l.qu oehlor lion! hya lom union lluaylLII.'li'ull1RIVIr idea daoliuiiulm. i 'i, - '0iiiea 11mm (0.30.12; ' .33 or. is. a ggxdill. module In Meillnlno, ol u'l qmlllo , imivereiiyi n'ien Linclitllik dt iii; nay-1, ouiiueu oi phyeieiod o mil inemnar oi xlie Illian in ll. li oriiloi- oilhieiiwinlaioo in college 1 Surieono a! Bids-i i gi iiaui Giulia; in; iio nrn Rhohro roilowo' iioii moreiieido iiyi iiohpiiaijdmi Univogd my izoiieea. i, Ndii'u'hml The Mnoiillnh thldani EnKlBlldi 5,0,, new}, mum Tolupliiznn . , Hours 453M): A- li i ,,..__ . MGK . l among-nah damaging! . Fuklvwm , > Adioining rooi Diiiee BERT GREEN. r i PAINTER ANDEI'APEII ll laER, Avo., nil llOIlE l ll Art-.( n El. Newmnl le ouoiciz arc-0K ov WALL PAPER ' ' on liaiidi i i io 20V, , l . 0. BoxiM. ,M oiiiinoii LIFE ABBUMIIOI 001 H. n. Tail-um, : nioirioi nepreeanmiau for Do. a! York. V i ' ~llnnk oi' oromii Bulld~ "hulang, Dolsloril .S , oppoalle hlni kuly' , - Pliouo no STOUle i Newmnrliol. , w Plano Value and a- Diirooiu r u; on idnda oi Mualhul liislrumenui and my a. , ' Plano 1' VI Adam. (or Gulumbln unlonnlnu, (l'a hoplioii ii and no did . Maill ghmk anlabwl l o w. madman, , midi-in- commoner, Nooxilerkoi riiii'eu, in Biuili oi Tar llo liiillillng: uexi lldmllwn'a nml ijo o geiiioo, my Wk only w W Thuil'dgnlieuaa'i'ni "l 1 . l '0 ball, DD Gill El lltei Furnace. Work M . Plumbing . l~ axle-m Eavoughing Our Specialti V' W Baa ihe-naihroom 'Oulm ai tlip lmp, W THE LEADING TINBH'H HB 11.03llllllllll & SONS EXT 1'0 o'idiTii-a omogm Make your Easter Greetings :lal' One 'su , y M huni ifiry one liulny _ no or ihu ooiiouie oi Nuw- meme: Mlllliil'y, llonnlla d xlillil J Him in one oi ihe nioro windowe down Town 1 i Week, oiiruoien-ynuuh ni- ,ioniion. ' Ii ehoi w lliiit ihu ooidiero ore uni idie and revciilu Workinuml p ol o high order. :The doodle ore ior min und eiiinuna filmuld' i-mmuriiio lllo. eel-Mere liy Cinaidne' nurehore a whenever ii poaaihie . Anyj'rllelc required one no dapiioai uii Mi oi'dlir nl ihe llaiipllhl. r r u i poiioe noun. , , rohuu Maelhlrhlo Clay oi.Tomnio prenided ui ihu_'oouri hure one iloy ioni week. iriiuru won only 1W1) NINE. ' ' Par hdrhnlini; an unliounoed (log me deiendnni hnd io pay, ior eo niahiu'u oiiendaneeiin raildlllim to an idea iiounoe. , ' iiio worship lonk o ienieni vlcw oi ihe iodioumed iidiiend Lending oouo oi hnuouirreakinghnd melt the 'ouiik madwho , admiiied the aim do end he woe iined no and unit a. a ioiai -o1 526,05, oi whioh onnouni on weni lo the eompiainani 'ior iouu oi suede and damage 7qu Alwyn > An_ aiorm wad/runsln iron. uor- innn Si. uhnuLl} o'uieuii on rriday evening and oi eourea iheriremen rupnoudod, Aiier lnidislns .dlung wiih aii pereihio'harie ihrourh ,iho muddy uirueie, wiih iho whoie Pli-e- mun a Oul l, HAM! round to his l1 iuiao Mai-mg No douhl were won upmo '1iill ioiiiide iiwlien ihe Mali Wag dllcavemi] hug If Uio ml crcuil had neon diroovered- e would hove linil ll (Mb! 0! Eliot! lmlllor Wllli n0 