Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Feb 1920, p. 3

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Ind Ill. Ii, In, I i / "Phi III-Inst nnxhwn rIlll . .Ii. Inn's "(MK may ilacIon 0mm . I . _ IriIII Flirt] 'I-uglu IIi rnnla enrno n IIIIIIIIIy . any; i and, plsyod I - \\ llh lIIII loIIIIhI. . lInI-II was II IIIIdInIIII of IIIII nIoI-I. l'ld lliu .... IIIII IIIIIIII snd.llrcly. Al Illa IIIII III II IIIIII nsrhid N wInIIrheI wnn ....I ny I III a dud Lonllnued r s- IIIIiIIiIII- IIIIInII liii [le clnsc, Winn iIIII .Inn- .IIIIIII II'III a. V], c. in u. . I ' In... III-nulIIr I'ilallllll) IienIInn at llIII w I, . ll. \vlli iIII mm on TIIc sIlny, A .II Ind, III IIIII IIn IIlu III Mrs. Fred i'. IIIIIIIniIIIIIIIIIII III 3 p, m, A II . nlllnill! in rchIuIIeII. i:msn III, ilIIwmsIk olIlinII. ' 9 III IIJWM III :lll III In ilIIIII III IiIIIIIiIIy IIIIIIII when I. sIIEsIIIi .IIIIIIIIIIIIII III... "III. III. nanIII," Th0 IIIIIIII I.I III Ill IIIII lnllhlil Iii Hie-Au. IIIII h .d .IIIII IIIII inInIIIIIIII wel n ns~ .IIIIIIII IIIIII uln. I-vIrIIrIIIIIIIIII III I. In...) .IIIIII- who Imn Illlm) IIirkII iVlIlIl il\llll( uIIIy IIIIP lt-K Don't Fund nn lll Tllnm. HII'. ii I . ilmn :LIIIIII "Ill IJIIIIIiullIIll'II' Wlll kill 50 I MII lInLI'IIIlV Ha (I'm (ll ullIIIIyiinrr; il III IIIIIIIII. IIIIIIsniII ohmh. . sIInIiIII ilIIh. mil: IinIIIlIII; In Ihn iiIInIIl II- lor'llm Sunday I-IrIrII IIII Ii... llIlIIVIIi. - II t,. In. IIIIII)III worIIlIin. I IIVIII 'llll'll) and w OIIUI" 1 an n, "L nndny SI'IIVIDI. 'I II. In ii ulllio Worshln. ~iIIlId sIIIIx Hnninu. \V l. i LIIlvrInm. M I nmih III llcrllul mm. III. David in IIDpllrll no: I. Isle III... III. hinudny canvcylng llla d ,I III Hm umb at his Inn. Mn iiI..iIIrl Lilian]. III IIIs IIIIIIIII in hriJ' [MI ildhinIIIIa, iaiiowing an IIIIIIIIII III |ilwlllllOlllaI lIII wai lIrIIII III New- IIIIIII I I2 )IIIrI Ina, III- \\I llil III nrl- II.II llIIhIIIIIIIII II (he ans 01 I7, and MIN sol hum. 'm lu nlIIcII. Suilean III... is hII mhm lwa hmlhm, (liIIr. IIIII lllld Vl IIIIII l\\ u swim. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII church. Annivmn. SDI H \Vlll In held in IIIII prphhylrrmn Cliu'l cli IIIIIII IIII. IIIIy ll l'li. Will) .Ii II II I Jim. wIII. I>.IilIrIIIII, lI. lI.. III caanI church. I'IIIIInlI. IIIII prmiili M 1 II, III'. III .hyI. NI- II. II. III \\ ullnlmihr IlinII-III. 'l'h Illa. nnlJ x Mtllll'hltcl' III llnI mun-II mmnhly lliII. humor. Vii Ike flIIII'Igl I)! I'll! 'l'lvllic. llylfylmd) [HIV/Ilium llllll Rm 1 InnIIIIi II. I-IIIIII- IIII lllill {H il uIIIIlI-Inrn IIIIII lo 3 } Ilmne I uh I! I my car 5 lime la null. Apply III II 9mm Dunkps, Aanln L- Iiluulnu Yilelr l'al'o. I : Dunlap Ham .ih un t: Imam Ili ll IIIII d. 