. . s. we WM . olvli VD) um I' M m , rd worn'srl Brt'fG ce I - '3 " gummy HZ lulu ior we. Alwnv I Wm? Ii. '. ulrll riruu. 'J ilo. u. , I I Nu. 4. Nu llll k Moll-shore rumiluro dud oiilir ul-iioloe leyr nriyuio anla. Jill-Ii: o. .11 Wilson. ,ouerrl/sl, your ilosdilous eeruor. li. a MLJJIId-Ilunmr. 'I'llrlil heilleiids P. Holcndu' or .r. il Seella y. NirwmnlkllL , Egg- ' PM sirloin Whilo llugllurii, I lsrinrr lirsill. M5, Newmurlr 'mrlioo rurlrislrrd lion, as), lill uul May s . deoiilils Ws'uiml Jn rsr EllHlaY. Hirnw, seed min 0. Amin III swirl cumil ilrcd Irom u lleilyy \Vlu. llddsius, liox rill nll I IADIle is, IOnlni-Id Illusion-roe ills. Provl 0ev uhaul dil'd million in irri4 enumeriliior'r and vnI nrmmmmmnd priming . him. Nunrly 1009000, was ior nurly lull-holler, lilth of us is ihr llrunielplll yawn" Lisll. 'rlllr lhuryquyernnieui will change this llynleinrvni/Iiola'rl homl . I AcIIilil lrue,lreo lr [LIka lly lilo incni (W'vide top. is prnirillliiolr 'reierenduln' ill lilo \ nrlnuu prorinees, iho rum oi 0500.000 haying been united in (Iii: erlilrnrries lop lllel purpose. It is uxuquledJlm! uII ille l rovlnueu in lire, lmlilllllml, will}; lire xoepiion ni Oncbnu, \VIII' hike rid. Illllxe oi iile holy Ml. ii iii Ilrlpnri lilii illlu \yiiijllo illo insi vein on pro- iliililiorril aniurio. i.ei lilo Iernr r. . million LIuV was v uiliusg o,. hisroli ,2 A hurricane Illnl cr noruieru ililnolll slid noulh erll \vrrreorrsin ,drly look heavy loll oi llm niid proneriy4 liu silmn siruril allied , Hhori/ IIUCI' om; o'clock in lire siierrlunn. i'isurerl vnimlllml \le L0 10, n elnck ( lll rrllolyud ilrr lives lrnd Ilqm ,XriIIL .- h n 3 doveionl .ih u loinl ilnLllllrllilI uid exneed y, ol inlllred muesli. mniedI rllloyo one. The lowdown, e ume oil! '0! [he ilolliirdrusi end lroirl lr noriil curleriv direeiiolr, it look .5 7i spill (Mn her odrosuy imnr 'ill e ii 9 . . I > him gain lIesl-non li'ilaerHl' werg Irir illil Wickv , rs lioylrlllii pnil Biduli is ' Inhyovbr,iuni y with M! .11. A, nruolrs, Milhm Ava , Mn Jean SInulalr oi Bllldn, slain, miles: 1 really look iorwsrd (0H lily puller likuul lcllcr imlllilomp," . r. ercd slurr mil in Townknll soidrriny, He is o llydro lulpeuior mm the lone o; ,ihe hiylrinuu in inc all I . , - Iru lieriiro \Veiidel ni 'i'flroslo lpeili llllrlinr uvcnlilg wiill ller sis- Icr hum nlzd [lan o, Suiiiiay WHII llM Miller in Auroru. ' .\ir. and Mr John Mlllrewo lull in nnnolln "lo unsusumenl ol ileir riollrrliier, \ eilnn iIelrri; in ildwlrrd [on Muailx oi Ncwnldrlwl, ille marriage io ink'e Mime enrlr ill Aprll. ilomo- irorn [an drito tut, M'ILI guild. _lhir moulds were enema loiuo, willeir oleydir wand-cc yore . r ' lisvp lupu made, , oi Junie: E reins 'zdi snsdine Avenue, sholrl olijck lloudsr oiisr. noon, unused EDIEXD] | u nnd roluii- oui lire whlolmumsserl Iha'hullillna to, tho cllt oi .000. und lilo pan- lenllr