uncertaln_mnmullilm." l1! hereon r dimly oi rinsing a hm: oionn wlll he n moul aovoroiy puniahed, ii ii eon hu nroven, ii in do my task in he o Flreman andhi burden ohouid noi ha mode eny heavier ihnn poeoihio some Flnu opaeim-nr. r lilg [ii ihe aouaon oi ihu year when ihe hen hoa her inninipi, in Drama any: the Myron lhc'l rm nae d id hide ihe BEBE irom ihu iair moidene who hunied ihem in order ihei they mighi hove o ienni on iiauier Sunday. as ihe liidlcs \vum unxlous'la reii nii they eouid iind in huy o new Easier limi nei. The egg in no douhi oaseeiuieii wiih Eualcr because oi ihe ehiek ihai eomee fram lliu apnoreni iiieieor iornr n uymhoi oi ihe resurreeiion: 'l liosu reina o were sugsnhlud hy a Moody liraiiKlil la ihe oiiied (or m- Hpncllaii. oi Uiu iiiuo Andalusian va my, iiini weighed 2mg ozn, Wll- viirieiy can liuiil. iii aooM oi Trade. ihe meouno insi li'rldoy evening, iirooidoni iiunier in lli eiinir. r . N, A. romeii, l iilillo Library Board dozen or iine our ihei iiir, iii-dirk There waii o good niieedaneo oi whorls on ihe and who has linen ln corre pandcnce Willi [he luv or {M ',l ,,ihd, ion at who 'lza clef-.0 1F wooed:1 not, I hi ion i, ll combined ling? 'Mod eel - Discovery 'l ooloiin [on i ljlrvjrI a Q owner , m rev 3 ea onan a, or v ioiion. Thump IIerha l exiraeu in ihd "DIWWI Y," oi n Iilnpd mialilnii and :rebuilormluln., iy'iruprown Vlhh iood ihoy idriiiy tho hody ,uiiaioi un oiiaek oioriooreoide, neunh nliould no mMpll hiorxidiuoauwiihihiauiiemiy V In addiiioin iha nesu uhuuid bo duh diilly who llr. dawn enianh liern ., iiend my {orlrlhlmkmal Mullen! ie eoyery Tahieio or Counlil'l nhliilo io n he iiiidelh meaaaxe f uiiouid in), loo. \Vher . i ,zchJJ ciirlmhmak , wiih ihe a miliili . .' . g ulv hereaveriieni ihe hnhn oi ihe Easier hope ehouid w nrll ii heoiioh .ii ioio ,our ohuno ihai aimoui nliiclcen' hundicil Yenro oiier (keiiory ihere'nhonid rim he rniiiionn who hove noi warned moi death he 'iouna lLo m oaier. -' H " 7 79!an Alma roniiizumn , - , DH mania/iii amps I Vaarui seized. aooiuah rope Ledon Wiih unhinu danu. ldnndun,vMuI {li 'lio Driller Governmeni mu ed orders ian me hey iiioi eii jehipa plylng heiween Germany end ihe IJiuleil Klngdimi he llioiouuhly ueamliod, an a mu): oi ihe dineevary o'i arms deeiined ior ireiond in o reaeei (mm o iiennnn z , 'lllw coyemmolvneimd o voidei wlildli orriyed oi Gringuiimulll, Sho iond, iodoo wiih "Kl". Iu llllery, riiier nnd ammuuiuoo, oii oi uermon moi The uiihndiu deoiinaiion oi. ihe een~ ehnimeni in mid to. hove heen iiuhiin. lie shlp syiiiulcr has} heen'idken inio custody. The eupinin oi a eioinr nhip, 'alsn hi Granoemoiiiii,,won ar- rcdliitl'nl London. ouier verseir are niieked in he invoiued in on pioi. lrml were in am n The ya ening Siondord, oaye : A romlgn vernei wliyhe eor eo contained heer liarrclii-ln wlilcli . were ioond ri es and innehin e gum, or "urmdn {n kn omi aisa nmuniiion was lu- iuineii oio mirihern no ri yoslcnl') oiiernoon. r - r ' eel Aociirillnis