'l'lllw' Hm I; Hm mnx qnmuum Inn-II iIIIniaIII nIIII-ed IIIII. IIIIIr nrmnl nmnim cIIr- IIIIIIIr. IIIIII lllllnli bl are IIII. work IIIII IIIII-II iIIIII- haw: com? (d llIIjll' .aIIImIII InsIoInsII will ilnd qulll: - | lllhnxlr [I'I llIl inlerlor arranger"?!th 'III' mWUi III (Ills IIIIsiIIIsI. has been iIIIIvrllrIlH. lmnildrrlng IF <IIOI l In... IIIIIIII iIIIIIlsnII iIIIIIII-d hm. 1: II II NHPIIII Illqnullsll allnn I)! \\'hI'Il. Inna IIIIIlInII, B od IIII'Nhandlsl'. llLIrI'I'l IdP shim . lliil mudcmic 11 ! .I sIInIIIIdIIh. lirnilml: illlhlmlu Fille illl] IIII IIII. InurInI'lEIIM 'lIch IIIIIII-i h) III. nrnseno or IIII Ier IIIII. in I II- hmnins - - . ._ . II III. IIII H'- IIII~ I!) i d I FIILIIdII Endswor. iIr Frlr-Illls Haanavnr '1 " III) Wilma ul d. Il'rln rl R llrmnlx I II \ldllil 'rrlwldvd. 'nIIs hung. ll regular IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII. rtpOrlS IIIIII II. IIIIIn III III ,I-IIIIIIIIIII. IIlIlIh .IIIIIII-II I iiII III. mm in Iin nIII-I nnII IIIII II... .. ~IlHI rl' I Ill ' All [In BUElIIE':S Wuhan n Surlal IIIIIII IIIIII liluali . IIIIII a d llolali's lllilch ,IIIII ll . rIIIr hour-II iII-In nhi Hi? I an IIIIII- III llfl or Rnxlc lInlnu ill. uII IIIIIIIIII IIrIIIIIIIII III .I IIONI | IMF III: III . m... II. .IIr. :th III.- M 'Il-iIIIIIly. I val IIIII UII' Imdu, IIII rIsnlIs I. III III. .- Illid IIIIIII I M! L I. III III lll li IIIIIII, mriI-IIIIII iIIII ( Iesdrr. BIIDX HIVWK l xllinllc III M lil II izIIIIroII lit/"mall! rIII .IiiIll "llapllul IIII Ililllilll lIuIIII. II, IIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIII lilllllhl'i'! UM Iv lll III I|Il~ IIIIIIIIIIIIII III liIII II-lm. Mill III llylh IIIII re- III W... W Ill n IIIIII III Illlllu: III 1an II. ..l w! WW" II lII l - rill nr \iiich-II 'I WI_ lnEIIIIIi '. ' III I I... saIuIaIII :II chm- Maud Husl hmi. V117]- nIId him hr-arln IIlI (i. A llashl ul Jm WIIIIIIIII and \\'III Tlih ills. lull-In .lntk IIIIIIIII IIII aim Bliss . IIIIIIcl rilxlllanl :lnI IIIIIII. In. -l sIIIIII. I I! am bAN oi now, fur IIIle \\'ilIlur. l isOn Illlll llesnuse. II will in. off all our Ill ml \\ llllIX I- nnhn- pl ll . III. "ROCHE; 8': '_ I .,ovan vouna rain I you Should) lth [YQURIUNBERWEAR Why I . III-IIIIIIIIII- luv 50 4h, In IHMS yIIlI nun hnm 1o % nlnuoum. rI-IIIII \\ HI )'H|Il" (Ill ullllllll l' amnion III. DIH 00LIUIHATIOIJB~Jur IMO", \\ uilieii mid clllldroli. EEPAHATE PlE E JIII' MIMI, \\'iIilmn allll Gillldrcll, whhlhg llmllwr III I . - dIIIIIIie Innml wII IIIiII III. 