lino. . Tliil'delohr lllon shall}: my building lo lis iolrndnlionl. nnd shrill-red primilczilly orory window In urn place. l- Irc mused ills miller loss. I, ' A Sessions iury Wednesday night eonvlnlnd iisrid Carilon rind Sidney iinrqhmeni or lhe iireii di [28 hidos lilinnod ironl France lo lilo coliis Home; Company, illrrero. ilnilr mIIn werll iormer employees oi lhu 04 1 4 ll lmm whore ousiody lire hidel. vn nod oi i2.0i0. were when and sold 'Ior m0. ilrliil wnri: remanded in ruriody unlll Anrll 'I in semen ( . apuk._lglilllllg rn nm hanT 4 lllu'-lullll ,n4 ,DNa'sIlls prsgu r STIBK FAST Dry'Puie wlih ordord or S2.00_or oven, r (The line said most-06m. [1 ?leka In mwn. . nmm oi-oblm d [mums In chum Ir'om', rullal'lle for My or all, roadie. , I ' - F R E E , ' Remember w'o will gIve,, onn puokugu- or , ,llI n t . " 9L. Will-ill hi1 .olsi wso'r nlsd A Glob _ drain on _WciI .9 i2vo mil error: will. guise L-nllelv ,rilexr'rueldz IIilll'QIIurch i Illllown Kai s i4sni-ruI vihws corn. . Mchi'an. Mllllur) lisrpiiol , mm, WI 1,. mm, h d . ' r -' ' IBL r-ulIil mil .2 ... - A ancu nerple "II-lir- uIIIis.eiiori in vl- iirr-nuril ure souhlrr lenvios drnih Iru. p. i. limo oi 'i'uxierd. ' ' f K Y' W "5 5 20 mm a and Sauceril 4 . . . 4 . . . . . . .. L2 0 . _._._.__.._- lie the III IIHIIII fur o er "II! in will ilunlnlollon in he w e. \Vl n -we may rendan ille " "P" d"" ' r p I ' s 0 ha" an" zine Ilich i rigour llllohilru iiurred iIiylrluuilr -. ill; ilnlilo Greek 'eurrlr train/0 liullil~ n snd ure linayli Inclian Iorwllm 20 do:- Dlniloi- PIRWD . , . 4 . i . i . . . i i . . . . . .s1.20 hall 1101. Rev J. i . 'i'lip ' odksi Nd (mm IIII'IIA .wInillng Origami"! Iilllilr. hills na killer'an m we wrcnked I m H comm; (c mic hum! "M . , i 8 b B I . ng La w I Black. M in: is. Apply Haas-u rirrdili lo rllrlkowl: h| MW in properly uolnuoo war miIIlndlciI wenlllcr M4 presosi. nui hoes 'rn rne Tho Alm- " "" W ' ' ' ' ' ' 4 -' '10 7- W 35 - mh I - r I. Dclll'lla, Newmurlroi. we (m ire-or novorn lien, im e or- m "0m swam , m romeo-u. Elm . . _ r , _ I mum I remnt M mam Th mm mm A W mm a! "mu MnoordIck in hewrnnrhei, March 21, Brim Exlonillon Rodd .. . . . . . . , . . 4 . . .100. I0 250. each 8.395.011 ii a. . Mushy unri- 0WD elixir-rd, good on I new. for lllllui also duo shad nllllher. Iw. .i. Tired num. nuw_|y llalnidd._ noodwiu. dill \Veuiuy Farm. New when my mcrrdrers desiroy illu pronI drly oi menuilloiurels nr priyuio in- dividual. I irriorinrinil '.wiih illohe wlm willil in work, or lire lnilicllnn ilml Augustine smuiiy i nroli lly pimple liLCHh E nnd idwnli, n3 1| l ililiosrro nppmxlmalcly i0 miles wide. Irownll end Vlllalscil were, lull wlill lluiidinslr ruled. qr"! 