id en oid hnuhoinr ihe lilac (Mm; olimil 1 an marl lcil i3 ihai you man how: ia._ as, oodlein iall (lie good (if Gin willigiyitpny of the alcohol v MH- . Milan , lldllulll' 4 . iu yipuglnx-mpm slapped it her n he woo unlian oihervioiein. [011, ion 'wlii-n ni einn ed up oi hhn ie Kalil; eiur no ii he hod heen, uwslii. ni nomcihin iodded owk-E weirdly, nnd hurried d Then ihe omee hey did llic'eiime hing. and two or ihe iyneeeiieru e oine uiier. , , 'l'liiiy'm till oulo in; ihem," mused) ihe iiiue, iyhe1wriie ', i ieei hire o 'rciiiildr iiilsslondry'l" ,iieiore nihiii every Fifteen in ihe am e hou nlowlld (or o gaze, ond, ioii or an, ihe ediior lilriiiiell aclually,chmri nnd noi down hy (ho'ii'nolilnh, aoper_ euin ior ihe roie purpqiie oi edinir- ing'ihei hunah oi vlalnla, . , iie lu'u geniai, kindiym wiih hair ihoi id tux-IIan id Hiyer. ond Miao Unr- h errrerpeeie him ihnrouohiy..i\iier o momeni he ohiii, Inro voioo ao iow ihoi no one eise oouid hear i iiihnve heen wundunng ior an hour purl wheiher i nhouid coma in and ieii you snmcllilllEnnnd i have eidrd io doii. You re iond oi iii-were. menu you I" - . The iynewriier oehnowieoned ihni she was. r , f'Su was \Vaiier Snvuge Lander," replied ihe eiiii , Wllh iiccmlnx ir. mievoney. He used io wriie render iiiiie mnneio io hiosromo lellliig iheio how he in ,d in caress (here where ihey (grew, hui oouidn i hear in tear ihem irom ihoir rooid. and on ihoi eon ei mink. uni rimnooiy enough he had. o inoei onroriuonie iomner. 0m wouid lim k nill now ond ihen on lung no he. llvdd. There'o a diary ohoni him 10 ihe client um he once iiew inio such a ram: wiih ihe eook ihei he ihrew her oui oHlic window and iiien, inainniiy 'remeniherini; ihe ilowei- ed under the window, cried oni. oh I oh I i inrooi lllo rioieio ii Yes, nihusliig, lsii' ii 1 Wed, do - , now, you im heen Minlndlnk me ni ihni'oiory in do ' v l. underslimil know do h wail ihe in- b\\' r, iipnk l \ r , lll Emil l hliiiiilillill ieii you, excelil ihni i lliliili ll'ii klniliir in ioi yon iuow. ii Lsri l n cone or ieniner'udiio you, hui ihe mi in you've heen lelllni; ) uur iinnohie oi in e llhwenl ieke pro. eeilehee n1, yril iouhiiiinineie oi niher neoni Illil H Va heed Krilme hi oi ihis aiiemoun liy evermoiir In [his office. llljl lllsb you lilill (alien llii'. onlyrilrinkliii; L155 in ihe pidee ior your h loleLs 7 who 'onie more in mill gldrgl Id )1 ) lol" iloll ig il. !" H was a In"! on; lilll lliL' Iil|lP l: ewriier, lunk ill lle a licmimiil nlic llrn ll ml llur Illllll hild ltlll) h deer ei_iiiongi.i ruihur hen ineh oi lican by ghiiolulh' insi ns and her employer HM ' ihni hunei. .ii \ioieis home lo his hire. / - .deu m The igsdiir m: THE LlLV (Coniiuued lrom 1132; In, Forms Irony-1 1. s Everyeor ponidon no no: aiookoo new : vwho'so'pro tuveuced $2, ! thequ! Ill o be used iei lln mum, on or before . this ugh of Apt j 1910. All. innivmli Lseiheriimd llmxm apd'nnc m mint use ,miutmol'mn FARM! 