'rhnrnm . Minmnnn, ucrvlcq In Dakar Ill nap-y \VniI, tnr ino 9 . Illgliei' In Prlog nnxl your, winler Knmli. liy lIIIleIn sllore. now i I ii IIIII. lli lll-I- IllUlI' cIII-iIIinn nhui a'h . Sunday. he. eolh. IIoI-ulI\II lapirz Wlly a i- IIiwanl Mavuilcnl and Wind is II 1 s, an in. In. nliig lupll) i lIe paslnr IIXpElIIM II. K lw! a seIInIIn-Icnlurc on only liinlury and Prlnnlnles oi IIIe F5- iliulilnallnn, Hliisli niml Nllli I lllf'i'n Illdlve. mine [or a lull llaunc. L locd. , , . mry quiet wI- ding \\IIH alum nlll'll in . MnliIcIIv. iloInIIn Catha- Iii: Chulhl, Sunan and. ML, wllun l- rIIIIrrII Maud ur nI vouil. clam Iisunlnnr 0 Mr. and Ills... Frank limmwuud, was married |a M II J. Walker. of Iluwdeh. mherta Inriner I at llmdtn- I who had sen-nil over :is Ivilh II IIIIlIlclIcwnn regiman TI Rev, i- IIllIer Pransl: allicIIIIed. 'rlII: li de ware II My lI|ue sun. will. small rslin lIai lurid I ranch mi. and carried n buu' icl nl hwcnihcarl railw. MI!!! Ilm Greenwuud. hlslcr ni ilII. mm. d as hridn smuid. In I. nIII-y blue 51an Iiull. will] hill Ir) ln'AlclI. and 'mII II Oplmlla IDSDS. Mr. Lea Walker )HMIIEI at In nrnnm. soled an R ronlnanlim. The groom's m" to IE IIEIIIII was II [marl uncllace. In_IlIII IIIlIlIIIIInuId a numea ring. and Is (he IIrnoInsInIIn n pnlr III ilnld on links, AIIII- Ihn wadding dinnI-r. servcd II lIII. hIldI'II nmnIII, me happy couple lrIIL lar 'l'IIranIo IIIIII nr'admrd. lull-r \ IalllhK menus nnd rI-isliver. Mr. and Y's, \vIIlth- \\'lll lmrr. [or (hair IIoIIII- III nnwdon. .ISIIIIIIIIIIII 'IuIIIwIsIIIliy dk d liin nnIIIII- (Jun IInIIiIIh (IIIIInlnnlan on 'runm lInnlinI: IIII- rliallcni ng Inr. lrn m' III sIIIIis. l Mi )? 3 . Ii you iIIIII. IIIII oi cur 12 or m an... liuulnl mush , . 11 h ll IIIiiy I. Hian- iIa 'mugn .IIwalI. dld Iimmeepor. [orl hilli Iuhllm ulna \ Ilih [I In your neck . 'I'lil (Tau II our kg unity, 00h! Fluid, IIIII Wulsnud m hlvs um saurmuon. lam. Iago... mIIII. / com: in an: hilt! -. lean. IIIIIII, Vour klwl'la my. \l I.. mil. rnild Inde- 'lliI l)|>~ nIIIIsuIns-lssu iIsn s' VII-mu sled lilIms IisIIIIurgI. I >'l\ltILIIA~ I w bnl n N Mr I III... II i L. Atkinson 6: Co. lenil'u vhm m - urlelioln. I ll lII rcpuriml liIuI \ll n. unnnlnnhsm III Ullelm has purclluhcd lllc iIIoIII. hIchI- when l..- .