300ml iruured. M. ienri liin liaisons are killed In Sale Iggiste/r ~ he Inclpll Mercury 23rd sum Mm. i ilnsson, oi 2'19 wlrolwleil lilmcl llnallrclumuil hum uiier npendlsg lire weeks in New You mid Alluulio cii Ilui rile inun'd iillniill so changed In 19204 io Mr: end lirr. ilsrvey ll nordiek. (I. sun. I I oioonnoii Ki ilollurrd Irundlng, lilr . Luvs-J11 ! ill Aurorn, Sunday, limir Cloth Sun Ammunln . 03 Plilii . .20 for Se. . . . . . .8 paclmgca foi- sac. I . 4 _. , r iirs.simpronsnys .l, r l .7 . -_ I; _ , Ii ,Imn'k" . Iihwlwl Inher ily slr ien is' um! 31- sieirose Park null iiolirrnad, when: we wenilrer down Snulli is unusulliy - 2:31:22 . ""1 m. ! 3 93 - ' w -- - - I r I I I -90I Pimkailo qr .mm, ,0, m .Domw n list .w-niod Iiliiddiu Ased "Y" - a " W" :00 hornoo weru iIemulIEIII 4 TM: colll and llneirwurd. lids spring. Water a'nra I w .l new, a, is r diri or Man-(ed Lady. 000i! wusnr. N 1 '3 "1" villdse oi Queuing, fm ille Sisiu 'rlle .,swrn;lrhel Delegates in, '12 ..,,. Newnmk Mm 211, ' y' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i I i - ~ I I 9- h l V ~ Apply E. Momin, aorirsm EL. Nuwv "W" Y " "Mg" "4" ! "V'I llowllnl ille Illaium i mauled re- l ndiulcc oi iilo, recent Temperance in m, ml or , mm a Bow Hand Gleaner , . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 . . i 1%. Ho insyluii Ololi mildml. - " "" "1 9 ""I 'm 5 wo rioun, and illiriy-iivu iri- Convcn nn in Tnmnlo worn Mr. rind , m; ' " i . - , _' T". mm] 'Ilw fvg f aiglfggl oof": Many hrrildinlrs weiu wree - Mrs. iI'. llriiiinser, Mm Emmil ii. A Tn wm WW! I I - - - I r I I - - r I.- - I r - I Im - 200- "I" 19: Women have i V u re I . so. \V||nlcll, ll suhrlnl oi Iih'Il Hlo . eiunu. .Ilirr. Davld Loushursl, lrr. chomp i m ... Mimi s ._ I. ,, ' r ' "W MM MIG M Mr MWIH'VI " 5 We 0" "0" 0 ""- sand in iile rrillensi sari oi Carlk )Idlvll llidler. Mrs. n. A4 iiiurr, Mr. day. Mu rcll 27in, in .\i'r.ao nd allirrs. Dy 0 La Hm ma ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'mo haw 132333355 WWW 1 WWW it NW Mlle W 'n m"!!- m m 0 "w (loudly. renorlod nllnrlsl every build- w. \\II|I:1 rind hirrl. E \chlan' liar-srioylgr...orip, a m, _ mpg" (mle , , , , , , , I , , , . _ . .3 wanna '0'. 25,; . ggcn'mn a vrelen'w. Wriie nr ulll perronnily Opposluon ui Ollwd, ,illui Im should ".3 mm, m, dmumm Na Mg a, nmmu to We a can 0,, Wm , . ~ -- -I ._mum m not ill Omw Hpccldlly Mix. (lo, Ncw~ llo lilioaen io srililruio in lilo irreul. "m In Warm. No commie in: any irorrr an old mend, Mr. Jon Th A" K Hulr Plnii . . , . , i i . , . . oq. 80. for 80. package 1 mm M, Inn-de twill atrial strike "ini- Iien Wm Boll ! 0" a! militia were senl Hm . ln-ulsiri lo linlyiii, irroillor oi iir. liolioll Ilim' l, 3'" GI _ D , h w 1-: (Sign: b m a , .) mu ior haven weckn in lIiusllurs, Pu; and (mm army and NM ",3 Mum Mm a" 0, mm a, "W muomrmdeHM m Meumdm 1103,.an upa ,. . . . 4 . . . .. 4 . . . .uon a. "JP 100. each I - MW Em" and Wm, an, 2 ml at mm I'm/0W 0"} Mde Ilium \Wk- less I ' ycdni. lie nus ireon down in CsII- _ PBIHOIMKE- UWMVNOI 0 W ,- Tumblilm . . i i i 4 . . . . . 