'AND' "Kaunas 'r u. ' ~coii'poiuir ioiisood olnt $023k companies moot um um W... Penalty , marine unaided L3 :22; u "-2.. lm ioiiroaaa're Fl oL-I dies on. e. oxen h: , Bela: in - Mild hum!" so: mam n: c! ihe a: oi m in pant . no, perm, omen rezone, mom, ego Jena to um . mm u ere-he. meme. do: oidr' main: mind I: it: mm; a rd in her. end no llnll eo mama oe auizda io .n my a ma [:1 use. Lu (no would u.- coreuii erodeeea. ' man-nee: nsklal - mes emequ I: 1:1 twa- uh wunueueomnlnuqmu or am e; new. a stun), damned, m s m at: luun ui'o u :ulia deer or In eon. m Ind bummer. m9. 1 ( " '0b&ln'Fom from ihe mime..."- Auiuueo: inapeei .ei qutlon or Pooimdotere. moo.- iorrie'rded Iaxuilon heed meiny i di' Vl'aawluctl a Form belon lllng'li In. ' "horny a on loiie and don-,3 , M'nko 'yoii't Tammi: p and mini nonunion; , u _ by, mall to Inspectors d l: i Addr man-(iron or YOKK (170nm; ii.,w..hREADNEii, v .puiri Commleel'onerol'l axallon. ] . - x . , , |liu henri oi ii, and niu rrnured "\Vliy doom-i nii iiie hioom, wllli hoaniy as iho hiin iiren as, ahe said llilu ihur eomu to her lhu would. "I met) gave my iiie ior ihoe, \ v'lml. linsl. "loll done {or lim 1" Qulill) Joeephinu Lumed and has nn hmod iiioirwoy io her room. Too noun: later, iour eirie received a non, cii in oi lliolr door, hy Nanr lilo Sllilil, . lm, Uhllicnrl s youngmiilili A iiiiIiJiour ioier more were ieur one niier llic oiher} io Jose- ihenri-o ieienhnne. \Vhen lliii IAEA li lvllllone call had been llslcn- Oil la, Jueopllllle passed quickly up u ~lali in her room, nod. closing her dunr, dropped down In ironi oi ihe iiiiioe ilwk where ihe iour noieo hud heen penned, nd {or e while ihe mum xi: yrry llnleli l'liill Hm ledndry in ihe goid cage hy ihe iur- iher umiiow. alandlm! aioek slill on his neiri. \villi Jils hood-hire him an f Hnrd an [no 'llm cd lil rl, inoie iuiiiily inio song, and Die lllll lc \lllllll ll lli one ll) "ii: Iilllu , lh lfl ll")? lu ll". liar li-l- iil \ud iiuii Pivlmmr siren-em, ihe m. \\rir1-:m|, -i lilly illscriurdged clmlir iimi| oi . Joine,, o iew nionieois 300* A. Lar ohiwear. (Special/V ' LADIES' giT tment of mo SHOES-C > r. - iiihdhihhr. shuns V ALSO At prices that will astonish'yon GENTS (l; CHILDREN S iioiisj _ keaiore rhekidneyoie oer-- 5 reior i l'ulllc Lihrories, r dried , . . ,i p a I W induction. Relieiie pniii. ihai (lioiigli ihe (line had clapsi'u since llle [gr-1min! n! [lie rBllHL xl (or u l iililio inhrary iu' Newniurhoi, he wee islrim Encourngpreni ihoi ii iha Millur lull WES renewal irt-ugh llli! irli,r. ord oi his ieiophone re- runrr'io iin- ei r i-ihruni ions or .imepiiine izniheeri reeeenzed hv inn liifd oi Si, Janina - ionder ei um mu,- rmiiie ihere or she siiii: --i iii-r uni sz m-iu lli lsm ii! Um \viinl ' ulliiir, )ou iirc'iilwdyd i o llaril on raiiy Coir- an, 'liulil Joeenhiuo. SIIU snake lml In rm Hillale liul (0 gallon ihe .ri. An nuprooiouod and send Your Pomoii Lomsi iaiyioe at Game in and look OVGI om; stuckr _ We also carry/a large asoortment of HALL BROS, suonosoora in a. Zuviirliiu. piiommuuuo Newmarlcet, 81. d. Aide near Wop} oi then link! you oiiiea. Plums 8&3. PERIIIH'B GREENWOUBES GOHHAIII HY, NEWMAI L cur FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS! Ila Older lean Hubl H0. 