In Ionuln; Irnops at conmnllnonle Inn mlmllmg IIIo Baspllorus and me lJulxlflll llES \\ I(|l wa lps lllu Mlle: an: sllaMIlg \hlrdo . Ilellllhlc l't- nnrls lIoIn IIII- ey ludlcale llInI IlIu _0IInmln Is dangeroust sullen. Me has bum Comm-lle (a Surrender rich lerdlnr) and lnld that he must cut Ins mlllhn' lanes In [I mare handful. Anhla, Mt rlpqlamla, Palestine, Si'l'la NoxI sIhIraIII nlIeInooIl II 2.30 s Ivlcc. lo unlna nod hear our program. ' lesznn sludv. annual qeelslnn Day and II In alnccrelY wIIlII's omenl. LEI every Ieauhrr lllere. \IIIllora welcome. or llum l galloqu Ior lha Onlnrla 5. SJ Aisoclsllon, II; III nellver an Address. \unll lunlv lm, and know mm. a. snlrnuln man he III Ior lhll wn l, so came, an: -lIeor lIIIn. Plpn In be, lllcl'a early En I: la down: a seminal, no In mm In Ill: 7 long ser lne III lfnslsr mum cam. lunan ohuwn. r WIIM wonda'llll blllnsea llml l3 'InIlIng: . Tna Illdul huIInes; nuns Inmgwm-rlral dnww aut III Illa I I llII- weal Hr .ll,M|ll|rd mm d ml Pun- ung, um momma bu - nan Ia l "All & Willa): Inc In: nzw Ilnn wk normal-In vellu- arr. The non wlll ho ololm m '0 Wall Lula unk Ind wlll N- olan withmawzllnea o! .lhlmllnra on V ,Tha lu. Ilium- N] o ma In ll " I}? Iq olpln Ian rule-:11 .- Insult: I II ammo human-will] ,w; u; m- um. . . _ 1 .10: In I honed Illnl.ench mclnllsr In our school. no IhIIr heel In have all scholarly nev. \v..rnnse. P. Flcloher, now olananlq. ann Sum-1 and Al menli have been take? {mm llle Turk 1mm. TlIn laklug mm mm n'clunk wIlI lnI held I sueclal Haslerlnl |llc_L- huh as unly what he n2- IaI-eryone canllully lnviledlsencd, nul II has made mm 114mm Na_ II II also Io be our, ThIs exnlalni Ins mosslor'e repnrlcd from CHI/Ila lull Illa lurealeued lmllble In Tum?- The world expccls lllal lllelAlllIIs IIIII Isush lo lllu mm mm Ilerlareu InIInIlon I.I seelna In II lllill 'l llrkllll cruelly and heaslllnus shall 'l llu uccumllon al the Ollu~ nInn coninl Illmllll go a lung m'ly ln- nnrds oonIInclng llle 'l'llrk IhaI ho nnIsl snhnlll III Iha Alllml lllllhbul II he Iesrnls H In llle palm of nhy-rlral rohuIlIon II uIII he neceisxry m hlndle hIIn \Vllll Irnn llrllmuss. Londun All- velllser. ' W .I FIVE aulwy m wmulpm wlnnlnex. llmh 21 Alrlmnln .Iohn Dunn. WIlIlun Ivan w A. qulud. _IL I, John: on Gaol-so Arm Irons. le an In WInnInera xen en! slliku' or lul summer. lulu mer- nnon were con ned by me Anal crt Jury-o! ledluoun oonlplnny on neaunl ol Ihelr moth In aonneallon wllh lh e mm In." nlso wm non- uolon of hull-x wlil'mllled . aunnnIn nulnnui _ ' . ' n. a lam vu round nut-gullIy u 95W. svllly a! wm noun-m. 'Aldumll . Ml all ? 