4 4 . . . . . woi-ih 100. for 8 {or 280. I soiiou io 10 a and cum . m; mm; [mm 5' WI Addison iieignis, u suilulh 0! chi. (drills and is on) : way in New York. (My. March 301 . 192 . bi'JIcVI "I S , - s i , l om mung - I V; . , ., cuss ropurled live killul and Illiy In- eomlns illrousil iirilislr columuis Levering. Mr. liuy Dimer oi quuld Vanuer . . I - - - - I - - - - - - r - - I - -~ I ~ I I I I Izt o- WM! . moi I M rI m" Ker All ! w E II lrciwllr rennin irr rurul municinnlliic! I!" Jur0'4 rNumorolrs Iiulldliliia weru iio is lnohlng'iins lnr s mun siwoyrl uncensrilie in Miss illsry Shillins- . r n I Durham 5 Nowmurhei. Phone 2104 ll :iku mine "dllY lKh: 3305'"; "110a; eurriod nwuy, IllnIudInK u clmmh. on lire roud. . A "on 0! Tel-7m- , 0 0mm mm" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ado' 1mm" ;. fg.. fn ... u m whim, s L Mug yror v s V011 sq 0 up L i Emu mnlalii, neme iorly miles wTIli: lewndsi oi lirs.'llohl. Plnla) , ' H H , , ' _ I Cool, 1 lnorns, oemelri inilndnilon ond amtg tram Chicago. was eui oil irohl cain W)?! mnve d io nunrins, ilnve rm drum The Tomb. Ghnvlng Suck . . . . . . . . . .flaa, 5 50 m" 26 ? mm 0:231:53? " eeihlr. Town wuiun illlod inoo- I I muninuiion esriy loInhrhl. ii nus lmI .d hy ille Tomb column oi lire l lion, near (mil,u swim, norm, 0 mm" WW" W ""IW'IWWNMI' mporled six lives inldilrelr iosl ille'ru, Hm iilnl her rrroiilcr had passed awn). M 0" UGI 0" Mm s \ llfgfngllgdf (.1, \v. Soon, Newmsrhei, us WWW 1""81 0 '"B- "L W' and a llumilerlnilired. I We now losrri ihui Mrs, Finlay-'5 5- 9an "me I W119 0 Mfr ,,_ __ ~ _, din ,_ ., ____ M. ,, 7 even, ill-ll ii was in ioreu was ever- WW m. we, ham M mm, I new . ioill Greenwood. in her HUI your. _ . gm) dim- lm WWIIWVWI M! Mr, expeoiins lo silly six mohihs, ? 0 BMW: .urlulim. Easier Mani on , , . . , ills old [and since llle war iilnl rile 4 A (W urn, roads i ' a I , lin| DnIy oririiiiorrui opportunilius inv Tuulday, liprii ia llr. iiellly Miln applied iur passage nl once iu.reilrm' it fw" Am LM ,m hm 7m 4 ' r '0 - YWW'HW in who lo Mom 0.... "mm" mildoilr imiunzn. hill [idles more llme uins will have n snIe oi slack and lo canurln, liui her mother won [We mum, Tuesday m Am Came i , ' luii i! "luv" illsnks lo our rns'rry lriends who no Mr Kudenan ami Hie nmlnnl y InlpIulllL-llla on loi ad in ilre rear mi. in her smelleioresirc gotbnuk. rem , ' wit. 'Noi i irrrrdiy rendered ilreir ossisiunes lli hie '\ "W' 1 "mic W M UN "18 oil Hie Qllilv ril E051. Owlllliii lury. Mrs rinlny ulrher do ire remembered I .72 ihouid rm bu 'lIllle oi lilo donlil,ui our Bully Glr|'_' VIIIE- ows Whal- IHmt Nor-in oi alleensiiiie. solo a! and . \vnlarknl mid lionirsni irierrds. WWW-On Thursday March 25. al " W 50m nr m aim for lllelrimnny manhduc ifuiria iisllllnl; 1:1 lfro; o clock. w. ii. Klrnndsir. auIrl. iiss Flo Verity in visiting - Hglmul Emmi Clark- 901mm!!!IrITRAFAL ARTP.,4% MILES FHOIJDTREEIE- III!" m! I 0 , mm" m" r, I e u no won er in I n I . son, real-c rriiealwnllsnlalari: . la ssr. res.