\Ir. Il. Zulu lhri ,i.IIIlIIsIIIIII Lsdiu' union, _ l'llc rcgnlxr manual; I IIIr Melli- dbl iIndlmI' lliilon \\'lll III: linld in (III: SIIIIIInI [mom or me church III-II \\'l nduy :il ads 1'). II in. Iml {angel ille i'n IIII Sale lIIiI l- rIIlII' Ilium-non. IllsnIEa I-IIIII Iha nudiI. I THE Town .IcconnIn Inr ms. .1. aullilull ll) M. Lieu. anl}, lire nnI-I [il'llill ll in IIaIIInIIlII IIInn IInd in w, lmiik III UiL Clerk tor IIiIII-iIIuIIsn. III some mncels Hm pasl year has he me In I Inlismmry In In hIs. tors III Inn Town. Mare elholric curl-cut am! dammic mm was uitd Ilinn am More. and dnsniin IIIn high coal or livlnx. ll!!! sIIIounl or midrup IinIcs cxcccds all previous yezm. The clerk slsn slales llIsI Inc 'an [111: why IIIuinncd IIIII Pleld oomIoIIs sIIclst In. all necessary Inninrini I III sonIhIIinII llle u. YII (a n pI'JIdld Ilim 10 gel husI- lauclling nn llil , waIII unninr. Il . elm. willx Jan-A li'n \Vl)ud1 rlul lIIII improvemnni Ion l u IIIIJIIr lilIlII snsI, 4ch color mum at lllnns' Hartman). IIIIIIannIs nruri. .IIIImnol. McLean. III Aul on. dicd UN 93. lc-ll m c-slals Io he pI-sIIaII-d al 53,281. Really Iolais 55 550 and IIIcludIs IIII lollmw'ng IlIan. frame dwellings on Lnrmunl siml. AIIIm. 32.400 and 531.500: a house on Tylcr Iiml. Aurora. ahomr 00 cm. Isnd. lai I3. can, 2, GIIIIrsIna 35m) sud also llue on an as csmenl oI sale. 7x! "minder o! the (skill: is IIwI ml. .16 ruunls [III- 3'2.731. Undem wIlI made im, I9. 191-. .IIIII l rmbsl III IIIII Town n! m IIInlI,'Ssa(lIInl-l I lve: $200, in llll Inssi needy War III "1" . r .15 lhs I |. nhrri Imus residue. NaIIII nn sIIIII I. III Clan. in r slilp. . snalnlnI is applying III.- IInIIInIp III ||ll 03mm 0! Anne; sIIIIInIII. I... died Jan. 30. Inn'an 52m. consisting III I. mnrlnaxe Inr 8%00; llii cash ncconnls III bank III I'nm'v inII mm In and ssskslchawan. ans. and household goods ilrlsnnnl nrirnIs, am, Mob, The IvIII. nude on Jul. 22, iInI-e ane- [N at me The wIIinw, Msr rhea... Nl : llIo Mahler. IiIInn Ilniy slewnI-I nuIII. I II'I ind Mar'mlrc when. 417 "MP w [Ilw mid .inmrs Sngill: of MIMI, Nnrlll nIIIIIIiII. [Dr #E mas Guill : II uold rhnin Enid sI-IpnI-sr. unnlllEl' IIIIIII allnIn. Ind Mr. snII ,mm mm Nnrh es >975de III-iii IIIIII Mary Hm Silencer II slh'cr eh-in. Mrs \inI-sIIanl. III la! III... . mail I _ , .iohn PlplirIr pulled away. alter a long Ilium. sI-IIIIIIIIin III Iho nnlirn cumlnunily in . 'rIIIIIIIIl Slecpc IIIIIIIIIIII II. Inch III leI Ii slen nd I olilema-t recrlvrn .1 null- Llwohvilrhzs I * our 21,017 sorry'IIn reporl IlIII I'II Tallilele Iwo at sur Camus-my momlnthrSI On wcdnnsdny III man, In llIII Ml ln homo. III-J l)hnrlea.l"lnhnr. John i lphgrv lea. II ml Ih umh. The iIIIIIlly JIHVOI JIB llmir' IIIIIIhIn humiwcmeni. "l liu canvnli mor lIIII lilo hllilllil Na. llnnnl Cnmml lIiIlI 'IIIuI wIIII grant snnccns Lind wlmn' samplels III; II... Jucllvo sl mill-I IIII- IIIs lIIIInIIIIleIs Uircull. wlh II'II panned. v .. was... THE Vlllml'J'UVlin EXP Pdh Whininen VMIIIIIII r. I IIIIIIIIennI-III {or .Vulem CaIIIIIIn wllI llml the "Vancouver i-zxnn: n (mm nronln.. 