9 'l 09 n; unwell [725.00 I - . I um unwnnl Irvml. IIII: linylnn in II N I'll! In Ille wuulonn Ihnn In muslllleflu morn clollI ml; III II mllllml IloIIm-In Imth a! clnuIIna nllulllly, uh alum; welur e nllle'lo llallll oul. 10 our cumumcm, wlm nre spllmu Ill/Ialllxms AT snowman su,w,'sas.oo In ul i, hmmm, InniIII IiuII lllllc uwy, II'rIIInury nl' chm: . I In purnnInlln. cllrllol, wlth InIlI-l' lll'lells ullIl l'l mm [L ll - I L _, 1 15.00. $18.00._20I )D, $2 0, moo '7 q u 5M." 5' 00' I (ll In, pour-r. Tlll ! In new; III llluck lll-nllled hm Iller I all shes, ml Illlwlulllly llc l'lllallly. \VASIHRLF CAP, GLOVES $2.50 > ,u ure llllllalllllmlly lhc hrsl'lmrlnn _lllE rrnnhn- rune III-mu- II mu (a lm. TIon wma In rnnu, III I, lJNWII llIlIl-lanl ' I alnvu on the marIIuI, la 'qu Ins-I nlnvc nInIIllIoulnrou. Sold In llIE hum: of l'llDll'D Alslu .kall tlle lllleal wllbclloll \I 0 solar, pattern or malerlul bu! [or the l4I lllu "more" Is ynur coll. llIusncssI ol lull value and our ' REATES CLQTHHERS nu EWMARKE I ' Hall 6: Bul'mv vs Real Estate Of ce Home on Pro-peel clcla lo lllnh Sehcnl. 1 rooms. Hardlon {Incl-5, (ur Inca and [ h convsnlunce. TN! II n IIrsI anal house. Pllce 3,709. 52,500 PAS . on l'IllLln Lorqo Framu nullalnn Known s lllc [inaall Q llmlly LIV m- SlahlL-s Gnml IoraIIon (or any lInII oI hunn 5. II musl hltsnlll ED ncl qull k 32.3w. I on maln sh, Brlck uquIa and LoI 117x186 II. In rooms, IInIIthI alllc. good cclr In. lumzcu, garage and slnllllj. This I: ,ualrahle propel- y. $5.000 .orl mlsy |erlll. small nuyl E-Iloomad Home on Lllln alraal. Goad Iol (Mlle. TIIIs ls nu 'le- Io-daln house erlnlmvcd wilh water, ammo llglll. Iul-nll-c, slmln. (Wu Ilen lloILsea all In final class conulllon. wwv cash. I Oornlr lmgthy 1nd dhnrlam al. a rmo'eo lluuse, mugllcul. 15 : acres land. Pig and hen house, drlw house Incl mule. Prloe ".000, Cash 524mm Tllls Is a span. buy aulck. llouu nl noomllnwn. val-l mule Ind pm hncln cgmenl crllnr, 12 Inlll um, w. more: land, ma rlnl IIIIIII Iol- maxkel smenlng.. IV. ulles Imm Nunuukol. $2100. Iln comm Ill., anneal alolk Hell": 5 mnnla and lull. In llnulel C( mclll. cellar. serugu. hen IIDUEE. Tllls l! I enod any 4| 1500. AM Ilull (I) gel possession lal 0! Man sum ea Arm, m can. wullonmh am May Iolnl lulur gull: oI cul< \ll'allvn. Flume house. (Hm! Elm, Inna lsll.ll. llen house no game. Elude auu uml menl-l ll'IIL's._ SoIna hull lrecs. Lols oI Inner. 