- . Y, an: Mm lfugglmmq um loser dllipav ornnlo, Olllil , perennially. I Aprll 1ill73lr. Glias, ii" Ag mf" "5" E... m m m, m. I \IILLE, a 0mm FROM QEOI OWN {lilo unilmmu I M m m, rumor", rrrmrrrq and 0mm "Ia \V lsnn will harm an erlerrsii-e sure -_M Ammungc-m 52mm 0, pmmr ,mm W ,m Wm 4'81) mos walkable, nlianoo bush. inm omirnrd. 30 acres Iall onurn- mm m... n mm,qu "hum mks/ we 0! sine . implements. Iurnliure, ' Muir Wm, 38 monk rim mum... my 0,, Sammy L ed. may loam sdll. 2 wells nno n indrniii Soud ones nousr oi i . m me, a... V V , no... "he 1,, m me am... a, N elem. on ioi_ 'I in me and Coil. or [y L "'0 Md a wage lasrwek' iernoorl. In|ermeu| In .iul-ol-a Genre. mums, good eellsr under wnois llouso, Hill. all- hesiins wliu llth couples. ml, you kno' ry mark IfmSS um Duylisill saving hill, I5I film and '0' (cry. , lioni; bani saris, iie-un 1|) head or oiiile and r. horses. walsr in lire ml ii l in s T In wile eiieei durlns (Ire period man. 5 ; 7 mom ? will 0" 1 W MUDUW' more, Drivlnii house isxao. his pen, irondronse. Snlloal l miirl. mini (lnlls ior lhsl ' L . I 20" " rm "' M m! .' mail and iellplrons, slaiion 2 ndnuics mill, :i miles irom iiiadnmsp MI MN I" l i _ .nio alone. w.ii. Kuronssh. Llllci. In Memorlam , r v ._ V d iprg ln/HL m. J} w, mm, , Sum Es X I . {usscsflon arranged. Price 5,000. 1irllls srrinse . MM r from Anti! din marge: (nu) on. 0 3 Bulurdsy. April 3 .ii ioi. n, GUI lins / , _ . , 5 mm mm Juno 20m in daffn' " "" '5 0 Cull . WIlI|L-|lumll. in oer-es rmiure land alum Lil. lining memory at Lieul. 100 AGREE 1 TORONTO GORE P-l 0% UILEE FROM 9 m g": nil-:1: 5:33;" mogul, ,0 ,..,.::,. r " $ 3;: null humour or our." rnrmrxeo u: w. Glnlur, Iale iii III 41 Iron. rniln ail, my, MILES mom OITV LII/IITG r, d ,f , rdslnlollr. chlsi. pump yam , "1 Comma! 12'1 Iml In the amnion III worn a, \\r_ ,, mum [1 ]: Lilildun Fn on \Iiriz n' rim-sired, 00 acres in mondo . clay loam soil. nood slur, i mil/lei i. The olden ,ar aurora, "H5 "mm mi: (rank sninilllns as s versl \Il nnccr . mm m; {med 1,; g." Md 0A A H; s emu-is. Frame house oi 3 rooms, esilnr, clslcrll. milk horn mu, do p [i he r \yiines: my;'En w avamdly A H 101 * l {I P f L I 3 n a llorscsand 2i cuills,auoxslnlis. \Valllr in smile. lirn horns. soled m c . lsslnr . s! '1') mm . I ' ' . , , . . Y ,o 7, . .1 V. \r ' oi legalized ol'i'gmllztdvilnd enlnrnerri. lllrnis, illlmlrrre, 0!c.. 5 lo S X' 'mmm ."Sm m' 5 5 4.""19' mm m mu am";'{ ', "'2," H m 1 is rsiri by we . shred lien iirsl ii |iImIs in lower ll: Mr. \vru. Jallilslilii hoii rniis ensl . '"m' w- P * ? * ' ""5 " ' I harbinger n! armonola . , . , _ . . - I on... , _ N . "will Simon's 01r tile nauoli, o... In ut unsound or one o'clnck. Terms $2.00 Seat . zoo Acnzs iii Viluullilll in, ON T,HE STONE noun. 2 h "3 "3'," I . \ u illlrlic .oieni lire var . . om. 7w. . -. l , . h - Ii '\~ In Phonographs mm mm; Mummw m A n J Mikhail . Every nght nails Inmeillhrroillohrrillosunlid MILESFRDMWODDERIDOE,1Brr1lLEGFROIr ITORONTO r Y .3 mm , ,y, m 91.0mm. mid mmmm, | VII, pr |Il nl': inrnr sioeri I >\\Ile. lidl eul: oi M s Lilla hose. 125 acres women. usisncs pnsluru nod hullr. 