3 Dollvol od W. I. , NONE in W .oxwicinrvuzu: wtuillu Aunoni all hrolum panels at Ma. Maury end he auleiddiogliy 1 uire at reasonable prices lry (hie rmeeue. Try ii. 7 r N..H. imam XML rhona amenco Mil! ' but 01 xiii-iii 9! Toni m Enrdiiimron shop 'i'own Cnuiicll, ii would idvoi-ohie odosideroiioh. iihe. to he slnrlcd in Newmarhoi was r bailed. discussion on ihe need or rental RC- miiiee was uppdinied io 'oonier will: ihe Town Couneii on me inalier Ollta Allchudson. ' aaii heparier oi March 25th: 4 St. Andrew'e C1iurch was . ihe on Wednesday uiiernoou when Ellzd- heih niehnn mn oi llil: eiiy wee \lnllll Ili moi-Huge [0 Mr. Hines! GIIL S oi oneeneriiie, Ohl. , The hey, i, .L Lowe periorined liii: ceremony. Thu hrido wuo Klvzii away bi' Air, iioheri w. mehardeon oi London, and laolml very uiirnriire him dreae oi niiand hiue sllk wiih hai io maieh. Sliu ehrried a Linuquel oi while roses, one: ~hidrgueriio Sinno we: inides- mohi end wore a heel navy hiuu euii Villli hat in mlllcll, odd curried a huu- riuei or pink roses. Mr n. w. moh nrdeon aeied an heel mold. Alter lllll ceremony I dilan lun- eheon woe aervod ai me homo oiihu brlile, iia Sellili-k rireei. iiiier o ehori honeymoon Mr. and The nut-alvlawn rueaiu prearui were : Mr. end me. i\, w. Mold-moon and Min Lain mohaniuuo oi Mndii . Mr, and Mn, 'r. A. hlqn l . air 2. iiiiuoi nmnlo and iir. 1m. \Vin. nieh-gdion or Bowmpnvma., The mll beautiful :lm reiuvnd ia auiiad io ,iha iiigh c loom ih Won the ooupio gin heiiL , Vb: Me. bard mun. 11g on. , , . . he given A Commiiiee weemnhnluied to uni in cohiuneiion \vllli ihe Publlo y , iiohrd in urge ihe Council along Oils I The prohahiiiiy oi nnoiher indneinr Gmwlng am or ihie was a ieuuihv eomniudeiion in ,ihe Town and how i ,i; in overeonie ihe dllllclillyi r. A com- We eony ihe ioiiowiug irem tho: eeene a! a proily wedding oi a o'cioek , him. mind will wide in uueenmlie, Pu noi-eh, "so. d: "'l'" "li r'im " o- i . r1 oe"Tiroxodu. A: in. u 500., Mill on corny-link you a. Fru moi. e. not") . nun-sumo Wanda-dd: u. \ nlln oil A mini V , Theo ihe ihei ,ihingo ooguider la yaur himse Muoh ui'iha dir rominrl iii 1 Inns ar ahnrg mp am hi: uyuddul! you'u you one oi whinging. egiuipo wlui unee my louai would um: mil ii out: we j lliere muslvi 'i ' _ hidne i ' iuis, ih ihe iioiei her oiri [rleuda 5i: ddriiirud, I = Me iheoii laid ,her hand on doueiiier e eyes. in i hard on Pally? i do noi ,- inenn lo be hero on anyone; especldlly - on 110 dear a eiri as l'nlly. ul pour weii. we niue io-i he her Judge. She may have hei- momenis oi mi \vumllln~" .The reason why everyone Judges Pony so nel rri I ieii nun," eoid Josephine, ls ihe: she, is so deuimaa lo iniike cvery one ,raiisiieei ihoi hor (-ery unxloly awdkons'dlslml. "Tliey