0 am: new Inmdnw, a be! old IIIuIIlnIr. Ila acres (all ploughed. llnllnco plslule. olole Io mwmar- m. In mlle In "1511 .an Puhllu SclIo-L Terms Io purchaser. Le! us slllw you IlIIs proyuly. zoo Am- I)! cholo- Lull In Norm Gmlllmlguri. Ihm rolls. In Sullon, v. nllla lo chm-ell and school. Gooll gravel mm. Dna IIInroy huuau ol a mun, aooa lllm on Ilana wall onIII. llrm Inc-l. hell house, N5 null 10 um {Ill ail. 20 us: new lull. {all lm-smug done. 6 Acres exhumany no law an: olher vumu. Tu. II n mu olm man Ind prlel ml unl our IGHIII. { : Gill Ind us our llrl oI lum l onu Tawn nmunv. ' r, I l. ulu-loin. - W" F .I .L a awn on . . I 30.00, 35.00, 40 l'llnll [mm IIn- s IIIIInI llsu III I! Ilwdlu \Innl not nan lh lllllll s nIrInuI nun-u (Ilnll non o seem or Ilrnl ulnunnl. By My nllll k lcll In Nurlll IIIIrII, qu oIIIIInIIon wIIh ono'ol ables II ,IJ buy (0 all ullvullma e nbl enloyed Vhy any 0 l , .nnnrl- .IIInnIhIa gl'enl Inc; Inqu nun 'mal u urn-Ho 1""; M v syn G I'IATS', 7 III nlI IIIIIIIrn rrunrn ur sIIII, {my Initial Noam-black; bwll ll, anIy, nnw and neon .' . I ., THE E\\' SPRING CAPS NI. shnne, nn'oolor, no pulll'nl or nmlerlnl, Inn thnl you'll IIIl IllllIIlIlIlIllly represented ~ O up, ..' Ill "1050 llflllllsl'llll . .. ,. 1 . ,I I SOUTH,END_ I F FEEET0REV [loll 'Abolll Glolel , Ind Timothy Seed IV; have a goon Illoci on h d III reasonath prIcos , Iluv now hum Illb advance. ' I . We naval big may at noun All FEEDJO Illsxmse M bile May ISL Came and gel lhI- udvalzlasa lIy buylnll \\|I|le Inlcos Jn . sludy. I Galbraith &'Son. , FramplDellvaryr I Pllonaan , llouca rhano no: TERI-IS GABHI , NOTICE Is'llcrully men Inolmll- IIIm oIInh Blowlnn ol lhn ally M 'l am'nln. In lhe County at Your, In Iho Pmllncc o! Onllrla. Elrunlml Iron \VoIlor, III IIIIIIy Io In. Pull:- men! oI Cannon ag llIa naxl raglan mom: lot a ulll al lvorba IIonI lu- wile. Ana Alum: nlnwlno oI Ina all any ol Toronln, In Ins Caunly o1 York, on Ihr grouuu ol aqullar'y Ind Ills rl- llon. llATl-tll al unlh llIls llllh dny ol Innulry. mo. - \leIIInI Joseph mowlns. by Rohlnulle, uonlroy, I-nelan nun , Lawimm * Sollt lloru {or Pelonnct. NOTICE In ntl ehi allau lull Mu Lyon LInIIoIn cobbln, o1 Illa oily 01 I 'K ol-nulo, In llm counly a! York _ lIIr l rollncu or anlano. ullYeI} \IIII an In In llll: l Arllanlanl o'l Glnll h. .I Ihl mull sesslon IlImnI. [or n Blll oI lllvnrcu IroIn III; wlle, Allnla mc I No. olylhn snhl Elly III Tomolo. on me Kraund 0' nuullery InLl I-lelu llcll. n.\Tl:II ol 'rorolnn In le valllca u! Onlnrlo lhh In. my ol Imulry. 32% V Iolnu Lynn IIIIIouIn IIohhlII, III In Bounllon, Imnnolle. aoulraly. | llll|ll 3 human. 16 Mlllplllu sI. w., Tnlllnlo. men a! Apalluuon In um . I xm llll: la IIIbe nlvanlml lor- M II Illa-Olly or Tamale, III In. f 1 ti. III mun o! m..." hula ., 9...... .. 7L I in nl'ma. hum Int In... W' It ll I"y3 V I I 733523}? n. m nun my all an I - bull] ll'romuln I; I3! I a: rag, um llhl lv or may", II, II I .

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