10 (I. III. IIaIIy III. izhnndlnn panIls ll mnIII convcnlenl IrahI. II nlons III and CDYIVIBElII iIII illi principal nolnla. l'lir: cdliinmmn cunulnlu of unlu- IIIIIII slandnrd sine'iim. Illnlnx cur. anidmrlmsni Uh- [ml Clnhs Coushcs 1nd snrvnilun UM. IlquIIIIII Ctlr. 'rIIn mnIII lm ful nunnnry In cIIn. IIIIn III IIIIIIIn Ihu lluo 01 [he IIIIIsdlIII iIIIIIiiiII \vllii lnagnlllcenl iluchy Mann. IIIII I lleIIorls Ill Han", iIIke IIUUIH': IInII Lilncler, 'rIIosI mnlemplnling n i'aulllc llIml Ti'lp IIiIoIIIII nel III [ouch vIlllI anna- llum Pacilln 'rlnkcl Imem Ir \Vlll'l w. -h. halyard. Dininsi I mr Anenl. 'romnIo. in Altluuon. Ancni. NuIIIIn-IIIIII. Kim; CollIiIcll _ The above munch nInI al. An... IIIInInI'I IIIIInl lilnn. City, In . L Indny. I'elIrIInI-y IIIII, IieInlIrI-I. wilm IIIl [ll knl mnnI II ('l I\'P,Whn IvaIIII. IIIIlII-IIIIglI III, IIIIIIIIII-.iI, In J, in Dulrmll a. Illlliml Ilm Illnn. IIIIIIIII - III IIIIi IIIIIIIIIII \\'I l- l'ndil and Mill Iill ll. Si l'ill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. lions \\'f I III and II Ii. 0.. IIIIIIIIII. chlllwll II. IIIIIIInlIIee a! Hill IIIIIIIII. on him IInIi IIIIIIIIIIII, li' 3:0 in lo l'lmll . lf'll lille in]. lowliiz hill \\'Qi A' 1.. mm and ll p . Lake Wilcox ih-lI-h .60 film... nl , . Bullh! . J. l,, I Jcnkllis, Ii. ling Ind N (InPl N I. IIIIIIIIy A' III... IINHII Talk ! |'( ] lIIIIInh-I I II). IIInImI, nIIinI, .IIIII iIIII-IIIIIII brush - Fi'lillli Snrug. \'Pl ll ImpgerJ In: pm If: h "i I 9v \\ lirlll, Ii\>l". 4llll'il| cleaning ulll .. 3.7;. \I.Il~,IIII II Pl! 0 s Hy M ilQi' by I pa 3l" I1: unrnn. as nIIIinI-Ior (or Iiiiu. \\ \Vilkill lllul Illl. li [l_ Anill' V Ilurinilll . In... laih III .IInIIIIIII | 'JIII. (920,1(IILII . lnIIIIIII-II IIi II. IIIIII. l l lhr- I li I' In M III of Janna l JIQ. grani- lng laniIII- iIIIlII llr, .IIIIIIIiaII I. I .210 {Hill (hill. IIIIIIIII- \\'IIIIIII. III [LN prui' rumi nmlo. II lol u. rhd (10 . 1.03304 ! eillilll IIIe ciIIIII In. lllSli uclUd In W . 'lllls Linilon III IIIIIIIII- IIIIIIII, lhv IIIIIIIIII nl IthI- regular limelillg Hill lnsl aIIIrdny lII . II- and I-IIIIInIuIIIIInliIIIII. : lc. pvi'lainini: [0 road ailnwanrl- on his properly IIIId II. III. III. [HIHIEX' II-IIII ilil: nInIInIi \\'iill Vll 0" III i'eiiiliill ll III III: In [Icing III-nIIrIIIllynsIe IIII llnII .L A. Wat. Sl lll he I lzll IIIIIII cIIllaIIiIIg [was {or [he IIIIIIIIIIII. division In Ihr IIIIInIIIII III SH" ' llswlIl gisl'rllml IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII- mm In. sq m lrcns IIIIII Io iv 1.9}: mm glli\\ nllxrr[lml Ilil IIII . In II llIIsIIIInl .II. \Vaul slack {or InnIIIIcIIzIIIIn oI .IIIII-IIn ,IlIIuIIIII indinenl. I'L l' .