2 lrrsl .Iri, 1| walcr iroln ii 7 "LE 01 lhoyugIlIireiI horses: llloi ii 4117 ." , I 3 , EverymzhttheNcwEdison ( Willi 0 WNW ntl'rs inn whml. 35 acres isii ploughed, CH al s nr nltailaw, 20 or Ii-='I Vii! livisl ior ,__. iorris easy access In our milliner in " " " "W - "- 9 mm- is your lwck'diillarscalialthl: Elm 4 "N " "m seeding. (Jiny loarrl sell" 2 mils and liunlher llirrr rum ihro w. "1 lllirsil and l unmmhm Wm who," u mam snlliir/ilsli lei a. cum 3. Scallllal vaudwllle, mimic mm , A ship was mil n'g wlili lire \Vamd ilirril bll'J IIIIEM colnr i .Iiil Irmdo lrsro dud Ure hssi huy in , I r . , solid bl'ck house oi l2 rooms. relilr, olsiern. iurrrnre in iron. . , Cam . lm'mmm" in" mm! Mum uneociuch. \\..J.Kcsl r.uuul. o m, when , a , [we Unuu ille slurm~loisd ocean. _ _ i , I I ,V I . w mm, r my, Mm N _ N I i . I F l d Y Y The mm I; am. we sky 0.6m down, do up in none; and is (-dHIi, oprnosm. Air lll si I. d ml mom xeessire dilly or exprusl nn ikiilsclsia ruin-1:];le )leu ii inc AIN'T 5 5 um , Ml mum in esnl'rnoiion ' house 30x20: hos pcn 20x10: llrn house; sheep house noun. silo him 3 ~ m - - , . - r or ., - . - , . .,.. I. - - Mm by comm, worm Wm. mms Mkmbums mm mm Wm WM Wm) 0 anl $2335 sag _ V Um, 9m 4m. 3 mm mm ensure pumps \\alcl 4 Small] and cilureir l mill. i rude Ii 4o ill II-LVIIF 1 Hide iimciiuni cxnc encr, new . ohm In mm and mum "wuth 0, m, anti 2 Mb is seen in sirnd. composed slld cnlrh~ nun-ll mail and ieiephone. l nssrsslor/l nl-rnlrrred. lirlce 220,000. I .Mlinouiri our ful VIizor aslriueis In Oak or Ms- M Ilrolliblledl' or some iileir cilure'lr. 'I'Grills m'nde Lnowrr sl "54 "'*"W""I 5" m "'I . -r . P'm m m 1W: $.32? Med , mm 421 will he sirons opposition. lull ills nla. iilnc oi sale. Sale ill one o'clock 51?! "h i a My 5" w W " "* ' IP- Imiinlm I $165521 lolin oi {helium}: oi Cannda, would P4 sluiiir. ousiiooeor. 0. mumr bur lat lieillinhs someiime my inl is hard, 13 mamas I TORONTO 113 ] 0 81'0le ROAD, w 2- 33 }! . em, m Wm um MW be pleased [0 see Ilie resoluidon out mm A 1 you liar, is a periecr 3;- And m , "w a m a and, ' I 1 MILE. FROM GDOKBVIL - new a an em. mu 0' mill eiieoi. A - Em" Iwmlllllalv Gill {Milan 5. Crsaiiun ohliell ingniiisu Around my Mr}. n no", and All workable. i lure orrllsrd. e seres iall ploughed. mm I031] _pe I -r m. . Auionrsiio slop lone moor. w, Imm mm E R S I 111 Ml V0) 01 pedalinancc._ - The surses roii, iile IlllIows soil, leVEL Plenty oi \Valer. Frame house oi 1 rooms, Kosd i-uhl', cllltm a. ,m Lon, fumi