ihiair more (lien! is smoke ' laughed MM. , r; you a" Hsllli I . ul ore yuu one you want io ioin ihie imiy ior i-zoeier. Jeae. You 'hiwoyn rniihiaij -iiou,i rueiher, iii-lug In ihe FIllli- Eirn'lmdy moiee . hohhy oi iho name or our Sundry Simon] 21:53. i. ior one, wlhli ihe mm were alum:- ml. There are onii iire oi 5 Eli]: ing lo ihe redwood nd ihe oehooi ls oied ibsrihrr osier morning so ll \\ lll nol mike surli dillcreuce All. , ,n v There )au an: winngploszlililnc. .iiiss iindieoii'e heori wlll tool a disr cuhroeemeni wine. one nimnis iiva empiy. mid. The ' ouperidiendeni will be poured ' she \Iluppud, than added, And how ahoui ihe Cli al. Josephine I" There were (em, now, in ihe moiher'e eyes. , Josephine iiiied her idem. Elsnuzd oi ihn iiiiea liy 'iiio slum-d window : Then she sold : resonau iieioe, momer, la xeep uienii wiih you. She lumea to i_ , ihe-4 mom, and in irooi oi Lh e lilies lgbe am given the; Maxim duaaiioniopyi W. won it; Im- IWVGP 00M ll ! Mint M . . ( Josephine-e oiid ioohed ziavyly inio _ ll' Ind. Somehow your alwlyl nuke all! - moi io mix you, Proiessnr. ihoi . v'T .- Dmles'sur :in- rii in his genial way, "by no doing oi 'Aiways Falllilul' im mug power inward ital wor- ii curlilhl) lauks ihoi my. does ii noi, l'mkssorl" Josephine on- sound. Warren g MURDER m IRELAND me, who preslded over llii: i lnlo m dullogs ol Ill: Slim rein uiih lrisli hanis, woe snal dead ihie mhrnlng ouieide ihe Mar eonlr' Ciuh ln uuoiin. aeeordine io a upsiiklcll 1mm ihoi eiiy lo ihu Cui- iroi .Nciw. i iiadisiraio iieii wee on ihe my (win his Mdonee [h iionrsieuo io Dulillll (Ii-hue, when "w lniiirar In which he VHS riding was new up oi hoii'e iii-hue hy ionr uinskrd men, ho ruiimi'ihe niaglslrhle irom ihe cai- nnd killed him ai ihe roadslde. The uedr has iei en lo o hosplizl, where II has Immd [hi- inul lemil men had him slial iiiroogh ihe lieiil. The nigsrngars on ihe immcar (mm \vlll h Hue innm'slmli was Ill! were n-roirred Mlli horror oi llio momma oi ihe insrdy. ihu shoal- lng occuer onir u iew yards {rum in ear ai io l'rlock In the yuorninp. 1 le Isslllllls I)! "In uiagislml: uni-mi. - ' Alida (mu lili invrsusaiioo oi In: high limb and..- [he Crlmea Ml. slilri ihan e slx-uyililder lnurliii; ear. , The Wm. Gan Clothing. 1. o h 3 Doors 80 uth of lllng'tleorgu Hotel MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS lN nouaii Awnlnnsuszn LUMBER, BUILDING M ,Sucli as Flam-incl . in Pine, Cypress all will] kiln dried slillr ig. Mouldng oini liislilo 'l rlm _ nli diul (link. and ihir Molurinl ' .uui iiii-ely maeinood. Soil: Doors and \VliiiloweFi-ameu. pm ~ m 1 1" Fir. AIli or oak. sold at prlou aid wlll Inland you. Klndly diveil Miami'qu 3!! inroads-sled ihe reeeoi lump! on lhi iiie oi Lord Lieuieuaui Vlwium mh-u'ld oihar uuiiarei. I! you wn- hi the, lace ou dln. Ilia 5W 010 ~ w . W] i a x a lrlal . iii in (or qulnk inh- oui and-peril. Min prime ' warm "AID on! 3W, iiEii iii l l e.&i3iinllo.,- uni-i, LIST 'YE R- PRGPBRTY