\. \\ ui II _ , bOiilg l i|il ,I'L' allnllar) .Iiid loll-nllllno snlllli -il 'l SniIlI . . (Illlloilllill'l A. "Milf i .L'li lil aleliillilcl (IlliI Pr {or om 'rpII ship or iiinn. I-IcniI-Id llivii - aIIII [UH-3N). on when I'l il ndeIIIIIIrII lo nil l'l Ill Slim "MINI. Sch/Illih . Ilurllay, IIII IIEHII. s clIILoiIEH Hum ~m uEA'nI Llnllia) . ir rII. 21*011 II IthI lIsiIr IIoaIlerIanI, IIII 'l'IIlIIuIIay morning. 3 I-hlldmI ni Mr. and Mrs. IlumEi . \VrlKM wm hurilrli lo dmlli. Mr. erglil \\zs III-drum; in a lIIIIIIIer (Wynn. IIIIlIn IIIl- mullin- was Ier In IIII IIlr, chores on IIIII rm". Arm doing Ille IIIIIrIIiIIs ellan-s Ami l [ml/In W lIIIIIse, IIIII round ll III (lambs and Ilia aw lacked. Nulh- IIIII I-IIIIiIi III- dons In rem-III Inc I II- ren. l rOhildren' Ory snrnI-cr lil'I In mesh}: xIIIIIIIIIIIrII. ' I _ 'xnllicllnll Winn-ow Rayburn mm ml... um Tharaduy, march .\ir, wadnemny.-i.1nrnn mun Mr. wmnnndhy. msz aria Air. paler ii Tummy, mush Dill Mr. \V. IL Peale. U. ml a 'I lIInksrlIlnII mmnlI. III-I mt .Imnn. "llllheilo hIlII me Lord helide on rum MKAR Lil an Shh; liegis'tel '- ' wounssday. lIn'rI Ih #8212;sals' of IIIInn V Siock. iIIIIIIIIIIcniII lIn LII as. Can. 2. \lelIoIIrnnIi. x mm. nal at NIIwmIIIkei, mumrly III Mr. 1 . In Caldwell. Io Inonlhs' deI. ,s.IlII ht nnc shsrn. F. N. sInIIII. anal. Gordon llalln) . iicnr ml 10. can. 5, Final Gwilllmbur) . wlll lInid slI cxlenlllve IIIIIII sale at om: n'closk. 8 IIIllnlIIII mull. w, J. Keninr. nllnllonser. Fred limit, lIoI V. (Inn, is, linlI-iiilic aollIh II( mint Allmri, Wlll [lull] MI ex Innuhu lariil mall: at one a'oinnk. \V. .l. Keslcr. nIIIIIIIInner. I'IirIIaIII IIIIII him I. sale a! mask InId implmnanlu III. III 23 In Ille an. (Inn. III Eu! (IwiiliInIIury, 2. miles n-IIIII [\AVBIHIXIDE. Elam. mnnlhs' IIIIIIII. Sale III II'nI. \V. ll, Imnmnh. EIIDL 'rIIIIIsaIIy, nmn mnctxm mnquu II. smlih will haw: an nxlcnullri: mm at Slack; lmplcmcnlla. ale" [I]! III II. 3rd can. of. mIIAawliilmhury, 'II .Iniie Easi ol Ouuennlllh, Six Innnlhil mall. Sale III I o dlnnk Imp, . nil. Knvansnh. anal. Zephyr, will hold an exlcmllvu 3312 0! lmplemculs and a largo Morl- menl o! llaunI IlloldJumilun III I II. In. 'l urlns DJH'LI \V, .l. Kcsicr, Auollnnchr, IlIuIIdny. leh "III Tim Iann IIIIclI. llnplcmmlill. els..llrlnnning III III. L Illnlf: OY'lhI lalc IIIIIII San- III... Inn.