m se Insliu- BIioP cum. OPENED mom, 3r b In! MC-I5, n9 diqmncc liul ans llrere is wild lzuows nly usill, usslr ilsl-s 60x30, tie-up 3 nurses and 2 esiiie4 llrninr linusr. has w. r. yum .., 1. I, a (mg zwuh ' Moll?" 1-0 GORE! Irerms seven "in ll-lily mails :1; ,,f; , '0' dirhkelil was my ml Weir lien house. School i mile, Church ImIIs. lulmziy depot ll mi;- in... . ' ' I r ' v . - , . W E ml . possessiori am rd. Fri 0 12,000. Terms amused, ' ll. lIssirri I.\' w L , mm, "ma mm! o, mum . :fl ocl, \v. ll. Koysnssh. oiriilas bun picvenby atlual irosi cunlenl ior all is well, - n3 - R a ' 5, him , low in. arm . Opposiie idiillsrr, Hosp u. iesi hsiors audiences milling neenuss my rsiher's dl iire llelul. 105 AOREG IH VAUGHA/N 'r P., 3 MILES maid woun- . . . .DEY. .odlnd m, > l u a . . . . I 4 mm Newark, u r, Hamil 304 . or Ti 'ih r"d Wm" mum - , For years II seemed nl) mill was clear. , , animals, 17 MILES morn TORONTO if)". Leon ursllnnw. 25 years old, reveried ,. mm a, mid; mm .1. H. V. mutation, My piessuro surs sud pmspec! urishl. , 125 acres \rurssllle. nsirnes hush and 935mm. in acres oNIliull l0 "0 1"" : ancein-al, Mve-wnmln Up! In da) and with her iesih- ruuied se ilursisrs. Aboul nuilu io-dsy lirrigu llwll en . wed her liliio :nnfcdnonuy shop, our ordered .1 ilsr ol ulmsoloin, rrnd rendered s :20 lllll in paymenL . iss arsirlrow ilrrned In ilre ossh rsririer- io rnsiio cllnnrre. ' .Ils she did. one oi lire men pulled ll revolver end ournrnsnded iiee [cl ihrow up her lrsrrrls, luslead oi implying, rilss Grslll rw opened her mum in sorssm. Irne tillr! shilde lilo revolver luio her mouih. \vrlen suddenly ills oluuds uise l llud lllysoli in darkesl uisili. My iimliler dear is called sway. 4 My ileer is lord. my soul is than; I hear u roles, in suceuis maul. "I- eur llul i or I'sliler's sl ills ilelnl. icns mi wireoi, so serge Ia nlouahed, 25 sons in meadow Clay loud soil. 2 wells sud ills lililslror rliier rulrs iilrouslr isrnr. Sions house vl lo rooms eoiisr. eisienr. Ililm izorio. lie-up ii hols - 17 radio, oym w Drliius house, has pen. lien house, ieu ireuse. srio. ilumi mall and lell phone. sione msu l lilIle. Selrool sud rulllrylr Ii rnilu llslhyay m ii nliiu., Pas sslou nrrluseu. Price "LOUD. THIN! amused. 126 AGREE IN MARKHAM TR, 1 % MILES PM MARK- l HAM, 18 MILES FNOM OI'I'V LIMIT? 113 sires irariisule. hslsnre pseiuru. 2 norrs orcillllri: 7|) Ilch nil . , nlnvgllm, 30 acres in lnesdow, i0 arres lresil :viiIInL ullsl losln salr mu r735. my mm 5 ierel. i wzii and l creek Ill-in hall. or ii rooms, cellar. turn) in - pm... "15 [MI "is .m M awe; Iinuse. 2 bank hsnrs No. l, email. No. 2. 50:25, c-Ilp :- [muses and H horses. anisllire Willie iioss. sheen, el d roisioes, unis, l:ie., li one 0'eluck. seven rllonills- eredii. \v. d. Kesier, Aucliunccr. Thurldly. lipid silr in John 5. Johnson \ViH llIVu MI Aucllan'SEl 0! sun , irrplemenls. air, on ) si lrnli oi Lol 5, Lion. 5. Norih GwiI- Iinllllll'y, { miles south-east 0! He!