- lIII 2i. III... I. - Iuo )1. In. 9 "l \I J. l<eII , {Illu onccn Tlluladny, idem. IIIh Auciinn .iu llc or d i I-nII-II and men... an 1rd 2:. III, 1, Norlll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-I- lslnn oi. Melmpnlllah linilI-IaI-I. llIl: pmnIIIy III iI. Ii. -ri , Na l'f me. Sale III IInI- ri'clnc . 'llmns, I IIIIIIIiIIs, \v. II. Kammi i. aunt. Yunaday, Limn Duh Mr. .i. rlnnannn will have .1 mm: huciirrn ialu III. sin: IIIIrIIch-IILI. elf... rm IIII H. van. Ll. . I G\\ H|llnhur\' I; lnilf i IIIIIII III Quenmvllln. A mdnlhr." IIIiill. Snlc II I o'clock sIInIn.l \\'. ll, K'nlinI ugh, aurllmil rI I L'l'IMUNVHILE 'rlmm was I. gasd :illcndllilel: I. "W IIIIlInIIisI chum. IIII IlIIIlaI" AHH AH llHl. Tile pa sIaI- [1ch .II. Phlm- omn. II Hm mum and small- us." .ll n hpnclrll TIInnlIsIllIInni hnn IIIcI. Icznnndui In II lllc people (I! illls I Irruil hill emphasized I: (I'm! llIal Mill III. money IIIIIII K0 nul I . IIIII mnIII Inning guild Inn- Dol lwd. OIIII-I a nIIIIIIII=r rim IuIiIrlnn [mm II III rrIiIII In Inn noiniIlIanInnd. III. iIinIIr rIl-Tomnlo i: IIII- guin III hm, orKe MCKIN- III. a "owl s 11B Was well alll nIlI'l an 1' th Mini l, )[ul ll nmv lh) Is [all for sir. I ll. PIIIIIII flml Inmlly him have m... IIIIrrarId. . s, flll i' IInII his IImlIIrII. Cliarl hIillI IIIIIIII IIIIII-sd on (lie one, rm: n i. El dnnhle \\Iamlng lnr Iii. |a III I'IM ready IaI- In such III iInIIr I< )I lIIiIIl nnl Ihc Son of Man Comi." HI. IIIII'IIIII. \ir. Drcllry and ilI-Iul PaVnP. ,Iho Mm ers for lnis MP nninIIIIeIIl IrII liIL Pnrnsrd .IIImInInI.I mI l \\ illi mall illl i. .InI. Lem i'aIr has III. In (1hr!)- Inonl m I .lIorI limo. mggow when n llI- - I55 hm. [\[r dot. , sis. Gals nu bu III mo. IIth mu maid- ,bnlg I ' {or III: In IIII: annrd . llir'nl " Live Stock Wigwam R ARI Pilllllls '] GRETDNNE'EI p rloei at less they will . I. t, ' w. IQ. MIN-DI * lim- iadiesf Siam. NEW/MARKET; FEBRUARY CLEARING SALE. E-Plsooa Only Fancy Ollenk h'med llilsIbla for lerm, Ea Inches wide, .ch. $1. E5 [or 5138 t rm lnnlieu,'nll Wuol, Flno Esme Sand, Brown, anxo Blue Rucsliui Emmi Tm: 9 Eu ' and Bland and flavy, Wth tn-L'iny ydrtl y] . . ... .. J!th FI-lca $4.03 Now [Jeachllna Qllke, 30 lnnheh wldo, all the iim'lonl. Bhndeau Fronoh Blue, Drawn, Tun, Purple, Grey, ildnBiuo, ow ' .I :ncu.$8.001lor$. ov Heavy Silk Poplin, an lnolloa I-IldiI il ism. mlcidm. . ' Solo P- lco $1.78, Fancy 0mm) Do Ghana ilrld Georaoimltd'mcicii, All BlludcaI - I EMBED Silllililll ~ , , Etc. Goad Salary 'and Fine Chalice EOI' ' For Office Especial Advancement. m WM? CANE SONS MPG. 00., Lid" Newmai iiet EVERY FARMER WHO KNOWS To whom he pull] money or fl um whom he re- ceii'ell ii, \\'hul ll w s for, 11nd ihe uin'uunl, muy keep a perfect not of hooks BHUAUSIC Ihul ls ull Illnl ill l'e~ quil ed of (hi: farmer who owns e Blmpll cd Accounting {System for Val maIII , rIlii av um Dana IIIII lies! FIVO Veil-a of Oalnpiols Aucounlhig lil mlo L calI Providing you with n monlhly and yearly elm}- pallalive slniemenl of receipts and qxpendliurea lil each deplli'lmcnl of the. (arm, and selling i orlhIni the end or each year the iolal {Ill-m production,' We cog! of production in each department, and Ihc helIProm nr Lass which it has yielded. nooks may be purchased lit THE A OFFIOE l IloI'IlIliLrlml. .,nIuI-s i; Hie value. \\iiulllD.-1Il Toronto sum 320.000 were lled by Van- I liinill' [Iulice in me linusc oi a (1M- - - Lnndmx. V buYL7~Thruu hurlde .IIIII IarlI- liIeII< in among III "In munlry nmlo 'iannnrs" IIIIIInn mr. acranlln! In An iniunnl llu nul' amm. lcsllm'ns III-day al . meeillin III IIIII Home a; Common: Selacl Gam- mince IIn wn PaI-Iunes. which i. III Win! ~IIIII Yil'lnh IIIIIIIid hr snnnlnily i "III, II In. i-InIv. 1'Iio M lrlome llms lqr an lndlnsiu IIIII in HEIGHTS IQASTO RIA CHIES OFONAI TORONTO _rIIIIIlIlz 5' Insk win in mm snnIpIex aha IUIIienll. IN \I I. . .w .d In 'rusmn ilIlu "up. I V. .n'ir rdalllI _ u Exlfd Clinic mm Ins I ..I-nI ilm flrsl lime in ssIInII-IIII l ' Ig; llIIIII. lmo g,. s in... MUD ICJI \\'u lzly Wilma; [yr-m ' no. nliolr: nIIIIlIII mm and IIIII rial nhnlish IIIis weak, mung in mm ALI a I . I o mm InIIIiiiII~ lo M rap - 1})";er Illlh lltr Eons . 10.50 A mmm 8 mm ' {2:13.2- # " " Iloilco III Ilsnllmlsn Ia.- mom. I WI- l | - 23.00 a xIniI-I I. lII-IIIIII- xii-n llill RIM.) mum mm ' mm P e Wlnnllnd aInIIh, Iomwrly lime \\III- mw mm m l' llill ill \leI III I IIIIIIIII in II. in IhII umlp ii -II Thug: limmly Ii Ynli. lII Ilir llruvlnre oi Ins. I, c. s . . (IIIIIIIII. \Vlll sppl) ll) lII.-, lIarlianImI III ' nnda. .Il IlIe hm emlon "Ion-III, [or u Mn .2! Dixon: [mm IILI- hushnna James Smilh. bellman In In III: (2in III S. in lhe valilrr nt Mull: lnba. IIIII lormvrly III Mill... is [he Iannnlr nl'shnros in IIII- vmvince of lInisIIn, uni-maker. an in: ground oi IIIIIIIiI-II- I II IImIiioII. , IIAT} | III III.- IlllI- IIl HENS WANTED , AL mm! ran min 335% t 306- w . PER Lin LIVE WEIGHT. . F . CLOUTH; 3 WWI-lung Mo . hi. I IIIIIn un I II. n), I910, a smnnsh. anon-x .1 cm- mnu, Hellman; III.- InahanII'wl, n .IIIIIIIIII suql. ml, 'rIIIII_slo. . J 5 v / iIIII valscs 0! Hull!" IIIe IIIIII day! .

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