- hm r. Terms: nreniils'el-sniirrn nrrnrored Ioioi nnlusrnr iilree uer serri4 eii ior calm. sols iii one ocioeh. \\I4 K4 Km runrrn. duel. HEWHAIKE T. A low more )brll'n NINE passed away. - Auoillcr lurid one Milli good-byci "Na miller suns. l'rn Idt alone m ! lollqu inr ealliiorl can I y, i'll so in Jesus, lie alone r Tuna-l. April sure or My ail, my Polllrr s sl llla' Ilelm_ mule. Driving house. has run. irrrr house, silo. ill-ml mil avid mall! .- ' gEEDDsM Emery :le : Gmbilow vuhioles,,inlslemords, iumiiure eie. 70 mm FUILIO. I - Slnlla will is nine. Sehooi 4 mile. . qilureh Wl nlllzs. iLlilusy de r: rll - r H "mm on llli as liongs siruei lils' ro. Wm Mm 5 I lilllss Possession urraniisd' lines on $50 I'mns arrunsell ' ' 3~ WWW , ~:i Iills Em and lirrowinrr her hedd perry or r'r-en Prisl lull: sill-ins lll Ilmfmft a My hellfsllhiesdins Ion: and Mil, . ~ 1 ' ., ' ' i n 11 led irlo weapon irom lire Ire v v " nerrs use on sinus our 1 m1 llsy myhs sd u an Hli Meal, W m. H mm 7 runs 3 inouills. .FJ ll. smiih, m, mm m. ,0, mm wad a 1 mm mm m Pm w u a. 117 AGREE III BOARIOHO TE, 1 MILE FROM 80A luullo . Eleni)an hunk she turned 1M lrlsiol nu" on Ilw mun rs who run null or ihe lore. Miss arslrnow slsried in pur- I run and tired ll slim into me sir. hui me hmlwsymsn hooped. . MIIA GthnW rammed |o lilo ehnp no md o ,3: will" revolver in the neutral nuilliilig mo, and ude ml! full! [of Newman-Ru. I hum lieu: Wu sole Aggnl by lilo Wu _ . , l-or iluwmu-liei lnd violins; mrlfll- "ad minim whisking Mon lama slid 9mm 1 millim- and mom . : . l ll ever'lrusi rile suldlug hula, s 401 s. 8 MILES FROM orrv LIM . Miriam lb: eel ha mush or enrol. .ioo srre. \varklhle, bani-me blllh Ina suluro. : me. oNhIrl-L ! ;, soul's d-y I'll use): lilo "elvenly Inna um (all when, 50 um. i-ll phagll;d, l0 srres In llleld aw, is sore: mil 'I hInI ad. my Future, si Iris-"am mains. ally los m soil. 2 well- run . oreeli4 mm: honu oi a main!- iConi run by Lulu am i ooillr. slalom. llsrllr humlsxlb, usurp 1 him and b me. orian no'lue. no; you, hrs him-e, silo: I hill-l msii lull lolopnono. Slonu run '- niilo. school I mils, cuumll A mill:~ Mmy rllpor] mile. W" ~ :. union orange-l. Price "9.300. ' Tami. unmixed. um I "run ~ ' '-i."d. vmuu . , r I 7 ii mu. We rim everything you need in she line a! nerl lash-is. Plans. lawn ornperiy, also choice in: .hom loll .nu summer-homer. cull-id as our. live per cull. ii ior cosh. sue liu. solid. , . r u also o eI ~ . Now ls ulo lime to ,iluy Vislm I * . I .zu -. :w." wim'. goods. We doll unmoiory nouns, in. usursienuou out: much in w . V hum mull-zil- dis a , d u I , I l V all up sin, a r bonds sud uranium e, ma _ nd mill. in... sum. W mm _ glint I wing-hissing iii; [10 mar omhe grid bnu ol lirlulury. amp menu: man or ' in lilo M WU-I TORONTO